TLE Exam Drills: St. Louis Review Center, Inc
TLE Exam Drills: St. Louis Review Center, Inc
TLE Exam Drills: St. Louis Review Center, Inc
oblique drawing
Room 3C, 3rd Floor, Central Mktg. Bldg., Quezon 15. When parts that are not seen are represented by
Boulevard, Kidapawan City
(064) 288-5990 / 09499336764 / 09233593564 series of light dash lines then this line is classified as
TLE Exam Drills a. reference line c. section line
b. visible line d. invisible line
16. What kind of drawing has one surface that is
parallel to the picture plane?
1. Horizontal lines are best drawn using this
a. oblique drawing
b. isometric drawing
a. triangles c. meter stick
c. perspective drawing
b. ruler d. t-square
d. orthographic drawing
2. To completely describe a cone, sphere, and
17. This pictorial view is normally seen by the
rectangular pyramid, how many views are needed?
observer’s eyes. Which one is it?
a. two c. three
a. isometric drawing
b. One d. six
b. oblique drawing
3. What line is projected as a shorter line in a
c. perspective drawing
d. orthographic drawing
a. vertical line c. curve line
18. A drawing instrument that serves as guide in
b. inclined line d. horizontal line
drawing vertical and diagonal lines as in triangles. It
4. Geometrical solids are usually drawn in how many
is generally used in drawing horizontal lines. Which
one it?
a. two views c. six views
a. t-square c. triangle
b. four views d. eight views
b. extension line d. lettering guide
5. If all the information needed to complete
19. What is that fine line used to show clearly the
construction of a product is shown, then what do
dimension limits?
you call this type of mechanical drawing?
a. center line c. dimension line
a. working drawing
b. extension line d. phantom line
b. schematic drawing
20. A type of section used to emphasize the interior
c. orthographic drawing
construction of an object without destroying the
d. pictorial drawing
continuity of the exterior view.
6. One of the best practices of a good draftsman is to
a. Phantom section or hidden section
NEVER letter without __________.
b. Removed or detailed section
a. guidelines c. lettering pens
c. Revolved section
b. pencil d. ink
d. Full section
7. In dimensioning an object, which view shows most
21. Where should you place the name of the top view
clearly the shape of the object?
for labeling?
a. Top view c. Right side view
a. below the view
b. Front view d. Bottom view
b. above the view
8. Central horizontal strokes of some letters placed at
c. beside the view
mid-height appear to be below center due to
d. inside the view
optical illusion. Which letters are they?
22. The lightest or finest line that represents the axis or
a. b, e, f & h c. a, k, t & y
center of objects with symmetrical shapes is known
b. r, s, g & p d. b, p, g & f
as _________.
9. Letters that are composed of uniform width
a. extension line c. visible line
elements are classified as _________.
b. center line d. cutting plane line
a. Italic letters c. Gothic letters
23. These are considered as the heaviest or darkest
b. Text letters d. Roman Letters
lines that surround a drawing and are usually
10. Boxing method is the most widely used method of
rectangular in shape.
drawing a _________.
a. border lines c. dimension lines
a. isometric view c. mechanical view
b. visible lines d. cutting plane lines
b. pictorial view d. perspective view
24. If a drawing is generally made without the aid of
11. What is the horizontal guide line used to determine
drawing instruments and straight edges then it is
the general height of lower case letters?
classified as __________.
a. Cap line c. Base line
a. orthographic drawing
b. Waist line d. Drop line
b. isometric drawing
12. These are lines to indicate the measurement of
c. freehand drawing
objects and are represented by fine dark solid lines.
d. axonometric drawing
a. dimension lines c. leader lines
25. This view is generally drawn directly above the front
b. extension lines d. center lines
view in an orthographic drawing. Which one is it?
13. Drafting is considered as the universal language of
a. bottom view c. side view
b. rear view d. top view
a. artistry c. industry
26. Which of the following drawing instruments will you
b. humanity d. pottery
use if you are to create distances into equal parts,
14. If a drawing has an equal measure, what does it
transfer measurement and spacing points or lines?
refers to?
a. dividers c. compass
a. isometric drawing
b. French curves d. templates
b. perspective drawing
c. mechanical drawing
St. Louis Review Center Kidapawan - Tel. no. (064) 288-5990 1
27. These lines are used to indicate the measurement direction of fiber reaches the highest level of
of objects and are represented by fine dark solid bending strength?
lines. a. Parallel to fiber direction
a. dimension lines c. leader lines b. Across the fiber direction
b. extension lines d. center lines c. Diagonal with the load
28. When solidity of an object is shown by gradual d. Along the fiber direction
darkening of its particular portion or portions, what 4. What process is used in making bent wood products
process is involved? to easily distort the shape of the wood without
a. darkening c. shadowing reverting to its original state?
b. shading d. lighting a. Cold water treatment
29. When parts that are not seen are represented by b. Sun drying
series of light dash lines then this line is classified as c. Heat treatment by hot stream
_________. d. High pressure treatment
a. visible line c. section line 5. What tool is used to adjust the “kerf” or teeth of
b. invisible line d. reference line the saw in order to reduce friction between the
30. One of the following is NOT included in the saw blade and wood, and to discharge the saw dust
participles of an orthographic drawing. Which one is easily?
it? a. Triangular file c. Saw horse
a. vertical line is drawn from top to bottom b. Pliers d. Saw set
b. no line or edge of the object can be projected 6. In sawing soft and thin wood, what is the
longer than each true length recommended angle of the saw to the wood?
c. the width of the top view is equal to the width a. 30 – 45 degrees c. 10 – 20 degrees
of the side views b. 15 – 30 degrees d. 40 – 50 degrees
d. the side views are horizontally in line with the 7. Aside from having a sharp blade, how should you
front view run a hand plane in a wood to get a good result?
31. Miley is asked to draw an art project without the aid a. Run the hand plane parallel to the fiber
of drawing instruments and straight edges. Which direction of the wood
of the following will she apply to perform the task? b. Run the hand plane against the fiber direction
a. freehand drawing of the wood
b. orthographic drawing c. Run the hand plane across the fiber direction of
c. isometric drawing the wood
d. axonometric drawing d. Run the hand plane diagonally with fiber
32. If you are to present the pictorial drawing that is direction of the wood
most pleasing to the eyes of the viewer then one of 8. What type of wood joint should be used in
the following methods should be used. constructing chairs and tables to obtain strength
a. isometric drawing and durability?
b. oblique drawing a. Miter joint c. Lap joint
c. perspective drawing b. Butt joint d. Mortise and tennon joint
d. orthographic drawing 9. When you intend to disassemble the product later
33. What is that kind of oblique drawing which is drawn or need to obtain a strong joint, what construction
with the side reduced to one half of the hardware is appropriate to use?
corresponding dimension in the orthographic a. Screws c. Hinges
drawing? b. Nails d. Dowel
a. cabinet drawing c. oblique drawing 10. What finishing material may be used to obtain a
b. cavalier drawing d. isometric drawing suitable wood color before applying a transparent
34. if you are to draw an isometric drawing, how many finishing material?
axes will you use to perform the job? a. Paint c. Stain
a. two c. four b. Base coat d. Filter
b. five d. three 11. One of the following is the operation performed in
35. A kind of perspective drawing with one vanishing the preparation of wood for commercial purposes.
point is known as _________. Which one is it?
a. parallel perspective c. cabinet drawing a. sawing c. lumbering
b. cavalier drawing d. angular perspective b. logging d. seasoning
(Carpentry / Woodworking) 12. Lumber is as good as its preparation. When it is
1. Which part of the wood is consisting of substances dried the process involved is ____________.
that are insusceptible to attacks by insects and has a. seasoning c. lumbering
high level of durability? b. staining d. logging
a. Heartwood c. Cambium layer 13. What is the conversion equivalent of one inch to
b. Sap wood d. Late wood centimeters?
2. Wood changes its shape during the drying process. a. 25.4 b. 2.54 c. 0.254 d. 0.0254
What should be the approximate moisture content
or drying percentage of hardwood for home 14. There are numerous kinds of saw. Which one is
furniture? used for sawing along the grain of wood?
a. 5 – 10% c. 20% a. back saw c. cross cut saw
b. 6 – 12% d. 25% b. rip saw d. turning saw
3. Fiber direction of wood should be taken into 15. A surfaced lumber where four of its side are smooth
consideration when designing a product. Which or planed is called _________.