APP 002 (English For Academic and Professional Purposes) : Day 01 Explaining The Nature of Academic Test Academic Writing
APP 002 (English For Academic and Professional Purposes) : Day 01 Explaining The Nature of Academic Test Academic Writing
APP 002 (English For Academic and Professional Purposes) : Day 01 Explaining The Nature of Academic Test Academic Writing
• Planning phase
• Brainstorm, research, gather and outline ideas, usage of diagram to map thoughts
WRITING • Audience and purpose should be considered; older need to start thesis statement
• Creating initial composition by writing down all ideas in organized way to convey particual idea
or present argument
DRAFTING • Audience and purpose need to be finalized
• Writer proofreads or corrects errors in grammar and mechanics, and edit to improve style and
EDITING • Another writer's feedback is helpful
Pre-Writing Process:
1. Choose a topic or a theme: What shall I write about?
2. Identify the purpose why you write: What do I want to write about it?
3. Decide on the genre of your work: What kind of writing shall I do?
4. Who will be the audience for your writing?: Who am I writing it for?
Pre-Writing Methods:
- Process of coming up with as many ideas as possibole about a topic
- Not worrying about feasibility of idea
- Writing whatever comes your mind about the topic for a specific amount of time
- Not worrying about grammar, punctuation, or spelling
MIND MAPS – visual way to outline information
DRAWING/DOODLING – combining words with drawings
ASKING QUESTIONS – coming up with more creative ideas through questioning
OUTLINING – employing traditional outlines to help you organize your thoughts in a logical manner
A – add idea
R - remove
M - move
S – substitute (word choice)
- Involves beautification of the piece; should be undertaken when all revisions are complete
- Writing is revisited to correct errors in gramar, mechanics, and usage
- Done independently or engaging in peer editing
C - capitalization
U - usage
P - punctation
S – spelling
1. Take a break.
2. Ask someone for feedback.
3. Pretend to be one of your readers.
4. Try to read your words aloud.
Writing is communication. If you have written something, you must have intended for someone to read it,
even if that person is only yourself.