Mahathey 5e Lesson Plan
Mahathey 5e Lesson Plan
Mahathey 5e Lesson Plan
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Students will use their data to write a well-developed paragraph with prompting
and support.
Students will use technology safely to conduct their research.
Differentiatio Students will be given choices of books for their research that are all different
n Strategies reading levels. This way, students that need text that is below grade level have
that option. Students that need to be challenged also have text that is above
grade level so that they can be challenged. Some books that will be provided
on the computer will be books that read aloud to the students for those that
need it as well.
The 5 Es
E Description
Engagement The teacher will begin by telling students about the research project. The
teacher will remind students they have been discussing the life cycle of a plant,
and continue to explain what the students will be doing in a research project.
The teacher will lead a brainstorm session and create an anchor chart of what
students already know about plants on a KWL (Know, Wonder, Learned) chart.
After this discussion the teacher will play a BrainPop Jr. video on the life cycle
of a plant.
Engagement The teacher will have the class take the quiz that BrainPop Jr. provides after
Assessment the video is over. After completing this quiz, the teacher will ask the students to
brainstorm any questions they may still have for the “Wonder” column of the
KWL chart.
Exploration The teacher will direct students to Epic! on their Chromebooks. The teacher has
previously assigned students nonfiction text on plants and their life cycle to
gather their research from. Students will have a recording sheet where they can
record 6 interesting facts that they find in these books.
Exploration The students will have a recording sheet where they record 6 interesting facts
Assessment they find in their research.
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Explanation The teacher will bring the students back to a whole group discussion to
complete the “Learned” column of the KWL chart. The teacher will ask students
to pick their favorite fact they learned, and share it with their peers at their table.
Then, each table will choose their favorite fact of the group to share with the
class to write on the chart. This will lead to the discussion of different
vocabulary words such as “germination,” “pollination,” etc. At this point the
teacher will discuss the importance of using their own words when writing down
their research rather than just copying what the author wrote.
Explanation The formative assessment for this activity is the “learned” column of the KWL
Assessment chart. This will show the teacher what the students have learned through their
Elaboration Students will use their research to write a simple paragraph explaining what
they learned about the life cycle of a plant. Students will use a checklist to make
sure they have included a topic sentence, three details, and a concluding
sentence in their paragraph.
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After they have written their paragraph, they will work with a partner to edit each
other’s work using an editing checklist. Once they have edited their work, they
will get out their Chromebooks. The teacher will direct students to Google Docs.
When on Google Docs, the teacher will show students basic typing skills such
as indenting and making a capital letter. After showing students the basics, the
teacher will tell students to type their report on the Google Doc.
Bybee, R.W. et al. (1989). Science and technology education for the elementary years:
Frameworks for curriculum and instruction. Washington, D.C.: The National
Center for Improving Instruction.
National Research Council. (1999). Inquiry and the national science education
standards: A guide for teaching and learning. Washington, D.C.: National
Academy Press.
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