KWHLAQ Worksheet
KWHLAQ Worksheet
KWHLAQ Worksheet
K What do I know?
W What do I want to know?
H How will I find out?
Adapted from Why Are School Buses Always Yellow? by John Barell © 2018 John Glenn E. Labrador
Sample KWHLAQ Worksheet (Back)
INSTRUCTION: The last three columns of the KWHLAQ will be answered after the discussion of the topic/s.
Adapted from Why Are School Buses Always Yellow? by John Barell © 2018 John Glenn E. Labrador
Rubric for KWHLAQ
CATEGORY 1 2 3 4
Conceptual Student demonstrates Student demonstrates Student demonstrates Student demonstrates
Organization lack of conceptual a basic level of conceptual a thorough
( understanding. conceptual understanding conceptual
The student fails to understanding. through the understanding
explain concepts in Some of the concepts application level. through the
her/his own words. are explained using Most concepts are analysis/synthesis
original writing. explained using level using original
original writing. writing.
Connecting to Prior Student stated Student stated more Student stated more Student stated more
Knowledge nothing related to than 2 things he/she than 3 things he/she than 4 things he/she
( what he/she knows or knows or thinks knows or thinks knows or thinks
thinks he/she knows he/she knows about he/she knows about he/she knows about
about the topic in the the topic in the "K" the topic in the "K" the topic in the "K"
"K" column. column. column. column.
Comprehension Student coherently Student coherently Student coherently Student coherently
( stated 1 answer to stated 2 answers to stated 3 answers to stated 4 answers to
learning questions in learning questions in learning questions in learning questions in
the "L" part of the the "L" part of the the "L" part of the the "L" part of the
Critical Thinking Student's ideas do not Student's ideas are Student's ideas show Student's comments
( show evidence of short and shallow. evidence of critical are in depth and show
critical thinking. thinking. evidence of critical
Grammar and Spelling Work has four or Work has three Work has one or two Work has no spelling
( more spelling errors spelling errors and/or spelling errors and/or errors and/or
and/or grammatical grammatical errors. grammatical errors. grammatical errors.
Adapted from Why Are School Buses Always Yellow? by John Barell © 2018 John Glenn E. Labrador
Adapted from Why Are School Buses Always Yellow? by John Barell © 2018 John Glenn E. Labrador