Clinical Algorithms To Aid Osteoarthritis Guideline Dissemination

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Osteoarthritis and Cartilage 24 (2016) 1487e1499


Clinical algorithms to aid osteoarthritis guideline dissemination

S.R.F. Meneses y z *, A.P. Goode x, A.E. Nelson k, J. Lin ¶, J.M. Jordan k # yy, K.D. Allen k zz,
K.L. Bennell xx, L.S. Lohmander kk, L. Fernandes ¶¶, M.C. Hochberg ##, M. Underwood yyy,
P.G. Conaghan zzz, S. Liu z, T.E. McAlindon xxx, Y.M. Golightly k kkk, D.J. Hunter z
y Department of Physiotherapy, Occupational Therapy and Speech Therapy, School of Medicine, University of Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brazil
z Royal North Shore Hospital, Rheumatology Department, and Institute of Bone and Joint Research, Kolling Institute, University of Sydney, Sydney, NSW,
x Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Duke University, Durham, NC, USA
k Department of Medicine and Thurston Arthritis Research Center, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC, USA
¶ Institute of Bone and Joint, Peking University People's Hospital, Peking, China
# Gillings School of Global Public Health, Department of Epidemiology, USA
yy Department of Orthopaedics, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA
zz Health Services Research and Development Service, U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Center, Durham, NC, USA
xx Centre for Health, Exercise and Sports Medicine (CHESM), Department of Physiotherapy, The University of Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
kk Orthopaedics, Department of Clinical Sciences, Lund University, Sweden
¶¶ Department of Rehabilitation, Odense University Hospital, Odense C, Denmark
## Department Epidemiology and Public Health, University of Maryland School of Medicine, and Medical Care Clinical Center, Veterans Affairs Maryland
Health Care System, Baltimore, Maryland, USA
yyy Warwick Clinical Trials Unit, Warwick Medical School, UK
zzz Leeds Institute of Rheumatic and Musculoskeletal Medicine, University of Leeds & NIHR Leeds Musculoskeletal Biomedical Research Unit, Leeds, UK
xxx Department of Rheumatology, Tufts Medical Center, Boston, MA, USA
kkk Injury Prevention Research Center, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA

a r t i c l e i n f o s u m m a r y

Article history: Background: Numerous scientific organisations have developed evidence-based recommendations
Received 18 December 2015 aiming to optimise the management of osteoarthritis (OA). Uptake, however, has been suboptimal. The
Accepted 4 April 2016 purpose of this exercise was to harmonize the recent recommendations and develop a user-friendly
treatment algorithm to facilitate translation of evidence into practice.
Keywords: Methods: We updated a previous systematic review on clinical practice guidelines (CPGs) for OA man-
agement. The guidelines were assessed using the Appraisal of Guidelines for Research and Evaluation for
quality and the standards for developing trustworthy CPGs as established by the National Academy of
Medicine (NAM). Four case scenarios and algorithms were developed by consensus of a multidisciplinary
Results: Sixteen guidelines were included in the systematic review. Most recommendations were
directed toward physicians and allied health professionals, and most had multi-disciplinary input.
Analysis for trustworthiness suggests that many guidelines still present a lack of transparency. A treat-
ment algorithm was developed for each case scenario advised by recommendations from guidelines and
based on panel consensus.
Conclusion: Strategies to facilitate the implementation of guidelines in clinical practice are necessary. The
algorithms proposed are examples of how to apply recommendations in the clinical context, helping the
clinician to visualise the patient flow and timing of different treatment modalities.
© 2016 Osteoarthritis Research Society International. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

* Address correspondence and reprint requests to: S.R.F. Meneses, Royal North Shore Hospital, Rheumatology Department, Clinical Administration, 7C, Level 7, Reserve
Road, St. Leonards, NSW 2065, Australia.
E-mail address: (S.R.F. Meneses).
1063-4584/© 2016 Osteoarthritis Research Society International. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1488 S.R.F. Meneses et al. / Osteoarthritis and Cartilage 24 (2016) 1487e1499

Introduction trustworthy CPGs as established by the National Academy of

Medicine (NAM)12 to improve guideline quality;
In recent years the American College of Rheumatology (ACR)1, (4) Case scenarios e development of four case scenarios reflect-
Osteoarthritis Research Society International (OARSI)2, American ing persons with hand, hip and knee OA considering the
Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS)3, National Institute for inclusion of comorbidities and different stages of disease
Health and Care Excellence (NICE)4, European League against management in order to represent common clinical
Rheumatism (EULAR)5 and others have developed recommenda- situations
tions through Clinical Practice Guidelines (CPGs) to optimise the (5) Algorithms e development of management algorithms for
treatment of hand, hip and/or knee osteoarthritis (OA) based on a each case scenario applying the evidence-based recom-
variable combination of expert consensus and systematic review of mendations and the expertise of the panel consensus.
clinical research evidence. These guidelines have many common-
alities, however, uptake has been suboptimal6,7.
A task force led by the US Chronic Osteoarthritis Management Participants
Initiative (COAMI) Work Group of the US Bone and Joint Initiative
examined the potential issues and barriers involved in the trans- OA panel
lation of CPGs to clinical practice8. The authors found that infor- We established a comprehensive panel in order to cover
mation about guideline applicability such as items regarding multidisciplinary and transcultural aspects of OA management
facilitators and barriers to guideline use, practical advice concern- with an international focus. The role of this panel was to appraise
ing guideline implementation, resource implications and moni- the existing pooled evidence base and develop case scenarios and
toring/auditing criteria was often not included. A critical review of their respective algorithms. The panel consisted of 15 health pro-
guidelines published in 2007 stated that in order to improve fessionals in the field of OA (physiotherapists, general practitioners,
applicability and to increase uptake by end users, stakeholder rheumatologists and orthopaedists) from 8 countries (Chinese,
opinions and barriers to use need to be taken into account during Portuguese, Swedish and predominantly English speaking) across
guideline development9. Furthermore, effective delivery of treat- different continents (America, Oceania, Europe and Asia). For
ments requires clear procedural details of the essential elements of further details, including conflicts of interest see Appendix.
treatment, including how and when they are best administered, but
unfortunately, these details are often lacking10. Systematic review panel
A general practitioner survey of adherence to EULAR 2000 rec- A subset of the OA panel (AG, AN, JJ, KA and YG) corresponded to
ommendations found that the majority of the physicians were the previous authors of a comprehensive systematic review on
aware of OA guidelines (79%) and almost all of them agreed with CPGsfor OA management8. The role of this panel was to provide a
the recommendations (97%), but only 54% adhered to the phar- critical appraisal of existing treatment guidelines through the up-
macological and non-pharmacological recommendations11. These date of their previous systematic review by including the most
findings suggest a deficiency of methods to operationalize and recent guidelines and respective recommendations.
disseminate the existing recommendations in target populations
across specialties, particularly in general practice. With this insight, Trustworthy guidelines assessors
the 2014 version of the NICE guideline offered implementation The 16 guidelines were assessed regarding all the criteria and
tools and resources to help users put the recommendations into sub-criteria proposed by the NAM for developing trustworthy
practice; hopefully this advancement will be adopted in future CPGs12. The evaluation was made by two assessors (SM and TL). DH
guidelines4. The current study offers a different view, as we based acted as moderator in case of disagreement between the assessors.
our strategy on examples of clinical scenarios in order to bring the
recommendations to the reality of clinical practice. Public involvement
The purposes of this exercise were: (i) to harmonize the recent Two people with knee OA from Australia were involved in giving
guidelines, searching for common ground among the recom- feedback throughout the process. They participated in the case
mended treatment options for OA and (ii) to develop user-friendly scenario formulation, algorithm construction and manuscript
management algorithms for common case scenarios as a method development. All comments were considered and incorporated.
to discuss, prioritise and put into a complex setting/context the The participants approved the final version of this manuscript and
different individual recommendations, aiming to facilitate the agreed with its content. All the communications were made via in
translation of evidence-based recommendations into practice. The person meeting or email.
target audience is professionals across countries involved with the
primary care of OA but also relevant to secondary care professionals. Systematic review update

The design of the systematic review was developed using the

Materials and methods guidelines of the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews
and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA). The PRISMA statement includes a 27-
To accomplish our research objectives we coordinated the ex- item checklist for use as a basis for reporting systematic reviews13.
ercise in five distinct phases: The methodology used here was consistent with the previous work
and is presented as supplementary material. A protocol was not
(1) Participants e invitation of health professionals in the field of registered for this review.
OA (OA panel and systematic review panel, described below) Our goal was to update the findings of a previous comprehen-
and two people living with symptoms of knee OA (public sive systematic review on CPGs for OA management. Our search
involvement); time frame was restricted to January 1st, 2013 to October 1st 2014
(2) Systematic review update e update of the appraisal of existing to overlap the search of this previous comprehensive review, which
guidelines8; investigated this topic from January 1st 2000 to April 1st 20138. We
(3) Trustworthy guidelines assessment e assessment of selected searched Medline and the Agency for Healthcare Research &
guidelines according to the standards for developing Quality (AHRQ) Guidelines Clearinghouse using the keywords
S.R.F. Meneses et al. / Osteoarthritis and Cartilage 24 (2016) 1487e1499 1489

“osteoarthritis and practice management”. Our search terms OA for feedback and their comments incorporated. DH resolved the
differed from the previous review in order to create a more sensi- discrepancies and the OA panel approved the final version.
tive search given the short time frame between reviews. The last step was the design elaboration. The arrangement of the
The overall quality of each included guideline was assessed algorithm was strategically created to facilitate clinical interpreta-
using the AGREE II instrument (Appraisal of Guidelines for Research tion. We organised the algorithm structuring the non-
and Evaluation, 2nd edition; Since the pharmacological and pharmacological interventions in parallel
methodological approach to the updates to previous guidelines did and surgical options at the bottom since optimal management for
not change, the scores from the previous versions were maintained. OA requires a combination of conservative non-drug and drug
treatments, with surgery reserved for severe clinical disease with
Trustworthy guidelines assessment structural changes17. The intention is to encourage clinicians to
offer first non-invasive interventions always cognisant of symptom
In March 2011, the NAM established standards for developing severity and the level of disability of the patient. Clinical practice
Trustworthy CPGs, in order to examine the quality and trustwor- varies but in general nonpharmacologic and pharmacologic options
thiness of CPGs and how they can be improved to enhance are used simultaneously14.
healthcare quality and patient outcomes12. The NAM standards
include eight criteria items: establishing transparency, manage- Results
ment of conflict of interest, guideline development group compo-
sition, clinical practice guidelineesystematic review intersection, Systematic review update
establishing evidence foundations for and rating strength of rec-
ommendations, articulation of recommendations, external review After duplicate citations were removed, we screened 101 unique
and updating. citations (n ¼ 84 Medline and n ¼ 17 AHRQ) along with the 16 ci-
The guidelines used in the updated systematic review were tations included from the previous review. Full-text review
assessed regarding all the criteria and sub-criteria. The evaluation occurred for 22 manuscripts. Reasons for exclusion of a guideline
was conducted by two assessors (SM and SL). In the first meeting, a after full-text review were: (1) not meeting inclusion criteria
table with the NAM standards and the electronic copy of the (guideline was not OA-specific [n ¼ 1]15 or (2) a guideline was
guidelines were provided. After both assessors independently outdated by a more recently available update or revised version
evaluated the compliance of all guidelines to NAM criteria and [n ¼ 5]16e20. After screening and full text review, we included a
completed the table, a second meeting was scheduled in order to total of 16 articles describing guidelines for OA management
verify disagreements. All conflicting answers were discussed until a (Fig. 1). The majority of the included articles were consistent with
consensus was reached between the two assessors. The remaining the previous review (n ¼ 15) with two updates (MQIC21 and NICE4),
conflicting answers were discussed with a moderator (DH) at a two revisions (EULAR Hip and Knee5 and OARSI Knee2) and one
third meeting in order to produce a final consensus. After this additionally identified guideline (Italian Society for Rheuma-
meeting, valid answers for trustworthy CPG were established. tology22). Five were from the United States1,3,21,23,24 one from
Canada25, eight from Europe4,5,22,26e30 one from Asia31, and one
multinational2. Most recommendations were directed toward
Case scenarios doctors and allied health professionals, and most had multi-
disciplinary input from general practitioners, rheumatologists, or-
The OA panel produced four case scenarios for the most affected thopaedic surgeons, and physiotherapists. Also, a few guidelines
joints: hand (1), knee (2) and hip OA (1). Aspects like symptoms, received feedback from patient representatives. The various
comorbidities and previous treatment response were included in grading scales used by the individual societies for their recom-
the scenario in order to be consistent with what occurs in clinical mendations are summarized in Table 1 (supplementary material).
practice. DH developed the first draft. All authors and the two
consumers with OA provided feedback through email over four Agree II
rounds and they discussed all issues until consensus was reached. Scaled AGREE II scores were derived from the two independent
DH produced the final version. reviewers' scores as a percentage of the maximum possible score.
The six domain scores are listed separately. The OARSI guidelines
Algorithms scored highest on the overall assessment (75%), followed by the
AAOS, ACR, MOVE, and NICE guidelines (all 67%). The highest
The algorithm development consisted of four steps. First, we domain scores were for scope and purpose (description of overall
only selected the recommendations that were consistent across the objectives, health questions covered, and target population) and
guidelines, in other words, we excluded controversial recommen- rigor of development (use of systematic methods, clear criteria for
dations (i.e., a recommendation advised by one guideline and study selection, strengths and limitations of evidence described,
advised against by another). To do this we extracted the results of methods of formulating recommendations described, risks and
the updated systematic review and created a list of homogeneous benefits considered, clear link between recommendation and
recommendations. supporting evidence, external review, and procedure for updates).
Second, with the recommendations’ list in hand we selected the The lowest domain scores were for applicability. This domain in-
appropriated treatment options for each scenario, considering the cludes items about facilitators and barriers to guideline use,
comorbidities and treatment contra-indications. practical advice regarding guideline implementation, resource
The third step was the review and feedback process through implications, and monitoring/auditing criteria, which were not
email, in which we collected and incorporated all suggestions of co- often included in the OA guidelines. Several guidelines also did
authors. The OA panel commented on the treatment options and not adequately discuss issues related to editorial independence.
structure of the algorithms. The group discussed all aspects of The summary of recommendations regarding non-
discordance until a consensus was reached, thus the algorithms pharmacological interventions can be found in the supplemen-
were developed using guideline consistency plus expert consensus. tary material as Table 2 (education and self-management), Table 3
The drafts of each algorithm were presented to the consumers with (exercise and weight loss), Table 4 (assistive devices), Table 5
1490 S.R.F. Meneses et al. / Osteoarthritis and Cartilage 24 (2016) 1487e1499

Fig. 1. Flow diagram for study inclusion.

(alternative and complementary modalities), Table 6 (surgical in- Most CPGs were based on systematic reviews, but did not inform
terventions) and Table 7 (pharmacological recommendations). whether the articles met the standards set by the NAM's Commit-
tee, and no guideline produced their own systematic review.
Trustworthy guidelines assessment Regarding the recommendations, most of the CPGs established
an evidence foundation, rated evidence strength and the majority
All CPGs detailed the development process; however, informa- articulated them in a standardized form. Only a few CPGs had an
tion regarding the funding source was missing from some. Ac- external and confidential review process and provided the oppor-
cording to NAM standards, the management of Conflicts of Interest tunity for the general public for comment on the draft version prior
(COI) needs to be performed prior to selection of the Guideline to final guideline release. The updating process was poorly docu-
Development Group (GDG), and whenever possible the GDG chair mented or not presented in the majority of CPGs. All guidelines
should not have a COI. However, there was only one guideline should document the proposed date and conditions for future re-
(AAOS) which completely followed these criteria. Other guidelines view, and regularly monitor the literature base to identify the
presented the authors' COI but included no information about emergence of new relevant evidence that could potentially affect
whether COI were declared prior to formation of the GDG. the validity of the CPG.
The GDGs were frequently composed of a multidisciplinary
group of experts; however, only a few included patient represen- Algorithm development
tatives or advocates in the development process. Strategies and
incentives to increase the effective participation of patient repre- The algorithm was developed for each case scenario consis-
sentatives were only used by two GDGs (OARSI and EULAR 2013). tent with the evidence from the consensus recommendations
S.R.F. Meneses et al. / Osteoarthritis and Cartilage 24 (2016) 1487e1499 1491

Case Scenario 1. Hand. An overweight sedentary 60 year old female with symptomatic hand OA presents to her primary care provider for treatment. She has a past history of upper
GI problems and depression. She has had pain in several finger joints including the base of thumb for several months. At this point she has not begun any formal medical treatment
for this problem but has tried heat and over the counter and topical NSAID treatments.
1492 S.R.F. Meneses et al. / Osteoarthritis and Cartilage 24 (2016) 1487e1499

Case Scenario 2. Hip. A 56 year old male with symptomatic hip OA presents to his primary care provider for treatment. He has angina currently well controlled on medication and
chronic kidney disease (GFR ~30 mls/minute). He is normal weight and experiences pain over the lateral aspect of his hip on movement with hip internal rotation limited to 5 with
pain. He has not experienced any benefit from intermittent dosing of over the counter (OTC) acetaminophen.
S.R.F. Meneses et al. / Osteoarthritis and Cartilage 24 (2016) 1487e1499 1493

Case Scenario 3. Knee 1. An obese 55 year old sedentary female with symptomatic knee OA presents to her primary care provider for treatment. She has depression, sleep apnoea
and hypertension currently well controlled on medication and has previously had a peptic ulcer. She experiences pain in and around one knee (including pain in PF joint) and has
not had an adequate response to either intermittent dosing of OTC acetaminophen, OTC NSAIDs, or OTC nutritional supplements (e.g., chondroitin sulfate, glucosamine). She has
involvement in both the medial tibiofemoral and patellofemoral compartments.
1494 S.R.F. Meneses et al. / Osteoarthritis and Cartilage 24 (2016) 1487e1499

Case Scenario 4. Knee 2. An overweight 48 year old male with symptomatic knee OA (and mild hip OA) presents to his primary care provider for treatment 15 years following a
lateral meniscectomy. He has no cardiovascular comorbidities but does have a history of prior peptic ulcer. He works in the building industry in a physically demanding role. He
experiences pain in and around the knee and has not had an adequate response to either intermittent dosing of OTC acetaminophen, NSAIDs, or nutritional supplements (e.g.,
chondroitin sulfate, glucosamine). Opioid drugs whilst helpful made him nauseated and drowsy. He has radiological involvement in the lateral tibiofemoral compartment and
marked quadriceps weakness.
S.R.F. Meneses et al. / Osteoarthritis and Cartilage 24 (2016) 1487e1499 1495

within the guidelines (Case scenario 1, 2, 3 and 4). In order to extrapolated the evidence from knee OA management. The
improve clarity for the general reader we provided the criteria reason for this is that guidelines related to hip OA are usually
for which we would make a diagnosis of OA. Therefore, for each produced in combination with knee OA and studies involving hip
case, we added the common signs and symptoms based on Map OA only are scarce.
of Medicine Healthguides32. We also included a warning box to
check for comorbidities with examples of the most frequent
conditions. Discussion
As suggested by the OA panel, the algorithm includes more
conservative or less costly treatment approaches prior to more The purpose of this exercise were: (i) to harmonize the recent
invasive, expensive or potentially harmful interventions, such as: guidelines, searching for common ground among the recom-
(A) Referral to physiotherapist or occupational therapist: the first mended treatment options for OA and (ii) to develop user-friendly
approach should be group activity/exercise programs available at management algorithms for common case scenarios as a method to
the patient's community or home exercise program and the referral discuss, prioritise and put into a complex setting/context the
criteria for therapy should be “if in the clinicians' judgment the different individual recommendations, aiming to facilitate the
patient is weak, stiff or has other functional deficits”. (B) Assistive translation of evidence-based recommendations into practice. We
devices and orthoses with the condition “if ADL is impaired”. (C) updated a systematic review and based on recent evidence-based
Braces and footwear/insoles only “if malalignment”. (D) Invasive recommendations we built an algorithm to address each case
interventions like intra-articular injections with the criteria “If not scenario.
effective (prior pharmacological treatment), consider referral to Regarding the trustworthy guidelines assessment, future CPGs
specialist for invasive treatment options”. (E) Opioid therapy, “if the should follow the standards proposed by the NAM in order to
patient has severe and disabling pain, consider opioid for short ensure the quality of the processes supporting development of
term use only and insist on non-pharmacological interventions” CPGs. Our analysis suggests that many guidelines still present a lack
and (F) Surgery “if disabling symptoms and if already exhausted all of transparency, particularly with regards to the management of
other options including pharmacological and non-pharmacological conflict of interest, external review process and information about
interventions”. planned future updates. It is important to note that all the guide-
For patients with concurrent conditions such as upper GI lines used in this paper were not specifically designed to achieve
problems, peptic ulcer and chronic kidney disease we excluded oral the NAM standards, thus we cannot apply to them the rigour of how
non selective nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID), except the criteria were addressed. The key message is to incentivize
in the case 1 where the patient has a past history of upper GI future guidelines to address these standards in order to improve
problems; for this case we consider NSAID or cyclooxygenase-2 quality and transparency.
inhibitors (COX-2), both added to a proton-pump inhibitors (PPI) In the updated systematic review, a limited number of addi-
for gastroprotection in case of failure of acetaminophen treatment. tional articles were identified to those included in the previous
For others, we recommended continued intermittent acetamino- review by Nelson and colleagues8. Two guidelines were updated,
phen and topical NSAIDs. Depending on effect and after consider- two reviewed and one new guideline introduced. Once again, it is
ation of potential for harm we recommended considering a evident that the majority of interventions are consistently recom-
COX2 þPPI for other cases where there is concern over GI toxicity. mended across guidelines, such as education, exercise, and weight
We excluded topical NSAID for the hip case since we believed the loss. Some were still conflicting like acupuncture, glucosamine/
drug is incapable of reaching the joint with therapeutic effect. We chondroitin supplementation and intra-articular hyaluronans. The
also excluded drugs previously used by patients that were not main reason highlighted in guidelines for disagreements is the lack
effective for them (e.g., In the hip-case 2 algorithm we excluded of efficacy of these interventions. The focus of guideline dissemi-
acetaminophen from the algorithm since the patient reported not nation should be for interventions where there is consistent strong
experiencing any benefit from intermittent dosing of over the and reliable clinical support. Our results are broadly consistent with
counter acetaminophen). recently published systematic appraisals of guidelines in the
Other important input from the panel was the suggestion, based literature33.
on clinical judgment, to include a post-operative physical therapy Due to their general consistency, most of the recommendations
program. This was not explicitly included in the guidelines but was can be applied in clinical practice. However, at present there is
considered essential by the panel, since the treatment and follow- insufficient uptake6,7. Consistent with this concern, our results
up of patients does not finish immediately after surgery. demonstrate that the lowest domain scores in the AGREE II were for
The guidelines recommended psychological interventions for applicability of guidelines. This domain includes important points
patients with hip and knee OA. We gave an example of an inter- like discussion of facilitators and barriers to application, provision
vention (cognitive behavioural therapy) and the specific purpose of advice for practical use, consideration of resource implications,
of this kind of intervention: “for assistance with pain coping or and monitoring/auditing criteria. Poor results in AGREE II were also
psychological symptoms if appropriate”. The recommendation shown in a 2014 systematic review of non-pharmacological man-
from guidelines “weight loss, if overweight” was slightly adapted agement of OA34. This lack of focus on the applicability of a CPG
and instead of referring to a dietician, we included instruction for seems contradictory to the primary purpose of the guideline in
the patient to join a weight loss program available in community, guiding and improving clinical practice. Fortunately, the most
since not all patients may have access to dieticians. This type of recent guidelines seem to better address the domains of the AGREE
program focuses on nutrition and physical activity education. The II8. With this in mind, this algorithm exercise is an example of
panel considered that some recommendations were not specific practical use of recommendations in common clinical scenarios to
and clear enough to be used in the algorithm, such as lifestyle facilitate the practical use of guidelines. In addition, the algorithms
changes, joint protection, and regular contact to promote self- establish some criteria to consider for the triage or judicious use of
care. some interventions. Future guidelines could use this methodology
It is worth noting that for the recommendations used during in order to facilitate the implementation of recommendations. It is
the construction of the algorithm for the hip case, we important to note that the AGREE scores reported are based upon
1496 S.R.F. Meneses et al. / Osteoarthritis and Cartilage 24 (2016) 1487e1499

the independent views of two reviewers and that others may have function regarding the replaced joint and other joints at risk”. We
differing opinions. believe this is a crucial step in the rehabilitation process and future
While people with severe OA symptoms may warrant a com- guidelines should pay more attention to it. Furthermore, we pro-
bination of treatment modalities, e.g., exercise, pharmacological vided in each algorithm a box with clinical signs and symptoms and
and potentially surgical interventions, people with mild to mod- another with comorbidities check-list. We expect with this to
erate OA symptoms should consider non pharmacologic manage- encourage clinicians to diagnose OA based on clinical findings
ment in the first instance35,36. Guidelines routinely advocate their rather than radiological and always consider the comorbidities that
use but studies suggest that their use in clinical practice is sub- the patient might have in order to carefully plan the treatment
optimal37. Our hope is that this study provides guidance on how to strategy.
extract the information present in guidelines in a logical manner There are some important limitations of this work that warrant
and consequently improve the management of patients with OA. mention. Firstly, these algorithms are the work of a select group of
The algorithm is also a visualization of what is often times overly health professional researchers and do not necessarily reflect the
comprehensive guidelines with extensive text that may limit opinions of the organizations that they come from, nor those of
interpretation and ready dissemination. others in the field of OA. Another limitation is that only one general
There is a great need for further work in the rational allocation practitioner was involved, whereas they are the primary end users.
of health resources which besides the clinical judgement must Whilst we appraised and disclosed conflicts of interest, indepen-
take into account health economic aspects. Therefore, it is dence from competing interests can never be guaranteed and this
important to establish the best way of combining the current paper should be appraised with that caveat in mind. In addition, not
evidence on the treatment of OA, facilitating this way the con- all contexts globally are consistent with regards to access to certain
struction of an efficient treatment plan and improving the cost- interventions, resource implications and barriers to care, so some of
effectiveness of these interventions. With this in mind, the Eu- the algorithms/interventions may not be optimal or applicable for
ropean Society for Clinical and Economic Aspects of Osteoporosis certain countries. Finally, only guidelines published in English were
and Osteoarthritis (ESCEO) group proposed a set of disease- reviewed, leading to a potential publication bias. We planned to
specific recommendations on the conduct and reporting of eco- update this paper in three years after it is published or when new
nomic evaluations in OA that could help the standardization and evidence suggests the need for modification of clinically important
comparability of studies that evaluate therapeutic strategies of OA recommendations.
in terms of costs and effectiveness38.
In this paper, we aimed to rationalise the recommended treat- Conclusion
ment options considering an ideal management. We are aware that
some options indicated are not available for the entire international In summary, the relative consensus within the guidelines sug-
population, however we considered it important to present what gests that rather than a lack of quality, there is a failure in the
would be the best treatment scenario for each case. We believe that application of the recommendations in clinical practice. The algo-
clinicians should opt for the non-pharmacological options prior to rithms proposed are examples of how to discuss, prioritise and put
the pharmacological pathway; however we know that in the clin- into a complex setting/context the different individual recom-
ical practice this is not the reality. Thus, we chose to organise both mendations, aiming to facilitate the translation of evidence-based
treatments in parallel but here we state this hierarchy would recommendations into practice.
represent a better sequence.
In addition, it is important to note that some interventions must
be better studied in order to reduce the number of contradictory Contributions
and inconclusive recommendations among the guidelines. As
example, for the hand OA case, due to inconsistency within the All authors have made substantial contributions to: (1) the
guidelines we did not recommend acetaminophen and intra- conception and design of the study, or acquisition of data, or
articular corticosteroid injections. In our case, we solved the con- analysis and interpretation of data; (2) drafting the article or
flicts with help of the OA panel. A recent systematic review and revising it critically for important intellectual content and; (3) final
meta-analysis39 showed that paracetamol provides minimal short approval of the version submitted.
term benefit for people with OA. Thus, we decided to offer it as one
of the last options on the algorithms. Future guidelines should Competing interest
include this important finding since paracetamol is often the first All the conflicts of interest are declared in the Appendix 1.
option among the pharmacological options.
Another significant point is that we lack full understanding of Role of the funding source
who will get the most benefit and least harm for each treatment. On This study was not funded.
the algorithms we intentionally left the surgical options at the end
with a warning that all the other options must be already exhausted
before offering the option of surgery. The reason for this is that in Acknowledgements
spite of universal recommendations for total joint replacement
(TJR) in severe cases of OA unresponsive to other therapies, there is We acknowledge the people with OA involved in this study
insufficient high-quality evidence to support (or quantify) its (Anne Ashford and Yarie Nikolic) for their time and feedback
benefit over the other treatments and there are certainly associated provided.
adverse events.
Information that is not presented in any guideline is the follow- Supplementary data
up period after a joint replacement. We considered it relevant to
include this step in all algorithms as: “individualised exercise Supplementary data related to this article can be found at http://
program aiming for personalized goals for strength, ROM and
S.R.F. Meneses et al. / Osteoarthritis and Cartilage 24 (2016) 1487e1499 1497

Appendix 1. Panel members and their conflicts of interest

Expert Panel

Name Expertise Location Conflict of interest

Kim L Bennell Physiotherapist Australia - Received royalties from an Osteoarthritis Shoe (ASICS Pty Ltd) and payment from Physitrack
for endorsement of an on line exercise programming system.
- Received grants from the National Health and Medical Research Council, the Australian
Research Council and the Medibank Health Foundation.
- Holds a Fellowship from the National Health and Medical Research Council
Philip G Conaghan NICE Guidelines lead England - The author has been on advisory boards or attended speaker meetings for Abbvie, BMS,
author, rheumatologist Janssen, Merck, Roche, Novartis and UCB on the topics of inflammatory arthritis. The author
also declared that based on his knowledge only Merck has an OA product on the UK market
and his work for them involved an epidemiological study of treatments for OA and was not
related in any way to Merck's product.
Linda Fernandes EULAR Guidelines lead Denmark - The author declared that she was a co-funder (2012) of a small company developing a mobile
author, Physiotherapist exercise application (Ther-ex) to inspire people with OA to a more physically active lifestyle.
The app is available on the App Store and Google Play in Denmark and Sweden at the cost of 3
euros to fund the cost of development.
Marc C Hochberg ACR Guidelines lead USA - The author declared that during the past 12 months, he has served as a consultant to
author, rheumatologist Bioiberica S.A., Eli Lilly, EMD Serono S.A., Iroko Pharmaceutical Co., Moebius Medical Co.,
Novartis Pharma A.G., Pfizer Inc., Samumed LLC, and Theralogix LLC.
- The author also declared that during the past 12 months, he has served on committees of the
European Society for Clinical and Economic Outcomes in Osteoarthritis and Osteoporosis
(ESCEO) that have published recommendations on the management of knee OA (Bruyere O et
al.: Semin Arthritis Rheum. 2014; 44(3):253-63).
David J Hunter Rheumatologist Australia - The author declared that he received royalty payments from DJO for a patellofemoral brace
and funding from Flexion Therapeutics, NESTLE for conducting research.
- The author participated as expert/co-author in most recent OARSI version of OA guidelines.
Stefan Lohmander Orthopaedic surgeon Sweden - The author declared that received honorarium for consultations on early phase development
of novel drugs for OA from Abbvie, Flexion, Galapagos, Medivir and Teijin. Each less than
- The author participated as expert/co-author in most recent OARSI version of OA guidelines.
Editor-in-chief of Osteoarthritis and Cartilage.
Timothy E McAlindon OARSI guidelines lead USA - The author is a consultant for Flexion Therapeutics, Sanofi, Abbvie, McNeil, Samumed,
author, rheumatologist Bioventus, Fidia and receives lecture fees from BioIberica.
- The author declared being a board member of OARSI and chair of OARSI guideline
development group.
- The author also declared having clinical trial contract and/or research involvement with NIH/
NIAMS, AHRQ, Allergan, Abbvie, Samumed, Sanofi, Fidia, NCCAM/NIH, Novartis and Human
Genome Sciences.
Martin Underwood General Practitioner Canada - The author has received travel expenses, accommodation costs and waiver of conference fees
from OARSI to allow him to attend guideline development group meetings.
- His employers receive a fee from NICE for his chairing of the NICE accreditation advisory
committee and they have received income for author's time as a co-applicant for a project
on the use of acupuncture for OA knee.
- The author was a member of the group that developed the OARSI guidelines. He has chaired
guideline development groups for NICE (back pain and headaches) that have made positive
recommendations for acupuncture. He has been involved in research funded by UK National
Institute of Health Research (NIHR) on acupuncture for knee pain. He chairs the NICE
accreditation advisory committee. He was a member of the NICE, 2008, OA guideline
development group. He was a co-applicant on a, subsequently rejected, proposal being
considered for funding by NIHR on the use of chondroitin for hand OA at the time this work
was done.
Jianhao Lin Orthopaedic surgeon China None

Authors of both the Expert Panel and the Systematic Review Panel

Adam Goode Physiotherapist USA None

Amanda Nelson Rheumatologist USA - The author receives book royalties from Health Press Ltd (for Fast Facts: Osteoarthritis).
- She receives research grant from NIAMS and is member of the Editorial Board of Osteoarthritis
and Cartilage.
Joanne Jordan Rheumatologist USA Consultant for ProActiva, Samumed, Algynomics, Abbvie, Flexion; Research support from
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and National Institute of Arthritis, Musculoskeletal
and Skin Diseases; Deputy Editor for Clinical Science for Osteoarthritis and Cartilage; Board of
Directors of American College of Rheumatology
Kelli Allen Health Services USA Editorial Board for Osteoarthritis and Cartilage
Research, Exercise and
Sport Science
Yvonne Golightly Physiotherapist USA Editorial Board for Osteoarthritis and Cartilage

Trustworthy Guidelines Assessors

Name Formation Conflict of Interest

Sichang Liu Medical student None

Sarah Meneses Physiotherapist, PhD student None

People with OA

Anne Ashford
Yarie Nikolic
1498 S.R.F. Meneses et al. / Osteoarthritis and Cartilage 24 (2016) 1487e1499

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