Ambos Ol 2010
Ambos Ol 2010
Ambos Ol 2010
purification of polyols, which are commonly Unit MP5 500 MP5 plus 8080
used in the production of urethane polymers. Description high filtration
AMBOSOL® adsorbs sodium or potassium standard
standard, high
all round filterability
hydroxides left behind from the polyol filter aid
manufacturing process that would be Appearance White, odorless powder, insoluble in water
detrimental to the polyurethane Magnesium (%)
75 75 75 75
manufacturing process. AMBOSOL® Molar ratio (-) 3.4 2.7 3.4 2.7
combines high adsorption activity with Loss on (%)
excellent filterability. In addition, world-class ignition 23 23 23 23
technical support is offered to our customers (800°C)
by PQ Corporation. Water (%)
content ≤ 15 ≤ 15 ≤ 15 ≤ 15
Adsorption (mg/g)
≥ 180 ≥ 180 ≥ 180 ≥ 180
PRODUCT Bulk density (kg/m )
450 400 450 450
® D50 (µm) 18 17 20 22
AMBOSOL® is a hydrated synthetic
amorphous magnesium silicate in the form Particle Size Distribution Ambosol Grades
of a white, finely divided, free-flowing (Malvern Instruments: Mastersizer 2000)
ratio of 2.7 to 3.4 and differ in bulk density, 500 8080 MP5 MP5 plus
AMBOSOL® 1 PQ Corporation
June 2010
manufactures. The results can vary
according to the nature of polyols and Residual Alkali [Na+K] Development Curve
process conditions.
Na+K [ppm]
AMBOSOL® 2 PQ Corporation
June 2010
the polyol at the filtration temperature.
Although the particle size of Ambosol is TECHNICAL SUPPORT
specifically controlled to enhance
filtration, it is sometimes desirable to Technical support
pre-coat the filter cloths with filter-aid. Laboratory studies to optimize the dosages
of AMBOSOL® in combination with the
desired process conditions are a very
effective tool to reduce production costs.
HSEQ AND PACKAGING PQ Corporation is able to offer technical
support to the polyol industry, and has
Health, Safety and Environment several programs to optimize adsorption
For detailed information see our MSDS. performance relative to costs.
PQ Corporation’s capabilities include:
ISO 9001/14001
PQ Corporation activities fulfill the • Optimization of the adsorption recipe
requirements as described in the
international standards ISO 9001 (quality) • Optimization of the adsorption process
and ISO 14001 (Environment). Specific conditions, i.e. temperature, water
procedures are available at all levels within concentration, and contact time
the company in order to ensure that our • Optimization of the filtration process
products meet customers’ and community
requirements at all times. To ensure a high • Design of Experiments (DoE) statistical
and consistent product quality, the Process methods to rapidly develop optimized
& Quality Control Department plays a key adsorption recipes and process
role. AMBOSOL® grades are checked for conditions
e.g. solid content, KOH adsorption, particle
size distribution, pH, and filtration
AMBOSOL® 3 PQ Corporation
June 2010