Object Type Unit2A
Object Type Unit2A
Object Type Unit2A
1) When the frequency band is selected we can specify the sampling rate and the characteristics of the
pre filter, which is also called as filter?
a)Analog filter b)Anti aliasing filter c)Both a& b d)None of the mentioned
3) In IIR Filter design by the Bilinear Transformation, the Bilinear Transformation is a mapping from
a)Z-plane to S-plane ; b)S-plane to Z-plane; c)S-plane to J-plane; d)J-plane to Z-plane
6) Butterworth filters have 1) Flat stop band; 2) Flat pass band; 3) Tapering pass band; 4) Tapering stop band
a. 1 and 2 are correct; b. 2 and 4 are correct; c. 2 and 3 are correct ; d. All the four are correct
c) The poles lie in left half of the s plane; d) The poles lie in right half of the s plane
13)The IIR filter designing involves
a. Designing of analog filter in analog domain and transforming into digital domain
b. Designing of digital filter in analog domain and transforming into digital domain
c. Designing of analog filter in digital domain and transforming into analog domain
d. Designing of digital filter in digital domain and transforming into analog domain
14)The poles of a Butterworth filter lie on a
a. Ellipse b.Circle c.Square d.Triangle
15) The transformation technique in which there is one to one mapping from s-domain to z-domain is
a. Approximation of derivatives; b. Impulse invariance method
c. Bilinear transformation method d. Backward difference for the derivative
16) Which of the following is one of the drawback of Impulse Invariance method?
a.One-one mapping; b.Many-one mapping; c)One-many mapping; d)Many-many mapping
17)The advantages of Bilinear Transformation are
a)No aliasing; b)Conformal mapping; c)Both a and b; d)None of the above
18)IIR filters are also known as
a)Non-Recursive filters; b) Recursive filters; c)Linear phase filters; d)FIR filters
19) The present output y(n) of an IIR filter is a function of
a)only past and present inputs; b)past outputs , past and present inputs; c)only on past ouputs; d)None of above
20)Prewarping is used to
a)compensate the effect of non-linear compression at HF; b) compensate effect of non-linear compression at LF ; c)introduce
non-linear compression at HF; d)None of the above.
21)For the same filter specifications , the number of poles in Butterworth filter is --------- when compared to Chebyshev filter.
a) More b)Less c)Equal d)None of the above
22)A normalized LPF can be transformed to a HPF by substituting
a)S =S/ΩC b)S =ΩC /S c) S =S +ΩC d) S =S* ΩC
23)Direct form- II realization is called canonic form because it
a) uses maximum number of delay elements b) uses maximum number of adders
c)minimizes the number of memory locations d)None of the above
24)Quantization errors can be minimized if a LTI system is realized in
a) Direct form- II b) Direct form- I c)Cascade form d)Parallel form
25) Type-I Chebyshev filters are ---------filters.
a)All-pole filters b)Pole-zero filters c)All-zero filter d) None of the above