TBL Models
TBL Models
TBL Models
In this article we look at different types of task, and see which kinds are most often
used in textbooks. I also suggest ways of adjusting them so that they stimulate more
opportunities for meaning-focused interaction, and encourage learners to give longer
responses. Finally I show how a graded set of tasks can be developed on a theme.
Pre-task activities,
Task - Planning - Report cycle,
Post-task activities as illustrated in the activity Planning a class night out.
However, tasks tend to come in various disguises. Some textbooks contain quite a
few task-like activities, but very few use the word ‘task’ to describe them. They often
come under section headings like: Speak out! Listening challenge; Think … then
compare ideas; Reach a decision; With a partner… In groups… It’s your turn…
Questions and answers... Discuss ... Tell your partner… Writing… Reading or even
under Grammar or Vocabulary…
For example, in ‘Total English’, a text-book for beginners, the activity: ‘Who is your
favourite 20th Century icon? Tell your partner about the person.’ comes at the end of
a Grammar section on ‘was / were’ which follows a reading activity.
There are several ways to turn this into a more rewarding task – as illustrated
in Criteria for identifying tasks for TBL and you can also build up a graded set of
tasks around this theme - as illustrated below.
(1) In pairs, agree on a list of four or five people who were famous in the 20th
century and give at least one reason for including each person; Can you remember
your partner’s busiest day?
(2) On your own, make a list of all the things he/she did. Then check with your
partner. Were there any things you forgot?
(3) In pairs, look at your list of famous people. Which people are most likely to
remain popular and become 20th century icons? Rank them from most popular to
least popular, and be prepared to justify your order to another pair.
(4) Look at the four pictures. They are mixed up. Work in pairs. Put the four pictures
in a sequence so that they tell a story. Prepare to tell your story to another pair.
You can match captions / texts / recorded extracts to pictures; short notes or
headlines to longer texts, e.g. news items.
(5) Read the texts – each is about a famous person but the person is not named -
and look at the photos. Match each text to a photo. Then talk to your partner, and
say how you were able to match them. Prepare to tell the class how you did it.
(6) Read the four headlines A to D. Match two pieces of information (given in 1-8
below) to each headline. Explain to your partner how you did this. What clues did
you find? Did you both use the same clues?
Do you have any tasks like these in your textbooks? Sometimes textbooks use
Listing, Ordering and Matching activities at the beginnings of units, to introduce or
revise useful words and phrases to prepare for the main topics. The outcomes are
usually clear (e.g. a completed list, a set of matched information). But although they
give valuable exposure to relevant topic-based language in the form of reading texts
or recordings, they rarely stimulate much learner interaction as they stand.
In 1 and 3 learners are asked to give reasons for or justify their decision
In 2, 5 and 6 they do the tasks individually then explain to their partner how they did
In 3, 4 and 5 they are asked to prepare to explain how they did the task or tell their
story to another pair or to the whole class.
Compare your list of possible 20th century icons with your partner’s list. Did you
have any people in common? Tell each other why you chose them. How many
reasons did you both think of? Finally, combine your two lists, but keep it to five
Tell your picture story to another pair and listen to theirs. Compare stories – make a
list of the main similarities and differences.
You will by now have noticed that many of these tasks carry on the same themes as
in previous tasks. It is possible to build up ‘a set of tasks’ on the same theme, each
one arising out of the previous one. This is an excellent way to build learner’s
confidence – once they are familiar with the basic vocabulary for the topic, they can
then do a range of activities recycling the topic language and using it for different
purposes in a set of tasks.
Text-books often contain activities based on common problems – pollution,
relationships, noisy neighbours and so on. But sometimes problem-solving tasks are
over too quickly – learners agree on the first solution that comes to mind, using
minimal language, e.g. ‘Noisy neighbours? OK – so call police’. The instructions for
the town centre traffic problem in the example below incorporate six or seven ways
of generating richer interaction. Which of these ways might you use with your
Think of a town centre where there is too much traffic. In twos, think of three
alternative solutions to this problem. List the advantages and disadvantages of each
alternative. Then decide which alternative would be the cheapest one, the most
innovative one, the most environmentally friendly one. Report your decisions to
another pair / group / the class, and discuss with them which solution would be the
best one to put forward to the local government.
More complex tasks like comparing and problem solving sometimes involve
processes found in simpler tasks, like listing – see previous examples. The task
above – problem-solving - involves listing and quite a lot of comparing and
So far we have identified and commented on six types of task that sometimes
appear in textbooks or that can be adapted from task-like activities. We have seen
that a set of tasks can be built up around one topic. We have looked at ways of
stimulating richer learner interaction and giving more opportunities for genuine
meaning-focused language use and maximising learner responses.
Other activities like quizzes, questionnaires and projects can also generate rich
interaction if set up in such a way as to maximise learner participation. Tasks can
also be based on reading and listening texts. For three examples of task-based
lessons such as these you can download see http://www.willis-
In my next article, I will show how we can exploit text-book material to help
structure a task sequence, incorporating Pre-task activities, a task-cycle, leading on
to language focus and form focused work.
The tasks in this article are based on activities from:
Face2face Pre-intermediate by Chris Redstone & Gillie Cunningham (Cambridge
University Press 2005)
Total English Starter by Jonathan Bygrave (Pearson Longman 2007)
Further Reading
For more on task types, see Chapters 4 and 5 of Doing Task-based Teaching Dave
Willis & Jane Willis (Oxford University Press 2006)