Design and Modeling of Gripper and Cutting Tool System For Sweet Pepper Harvesting Robot Hand
Design and Modeling of Gripper and Cutting Tool System For Sweet Pepper Harvesting Robot Hand
Design and Modeling of Gripper and Cutting Tool System For Sweet Pepper Harvesting Robot Hand
Design and Modeling of Gripper and Cutting Tool System for Sweet Pepper
Harvesting Robot Hand
Shivaji BACHCHE1, a, Koichi OKA1, b, Hideto SAKAMOTO1, c
This paper presents a new design and modeling fundamentals of gripper and cutting system for 5 degree of freedom
robotic arm, designed to harvest sweet peppers in horticultural green house. The design consists of two parallel jaws
mounted on gears and operated with the help of servo motor. The same servo motor was used to operate the cutting
system which was composed of scissors. The complete system was designed to operate by using one servo motor on-
ly. The system model was developed in solidworks and tested for different kinematic and dynamic performances. The
performance of gripper and cutting tool system has been evaluated through simulation to determine the parameters to
design the practical prototype. Based on the design concept, the practical prototype of the gripper and cutting system
was developed by considering the results obtained by model developed in solidworks. The developed prototype was
tested to verify the feasibility and reliability of the model developed in solidworks.
Keywords: Gripper, cutting tool, gripper model, sweet pepper harvesting robot, gripper simulation
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[5] Y. Sarig, Y. Edan, N. Katz and T. Flash, “Some aspects
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[7] M. Monta, N. Kondo, and K. C. Ting, “End-Effectors for
In the 1st and 2nd patterns of experiments, the signifi- Tomato Harvesting Robot”, Artificial Intelligence Re-
cant performance of the prototype was observed. The view, Vol. 12, pp. 11-25, 1998.
grasping and cutting actions were smooth and easy. [8] E. J. van Henten, J. Hemming, B. A. J. van Tuijl, J. G.
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successfully. While in the 3rd and 4th patterns, the slight Greenhouses”, Autonomous Robots, Vol. 13-3, pp. 241-
judgment error was observed but still the prototype was 258, 2002.
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to cut by scissor. Also, even the stem was covered with
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7. Conclusions
The gripping and cutting tool was modeled, simulat-
ed and validated in Solidworks successfully. The per-
formance of the system was observed significantly
reliable and effective. The static and fatigue studies of
the system confirms the consistency and effectiveness
with maximum factor of functionality. Thus, the physi-
cal characteristics and properties of the system were
The system was constructed and tested successfully
based on the simulation results. The experiments with
four different patterns confirm the performance of the
system. The 1st and 2nd patterns were observed signifi-
cant successful rate of harvesting than the 3rd and 4th
patterns. Finally, the developed gripper and cutting
system tool for sweet pepper harvesting robot hand
confirmed its successful performance. Further, optimi-
zation of the physical parameters and properties with
different material can be considered as further research.
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Evaluation of Equal Error Rate in Document Authentication System
Using Magnetically Labeled Pattern
Takayuki Yajima*, Syunji Sonoda, Tsutomu Yamada and Yasushi Takemura
Artifact-metric system using magnetic fibers can be applied for authentication system of stock certificate, bill,
passport, plastic cards and other documents. The security of this system is guaranteed by its feature of difficulty in
copy or reproduction. The security documents with randomly printed magnetic pattern based on artifact-metric
system using magnetic fibers is studied. In this study we focused on the equal error rate (EER). It is the error rate at
which false match rate is equal to false non-match rate. According to our evaluation for the accuracy of authentication
of the system, EER is 5.6 × 10-5 % by comparing the waveform calculated from the pattern with the pseudo
waveform obtained by MR sensor in the simulation. It is found that the authentication accuracy of the authentication
system using magnetically labeled pattern can be higher than that of artifact-metric system using magnetic fiber.
Keywords: authentication system, artifact-metric system, magnetic pattern, equal error rate
1. Introduction
It has been reported that the documents with
randomly dispersed magnetic fibers can be used for
authentication classified as artifact-metric system [1].
The advantages of this system can be utilized for the
authentication of stock certificate, bill, passport, plastic (a)Printed image of random magnetic pattern.
cards and other documents by supplying randomly
determined characteristics which are similarly to 0.3
biometrics using finger print, iris and others. The
security documents with randomly printed magnetic
Output [V]
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p3 qn
0 2 4 6 8 10
q1 Sample pattern Position [mm]
( p
i 1
i p )2 ( q
i 1
i q )2
Fig. 4 The waveform in the simulation.
Error Rate
Fig. 3 Evaluation by equal error rate. Fig. 5 Analysis of equal error rate.
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5. Conclusions
In this paper, the accuracy of document
authentication using magnetically labelled pattern is
evaluated. In the authentication system studied here, the
magnetic pattern consists of randomly dispersed
magnetic dots. The authentication system using
magnetic pattern don’t require registration of the
waveform of a genuine article, its low cost gives an
advantage on our authentication system. It is found that
the accuracy of the authentication system can be higher
than that of the artifact-metric system using magnetic
[1] H. Matsumoto, I. Takeuchi, H. Hoshino, T. Sugahara
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utilizes inherent texture, IPSJ Journal, Vol.42, No.7, pp.1,
[2] T. Ikeda, S. Hiroe, T. Yamada, Y. Takemura and T.
Matsumoto: Document precision analysis of the
authentication system which uses the ferromagnetic fiber,
Proceedings of The 3rd International Conference on Anti-
counterfeiting, Security, and Identification in
Communication (2009ASID), pp. 382-385, Aug. 2009.
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