5G Architecture
5G Architecture
5G Architecture
The primary goal of previous generations of mobile networks has been to simply offer
fast, reliable mobile data services to network users. 5G has broadened this scope to
offer a broad range of wireless services delivered to the end user across multiple
access platforms and multi-layer networks.
5G Architecture 3GPP
The 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) covers telecommunication technologies
including radio access, core transport networks and service capabilities. 3GPP has
provided complete system specifications for 5G network architecture which is much
more service oriented than previous generations
Services are provided via a common framework to network functions that are permitted
to make use of these services. Modularity, reusability and self-containment of network
functions are additional design considerations for a 5G network architecture described
by the 3GPP specifications.
In addition to the millimeter wave, underutilized UHF frequencies between 300 MHz and
3 GHz are also being repurposed for 5G. The diversity of frequencies employed can be
tailored to the unique applications considering the higher frequencies are characterized
by higher bandwidth, albeit shorter range. The millimeter wave frequencies are ideal for
densely populated areas, but ineffective for long distance communication. Within these
high and lower frequency bands dedicated to 5G, each carrier has begun to carve out
their own discrete individual portions of the 5G spectrum.
Multi-Access Edge Computing (MEC) is an important element of 5G architecture. MEC
is an evolution in cloud computing that brings the applications from centralized data
centers to the network edge, and therefore closer to the end users and their devices.
This essentially creates a shortcut in content delivery between the user and host, and
the long network path that once separated them.
NFV and 5G
Network function virtualization (NFV) decouples software from hardware by replacing
various network functions such as firewalls, load balancers and routers with virtualized
instances running as software. This eliminates the need to invest in many expensive
hardware elements and can also accelerate installation times, thereby providing
revenue generating services to the customer faster.
NFV enables the 5G infrastructure by virtualizing appliances within the 5G network. This
includes the network slicing technology that enables multiple virtual networks to run
simultaneously. NFV can address other 5G challenges through virtualized computing,
storage, and network resources that are customized based on the applications and
customer segments.
5G RAN Architecture
The concept of NFV extends to the radio access network (RAN) through for example
network dis-aggregation promoted by alliances such as O-RAN. This enables flexibility
and creates new opportunities for competition, provides open interfaces and open
source development, ultimately to ease the deployment of new features and technology
with scale. The O-RAN alliance objective is to allow multi-vendor deployment with off-
the shelf hardware for the purposes of easier and faster inter-operability. Network dis-
aggregation also allows components of the network to be virtualized, providing a means
to scale and improve user experience as capacity grows. The benefits of virtualizing
components of the RAN provide a means to be more cost effective from a hardware and
software viewpoint especially for IoT applications where the number of devices is in the
Network dis-aggregation with the functional split also brings other cost benefits
particularly with the introduction of new interfaces such as eCPRI. RF interfaces are not
cost effective when testing large numbers of 5G carriers as the RF costs rapidly
increase. The introduction of eCPRI interfaces presents a more cost-effective solution
as fewer interfaces can be used to test multiple 5G carriers. eCPRI is aimed to be a
standardized interface for 5G used for instance in the O-RAN front haul interface such
as the DU. CPRI in contrast to eCPRI was developed for 4G, however in many cases
was vendor specific making it problematic for operators.
Network Slicing
Perhaps the key ingredient enabling the full potential of 5G architecture to be realized
is network slicing. This technology adds an extra dimension to the NFV domain by
allowing multiple logical networks to simultaneously run on top of a shared physical
network infrastructure. This becomes integral to 5G architecture by creating end-to-end
virtual networks that include both networking and storage functions.
Operators can effectively manage diverse 5G use cases with differing throughput,
latency and availability demands by partitioning network resources to multiple users or
Network slicing becomes extremely useful for applications like the IoT where the
number of users may be extremely high, but the overall bandwidth demand is low. Each
5G vertical will have its own requirements, so network slicing becomes an important
design consideration for 5G network architecture. Costs, resource management and
flexibility of network configurations can all be optimized with this level of customization
now possible. In addition, network slicing enables expedited trials for potential new 5G
services and quicker time-to-market.
Another breakthrough technology integral to the success of 5G is beamforming.
Conventional base stations have transmitted signals in multiple directions without
regard to the position of targeted users or devices. Through the use of multiple-
input, multiple-output (MIMO) arrays featuring dozens of small antennas combined in a
single formation, signal processing algorithms can be used to determine the most
efficient transmission path to each user while individual packets can be sent in multiple
directions then choreographed to reach the end user in a predetermined sequence.
With 5G data transmission occupying the millimeter wave, free space propagation loss,
proportional to the smaller antenna size, and diffraction loss, inherent to higher
frequencies and lack of wall penetration, are significantly greater. On the other hand,
the smaller antenna size also enables much larger arrays to occupy the same physical
space. With each of these smaller antennas potentially reassigning beam direction
several times per millisecond, massive beamforming to support the challenges of 5G
bandwidth becomes more feasible. With a larger antenna density in the same physical
space, narrower beams can be achieved with massive MIMO, thereby providing a
means to achieve high throughput with more effective user tracking.
5G Core Architecture
The 5G core network architecture is at the heart of the new 5G specification and
enables the increased throughput demand that 5G must support. The new 5G core, as
defined by 3GPP, utilizes cloud-aligned, service-based architecture (SBA) that spans
across all 5G functions and interactions including authentication, security, session
management and aggregation of traffic from end devices. The 5G core further
emphasizes NFV as an integral design concept with virtualized software functions
capable of being deployed using the MEC infrastructure that is central to 5G
architectural principles.
5G Architecture Options
Bridging the gap between 4G and 5G will require incremental steps and a well-
orchestrated game plan. Emblematic of this shift will be the gradual transition from
stand-alone mode to non-standalone mode 5G architecture options. The 5G non-
standalone standard was finalized in late 2017 and utilizes existing LTE radio access
and core networks as an anchor, with the addition of a 5G component carrier. Despite
the reliance on existing architecture, non-standalone mode will increase bandwidth by
tapping into millimeter wave frequencies.
5G standalone mode is essentially 5G deployment from the ground up with the new
core architecture and full deployment of all 5G hardware, features and functionality. As
non-standalone mode gradually gives way to new 5G mobile network architecture
deployments, careful planning and implementation will make this transition seamless for
the user base.
5G Geographical Architecture Adoption
The infrastructure inherent to standalone 5G deployment will necessitate a worldwide
step function in 5G integration for various geographical regions. Technology leading
regions such as North America, Asia and Europe are already beginning limited
deployment while other nations around the globe follow closely behind. A total of 55 live
networks are expected to be in service by the end of 2019. Proximity of neighboring
countries and a vast proliferation of carriers will make the rollout particularly challenging
in Europe. To address this challenge, the European Commission has created a 5G for
Europe action plan to jump start progress and create a roadmap for deployment in all
EU states by the end of 2020.
Industrial nations such as China, Japan and India are heavily invested in the practical
as well as the financial implications of the 5G conversion. New antenna, infrastructure
hardware and software technologies create a bonanza for electronics and software
design and manufacturing industries around the world, so speedy deployment has been
emphasized. One of the largest telecom providers in India has already upgraded their
entire network for 5G compatibility, and China Mobile is expected to create 10,000 5G
base stations by 2020.
Security in 5G Architecture
5G implementation will engender tremendous performance benefits and diversity of
applications through extensive use of cloud-based resources, virtualization, network
slicing and other emerging technologies. With these changes come new security risks
and additional “attack surfaces” exposed within the 5G security architecture.
5G is building on the security practices of past mobile technology generations, yet the
trust model has become much more expansive with more players involved in the service
delivery process. The IoT and user propagation create an exponentially higher number
of endpoints with many of these traffic inputs no longer supervised by human hands.
Among the improved 5G security features detailed by the 3GPP standards are unified
authentication to decouple authentication from access points, extensible authentication
protocols to accommodate secure transactions, flexible security policies to address
more use cases and subscriber permanent identifiers (SUPI) to ensure privacy on the
Undoubtedly, 5G will deliver the exponential speed enhancement users have grown
accustomed to with each new generation of mobile networks, but speed is just the
beginning. The expected changes to industries ranging from personal transportation to
manufacturing and farming will be so significant that many have dubbed 5G the
next Industrial Revolution. At the heart of this paradigm shift is the multi-faceted 5G
architecture, with MEC, NFV massive MIMO and a cloud-aligned, service-based core
architecture working in concert to deliver the new wave of services. 5G test solutions
designed to accommodate this architectural seed change will be the true enablers of the
forthcoming 5G transition.