2nd Cot Lesson Plan
2nd Cot Lesson Plan
2nd Cot Lesson Plan
The learner demonstrates understanding of the dangers of Intentional injuries on
the individual, family, and community.
The learner share responsibility with community members through participation in
community efforts to prevent them from happening or minimize their effects if
they happen to us.
The learner demonstrates and understand of the types of intentional injuries that
might happen to you, as well as its risks to your health.
At the end of our lesson, you are expected to:
Differentiate intentional injuries from unintentional injuries;
Describe the types of intentional injuries.
Teachers Activity Students Activity
A. Preliminary Activity
B. Checking of Attendance
Ok! Let’s start from the boys, who is (Boys will say the name of their
absent? classmates that are absent that day)
Alright! How about to the girls? (Girls will say the name of their
classmates that are absent that day)
C. Review
Very good!
That’s Right!
What are the roles of a first aider during (The students will raise their hand and
an emergency situation? one by one answer the question)
D. Motivational Activity
E. Presentation
How did you distinguish between (Students will raise their hands.)
intentional and unintentional injuries?
Very Good!
First let us find out about suicide. All boys Suicide is the intentional taking of one’s
please read. own life.
Now, let’s read about Stalking. Everybody Stalking is a pattern of behavior that
please read. makes you feel afraid, nervous,
harassed, or in danger.
Let proceed to Kidnapping. All girls please Kidnapping is taking away or forcefully
read. moving a person against his/her will
and holding him/her in unjust captivity.
Next is the Act of Terrorism. Everybody Is the use of violence for political goals
please read. and putting the public or a great
number of people in fear.
Let’s proceed to verbal abuse. Yes Verbal abuse is a form of cruelty that
___________, please read. involves the use of words. These words
are used to attack, control, and cause
harm on another person.
The last one is the Sexual Abuse includes Incest is sexual contact between
(Incest, Molestation and Rape). persons who are so closely related that
a marriage between them is considered
Molestation is the sexual abuse of a
person by an adult for sexual/pleasure
or for profit.
Rape is a forced sexual intercourse,
including vaginal or oral penetration.
That’s good.
F. Application
1. Do these people deserve to (Students will raise their hands and one
experience the intentional injuries? by one answer the question)
Why or Why not.
2. Why do some people view (Students will raise their hands and one
intentional injuries as reasonable by one answer the question)
acts in the given situations?
G. Generalization
I will stop…..
I will change…..
I will do…..
Prepared By:
Teacher I
Reviewed by: