Tracking Area Update in Lte
Tracking Area Update in Lte
Tracking Area Update in Lte
Design Optimization of Tracking Area List for Reducing Total Signaling Overhead
in LTE Systems
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Abstract—In Long Term Evolution systems (LTE) the concept of is a cluster of evolved Node Bs (eNBs) having the same TA
Tracking Area List (TAL) is introduced. TAL consists of a group code [9],[10]. In the standard TA scheme, having TA with
of Tracking Areas (TAs), and it is assigned to a User Equipment small size (few number of cells) eliminates the paging
(UE), the UE does not need to register its location when it moves signaling overhead; on the other hand having TA with a large
within TAs of the assigned TAL. If an optimum TAL design is size eliminates the location update overhead. When a UE
implemented this may result in the reduction of total signaling
receives a call, the network must page cells within the
overhead cost introduced by location update and paging
procedures. One of the challenges of mobility management in Location Area (polling) to find that user as quickly as
cellular networks is the reduction of overall signaling overhead possible. This process all induces system overhead in both
while maintaining acceptable performance. In this paper we system signal and wireless bandwidth consumption. If the
propose a TAL design optimization for reducing overall signaling wired network knows the exact location of a UE, the paging
overhead algorithm. To achieve optimum TAL design a cell may cost can be reduced to a minimum by polling only the cell in
change its current TAL, and this may cause a service which the UE is situated. On the other extreme case, if the
interruption for active UEs in that cell. A budget constrain wired network does not have any information about the
parameter is introduced to define the maximum number of cells location of the UE, cells all over the wireless network have to
change TALs while maintaining improved performance. For UE
be polled. This costs the maximum system overhead. So the
mobility modeling the data required can be obtain from the
network management system which are cell load and handover problem is how to find an optimal TA design which gives
statistical data. Markov model is used for UE mobility modeling. reduction in signaling overhead and optimal balance between
We present numerical results, from which we can say that the Tracking Area Update (TAU) and paging signaling overhead.
optimum TAL design returned from the proposed algorithm Limitations of the tracking Area scheme can be summarized as
gave considerable reduction of overall signaling overhead cost follows:
compared to the traditional TA design. Ping Pong effect: Here if the UE moves back and forth
between two or three neighboring TAs and this will
Index Terms— LTE, , Location Update, Paging, Signaling cause excessive TAU, because when UE enters a new
Overhead, TAL. TA it will perform TAU.
Massive Mobility Signaling Congestion: Here If a large
number of users simultaneously move into a hotspot cell,
I. INTRODUCTION this will cause excessive TAU from the UEs, in a short
In cellular communication networks, mobility period of time.
management consists of location registration (location update)
and paging, and it is one of the most essential techniques to In LTE networks Tracking Area List (TAL) scheme has
provide communication services to UEs. Mobility been introduced to solve a problems existing in the standard
management in Long Term Evolution (LTE) is different from TA scheme such as ping-pong, massive mobility problems
that in the third generation mobile telecommunication discussed above and localized spikes in uplink traffic problem
networks. In LTE, the Mobility Management Entity (MME) is [1],[5]. The MME provides the UE with a list of TAs where
responsible for the mobility management function, and it’s the UE registration is valid. The network allocates a list with
connected to a large number of evolved Node Bs (cells) that one or more TAs to the UE. The UE may move freely in all
are grouped into the Tracking Areas (TAs). The TA is TAs of the list without updating the MME. When the MME
defined as an area in which the user equipment (UE) may pages a UE, a paging message is sent to all cells in the TAL.
move freely without updating the MME. Tracking Area (TA)
Fig.1 above shows an example of a TAL scheme. In Long cell changes its TAL this will causes service interruption, the
Term Evolution (LTE), the Mobility Management Entity is cell load of the cell (number of active and idle UEs in the cell)
connected to a group of evolved Node Bs (eNBs; the LTE is used to measure this service interruption in that cell. When
term for base stations). The radio coverage of an eNB (or a applying the design to the suggested network it gave
sector of the eNB) is called a cell (see the dashed squares. considerable reduction of total signaling overhead.
Every cell has a unique cell identity. The cells are grouped into The rest of this paper is organized as follows: In Section II
the Tracking Areas (TAs; e.g., TA 1 contains Cell 1 and Cell 2. related works is summarized. Section III descries the proposed
Every TA has a unique TA Identity (TAI). The TAs are further algorithm. Numerical results are presented in Section IV.
grouped into TA Lists (TALs). In Fig.1 TAL1 consists of TA Finally, Section V concludes the paper.
2, TA3, and TA4. A UE stores the TAL that includes the TA
where the UE resides. In Fig.1, the UE is covered by Cell 5,
and the TAL it stores is TAL1={TA 2, TA 3, TA 4}. If the LTE
network attempts to connect to the UE, it asks the cells in the II. RELATED WORK
TAL (e.g., Cell 3-Cell 8) to page the UE. Every eNB
In Personal Communication Services Networks (PCS)
periodically broadcasts its TAI. The UE listens to the
broadcast TAI and checks if the received TAI is in its TAL. If several strategies were proposed to reduce the location update
so, it means that the UE does not move out of the current cost. In [7] the researchers studied a special case of a location
location. When the UE moves from Cell 5 to Cell 7, it receives tracking algorithm called the Alternative Location Algorithm
the TA4 identity broadcast from eNB7. Since TA4 is included (ALA) . This special case is referred to as the Two Location
in TAL1, the UE still resides in the same location. When the Algorithm (TLA). An analytical model is proposed to compare
UE moves to Cell 9 the received TA5 identity (broadcast from the performance of TLA and the IS-41 protocol. The study
eNB9) but is not found in TAL 1, which means that the UE has indicates that the performance of TLA is significantly affected
moved out of the current location. In this case the UE executes by the user moving patterns and the call traffic. If the user
the location update procedure to inform the MME that it has mobility is higher than the call frequency or the user tends to
left TAL1. The MME then assigns a new TAL to the UE. Now move back to the previously visited registration areas, then
the new TAL is TAL2= {TA4, TA5, TA6}. In LTE systems TLA may significantly outperform IS-41.
TALs for different UEs may have different sizes, and the Many researches in the literature aimed to contribute in
newly assigned TAL may be overlapped with the previously reducing total signaling overhead in LTE networks. TAL
assigned TAL (as shown in the previous example) [6]. concept is expecting to reduce the overall signaling overhead
If the information of each individual UE’s movement and when compared to traditional TA concept. In [2] the authors
calls were available for the network, then designing an proposed a method for allocating and assigning TALs for LTE
optimum TAL would become trivial and could essentially networks. This method is called “Rule of thumb”. The
result to elimination of signaling overhead. In this situation the
optimum conventional TA design was compared with the
cell could give a specific, tailored list to each UE including all
proposed TAL; it found that TAL works best if a dynamic
the cells the UE is intended to pass before it will be called.
frequent reconfiguration is applied for different time intervals.
This information, if available at all, is costly to obtain.
Moreover, the validity of the information expires fast, because The Rule of thumb method is simple and cannot guarantee to
the trace is the history of the UE’s movement, and the UE’s give an optimum TAL design because each cell in the network
intention of where and when to move in future is unknown [4]. is selfishly optimizing the signaling overhead according to
Finding an optimum design of TA and TAL (which gives their own data and does not considered the impact of the other
minimum signaling overhead) is a challenging task in LTE cells on their modified TAL.
network, and in general the goal of the location management is In [4] the authors introduced an approach for allocating and
to find balance between the following: assigning TALs, here the impact of neighbor cells was
• More frequent update (reduce polling cost). considered, and the data required for TAL allocation is the
• Rare location update, storing less information about users, same data used of TA design, which are the cell load and
reduces computational overhead (higher polling cost). handover statistics. These data can be obtained from the
• Optimize the design of TAs or TALs, less handoff, quicker mobility management system in the network. In the proposed
locating of user. scheme different users UEs in one cell are holding different
In this paper we proposed a TAL design optimization for TALs according to the original cell they are registered in. The
reducing overall signaling overhead algorithm, this algorithm authors aimed to show that even with a simple algorithm a
returns an optimum design of TALs (which gives minimum TAL design is able to reach a lower overall overhead than the
total signaling overhead) by using the available data obtained conventional TA design. The proposed algorithm takes into
from the network management system which are cell load and account the impact of neighbor cells in the allocation of TALs.
handover statistical data during a given period of time. The The impact of the neighbor of neighbor cells is not considered,
optimum design was obtained by initially chosen random cells if it was considered this will gives more accurate design, but
and changing the TAL of those cells till we reach the optimum the algorithm will be complicated.
design for all TALs in the network. In general the TAL of a In [1] the local search algorithm is introduced for designing
cell can be modified at a time by either deleting or adding one TALs. The input data required for implemented the algorithm
of the cells in the TAL. For every cell in the network and if the was the same data required for designing standard TA (cell
load and handover statistics). The basic operation of the means that one TA can be included in more than one TAL.
algorithm was to modify the TAL of a cell at a time by either The UE mobility model used is markov model. We assumed
deleting or adding one of the cells in the TAL, at each trial the that the TA consists only of one cell, and no restriction on
overall signaling overhead is calculated, the algorithm was number of TAs within a TAL. A UE stores the TAL that
repeated until lower signaling overhead was reached. Here includes the TA where the UE resides, when the UE moves
one of the disadvantages is that an optimum TA design was out from its current TAL in this case it will executes the
required before starting the algorithm. The algorithm showed location update procedure to inform the MME that it has left
lower overall signaling overhead when compared with the current TAL. Then the MME assigns a new TAL to the UE.
standard TA scheme. The newly assigned TAL maybe overlapped with the
All of the algorithms mentioned above were implemented previously assigned TAL as discussed in section I. We
using the available statistical data from the network mobility assumed that there is no integration between the suggested
management system and were independent of UE traces. The LTE system and any Radio Access Technology (RAT).
design of TALs based on UEs traces is also possible. Here
each cell is able to assign different TALs to different UEs. But
if the UEs change their movement, which is quite probable the
TALs would become inefficient.
adjacent cell according to a transition probability distribution, Probabilities introduced in the transition probability matrix
this probability is often adjusted to practical observations of shown in Fig.3 above are defined as the handover
UE behavior in cells. In general the markov model can be probabilities, and can be calculated from UEs handover
described by the following:
statistical data obtained from the network management system
A markov chains with finite set S of m states.
[3]. The UE can be located in 7 different states during each
S ={s1, s2, …………….,sm}. And in the proposed
time slot depending on handover probability of each neighbor
algorithm we used 7-state markov model (m = 7) where
each state represents a radio cell in the network. For each cell.
cell in the network there are 6 neighbors (or less if the cell The steady state probability distribution vector in which π i is
is terminal cell such as cell with index 57 in Fig. 2 which the probability of a UE being in state i (from which cell
has only 3 neighbors). residence time can be calculated). We assumed that cell
The State Transition Probability distribution matrix P residence times are Independent Identical Distributed random
with size (mm). Element pij in this matrix represents the variables (IID) with average residence time 1/ƛ. The steady
state distribution of the cell residence time satisfies the
probability of the movement of the UE from cell i to cell
following equation:
j in next time slot. Fig.3 below shows the state diagram
and the transition matrix of 7-state markov model. Cell c ∑ (2)
represent the current cell of the UE, and cell nz is one of And
the neighbor cells of cell c, where z=1,2,……,6. ∑ (3)
In the proposed algorithm the UE trace matrix (VT) is
implemented similar to [1], in which V UEs are traced. Fig.4
below shows one raw in the trace matrix, the time interval in
which UEs are traced is T and this interval was divided into n
time slots (t), the serving cell of UE v at time slot ti is stored at
element (v ,ti ) in the matrix , i=1,2,3………………….,n.
The starting cell (Cs) for each UE in the trace matrix can be
obtained from (4) below:
PCs is the probability that cell i will be the starting cell for user
ui is the cell load (number of Active and Ideal users in cell i)
of cell i.
N is the number of cells in the network.
in cell i.
In the trace matrix the UE makes handover to the neighbor Equation (7) below is used to calculate the overall signaling
cell with high handover probability; this probability is overhead for the TA scheme.
calculated from the following formula:
∑ ∑ ( )
(6) (7)
Where Where
Pi,j is the probability that UE will make handover from cell i to hij is the number of users performed handover from cell i to
cell j, cell j (if i and j are not in the same TA).
Ai is a set contains indexes of neighbor cells of cell i. cu is the update cost caused by one UE,
hij is the number of users making handover from cell i to cell j, cp is the amount of overhead of one paging.
hip is the total number of users making handover from cell i to is the probability that a UE has to be paged (also called call
neighbor cell p. intensity factor).
ui is the total number of UEs in cell i scaled by time
We assumed that at any given time slot in the trace matrix proportion each UE spent in cell i. It can be obtained by
and if the UE decided to make a handover process, it will collecting UE statistics over a given time (using the trace
move to the neighbor cell with high handover probability. matrix).
Handover values (number of users making handover) which In (7) the first term represents the overhead caused by the
are used to calculate the handover probability discussed above location update process for users moving from cell i to cell j
are generated randomly but in real world it can be obtained (if the two cells are not in the same TA), and the second term
represents the overhead caused by the paging process (if the
from network management system.
two cells are in the same TA) .
And the overall signaling overhead calculated is: Here the condition is that the value of bl after cell movement
should be always less than the value of parameter B. In the
design of this algorithm TALs overlapping is considered
( (9) which means that one cell may be included in two or more
TAL. Algorithm code can be summarized as follows:
In the TAL scheme, different UEs in one cell are holding Define initial TAL design by the definition of S(t) matrix
different TALs according to the original cell they are and determine the starting TAL for each cell in the
network by using (4).
registered in. If we define sij(t) as the number of UEs in cell i,
Calculate the overall signaling overhead for the initial
who have j in their list divided by the whole number of UEs in
cell i, then S(t) cannot remain as a binary matrix, but it will TAL design (Variable CS).
rather contain some fractional values between 0 and 1. The Calculate B according to (11) below:
authors in [4] gave an example and showed that if cell A (11)
percepts that cell B is in another TA but cell B assumes that Where ∑ and q1
they are in the same TA, this flexibility could lead to a lower
overhead. As discussed in [4] sij(t) is given by the following Select a random cell i, and then for all cell j in the
formula. network check whether j is in the same TAL of i or not.
If j and i are in the same TAL remove j from TAL of i.
(10) Update Sij element defined by equation ( ) in the S(t)
matrix. Update ADL which is a set containing all
Where: adjacent cells to TALi and are not included in the list.
Sij(t) presents the percentage of users in cell i having j in their For all cell p which is a cell included in TALi and TAL j
TAL. update sjp(t) and spj(t) elements.
Qi is the set of neighbor cells of cell i having i in their TAL, Calculate the overall signaling overhead cost for the new
lij is a parameter and it’s equal to 1 if i and j are in the same
TAL design.
TAL and 0 otherwise.
γ is the probability of UEs entering cell i from a neighbor cell If the new cost is less than the initial cost update bl
and have i in their TAL, in this case UEs will enter cell i value. And replace the initial TAL design with the new
without performing update process. one, otherwise keep current TAL design.
Repeat the steps mentioned above till we get an optimum
Equation (7) is also valid in the calculation of the overall TAL design which gives minimum overall signaling
signaling overhead for TAL scheme. For both traditional TA
overhead cost. Or bl value reached B value.
and TAL schemes, the calculation of overall signaling
overhead requires:
A well defined S(t) matrix which represents the design of Design Optimization of TAL Algorithm:
TAs or TALs in the network,
1- Definition:
The cell load ui for each cell in the network, and it can be
2- ST is the initial S(t) matrix.
obtained from the trace matrix. Cell load is aggregated by
3- STT is the current S(t) matrix, which describes the
the scaled values of UEs staying in the cell using all the
current TAL design.
elements of the trace matrix as discussed in the example
4- ADL is a set contains the indexes of the neighbor
shown in fig3.
cells of TALi.
Handover statistics which are the number of users
5- CS is the initial overall signaling overhead
performed handover from cell i to cell j. Also it can be
calculated based on ST matrix.
obtained from the trace matrix discussed in Section C.
6- CSO is the minimum overall signaling overhead As mentioned in Section B cell residence times are IID
returned by the algorithm. random variables. Fig.6 below shows the Steady State
7- Construct the trace matrix. probability vector, which is used in the algorithm to calculate
8- Determine the starting TAL for each cell in the cell residence time.
network to create the first column in the matrix.
9- Create the ST matrix according to equation ( ).
10- STT=ST; , CS=T_cost(ST);
11- calculate B.
12- bl=0; , l=1; Fig.6: Steady State Probability Vector
13- while bl<B
14- select a random cell i The tables below show the overall signaling overhead
15- for j=1:61 calculated from both standard TA optimum design algorithm
16- If j is in same TAL with i , remove j from the implemented using the same methodology as in [1] and the
TAL of i proposed TAL design optimization algorithm. In each table
17- update sij element in the STT matrix, the results calculated for ten different scenarios, each scenario
18- For all p which is a cell included in TALi and TALj represents a cell load and handover data set. Each table
update sjp and spj elements. and ADL set represents the results for a given value for both B and
19- end parameters. B value is a percentage of total number of UEs
20- CSO=T_cost(STT); (U) in the network. We assumed that the number of UEs in all
21- if CSO<CS UE trace scenarios is 6000. UEs were traced for one hour
22- ST=STT; CS=CSO; ADL=TN; period, this period was divided into 60 equal intervals and
23- bl=bl+U(j); every time interval is equal to one minute. We assumed that
24- else Cu =1 , Cp =1 (common in the literature), Also we assumed
25- STT=ST; TN=ADL; that the average value of γ is 0.05.
26- end Both standard TA optimum design algorithm and TAL
27- If j is not included in the list of I, added j to the optimum design algorithm were implemented using
list and then update sij element in the STT matrix. MATLAB, the algorithms run on a processor of type Intel
28- For all p which is a cell included in TALi and core™ i3 with clock speed of 2.35 GHz. In the design of the
TAlj update sjp and spj . and ADL set network we assumed that there are 23 TAs. And each TA
29- end contains only one cell (to simplify calculations). Each TAL
30- CSO=T_cost(STT); may contain two or three TAs (depends on the suggested
31- if CSO<CS initial TAL design). Tables below show the overall signaling
32- ST=STT; CS=CSO;, ADL=TN; overhead calculations for different scenarios and data sets. For
33- bl=bl+U(j); each scenario the location update cost and paging cost were
34- else calculated. The dimension of the trace matrix in all scenarios
35- STT=ST; , TN=ADL; is 600060. Numerical results presented in tables below show
36- end the location update, paging cost and total cost for ten different
37- end scenarios.
38- end TABLE I
Scen Optimum STA scheme Optimum TAL scheme
TAU Paging Overall TAU Paging Overall
Given the UE traces matrix and a TAL design the exact S(t)
matrix elements can be calculated and the aggregated cell load 1 25011 581 25592 19341 352 19693
and handover data can be obtained as discussed in Section C. 2 25623 575 26198 19834 370 20204
The state transition probability matrix shown in Fib.6 below is 3 25412 582 25994 20021 355 20376
used for handover decision in the trace matrix. In this matrix 4 25838 602 26440 20051 302 20353
probability values are calculated using (6). 5 24321 543 24864 19863 331 20194
6 25452 562 26014 19761 321 20082
7 24998 576 25574 20023 348 20371
0.30 0.12 0.05 0.02 0.30 0.28 0.04
8 25902 530 26432 20021 358 20379
0.10 0.36 0.12 0.10 0.02 0.05 0.03
9 25645 610 26255 19781 341 20122
0.25 0.13 0.36 0.18 0.12 0.20 0.10
10 24984 552 25536 20023 332 20355
0.02 0.22 0.22 0.12 0.16 0.02 0.20
0.11 0.02 0.10 0.18 0.21 0.12 0.03
0.04 0.10 0.02 0.30 0.09 0.03 0.40
0.18 0.05 0.13 0.10 0.10 0.30 0.20 Scen Optimum STA scheme Optimum TAL scheme
TAU Paging Overall TAU Paging Overall
Fig.5: State Transition Probability Matrix
1 27168 1018 28186 20068 996 21064
2 27532 989 28521 20112 872 20984 model is used as the UE mobility model. The numerical results
3 26972 1105 28077 19664 1012 20676 obtained from the proposed algorithm show that the design of
4 26884 1231 28115 18841 1002 19843 TAL scheme with TAL overlapping reduces the overall
5 27153 1222 28375 18542 1132 19674 signaling overhead compared to the standard TA scheme. And
6 26341 996 27337 18731 865 19596 with large value of B we got better performance of the TAL
7 27132 1003 28135 18643 1423 20066 scheme but we should take into account the service
8 27634 979 28613 19997 1322 21319 interruption caused by cell movement from TAL to another to
9 27166 1017 28183 19821 1231 21052 keep the acceptable performance of the system. For future
10 26878 1033 27911 18732 1399 20131 work we suggest to extend the idea of this paper to include a
comparison between different mobility models to examine
TABLE III their effect on the reduction of overall signaling overhead
NUMERICAL RESULTS FOR B=100%U & =0.05 when applied to the same scenario.
Scen Optimum STA scheme Optimum TAL scheme
TAU Paging Overall TAU Paging Overall
1 27511 931 28442 4226 1798 6024 REFERENCES
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Authors’ information