Cartilaginous Tumours and Calcified Lesions of The Hand: A Pictorial Review
Cartilaginous Tumours and Calcified Lesions of The Hand: A Pictorial Review
Cartilaginous Tumours and Calcified Lesions of The Hand: A Pictorial Review
Département d’imagerie médicale, service d’imagerie ostéoarticulaire, cliniques
universitaires Saint-Luc, 10, avenue d’Hippocrate, 1200 Bruxelles, Belgium
Service d’imagerie musculosquelettique, CHU Lapeyronie, 371, avenue du
Doyen-Gaston-Giraud, 34295 Montpellier cedex 5, France
KEYWORDS Abstract Cartilaginous tumours of the extremities are commonly seen in radiographs. Enchon-
Bone tumours; droma is the most frequently encountered tumour. Since the vast majority of enchondromas are
Soft tissue; asymptomatic, they are typically discovered as incidental findings or along with a pathologic
Cartilaginous matrix; fracture. The authors propose a pictorial review to illustrate the imaging features of carti-
Hands laginous bone lesions of the hand and their specificities, and discuss the main differential
© 2013 Éditions françaises de radiologie. Published by Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.
∗ Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (A. Larbi).
2211-5684/$ — see front matter © 2013 Éditions françaises de radiologie. Published by Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.
396 A. Larbi et al.
Figure 1. Histological section. Islands of hyaline cartilage Figure 2. Conventional X-ray of the 2nd finger of a 9-year-old
organised in lobules (arrow) separated by interlobular septae child. Chance discovery of a P1, little calcified enchondroma in the
(arrowhead). form of a centromedullary osseous gap. As opposed to infarction,
note the absence of calcified or ossified limit.
Appearance in imaging
Conventional radiology and CT-scan
The cartilaginous matrix can only be recognised in con-
ventional radiology and the CT-scan by the presence of
calcifications. The calcifications have a specific appear-
ance when arranged in compact nodules, in a ring or arc
(popcorn appearance). The degree of calcification of car-
tilaginous matrix can vary (Figs. 2 and 3). Occasionally,
the degree of calcification is very high and the typical
appearance is not easy to recognise. As opposed to an infarc-
tion, there is no calcified or ossified peripheral limit. In
the CT-scan, the multilobular outlines of cartilaginous tis-
sue may be recognised when the lesion is located in a
fatty medullary cavity or when it induces cortical notches
(Fig. 4). Figure 3. Conventional X-ray of the 4th finger in a 60-year-old,
asymptomatic patient. Calcified enchondroma of the base of P1.
Note the arrangement of the calcifications in arcs (arrowheads).
The cartilaginous matrix may easily be recognised in MRI
(Fig. 5a—d). It presents a marked hyposignal in T1 weight-
ing (Fig. 5a) that is highly contrasted by the intense signal cartilaginous matrix is in distinct hypersignal (Fig. 5b). It
of the neighbouring fatty bone marrow in case of enchon- should be distinguished from the intratumoral calcifications
droma. The hyposignal is sometimes heterogeneous after that are in hyposignal in all sequences. There is no abnormal-
the presence of calcium deposits (more distinct in T1 ity of bone marrow signal on the T2 fat saturation sequences.
hyposignal) or fatty residues (in T1 hypersignal). In the T2 After the injection of gadolinium, the contrast enhance-
weighted sequences, lobular and well-defined contours are ment of the tumour is global or inexistent (Fig. 5c), rarely
found. Since the septas are in hyposignal, the water-rich peripheral [2] (Fig. 5d).
Cartilaginous tumours and calcified lesions of the hand: A pictorial review 397
Figure 5. a: MRI in axial section, in T1 weighting. Note T1 hyposignal of the cartilaginous matrix (arrow). This T1 hyposignal contrasts
with the fatty signal from the bone marrow. The central calcifications are in asignal in all sequences (tip of arrow); b: MRI in axial section,
in T2 Fat Sat weighting. Note the well-defined appearance of the cartilaginous lobules, with a very intense signal (arrows). The central
calcifications are in asignal in all sequences (tip of arrow). There is no peri-lesional oedema; c: MRI in axial section, in T1 gado Fat Sat
weighting. Note the enhancement of the septa (arrows). The central calcifications are in asignal in all sequences (tip of arrow); d: MRI in
axial section, in T1 gado Fat Sat weighting. Note the peripheral enhancement (arrows) of this small enchondroma. The central calcifications
are in asignal in all sequences (tip of arrow).
398 A. Larbi et al.
covery varies from the age of 10 to 40 years, according phalanx (Figs. 7 and 8). The extension of the lesion to the
to Dalhin [3]. The location at the extremities is the by entire diaphysis is possible (Fig. 9).
far most common (35 to 65%) according to the studies The enchondroma, often asymptomatic, is discovered
based on radiographic data [4,5]. The other classic loca- fortuitously or at the time of an X-ray, an MRI or a scintigra-
tions are the proximal humeral (13%), distal femoral (7%) and phy. Tumefaction may sometimes be the reason for the X-ray
proximal tibial (7%) metaphyses. Enchondroma is the most although the pathological fracture (Fig. 10) is most frequent
common tumour of the phalanx of the hands. In decreasing in almost one third of all cases.
order of occurrence, it is found in the proximal phalanx,
the metacarpus, the intermediate phalanx and the dis-
tal phalanx, with a preference of the ulnar edge of the
hand. The natural evolution means that it is found near
the zone of growth since the cells come from the physis
(Fig. 6): distally from the metacarpals and proximally to the
Figure 11. Conventional X-ray in a 35-year-old patient. Enchondroma of P1 of the 3rd finger. Note the endosteal erosion (arrowheads)
covering more than two third of the thickness of the cortex. This appearance is not a sign of malignancy (as opposed to enchondromas of
the long bones).
400 A. Larbi et al.
Figure 12. a: X-ray of the hand in a 40-year-old, asymptomatic patient. Note the presence of a partially calcified enchondroma on the
base of the 1st metacarpus (arrow) and a non-calcified enchondroma of the base of P1 (arrowheads); b: MRI in T1 weighting and T1 gado
FS. Note the location of the enchondroma (arrows) at the base of the 1st metacarpus (the area of the physa) versus in distally from the
metacarpals for the other fingers.
of the long bones of the hands and feet often present hyper- Diffuse enchondromatosis
cellularity with a cellular pleiomorphism, chondrocytes of Diffuse enchondromatosis or Ollier disease is among the
irregular size and shape that are sometimes floppy and osteo-chondrodysplasias. This non-hereditary osseous dys-
degenerative, often binucleate. These histological signs do plasia is characterised by an alteration in the enchondral
not necessarily attest to the malignant nature of these ossification with heterotopic proliferation of chondroblasts
lesions in this location. However, the presence, within either from fertile metaphyseal cartilage, or the deep layer
the hypercellular non-degenerative territories, of multi- of the periostium. It is characterised by the multiplic-
nucleate chondrocytes and/or presenting nuclear atypies ity and asymmetric distribution of chondromas (Fig. 16)
with an increase in the size of the nucleus and hyperchroma- (enchondromas and subperiosteal chondromas). The sym-
tism, are unusual in a chondroma of the long bones, of the ptomatology is early and constant involving deformation and
pelvis and the shoulder and point to a possible malignity. shortening. There is an increased risk of sarcomatous trans-
In spite of this, a differential histological diagnosis formation compared with the single forms.
between a benign or malignant cartilaginous tumour is often Maffucci syndrome is also a non-hereditary disease that
difficult. This is why anatomopathologists recommend the associates a unilateral or asymmetrical enchondromatosis
confrontation with the clinical and radiographic data and predominantly at the extremities with vascular lesions such
rely more on the topography of the lesion than its histologi- as capillary or cavernous haemangiomas of the soft tissue
cal appearance. With similar histology, certain cartilaginous (Fig. 17). Their distribution does not coincide. Phleboliths
lesions are benign or malignant depending on whether they are highly evocative of this.
are found in the hands or pelvis. Diffuse enchondromatosis is much more rare than the
Therapeutic abstention is the rule in the absence of sym- solitary forms with a slight predominance in men. The age
ptomatology of the enchondroma of the hands. If this is not of discovery is early, most often during childhood, but clas-
the case (pain, non-aesthetic deformation or pathological sically during the first three decades. The distribution of
fracture), surgery will consist of curettage, and then the fill- the diseased bones corresponds to that of the solitary chon-
ing of the residual cavity by a spongy autograft or by bone dromas with preferential impairment of the bones of the
substitutes (Fig. 15a, b). The rate of recurrence from the hands and feet. The bones of the axial skeleton may also be
periphery of the initial lesion is low and depends on the qual- affected, as may the craniofacial bones.
ity of the treatment of the walls of the chondroma during The positive diagnosis is based on the conventional
the primary curettage. radiological assessment. The other examinations (bone
The prognosis for solitary chondromas, outside of the scintigraphy, MRI) are only used to assess whether or not
orthopaedic problems raised by the pathological fractures there is a sarcomatous transformation of the lesions. The
and the problem of the possible recurrence after treatment, X-rays objectify both the central forms and the periosteal
is above all related to the risk of sarcomatous transforma- forms. The isolated forms of medullary and periosteal
tion of the lesion. However, this malignant transformation lesions do not differ from the isolated forms except that the
is exceptional in the solitary forms of the extremities. size is larger. The bones have abnormal outlines with short-
ening, angulation and asymmetrical expansion. The cortex
Figure 19. Centred conventional X-ray revealing an osteogenic Figure 20. Conventional X-ray centred on the 1st finger revea-
exostosis. Note the cortical and spongy continuity between the ling a Nora lesion of the phalangeal tip (arrowhead). As opposed to
lesion and the bearing bone (arrow). extosis, the cortex of the bearing bone is well individualised and
distinct from the lesion (arrow).
Figure 22. a: 65-year-old patient, pain at the 2nd finger. Conventional X-ray revealing a condensing chondrosarcoma of P1. Note the
extension to the soft tissue (arrowheads); b: CT-scan in coronal sections. Note the cortical rupture (arrow) and the extension to the soft
tissue (arrowheads); c, d, e: MRI in T1 coronal sections (c), T1 axial (d) and T1 axial after gadolinium (e). The MRI helps better assess the
extension to the soft tissue (arrowheads). Note the marked enhancement of the lesion (arrow); f: bone scintigraphy with Technetium 99m.
Note the intense hyperfixation of P1 of the 2nd finger related to the chondrosarcoma.
406 A. Larbi et al.
Figure 23. a: conventional X-ray of a 65-year-old patient presenting a carpal canal syndrome. Note the polyarticular and asymmetrical
distribution of the tophaceous gout represented de 65 in the form of pseudo-tumoral formations with a dense appearance (arrowheads); b:
CT-scan in axial section passing by the carpal canal. Soft tissue window. Note the density of the tophi that do not exceed 300 UH (arrow);
c: open surgery of the carpal canal. Large tophaceous gout (arrow) of chalky appearance compressing the median nerve (arrowhead) in the
carpal canal.
Figure 24. 57-year-old patient presenting painless tumefaction Figure 25. 43-year-old patient, without specific antecedents,
of the 4th finger. X-ray of an intra-osseous tophaceous gout of P1 presenting painless tumefaction of the 1st finger. The conven-
(arrowhead) represented by a well-limited osseous gap surrounded tional X-ray reveals a pseudotumour characterised by the presence
by a osteosclerotic ridge. Note the distal location of the phalange of periarticular amorphous deposits presenting multilobular out-
(contrary to the enchondroma located in proximity). Note very lines (arrowheads). The diagnosis of pseudo-tumoral calcinosis was
dense tumefaction of the soft tissue around the proximal inter confirmed in the anatomopathological examination of the surgical
phalangeal (arrow). excision.
Cartilaginous tumours and calcified lesions of the hand: A pictorial review 407
Figure 26. a: 62-year-old patient presenting painless tumefaction of the 2nd finger evolving for several years. The conventional X-ray
reveals a pseudo-tumoral lesion in the form of a solitary, calcified and poorly limited mass (arrows), resembling a tophaceous gout (but
more calcified). This lesion is found at the metacarpal-phalangeal joint and seems to erode the head of the metacarpus (arrowheads); b:
CT-scan with axial and sagittal reconstructions enables better visualisation of the pseudotumour eroding the cortical bone of the head of
the metacarpus (arrows). The anatomopathological examination of the surgical excision concluded as to pseudo-tumoral chondrocalcinosis.
Figure 27. a: 65-year-old patient, with a past history of chondrosarcoma of the 2nd toe of the right foot that was amputated 10 years
ago. Painless tumefaction of the base of the thumb. The conventional X-ray centred on the base of the thumb, reveals secondary osteo-
chondromatous nodules (arrowhead) in a context of trapezo metacarpal osteoarthritis (arrow); b: the MRI with coronal sequences in T1,
STIR and T1 gado FS weightings, reveals the appearance in hyposignal in all of the osteochondromatous nodules (arrowheads). Note the
presence of effusion in the trapezo metacarpal joint (arrow) in relation to the osteoarthritis.
408 A. Larbi et al.
Figure 28. 56-year-old patient, with a past history of calcifying tendinopathy of the supra spinatus. Intense, inflammatory and rapidly
appearing pain in the wrist on the ulnar side: a: conventional X-ray revealing an oval calcification near the pisiform (arrow); b: the CT-scan
confirms the amorphous appearance of these calcifications and specifies their topography near the flexi carpi ulnarus tendon (arrows); c:
MRI coronal sequence in STIR weighting revealing the appearance in hyposignal of the calcification (arrow) with considerable oedematous
signal of the neighbouring tissue; d: the control X-ray reveals the full disappearance of the calcification after 2 months (arrows) confirming
the diagnosis of apatite deposition.
shoulder. In the X-ray, the calcifications are dense, amor- of sclerosis or periosteal apposition. It is found in the meta-
phous, rounded or oval. They are found at the insertion of physeal region, near zones of growth (proximal topography
the tendons but may also be found in the articular capsule, for a metacarpal and distal in the first and second phalanx).
tendon sheaths or synovial bursa. In the hand, the calcifica- The vast majority of cartilaginous lesions of the fingers are
tions are often found on the tendon of the flexi carpi ulnarus benign, in spite of the sometimes disturbing, histological
or near its insertion on the pisiform (Fig. 28a—d). appearance. Chondrosarcoma is an exceptional lesion of the
extremities and there is a well-defined clinical context and
radiological criteria.
Cartilaginous tumours of the extremities are often found in
X-rays. They are often found incidentally or in the case of a Disclosure of interest
fracture. The enchondroma, by far the most common lesion,
assumes the appearance of centromedullar osteolysis associ- The authors declare that they have no conflicts of interest
ated with endosteal cortical gaps, without a peripheral edge concerning this article.
Cartilaginous tumours and calcified lesions of the hand: A pictorial review 409
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