Gas Turbine Training
Gas Turbine Training
Gas Turbine Training
Wolfgang Sanz
Institute for Thermal Turbomachinery and Machine Dynamics
Graz University of Technology
Basic Principle
Jet engine
to generator
Jet engine
Stationary Gas Turbine
Silo-type combustion chamber
Aero Engine
Twin-spool and Triple-spool design
Source: Alstom
T-s diagram of gas turbine process
Development of peak temperature
Thermal barrier
Development of turbine
Effusion cooling
inlet temperauture
Convection cooling
Convection Convection
cooling cooling
Film cooling Film cooling
Effusion cooling
Convection Outer porous
cooling layer
Detail of effusion
Turbine blade cooling
Overheated Turbine Blades
Source: Werner Stamm, Siemens PG, Turbinenschaufeln mit Keramikbeschichtung, Technik in Bayern, Sept, Okt.2006, S. 12-13
Optimisation by controlled solidification
Quelle: Cerjak
Gas turbine cycle options
Reheat Intercooler
Intercooled recuperated gas turbine
3 'p 2
2 4 4
Turbine exit temperature Turbine exit temperature
above compressor 1 below compressor
exit temperature exit temperature
s s
Small pressure ratio: Large pressure ratio:
Regeneration possible Regeneration not possible
Intercooled gas turbine
Gas Turbines
Steam Injected Gas Turbine (STIG)
STIG cycle takes waste heat from the gas turbine, converts water into
steam and then injects this steam into the gas turbine (water treatment)
Steam Injected Gas Turbine (STIG)
• Steam/air flow ratio up to 0.2
• Power can be nearly doubled
• Efficiency increase by 15% - points
• NOx emissions are reduced by up to 80%
• Less investment costs than CC plant
• Suitable for small power output ( - 100 MW)
• High efforts for water treatment
• 5 – 10 % steam flow allowed for many models without adaptations
A Study of Humidified Gas
Turbines for Short-Term
Michael A. Bartlett
Realization in Midsized Power
Mats O. Westermark Generation—Part I:
Department of Chemical Engineering and
Technology/Energy Processes,
Nonintercooled Cycle Analysis
The Royal Institute of Technology,
SE-100 44 Stockholm, Sweden Humidified Gas Turbine (HGT) cycles are a group of advanced gas turbine cycles that use
water-air mixtures as the working media. In this article, three known HGT configurations
are examined in the context of short-term realization for small to midsized power genera-
tion: the Steam Injected Gas Turbine, the Full-flow Evaporative Gas Turbine, and the
Part-flow Evaporative Gas Turbine. The heat recovery characteristics and performance
potential of these three cycles are assessed, with and without intercooling, and a prelimi-
nary economic analysis is carried out for the most promising cycles.
关DOI: 10.1115/1.1788683兴
Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power JANUARY 2005, Vol. 127 Õ 91
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Fig. 1 Cycle layout of the nonintercooled HGT concepts to be studied
heating applications, while Bartlett et al. 关29兴 examined cofired a thermodynamic analysis of intercooled HGT cycles 共HGT-IC兲
humidified cycles, also in district heating applications. Simonsson and an economic comparison of the alternatives 关36兴.
et al. 关30兴 presented an analysis of EvGT cycles for industrial
cogeneration using waste heat sources.
One important concept to arise from the EvGT project is the Outline of the HGT Cycles for Analysis
part-flow EvGT cycle 共PEvGT兲, whereby only a fraction of the The STIG Cycle. In the STIG cycle, shown in Fig. 1共a兲,
compressor air is used in the humidification tower. Westermark steam is raised in a heat recovery steam generator 共HRSG兲 and
patented the concept 关31兴 and Ågren 关2兴 first introduced it to the then injected into the working fluid after the compressor. Feed
literature. The authors studied this configuration with varying water preheating occurs in an economizer 共B-ECO兲, evaporation
part-flow ratios for an industrial and an aeroderivative core engine in a boiler 共BOIL兲, and high temperature heat recovery in a su-
and found that the optimal part-flow lies within the range 10–30% perheater 共B-SH兲. Water vapor in the flue gas can be recovered in
关2兴. These studies, however, should be extended to a general ther- a flue gas condenser 共FGC兲, then treated and recycled to the
modynamic and economic comparison with competing HGT con- HRSG, making the cycle water self-sufficient. As the boiler is
cepts in power generation.
This two-paper series aims to identify the short-term thermody-
namic and economic potential of HGT cycles with newly designed
gas turbine machinery under 80 MWe. An analysis is presented of
three HGT concepts—the steam-injected cycle, the full-flow
EvGT 共FEvGT兲 cycle, and the PEvGT cycle—with and without
intercooling. Favorable conditions for the different HGT concepts
and configurations are identified and promising cycles are ex-
tracted for economic analysis. This paper, Part I, presents the
background to the modeling and a thermodynamic analysis of the
nonintercooled cycles, while the following paper, Part II, presents
Downloaded 22 Apr 2009 to Redistribution subject to ASME license or copyright; see
Table 2 Pressure losses in the different HGT cycles
recuperator ⌬ P⫽6% 关32兴.
a steam ejector is used to overcome the pressure loss in the humidification circuit.
5 bar overpressure is used to compensate for steam circuit pressure losses and the
Applicable Modeling
Area Item cycle characteristic Value
Boiler B-ECO STIG, Outlet sub 10K
circuit PEvGT cooling
BOIL STIG, Pinch at drum 15K
B-SH STIG, Effectiveness 85%
The effectiveness quoted is the enthalpy effectiveness. This expresses the heat trans-
ferred as a percentage of complete, ideal heat exchange.
Parameter Values
CDP Compressor discharge 20, 25, 30, 35
pressure 共bar兲
TIT Firing temperature 共°C兲 1200, 1350, 1500
Fig. 4 FEvGT cycle used for the CoE analysis in Part II
Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power JANUARY 2005, Vol. 127 Õ 93
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Fig. 6 Comparison of the performance maps of the air-cooled
„ac… and steam cooled „sc… STIG cycle
Downloaded 22 Apr 2009 to Redistribution subject to ASME license or copyright; see
first with a recuperator and two-stage humidifier but no boiler, and
second with a recuperator, humidifier and boiler 关2兴. However, we
have chosen to study the concept in Fig. 1共b兲 due to its simplicity.
As an improvement over past configurations, we suggest using a
steam ejector instead of a booster fan to overcome the pressure
drop caused by the humidification process and heat exchangers.
冉冉 冊 冊
tion as rotor cooling flows are usually less than nozzle flows.
冉 冊
T g ⫺T metal 1.1
Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power JANUARY 2005, Vol. 127 Õ 95
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HT, aftercooler 共AC兲, humidification circuit economizer 共H-ECO兲, which in turn have a critical consequence on the choice of turbine
and feed water preheater 共H-FWPH兲. An intercooler is also in- cooling media. In the STIG cycle, steam cooling is used to re-
cluded in paper II. cover more low temperature heat. By decreasing the amount of
Table 2 shows the pressure drops resulting from the heat recov- steam for superheating, the amount of water that may be boiled
ery systems, while Table 3 shows the performance characteristics and preheated is increased. For example, switching to steam cool-
of these items. The water flows through the AC, intercooler 共IC兲, ing for the STIG cycle in Fig. 5共a兲 decreased the flue gas exit
and H-ECO were adjusted such that the water outlet temperature temperature from 167 to 150°C. The effect of this on the STIG
was 10 K subcooled compared to the humidification tower performance is significant, as shown in Fig. 6. In the evaporative
pressure. cycles, the humidification tower already allows the recovery of
practically all the useful heat contained in the exhaust. Conse-
Humidification Model. While GATECYCLE contains a humidi-
quently, switching to direct steam- or humid air-cooling will not
fication tower model, which satisfactorily performs overall energy
lower the flue gas temperature further, nor benefit the cycle effi-
and mass balances, it does not check the internal conditions of the
ciency greatly. Hence direct air-cooling was chosen for the evapo-
tower packing. Therefore, the model may converge on inoperable
rative cycles and direct steam-cooling was chosen for the STIG
conditions where a point in the packing actually contravenes equi-
librium. As such an in-house humidification tower model is inte-
The recovery of low temperature heat in the humidifier affords
grated into the cycle calculations through a link with MS Excel
for performance and dimensioning. The model is based on the PEvGT cycle 1.9% points more efficiency than the STIG cycle
working-line theory common in unit operations 关33,34兴 and uses a at an increased power density. The FEvGT cycle, however, only
humid air properties model that account for nonideal mixing ef- gains 0.8% points due to the pressure and temperature loss 共the
fects 关35兴. Importantly, the model has been experimentally veri- humid air enters the combustor colder than the compressor air兲
fied for use with packed-bed and tubular humidifiers 关26兴. A de- associated with the humidification process.
scription of this model can be found in Ågren 关2兴 and Dalili and The Performance Maps. Figures 7–9 present the perfor-
Westermark 关26兴. mance maps of the nonintercooled HGT cycles. As with all per-
formance maps presented in this article, they show the power
Parameter Study output versus the electrical efficiency of the cycle. The specific
Currently, there is a push for higher working pressures and power output (kJ/kgia) is gained by multiplying the power output
firing temperatures for industrial midsized gas turbines. The pa- value (MWe) by 20 共constant intake air flow for all cycles兲. The
rameters for this study are chosen to reflect these trends and are isobars 关constant compressor discharge pressure 共CDP兲兴 and iso-
presented in Table 4. It was deemed infeasible to increase the therms 共constant firing temperature兲 outline an area in the map for
working pressure beyond 35 bar without intercooling. each type of cycle. Only the optimal PEvGT cycles are consid-
The optimal part-flow ratio in the PEvGT cycle will also vary ered, see the next section for details on this choice. It is useful to
with each core engine parameter. Ågren 关2兴 showed that the prob- keep in mind the example composite curves in Fig. 5 when inter-
able optimum lies at lower part-flow ratios. Therefore, the part- preting these maps.
flow ratio 共兲 in the PEvGT cycle is varied from 5– 40%. Note In Fig. 7, the STIG cycle exhibits substantial increases in both
that is defined as the mass fraction of compressor intake air that specific power and efficiency with an increasing firing tempera-
is lead to humidification circuit. ture. Increases in the turbine inlet temperature 共TIT兲 imply a
higher turbine outlet temperature 共TOT兲, which allows more flue
Results and Discussion gas heat to be recovered by the single-pressure HRSG. Hence,
This section examines and compares the performance of the more steam expands in the turbine and therefore the efficiency and
nonintercooled HGT cycles. The results for the intercooled HGT specific power output increase. Increases in the compressor dis-
cycles and a final economic analysis may be found in paper II. charge pressure also lead to higher efficiencies, but with falling
specific power outputs. The higher efficiencies are attributable to
Heat Recovery Comparison. Before analyzing the response more work being extracted from the steam when at higher work-
of the HGT cycles to changes in pressure and the firing tempera- ing pressures. However, because the TOT sinks with increases in
ture, it is important to appreciate the nature of each cycle’s heat the pressure, steam generation falls, and an efficiency maximum is
recovery system. Figure 5 presents composite curves produced therefore found on the isotherms 共constant TIT and increasing
from the simulations at 30 bar and a combustor outlet of 1350°C. CDP兲.
These curves show the amount and nature of the heat transferred The PEvGT area can be considered a projection of the STIG
in the cycle, including the aftercooler and flue gas. Composite area into a smaller region at higher electrical efficiencies 共see Fig.
curves are obtained through adding the m•cp values of all the heat 7兲. This projection is especially marked when there are significant
sources or heat sinks for a temperature region, respectively, and amounts of heat left by the HRSG that the humidification tower in
multiplying the sum by the temperature change in that region. the PEvGT can utilize, i.e., at low turbine outlet temperatures. As
Examining the three diagrams, it is clear that the FEvGT trans- the PEvGT can utilize low temperature heat, the efficiency
fers the most heat between the streams 共50 MW兲, nearly twice the maxima on the isotherms lie at much higher pressures than the
amount of the STIG cycle 共27 MW兲 and 35% more than the STIG cycle because water vapor generation does not decrease as
PEvGT 共37 MW兲. This reflects the extra heat transfer required in markedly with increases in the CDP. Compared to the STIG cycle,
the FEvGT’s humidification circuit to cool and heat the entire the specific power increases with an increased TIT are more mod-
airflow from the compressor in the aftercooler and recuperator. As erate. The higher temperature of the turbine outlet, which follows
the PEvGT passes only a fraction of the compressed air through a higher TIT, is mainly utilized for increased superheating and
the HC, it requires less heat transfer for this purpose. The STIG efficiency gains in the PEvGT rather than water vapor generation
cycle has no humidification circuit. Importantly, the FEvGT cycle and power gains, as in the STIG cycle. Furthermore, steam cool-
共16.6 MW兲 has seven times as much gas-gas heat transfer as the ing gives the STIG cycle an advantage in specific power 共see
STIG 共2.4 MW兲 and double that of the PEvGT 共8.3 MW兲. There- Fig. 6兲.
fore, due to the amount of heat exchange in the FEvGT and the The FEvGT area, Fig. 8, resides mostly within the PEvGT area
domination of gas-gas heat transfer therein, the FEvGT will re- and is a twisting, narrow, and steep surface. The isotherms show
quire considerably more heat exchange area than either the STIG that the FEvGT efficiency only improves with pressure increases
or the PEvGT. when the TIT is high. This is because a positive difference is
It is important to note the different strategies to utilize low required between the turbine outlet and compressor outlet tem-
temperature heat in the different HGT cycles. It is these strategies peratures for the recuperator to contribute positively to the effi-
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ciency. This factor is also reflected in the marked efficiency in- cycle. Hence the pressure drops and pinch points were chosen
crease along the isobars with an increasing TIT, which increases such that the HGT cycles’ performances are not overstated nor the
the TOT and hence the recuperator’s impact. Unlike both the heat exchange size and costs ignored. Table 5 presents a study of
STIG and PEvGT cycles, the specific power of the FEvGT in- the potential of the HGT cycles when these two parameters are
creases with the CDP, albeit marginally. This is attributable to the lowered. For the case of low approach temperature differences,
balance between the humidifier and recuperator. As the working ‘‘low ⌬t’’, water–gas heat exchangers have an approach ⌬t of 5
pressure increases, the TOT decreases while the temperature out K, the boiler drum pinch point is reduced to 5 K, the recuperator
of the humidifier increases. Hence the recuperator recovers pro- effectiveness is raised to 95%, and the effectiveness of the super-
portionately less flue gas heat at higher CDPs, allowing more heaters are raised to 90%. In the case ‘‘low HC ⌬p,’’ the pressure
humidification and therefore an increased power output. From Fig. drop associated with the humidification circuit is halved. Simi-
8, we can conclude the FEvGT has a lower efficiency than the larly, the flue gas pressure drop in the heat exchangers is halved in
PEvGT at CDPs over 25 bar and only a marginally better effi- the case ‘‘low flue gas ⌬p.’’
ciency at a lower power output at lower CDPs. Table 5 shows that the FEvGT benefits the most from all mea-
sures. This demonstrates that the FEvGT is the most sensitive
Optimizing the PEvGT Cycle. Figure 9 shows the perfor- HGT cycle to changes in approach temperatures and pressure
mance map of the PEvGT cycles 共nonintercooled兲 at a constant drops. Therefore the FEvGT is more exposed to technology levels
firing temperature of 1350°C with varying pressures and part flow than the other cycles. A significant portion of the 0.75-point in-
ratios. The trends are similar for the different firing temperatures crease that occurs when improving the FEvGT’s approach tem-
studied. The stars represent the optimal part flow ratios chosen for peratures comes from the improved recuperator performance.
use in the performance maps presented in Figs. 7 and 8. Similarly, the recuperator contributes to most of the pressure drop
It can be seen in Fig. 9 that at higher pressures 共30–35 bar兲 an penalties in the flue gas and humidification circuit. Therefore, the
efficiency maximum exists, whereas a power maximum is found recuperator is essentially the determining factor of the competi-
at lower pressures 共20 bar兲. The characteristic of the part-flow tiveness of the FEvGT.
curve is found to be dependent on two factors: the TOT and It is important to stress that the potential of the HGT cycles
the temperature difference between the turbine and compressor cannot be found by adding the three end columns in Table 5. If the
outlets. approach temperatures are reduced, then heat exchange area will
At a higher working pressure, the TOT encountered is low and increase and the pressure drop will also rise. Thus, in reality, any
colder than the compressor outlet temperature. The low TOT approach temperature changes will be partly counteracted by in-
means large amounts of heat cannot be recovered by the high- creased heat exchange pressure drop penalties.
pressure HRSG boiler and should be adsorbed by the H-ECO. As
more air is passed through the humidification tower, the water
outlet temperature is lowered and more heat is recovered from the Conclusions
flue gas, hence improving the efficiency and power output. How- In part I of this two-paper series, nonintercooled HGT cycles
ever, as the turbine outlet is colder than the compressor outlet, the were examined for use in midsized power applications. The heat
air sent to the humidifier will never recover its original tempera- recovery characteristics of the STIG, FEvGT, and PEvGT cycles
ture level, costing the cycle fuel and efficiency. The balance be- were analyzed using composite curves. Furthermore, the cycles’
tween these two factors will create an efficiency maximum, as performances were mapped across a range of pressures and firing
seen for the 30- and 35-bar PEvGT cases in Fig. 9. While extra temperatures, with the PEvGT also examined with differing part
power may be gained at values higher than the maximum, the flow ratios. The following points may be concluded.
gains become smaller while the heat exchanger area and thus costs • The full-flow EvGT 共FEvGT兲 cycle is unsuitable for noninter-
increase linearly with . A detailed economic study is required to cooled cycles. Much larger quantities of heat are transferred in the
find the optimal part-flow rate; however, in this article the maxi- FEvGT cycle than the other HGT cycles, especially in gas–gas
mum efficiency is chosen for further evaluation. Jonsson and Yan heat exchangers. This fact points to higher costs. Furthermore, the
关28兴 carried out a detailed economic analysis of part-flows for performance of the FEvGT cycle was found to be only moderate,
three different core engines. with the part-flow EvGT cycle superior to the FEvGT for most
At low pressures, high TOTs and low COTs are found. In this relevant working pressure and firing temperature combinations.
case, the HRSG is well suited to the flue gas and little heat is left • The STIG cycle shows good potential, with the lowest amount
for the humidification tower. Therefore only a small part-flow per- of heat transfer of the HGT cycles and very low amounts of gas–
centage is needed to complete the heat recovery. Leading more air gas exchange; thus promising low heat exchange costs. The effi-
than this amount through the HC serves only to shift heat away ciency of the STIG cycle was not significantly lower than the
from the HRSG to the H-SH, thus increasing sensible heat recov- other cycles, especially at high firing temperatures and working
ery and decreasing the humidity. As the power output is heavily pressures.
dependent on the humidity, there is accordingly a power maxi- • Steam cooling the turbine, rather than using air cooling, sig-
mum at low to moderate part-flow ratios, illustrated by the 20-bar nificantly benefits the STIG cycle by allowing more boiling and
PEvGT case. Higher values may deliver higher efficiencies, but low-temperature heat recovery from the flue gas. The efficiency of
again the heat exchange area and hence costs also increase. Hence the other cycles showed a lower dependency on the cooling media
the power maximum is chosen for evaluation in this study. as the humidification tower already allows them to recover low-
At moderate pressures 共25 bar兲 both of the above effects are temperature heat.
present. The turbine outlet temperature is low, but still slightly • The part-flow EvGT 共PEvGT兲 cycle is the most promising
warmer than the compressor outlet. Hence sending more air HGT cycle for nonintercooled core engines. Higher efficiencies
through the humidification circuit in general, and the H-SH in than the other cycles are obtained, especially at moderate to high
particular, increases the efficiency weakly. Moreover, the HRSG pressures, and good power densities. The total amount of heat
also leaves significant amounts of heat available for the humidifier transfer is kept 35% lower than the FEvGT, with gas–gas transfer
that is more effectively accessed with high , due to a lower water 50% lower. The optimal part-flow ratio is dependent on the rela-
temperature from the HT. Thus both the power output and the tionship between the compressor and turbine outlet temperatures,
efficiency increase quickly with the part-flow ratio to an efficiency but was found to always be under 30%.
maximum at 30%, after which the gains are marginal. • HGT cycles are quite sensitive to how the heat exchange
network is modeled, i.e., choices of approach temperatures and
Sensitivity Analysis. The parameters used in this study were pressure drops. The FEvGT is especially sensitive and thus most
chosen to conservatively model a feasible mid-sized gas turbine dependent on component technology levels.
Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power JANUARY 2005, Vol. 127 Õ 97
Downloaded 22 Apr 2009 to Redistribution subject to ASME license or copyright; see
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Subscripts. 关28兴 Jonsson, M., and Yan, J., 2003, ‘‘Economic Assessment of Evaporative Gas
ad ⫽ adiabatic Turbine Cycles With Optimized Part Flow Humidification,’’ ASME Paper No.
i.a. ⫽ intake air 关29兴 Bartlett, M. A., Wikman, K., Holmgren, K., and Westermark, M., 2002, ‘‘Ef-
fective Waste Utilisation in Hybrid Cycles for CHP Applications—A Cycle
and System Study,’’ Proc. ECOS 2002, Vol. II, pp. 804 – 813.
References 关30兴 Simmonsson, N., Anheden, M., Eidensten L., and Tollin, J., 2002, ‘‘Evapora-
关1兴 Rao, A. D., and Joiner, J. R., 1990, ‘‘A Technical and Economic Evaluation of tive Gas Turbines—Humidified Air Gives Flexible Power for the Future,’’
the Humid Air Turbine Cycle,’’ Proc. 7th Annual International Pittsburgh Coal Proc. POWERGEN 2002, Milan, Italy.
Conference, September 10–14. 关31兴 Westermark, M., 1996, ‘‘Method and Device for Generation of Mechanical
关2兴 Ågren, N. D., 2000, ‘‘Advanced Gas Turbine Cycles With Water-Air Mixtures Work and, if Desired, Heat in an Evaporative Gas Turbine Process,’’ Interna-
as Working Fluid,’’ Ph.D. thesis, Royal Institute of Technology, Dept of tional Patent Application No. PCT/SE96/00936.
Chemical Engineering/Energy Processes, Stockholm, Sweden, ISSN 1104- 关32兴 Utriainen, E., 2001, ‘‘Investigation of Some Heat Transfer Surfaces for Gas
3266 ISRN KTH/KET/R—120—SE. Turbine Recuperators,’’ Ph.D. thesis, Lund University, Dept. of Heat and
关3兴 Lindquist, T., 2002, ‘‘Evaluation, Experience and Potential of Gas Turbine Power Engineering, Lund, Sweden. ISBN 91-7874-118-1.
Downloaded 22 Apr 2009 to Redistribution subject to ASME license or copyright; see
Environmental Influence
• Air temperature and altitude have a strong influence on the power
produced and on efficiency (influence on density)
• Small effect also of humidity
Gas Turbine Inlet Cooling
Scope, cost and performance for new
and retrofit power plant projects
Turbine inlet cooling has reduction in plant heat rate Fig. 1. Ballpark estimates of TIC system costs for an
always been prized for its (Btu/kWh), and associated F-Class combined cycle plant
ing can boost power output and compressor cooling 40°F 60 80 100
LTSA fixed
Combined cycle cost 20-yr capital recovery
O&M cost $1.94 $33.58
includes an annual fixed no interest charge
20-yr capital recovery
long term service fee of $12.63
no interest charge
$20 per ton ($110,000) for 207FA combined LM6000PC
the chiller plus an off-peak cycle peaker Sprint peaker
For new projects, the eco- They are intended to
0.29 CO
nomic benefit of inlet cool- provide a generic grasp of
0.2 0.19 lb
ing is that the $/kW cost for commonly applied cooling 0.01 HC
the increase in capacity is technologies and should
usually well below the $/ be treated accordingly 0.1 0.13 CO
kW capital cost of the plant rather than be accepted as 0.10 NOx
0.05 NOx
on its own. gospel or case history. 0.0
207FA peaking LM6000PC Sprint
combined cycle simple cycle peaker
When retrofitted to existing For preliminary planning
Source: TICA White Paper, November 2009
plant installations, espe- purposes or questions
cially combined cycles, about performance, the
Nominal 530 MW 207FA combined cycle
the added capacity can be major TIC system suppliers
enough to eliminate the are always the best source
peaking plant, with inlet cooling, will produce
need for new generating for information directly less than half the regulated criteria pollutants
capacity. related to your project (0.19 lb/MWh) of an inlet cooled simple cycle
interests. LM6000PC Sprint peaking plant (0.42 lb/MWh).
40 8500
Reference material
We want to thank the industry suppliers and cooling 8100
Heat Rate
system project engineers who contributed to this refer-
30 7800
ence piece. For more information about the impact of
15°F 30°F 45°F 60°F 75°F 90°F
power augmentation on reducing carbon footprint, we
refer you to a White Paper published by the Turbine Source: Gas Turbine World, Nov.-Dec. 2008
Inlet Cooling Association entitled Turbine Inlet Cool-
ing: An Energy Solution That’s Better for the Environ- With water spray intercooling, power output
ment, Ratepayers and Plant Owners, dated November
can be increased from its 52 MW ISO design
24, 2009 You can reach the TIC Association online at
rating to a maximum 58 MW winter output from
below zero to around 70F.
Industrial gas turbines are robust, need less maintainance, but have - in
general - lower efficiency
• Heavy and robust design
Heavy Duty vs. Aeroderivative
Aeroderivative FT8
JT8D by Pratt & Whitney (USA): 14 000 engines, 25 MW, high efficiency
Modifications to the
gas generator:
- fan removed
- compressor casing
- one turbine stage
Power turbine
Gas generator (3000 rpm)
201 7 Simple Cycle Genset Prices
Estimated equipment-only budget price for
standard OEM bare bones design
How much does a simple cycle gas engineering. construction. project- Equipment scope. Limited to mini—
turbine packaged plant cost"? All de- specific options or owner's project mum seope of supply for an opera-
pends on the unit size and scope of costs. tional plant package built around a
equipment supply. Except for some individual cases. gas turbine engine. generator. associ-
{'iTW‘s database covers a wide where new information from the mar— ated mechanical and electrical auxil-
range of unit sire and technology. and ketplace has indicated otherwise. this iary systems. Scope includes:
shotvs that price (S) and unit price year's estimated gas turbine equip-
[55 per kW]. depend strongly on tmil ment prices reflect a slight dtnvnward I Gas turbine. Skid-mounted gas
sire and type of gas turbine {aero vs trend cotnpared to prior years. turbine engine. starting motor. reduc-
frame}. This lollows the general movement tion gearbox [if any]. lube oil and
GTW's simple cycle plant prices of the appropriate industrial price hydraulic fluid systems. compressor
are based on standard bare bones sitt- indiees over the past two years {see water wash. fuel forwarding and con—-
glc-fuel [gas only) packaged units. A w w. i h s . com i n fol-"ce ra i h s i n -
h It ps : tM-' trol. extenial turbine cooling [ifany].
myriad of add-on options and custom- dexes.-"). interconnecting piping.
ized design features are provided by The impact of the stronger US do]-
the (JEMs at additional cost. lar relative to other major interna- o Generator. Standard air-cooled
The prices are quoted in [LS dol- tional currencies this past year has generator package; hydrogen or en—
lars. FOB factory. for single-unit pur- also put downward pressure on price closed water-air cooling {"l'E‘vl-itr'tt‘l
chases. They are for equipment only. levels (in USS) for equipment manu- usually offered as options for larger
and do not cover transportt-ttion. plant factured in Europe and Asia. units. Generator exeitcr is typically
included in the standard package.
Hid tluulcs. {fillil‘yls strategically hedge prujcct hidding
with smite pertilrmance margin. i.e. slightly lewer pawcr
putpul and higher heat ralc. ta allew liar ncrrmal yariatitlns
in manulitcturing lelcranccs and test uncertainties.
'I'hey will always hid ml the hasis el‘ "l‘aclm‘y new and
clean“ pcrl‘ermancc withrlut allewancc lilr degradatitm ill FOR TURBOMACHWERY
pcrlilrmancc with usage. II_'rurrtrar:t language usually speci—
lies a limit ill apcrating lime hel'erc perlcrmancc testing Fer mere than at} "tears. tilamfil Fewer Systems has
must he cenducted. heen rieyelpping anti supplying clean air selulians
Typically there is a margin tll‘ {1.5+ tr: l‘l—r'i'r ml ptlwcr and that pretect turhemaehinery and maintain the highest
hcttt ratc ratings. This csplains why slightly hctlcr pcrliir— efficiency. We after ynu the crptirnutn scrhlhtin hmn the
air inlet la the tea at the stack.
mance than expected may initially he realised.
Marketing Iaclers that enter a prejcct price qucte in- I l'tir Inlet systems I Dampers a slides
clude numhcr ul' units tirdcrcd [there are usually quantity I l—tceustre packages I Seryice a retr'ehts
reliscnunlsit scape al‘cduipmcnt supply; sitc specifics. duty I l nclasures I Static lit pulse filters
I Silencers I Esllaust systems
cyclct geagraphic Iecalian and lcrcal market share prisi-
Variatian in currency yalualicns alscr play a signilicant
rrrle depending rm which ceuntrics t_i.e. currencies} are
int-rilycd in the gas lurhinc‘s manut‘acturc. purchaser and
IL'ias turhine gcnscls designed i'rrr nnshcrrc all and gas
pipeline riperalian typically are priced arnund ltl‘frtr higher l camfil www.camfil.eum/ps
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
Centaur 40 Centaur 50 Mercury 50 Taurus 60 Taurus 65 Taurus 70 Mars 100 Titan 130 Titan 250
SOLAR TURBINES Output: 3,5 MW Output: 4,6 MW Output: 4,6 MW Output: 5,7 MW Output: 6,3 MW Output: 8,1 MW Output: 11,9 MW Output: 15,3 MW Output: 21,7 MW
MF-61 MF-111
TM2500+ LM2500+G4 RD* 6B.03 LM6000PF+Sprint 6F.03 GT11N2 LMS100 PA+ Dry IC 9E.03
GE POWER & WATER Output: 31,1 MW Output: 34,5 MW Output: 44,0 MW Output: 49,7 MW Output: 80,3 MW Output: 114 MW Output: 116 MW Output: 132 MW
GE OIL & GAS Output: 31,1 MW
Ind. RB211 GT61 DLE SGT-700 SGT-750 SGT-800 Ind. Trent 60 WLE ISI
SIEMENS Output: 32,1 MW Output: 32,8 MW Output: 37,0 MW Output: 47,5 MW Output: 66,0 MW
FT8 Swift Pac 25 DLN FT8 MobilPac FT8 SwiftPac 30 FT8 SwiftPac 50 DLN FT8 SwiftPac 60 FT4000 SwiftPac 60 FT4000 SwiftPac 120
PW POWER SYSTEMS Output: 25,5 MW Output: 26,2 MW Output: 30,9 MW Output: 51,2 MW Output: 62,1 MW Output: 70,0 MW Output: 140 MW
140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 320 340 360 380 400 420 440 460 480 500 520
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GAS POWER SYSTEMS CATALOG I Topping Cycle Of ferings
44 45
H technology by GE (and Mitsubishi)
Reheat steam from steam cycle is used for cooling the turbine rotor and
first and second stage blades
GE introduced the first high- “We are offering our air-cooled In a simple-cycle configuration,
efficiency H-class gas turbines to the H-class gas turbines in two versions the 9HA.01 is rated 397 MW and
power generation industry in 2002. for the 50 Hz market — the 9HA.01 the 9HA.02 is rated 470 MW, each
The steam-cooled units have logged and 9HA.02 — and two versions for at 3000 r/min, offering greater than
200 000 hours of operation and the 60 Hz market — the 7HA.01 and 41% efficiency. In a 1x1 combined-
counting and have proven them- 7HA.02,” said Vic Abate, President and cycle configuration, the 9HA.01 is
selves to be stalwarts within GE’s CEO, Power Generation Products, for rated 592 MW and the 9HA.02 is
gas turbine lineup. Now, thanks to GE Power & Water. “The air-cooled rated 701 MW, each at 3000 r/min,
advances in technology and shared H-class gas turbines are designed offering greater than 61% efficiency.
knowledge from its myriad business for cyclic and base-load operation In a simple-cycle configuration,
units, GE is introducing the 7HA and in a simple-cycle and combined- the 7HA.01 is rated 275 MW and
9HA air-cooled gas turbines. cycle applications.” the 7HA.02 is rated 330 MW, each
New Air-Cooled
GE adds air-cooled H-class to its gas turbine lineup
by brent haight
at 3600 r/min, offering greater than than a decade. We have a tremendous facilitate variations in ambient tem-
41% efficiency. In a 1x1 combined- amount of experience and are confi- perature and load.
cycle configuration, the 7HA.01 is dent in where we are going with this “We’ve taken the engine compres-
rated 405 MW and the 7HA.02 is next step.” sor design from our aircraft engine
rated 486 MW, each at 3600 r/min, According to Abate, air-cooled division and implemented it into
offering greater than 61% efficiency. H-class gas turbines offer the reli- our air-cooled H-class gas turbine,”
“The high-efficiency segment ac- ability, flexibility and availability of Abate said. “What that does, the
counts for more than 30% of the GE’s popular F-class fleet and lever- compressor has to compress twice
power generation market,” Abate age technology from GE’s aviation the amount of air that you need be-
said. “That is where the air-cooled business as well as its extensive ex- cause half of it goes to produce pow-
H-class comes in. The 7HA.01 is 275 perience within the power generation er and half of it goes to driving the
MW. The 7HA.02 is 330 MW. Those marketplace. compressor. If you can get the com-
two machines, in the 60 Hz market, The air-cooled H-class gas tur- pressor to be more efficient, that is a
give you a 400 MW combined-cycle bine incorporates an aerodynamic huge opportunity.
power plant, a 500 MW combined- 14-stage compressor, leveraged from “With regard to combustion, as
cycle power plant and then you can GE’s proven aircraft engine tech- you fire hotter you trade emissions.
bulk into 800 and 1000 MW, or 1200 nology, and includes an advanced Holding emissions at world class lev-
and 1500. Those sizes fit extremely radial diffuser. Combined with the els is paramount for GE as we have
well with the retirement of coal that Dry Low NOx (DLN) 2.6+AFS (Ax- always been an emissions leader.
we see and some of the natural mar- ial Fuel Staged) combustion system, We’ve continued to develop our DLN
kets for fixed gears. this allows improved operation of emissions technology, which en-
“Then in the 50 Hz they are a scale the combustion liner and transition ables us to hold emissions with our
version, the 9HA.01 and 9HA.02, piece cooling, according to GE. The air-cooled H-class gas turbines. The
at 397 MW and 470 MW. So those DLN 2.6+AFS combustion system enhanced DLN 2.6+AFS combus-
then reach 600 MW and 700 MW in provides advanced fuel staging for tion system supports improved fuel
combined-cycle, and can bulk into enhanced steady state and transient distribution and operability while re-
1200 and 1400 MW, or 1800 and performance. To modulate airflow, a ducing thermal loading on the cap,
2100 MW. variable inlet guide vane (IGV) and liner, and transition piece. When
“We define H-class as over 2600°F three stages of variable stator vanes you think about the power turbine
firing temperature. The entire in- (VSVs) manage compressor operabil- section, we release about 1 million
dustry has probably 250 000 hours. ity during start-up, control compres- horsepower in 3 feet. These engines
GE has been in the H-class for more sor airflow during turndown, and are operating 400°F-plus above the
A fully assembled 9HA gas turbine being
transferred for packaging and shipping.
Combined-Cycle Performance
7HA.01 7HA.02
1x1 2x1 1x1 2x1
Plant Output (net) 405 MW 813 MW 486 MW 976 MW
Heat Rate (net) 5580 Btu/kWh 5570 Btu/kWh 5580 Btu/kWh 5570 Btu/kWh
5892 kJ/kWh 5877 kJ/kWh 5892 kJ/kWh 5877 kJ/kWh
Plant Efficiency Greater than 61% Greater than 61% Greater than 61% Greater than 61%
Combined-Cycle Performance
9HA.01 9HA.02
1x1 2x1 1x1 2x1
Plant Output (net) 592 MW 1181 MW 701 MW 1398 MW
Heat Rate (net) 5560 Btu/kWh 5570 Btu/kWh 5560 Btu/kWh 5570 Btu/kWh
5866 kj/kWh 5878 kj/kWh 5866 kj/kWh 5878 kj/kWh
Plant Efficiency Greater than 61% Greater than 61% Greater than 61% Greater than 61%
Technical performance
Gas turbine range
GT26 GT24
Key benefits
Advanced-class gas turbine technology with superior part-load efficiency and operational flexibility.
Superior fuel flexibility for operating over the widest range of natural gas compositions.
GT26 GT24
Advanced-class gas turbine Advanced-class gas turbine
Fuel Natural Gas Fuel Natural Gas
Frequency 50 Hz Frequency 60 Hz
Turbine speed 3,000 rpm Turbine speed 3,600 rpm
Gross electrical output 345.0 MW Gross electrical output 235.0 MW
Gross electrical efficiency 41.0% Gross electrical efficiency 40.0%
Gross heat rate 8,780 kJ/kWh | 8,322 Btu/kWh Gross heat rate 9,000 kJ/kWh | 8,531 Btu/kWh
Exhaust gas flow 715 kg/s | 1,576 Ib/s Exhaust gas flow 505 kg/s | 1,113 Ib/s
Exhaust gas temperature 616 °C | 1,141 °F Exhaust gas temperature 608 °C | 1,126 °F
Weight 406 t | 895,000 lb Weight 230 t | 507,000 lb
General notes: Gas turbine gross electrical output and heat rate at the generator terminals, including gear box, where applicable
and generator losses but excluding duct and auxiliary losses. Performance calculated with 100% methane, ISO conditions. GT24/GT26
performance includes contribution of Once-Through Cooler (OTC) to water/steam cycle. Dual fuel burner option available
© ALSTOM 2014. All rights reserved. Information contained in this document is indicative only. No representation or warranty is given or should be
relied on that it is complete or correct or will apply to any particular project. This will depend on the technical and commercial circumstances. It is
provided without liability and is subject to change without notice. Reproduction, use or disclosure to third parties, without express written authority,
is strictly prohibited. Photo credits: © ALSTOM 2014. All rights reserved. Printed on environmentally friendly paper.
Technical performance – Gas turbine Range
Conventional-class gas turbine GT13E2
Configuration 2005 MXL2 2012
Fuel Natural Gas Natural Gas Natural Gas
Frequency 50 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz
Turbine speed 3,000 rpm 3,000 rpm 3,000 rpm
Gear No No No
Gross electrical output 185.0 MW 188.0 MW 202.7 MW
Gross electrical efficiency 37.8% 38.6% 38.0%
Key benefits
Gross heat rate 9,524 kJ/kWh 9,326 kJ/kWh 9,474 kJ/kWh
9,027 Btu/kWh 8,840 Btu/kWh 8,980 Btu/kWh Conventional-class gas turbine
technology with superior performance
Exhaust gas flow 565 kg/s 548 kg/s 624 kg/s
1,245 lb/s 1,208 lb/s 1,376 lb/s and Alstom’s unique flexible operation
concept. Superior fuel flexibility for
Exhaust gas temperature 505 °C 512 °C 501 °C operating over the widest range of
941 °F 954 °F 934 °F
natural gas compositions.
Weight 343 t 343 t 350 t
756,185 lb 756,185 lb 772,000 lb
Dimensions (L × W × H) 11.2 × 5.4 × 5.2 m 11.2 × 5.4 × 5.2 m 11.0 × 5.4 × 5.5 m
36.7 × 17.7 × 17.0 ft 36.7 × 17.7 × 17.0 ft 36 × 18 × 18 ft
Conventional-class gas turbine
Fuel Natural Gas Natural Gas
Frequency 50 Hz 60 Hz
Turbine speed 3,610 rpm 3,600 rpm
Gear Yes No
Gross electrical output 113.6 MW 115.4 MW
Gross electrical efficiency 33.3% 33.9%
Key benefits
Gross heat rate 10,811 kJ/kWh 10,619 kJ/kWh Proven technology designed for
10,247 Btu/kWh 10,066 Btu/kWh
operation under harshest conditions.
Exhaust gas flow 400 kg/s 400 kg/s Ideal for power production in
882 Ib/s 882 Ib/s
steel plants, where Blast Furnace
Exhaust gas temperature 526 °C 526 °C Gas (BFG) can be burnt unblended,
979 °F 979 °F without need for enrichment.
Weight 190 t 190 t
419,000 lb 419,000 lb
Dimensions (L × W × H)* 13.1 × 5.5 × 10.1 m 9.4 × 5.5 × 10.1 m
43 × 18 × 33 ft 31 × 18 × 33 ft
For more information
* Length includes the gear box
please contact Alstom Power:
General note: Dual burner option available, as well as combustor for low
calorific gases (LBtu) such as blast furnace gases without need for enrichment. Alstom Power
© ALSTOM 2014. All rights reserved. Information contained in this document is indicative only. No representation or warranty is given or should be
relied on that it is complete or correct or will apply to any particular project. This will depend on the technical and commercial circumstances. It is
provided without liability and is subject to change without notice. Reproduction, use or disclosure to third parties, without express written authority,
is strictly prohibited. Photo credits: © ALSTOM 2014. All rights reserved. Printed on environmentally friendly paper.
GT24/GT26 Technology
Single Shaft Sequential Combustion
EV = EnVironmental
SEV = Sequential EnVironmental
SEV Fuel Lance
annular EV Combustor
24 SEV Burners
EV Burners
with EV Fuel Lances
(GT24=20, GT26 =24)
SEV Combustor
Jornada Tecnológica
26 Oct 06/jw © ALSTOM 2006. All rights reserved. Information contained in this document is provided without liability for information purposes only and is subject to change without notice. No representation or warranty
R 4.38(26) is given or to be implied as to the completeness of information or fitness for any particular purpose. Reproduction, use or disclosure to third parties, without express written authority, is strictly prohibited. 7
GT24/GT26 Technology
Welded Rotor
GT24/GT26 Operation
Operation Concept
EV-Combustor Temperature
GT Exhaust Temperature
VIGV open
SEV Ignition
at ~12% Load
0% 40% 100%
Load [% of base load]
z EV temperature maintained from about 30%-100% load for low emissions
z High exhaust temperature maintained from 40%-100% load for high CC part load efficiency
Jornada Tecnológica
26 Oct 06/jw © ALSTOM 2006. All rights reserved. Information contained in this document is provided without liability for information purposes only and is subject to change without notice. No representation or warranty
R 4.38(26) is given or to be implied as to the completeness of information or fitness for any particular purpose. Reproduction, use or disclosure to third parties, without express written authority, is strictly prohibited. 10
Sequential Combustion
Single Combustion
40 50 60 70 80 90 100
- CCPP Load [%]
z GT exhaust temperature maintained from 40% to 100% GT load
z High exhaust energy - optimal for high steam parameters under full and part
load conditions
Jornada Tecnológica
26 Oct 06/jw © ALSTOM 2006. All rights reserved. Information contained in this document is provided without liability for information purposes only and is subject to change without notice. No representation or warranty
R 4.38(26) is given or to be implied as to the completeness of information or fitness for any particular purpose. Reproduction, use or disclosure to third parties, without express written authority, is strictly prohibited. 11
GT26 Technology
NOx Emissions
Typical permit limit of 25 vppm
40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%
Relative Load [%]
HRSG purging
not included
Single Shaft: 47 115 145
Multi Shaft *: 52 140 165
Time [minutes]
* 1 static frequency converter
-> sequential start-up of GT’s
Jornada Tecnológica
26 Oct 06/jw © ALSTOM 2006. All rights reserved. Information contained in this document is provided without liability for information purposes only and is subject to change without notice. No representation or warranty
R 4.38(26) is given or to be implied as to the completeness of information or fitness for any particular purpose. Reproduction, use or disclosure to third parties, without express written authority, is strictly prohibited. 13
GT24/GT26 Gas Turbine
Key Advantages
GT Test Power Plant
in Birr, Switzerland
GT26 Engine in Advanced Technology
Simple Cycle Operation
Jornada Tecnológica
26 Oct 06/jw © ALSTOM 2006. All rights reserved. Information contained in this document is provided without liability for information purposes only and is subject to change without notice. No representation or warranty
R 4.38(26) is given or to be implied as to the completeness of information or fitness for any particular purpose. Reproduction, use or disclosure to third parties, without express written authority, is strictly prohibited. 17
GT24/GT26 Gas Turbines
z Fleet Experience:
– Simple Cycle, Combined Cycle and Repowering
– Single Shaft and Multi Shaft
– From “Daily starts and stops” to “base load” operating plants
– Natural gas (also with high inert/C2+), oil with online fuel switch-
*) excl. GT26 at the GT Test
– Power Augmentation by Inlet cooling & High Fogging Power Plant in Birr, CH
11 September 2015
Ansaldo's position in the heavy duty gas turbine market will be greatly
strengthened thanks to conditions being imposed by the European
Commission on the proposed acquisition of Alstom's energy businesses
by GE.
Following an in-depth review, the Commission on 8 September
announced it had approved the acquisition subject to divestment of key
parts of Alstom's heavy duty gas turbines business to Ansaldo Energia of
Italy, which currently principally offers machines derived from former
Siemens models in this sector of the market (V64.3A, V94.2, V94.2K,
The Commission had worries that the GE/Alstom transaction as initially
proposed would have eliminated one of the main global competitors of GE
in the heavy duty gas turbines market, where GE is the world's largest
manufacturer and Alstom is the number three or four player globally. This
would have led to less innovation and higher prices in a market for a
technology vital to meeting climate change goals. The commitments
offered by GE address these concerns, the Commission said.
Concerning the other businesses that are part of the transaction, namely
the thermal power generation businesses (other than gas), grid and
renewables, the Commission did not identify any competition concerns
essentially because the activities of the two companies are
complementary and do not overlap.
Commissioner Margrethe Vestager, in charge of competition policy, said:
"I am glad that we can approve this transaction, which shows that Europe
is open for business and that Europe-based technology can thrive and
attract foreign investment. We have had a very close and successful
co-operation with the Antitrust Division of the US Department of Justice
both as regards the investigation and the analysis of suitable remedies.
Divestment of Alstom's key technology to produce heavy duty gas
turbines to Ansaldo will ensure that European business and consumers
continue to benefit from this innovation and know how.
Furthermore, advanced heavy duty gas turbine technology is crucial to
face the challenges of climate change and modernising our energy supply.
It is the most efficient, cleanest and flexible fossil fuel power generation
technology and an important complement to more unpredictable
generation from renewables - when the wind stops blowing it is mostly
flexible gas-fired plants that can step in."
The Commission's concerns
The Commission's in-depth investigation focused on the markets for the
sale and servicing of heavy duty gas turbines operating at 50 Hz, where
Alstom competes directly with GE in Europe.
The market for heavy duty gas turbines is concentrated, observes the
Commission, with only four globally active full technology competitors:
market leader GE, number two Siemens, Alstom and Mitsubishi Hitachi
Power Systems (MHPS). This is due to the large upfront investments in
R&D, testing and manufacturing required, setting very high technological
and financial barriers to enter the market. The fifth player, Ansaldo, has
more limited R&D capabilities, a narrower product range and a more
limited geographic reach, the Commission noted.
The GE/Alstom merged entity, as originally notified to the Commission,
would have accounted for more than 50% of the European market for
heavy duty gas turbines and also very high market shares in the
Commission noted.
The commitments offered by GE will allow the purchaser (ie, Ansaldo) to
replicate Alstom's previous role in the market thereby maintaining
effective competition. Moreover, the divestment guarantees the
continuation of Alstom's distinctive sequential (two stage) combustion
heavy duty gas turbine technology, which is particularly well suited to the
flexibility needs of European customers, while at the same time offering
the purchaser advanced R&D capabilities and incentives to continue
pushing innovation in this important market for Europe.
Subject to these conditions, the Commission was able to approve the
transaction under the EU Merger Regulation.
By way of background information on the heavy duty gas turbine market,
the Commission cites International Energy Agency (IEA) forecasts that
gas is expected to continue to be a significant source of electricity
generation in Europe in the medium term and to grow further in the long
term. The Commission also notes that modern heavy duty gas turbine
technology is very research and capital intensive, while flexible and
efficient heavy duty gas turbine technology will continue to be essential for
creating a more climate friendly electricity generation system in Europe
because it is complementary to renewables and also the most
environmentally-friendly form of fossil fuel generation, which is "why EU
funds under the Research and Technological Development Framework
Programme are dedicated to heavy duty gas turbine research."
International co-operation
Given the complexity of the case and the global reach of the parties'
activities, the Commission says it co-operated with the competition
authorities of a significant number of countries. This involved in particular
close and successful co-operation with the Antitrust Division of the
Department of Justice (DoJ) in the US. While the scope of the DoJ's
concerns was different due to different conditions in the US markets for
heavy duty gas turbines (operating at 60 Hz), the co-operation involved
regular exchanges of views and evidence and a joint approach to remedy
discussions leading to satisfactory and mutually aligned remedy solutions
for both EU and US concerns.
The Commission has co-operated throughout the procedure also with
agencies in Brazil, Canada, China, Israel and South Africa.
GE says the European Commission and DoJ clearances pave the way for
it to complete the transaction as early as possible in the fourth quarter of
GE also says it is close to finalising a deal to divest the above assets to
Ansaldo and that this transaction would be expected to close after the
closing of the GE/Alstom transaction, subject to required regulatory
Reduced purchase price
GE reached an agreement with Alstom in April of 2014 to purchase its
power and grid businesses for €12.35 billion. Adjusting for the joint
ventures announced in June 2014 (renewables, grid, and nuclear),
changes in the deal structure, price adjustments for remedies listed
above, and net cash at close, the purchase price is now expected to drop
to approximately €8.5 billion.
Privacy Policy
Ansaldo Energia, with the acquisition of key Alstom technology and assets from General Electric,
extends its global footprint in Europe, the Middle East and the United States and broadens its
portfolio of products and services
The operation consolidates Ansaldo Energia’s international leadership of the gas turbine sector,
making it possible for the company to double its turnover in the next five years
Following the signing of the agreement on November 2, 2015, Ansaldo Energia, in which Fondo
Strategico Italiano and Shanghai Electric hold stakes of 44.8% and 40% respectively, announces the
closing of its acquisition from General Electric of Alstom's advanced heavy duty gas turbine business and
subsidiary company Power System Manufacturing.
· All intellectual property rights held by Alstom for the latest ratings of the GT26 and GT36 heavy
duty gas turbines, existing upgrades and pipeline technology for future upgrades.
· Servicing agreements for 34 GT26 turbines already sold and installed by Alstom in recent years.
· More than 400 Alstom employees in Baden, Switzerland, who will continue to develop the heavy
duty gas turbine technology acquired and support the service and equipment business.
· Power System Manufacturing, LLC (“PSM”), the Alstom subsidiary based in Florida, United
States, and a leading F-class technology provider in the General Electric, Siemens and Mitsubishi
aftermarket service business.
· Ansaldo Energia will own the assets used to manufacture the GT36 and the latest versions of the
GT26, as well as having access to the existing supply chain.
Following the acquisition, Ansaldo Energia will license the following assets to General Electric for after-
market services:
In addition, General Electric will provide in the short term transitional services to support the continuity
and viability of the business.
Siemens SGT5 – 8000H
• Largest gas turbine with 340 MW output
• Weight: 440 t (Airbus 380: 361 t), Length: 13.2 m, Height: 5 m, Width: 5m
• Pressure ratio: 19.2 : 1
• Exhaust temperature: 620°C
• 60 % efficiency in combined cycle operation (530 MW)
Siemens SGT5 – 8000H
Industrial gas turbines
The comprehensive Siemens product range from 4 to 47 megawatts
Mechanical drive 5.7MW (7,640bhp) Mechanical drive 7.68MW (10,300bhp) Mechanical drive 8.2MW (11,000bhp)
• Fuel: Natural gas * • Fuel: Natural gas * • Fuel: Natural Gas *
• Efficiency: 32.9 % • Efficiency: 33 % • Efficiency: 34.6 %
• Heat rate: 10,948kJ/kWh (7,738Btu/bhph) • Heat rate: 10,906kJ/kWh (7,708Btu/bhph) • Heat rate: 10,400 kJ/kWh (7,350 Btu/bhph)
• Turbine speed: 13,000 rpm • Turbine speed: 10,950 rpm • Turbine speed: 11,500 rpm
• Compressor pressure ratio: 14.9:1 • Compressor pressure ratio: 12.3:1 • Compressor pressure ratio: 13.3:1
• Exhaust gas flow: 19.7kg/s (43.4lb/s) • Exhaust gas flow: 29.5kg/s (65.0lb/s) • Exhaust gas flow: 29.0 kg/s (63.9 lb/s)
• Exhaust temperature: 543° C (1009° F) • Exhaust temperature: 489° C (912° F) • Exhaust temperature: 498°C (928° F)
• N O x emissions • N O x emissions • N O x emissions
(with DLE, corrected (with DLE, corrected (with DLE, corrected
to 15 % O2 dry): ≤ 25ppmV to 15 % O2 dry): ≤ 15ppmV to 15 % O2 dry): ≤ 15ppmV
SGT-400 SGT-500 SGT-600
Power generation 12.90MW(e) Power generation 19.10MW(e) Power generation 24.77MW(e)
• Fuel: Natural gas * • Fuel: Natural gas • Fuel: Natural gas *
• Frequency: 50/60Hz • Frequency: 50/60Hz * • Frequency: 50/60Hz
• Electrical efficiency: 34.8 % • Electrical efficiency: 33.8 % • Electrical efficiency: 34.2 %
• Heat rate: 10,355kJ/kWh (9,815Btu/kWh) • Heat rate: 10,664 kJ/kWh (10,107 Btu/kWh) • Heat rate: 10,533kJ/kWh (9,983Btu/kWh)
• Turbine speed: 9,500 rpm • Turbine speed: 3,600 rpm • Turbine speed: 7,700 rpm
• Compressor pressure ratio: 16.8:1 • Compressor pressure ratio: 13:1 • Compressor pressure ratio: 14:1
• Exhaust gas flow: 39.4kg/s (86.8lb/s) • Exhaust gas flow: 97.9 kg/s (215.9 lb/s) • Exhaust gas flow: 80.4kg/s (177.3lb/s)
• Exhaust temperature: 555° C (1,031° F) • Exhaust temperature: 369° C (697° F) • Exhaust temperature: 543° C (1,009° F)
• N O x emissions • N O x emissions • N O x emissions
(with DLE, corrected (with DLE, corrected (with DLE, corrected
to 15 % O2 dry): ≤ 15ppmV to 15 % O2 dry): ≤ 42ppmV to 15 % O2 dry): ≤ 25ppmV
Mechanical drive 13.40MW (18,000bhp) Mechanical drive 19.52 MW (26,177bhp) Mechanical drive 25.40MW (34,100bhp)
• Fuel: Natural gas * • Fuel: Natural gas * • Fuel: Natural gas *
• Efficiency: 36.2 % • Efficiency: 34.5 % • Efficiency: 35.1 %
• Heat rate: 9,943kJ/kWh (7,028Btu/bhph) • Heat rate: 10,432kJ/kWh (7,373Btu/bhph) • Heat rate: 10,258kJ/kWh (7,250Btu/bhph)
• Turbine speed: 9,500 rpm • Turbine speed: 3,450 rpm • Turbine speed: 7,700 rpm
• Compressor pressure ratio: 16.8:1 • Compressor pressure ratio: 13:1 • Compressor pressure ratio: 14:1
• Exhaust gas flow: 39.4kg/s (86.8lb/s) • Exhaust gas flow: 97.9 kg/s (215.9 lb/s) • Exhaust gas flow: 80.4kg/s (177.3lb/s)
• Exhaust temperature: 555° C (1,031° F) • Exhaust temperature: 369° C (697° F) • Exhaust temperature: 543° C (1,009° F)
• N O x emissions • N O x emissions • N O x emissions
(with DLE, corrected (with DLE, corrected (with DLE, corrected
to 15 % O2 dry): ≤ 15ppmV to 15 % O2 dry): ≤ 42ppmV to 15 % O2 dry): ≤ 25ppmV
SGT-700 SGT-750 SGT-800
Power generation 31.21MW(e) Power generation 35.93MW(e) Power generation 47.00MW(e)
• Fuel: Natural gas * • Fuel: Natural gas * • Fuel: Natural gas *
• Frequency: 50/60Hz • Frequency: 50/60Hz • Frequency: 50/60Hz
• Electrical efficiency: 36.4 % • Electrical efficiency: 38.7 % • Electrical efficiency: 37.5 %
• Heat rate: 9,882kJ/kWh (9,367Btu/kWh) • Heat rate: 9,296kJ/kWh (8,811 Btu/kWh) • Heat rate: 9,597kJ/kWh (9,096Btu/kWh)
• Turbine speed: 6,500 rpm • Turbine speed: 6,100 rpm • Turbine speed: 6,608 rpm
• Compressor pressure ratio: 18.6:1 • Compressor pressure ratio: 23.8:1 • Compressor pressure ratio: 19:1
• Exhaust gas flow: 94kg/s (208lb/s) • Exhaust gas flow: 113.3 kg/s (249.8 lb/s) • Exhaust gas flow: 131.5kg/s (289.9lb/s)
• Exhaust temperature: 528° C (983° F) • Exhaust temperature: 462° C (864° F) • Exhaust temperature: 544° C (1,011° F)
• N O x emissions • N O x emissions • N O x emissions
(with DLE, corrected (with DLE, corrected (with DLE, corrected
to 15 % O2 dry): ≤ 15ppmV to 15 % O2 dry): ≤ 15ppmV to 15 % O2 dry): ≤ 15ppmV
*No intake or exhaust loss; other gaseous, liquid and/or dual fuel options available
Proven and advanced
50 Hz design concept
SGT5-4000F – 292 MW
Our proven SGT5-4000F is Additional technical features:
characterized by low power Annular combustion cham-
generating costs, reduced fuel ber with 24 hybrid burners
consumption, long intervals
between major inspections 15-stage axial-flow com-
and an easy-to-service design. pressor
Optimized flow and cooling Advanced aero engine tech-
offer the highest gas turbine nology; 3-D airfoil design
efficiency levels for the most in compressor and turbine
economical power generation
Single-crystal turbine
in combined cycle applications.
blades with thermal barrier
Its advanced technology is
coating and film cooling
based on proven design
features, resulting in a fleet Advanced cooling tech-
reliability of over 99 % and a nology
combined experience of nearly Multiple fuels capability
4,500,000 operating hours for
all family members. Hydraulic turbine blade tip
clearance control
SGT5-4000F SGT5-2000E
Siemens Gas Turbines
Gross power output (MW) 292 168
Gross efficiency (%) 39.8 34.7
Gross heat rate (kJ/kWh) 9,038 10,366
Gross heat rate (Btu/kWh) 8,567 9,825
Pressure ratio 18.2 11.7
Siemens Gas Turbine Packages* SGT5-PAC 4000F SGT5-PAC 2000E
Net power output (MW) 288 165
Net efficiency (%) 39.5 34.5
Net heat rate (kJ/kWh) 9,114 10,471
Net heat rate (Btu/kWh) 8,638 9,925
Exhaust temperature (°C/°F) 580/1,075 539/1,002
Exhaust mass flow (kg/s) 688 526
Exhaust mass flow (lb/s) 1,516 1,161
Generator type Air-cooled Air-cooled
Siemens Combined Cycle Plants*
Single-Shaft SCC5-4000F 1S SCC5-2000E 1x1
Net power output (MW) 423 251
Net efficiency (%) 58.4 52.2
Net heat rate (kJ/kWh) 6,164 6,895
Net heat rate (Btu/kWh) 5,842 6,535
Multi-Shaft SCC5-4000F 2x1 SCC5-2000E 2x1
Net power output (MW) 848 505
Net efficiency (%) 58.5 52.5
Net heat rate (kJ/kWh) 6,158 6,860
Net heat rate (Btu/kWh) 5,836 6,502
* incl. pressure losses
SGT5-2000E – 168 MW
The SGT5-2000E is a long- Additional technical features:
proven machine for simple or Two walk-in combustion
combined cycle applications, chambers for hot-gas-path
with or without combined inspection without cover lift
heat and power, and for all
load ranges – particularly Combustion chambers lined
peak-load operation. The ma- with individually replace-
chine is capable of burning a able ceramic tiles
variety of fuels – from low to 16-stage axial-flow com-
high caloric gaseous and/or pressor
SGT5-4000F liquid fuels to treated heavy
Hybrid burners for premix
oil at lowest emission levels.
and diffusion mode opera-
For IGCC applications, we
tion with natural gas, fuel
offer the SGT5-2000E (LCG)
oil and special fuels, such
machine with a modified
as heavy oil and refinery
compressor. The SGT5-2000E
has a record of durability with
more than 300 units account- Fast inlet guide vanes for
ing for over 6,400,000 operat- peak-load operation and
ing hours. This gas turbine is frequency stabilization
also available for 60 Hz mar- (optional)
SGT5-2000E kets named SGT6-2000E. Wet compression (optional)
SGT6-5000F – 200 MW
SGT5-8000H – 340 MW
Siemens developed its new This innovative gas turbine
generation H-class Siemens is characterized by:
Gas Turbine (SGT™), the High efficiency
SGT-8000H series, driven by
the main goals to reduce Low life cycle costs
emissions and preserve our High reliability and avail-
environment for future ability
Operational flexibility
The new, advanced SGT-
Low emissions
8000H series gas turbines and
the SCC-8000H series combin-
ed cycle power plants feature
the best-in-class technology
captured from our long line of
large direct-drive Siemens
50 Hz and 60 Hz heavy-duty
gas turbines and power
Features for high efficiency Features for lowest life cycle Features for advanced
include: cost include: operating flexibility include:
New compressor with H-class – designed for more Air-cooled engine for a cool-
advanced blade design than 60 % efficiency in ing method that is always
Advanced materials to combined cycle mode and present at speed
increase the firing and reduced emissions at part Fast start-up and cycling
exhaust-gas temperature load capability to support inter-
Advanced sealing system Less complexity in engine mediate load requirements
for low-leakage cooling air and parts which can lead Less complexity in engine
to lower maintenance and and plant design leading to
Advanced high-efficiency, operating costs
high-pressure, high-tem- more flexibility in operation
perature combined cycle Straightforward operational and reduced start-up time
process with BENSON® concept Improved turndown capa-
boiler, based on the high bility for high efficiency
mass flow and exhaust-gas and low-emissions part-load
temperature of the new operation
Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power OCTOBER 2004, Vol. 126 Õ 763
Copyright © 2004 by ASME
Table 2 ISO conditions for the correction of measured perfor-
mance data
Since its commissioning in 1996 the gas turbine has been run-
ning with fuel gas and in rare cases with fuel oil as a backup fuel.
Because the plant has to provide constant heat and power to a
nearby chemical factory, it is of great economical importance that
the unit runs at baseload continuously. It is only shut down for
forced and planned maintenance activities. Thus offline cleaning
can only be carried out during those shut down periods which may
occur only at large intervals 共e.g., up to 12 months兲. Therefore the
performance of online compressor cleaning is critical for this site.
Until the outage for the first major inspection at 24,350 EOH in
July 1999, the V64.3 unit at Obernburg was equipped with the
Standard Siemens washing equipment.
During the 1999 major inspection, the entire compressor was
hand washed and new turbine blading with new engine surface
Fig. 1 Siemens AG Power Generation V64.3 unit
quality was implemented for the first three of the four-stage tur-
bine. The success of the work carried out during the outage is
reflected by the data in Table 1: the performance following the
benefits of other cleaning systems 关3–7兴. It has to be underlined outage 共test 2兲 clearly exceeded that of the acceptance test in 1996
that fouling and, consequently, the compressor cleaning benefits 共test 1兲.
are closely coupled to site specific conditions and cleaning inter- Furthermore, the unit was equipped with the Advanced Com-
vals 共especially of offline-cleaning兲. Therefore a direct compari- pressor Cleaning System 共ACCS兲. With the implementation of
son with measured benefits at other sites is not done in this work. ACCS, the performance of the unit was monitored continuously
until the second major outage in June 2002. With ACCS, the com-
Site Conditions pressor was washed according to Siemens recommendations. This
For this work, performance data from the Siemens Power Gen- was one online wash per day. For one out of three 共later changed
eration V64.3 unit 共see Fig. 1兲 that is operated in Obernburg, to one out of two兲 washing sequences, the solvent-based detergent
Germany, by Kraftwerk Obernburg GmbH is evaluated. The SIWASH was used. The remaining online washing sequences
power plant is located within a chemical plant, which produces were done with demineralized water. Offline compressor cleaning
fibers for industrial and textile applications. Therefore it can be was only performed when the plant was shut down for other im-
concluded that the site conditions are not particularly favorable perative maintenance reasons.
for low fouling conditions. The nominal power output and effi- In June 2002 the V64.3 at Obernburg reached the second major
ciency of the unit are contained in Table 1 where these parameters inspection with 49,658 equivalent operating hours 共EOH兲. Before
are listed for three performance tests that were carried out in this inspection, a third performance test with high-precision
Obernburg with calibrated high-precision instrumentation. All equipment was carried out at 49,200 EOH. The results are also
data is from tests at stable base load operation with fuel gas in shown in Table 1 共test 3兲. It should be noted that the compressor
combined cycle mode and was corrected to ISO conditions 共see could not be offline washed directly before that test due to opera-
Table 2兲. Generally, there is a strong interaction between ISO tional reasons. The last offline wash took place approximately
turbine inlet temperature 共calculated according to Ref. 关8兴兲 and 1200 equivalent operating hours prior to test 3. In order to com-
power output. In order to allow appropriate comparison of perfor- pare the performance to the other tests where the unit was offline
mance, power output is computed for constant turbine inlet tem- cleaned directly before the test, we have corrected the parameters.
perature. The reference value of 1130 °C is the design value for This was done by multiplying the mean gradients for power and
V64.3 units. efficiency losses during operation without offline cleaning 共de-
V64.3-type turbines rotate at 90 Hz and use a gear box to shift rived in ‘‘Results and Discussion’’ section兲 with the number of
the speed to the grid frequency. Other features and an extensive operating hours between the last offline wash and the performance
summary of operational experiences can be found in Ref. 关9兴. test 3. These corrected values are listed in the column which is
denoted 3 共corrected兲 in Table 1.
Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power OCTOBER 2004, Vol. 126 Õ 765
Fig. 3 Types of losses leading to overall performance degra-
linear regression. These lines for power output and efficiency are intervals clearly exceed the average gradients for type-B losses.
also displayed in Fig. 4. The slopes of the regression lines are Therefore it can be concluded that regular online washing cannot
comparable for power output and efficiency 共0.02%/1000 EOH prevent type-B performance losses but does minimize them.
and 0.03%/1000 EOH兲. It was explained above that the compressor could not be offline
The third interval between offline washes is particularly long washed directly before performance test 3 共see Table 1兲 due to
共7782 EOH兲. With increasing operating time after the last offline operational reasons. The last offline wash took place 1200 equiva-
cleaning, the gradient both for power and efficiency decreases,
indicating a saturation in the losses caused by fouling.
In order to characterize type-B losses, we have computed the
average performance evolution of the seven intervals as a function
of operating time after offline compressor cleaning. The values
were calculated relative to the performance directly following the
offline wash. Because the interval lengths are different, the mean
values were computed for a varying amount of individual data
points. The results for type-B losses are displayed in Fig. 5 for
power output and Fig. 6 for efficiency. Within the first 3500 EOH
after offline washing the slope remains relatively constant with
1% per 1000 EOH for power output and 0.5% per 1000 EOH for
efficiency. Beyond 3500 EOH, the slope decreases significantly.
Still, type-B losses exceed those of type C and D.
For the evaluation of performance benefits resulting from on-
line compressor cleaning, we show the statistical results in the
form of the probability density function for power output and
efficiency in Figs. 7 and 8. The measured recovery by online
cleaning was approximated by a normal distribution for both pa-
rameters with the mean value of 0.33% for power output and
0.27% for efficiency. These can be interpreted as mean values for
type-A losses. Therefore they can be transferred into a parallel line
in Figs. 5 and 6. It might be surprising that type-B losses largely
exceed type-A losses. However, it has to be noted that regular
online cleaning will lead to a smaller gradient for type-B losses.
This can be seen in Fig. 9 where we show performance gradi-
ents for intervals in which online compressor cleaning was not
carried out. In the 25,000 EOH analyzed here, five of those inter- Fig. 5 Measured evolution of power output following offline
vals, lasting up to 11 days, were identified. The gradients of all compressor cleaning
Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power OCTOBER 2004, Vol. 126 Õ 767
Fig. 8 Probability density function for efficiency benefits re-
sulting from online-compressor cleaning
Fig. 7 Probability density function for power output benefits Fig. 9 Gradients of performance losses for intervals where
resulting from online-compressor cleaning online-washing was not carried out
Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power OCTOBER 2004, Vol. 126 Õ 769
• Microturbines are small fast-running gas turbines
• Power range: 20 – 500 kW
• Pressure ratio: ~ 4 : 1 High shaft speed > 40 000 rpm
• Recuperator to increase electrical efficiency (25 – 30 %)
• Direct drive high-frequency alternator
• Attractive for distributed power generation and cogeneration application
• Recuperator bypass control for variable heat production for cogeneration
Source: Turbec AB
Journal of Power Sources 152 (2005) 219–225
Received 30 November 2004; received in revised form 24 December 2004; accepted 24 December 2004
Available online 13 March 2005
FuelCell Energy Inc. (FCE) is actively developing fuel cell/gas turbine hybrid systems, DFC/T® , for generation of clean electric power with
very high efficiencies. The gas turbine extends the high efficiency of the fuel cell without the need for supplementary fuel. Key features of
the DFC/T system include: electrical efficiencies of up to 75% on natural gas (60% on coal gas), minimal emissions, simple design, reduced
carbon dioxide release to the environment, and potential cost competitiveness with existing combined cycle power plants. FCE successfully
completed sub-MW scale proof-of-concept tests (pre-alpha DFC/T hybrid power plant). The tests demonstrated that the concept results in
higher power plant efficiency. A small packaged natural gas fueled sub-MW unit is being developed for demonstrations (alpha and beta units).
Also, the preliminary design of a 40 MW power plant including the key equipment layout and the site plan was completed.
© 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Carbonate fuel cell; Internal reforming fuel cell; Gas turbine; Hybrid power plant; Multi-MW plant design; MCFC
0378-7753/$ – see front matter © 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
220 H. Ghezel-Ayagh et al. / Journal of Power Sources 152 (2005) 219–225
forward the development of multi-MW power plants for the to completion and minimizes the need for feed water to the
wholesale market. system. The anode exhaust containing some unreacted fuel
is mixed with air and then oxidized completely in a catalytic
2. System description In the turbine cycle, air is compressed to the operating
pressure of the gas turbine and heated in the LTR using waste
The DFC/T system concept is schematically shown in heat from the fuel cell. The compressed air is then heated fur-
Fig. 1. The system includes a heat recovery unit (HRU) con- ther to the operating temperature of the gas turbine expander
sisting of a series of heat exchangers arranged to maximize by a high temperature recuperator (HTR) located between the
the heat recovery from the cathode exhaust gas. The HRU oxidizer and fuel cell (cathode). The hot compressed air is ex-
has a dual functionality of preparing the anode gas, and also, panded in the turbine providing additional electricity. The ex-
transferring a portion of system exhaust heat to the gas tur- panded air then flows into the oxidizer. The oxidizer exhaust,
bine air (in low temperature recuperator, LTR). The prepa- containing excess air, flows into HTR, and subsequently into
ration of anode gas includes humidification of natural gas the fuel cell cathode. At the cathode, oxygen (in the air) and
by the feed water, and preheating of the anode gas to the CO2 (from the anode exhaust) are reacted to complete the fuel
fuel cell operating temperature. The humidification process cell electrochemical reaction. The heat generated in the fuel
provides the steam needed for the reforming of natural gas. cell as the byproduct of the electrochemical reaction is uti-
Typically a steam-to-carbon ratio of two and higher is re- lized partly to support the endothermic (methane) reforming
quired for steam reformation of natural gas to prevent carbon reaction. The thermal integration of the fuel cell electrochem-
formation. The mixed fuel and steam are preheated to the ical and methane reforming reactions offered by the internal
temperature of about 550 ◦ C prior to entering the fuel cell reforming direct fuel cell enhances the fuel cell electrical ef-
anode. The methane in the natural gas is steam reformed in ficiency while helping in the thermal management of fuel cell
the direct carbonate fuel cell (internal reforming) to hydro- stack/module. The cathode exhaust, containing the heat from
gen, which is the primary fuel for the fuel cell. The fuel cell fuel cell, provides the heat for preheating the air (in LTR) and
reactions are: fuel, and for generation of steam in HRU before exiting from
Anode the power plant.
CH4 + H2 O → CO + 3H2 reforming (1)
CO + H2 O → CO2 + H2 water gas shift (2) 3. Proof-of-concept tests
H2 + CO3 2−
→ H2 O + CO2 + 2e electrochemical (3)
The focus of proof-of-concept tests was on the verification
Cathode of the DFC/T concept, the developmental testing of critical
+ CO2 + 2e− → CO3 2− system components and acquiring design information for de-
2 O2 electrochemical (4)
velopment of power plant products. The first series of tests
At the anode, hydrogen is electrochemically reacted pro- involved integration of a 250 kW (full-size) DFC stack with a
ducing dc electricity, and CO2 and water vapor as byprod- modified Capstone Simple Cycle Model 330 micro-turbine.
ucts. The availability of water vapor at anode as a product of The micro-turbine was constructed with a compressed air ex-
electrochemical reaction helps drive the reforming reaction haust port and expander inlet pipe to provide flow connections
Fig. 1. DFC/T® ultra high efficiency system concept: fuel cell byproduct heat is utilized in gas turbine to supplement fuel cell power.
H. Ghezel-Ayagh et al. / Journal of Power Sources 152 (2005) 219–225 221
to the fuel cell system. An air blower was also included in the
power plant, which increased the flexibility of operation for
the testing purposes. The power plant was capable of operat-
ing in dual modes: fuel cell/turbine integrated mode and fuel
cell only mode. The dual mode capability was used to eval-
uate the benefits of the DFC/T cycle over the fuel cell-only
cycle. The results of the first phase of tests have previously
been presented and published [7,8]. The dual mode operation
confirmed that greater efficiencies could be obtained by inte-
gration of micro-turbine with the fuel cell. As micro-turbine
with higher airflow became available, the next phase of tests
were conducted after replacing Capstone Model 330 with
Capstone C60. These tests also benefited from the next gen-
eration of full-size fuel cell stack. Fig. 2 shows a picture of
the DFC/T power plant facility with the C60 micro-turbine
integrated in the fuel cell system. Fig. 3 shows a simplified
process flow sheet for the sub-MW DFC/T power plant, in-
cluding a typical set of process operational data. Three heat
recuperators for indirect heating of air from the compressor
side of the micro-turbine were included. The anode exhaust Fig. 2. Sub-MW DFC/T hybrid power plant facility: full-size DFC stack
oxidizer included a high temperature catalytic section. was integrated with capstone C60 micro-turbine.
The proof-of-concept test was completed verifying the
DFC/T concept. The world’s first grid-connected fuel demonstrated using the micro-turbine as the only source of
cell/turbine hybrid system operated for >6600 h. Thermal fresh air supply to the system. The operational tests, as well
management of the system was confirmed by increasing as the tests of the power plant heat-up during the process and
micro-turbine expander inlet temperature while controlling control checkout of the balance-of-plant (BOP), confirmed
the fuel cell operating temperature. The control strategies the stable and well-controlled operation of the DFC/T power
were refined based on the operational experience. The tests plant with the micro-turbine. NOx emission levels of less than
successfully demonstrated the ability of the control system to 0.25 ppm were achieved. Computer simulation of the power
follow prescribed load ramps and to respond to abrupt utility plant including mass and energy balances was utilized as an-
grid outages. The system trip/emergency shutdown scenar- alytical tool during the testing period. The BOP equipment
ios were tested successfully. The power plant operation was and the micro-turbine performance were monitored and eval-
Fig. 3. Sub-MW DFC/T hybrid power plant facility process flow diagram: a typical set of operational data are included.
222 H. Ghezel-Ayagh et al. / Journal of Power Sources 152 (2005) 219–225
uated. The heat transfer coefficients for the heat exchangers incorporating design information and recommendations from
were analyzed against the vendor supplied information. The sub-MW proof-of-concept test results, DFC300 product data
heat losses from the pipes and equipment in the power plant and the Hazop safety review mentioned above. Suppliers for
test facility were estimated. The results of the sub-MW sys- key equipment such as micro-turbine, recuperators and anode
tem tests have indicated that effective recuperation of heat gas oxidizer have been selected. Three-dimensional equip-
to the gas turbine and minimization of the heat loss from the ment (process, utility and other) and piping layout drawings
BOP equipment are important factors in the design of DFC/T were prepared using the intergraph plant design software.
power plants. Pipe stress analysis was completed using Caesar II software,
generating specifications for expansion joints and pipe sup-
ports. Specifications for all valves including safety valves
and pressure regulators were prepared, and bids were so-
4. Sub-MW power plant design and demonstrations
licited from the suppliers. Design parameters and specifica-
tions have been developed for key instrument and control
Demonstration of DFC/T system configuration in sub-
equipment. All major equipment and instrument items have
MW class power plant units for distributed generation is the
been ordered. The procurement is in progress.
next step in evolution of the hybrid systems. FuelCell Energy
A preliminary review of potential demonstration sites in
has planned to build and test a packaged DFC/T power plant at
Montana for the beta sub-MW unit was completed. Two
its facility in Danbury, CT (alpha unit), and then demonstrate
venues in Montana, including the Engineering/Physical Sci-
the second DFC/T power plant (beta unit) in Montana. These
ence Building at Montana State University (Bozeman, MT)
DFC/T sub-MW plants will demonstrate grid-connected op-
and the Deaconess Billings Clinic (Billings, MT), were inves-
erations, help assess the efficiency potential of the sub-MW
tigated. Both sites were found to be suitable for the demon-
plants and provide valuable data on integration and operation
of DFC/T power plants under laboratory and field conditions.
The preliminary design of the sub-MW packaged demon-
stration unit has been completed. Steady-state mass and en-
ergy balances for the power plant were performed for various 5. Multi-MW power plant design
modes of operation; including start-up, standby, and full load
operation; using the CHEMCAD process simulation soft- The baseline DFC/T configuration included a high temper-
ware. The process equipment specifications were prepared ature recuperator. The multi-MW power plant performance
and issued to original equipment manufacturers (OEM) and (power output and efficiency) estimates for the near, inter-
suppliers for quotation. A process flow diagram of the power mediate and long-term systems, based on this configuration,
plant including major operating equipment along with the are presented in Table 1. For comparison, performance esti-
plant start-up equipment was generated. The design modifi- mates for the DFC-only systems are also shown in the table.
cations of existing DFC300A fuel cell module for application Based on the comparison, the integration of the fuel cell with
to the DFC300/T system were completed. A safety review of turbine in a hybrid system offers significant improvement in
the DFC300T system was conducted based on the Hazop power plant electrical efficiency. The mid-term and long-term
methodology utilized widely by the process industries. A set estimates are both based on improved fuel cell performance
of piping and instrumentation diagrams (P&IDs), with instru- expected with fuel cell developments. The long-term system,
ment and equipment design information, was also prepared in addition, employs an advanced gas turbine featuring in-
Table 1
Multi-MW DFC/T power plant (baseline configuration) performance projections
Near-term Mid-term Long-term
DFC DFC/T hybrid Improved DFC DFC/T hybrid with DFC/T hybrid with intercooled
improved DFC & re-heat gas turbine
Fuel cell
dc power out (MW) 12.0 12.0 16.8 16.8 33.5
ac power out, gross (MW) 11.3 11.3 16.4 16.3 32.7
Gas turbine
Expander power (MW) 7.9 8.7 20.7
Compressor power (MW) (5.3) (5.9) (10.9)
Net ac out (MW) 2.5 2.6 9.3
Air blower power (MW) (0.3) (0.3)
Auxiliary power consumption (MW) (0.1) (0.1) (0.1) (0.1) (0.2)
Net power output (MW) 11.0 13.7 15.9 18.8 41.8
Efficiency (%) (LHV natural gas) 49.9 62.0 57.0 67.0 74.6
Hybrid system has potentially significant efficiency gain over DFC-only system.
H. Ghezel-Ayagh et al. / Journal of Power Sources 152 (2005) 219–225 223
Fig. 4. Process flow diagram of the long-term multi-MW DFC/T hybrid system: system features an advanced gas turbine with intercooled and re-heat cycle.
tercooled and reheat cycle that might be available in future industrial design. Key characteristics of the gas turbine in-
with gas turbine developments. Fig. 4 shows the process flow clude: pressure ratio of eight and turbine inlet temperature of
diagram of the system. The long-term system has a potential 1800 ◦ F. The fuel clean-up subsystem is a centralized desulfu-
to offer system electrical efficiency approaching 75% (LHV rizer for the natural gas fuel, which uses activated carbon in an
natural gas). epoxy lined carbon steel vessel. Electrical one-line diagrams
The preliminary design of a 40 MW power plant for near- were prepared for the power generation and auxiliary power
term application was completed. The design is based on a needs. The power conditioning system (PCS) is designed to
scalable approach using FCE’s existing M-10 (MW-scale) convert the 300 VDC from the fuel cells to 13.8 kV and is
fuel cell modules in a cluster arrangement. The fuel cell clus- modular. A PCS module supports each fuel cell cluster. The
ter design has five M-10 modules in a cluster with common 6000 kW modular unit is a packaged assembly that includes
distribution piping for the fuel and oxidant gases. Based on IGBT-based inverters and a step-up transformer. The central
the scalable overall plant design concept, the plant is arranged control system for the plant is designed to coordinate the
in three sections in addition to the centralized equipment. output of the three plant sections (six PCS modules). It pro-
Each section consists of two clusters of fuel cell modules vides operational sequence control for plant start-up heating,
together with supporting equipment. The centralized equip- on-load operation, and normal and emergency shutdowns.
ment, which supports all three sections, includes a gas tur- An overall layout/plot plan of the 40 MW plant is shown
bine, an anode gas oxidizer and other common site equipment in Fig. 5. The site is approximately 273 × 325 in size. The
such as a fuel clean-up subsystem and a water treatment sub-
The process flow diagrams with process controls for nor- Table 2
Forty-megawatt DFC/T hybrid power plant performance (estimate)
mal operation and start-up heating were generated. Steady-
state mass and energy balances for the power plant were Fuel cell
dc power output (MW) 36.1
completed for various modes of operation; including start- ac power output (MW) 34.3
up, standby, and full load operation. The performance of Gas turbine
the 40 MW power plant estimated based on near-term fuel Expander power (MW) 21.8
cell performance and a commercially available gas turbine Compressor power (MW) (10.4)
is presented in Table 2. Specifications were prepared for Net ac power (MW) 10.8
Plant parasitic load
key pieces of equipment and subsystems. Potential suppliers Anode gas compressor (MW) (3.6)
were contacted, and preliminary configuration information Other auxiliary loads (MW) (0.8)
and cost estimates were obtained. The gas turbine selected Net power output (MW) 40.8
for the 40 MW plant design is a Man Turbo Model 1304-11. Efficiency (%) (LHV of natural gas) 61.8
Man Turbo’s THM heavy-duty gas turbine features a rugged An electrical efficiency of 62% is expected in a near-term system.
224 H. Ghezel-Ayagh et al. / Journal of Power Sources 152 (2005) 219–225
Fig. 5. Forty megawatt plant layout/plot plan: power plant is divided into three sections, each containing a pair of fuel cell module clusters.
arrangement of equipment on the site is designed to provide A scalable approach for the multi-MW plant design based
easy access to the equipment for maintenance and replace- on fuel cell clusters of the existing 1 MW (M-10) modules has
ment, and minimize the length for the largest process pip- been developed. Preliminary design for the 40 MW DFC/T
ing. Design of the site arrangement included sizing of all hybrid system using a commercially available gas turbine was
the process piping and the development of process pressure completed. The system electrical efficiency (LHV) based on
profiles consistent with performance estimates. Thermal in- near-term fuel cell performance was estimated to be 62%.
sulation requirements were established for all the process Process flow diagrams with equipment and controls for oper-
piping based on a surface touch temperature limit criteria. ation and start-up have been prepared. Major equipment spec-
A computer model was developed for detailed design of the ifications were prepared and vendor quotes were solicited.
piping system including pipe sizes and insulation thickness Electrical one-line diagrams have been generated. Plant pipe
requirements. sizing and insulation requirements were determined. Major
equipment layouts and power plant plot plans have been gen-
6. Conclusions
The proof-of-concept test of the DFC/T system in the sub-
MW power plant facility was completed achieving the mile-
The development of Direct Fuel Cell® /Turbine hybrid
stone of being the world’s first grid-connected hybrid fuel
power system is being performed as a cost-shared Vision 21
cell/gas turbine power plant. Thermal management of the sys-
project supported by the US Department of Energy through
tem was confirmed. The control strategies were refined. Sys-
the National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL) under
tem trip/emergency shutdown scenarios were tested success-
contract DE-FC26-00NT40798. The technical guidance of
fully. Power plant operation, using a microturbine as the only
Mr. Norman Holcombe, the DOE Contracting Officer’s Rep-
source of fresh air supply to the system, was demonstrated.
resentative (COR) of NETL is acknowledged.
The preliminary design of the sub-MW hybrid packaged
unit (for alpha demonstration) has been completed. Design
modifications to the existing DFC-300A fuel cell module for
its application to the DFC300/T unit were completed. A Ha- References
zop safety review of the DFC300/T system was completed
[1] M.C. Williams, J.P. Strakey, S.C. Singhal, U.S. distributed generation
and a set of P&IDs was refined. All major equipment and in- fuel cell program, J. Power Sources 131 (May (1–2)) (2004) 79–85.
strumentation items have been ordered. Procurement of parts [2] Y. Yi, A.D. Rao, J. Brouwer, G.S. Samuelsen, Analysis and op-
and system components is in progress. timization of a solid oxide fuel cell and intercooled gas turbine
H. Ghezel-Ayagh et al. / Journal of Power Sources 152 (2005) 219–225 225
(SOFC–ICGT) hybrid cycle, J. Power Sources 132 (May (1–2)) (2004) John Wiley and Sons, LTD., 2003, pp. 942–968 (Chapter 68, ISBN
77–85. 0-471-40026-9).
[3] P. Lunghi, R. Bove, U. Desideri, Analysis and optimization of hybrid [6] H. Ghezel-Ayagh, A.J. Leo, R. Sanderson, High-Efficiency Fuel Cell
MCFC gas turbines plants, J. Power Sources 118 (May (1–2)) (2003) System, U.S. Patent No. 6,365,290 (April 2002).
108–117. [7] H. Ghezel-Ayagh, H. Maru, Direct fuel cell/turbine system for ultra
[4] J. Doyon, M. Farooque, H. Maru, The direct fuelcell stack engineer- high efficiency power generation, in: 2002 Fuel Cell Seminar, Palm
ing, J. Power Sources 118 (May (1–2)) (2003) 8–13. Springs, CA November 18–21, 2002.
[5] M. Farooque, H. Ghezel-Ayagh, Molten carbonate fuel cells and sys- [8] H. Ghezel-Ayagh, J.M. Daly, Z. Wang, Advances in direct fuel cell/gas
tems, system design, part 7, in: W. Vielstich, A. Lamm, H. Gasteiger turbine power plants, in: Proceedings of ASME/IGTI Turbo Expo,
(Eds.), Handbook of Fuel Cells, Fundamentals Technology and Ap- 2003 (ASME Paper GT 2003-38941).
plications, vol. 4. Fuel Cell Technology and Applications, Part 2,
Int. J. Energy Res. 2013; 37:1821–1830
Published online 9 January 2013 in Wiley Online Library ( DOI: 10.1002/er.3000
An energy analysis of three typical solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) power systems fed by methane is carried out with detailed
thermodynamic model. Simple SOFC system, hybrid SOFC-gas turbine (GT) power system, and SOFC-GT-steam turbine
(ST) power system are compared. The influences of air ratio and operative pressure on the performance of SOFC power
systems are investigated. The net system electric efficiency and cogeneration efficiency of these power systems are given
by the calculation model. The results show that internal reforming SOFC power system can achieve an electrical efficiency
of more than 49% and a system cogeneration efficiency including waste heat recovery of 77%. For SOFC-GT system, the
electrical efficiency and cogeneration efficiency are 61% and 80%, respectively. Although SOFC-GT-ST system is more
complicated and has high investment costs, the electrical efficiency of it is close to that of SOFC-GT system. Copyright
© 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
solid oxide fuel cell; hybrid power system; electric efficiency
*Junxi Jia, College of Power and Energy Engineering, Harbin Engineering University, Harbin 150001, China.
1822 Int. J. Energy Res. 2013; 37:1821–1830 © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
DOI: 10.1002/er
Solid oxide fuel cell power systems J. Jia et al.
azFact ð1 aÞzFact
i ¼ i0 exp exp (3)
pO2 Eact;c
i0;c ¼ gc exp (5)
p0;c RT
Int. J. Energy Res. 2013; 37:1821–1830 © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 1823
DOI: 10.1002/er
J. Jia et al. Solid oxide fuel cell power systems
For a methane-fed SOFC system, either internal or where superscript in is inlet. The term nin
tot is the total mole
external reforming is needed. In order to reduce cost of flow rates of the inlet gas mixture including the methane
an expensive external reformer and the cooling air flowrate and the steam vapor.
for the fuel cell stack, the use of internal reforming is The reaction rate z is determined by the Faraday’s Law.
adopted. The usual high operating temperature of SOFC
allows sustaining the reforming process. Therefore, meth- z ¼ I=ð2F Þ (16)
ane is reformed to produce hydrogen according to the high
endothermic reaction When the temperature is known, the equilibrium
constants can be calculated from Eq. (13), and unknowns
CH4 þ H2 O ! CO þ 3 H 2 ðreformingÞ (9) x and y are given by solving Eqs. (14) and (15) using a
numerical calculated method at given inlet conditions of
the flow.
CO þ H2 O ! CO2 þ H2 ðshiftingÞ (10) The electric power produced is given by
From Eqs. (9) and (10), it is clear that these processes WSOFC ¼ IV (17)
require steam. This can be produced externally by a boiler
or by a heat recovery of exhaust gases from the combustor The equation for the energy balance of SOFC is
or the GT.
Assuming the reforming and shifting reactions at X X X
Hiin þ Rk ðΔHk Þ ¼ WSOFC þ Hiout (18)
chemical equilibrium, the equilibrium constants can be i k i
calculated from the partial pressures of the reactants and
products. The energy balance includes the electrical power WSOFC
PH32 PCO and the enthalpy changes of the chemical and electrochemi-
K PR ¼ ðreformingÞ (11) cal reactions and gives the evaluation of the average temper-
ature of the stack.
1824 Int. J. Energy Res. 2013; 37:1821–1830 © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
DOI: 10.1002/er
Solid oxide fuel cell power systems J. Jia et al.
3.4. Compressor and GT models The heat recovery is referred to the amount of energy
that is obtainable from the exhaust which can be used to
To simplify the study, it is assumed that the GT and produce steam or hot water for industrial and commercial
compressor work at their respective designed condition applications.
under steady-state operation. A set of operating parameters
and the assumed efficiencies are given in Table III. Once
the pressure ratio is given, the outlet temperature of the
compressor and GT is given as:
The key parameter in SOFC computation is the operating
T COM;out T GT;in k1
¼ ¼pk (24) temperature which is dependent on various operating
T COM;in T GT;out and design data. The electrochemical model is solved with
a tentative temperature. The electrochemical model deter-
Then, the compressor work and GT output can be mines terminal voltage and electric power. The energy
obtained, respectively, balance (Eq. (18)) accepts these results from electrochem-
ical model and calculates the temperature of SOFC. The
temperature is applied to the electrochemical model for
WCOM ¼ H T COM;out H T COM;out (25)
COM;s the next calculation of cell terminal voltage and power
until the convergence is obtained.
For the whole system model, since the calculation of
W GT ¼ GT;s H T GT;in H T GT;out (26)
heat exchanger need the heating fluid parameters (such as
the exit gas temperature of the combustor), which are not
where, s is adiabatic efficiency given in Table III. known at the beginning of the simulation, a set of initial
parameters has to be assumed in order to run the system
3.5. Net power output and process heat model until convergence is met eventually. A set of
Net power of the system is given by operating parameters and the assumed efficiencies of the
system components are given in Table III. The simulations
were done using Matlab 7.0.
Wnet ¼ WSOFC þ ðWGT W COM Þ þ WST (27)
The simulated V–I curve is compared with the
experimental data in reference [27] in Figure 4.The relative
The electrical efficiency is defined as the ratio of the
deviation between the calculated voltage and experimental
electrical power output to the LHV of the fuel, which is
voltage is less than 5%, which shows that the present
expressed as
model is reliable.
Int. J. Energy Res. 2013; 37:1821–1830 © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 1825
DOI: 10.1002/er
J. Jia et al. Solid oxide fuel cell power systems
Table IV. State-points main properties for simple SOFC power system.
1826 Int. J. Energy Res. 2013; 37:1821–1830 © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
DOI: 10.1002/er
Solid oxide fuel cell power systems J. Jia et al.
T(K) P(bar) H2(%) H2O(%) O2(%) N2(%) CH4(%) CO2 (%) CO (%)
Parameter Value
Compared to the simple SOFC power system, the Figure 7. Effect of operating pressure on compressors work.
combustion products flow through the GT, and the
mechanical power is produced, then the temperature of
the gas is lowered. The outlet flow (11-Point in Figure 2)
in SOFC-GT power system has a lower temperature than
that (10-Point in Figure 1) in simple SOFC power system.
Then, the temperature difference in air preheater becomes
small, so the irreversibility is decreased obviously. More
chemical energy is translated into electric and mechanical
power instead of heat energy to heat the cooling air. The
net electrical power output of the plant is 1857 kW. The
heat recovery is 588 kW. The ratio of the heat energy to
the electric power is 0.31, which is far less than that of
simple SOFC power system.
The effect of operating pressure on compressors work,
SOFC and GT output power, heat recovery, and efficiency
is shown in Figures 7–10, respectively. Figure 8. Effect of operating pressure on SOFC and GT power
Although increase of flow pressure in fuel and air output.
required more work given to compressor shown in Figure 8,
the improvement in overall useful energy output from the 4.3. The SOFC-GT-ST power system
SOFC and GT overweighs the extra work required and
results in the decrease of heat recovery; the electrical In order to utilize exhaust gas further, the ST is added
efficiency is enhanced ultimately. to SOFC-GT power system to produce mechanical
Int. J. Energy Res. 2013; 37:1821–1830 © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 1827
DOI: 10.1002/er
J. Jia et al. Solid oxide fuel cell power systems
T(K) P(bar)
1 298 1
2 669 12.7
3 923 12.3
4 1112 12.03
5 298 1
6 669 12.7
7 638 12.3
8 928 12.5
9 1112 12.03
Figure 9. Effect of operating pressure on heat recovery and net 10 1238 11.3
power output. 11 968 4
12 930 3.92
13 709 3.84
14 353 3.76
15 298 1
16 613 12.7
17 613 12.7
18 306 0.05
19 306 0.05
Parameter Value
1828 Int. J. Energy Res. 2013; 37:1821–1830 © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
DOI: 10.1002/er
Solid oxide fuel cell power systems J. Jia et al.
GT = gas turbine
K = equilibrium constant
LHV = lower heating value (J/mol)
m = molar flow rate (mol/s)
P = pressure (bar)
ST = steam turbine
R = universal gas constant, 8.314 J/(mol K)
Ri = ohmic resistant (Ωcm2)
Rk = reaction rate (mol s1)
T = temperature (K)
V = terminal voltage (V)
Uf = fuel utilization
Figure 11. Electric efficiency and total efficiency for five dis- Uo = oxidant utilization
cussed cases. W = electrical power (W)
z = H2 reacted moles (mol s1)
Z = electrons transferred per reaction
Case(5): SOFC-GT-ST power system, A/F = 27,opera-
tiong pressure = 12.7 bar,
Greek Letters
a = transfer coefficient
5. CONCLUSIONS r = specific resistivity (Ωcm)
d = thickness (cm)
In the present paper, three typical SOFC power systems fed = polarization (V)
by methane are compared by energetic analysis. Simula- = efficiency
tions reveal that efficiencies of 49% electric and 77%
cogenerative are feasible for simple SOFC system in
residential-scale applications. Decreasing excess air in the Subscripts
SOFC has a positive effect on the electric and total
efficiency. a = anode
It is possible for a hybrid SOFC-GT power system to act = activation polarization
achieve an electrical efficiency greater than 60%, and a c = cathode
total efficiency near 80%. Increasing in operating pressure com = compressor
increases the electrical efficiency. However, the total con = concentration polarization
efficiency increases slightly as the pressure increases. ohm = ohm polarization
The efficiency of SOFC-GT-ST is close to that of R = reforming reaction
SOFC-GT power system. Although the power output of S = shifting reaction
exhaust gases shows some improvement through the ST, tur = turbine
the decrease of power output from the GT overweighs
the advantages. At the same time, ST adds complexity,
control needs, and potential high costs of the whole
Int. J. Energy Res. 2013; 37:1821–1830 © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 1829
DOI: 10.1002/er
J. Jia et al. Solid oxide fuel cell power systems
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1830 Int. J. Energy Res. 2013; 37:1821–1830 © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
DOI: 10.1002/er
Journal of Cleaner Production 144 (2017) 375e386
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: The aim of this research is to present an optimal configuration for solid oxide fuel cell-gas turbine hybrid
Received 22 June 2016 systems based on thermo-economic modelling. To this end, four different designs of direct hybrid sys-
Received in revised form tems with pressurized and atmospheric fuel cells have been presented. In the first two designs, one stack
4 January 2017
fuel cells has been used in the hybrid system, and in the other designs, two stack fuel cells have been
Accepted 4 January 2017
utilized. By examining four hybrid system, it was found that hybrid system with one pressurized fuel cell
Available online 9 January 2017
hybrid system is better than the other. The advantages of this system include its lower irreversibility rate,
low purchase, low installation and startup costs, and the adequate price of its generated electricity.
Hybrid system
Results show that the hybrid system with one atmospheric fuel cell has a low electrical efficiency, high
Solid oxide fuel cell irreversibility rate; and also the price of its generated electricity is higher than that of the other proposed
Gas turbine systems. Conversely, the hybrid systems with two fuel cells, in spite of enjoying a high efficiency, are not
Optimal configuration cost-effective and economical. The findings indicate that the total efficiency of 64% and electrical effi-
Thermo-economic model ciency of 51% was achieved for optimal hybrid system. Also, the thermo-economic analyses show that the
generated electricity price is about USD 11.6 cents/kWh based on the Lazareto's model and USD 18.5
cents/kWh based on the total revenue requirement model. The purchase, installation and startup cost of
this hybrid system is about $1692/kW; which is almost twice the cost of a gas turbine unit.
© 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
0959-6526/© 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
376 J. Pirkandi et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 144 (2017) 375e386
With regards to the working pressure, the solid oxide fuel cells the basis of thermo-economic modelling.
used in this type of hybrid systems (direct thermal contact) are Araki et al. (2006) investigated a hybrid power generation sys-
divided into two types: pressurized, and atmospheric. In the tem consisting of two high-temperature and low-temperature solid
pressurized type, the fuel cell is situated between compressor and oxide fuel cell stacks. Musa and Paepe (2008) studied the perfor-
turbine, and it has a high working pressure. In the atmospheric mances of hybrid cycles with two high-temperature and medium-
type, the fuel cell is located downstream of the turbine, and the temperature solid oxide fuel cells. Cheddie (2010) proposed SOFC
turbine's outflowing gasses enter it at low pressure (about the for integration into a 10 MW gas turbine power plant, operating at
pressure of the atmosphere). The fuel cell used in pressurized 30% efficiency. The power output of the hybrid plant is 37 MW at
systems is often subjected to a specific pressure, which increases its 66.2% efficiency. A thermo-economic model predicts a payback
output power but, accordingly, creates more challenges in the period of less than four years. Tarroja et al. (2010) studied a SOFC-
design and control of the system. In this approach, because of the GT hybrid system, explored the different methods of preheating the
high pressure produced in the fuel cell, its casing has to be securely cathode's inflowing air, e.g. using a blower or injector, and
sealed. To overcome this problem, atmospheric type fuel cells are compared the results with those of a system with a single heat
used in the hybrid systems. These systems pose much less of a exchanger. Facchinetti et al. (2014) analysed the design and opti-
hazard by keeping the fuel cells at atmospheric pressure. In this mization of a SOFC-GT hybrid cycle with a new configuration,
system, the air flowing into the fuel cell is taken from the turbine's which had been considered for use in residential buildings. Arsalis
exhaust gasses. If the cell has a high working temperature or the gas (2007, 2008) investigated four different steam turbine cycles. The
turbine has a high expansion percentage, it will be difficult to models have been developed to function both at design and off-
achieve the minimum working temperature needed at the input of design conditions. Cheddie and Murray (2010a, b); Cheddie et al.
this type of fuel cell. (2011) proposed direct, semi-direct and indirectly coupled of
A review of the former research works indicates that in recent SOFC and a 10 MW power plant. Lorenzo and Fragiacomo (2015)
years numerous researchers have worked on the direct combina- formulated zero-dimensional and stationary simulation model of
tion of gas turbines and fuel cells under pressure, and that the at- an SOFC system fed by syngas in cogenerate arrangement and
mospheric systems have attracted less of an attention. The implemented in the Matlab environment by which the SOFC sys-
investigations show that generally one stack fuel cell has been used tem performances were evaluated. Ebrahimi and Moradpoor (2016)
in the structure of most hybrid systems. Also, the examined works proposed a novel cycle combining three technologies of solid oxide
indicate that the hybrid systems have been explored more from fuel cell, micro gas turbine, and organic Rankine cycle to produce
thermodynamic and exergy perspectives, and that the researchers power in micro scale. Meratizaman et al. (2014) considered inte-
have focused less on economic analyses. Considering the above- gration of MED with SOFCeGT power cycle in 300e1000 kW (size
mentioned notions, the main objective of this research is to intro- of SOFC). Saisirirat (2015) simulated a detailed thermodynamic
duce and present several different configurations for direct type model of SOFC and gas turbine hybrid system and few configura-
hybrid systems of gas turbine and fuel cell, and to analyse them on tions of the combined or hybrid cycles are proposed and analysed.
J. Pirkandi et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 144 (2017) 375e386 377
Buonomano et al. (2015) presented a comprehensive review of the configurations, one fuel cell has been used; while in the other two
possible layout configurations of hybrid power plants based on the configurations, two cells have been used. In order to present the
integration of solid oxide fuel cells and gas turbine technologies. governing equations, it is necessary to introduce a basic cycle.
These researchers have employed simple economic models in their
investigations in order to determine the price of the generated 2.1. The direct hybrid system with one pressurized fuel cell
electricity, and their considered hybrid systems have included gas
turbines and pressurized fuel cells. Fig. 1 illustrates a direct type hybrid system of gas turbine and
In view of the above information, in this study, contrary to most solid oxide fuel cell, as the basic hybrid system. As this figure in-
of the former works in which a simple system configuration has dicates, in this hybrid system, one stack fuel cell at the upstream of
been analysed, four different hybrid system configurations with turbine has been used. According to the investigations, in most of
pressurized and atmospheric fuel cells are investigated. In two of the performed research works on hybrid systems, this design
the analysed configurations, two fuel cell stacks have been used, scheme has been explored and analysed.
and their results have been compared with those of simpler The proposed system comprises a stack of solid oxide fuel cell
models. Since the fuel cell, as one of the main components of these with internal reforming, afterburner chamber, gas turbine, air
types of hybrid systems, plays a significant role in the generation of compressor, fuel compressor, water pump and three recuperators.
power, this research has attempted to separately explore the elec- The air and natural gas used in the system are first compressed by
trochemical and thermal performances of the fuel cell. Contrary to some compressors and by passing through the air and fuel recu-
most of the previous research works, the working temperature of perators, are warmed before entering the cell. Natural gas, after
the cell has not been assumed as constant in this investigation, but entering the fuel cell, is reformed at the anode section and is pro-
has been computed for different working conditions. In the eco- duced pure hydrogen. The hydrogen obtained from natural gas
nomic analyses performed in this research, two simple economic reacts with the existing oxygen in the air, which has passed through
models and the total revenue requirements (TRR) method have another recuperator and entered the fuel cell. Considering the
been used to determine the price of the generated electricity and exothermic nature of the electrochemical reaction in the fuel cell, a
the other relevant expenses. The TRR model is an accurate and portion of the heat generated from this reaction is used to reform
complete model for economic analyses and it can calculate all the the natural gas utilized in the process, another portion enters the
capital investment and current costs of a system (Bejan et al., 1996). surrounding environment and the remaining portion of the heat
In this paper System performance Criteria such as power, efficiency, warms up the internal gasses and the gasses exiting the fuel cell.
emission rate, irreversibility and price of electricity was investi- The reaction between hydrogen and oxygen in the cell produces
gated simultaneously. substantial electrical power, which increases the efficiency of the
hybrid system. The fuel cell's exhaust gasses that were not used in
2. The proposed hybrid systems the reforming reaction enter the afterburner chamber, where they
react with each other. The output products of the afterburner
Hybrid systems can be divided into two categories: direct and chamber then enter the gas turbine and produce mechanical work
indirect. The selection of a SOFC/GT layout depend on several through expansion. Finally, the hot exhaust gasses of the turbine
design parameters, such as operating temperature and pressure of enter the three recuperators. The first two recuperators are used to
the SOFC stack, type of fuel, type of Brayton cycle and so on. During preheat the air and fuel that enter the cell, and the third recupertor
the past few years researchers developed a plurality of SOFC/GT is used to generate thermal energy.
configurations, aiming at improving the electrical efficiency and/or
to reduce capital costs. In fact, the selecting a configuration is one of 2.2. The direct hybrid system with one atmospheric fuel cell
the key steps before designing a hybrid system. This study presents
four configurations of SOFC/GT hybrid system and discusses why The second proposed system is a direct hybrid system with an
one configuration is better than the other. atmospheric fuel cell. As is observed in Fig. 2, in this type of hybrid
In this section, four direct types of hybrid systems with different system, the fuel cell is situated at the downstream of turbine and its
configurations have been presented. In the first and second working pressure is about the pressure of atmosphere. The gasses
Fig. 1. The direct hybrid system with one pressurized fuel cell (first design).
378 J. Pirkandi et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 144 (2017) 375e386
Fig. 2. The direct hybrid system with one atmospheric fuel cell (second design).
exiting the turbine enter the cathode and react with the fuel that electrochemical reactions. The outflowing gasses from the second
comes into the anode. The remaining gasses of the fuel cell then cell then enter an afterburner chamber and after participating in
enter the afterburner chamber and after participating in the com- chemical reactions for the generation of power reenter the turbine.
bustion process enter the heat exchangers in order to heat the air, Eventually, for the purpose of heating the air, fuel and water needed
fuel and water. by the system, the hot exhaust gasses from the turbine enter the
heat exchangers and then are discharged into the surrounding
2.3. The direct hybrid system with two pressurized fuel cells environment.
The third proposed system consists of two fuel cells under 2.4. The direct hybrid system with one pressurized and one
pressure, which have been installed in series at the upstream of atmospheric fuel cell
turbine. As Fig. 3 illustrate, the air and fuel coming into the system
are warmed up and then enter the first fuel cell. After participating The fourth proposed system is a combination of the first and
in the electrochemical reaction there and generating power, the air second designs and it uses a pressurized and an atmospheric fuel
and fuel enter the second fuel cell. Since a major portion of the inlet cell in the gas turbine cycle. As is illustrated in Fig. 4, the air and fuel
fuel (about 85%) is used up in the first cell, in order to provide the coming into the system, after being heated in the heat exchangers,
fuel needed by the second cell, a specific amount of extra fuel is enter the pressurized fuel cell and provide a part of the power
injected at the anode inlet of the second fuel cell. The remaining air generated in the hybrid system. The remaining gasses from the
and fuel from the first cell enter the second cell, along with the pressurized fuel cell enter the afterburner chamber and, there, all
added fuel, and generate more power through a series of the remaining fuel is used up in a chemical reaction. The hot gasses
Fig. 3. The direct hybrid system with two pressurized fuel cells (third design).
J. Pirkandi et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 144 (2017) 375e386 379
Fig. 4. The direct hybrid system with one pressurized and one atmospheric fuel cell (fourth design).
exiting the afterburner chamber then enter the turbine and The distribution of temperature, pressure and chemical com-
generate power. Also, the turbine's exhaust gasses enter the cath- ponents within the fuel cell has been disregarded.
ode section of the atmospheric fuel cell and along with the fuel A constant voltage has been considered for the cells of the fuel
injected into the anode section supply another portion of the hybrid cell.
system's generated power. Similar to the pressurized fuel cell, the It has been assumed that the fuel inside the fuel cell converts to
gasses not utilized in the atmospheric cell enter the second after- hydrogen through internal reforming.
burner chamber and, after participating in a high-temperature The fuel utilized in the system contains 97% methane, 1.5% car-
chemical reaction, are conveyed to the heat exchangers. The hot bon dioxide and 1.5% nitrogen. Also, the air used in the system
exhaust gasses of the afterburner chamber also enter the heat ex- contains 21% oxygen and 79% nitrogen.
changers in order to warm up the air, fuel and water used in the In this research, air and fuel enter the system under standard
hybrid system; and after exchanging their heat, these gasses are conditions and at identical temperatures and pressures (tem-
discharged into the surrounding environment (see Fig. 5). perature of 25 C and pressure of 1 bar).
In this paper, Criteria for selection of optimum system were high
power and efficiency and low emission rate, irreversibility and
price of electricity. The results of the optimal mode for each 4. Governing equations
configuration are not stated in this article. Optimal results obtained
are presented in tables and for each state three criteria include In this section, the governing equations of the problem have
good, moderate and poor was defined. Criteria have the same been presented in three separate areas comprising the thermody-
weight. System that has the highest score was selected as an namic, exergy and economic equations. Due to the similar com-
appropriate configuration. Survey of all the criteria have not been ponents used in all four proposed designs, the first design including
addressed in any article. The main objective of this paper is to the direct hybrid system with one pressurized fuel cell is chosen as
investigate the four different configurations and identify the dis- the main design, and its relevant equations are presented.
advantages and capabilities of each one. This type of work has been
done for the first time. Previous articles usually evaluate pressur-
4.1. Thermodynamic equations
ized hybrid system with one fuel cell. The main variables in this
paper include: Power, Compressor pressure ratio, Electrical effi-
4.1.1. Air and fuel compressor
ciency, Irreversibility rate, Emission, Electricity generation price,
According to thermodynamic equations, the temperature of the
Purchase, installation and start-up cost.
compressor's outflow gasses and the real work needed by the
compressor can be determined (Haseli and Dincer, 2008). It should
3. Assumption be mentioned that due to the dependency of the isentropic effi-
ciency on the compressor's pressure ratio and because of the
The following assumptions have been considered in modelling fluctuations of this efficiency with pressure variations, polytropic
and analysing the introduced hybrid systems: efficiency has been used in system analysis instead of isentropic
efficiency. (Haseli and Dincer, 2008).
Gas leakage from inside the system to the outside has been
_ c;a ¼ n_ c;a : h
outðc;aÞ hinðc;aÞ
ignored. W (1)
A stable fluid flow has been considered in all the cycle
380 J. Pirkandi et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 144 (2017) 375e386
S_genðc;aÞ ¼ n_ c;a : soutðc;aÞ sinðc;aÞ (2) Q_ loss;ab
S_gen;ab ¼ n_ out;ab sout;ab n_ in;ab sin;ab þ (6)
where subscript (c,a) is the air compressor and this relationship is
used for fuel compressor with subscript (c,f).
4.1.3. Turbine
4.1.2. Afterburner and combustion chamber As was previously mentioned, the polytropic efficiency has been
Since only a portion of the fuel and air that enter the system are used instead of the isentropic efficiency (Haseli and Dincer, 2008).
used up in the fuel cell, an afterburner chamber is necessary for the
cycle. All reactions are exothermic, and they raise the temperature W GT ¼ n_ GT hin;GT hout;GT (7)
of the gasses that exit the afterburner chamber (Haseli and Dincer,
S_gen;GT ¼ n_ GT sout;GT sin;GT (8)
n_ in;ab hin;ab n_ out;ab hout;ab Q_ loss;ab ¼ 0 (3)
been presented in (Chan et al., 2002; Pirkandi et al., 2012; Volkan, 4.1.5. Recuperator
2007). The temperatures of the gasses exiting from the first three
Due to the high operating temperatures of solid oxide fuel cells, recuperators are calculated based on their effectiveness (Haseli
the fuel needed by the cell can be produced within the cell from et al., 2008). Eqs. (17) and (18) have been used to compute the
hydrocarbons such as natural gas. In this paper, a fuel cell with useful heating load in the last recuperator, by considering the ef-
direct internal reforming has been used, in which the heat released ficiency of this recuperator.
from the electrochemical reaction of electrodes is utilized to carry
out the endothermic reforming reaction. In computing the tem- Q_ rec;g ¼ εrec;w n_ g hin;rec hout;rec (17)
perature of the gasses released from the fuel cell stack, the three
heat sources in the cell should be taken into consideration. Since
the reforming reaction in the cell is endothermic and the shifting Q_ rec;w ¼ n_ w C p Tout;w Tin;w (18)
and electrochemical reactions are exothermic, the net heat transfer
By using Eq. (18), the quantity of warm water needed for the
of the solid oxide fuel cell will be obtained from the differences
heating units in the cogeneration system (n_ w ) can be determined.
between the heating values of the above three reactions. The
In this research, the temperature of the warm water coming out of
heating values resulting from the reforming (Qr ), shifting (Qsh ) and
the recuperator has been considered as 90 C. The amount of
electrochemical (Qelec ) reactions are obtained by means of Equa-
heating load obtained from the last recuperator is used to calculate
tions (9) through (11) (Chan et al., 2002).
the total thermal efficiency of the system (Haseli et al., 2008).
Q_ r ¼ x hCO þ 3hH2 hCH4 hH2 O (9) S_gen;rec ¼ n_ a sout;a sin;a n_ g sin;g sout;g (19)
Q_ sh ¼ y hCO2 þ hH2 hCO hH2 O (10)
4.1.6. Pump
The required pump work is obtained from Eq. (20).
Q_ elec ¼ zT DS I DVloss (11)
W_ wp ¼ n_ w vw Pout;w P (20)
Q_ net ¼ Q_ elec þ Q_ sh Q_ r (12) After exchanging its heat in the heating units, the warm water
flowing out of the pump is again returned to the power generation
With regards to Eq. (13), a portion of this residual net heat is system for reheating. (Pirkandi et al., 2012).
used to raise the temperature of the cell's internal and outflowing
gasses ð Q_ Þ and another portion enters the surrounding environ-
S_gen;wp ¼ n_ w sout;w sin;w (21)
ment ð Q surr Þ.
Q_ net ¼ Q_ þ Q_ surr (13)
4.1.7. Hybrid system
In a real condition, the processes implemented in a fuel cell By considering the whole hybrid system as a control volume, it's
cannot be considered as adiabatic whatsoever; and always there is electrical, thermal, total, and exergy efficiencies will be obtained.
some heat loss to the surrounding atmosphere. By considering this (Pirkandi et al., 2012).
problem as an ideal case, it is assumed that the fuel cell is internally
adiabatic and that the net residual heat is used to raise00 the tem- W_
perature of the cell's internal and outflowing gasses ð Q_ Þ. In this hele ¼ _ net (22)
nf LHV
case, by considering the same temperature for the gasses exiting
from the anode and cathode, Eq. (14) is obtained. In this equation,
W_ þ E_
Dhan;in and Dhca:in denote the enthalpy changes of reactants, and hexergy ¼ _ net _ out;w (23)
Dhan;out , Dhca;out indicate the enthalpy changes of products at the Ein;a þ Ein;f þ E_ in;w
anode and cathode (Pirkandi et al., 2012).
The net power output of the system is equal to the sum of the
00 net power outputs of fuel cell and turbine, and also the energy
Q_ ¼ Dhca;in þ Dhca;out þ Dhan;in þ Dhan;out (14) input of the system is equal to the sum of the energies released by
To compute the temperature of the fuel cell's outflowing gasses, the utilization of fuel in the cell and afterburner chamber (Pirkandi
an iteration algorithm has been employed, and the convergence et al., 2012).
criterion has been considered as Eq. (15).
W_ net ¼ W_ þ W_ (24)
ACtot ACnet
Q_ Q_ 0
Qerror ¼ < 0:01 (15)
Q_ 0 _ _ _ _ _
W AC;net ¼ W DC;net hinv;gen W wp W c;air W c;fuel
After calculating the output temperature, Eq. (16) can be used to (25)
determine the amount of heat loss in the fuel cell.
In Eq. (25), the term of hinv;gen is the direct-to-alternating current
conversion factor of the micro turbine generator.
n_ ca;in hca;in þ n_ an;in han;in ¼ n_ ca;out hca;out þ n_ an;out han;out þ Q_ surr
þW_ 4.2. The exergy equations
A subject arising from the second law of thermodynamics is the
method of exergy analysis in system modelling (Kotas, 1995; Haseli
382 J. Pirkandi et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 144 (2017) 375e386
et al., 2008). The rates of destroyed exergy and lost exergy and the (i) and the number of years the machineries have been in operation
irreversibility rate in the whole proposed system can be obtained (n), and it is calculated based on the values of these two parameters
from Equations (26) through (28): (Bejan et al., 1996). In thermoeconomic analyses, the CRF normally
has a range of 0.147e0.18. In Eq. (33), the interest rate or the dis-
E_ destroyed; sys ¼ E_ in;a þ E_ in:f þ E_ in;w W_ net E_ out;w E_ out;gas count factor has been considered in the range of 0.1e0.12.
i ð1 þ iÞn
CRF ¼ (33)
ð1 þ iÞn 1
E_ lost;sys ¼ E_ out;gas (27)
of air and fuel entering the system. At this point, because of the (Haseli and Dincer, 2008).
cell's working temperature not being constant, an arbitrary cell In the following, the performances of the four proposed hybrid
temperature is initially guessed. Using this guesstimated cell tem- systems have been compared. For a better evaluation, this com-
perature, in the next step, the nonlinear reforming and electro- parison has been carried out for two cases. In the first case, the
chemical equations along with the cell's thermal equations are same area has been considered for the stack of fuel cells used in all
solved simultaneously, and the desired outcomes including the the proposed configurations and in the second case, the area of the
amounts of produced chemical components and the values of fuel cells used in the systems with two stacks of cells has been
temperature, voltage loss, real voltage, current, power, efficiency, halved. The electrical efficiency, price of the generated electricity,
and other considered parameters in the fuel cell are obtained. The and the purchase, installation and start-up cost of the hybrid sys-
equations of the other system components are also analysed along tems are the parameters examined in this section. In all the ana-
with the fuel cell equations. After analysing the whole system, the lyses of this section, the temperature of the inflowing turbine
new cell temperature is determined by considering the given gasses has been assumed as 1200 C.
conditions. In case the convergence condition of the cycle is not
fulfilled, the analysis will be repeated with a new temperature.
Following the thermodynamic analyses, economic analyses are also 7.1. Using fuel cells with the same cell area in all the considered
carried out for the system in the final section. design configurations
In this section, the same selected cell areas have been consid-
6. Validation
ered for all the fuel cells in the four hybrid systems. The diagrams
comparing the performances of all four hybrid systems in this case
To validate the prepared computer code, the system introduced
have been presented in Figs. 6 through 10. As is observed in Fig. 6,
by (Shirazi et al., 2010) has been modelled and its findings have
the electrical efficiency of the hybrid systems with two fuel cells is
been compared with the results obtained from the present code.
higher than that of single-cell systems. The results show that the
The close agreement between these results in Table 1 validates the
fourth design enjoys the highest electrical efficiency (55%) and the
present method and the developed code. In the performed
second design has the least efficiency (49%).
modelling, the cell's working temperature and the temperature of
The other important parameter that should be considered in the
the turbine's inflowing gasses have been considered as 1175 and
analysis of energy systems is their irreversibility rate. Systems with
1457.2 K. The slight discrepancy between the results of the written
the least irreversibility rates have an adequate performance and are
code and those of Shirazi is due to the way by which the cell's
preferred over the other system designs. As is observed in Fig. 7, the
concentration voltage loss is calculated. Shirazi et al. had assumed a
least irreversibility rates are associated with the hybrid systems
constant limit current density in calculating this voltage loss; while
in the present research, the amount of limit current density has
been computed.
7. Results
The fuel cell used in this research is of the tubular solid oxide
type (similar to the model manufactured by the Siemens-
Westinghouse Co.) (Ciesar, 2001), and its specifications along
with its other constant parameters have been presented in Table 2.
Also, the constant parameters used for the equipment of the hybrid
system have been considered based on the sample analysed in
Table 1
Comparing the results of the present code with the numerical results of (Shirazi
et al., 2010).
Parameters (Shirazi et al., 2010) Results Present Work Fig. 6. Comparing the electrical efficiencies of various hybrid systems.
Table 2
Assumed parameters of the fuel cell (Ciesar, 2001).
Fig. 9. Comparing the prices of the electricity generated by various hybrid systems.
Fig. 10. Comparing the purchase, installation and start-up costs of various hybrid
Fig. 12. Comparing the irreversibility rates of various hybrid systems.
Table 3
Comparing the performances of the direct hybrid systems with a constant cell area.
Design configuration 1 2 3 4
System layout Direct with one pressurized Direct with one atmospheric Direct with two pressurized Direct with one pressurized and one
fuel cell fuel cell fuel cell atmospheric fuel cell
Electrical efficiency o e þ þ
Irreversibility rate þ e þ o
Emission þ e þ o
Electricity generation price þ o e e
Purchase, installation and þ o e e
start-up cost
J. Pirkandi et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 144 (2017) 375e386 385
Table 4
Comparing the performances of the direct hybrid systems with optimized cell areas.
Design configuration 1 2 3 4
System layout Direct with one pressurized Direct with one atmospheric Direct with two pressurized Direct with one pressurized and one
fuel cell fuel cell fuel cell atmospheric fuel cell
Electrical efficiency þ e o þ
Irreversibility rate þ e þ o
Emission þ e þ o
Electricity generation price þ e o o
Purchase, installation and þ e e o
start-up cost
386 J. Pirkandi et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 144 (2017) 375e386
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