Cobas 6000 Monthly Maintenance Procedure
Cobas 6000 Monthly Maintenance Procedure
Cobas 6000 Monthly Maintenance Procedure
After regular maintenance and before daily/weekly pipe perform the following…
Replacing Lamp and Reaction Cells
1. Under Utility Maintenance put module into Incubator Bath Cleaning status
a. Select #10 Incubator Bath Cleaning (this will drain the water bath)
i. You will get a popup “Confirmation” window with the following message:
The top cover should be opened after the device state of the module changed to
“Incubation Bath Cleaning (Wait restart)” after having performed the “Incubator Bath
cleaning”. To continue “Incubator Bath Cleaning” process you need to close the
cover and press “Continue” button on “Maintenance-Incubator Bath Cleaning”
2. Open the monitor from the maintenance screen to see when the module status changes
3. Detach rinse unit and remove reaction cells
a. Wipe incubator bath with Di H2O and large sponge gauze
b. Rinse filter with Di H2O
c. Clean the photometer window and ultrasonic mixers with Di H2O
4. Replace reaction cells
5. Press continue on incubator bath cleaning (this will refill the water bath)
a. If replacing reaction cells takes too long and instrument alarms, select #5 Incubator Bath Exchange
6. Perform #7 Wash Reaction Parts (This uses NaOHD cartridge so make sure there is enough onboard)
a. If foaming occurs, perform #5 Incubator Bath Exchange 2-3 times until the foaming is gone.
7. Perform #4 Cell Blank Measurement
a. Cell Blank Measurement cannot be done until module water bath is 37°C