Exam Pass Ratios: Exam Pass Ratio Exam Pass Ratio Exam Pass Ratio
Exam Pass Ratios: Exam Pass Ratio Exam Pass Ratio Exam Pass Ratio
Exam Pass Ratios: Exam Pass Ratio Exam Pass Ratio Exam Pass Ratio
Pass ratios are calculated by dividing the number of exams passed by the number of exams taken in the 6
months prior to the date shown.
As of December 31, 2018 the pass ratios for Institute examinations are as follows:
Please note that in low volume programs pass ratios may fluctuate greatly and may not be indicative of the
difficulty level of the exams taken.
Courses for which pass ratios are not shown are courses with insufficient exam activity to provide reliable
pass ratios.
* AINS, AIC, ARM and AAI courses have segment pass ratios.