Case Study
Case Study
Case Study
Prior, to the literature reviews, researches focus more on the different disruptive
behaviors of the students and the different strategies that utilize the teachers to cater certain
misbehavior of a student. The experiences of the teachers as well as their decision making of a
context were unquantified. According to Lopes, et al. (2017) classroom misbehavior is a major
source of classroom-wasted time and a situation that negatively interferes with students’
opportunity to learn. In Addition, disruptive behavior in classrooms is a significant challenge for
learning in schools and a risk factor for students’ academic achievement and a significant source
of teachers’ work‐related stress (Kiiski, et al. 2017). In this present generation, specifically in the
educational system of Philippines, teachers are now experiencing the difficulty to control and
discipline students due to the provided laws that protect the child from any abuse. This will add
to the burden and stress of each teacher during handling classroom management for they have to
think wisely and critically on how to discipline a child that will not go beyond to the limited
capacity of a teacher to deal a student’s behavior. Hence, this study aims to unfold the different
techniques and strategies of the teacher in their daily experiences on how to deal a disruptive
behavior done by their student in an everyday normal class setting.
Ecological Systems Theory of Urie Brofrenbrenner presents child development within the
context of relationship systems that comprise the child’s environment. Furthermore,
Brofrenbrenner states that “Children need people in order to become human.” This statement
focuses on child’s behavioral development in terms of socializing with other people not just at
the microsystem which is the learner’s home but also the other existing systems such as the
mesosystem, exosystem, macrosystem and the chronosystem. In addition, teachers are also part
on molding a child’s character. Hence, Brofrenbrenner concluded that the child’s character or
personality is no longer Nature versus Nurture, but Nurturing Nature.
Operant Conditioning Theory of B.F Skinner is based upon the idea that learning is a
function of change in overt behavior. Changes in behavior are the result of an individual’s
response to events (stimuli) that occur in the environment. A response produces a consequence
such as defining a word, hitting a ball, or solving a math problem. When a particular Stimulus-
Response (S-R) pattern is reinforced (rewarded), the individual is conditioned to respond. The
distinctive characteristic of operant conditioning relative to previous forms of behaviorism
(e.g., connectionism, drive reduction) is that the organism can emit responses instead of only
eliciting response due to an external stimulus. Furthermore, stimuli and reinforcement (S-R) is a
great help for the teacher in dealing disruptive behavior. This also enables to control or manage
learners’ behavior.
The Law and Discipline in the Classroom states that School Boards of Education
recognizes that any society must establish rules and regulations in order to insure the safety and
welfare of its members. School Boards further recognize that a system is a society who has a
mission to educate its members so that they may become productive participants in our society.
The success of any set of rules depends upon all members being aware of the rules, and then
enforcing those rules using a consistent and fair procedure. The procedure being one in which
recognizes the individual rights of the member as well as his or her obligations to society.
Therefore, to accomplish this end, Boards of Education have established a certain approved
policy. Furthermore, the disruptive manner can and does lead to students and teachers getting
hurt that’s why Disciplinary Laws now exist.
Batas Pambansa Bilang 232 “Education Act of 1982” mentioned the different rights
regarding the parents, students and teachers. Classroom management and peaceful learning
environment are also specified in this law. One of the duties and responsibilities of a student is to
promote and maintain peace and tranquility of the school by observing the rules of discipline,
and by efforts to attain harmonious relationship with fellow students, the teaching and academic
staff and other school personnel. In the other hand, teachers are also given rights that the teachers
shall be deemed persons in authority when in discharge of lawful duties and responsibilities and
shall, therefore, be accorded due respect and protection. Hence, teachers have the authority to
impose discipline and classroom management for those learners who are causing disruption of
classes, but must also take consideration that managing student’s disruptive behavior may not be
too much or against the right of the learners.
IV. Methods
This study is applying the qualitative method wherein verbal description is concerned.
Moreover, teachers are given situations to which they have to decide between the given options
to how they will cater and manage a disruptive behavior. Then, they will answer it based on their
experiences and have to justify their decision with full honesty. The scoring of this method is
based on the number of responses corresponding to its percentage. Furthermore, the method
being utilized in this study is purely phenomenology in order to notice on how aware and how
teacher’s consciousness will prevail.
Surveys are also utilized in this study in order to collect numeral data as well. Hence, this
study will also utilize a quantitative method in order, to achieve the common and less disruptive
behaviors of the students occurring in the normal setting of the classroom as well as the different
effective strategies that they can contribute to come up with the most effective one in preventing
class disruptions.
The respondents of this case study are the twelve elementary teachers of Cebu Roosevelt
Memorial Colleges Inc. in Bogo City, Cebu, since the experiences of the teachers in handling
To get the appropriate data, the instrument used is the Survey Sheet paired by a
questionnaire with an open ended question. Additionally, 3 useful strategies are being asked by
each teacher, in order to collate all the effective strategies to come up with the most effective
strategy that can be utilized by other teachers in the future if ever they will also experience with
the same scenario that these elementary teachers have surpassed.
This section presents the results of the data gathered vis-à-vis the Classroom
Management and Discipline done by the teacher in handling class disruptions. The significant
classroom disruptive behaviors are being described. Subsequently, teacher’s strategy and ability
to have decision-making are also mentioned. Available data on the effective strategies of
teacher’s disciplinary action and classroom management are also presented.
Table A shows that the top commonly disruptive behaviors that the teachers have
experienced inside the classroom is when the students are “Talking when supposed to listen”,
followed by Getting up and walking around in the classroom and the 3rd rank of disruptive
behaviors of the students is when the student will refuse to work with a partner, coming late in
classes and forgetting their homework. In contrary to the surveyed result, there are also 5
behaviors that are not that disruptive in a class. The first one is, not prepared to work in any tasks
and sometimes copying during tests. Followed by having a “metal mouth” this is when students
tend to hurt other student through verbal abuse. In addition, “Why do you always pick on me.”
and wearing Inappropriate T-shirt has the lowest number of teachers who agreed that this
behavior is disruptive. Furthermore, this result specifies that the common problem that the
teachers are experiencing everyday inside a normal setting classroom context is a lack of
student’s discipline to respect and listen to the teacher specifically during delivery of instruction.
B.1. Case 1. A student of yours suddenly went outside the classroom without your permission.
Will you chase your student outside to let him/her go back to the classroom? Or will you tend to
stay for the remaining 44 students of yours who were listening to your discussion?
To further collate all the responses gathered above, below is a pie graph showing the
percentage of their responses between the 2 given options.
Based on the data gathered shown from the pie graph above, there are 5 teachers choose
the option 1 with a percentage of 41.66% while the remaining 7 teachers choose the option 2
with a percentage of 58.33%. This implies that majority of the teachers in CRMC elementary
department prefer to stay and continue the discussion with the remaining 44 students even if one
of their students went outside the classroom without asking permission. Furthermore, the unified
response they had was that they can’t take risk or afford to sacrifice the on-going learning
process of the 44 students just to cater one student who has a disruptive behavior. In the other
hand, teachers who choose the 1st option to chase the student who went outside are those pre-
elementary teachers who are handling classes with the toddlers because it is much risky to ignore
a student who went outside for it is much dangerous outside compare in the inside environment
of the classroom.
B.2. Case 2. You are discussing an important topic when Student A raises his/her hand and
suddenly started talking and sharing to the whole class about his/her experience yesterday with
his/ her family even if it is out of the topic. How will you stop him/her? Will you directly
continue your discussion and just ignore the learner? Or will you acknowledge him/her to
continue his/her sharing after your whole discussion of the topic?
To further collate all the responses gathered above, below is a pie graph showing the
percentage of their responses between the 2 given options.
Case 2 Responses
In the Case 2 data gathered, all of the elementary teachers respondents agreed on the
second option which is to acknowledge the learner who wanted to share his or her life’s
experiences because they believed in the ability of the child to express his or her leaning ability
through verbal interactions and it is also a way to let the student feel comfortable with the
teacher. They don’t agree on the first option because it destroys the process of building rapport
towards the learners. However they added, to prevent disrupting the whole class, the teachers’
strategy is to let the learner share his/her experiences after the whole discussion of a certain
B.3. Case 3. You are having a group activity in your class. You noticed one group who were just
chit-chatting loudly instead of doing the assigned task for them and tend to disturb the other
groups who were working with the task. How will you manage the behavior of this group? Will
you get their attention by direct appealing to them and tell the whole class that they are not doing
the assigned task? Or will you use the proximity control by going nearer to the misbehaving
group to let them notice you presence and let them aware that you know what they are doing?
10 | D i s r u p t i o n : C l a s s r o o m M a n a g e m e n t a n d D i s c i p l i n e
11 | D i s r u p t i o n : C l a s s r o o m M a n a g e m e n t a n d D i s c i p l i n e
Teacher Angel (Computer Teacher)
I will go near (proximity control) to the misbehaving group because they we’re just the
only students who did not do the assigned task, and I will warned them. If they wouldn’t care my
presence, I will give them another task so they won’t disturb others.
To further collate all the responses gathered above, below is a pie graph showing the
percentage of their responses between the 2 given options.
Case 3 Responses
Get their attention through direct appealing Use the proximity control
The pie graph shown above specifies that the 12 CRMC elementary teachers choose the
2nd option which is to use the classroom management of Jacob Kounin which is the proximity
control. They explained that even if it is a low profile of classroom management it is still
effective to stop a disruptive behavior of the students. Furthermore, they prefer to go near the
misbehaving group of students rather than to use the direct appeal which will inform the whole
class and will worsen the disruption of their class.
12 | D i s r u p t i o n : C l a s s r o o m M a n a g e m e n t a n d D i s c i p l i n e
B.4. Case 4. You notice one of your students’ everytime you let him or her copy certain
information from the board that he/she will always refuse writing it in his/her notebook and have
a tendency to misbehave and disturb other classmates. How will you cope with this kind of
behavior? Will you ask the learner what is his/her concerns why he/she always refuses to write?
Or will you inform his/her parents this kind of behavior because it is already frequently
happening in your class?
13 | D i s r u p t i o n : C l a s s r o o m M a n a g e m e n t a n d D i s c i p l i n e
Teacher Lovely (Grade 5 Adviser)
I will ask the learners what his/her concerns why he/she always refuses to write. As a
teacher, it is our job to know our students problem especially in school maybe it keeps, on
happening because you haven’t figured it out the problem and hasn’t given a solution. If things
don’t work and it needs the involvement of the parents them it’s the time to call their attention.
To further collate all the responses gathered above, below is a pie graph showing the
percentage of their responses between the 2 given options.
Case 4 Responses
Ask the learner what his/her concerns why he/she always refuses to write
Inform the learner's parents since it is frequently happening
14 | D i s r u p t i o n : C l a s s r o o m M a n a g e m e n t a n d D i s c i p l i n e
Analysis of Responses: Case 4.
The data presented above implies that there are 8 teachers who answered option 1 with a
percentage of 66.66 % while there are 4 teachers who answered the 2nd option. Majority of the
teachers prefer to confront the learner’s problem why he or she will not participate in the task
rather than calling the attention of the learner’s parents. They emphasized that they wanted to
build a connection with their learners, and that they have to address the situation first before
telling the concerned matter to the child’s parents. However, the remaining teachers who choose
the 2nd option elucidated that it is better to inform the parents if the certain behavior of the
learner is already frequently happening so that the parents can also intervene with the problem.
In addition, there will be a great connection between the teacher and the parents of the learner to
resolve a certain issue of the student.
B.5. Case 5. Your smooth discussion was interrupted by 2 of your students fighting physically
and verbally with each other that drove the attention of the whole class to them. How will you
cater this situation? Continue the discussion even if the two are still fighting with each other?
Stop your discussion, give an activity for the whole class and call the attention of both students
so that you can settle the situation directly? Or will you stop the discussion for a while and lead
them both to the guidance counselor so that the argument will be settled by the guidance
counselor and you can continue your discussion to the remaining students in the class?
15 | D i s r u p t i o n : C l a s s r o o m M a n a g e m e n t a n d D i s c i p l i n e
Teacher Lorgee (Grade 3 Adviser)
I would rather send them to the guidance counselor if I can’t make them stop. I would
also prefer to send them there so that they will be guided accordingly.
To further collate all the responses gathered above, below is a pie graph showing the
percentage of their responses of the given 3 options of a certain context.
16 | D i s r u p t i o n : C l a s s r o o m M a n a g e m e n t a n d D i s c i p l i n e
Case 5 Responses
In this case, there are 3 options to be chosen by the teachers. The info or data gathered in
this context is that there are no teachers who choose the option 1 because they don’t want to
ignore a certain disruptive behavior specifically that the 2 learners are fighting with each other.
However, there are 5 teachers with a percentage of 41.66 % who choose the 2nd option that they
will be in charge to attend to and resolve the situation. Moreover, they added as well that the role
of the teacher is not just in teaching but is also a guidance counselor. The 3rd option had the
largest amount of teachers who agreed in this decision. There are 7 teachers who chose the 3rd
option because they strongly believed that it is the role of the guidance counselor to address the
problem and in order for them to continue their class discussion. Hence, they prefer to guide
those 2 learners who were disrupting the class towards the guidance counselor’s office in order
for the teacher to cater and continue the discussion to the remaining students. These are those
teachers who favor the majority rather than the minority.
The teachers have provided their different strategies. However, below is the table of the 4
major techniques and strategies that they consider as an effective way to deal disruptive
behaviors based on their experiences.
The table above shows the gathered information from the 12 teachers of CRMC
elementary department. These are the common Techniques and Strategies they commonly use to
17 | D i s r u p t i o n : C l a s s r o o m M a n a g e m e n t a n d D i s c i p l i n e
prevent or handle students’ disruptive behaviors in the class. This also implies that Jacob
Kounin’s Classroom Management Technique is useful to minimize disruptive behaviors. This is
followed with a strategy of setting classroom rules, interactive discussion and model ideal
behavior. This data verified that the role of the teacher is also accountable to the possible
situations that will happen inside the classroom. Hence, teachers must have strategies and
techniques since they are responsible to handle any disruptive behavior to prevent disrupting the
whole class. The Classroom Management Technique and Strategies that you are utilizing will
define on how effective you are as a teacher and a manager in your own class.
VII. References
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VIII. Appendices
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