Warehouse MGMT Cloud Infographic 3590312
Warehouse MGMT Cloud Infographic 3590312
Warehouse MGMT Cloud Infographic 3590312
Today’s multichannel buyers in both B2C and B2B environments have multiple ways to purchase
products. These expanding demand channels have led to a shift in customer experience expectations.
However, getting it wrong can have a serious impact on your bottom line.
Multi-channel buyers spend 30% – 50% 4.5% lost revenue when processes, technologies
more than single channel buyers1 and corporate structures are not fully
synchronized in a clear omni-channel strategy2
Companies are using multiple Expedited shipping costs to Trouble rationalizing SKUs
fulfillment models to reduce meet customer demand; and right-size inventory levels.
inventory costs, and minimize increased storage capacity to
lost sales. deal with an un-optimized
Complete visibility to all Support multi-channel demand Secure, stable, flexible and
inventory from distribution and execution processes so built for the cloud
centers down to the customers can buy anywhere,
store shelf. fulfill anywhere, and
return anywhere.
Outbound Report
Shipments Replenish,
Manisest Stage & Pick & Wave & &
& Ship Pack Allocate Count
Load Analytics
Sales Transfers Returns WHSE
Inventory Transportation
Customer Experience Impact Report 2011, RightNow
2013 RIS / EKN Cross-Channel Trends Study
IDC Perspective: WMS in the Cloud, John Santagate, Jan. 2017
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