Rexroth-RD 500 Options

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Electric Drives Linear Motion and

and Controls Hydraulics Assembly Technologies Pneumatics Service

Rexroth IndraControl VCP 20

Rexroth RD 500 R911200241
Edition 07

Functional Description
About this Documentation RD500 Options

Title Options
RD500 Product Family
Type of Documentation Functional Description

Document Typecode DOK-RD500*-OPTIONS****-FK07-EN-P

Internal File Reference Document Number: 120-1950-B307-06/EN

Purpose of Documentation The options for module slots 1 and 2 are described in this documentation.
They provide information about ...
• subsequent installation
• connecting-up
• parameterization and operation
of the option cards

Record of Revisions Description Release Notes

DOK-RD500*-OPTIONS****-FK01-EN-P 01.2000 First edition
DOK-RD500*-OPTIONS****-FK02-EN-P 02.2001 Expansion
DOK-RD500*-OPTIONS****-FK03-EN-P 05.2002 Expansion (Sercos)
DOK-RD500*-OPTIONS****-FK05-EN-P 01.2003 Extracting RZP01.1-P1
Expansion RZP01.1-P2
Revision RZP01.1-G2
DOK-RD500*-OPTIONS****-FK06-EN-P 05.2003 Extracting RZP01.1-C1
Expansion RZP01.1-C2
DOK-RD500*-OPTIONS****-FK07-EN-P 12.2004 Extracting RZP01.1-G1
Expansion RZP01.1-T3

Copyright  2004 Rexroth Indramat GmbH

Copying this document, giving it to others and the use or communication
of the contents thereof without express authority, are forbidden. Offenders
are liable for the payment of damages. All rights are reserved in the event
of the grant of a patent or the registration of a utility model or design
(DIN 34-1).

Validity The specified data is for product description purposes only and may not
be deemed to be guaranteed unless expressly confirmed in the contract.
All rights are reserved with respect to the content of this documentation
and the availability of the product.

Published by Indramat Refu GmbH

Uracher Strasse 91 • D-72555 Metzingen
Telephone +49 (0)71 23/96 9-0 • Fax +49 (0)71 23/96 9-260
Dept. Development ENG (MI/JR)

Note This document has been printed on chlorine-free bleached paper.

RD 500 Options List of contents I

List of contents
1 Installing options 1-1
1.1 Module slots.................................................................................................................................. 1-1
Module slot 1 ........................................................................................................................... 1-1
Module slot 2 ........................................................................................................................... 1-2
Card combinations module slots ............................................................................................. 1-2
1.2 Mechanical installation.................................................................................................................. 1-2
Storage .................................................................................................................................... 1-2
Installation instructions for subsequent installation ................................................................. 1-2
Installing option cards .............................................................................................................. 1-3
1.3 Cautionary measures when handling devices/components which can be destroyed by
electrostatic discharge (ESDS)..................................................................................................... 1-5

2 RZP01.1-B1 Interbus S 2-1

2.1 General information on Interbus S, option module RZP01.1-B1 .................................................. 2-1
Technical data ......................................................................................................................... 2-1
General information on bus operation ..................................................................................... 2-1
Data transfer via Interbus S..................................................................................................... 2-2
Functional readiness of the Interbus S.................................................................................... 2-3
2.2 Electrical installation ..................................................................................................................... 2-4
Terminal diagram..................................................................................................................... 2-4
LEDs ........................................................................................................................................ 2-4
Connection assignment ........................................................................................................... 2-5
Cable length of the bus system ............................................................................................... 2-5
Bus cable shielding.................................................................................................................. 2-5
2.3 Parameterization........................................................................................................................... 2-7
Setting the drive unit parameters for Interbus S operation...................................................... 2-7
Settings of the Interbus S-specific parameters........................................................................ 2-8
Setting the interface parameters ............................................................................................. 2-9
2.4 Interbus S operation ................................................................................................................... 2-10
Overview of the communication objects which have been implemented .............................. 2-10
Description, read-write objects (all numbers in hex) ............................................................. 2-10
Control and status word diagrams......................................................................................... 2-13
Assignment of the control word bits....................................................................................... 2-15
Assignment of the status word bits........................................................................................ 2-16
Processing the Interbus S process data................................................................................ 2-17

3 RZP01.1-C2 - CANopen 3-1

3.1 General Information Regarding CANopen.................................................................................... 3-1
Brief Information Regarding CANopen Bus Operation............................................................ 3-1

II List of contents RD 500 Options

Technical Data......................................................................................................................... 3-2

View of CB23904 Circuit Board ............................................................................................... 3-2
3.2 Electrical Installation ..................................................................................................................... 3-3
Cable Connection Plan............................................................................................................ 3-3
Connection to the bus system (CAN) ...................................................................................... 3-4
Bus Termination....................................................................................................................... 3-6
Line Lengths ............................................................................................................................ 3-6
3.3 Parameter Value Assignment....................................................................................................... 3-6
Setting Converter Parameters for CANopen Operation .......................................................... 3-7
Setting Interface Parameters................................................................................................... 3-7
Setting CANopen-Specific Parameters on the Converter ....................................................... 3-9
3.4 CANopen Basic Profile DS301. .................................................................................................. 3-10
Conditions.............................................................................................................................. 3-10
Setting CANopen-Specific Parameters using the CANopen Network .................................. 3-10
The Object Directory.............................................................................................................. 3-11
PDOs: .................................................................................................................................... 3-14
SDO Services ........................................................................................................................ 3-17
Emergency Objects ............................................................................................................... 3-18
Node Guarding / Life Guarding.............................................................................................. 3-18
CANopen Status Rules.......................................................................................................... 3-19
3.5 CANopen I/O Profile DS401 ....................................................................................................... 3-20
Conditions.............................................................................................................................. 3-20
General .................................................................................................................................. 3-20
PDOs: .................................................................................................................................... 3-20
Supported Objects in the Object Directory ............................................................................ 3-21
Digital Inputs .......................................................................................................................... 3-22
Digital Outputs ....................................................................................................................... 3-23
Analog Inputs......................................................................................................................... 3-24
Analog Outputs ...................................................................................................................... 3-26
3.6 Electronic Data Sheet (EDS) ...................................................................................................... 3-28
Entries in the EDS File .......................................................................................................... 3-28
Automatic Generation of EDS File for CANopen................................................................... 3-29
EDS Generator ...................................................................................................................... 3-29
Telephone Hotline: +49-(0)7123-969-200 ............................................................................. 3-30

4 RZP01.1-G1/G3 Incremental encoder emulation 4-1

4.1 General information on pulse encoder emulation RZP01.1-G1/G3.............................................. 4-1
Technical data ......................................................................................................................... 4-2
4.2 Electrical installation ..................................................................................................................... 4-3
Installation diagram ................................................................................................................. 4-3
Connector assignment............................................................................................................. 4-4
4.3 Hardware description.................................................................................................................... 4-5
Input circuit .............................................................................................................................. 4-5
Output circuit............................................................................................................................ 4-5
Encoder power supply ............................................................................................................. 4-5
4.4 Parameterization........................................................................................................................... 4-6

RD 500 Options List of contents III

Checking the card identification............................................................................................... 4-6

Setting the encoder type.......................................................................................................... 4-6
Function diagram, encoder evaluation .................................................................................... 4-7
4.5 Applications .................................................................................................................................. 4-7
Master setpoint from an external encoder............................................................................... 4-7
Application, electronic shaft..................................................................................................... 4-7
Looping the master setpoint signal.......................................................................................... 4-7
Pulse encoder emulation of the resolver ................................................................................. 4-8

5 Input 1Vss Gear-Type Encoder and Incremental Encoder Emulation

RZP01.1-G2 5-1
5.1 General ......................................................................................................................................... 5-1
Technical Data......................................................................................................................... 5-2
5.2 Electrical Installation ..................................................................................................................... 5-3
Installation Plan ....................................................................................................................... 5-3
Connection Allocation.............................................................................................................. 5-4
5.3 Overview of Parameters ............................................................................................................... 5-5
Checking Card ID .................................................................................................................... 5-5
Settings of the RZP01.1-G2 Option Card................................................................................ 5-5
Process Data Interface ............................................................................................................ 5-7
5.4 Description of Functions ............................................................................................................... 5-7
Principle of Offset and Amplitude Compensation.................................................................... 5-7
Encoder Output X49 for Incremental Encoder Emulation ....................................................... 5-7
Diagnosis Interface................................................................................................................ 5-10
Evaluation of Absolute Encoders with Stegmann Hiperface Encoders................................. 5-12
Evaluation of Absolute Encoder with SSI Encoder Interface ................................................ 5-13
Error Evaluation and Reactions............................................................................................. 5-14
Firmware Compatibility .......................................................................................................... 5-14
5.5 Commissioning and Use............................................................................................................. 5-15
Overview of RZP01.1-G2 Operating Modes.......................................................................... 5-15
RZP01.1-G2 Encoder Input X48 as Motor Encoder (1 Encoder) ........................................ 5-16
RZP01.1-G2 Encoder Input X48 as 2 Encoder................................................................... 5-16
Encoder Output X49 for Incremental Encoder Emulation ..................................................... 5-17
Settings for Stegmann Hiperface Encoders .......................................................................... 5-17
SSI Interface Settings ............................................................................................................ 5-18
5.6 Encoder cable............................................................................................................................. 5-19

6 RZP01.1-L1 SynchroLink 6-1

6.1 General information on SynchroLink ............................................................................................ 6-1
Technical data ......................................................................................................................... 6-1
View of the SL21058 control card............................................................................................ 6-1
6.2 Prerequisites for using SynchroLink ............................................................................................. 6-2
Unit series................................................................................................................................ 6-2
Firmware versions ................................................................................................................... 6-2
Unit settings ............................................................................................................................. 6-2
SynchroLink settings ............................................................................................................... 6-2

IV List of contents RD 500 Options

6.3 Electrical installation ..................................................................................................................... 6-3

Installation diagram ................................................................................................................. 6-3
Connection assignment ........................................................................................................... 6-3
6.4 Data transfer with SynchroLink..................................................................................................... 6-6
Synchronizing AC drives ......................................................................................................... 6-6
The fiber-optic cable connection.............................................................................................. 6-6
Fast and reliable data transfer................................................................................................. 6-7
Data transfer of a SynchroLink coupling ................................................................................. 6-7
6.5 Parameters which are used: ......................................................................................................... 6-7
Parameter P0496..................................................................................................................... 6-7
Parameter P0497..................................................................................................................... 6-8
Parameter P0498..................................................................................................................... 6-8
Parameters P0493.00 .. 09...................................................................................................... 6-8
Parameters D1130 .. D1139.................................................................................................... 6-8
Parameters D1531, D1532, D1533 ......................................................................................... 6-8
Parameter D1021 and D1022.................................................................................................. 6-8
6.6 Interface description SS7:............................................................................................................. 6-9
The interface structure:............................................................................................................ 6-9
Interface monitoring............................................................................................................... 6-10
Example of data transfer: ...................................................................................................... 6-11
6.7 SynchroLink mode selection:...................................................................................................... 6-12
Prerequisites.......................................................................................................................... 6-12
Module description ................................................................................................................ 6-12
6.8 System example ......................................................................................................................... 6-14
Example 1:............................................................................................................................. 6-14
Example 2:............................................................................................................................. 6-14
Example 3:............................................................................................................................. 6-14
Example 4:............................................................................................................................. 6-15
Example 5:............................................................................................................................. 6-15
Example 6:............................................................................................................................. 6-15

7 RZP01.1-L2 Peer-to-peer coupling 7-1

7.1 General information on the peer-to-peer coupling........................................................................ 7-1
Function of the peer-to-peer coupling ..................................................................................... 7-1
Mapping the peer-to-peer coupling.......................................................................................... 7-1
Technical data ......................................................................................................................... 7-2
Accessories ............................................................................................................................. 7-2
7.2 Electrical installation ..................................................................................................................... 7-3
Connection diagram ................................................................................................................ 7-3
Connection assignment ........................................................................................................... 7-3
Connection example of a setpoint cascade............................................................................. 7-4
Synchronized operation for RD51 via the peer-to-peer card................................................... 7-4
Assembling fiber-optic cables.................................................................................................. 7-6
7.3 Parameterization........................................................................................................................... 7-6
Setting the peer-to-peer specific parameters .......................................................................... 7-7
Setting the interface parameters ............................................................................................. 7-8

RD 500 Options List of contents V

Controlling the drive unit in peer-to-peer operation ................................................................. 7-9

7.4 Commissioning ............................................................................................................................. 7-9
7.5 Peer-to-peer communications..................................................................................................... 7-10
Peer-to-peer protocol............................................................................................................. 7-10
Protocol run times.................................................................................................................. 7-10
Send and receive process data ............................................................................................. 7-10

8 RZP01.1-P2 Profibus DP 8-1

8.1 General Information Regarding Profibus DP ................................................................................ 8-1
Technical Data......................................................................................................................... 8-1
General Information Regarding Bus Operation ....................................................................... 8-2
8.2 Electrical Installation ..................................................................................................................... 8-4
Cable Connection Plan............................................................................................................ 8-4
Connection Assignment........................................................................................................... 8-4
Connection Types to the Bus System (RS - 485).................................................................... 8-5
Assembly Types of the Bus Lines ........................................................................................... 8-5
Profibus Plug INS 0704 / K01.................................................................................................. 8-6
Proposed Switching Configuration .......................................................................................... 8-7
Bus Termination....................................................................................................................... 8-7
Using Repeaters ...................................................................................................................... 8-8
Stubs........................................................................................................................................ 8-8
Line Length of the Bus System................................................................................................ 8-8
EMC Measures ........................................................................................................................ 8-9
8.3 Setting Parameters ..................................................................................................................... 8-10
Setting Converter Parameters for Profibus Operation........................................................... 8-10
Setting Profibus - Specific Parameters.................................................................................. 8-11
Setting Interface Parameters................................................................................................. 8-12
8.4 Profibus Operation...................................................................................................................... 8-13
Device Master Data File “REFU0469.GSD” .......................................................................... 8-13
ID Number ............................................................................................................................. 8-14
Configuration ......................................................................................................................... 8-14
Process Data Control ............................................................................................................ 8-14
USS Protocol ......................................................................................................................... 8-15
Functions FREEZE / UNFREEZE ......................................................................................... 8-25
Functions SYNC / UNSYNC.................................................................................................. 8-25
Function “PB Clear-Data” ...................................................................................................... 8-25
Processing Profibus Process Data ........................................................................................ 8-26

9 RZP01.1-S1 SERCOS-Interface 9-1

9.1 General Information on the SERCOS Interface ........................................................................... 9-1
Technical Specifications .......................................................................................................... 9-1
View of the SC22243 PCB ...................................................................................................... 9-2
9.2 Requirements for Operating SERCOS - Interface........................................................................ 9-2
9.3 Electrical Installation ..................................................................................................................... 9-3
Control elements ..................................................................................................................... 9-4
9.4 General Information on the SERCOS Protocol ............................................................................ 9-5

VI List of contents RD 500 Options

Real Time Control and Status Bits .......................................................................................... 9-5

Telegram Type......................................................................................................................... 9-5
Function plan ........................................................................................................................... 9-8
Examples for Transmitting Parameters via the SI2 Interface.................................................. 9-9
9.5 Parameterization......................................................................................................................... 9-11
General Preliminary Remarks for Basic Devices RD51 and RS51 ....................................... 9-11
Loading the Factory Settings with SERCOS Functions ........................................................ 9-11
Setting the Parameters for Operation with SERCOS ............................................................ 9-11
The most important SERCOS Parameters............................................................................ 9-12
9.6 List of the supported Commands................................................................................................ 9-14
9.7 Description of the Parameters .................................................................................................... 9-14
Parameter: S-0-0001 NC cycle time...................................................................................... 9-14
Parameter: S-0-0002 Communication cycle time.................................................................. 9-14
Parameter: S-0-0003 Shortest AT transmission starting time............................................... 9-14
Parameter: S-0-0004 Transmit/receive transition time.......................................................... 9-14
Parameter: S-0-0005 Minimum feedback processing time ................................................... 9-15
Parameter: S-0-0006 AT transmission starting time ............................................................. 9-15
Parameter: S-0-0007 Feedback acquisition capture point (t4).............................................. 9-15
Parameter: S-0-0008 Command value valid time (t3) ........................................................... 9-15
Parameter: S-0-0009 Position of data record in MDT ........................................................... 9-16
Parameter: S-0-0010 Length of MDT .................................................................................... 9-16
Parameter: S-0-0011 Class 1 diagnostic............................................................................... 9-16
Parameter: S-0-0012 Class 2 diagnostic............................................................................... 9-16
Parameter: S-0-0013 Class 3 diagnostic............................................................................... 9-17
Parameter: S-0-0014 Interface status ................................................................................... 9-17
Parameter: S-0-0015 Telegram type parameter ................................................................... 9-17
Parameter: S-0-0016 Configuration list of AT ....................................................................... 9-18
Parameter: S-0-0017 IDN-list of all operation data ............................................................... 9-18
Parameter: S-0-0018 IDN-list of all operation data for CP2 .................................................. 9-18
Parameter: S-0-0019 IDN-list of all operation data for CP3 .................................................. 9-18
Parameter: S-0-0021 IDN-list of invalid operation data for CP2 ........................................... 9-19
Parameter: S-0-0022 IDN-list of invalid operation data for CP3 ........................................... 9-19
Parameter: S-0-0024 Configuration list of MDT .................................................................... 9-19
Parameter: S-0-0025 IDN-list of all procedure commands ................................................... 9-19
Parameter: S-0-0028 MST error counter............................................................................... 9-19
Parameter: S-0-0028 MDT error counter .............................................................................. 9-20
Parameter: S-0-0030 Manufacturer version .......................................................................... 9-20
Parameter: S-0-0032 Primary operation mode ..................................................................... 9-20
Parameter: S-0-0033 Secondary operation mode 1.............................................................. 9-20
Parameter: S-0-0034 Secondary operation mode 2.............................................................. 9-21
Parameter: S-0-0035 Secondary operation mode 3.............................................................. 9-21
Parameter: S-0-0036 Velocity command value..................................................................... 9-21
Parameter: S-0-0040 Velocity feedback value ...................................................................... 9-21
Parameter: S-0-0042 Homing acceleration (Dummy) ........................................................... 9-22
Parameter: S-0-0043 Velocity polarity parameter ................................................................. 9-22
Parameter: S-0-0044 Velocity data scaling type ................................................................... 9-22

RD 500 Options List of contents VII

Parameter: S-0-0045 Velocity data scaling factor ................................................................. 9-22

Parameter: S-0-0046 Velocity data scaling exponent ........................................................... 9-22
Parameter: S-0-0047 Position command value (Dummy)..................................................... 9-23
Parameter: S-0-0051 Position feedback value 1 (Dummy) ................................................... 9-23
Parameter: S-0-0053 Position feedback value 2 (Dummy) ................................................... 9-23
Parameter: S-0-0055 Position polarity parameters (Dummy) ............................................... 9-23
Parameter: S-0-0057 Position window (Dummy) .................................................................. 9-23
Parameter: S-0-0080 Torque command value (Dummy) ...................................................... 9-24
Parameter: S-0-0084 Torque feedback value (Dummy) ....................................................... 9-24
Parameter: S-0-0086 Torque data scaling type (Dummy) .................................................... 9-24
Parameter: S-0-0088 Receive to receive recovery time (TMTSY)........................................ 9-24
Parameter: S-0-0089 MDT transmission starting time (T2) .................................................. 9-24
Parameter: S-0-0090 Command value proceeding time (TMTSG)....................................... 9-24
Parameter: S-0-0091 Bipolar velocity limit value................................................................... 9-25
Parameter: S-1-0091 Bipolar velocity limit value................................................................... 9-25
Parameter: S-0-0092 Bipolar torque limit value (Dummy) .................................................... 9-25
Parameter: S-0-0095 Diagnostic message ........................................................................... 9-25
Parameter: S-0-0096 Slave arrangement (SLKN)................................................................. 9-25
Parameter: S-0-0099 Reset class 1 diagnostic ..................................................................... 9-26
Parameter: S-0-0100 Velocity loop proportional gain Pset 0 (Dummy) ................................ 9-26
Parameter: S-1-0100 Velocity loop proportional gain PSet 1 (Dummy)................................ 9-26
Parameter: S-0-0101 Velocity loop integral action time PSet 0 (Dummy) ............................ 9-26
Parameter: S-1-0101 Velocity loop integral action time PSet 1 (Dummy) ............................ 9-26
Parameter: S-0-0104 Position loop Kv-factor (Dummy) ........................................................ 9-27
Parameter: S-0-0121 Input revolutions of load gear (Dummy) ............................................. 9-27
Parameter: S-0-0122 Output revolutions of load gear (Dummy)........................................... 9-27
Parameter: S-0-0124 Standstill window ................................................................................ 9-27
Parameter: S-0-0127 CP3 transition check........................................................................... 9-27
Parameter: S-0-0128 CP4 transition check........................................................................... 9-28
Parameter: S-0-0129 Manufacturer class 1 diagnostic ......................................................... 9-28
Parameter: S-0-0134 Master control word ............................................................................ 9-28
Parameter: S-0-0135 Drive status word ................................................................................ 9-28
Parameter: S-0-0138 Bipolar acceleration limit value (Dummy) ........................................... 9-28
Parameter: S-0-0140 Controller type..................................................................................... 9-29
Parameter: S-0-0141 Motor type ........................................................................................... 9-29
Parameter: S-0-0142 Application type .................................................................................. 9-29
Parameter: S-0-0143 SYSTEM interface version.................................................................. 9-29
Parameter: S-0-0144 Signal status word .............................................................................. 9-29
Parameter: S-0-0147 Homing parameter (Dummy) .............................................................. 9-30
Parameter: S-0-0152 Position spindle procedure command ................................................ 9-30
Parameter: S-0-0153 Spindle angle position......................................................................... 9-30
Parameter: S-0-0154 Spindle positioning parameter ............................................................ 9-31
Parameter: S-0-0157 Velocity window .................................................................................. 9-31
Parameter: S-0-0160 Acceleration data scaling type (Dummy) ............................................ 9-31
Parameter: S-0-0169 Probe control parameter (Dummy) ..................................................... 9-31
Parameter: S-0-0182 Manufacturer class 3 diagnostic (Dummy) ......................................... 9-32

VIII List of contents RD 500 Options

Parameter: S-0-0185 Length of the configurable data record in the AT ............................... 9-32
Parameter: S-0-0186 Length of the configurable data record in the MDT ............................ 9-32
Parameter: S-0-0187 IDN-list of the configurable data in the AT.......................................... 9-32
Parameter: S-0-0188 IDN-list of the configurable data in the MDT....................................... 9-32
Parameter: S-0-0192 IDN-list of backup operation data ....................................................... 9-33
Parameter: S-0-0216 Switch parameter set procedure command........................................ 9-33
Parameter: S-0-0217 Parameter set preselection................................................................. 9-33
Parameter: S-0-0219 IDN-list parameter set......................................................................... 9-34
Parameter: S-0-0222 Spindle positioning speed................................................................... 9-34
Parameter: S-0-0254 Actual parameter set........................................................................... 9-34
Parameter: S-0-0264 Backup working memory procedure command .................................. 9-34
Parameter: S-0-0265 Language selection............................................................................. 9-34
Parameter: S-0-0269 Storage mode ..................................................................................... 9-35
Parameter: S-0-0336 Status “In position” .............................................................................. 9-35
Parameter: S-0-0390 Diagnostic number.............................................................................. 9-35
Parameter: S-0-0403 Position feedback value status (Dummy) ........................................... 9-36
Parameter: P-0-2048 Block configuration SERCOS on ........................................................ 9-36
Parameter: P-0-2049 Block configuration SERCOS off ........................................................ 9-36
Parameter: P-0-2050 Setpoint configurable 1 ....................................................................... 9-36
Parameter: P-0-2051 Setpoint configurable 2 ....................................................................... 9-36
Parameter: P-0-2052 Setpoint configurable 3 ....................................................................... 9-36
Parameter: P-0-2053 Setpoint configurable 4 ....................................................................... 9-37
Parameter: P-0-2054 Setpoint configurable 5 ....................................................................... 9-37
Parameter: P-0-2055 Setpoint configurable 6 ....................................................................... 9-37
Parameter: P-0-2060 Feedback configurable 1 .................................................................... 9-37
Parameter: P-0-2061 Feedback configurable 2 .................................................................... 9-37
Parameter: P-0-2062 Feedback configurable 3 .................................................................... 9-37
Parameter: P-0-2063 Feedback configurable 4 .................................................................... 9-37
Parameter: P-0-2064 Feedback configurable 5 .................................................................... 9-38
Parameter: P-0-2065 Feedback configurable 6 .................................................................... 9-38
Parameter: P-i-2070 RD500 normalization Speed parameter set i....................................... 9-38
Parameter: P-0-2080 Set parameter for operation procedure command ............................. 9-39
Parameter: P-0-2081 Set parameter for spindle positioning command ................................ 9-39
9.8 Refu – P Parameter .................................................................................................................... 9-39
P-Parameters with index ....................................................................................................... 9-40
P-Parameters for the SERCOS - interface............................................................................ 9-40
9.9 Data storage ............................................................................................................................... 9-41
9.10 Special treatment of some parameters under SERCOS ............................................................ 9-42
9.11 Rights.......................................................................................................................................... 9-43
9.12 Fault Remedy (Troubleshooting) ................................................................................................ 9-44
9.13 Documentation on Data Types N2 and N4................................................................................. 9-44
9.14 Information on operation with DriveTop...................................................................................... 9-45
9.15 Known Limitations....................................................................................................................... 9-45
9.16 Block-parametrization ................................................................................................................. 9-46
9.17 Spindle positioning...................................................................................................................... 9-46

RD 500 Options List of contents IX

10 Extended control terminal strip RZP01.1-T1 10-1

10.1 General information on the extended control terminal strip........................................................ 10-1
Technical data ....................................................................................................................... 10-1
10.2 Electrical installation ................................................................................................................... 10-2
Terminal diagram................................................................................................................... 10-2
Connection assignment ......................................................................................................... 10-3
Connection circuit diagram .................................................................................................... 10-4
10.3 Parameterization......................................................................................................................... 10-5
Basic parameterization for RD51........................................................................................... 10-5
Setting the specific parameters for the extended control terminal strip ................................ 10-5
Free parameterization ........................................................................................................... 10-8

11 Extended control terminal strip RZP01.1-T3 11-1

11.1 General information on the extended control terminal strip........................................................ 11-1
Technical data ....................................................................................................................... 11-1
11.2 Electrical installation ................................................................................................................... 11-3
Terminal diagram................................................................................................................... 11-3
Connection assignment ......................................................................................................... 11-4
Connection circuit diagram .................................................................................................... 11-5
11.3 Parameterization......................................................................................................................... 11-7
Basic parameterization for RD51........................................................................................... 11-7
Setting the specific parameters for the extended control terminal strip ................................ 11-7
Free parameterization ......................................................................................................... 11-10

12 Index 12-1

13 Service & Support 13-1

13.1 Helpdesk ..................................................................................................................................... 13-1
13.2 Service-Hotline ........................................................................................................................... 13-1
13.3 Internet........................................................................................................................................ 13-1
13.4 Vor der Kontaktaufnahme... - Before contacting us... ................................................................ 13-1
13.5 Kundenbetreuungsstellen - Sales & Service Facilities ............................................................... 13-2

X List of contents RD 500 Options

RD 500 Options Installing options 1-1

1 Installing options

1.1 Module slots

There are two module slots for accepting optional modules in the control
module (SR17000 for the RD51, SR17002 for the RD52).
Selecting the module slot Various cards/modules can be inserted in the module slots. Please ob-
serve the possibilities specified in the tables for installing the options.
Communications, option card – The module slot, in which the option card is inserted, determines how the
control card drive converter firmware addresses the interface. The communications
between the control card and option card is realized via the process data
interface. An option card in module slot 1 communicates with the control
card via the SS2 process data interface, and at module slot 2, via the SS4
process data interface.
If the option card involves an interface, the bus-specific parameters and
interface-specific parameters must always be set, depending on the se-
lected module slot. More detailed information is provided in the descrip-
tions of the interface cards.
Module slot 1 (connector X121) The drive converter firmware treats the interface card as SS2 (serial in-
terface 2).
Module slot 2 (connector X123) The drive converter firmware treats the interface card as SS4 (serial in-
terface 4).

Module slot 1

Option RD 500 RD51 RD 500 RD52

CAN bus C1 Yes Yes
Interbus S B1 Yes Yes
Profibus DP P2 Yes Yes
Incremental encoder emulation with resolver evaluation G1 - Yes
Input for toothed-wheel encoder 1Vpp, TTL, sin/cos and incre- - Yes
mental encoder emulation G2
Incremental encoder emulation G3 - Yes
SynchroLink L1 - Yes
Peer-to-peer coupling L2 Yes Yes
Extended control terminal strip T1 - -
Extended control terminal strip T3 - -

Fig. 1-1: Options, module slot 1

1-2 Installing options RD 500 Options

Module slot 2

Option RD 500 RD51 RD 500 RD52

CAN bus C2 Yes Yes
Interbus S B1 Yes Yes
Profibus DP P2 Yes Yes
Incremental encoder emulation with resolver evaluation G1 - Yes
Input for toothed-wheel encoder 1Vpp, TTL, sin/cos and incre- - Yes
mental encoder emulation G2
Incremental encoder emulation G3 - Yes
SynchroLink L1 - Yes
Peer-to-peer coupling L2 Yes Yes
Extended control terminal strip T1 Yes Yes
Extended control terminal strip T3 Yes Yes

Fig. 1-2: Options, module slot 2

Card combinations module slots

RD 500 RD51 RD 500 RD52

Module slot Module slot 2 Module slot Module slot 2
1 1
NN NN, T1, T3 NN NN, T1, T3
C2 NN, L2, C2, B1, P2 C2 NN, L1, L2, G1, G2,
G3, C2, B1, P2
B1 NN, L2, T1, T3, C2, B1 NN, L1, L2, G1, G2,
B1, P2 G3, C2, B1, P2
P2 NN, L2, T1, T3, C2, P2 NN, L1, L2, G1, G2,
B1, P2 G3, C2, B1, P2,NN,
L2, T1, T3, C2, B1, P2
L2 NN, T1, T3 G1 NN, T1, T3, L1, L2
G2 NN, T1, T3, L1, L2
G3 NN, T1, T3, L1, L2
L1 NN, T1, T3
L2 NN, T1, T3
Fig. 1-3: Card combinations, module slots

1.2 Mechanical installation

The cards / modules must be stored in dry, clean rooms. The storage
temperature must be between -25° C and +70° C.

Installation instructions for subsequent installation

If the drive converter is ordered with an option card, when the equipment
is shipped, the card is already inserted in the unit. The option modules
can be retrofitted to the drive converter by the customers themselves.

RD 500 Options Installing options 1-3

Lethal shock as a result of live components at

voltage levels exceeding 50V!
⇒ REFU drive units are operated at high voltage levels.
Only qualified, trained personnel may carry-out any
DANGER ⇒ If this warning information is not observed, this can
result in death, severe bodily injury or significant
material damage.
⇒ The drive unit should be switched into a no voltage
condition before work is carried-out. The drive unit
has hazardous voltage levels up to 5 minutes after it
has been powered-down as a result of the DC link
capacitors. Before opening the drive unit, measure
the voltage at the DC link terminals C and D using an
appropriate measuring device to ensure that the
voltage is less than 60 V.
⇒ The power and control terminals can be live (at a
dangerous voltage level), even when the motor is
⇒ When working on the drive unit when it is open, it
should be noted that live components (components
at a dangerous voltage level) are exposed.

Installing option cards

Control card
SR 1700x


Module slot 1



Module slot 2


1) = Retaining holes for the distance studs

1): Retaining holes for the distance studs

Fig. 1-4: Module slots

1-4 Installing options RD 500 Options

Removing the control card 1. Remove the front cover.

2. Remove the screw below on the mounting rack; also refer to the Sec-
tion, Terminal layout diagram or Connection diagram in the appropri-
ate description of the option card.

Components and devices which can be de-

stroyed by electrostatic discharge (ESDS)!
⇒ The cards/modules contain components/devices
which can be destroyed by electrostatic discharge.
CAUTION They can be easily destroyed if they are not carefully
and professionally handled.
⇒ Please observe the generally valid ESDS measures,
refer to Section 1.3.

3. Withdraw the complete mounting rack with the control card.

4. Remove the ribbon cable from X122 on the control card.
Installing the option card 5. Remove the sheet steel cover from the selected module slot. The
sheet steel cover has breakaway points at the connection lugs. These
can be broken off by bending them backwards and forwards several
times. Alternatively, they can be bent inwards through 180°.
6. Mount the distance studs on the component side of the SR1700x card
using the screws provided.
7. Insert the card at the module slot selected according to Fig. 1-3:
Card combinations, module slots, and retain the card on the two dis-
tance studs using the M3 x 6 screws provided.
Inserting the control card 8. Re-insert the ribbon cable from the drive unit into connector X122 on
the control card.
9. Install the complete mounting rack with the control card and the in-
stalled option card back into the drive converter.
10. Retain the mounting rack with the screw.
11. Re-attach the front cover.

Damage caused by incorrect installation!

⇒ Connectors X121 and X123 on the control card have
no guide assembly. Take care to ensure that the
connectors are correctly inserted in order to avoid er-
CAUTION roneous functions and damage to the elec-
tronic/electrical components.
⇒ Also ensure that the ribbon cable between the drive
unit and the control card has been correctly routed,
i.e. it is not permissible that the cable comes into
contact with sharp edges.

RD 500 Options Installing options 1-5

1.3 Cautionary measures when handling

devices/components which can be destroyed by
electrostatic discharge (ESDS)
The drive units contain components and parts which can be destroyed by
electrostatic discharge. These components can be destroyed when not
handled properly. Please observe the following when working with elec-
tronic modules and boards:
• Electronic modules and boards should only be touched if absolutely
• Before touching an electronic module/board, the human body must
first be electrically discharged.
• Electronic modules/boards may not come into contact with highly-
insulating materials e.g. plastic foils, insulating work surfaces, articles
of clothing manufactured from man-made fiber.
• Electronic modules/boards may only be placed on conductive sur-
• The soldering iron tip must be grounded when carrying-out soldering
work on electronic modules/boards.
• Electronic modules/boards and components may only be stored and
shipped in conductive packaging (e.g. metalized plastic or metal con-
• If the packaging is not conductive, electronic modules/boards must be
wrapped in a conductive material. In this case, e.g. conductive foam
rubber or household aluminum foil can be used.
The necessary ESDS protective measures are clearly shown in the fol-
lowing diagram:

d d d
b b e

f f f f f

c c
a a a

When seated When standing When sitting/standing

a: Conductive floor
b: ESDS table
c: ESDS shoes
d: ESDS overall
e: ESDS bracelet
f: Grounding connection of the cabinets
Fig. 1-5: ESDS protective measures

1-6 Installing options RD 500 Options

RD 500 Options RZP01.1-B1 Interbus S 2-1

2 RZP01.1-B1 Interbus S

2.1 General information on Interbus S, option module

Interbus S is a sensor / actuator bus with an effective data transfer proto-
col and a fixed data transfer rate of 500 kbit/s.
It is mainly used for fast data transfer at the field level. Data transfer is
cyclic. The connection uses a fast 5-conductor cable (RS 485, twisted,
shielded). All of the protocols are transferred with a Hamming distance
HD=4, which guarantees a high data transfer integrity.

Fig. 2-1: View of the Interbus S card

Technical data
Order No. / version RZP01.1-B1
Interface RS 485
Protocol Interbus S, conformance with
DIN 19258 (or EN 50 254)
Baud rate 500 kbaud, fixed
Power supply +5 V and +15 V on the control card
Size (length x width) 88 mm x 89 mm
Environmental Class 3K3 acc. to DIN IEC 721-3-3
Ambient temperature
– in storage -25 °C ... 70 °C
– during operation 0 °C ... 40 °C
Radio interference suppres- A1 acc. to EN 55011
sion level
Noise immunity EN 50082-2

General information on bus operation

Bus structure
The Interbus S bus has a ring-shift register topology. The conductors of
the Interbus S ring system start and end at the bus controller. The ring is
structured using a spatially distributed shift register from which, a multiple
of 16 bits are combined in a module. 10 words, each 16 bits are handled
on the option card. 9 of these words are used for cyclic I/O data (process
data) and one word to program the drive converter. Programming is real-

2-2 RZP01.1-B1 Interbus S RD 500 Options

ized using PMS (Peripheral Message Specification), which represents a

sub-set of the Profibus FMS Standard. (MMS, Profibus Part 2)

Serial data flow in the summed frame of Interbus S

Net useful data

1st word (16 Bit) 2nd word (16 bit) ....................10th word (16 Bit)

Process data Process data

Parameter input word 1 input word 9
Process data Process data
output word 1 output word 9

Serial protocol
Fig. 2-2: Serial Interbus S protocol

At power-on, the individual 16-bit words are pre-assigned as follows:

1 data word: Communications acc. to PMS (the size of the input
buffer is defined, for the
Interbus S card IS11060, as 102 bytes)
2 data word: Input data word = PZD 1
Output data word = PZD 1
3 data word: Input data word = PZD 2
Output data word = PZD 2
nd th
2 -10 data word: Can be freely parameterized
All of the parameters of the basic drive unit and Interbus S or DRIVE-
COM-specific parameters can be accessed via the communications.

Bus structure
The drive unit is operated on the remote bus of the Interbus S (as slave).
A special connecting cable (Interbus S remote bus cable) via the front
connector X40 (9-pin D-sub device connector) is used to connect the
drive unit to the remote bus of Interbus S. Additional Interbus S nodes can
be looped-into the remote bus branch via the front connector X41 (9-pin
D-sub drive device socket). Bus termination (at connector X40) is not
required as it is automatically generated on the card. It is not necessary to
set a node address at the card or at the drive converter; the address is
automatically assigned as a result of the bus topology.

Number of slaves
The maximum number of Interbus slaves (nodes) is limited to 512 de-

DRIVECOM PROFILE drive technology

The DRIVECOM profile definition defines a standard, which does not de-
fine the bus, but instead, how the data is represented on the bus for spe-
cific applications. Using these definitions, devices with the same function
can be addressed via a unified command set.
The DRIVECOM PROFILE can be requested from the Drivecom User
Group e.V.

Data transfer via Interbus S

ID code PCB ID code = 0 x F3 (243 dec)

RD 500 Options RZP01.1-B1 Interbus S 2-3

Process data
Process data are data which are transferred along the process data
channel. This data is cyclically exchanged between the control and drive,
whereby the cycle time is constant and only depends on the bus topology.
The process data channel data can be mapped on the communication
object (parameters). 9 words, each 16 bit are defined as process data on
the option card.

Communication objects (parameters)

All of the basic drive parameters are supported, and in addition, several
Interbus S-specific and several DRIVECOM-specific parameters. Data
objects in the communications channel of the Interbus S can be individual
variables, type BYTE (8 BIT), WORD (16 BIT) or LONG (32 BIT), or
made up of arrays or records of the specified types. A data object is ad-
dressed via its number and an associated sub-index using the READ Re-
quest or WRITE Request utility. In this case, for single variables, the sub-
index must be 0. For arrays or records, the complete object is addressed
with sub-index = 0, and for a sub-index which is not equal to 0, a single
All parameter numbers of the basic drive have an offset of 5000 hex (e.g.
number 1 becomes 5001 hex, number 100 becomes 5064 hex ...). This
means that the objects, which address the parameters of the basic drive
in the range from 5001 hex ... 53FF hex correspond to parameter
Nos. 1 ... 1023. Parameters 5FFE hex and 5FFF hex support the process
data channels of the basic drive (for SS2, refer to parameters P480.0 ... 9
with D1910...D1919 and for SI4, parameters 491.0 ... 9 with D1100 ...
Parameter numbers 6000 hex up to 605D hex are DRIVECOM parame-
In the following text, process data, which are read by the controller, are
designated PE data (actual values from the drive converter) and process
data, which are written by the controller as PA data (setpoints).

Functional readiness of the Interbus S

The power supply of the Interbus S option is realized exclusively from the
basic drive and cannot be externally fed-in. If the basic drive is in a no-
current condition, then Interbus S is interrupted at this location. If an inter-
ruption is not desirable, then it is possible to maintain the Interbus S in-
terface operational using option V (24 V electronics standby supply). The
drive unit can also be coupled through a so-called bus terminal, which
maintains bus operation (e.g. when replacing the drive unit).

2-4 RZP01.1-B1 Interbus S RD 500 Options

2.2 Electrical installation

Terminal diagram




X41 Connector, additional Interbus S
nodes (9 pin. sub-D cocket)

X 40 Interbus S connector
(9 pin sub-D connector)
Interbus S card: RZP01.1-B1
at module slot 1
dr ive 50




Lower metal lug

age. Danger
High Volt shock. Donot touch
electrical nections for 5
electricalcon switching
minutes after
power off. follow "Safety
d and l
Rea for Electrica
Instructionsnual, DOK-GENE-
Drives "ma******-SVS...
RL-DRIVE ating
before oper

Fig. 2-3: Terminal layout diagram, Interbus S

RED Flashes, as long as the communications software is running correctly
YELLOW Flashes, as long as data transfer to the basic drive unit is running cor-
GREEN Flashes, as long as telegrams are being exchanged with the bus master

RD 500 Options RZP01.1-B1 Interbus S 2-5

Connection assignment
Terminal Designation Terminal Designation
X40 Interbus S (connector) X41 Interbus S (socket)
1 Input A 1 Output A
2 Output A 2 Input A
3 GND Isolated 3 GND
4 - 4 -
5 - 5 +5 V
6 Input B 6 Output B
7 Output B 7 Input B
8 - 8 -
9 - 9 RBST
Shield Via RC element Shield PE

The terminal X40/5 is connected to X40/9.

Cable length of the bus system

The RS 485 point-to-point data transfer permits a distance of 400 m be-
tween the two devices. Each node has an integrated repeater function
which allows the INTERBUS system to be expanded up to 13 km. The
bus termination is automatically set.

Recommended cable type

Characteristic impedance 135 .. 165 Ω
Capacitance per meter <30 pF/m
Loop resistance 110 Ω/km
Conductor diameter 0.64 mm
Conductor cross-section >0.34 mm

Bus cable shielding

The following measures must be made in order to ensure that Interbus S
operates disturbance-free:
For the Interbus S bus cable, the shield in the bus connector does not
have to be exposed. Shielding is realized when the bus cable is intro-
duced into the drive unit housing at the chassis using cable ties. The
shield connection is described in detail in the Instruction Manual of the
appropriate device. When removing the insulation from the ends of the
conductors, ensure that the solid copper core is not damaged.
Please ensure that the shield of every bus cable is connected to the drive
unit housing and at the cabinet entry point!

2-6 RZP01.1-B1 Interbus S RD 500 Options

Potential bonding
Please avoid potential differences (e.g. due to different line supply sys-
tems) between the drive units and the Interbus S master:
• Use the following potential bonding conductors:
- 16 mm2 Cu for potential bonding conductors up to 200 m long
- 25 mm2 Cu for potential bonding conductors over 200 m long
• Route the potential bonding conductors so that the lowest possible
surface area is encompassed between the potential bonding conduc-
tor and signal conductor; i.e. they should be routed in parallel.
• Connect the potential bonding conductor to the grounding/protective
conductor through the largest possible surface area.

Routing cables
Please observe the following information/instructions when routing cables:
• Do not route bus cables (signal cables) in parallel with power cables or
maintain a clearance of > 20 cm between them.
• Route the signal cable and the associated potential bonding cables as
close as possible together and keep them as short as possible.
• Route the power cables and signal cables in separate cable ducts.
• Connect the shields through the largest possible surface area.

RD 500 Options RZP01.1-B1 Interbus S 2-7

2.3 Parameterization
Before commissioning the Interbus S interface, the interface parameters
must be set as a function of the option slot and Interbus S-specific pa-
rameters. The parameters can be reached via the following menu:
OPTIONS \ Interbus S
Slot 1 X121
Slot 2 X123

Setting the drive unit parameters for Interbus S operation

P. No.: Name Description / explanation Setting example Pass-

selectable options word
0072 Param. setting 0 2
Defines which interfaces can be used to parameter- r/w off
ize the unit
0 = operator panel, PC (RS232)
1 = bus SI1 [interface 1] (RS485)
2 = bus SI2 [interface 2] (module slot 1)
3 = bus SI4 [interface 4] (module slot 2)
4 = all buses, SIx
5 = bus SI6
0073 Source ON / OFF 1 2
Selects the source for the ON/OFF command (con- r/w off
trol word generation). A value of 1 must be set so
that the Interbus card has the control authorization.
0 = operator panel + terminals
1 = SI (serial interface) + terminals
2 = terminals
3 = service interface
0074 Source, control D 1910 2
word 1
Recommendation for SI2 (option slot 1): r/w off
Use PZD 1 as control word. Enter D1910 into P0074
as parameter value.
Recommendation for SI4 (option slot 2)
Use PZD 1 as control word. Enter D1100 into P0074
as parameter value.
0480.x Source SI2 PZD D 1800 2
Recommendation for SI2 (option slot 1): r/w off
Send the status word as PZD 1. In this case use the
variable parameter source 0480.0. Set D1922
(status word) as parameter value.
0491.x Source SI4 PZD Note: Depending on the selected option slot, D 1800 2
only parameter P0480.x or P0491.x has to be set.
Recommendation for SI4 (option slot 2): r/w off
Send the status word as PZD 1. In this case use the
variable parameter source P0491.0. Set D1922
(status word) as parameter value.

2-8 RZP01.1-B1 Interbus S RD 500 Options

Settings of the Interbus S-specific parameters

Parame- Name Description / explanation Factory setting Pass

ter No.: selectable options Min ... max values word
0518.00 Commissioning No action 2
monitoring function
Process data channel monitoring 0 ... 3
0 = no action
1 = fault
2 = inhibit voltage
3 = fast stop
0518.01 Commissioning No action 2
monitoring function
Parameter channel monitoring 0 ... 3
0 = no action
1 = fault
2 = inhibit voltage
3 = fast stop
0519.00 Commissioning WD 65535 ms 2
monitoring time
Process data channel monitoring 0 ... 65535 ms
After the selected time has expired, the response,
selected in P0518.00, is executed.
0519.01 Commissioning WD 65535 ms 2
monitoring time
Parameter channel monitoring 0 ... 65535 ms
After the selected time has expired, the response,
selected in P0518.01, is executed.
0520 Commissioning 3 words 2
register length
Sets the register length in words (1 word corre- 2 ... 10 words
sponds to 16 bits). The value range for the register
length is at least 2 words and a maximum of 10
words. The first word is always assigned PMS (Pe-
ripheral Message Specification), words 2 to 10 can
be freely connected to process data; whereby data
word 2 should be preferably assigned the control
word (for input data) or the status word (for output

RD 500 Options RZP01.1-B1 Interbus S 2-9

Setting the interface parameters

Option slot 1 If the Interbus S card is inserted at option slot 1, the drive unit firmware
addresses it as serial interface 2 (SI2). Parameters of SI2 must be set for
interface operation.

P. No.: Name Description / explanation Factory setting Pass-

selectable options Min ... max values word
0509 SI2 functions 0 2
Sets the drive unit response type to warning / fault 0 ... 3 r/w on
from the Interbus S interface.
0 = all active
1 = alarm off
2 = fault off
3 = inhibited
0526 SI2 RX monitoring 0 2
Sets the response type, if a valid telegram was not 0 ... 2 r/w on
received after the monitoring time had expired
0 = no action
1 = alarm
2 = fault
0527 SI2 monitoring time 0.01 sec 2
Sets the monitoring time, in which a valid telegram 0.01 ... 60.00 sec r/w on
must be received.

Option slot 2 If the Interbus S card is inserted at option slot 2, the drive unit firmware
addresses it as serial interface 4 (SI4). Parameters of SI4 must be set for
interface operation.

P. No.: Name Description / explanation Factory setting Pass-

selectable options Min ... max values word
0745 SI4 functions 0 2
Sets the drive unit response type to warning / fault 0 ... 3 r/w on
from the Profibus interface.
0 = all active
1 = alarm off
2 = fault off
3 = inhibited
0746 SI4 RX monitoring 0 2
Sets the response type, if a valid telegram was not 0 ... 2 r/w on
received after the monitoring time had expired
0 = no action
1 = alarm
2 = fault
0747 SI4 monitoring time 0.01 sec 2
Sets the monitoring time, in which a valid telegram 0.01 ... 60.00 sec r/w on
must be received.

2-10 RZP01.1-B1 Interbus S RD 500 Options

2.4 Interbus S operation

Overview of the communication objects which have been implemented

No. Parameter Sub Date Significance Min. Max. r/w r

(HEX) IND type sub-parameters value value
5001 Parameters
...... of the basic
53FF drive unit
with a con-
stant offset
of 5000 hex
5FFE REFU PZD 1 S16 Actual value, PZD 1 r
1 ... 6 cor- 2 S16 Actual value, PZD 2 r
responding 3 S16 Actual value, PZD 3 r
to the actual 4 S16 Actual value, PZD 4 r
values 5 S16 Actual value, PZD 5 r
6 S16 Actual value, PZD 6 r
5FFF REFU PZD 1 S16 Setpoint, PZD 1 r/w
1 ... 6 set- 2 S16 Setpoint, PZD 2 r/w
point 3 S16 Setpoint, PZD 3 r/w
4 S16 Setpoint, PZD 4 r/w
5 S16 Setpoint, PZD 5 r/w
6 S16 Setpoint, PZD 6 r/w
6000 PE data 1 U8 Process data length 4 4 r/w
description 2 U16 Index, word 1 r/w
3 U8 Sub-index, word 1 r/w
4 U16 Index, word 2 r/w
5 U8 Sub-index, word 2 r/w
6001 PA data 1 U8 Process data length 4 4 r/w
description 2 U16 Index, word 1 r/w
3 U8 Sub-index, word 1 r/w
4 U16 Index, word 2 r/w
5 U8 Sub-index, word 2 r/w
6002 PA data U16 0 65535 r/w
6003 PD Watch- U16 200 65535 r/w
dog time
6004 PD Watch- S16 0 3 r/w
dog selec-
tion code
6005 K Watch- U16 200 65535 r/w
dog time
6006 PD Watch- S16 0 3 r/w
dog selec-
tion code

Description, read-write objects (all numbers in hex)

5001...53FF Parameters 1 ... 1023 of the basic drive unit
Single parameter or array parameter.
5FFE Process data object SI2/SI4 actual values (PE data), sub-index 1...9
This object can be mapped on the process data
5FFF Process data object SI2/SI4 setpoints (PA data), sub-index 1...9
This object can be mapped on the process data

6000 PE data description

RD 500 Options RZP01.1-B1 Interbus S 2-11

This parameter contains the data which define which process input data
are mapped onto which communication objects.

Sub Ind Significance Data type Value range (hex)

1 Length of the process data channel Byte 04
2 Object No. PZD1 (status word) Word 6041
3 Sub-index PZD1 (status word) Byte 00
4 Occupied by object PZD1 Word 0000
5 Occupied by object PZD1 Byte 00
6 Object No. PZD2 (actual value) Word Refer to list
7 Sub-index PZD2 (actual value) Byte Refer to list
8 Occupied by object PZD2 Word 0000
9 Occupied by object PZD2 Byte 00

Permitted value pairs for sub-index 6 and 7, PE data description:

• Speed actual value (DRIVECOM) index 6: 6044, index 7: 00
• Percentage actual value (DRIVECOM) index 6: 6054, index 7: 00
• PZD2 for SI2/SI4 (basic drive) index 6: 5FFE, index 7: 02

6001 PA data description

This parameter contains the data which define which process output data
are mapped onto which communication objects.

Sub Ind Significance Data type Value range (hex)

1 Length of the process data channel Byte 04
2 Object No. PZD1 (control word) Word 6040
3 Sub-index PZD1 (control word) Byte 00
4 Occupied by object PZD1 Word 0000
5 Occupied by object PZD1 Byte 00
6 Object No. PZD2 (setpoint) Word Refer to list
7 Sub-index PZD2 (setpoint) Byte Refer to list
8 Occupied by object PZD2 Word 0000
9 Occupied by object PZD2 Byte 00

Permitted value pairs for sub-index 6 and 7 PA data description:

• Speed setpoint (DRIVECOM) index 6: 6042, index 7: 00
• Percentage setpoint (DRIVECOM) index 6: 6052, index 7: 00
• PZD2 for SS2/SS4 (basic drive) index 6: 5FFF, index 7: 02

6002 PA data enable

In order to re-configure the process data, it is necessary that the link be-
tween the Interbus process data and the device parameters can be inter-
rupted in a defined fashion. The ‘PA data enable’ parameter is used for

2-12 RZP01.1-B1 Interbus S RD 500 Options

Permitted values:
0: All of the PA data are inhibited, no setpoints are processed
1: PZD 1 (control word) is enabled, PZD 2 (setpoints) is inhibited
4: PZD 2 (setpoints) is enabled, PZD 1 (control word) is inhibited
5: PZD 1 & PZD 2 (control word & setpoints) are enabled.
6003 PA data, Watchdog time
Watchdog time in ms bus monitoring for the process data.
The value 65535 stands for de-activate Watchdog.

6004 PA data Watchdog

Action which is to be executed if the Watchdog timer (6003 hex) has ex-
Permitted values:
0: No action
1: Fault initiated
2: Initiate device control command, power-off (OFF2)
3: Initiate device control command, fast stop (OFF3)

6005 Communications Watchdog time

Watchdog time in ms bus monitoring for communications.
The value 65535 stands for de-activate Watchdog.

6006 Communications Watchdog selection code

Action which is to be executed if the Watchdog timer (6005hex) has ex-
Permitted values:
0: No action
1: Fault initiated
2: Initiate device control command, power-off (OFF2)
3: Initiate device control command, fast stop (OFF3)

RD 500 Options RZP01.1-B1 Interbus S 2-13

Control and status word diagrams

F ro m e a c h o p e r a tin g s ta tu s
L in e v o ta g e O N
F a u lt o c c u r
F r o m e a c h o p e r a tin g s ta tu s
e x c e p t " F a u lt" o r " O p e r a tin g "
In h ib it c o n v e r te r ,
m a in c o n ta c to r O F F ,
D C - lin k d is c h a r g e
S ta tu s w o r d : B it 7 ...0
N e w s ta rt
( In itia liz a tio n ) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
O F F 2 o r O F F 3
S ta tu s w o r d : B it 7 ...0
F a u lt X 0 X X 1 0 0 0

C o n tr o l w o r d : B it 7 ...0 In h ib it c o n v e r te r ,
F a u lt c a u s e
X X X X X X X m a in c o n ta c to r O F F ,
e lim in a te d
D C - lin k d is c h a r g e
P o s itiv e e d g e fo r fa u lt a c k n o w le d g e

F ro m o p e r a tin g s ta tu s " R e a d y " o r " P r e c h a r g e "

C o n tr o l w o r d : B it 7 ...0
X X X X 0 1 1 1

S ta tu s w o r d : B it 7 ...0
In h ib it c o n v e r te r , S w itc h - o n - in h ib it X 1 X X 0 0 0 0
m a in c o n ta c to r O F F ,
D C - lin k d is c h a r g e
C o n tr o l w o r d : B it 7 ...0
X X X X X 1 1 0

S ta tu s w o r d : B it 7 ...0
N o t re a d y X 0 1 1 0 0 0 0

C o n tr o l w o r d : B it 7 ...0
X X X X X 1 1 0

S ta tu s w o r d : B it 7 ...0
R e a d y to s w itc h - o n X 0 1 1 0 0 0 1

C o n tr o l w o r d : B it 7 ...0
X X X X X 1 1 1

P o s itiv e e d g e to s w itc h - o n

P r e c h a r g e r e la y O N

P r e c h a r in g

D C - lin k r e a c h e d

M a in c o n ta c to r O N

S ta tu s w o r d : B it 7 ...0
R e a d y X 0 1 1 0 0 1 1

C o n tr o l w o r d : B it 7 ...0
X X X X 1 1 1 1

S ta tu s w o r d : B it 7 ...0
O p e r a tin g X 0 1 1 0 1 1 1

( A la r m is p o s s ib le )

( " O p e r a tio n e n a b le " s w itc h - o ff) O F F 1 (s h u td o w n ) O F F 2 ( p o w e r is d is c o n n e c te d ) O F F 3 (fa s t s to p )

C o n tr o l w o r d : B it 7 ...0 C o n tr o l w o r d : B it 7 ...0 C o n tr o l w o r d : B it 7 ...0 C o n tr o l w o r d : B it 7 ...0

X X X X 0 1 1 1 X X X X X 1 1 0 X X X X X X 0 X X X X X X 0 1 X

C a s t d o w n B r a k in g C a s t d o w n B r a k in g
1 0 , 2 1 0 , 2
P 4 3 = x P 4 4 = x
D e c e le r a tio n a lo n g
th e fa s t s to p ra m p
to n = 0
D e c e le r a tio n D e c e le r a tio n
a lo n g th e R F G a lo n g th e R F G
to n = 0 to n = 0

In h ib it c o n v e r te r In h ib it c o n v e r te r , In h ib it c o n v e r te r ,
m a in c o n ta c to r O F F , m a in c o n ta c to r O F F ,
D C - lin k d is c h a r g e D C - lin k d is c h a r g e

Fig. 2-4: Control and status word diagram, inverter

2-14 RZP01.1-B1 Interbus S RD 500 Options

D C - lin k v o lta g e O N
F ro m e a c h o p e r a tin g s ta tu s

F a u lt o c c u r
F r o m e a c h o p e r a tin g s ta tu s
e x c e p t " F a u lt" o r " O p e r a tin g "
In h ib it in v e r te r
S ta tu s w o r d : B it 7 ...0
N e w s ta rt
( In itia liz a tio n ) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

S ta tu s w o r d : B it 7 ...0
F a u lt X 0 X X 1 0 0 0 O F F 2 o r O F F 3

C o n tr o l w o r d : B it 7 ...0
F a u lt c a u s e
e lim in a te d X X X X X X X
In h ib it in v e r te r
P o s itiv e e d g e fo r fa u lt a c k n o w le d g e

F ro m o p e r tin g s ta tu s " R e a d y " o r " P r e c h a r g e "

C o n tr o l w o r d : B it 7 ...0
X X X X 0 1 1 1
S ta tu s w o r d : B it 7 ...0
S w itc h - o n in h ib it X 1 X X 0 0 0 0

In h ib it in v e r te r
C o n tr o l w o r d : B it 7 ...0
X X X X X 1 1 0

S ta tu s w o r d : B it 7 ...0
N o t re a d y X 0 1 1 0 0 0 0

C o n tr o l w o r d : B it 7 ...0
X X X X X 1 1 0 D C - lin k r e a c h e d

S ta tu s w o r d : B it 7 ...0
R e a d y to s w itc h - o n X 0 1 1 0 0 0 1

C o n tr o l w o r d : B it 7 ...0
X X X X X 1 1 1

P o s itiv e e d g e to s w itc h - o n

S ta tu s w o r d : B it 7 ...0
R e a d y X 0 1 1 0 0 1 1

C o n tr o l w o r d : B it 7 ...0
X X X X 1 1 1 1

S ta u s w o r d : B it 7 ...0
O p e r a tin g X 0 1 1 0 1 1 1

( A la r m is p o s s ib le )

( " O p e r a tio n e n a b le " s w itc h - o ff) O F F 1 (s h u td o w n ) O F F 2 ( p o w e r is d is c o n n e c te d ) O F F 3 (fa s t s to p )

C o n tr o l w o r d : B it 7 ...0 C o n tr o l w o r d : B it 7 ...0 C o n tr o l w o r d : B it 7 ...0 C o n tr o l w o r d : B it 7 ...0

X X X X 0 1 1 1 X X X X X 1 1 0 X X X X X X 0 X X X X X X 0 1 X

C a s t d o w n B r a k in g C a s t d o w n B r a k in g
1 0 , 2 1 0 , 2
P 4 3 = x P 4 4 = x
D e c e le r a tio n a lo n g
th e fa s t s to p ra m p
to n = 0
D e c e le r a tio n D e c e le r a tio n
a lo n g th e R F G a lo n g th e R F G
to n = 0 to n = 0

In h ib it in v e r te r In h ib it in v e r te r In h ib it in v e r te r

Fig. 2-5: Control and status word diagram, drive unit

RD 500 Options RZP01.1-B1 Interbus S 2-15

Assignment of the control word bits

Bit Value Significance Comments

0 1 On Transition into the “Ready” status; DC link is charged, main contactor closed
(if used).
0 Off 1 Stop (back into the “Ready” status); deceleration along the RFG ramp * ; at
n/f = 0 and I = 0 the power is disconnected; main contactor opened (if avail-
*or no-load coast down, refer to parameter 44
1 1 Operating condition All “Off 2” commands are canceled
0 Off 2 Power disconnected, pulses inhibited!
The main contactor is then opened (if used) and the drive goes into the
“Power-on inhibit” status; the motor coasts down
2 1 Operating condition All “Off 3” commands are canceled
0 Off 3 Fast stop; the drive decelerates along the fast ramp or current limit; at n/f = 0;
inverter pulses are inhibited, the power is then disconnected (the contactor, if
available is opened), and the drive goes into the “Power-on inhibit” status.
3 1 Operation enabled Electronics and pulses enabled
The inverter pulses are enabled and a field current is impressed. The drive
then accelerates up to the setpoint along the RFG (ramp-function generator).
0 Inhibit operation Inverter pulses inhibited:
The drive coasts down (RFG to zero) or brakes along the RFG ramp (refer to
P0043) and goes into the “Ready” status (refer to control word, bit 2).
4 1 Operating condition
0 Inhibit RFG The ramp-function generator output is set to 0. The main contactor remains
closed, the drive unit is not isolated from the line supply.
5 0 Stop RFG The setpoint, output from the RFG, is frozen.
1 Enable RFG
6 1 Enable setpoint The value selected at the RFG input, is switched-in.
0 Inhibit setpoint The value selected at the input of the RFG is set to 0.
7 1 Acknowledge The group signal is acknowledged for a positive edge; the drive unit is in a
fault condition until the fault has been successfully removed and it then goes
into the “Power-on inhibit” condition.
0 No significance
RFG: Ramp-function generator

2-16 RZP01.1-B1 Interbus S RD 500 Options

Assignment of the status word bits

Bit Value Significance Comments

0 1 Ready to power-up The power supply is powered-up, the electronics initialized, the main contactor,
if used, has dropped-out (opened), pulses inhibited.
0 Not ready to power-up
1 1 Ready Ready; power connected to the drive unit, i.e. the main contactor is closed (if
The DC link is charged; inverter pulses inhibited.
0 Not ready
2 1 Operation enabled Electronics and pulses enabled.
Enable inverter pulses:
RD51: At Fmin, wait for delay time P0544 to expire.
RD52: Wait for the field D1756 to be established.
The RFG is then ramped-up to the setpoint.
0 Operation inhibited
3 1 Fault Drive faulted and therefore not operational; it goes into the power-on inhibit
condition after the fault has been removed and acknowledged if an “On” com-
mand is present. Fault numbers in fault memory P0040.x (the last fault can also
be read-out via D1793).
0 Fault-free
4 1 No Off 2
0 Off 2 “Off 2” command present.
5 1 No Off 3
0 Off 3 “Off 3” command present.
6 1 Power-on inhibit The drive can only be powered-up again by issuing an “Off 1” followed by an
“On” command.
0 No power-on inhibit
7 1 Alarm Drive still operational, alarm in alarm parameter P0039.
0 No alarm There is no alarm or the alarm has been withdrawn.
8 1 “f set in the tolerance range” (standard assignment)
9 1 Remote
10 1 “f set reached” (standard assignment)

RD 500 Options RZP01.1-B1 Interbus S 2-17

Processing the Interbus S process data

The process data, received via the Interbus S, is converted in the drive
unit into display parameters, which can be connected to the variable pa-
rameter sources in order to control the drive unit.
The drive unit sends its actual values as process data via the Interbus S;
the variable parameter sources are connected in the D parameters, which
are used as output for the SI2/SI4.

Module slot 1 D1910

PZD1 P0480.0 PZD1
Statusword D1922
PZD2 P0480.1 PZD2

PZD3 P0480.2 PZD3
PZD4 P0480.3 PZD4
Option board D Option board
PZD5 P0480.4 PZD5
n D n
10 10
Inputs SS2 D1915 SS2 Outputs
option board PZD6 P0480.5 PZD6 option board
Process data D Process data
interface D1916 interface
PZD7 P0480.6 PZD7
PZD8 P0480.7 PZD8
interrupt D1918 tA: 1 ms / 2
PZD9 P0480.8 PZD9
PZD10 P0480.9 PZD10

Fig. 2-6: Process data - interface SI2

Module slot 2 D1110

PZD1 P0491.0 PZD1
Statusword D1922
PZD2 P0491.1 PZD2

PZD3 P0491.2 PZD3
PZD4 P0491.3 PZD4
Option board D Option board
PZD5 P0491.4 PZD5
n D n
10 10
Inputs SS4 D1115 SS4 Outputs
option board PZD6 P0491.5 PZD6 option board
Process data D Process data
interface D1116 interface
PZD7 P0491.6 PZD7
PZD8 P0491.7 PZD8
interrupt D1118 tA: 1 ms / 4
PZD9 P0491.8 PZD9
PZD10 P0491.9 PZD10

Fig. 2-7: Process data - interface SI4

2-18 RZP01.1-B1 Interbus S RD 500 Options

RD 500 Options RZP01.1-C2 - CANopen 3-1

3 RZP01.1-C2 - CANopen

3.1 General Information Regarding CANopen

Brief Information Regarding CANopen Bus Operation

Description of RZP01.1-C2
Communication module RZP01.1-C2 is a CANopen interface card for the
RD500 device series. It supports profiles DS301 (basic profile) and
DS401 (I/O profile). The interface card is designed for a temperature
range of 0°C to 40°C.
The CANopen connection is electrically isolated from the rest of the
module and from the SR1700x logic and control card; power is supplied
by an integrated transformer.

The CANopen bus system

CANopen is based on the Controller Area Network (CAN) bus system. It
is a multi-master system that works asynchronously and serially in half-
duplex mode. Using the linear bus structure, short to medium connections
(<500 meters, depending on the baud rate) can be made. The integrated
hardware-side error detection and handling provides a high degree of
transmission reliability. Bus arbitration of the telegrams occurs without
destruction according to the CSMA/CA (Carrier Sense Multiple Access
with Collision Avoidance) principle.
As opposed to other bus systems, CAN is structured according to
information-oriented data transfer. Each piece of information has a
The bus system is distinguished by high EMC characteristics despite a
high transmission rate (up to 1 Mbit/s) as well as low connection costs. In
addition, CAN allows hot swaps, i.e. removing or adding a node during
A maximum of 127 logical nodes is permitted in the system; physically,
however, the limit is currently at 64 nodes.

Standards and organizations

CAN follows the ISO 11898 international standard.
The CANopen communication profile is administered and maintained by
the CAN in Automation (CiA) CAN organization.
The profile definitions permit devices to be exchanged relatively easily.

Communication objects
CANopen communication is implemented using Communication Objects
There are several types of these, such as:
• PDOs
• SDOs
• Special Function Objects
• NMT Objects
PDOs are process data objects; they are used for the fast transfer of real-
time data.
SDOs are service data objects; they are required for parameterization,
operation and observation.

3-2 RZP01.1-C2 - CANopen RD 500 Options

Special function objects are, for example, synchronization, time-stamp or

emergency objects.
NMT objects are network management functions. This includes logging a
node into / out of the network (boot-up objects), error-control objects, etc.

Technical Data
Order No. RZP01.1-C2
Protocol CANopen acc. to DS301 and DS401
ISO 11898
Baud rate 125kBaud, 250kBaud, 500kBaud
and 1Mbaud
Power supply +5V and +15V, internal, from
Size (length x width) 104 mm x 86 mm
Environmental class 3K3 according to DIN IEC 721-3-3
Ambient temperature
- storage -25°C - 70°C
- operation 0°C - 40°C
Noise suppression level A1 acc. to EN 55011
Immunity to interference EN50082-2

View of CB23904 Circuit Board

X 44 LEDs

Fig. 3-1: Conductor board CB23904

RD 500 Options RZP01.1-C2 - CANopen 3-3

3.2 Electrical Installation





X44 CANopen connector
CANopen module: RZP01.1-C2
at module slot 1
dr ive 50
0 Lower metal lug



ge. Danger
High Voltashock. Donot touch
electrical nectionsfor 5
electricalcon switching
minutes after
power off. follow "Safety
Read and for Electrical
Instructionsnual, DOK-GENE-
Drives "ma *****-SVS...
before oper

Fig. 3-2: Connection, front view

Cable Connection Plan

RED: Flashes as long as the communication software is working
YELLOW: Flashes as long as the data traffic between the option card
and the basic card operates correctly
GREEN: Flashes as long as telegrams are exchanged with other bus

3-4 RZP01.1-C2 - CANopen RD 500 Options

Connection assignment

Pin Designation
X44 CANopen, 9-pin D-SUB
1 -
4 -
6 -
8 -
9 -

Connection to the bus system (CAN)

CANopen module RZP01.1-C2 is connected via X44 to the bus system
(CAN). The CAN plug of the ERNI ( ERbic series is to
be used as the field bus plug. The plug can be obtained from Bosch
Designation Rexroth item No. Type code
CAN plug (node) 10 70 919 029 B-BC CAN-SA009SW
CAN plug (terminator) 10 70 919 030 B-BC CAN-SA009GR

A low-capacity cable that is stranded in pairs is to be used as the field bus

cable. One suitable possibility is type Lapp Unitronic Li2YCY (TP)
2x2x0.25, finely stranded (Lapp item No. 0031 371).
Detailed multilingual assembly instructions are included with each Erbic
plug. The plug for a field bus terminator has five terminals, while that for a
field bus node has ten terminals so that the cable can be looped to the
next bus participant.

RD 500 Options RZP01.1-C2 - CANopen 3-5


Abb. 3-3: CAN plug (node)


Abb. 3-4: CAN plug (terminator)

3-6 RZP01.1-C2 - CANopen RD 500 Options

Bus Termination
For error-free operation, the CANopen bus line must be terminated with
120 Ohm resistors on both ends. Here, the bus line must be viewed as a
linear bus line from the first to the last CANopen participant. The
CANopen bus is thus terminated twice. Stubs have a negative effect,
especially at high baud rates, and are thus not permitted.

CANopen option RZP01.1-C2 does not have a bus terminator resistor.

The bus must be terminated in the field bus plug inserted on X44.

Line Lengths
The line length for CANopen bus lines depends on the baud rate
selected. The possible line length is decreased at high baud rates. The
values shown always apply for the entire bus line.

Baud rate Line length

125 kBit/s 500 m
250 kBit/s 250 m
500 kBit/s 100 m
1 Mbit/s 25 m
Fig. 3-5: Line lengths

3.3 Parameter Value Assignment

Before commissioning the CANopen interface, the parameters for the
interface must be set depending on the option slot. The parameters can
be attained using the menu:
Slot 1 X121
Slot 2 X123

RD 500 Options RZP01.1-C2 - CANopen 3-7

Setting Converter Parameters for CANopen Operation

P. No.: Name Description / explanation Sample setting Password

of selectable options of prog.
P0072 Param. setting specifies
which interface may be
used to set parameters
0 = User panel, PC(RS232) r / w on
1 = Bus SS1 (RS485)
2 = Bus SS2 (module slot 1)
3 = Bus SS4 (module slot 2)
4 = Buses SS1, SS2, SS4
P0073 Source ON / OFF 1 2
Selection of the source for the ON/OFF r / w off
command (control word generation). In order
for the CANopen card to receive control
authorization, the value must be set to 1
0 = user panel + terminals
1 = serial interface (SS) + terminals
2 = terminals
3 = service interface
P0074 Source of control word 1 D 1910 2
Proposal for SS2 (option slot 1): r / w off
Use as control word PZD 1. Enter D1910 as
the parameter value in P0074.
Proposal for SS4 (option slot 2):
Use as control word PZD 1. Enter D1100 as
the parameter value in P0074.
P0480.x Source of SS2 PZD D 1922 2
Proposal for SS2 (option slot 1): r / w off
Send the status word as PZD 1. To do this,
use the variable parameter source 0480.0.
Set D1922 (status word) as the parameter
P0491.x Source of SS4 PZD Note: Depending on the selected option slot, D 1922 2
only the corresponding parameter P0480.x or
P0491.x must be set.
Proposal for SS4 (option slot 2): r / w off
Send the status word as PZD 1. To do this,
use the variable parameter source P0491.0.
Set D1922 (status word) as the parameter

Setting Interface Parameters

Slot 1 If the CANopen board is mounted on slot 1, it is addressed as serial
interface 2 (SS2) by the converter firmware. The parameters of SS2 must
be set for interface operation.

P. No.: Name Description / explanation Factory setting Password

of selectable options min / max values of prog.
P0509 SS2 functions 0 2
Setting the type of reaction of the converter to a 0-3 r / w on
warning/malfunction from the CANopen interface.
0 = all active
1 = warning off
2 = fault off
3 = locked

3-8 RZP01.1-C2 - CANopen RD 500 Options

P. No.: Name Description / explanation Factory setting Password

of selectable options min / max values of prog.
P0526 SS2 RX monitoring 0 2
Setting the type of reaction if no valid telegram was 0 - 2 r / w on
received after the monitoring time (P0527) has
0 = no action
1 = warning
2 = fault
P0527 SS2 monitoring 0.01 sec 2
Setting the monitoring time in which a valid 0.01 - 60.00 sec r / w on
telegram must be received.
Fig. 3-6: Parameters for slot 1

Slot 2 If the CANopen board is mounted on slot 2, it is addressed as serial

interface 4 (SS4) by the converter firmware. The parameters of SS4 must
be set for interface operation.

P. No.: Name Description / explanation Factory setting Password

of selectable options min / max values of prog.
P0745 SS4 functions 0 2
Setting the type of reaction of the converter to a 0-3 r / w on
warning/malfunction from the CANopen interface.
0 = all active
1 = warning off
2 = fault off
3 = locked
P0746 SS4 RX monitoring 0 2
Setting the type of reaction if no valid telegram was 0 - 2 r / w on
received after the monitoring time (P0527) has
0 = no action
1 = warning
2 = fault
P0747 SS4 monitoring 0.01 sec 2
Setting the monitoring time in which a valid 0,01 - 60.00 sec r / w on
telegram must be received.
Fig. 3-7: Parameters for slot 2

RD 500 Options RZP01.1-C2 - CANopen 3-9

Setting CANopen-Specific Parameters on the Converter

Parameter Description Min. value Max. value Std. value
P0714 CANopen Node ID 1 127 3
P0715 CANopen Baud Rate 0 7 4
0= Reserve
1= Reserve
2= Reserve
3= Reserve
4= 125 kBit/s
5= 250 kBit/s
6= 500 kBit/s
7= 1 MBit/s
P0716.x CANopen PDO Mode 0 255 253
Value defined as in section 3.4
CANopen Basic Profile DS301.
(see below)
P0717.x CANopen Cycle Timer [ms] 0 255 0
P0718 CANopen Emergency 0 1 1
Value: 0 = Off
1= On
P0719 CANopen Bus off 0 255 0
P0720 CANopen Profile 0 1 0
Value: 0 = Basic profile DS301
. 1 = I/O profile DS401
Fig. 3-8: CANopen parameters

Parameter P0716:
0 - 253 As in basic profile DS301
254 Timer-controlled cyclic transmission
with the period duration that is set in
parameter P0717
255 Asynchronous event-controlled
Fig. 3-9: Parameter P0716

Parameter P0717:
0 PDO is blocked
1 -255 Cycle time = 1ms - 255ms
Fig. 3-10: Parameter P0717

Parameter P0718:
This parameter can be used to suppress (value = 0) or enable (value = 1)
all emergency messages that can be generated by the RD 500 device.

3-10 RZP01.1-C2 - CANopen RD 500 Options

Parameter P0719:
The reaction to status BUSOFF can be configured here:
0 after status BUSOFF occurs, no more
attempts to participate in CAN bus
data exchange are made
1 - 255 number of attempts made to
participate in CAN bus data exchange
after status BUSOFF occurs
Fig. 3-11: Parameter P0719

Parameter P0720:
Setting the CANopen profile
0 Basic profile DS301.
1 I/O profile DS401
Fig. 3-12: Parameter P0720

Note: If one of the following parameters is modified during CANopen

communication (i.e. the CANopen node is in Operational
mode), the note automatically reinitializes itself and then
enters the Pre-Operational mode.
It must then be logged back onto the CANopen network
Affected parameters: P0714, P0715, P0716 and P0720

3.4 CANopen Basic Profile DS301.

I/O profile DS301 has been activated by RD 500 parameter P0720 = 0
(see page 3-10 Parameter P0720:).

Setting CANopen-Specific Parameters using the CANopen Network

All CANopen profile parameters can be set only with the CANopen bus.
For this, CAN configuration/commissioning tools are available on the
Using the CANopen network manager (CANopen master), the
parameters of a node can also be set using SDO services before the
node is enabled.
Generally, every entry in the object table can be addressed. See the
Electronic Data Sheet (EDS file), in which every entry is described.

RD 500 Options RZP01.1-C2 - CANopen 3-11

The Object Directory

The various areas of the object directory are defined as follows:
Index (hex) Object
0000 Reserved
0001 – 001F Static Data Types
0020 – 003F Complex Data Types
0040 – 005F Manufacturer-Specific Data Types
0060 – 007F Device Profile-Specific Static Data
0080 – 009F Device Profile-Specific Complex Data
00A0 – 0FFF Reserved for further use
1000 – 1FFF Communication Profile Area (DS301)
2000 – 5FFF Manufacturer-Specific Profile Area
6000 – 9FFF Standardized Device Profile Area (e.g.
A000 – FFFF Reserved for further use
Fig. 3-13: Object directory

3-12 RZP01.1-C2 - CANopen RD 500 Options

Communication Profile Area entries

In the area between 0x1000 and 0x1FFF (Communication Profile Area),
the following entries are supported:
Entry Meaning
0x1000 Device type
0x1001 Error register
0x1004 Number of PDOs supported
0x1005 COB-ID SYNC message
0x1006 Communication cycle period
0x1007 Synchronous window length
0x1008 Manufacturer device name
0x1009 Hardware version
0x100A Software version
0x100B Node ID
0x100C Guard time
0x100D Lifetime factor
0x100E Node guarding identifier
0x1014 COB ID emergency object
0x1200 1st server SDO parameter
0x1400 Receive PDO 1 parameter
0x1401 Receive PDO 2 parameter
0x1402 Receive PDO 3 parameter
0x1600 Receive PDO 1 mapping
0x1601 Receive PDO 2 mapping
0x1602 Receive PDO 3 mapping
0x1800 Transmit PDO 1 parameter
0x1801 Transmit PDO 2 parameter
0x1802 Transmit PDO 3 parameter
0x1A00 Transmit PDO 1 mapping
0x1A01 Transmit PDO 2 mapping
0x1A02 Transmit PDO 3 mapping
Fig. 3-14: Communication Profile Area

Manufacturer-Specific Profile Area (RD 500 entries)

Manufacturer-specific entries start at 0x2000.
RD500 parameter entries start at 0x2011.
RD500 parameter numbers are assigned to the object table as follows:

Note: Object directory entry = 0x2010 + RD parameter number

Example: Parameter 1 of RD500 is stored at location 0x2011 in the object

The first 6 entries from 0x2000 to 0x2006 are allocated for mirroring
process data TxPZD1 to TxPZD10 and RxPZD1 to RxPZD10. It is thus
possible to address the process data with SDO services.

RD 500 Options RZP01.1-C2 - CANopen 3-13

If the RD parameters are indexed, these indexed parameters can be

accessed with CANopen using subindices.
Example: RD parameters P0480.00 to P0480.09 are to be accessed. The
corresponding entries in the object table can then be found under object
0x2010 + 480d = 0x21F0. Access using SDO service:

Index Subindex RD parameter

0x21F0 00 P0480.00
0x21F0 01 P0480.01
: : :
: : :
0x21F0 09 P0480.09

Description of object directory entries 0x2000 to 0x280F

Index Subindex Meaning
0x2000 0 Parameter description for RxPZD1-RxPZD4
1 RxPZD1
3 RxPZD3
4 RxPZD4
0x2001 0 Parameter description for RxPZD5-RxPZD8
1 RxPZD5
3 RxPZD7
4 RxPZD8
0x2002 0 Parameter description for RxPZD9-RxPZD10
1 RxPZD9
RxPDO3 2 RxPZD10
3 Dummy
4 Dummy
0x2004 0 Parameter description for TxPZD1-TxPZD4
1 TxPZD1
3 TxPZD3
4 TxPZD4
0x2005 0 Parameter description for TxPZD5-TxPZD8
1 TxPZD5
3 TxPZD7
4 TxPZD8

3-14 RZP01.1-C2 - CANopen RD 500 Options

Index Subindex Meaning

0x2006 0 Parameter description for TxPZD9-TxPZD10
1 TxPZD9
TxPDO3 2 TxPZD10
3 Dummy
4 Dummy
0x2011 0 RD parameter P0001 (0x2010 +1d)
0x2012 0 RD parameter P0002 (0x2010 +2d)
: : :
: : :
0x280F 0 RD parameter P2047 (0x2010 +2047d)
Fig. 3-15: Object directory entries 0x2000 to 0x2006 (Manufacturer-Specific
Profile Area)

PDO mapping

Note: CANopen option RZP01.1-C2 does not support dynamic

mapping of PDOs! The data content of the PDOs is fixed and
cannot be reprogrammed by the CANopen master. The data
content of the PDOs corresponds with the RD500 PZDs
(process data). These, in turn, can be freely assigned so that
the transfer possibilities are unlimited.
See also section “Editing Process Data”.

PDO COB identifier

A PDO COB identifier (11 bits wide) consists of a basic address and the
node address (node ID). The node address is stored in RD device
parameter P0714. As a rule, the identifiers can be freely assigned with
entries 0x1400 to 0x1402 and 0x1800 to 0x1802 using the object table.
By default, however, the PDOs are set according to the Predefined
Connection Set as follows:

11-bit identifier:
Tx PDO No. Basic address + Node address = Resulting PDO
e.g.: note 3 COB identifier
1 0x180 3 0x183
2 0x280 3 0x283
3 0x380 3 0x383
4 0x480 3 0x483

RD 500 Options RZP01.1-C2 - CANopen 3-15

Rx PDO No. Basic address + Node address = Resulting PDO

e.g.: note 3 COB identifier
1 0x200 3 0x203
2 0x300 3 0x303
3 0x400 3 0x403
4 0x500 3 0x503

PDO Structure:
The CANopen option permits up to three PDOs to be used for
transmission and up to three PDOs to be used for reception.
Three PDOs correspond to 10 PZDs (process data) that are assigned as

PDO Word 1 Word 2 Word 3 Word 4

(16 bits) (16 bits) (16 bits) (16 bits)
TxPDO3 TxPZD9 TxPZD10 reserved reserved
RxPDO3 RxPZD9 RxPZD10 reserved reserved

By default, only the first two TxPDOs and the first two RxPDOs are
enabled. If you want to also use process data 9 and 10, i.e. PDO3, the
CANopen master or a corresponding configuration tool must enable
TxPDO3 and RxPDO3.

Enabling TxPDO3 and RxPDO3

Enabling is carried out according to the CANopen profile – when SDO
services are used for writing, the uppermost bit in object directory index
1402, subindex 1 must be set to “0” for RxPDO3.
When index 1802, subindex 1 in the object directory is written, the
uppermost bit must also be set to “0” to enable TxPDO3.

Communication modes
As a rule, the operating modes of the three TxPDOs can be separately
set using RD parameter P0716.x. General rule:

Value x in P0716 or P0712 TxPDO

0 1
1 2
2 3

Note: Setting the operating mode of a PDOs affects one group of

PZDs, as shown above.

3-16 RZP01.1-C2 - CANopen RD 500 Options

Possible operating modes:

PDO mode Value
0 Transmission is acyclic but synchronous,
i.e. transmission occurs once and synchronously after
an event
1-240 Transmission is cyclic and synchronous with every n
sync object
241-251 Reserved
252 Transmission occurs once and synchronously on
request (remote frame)
253 Transmission occurs once and asynchronously on
request (remote frame)
254 Transmission occurs asynchronously per timer
A timer value of 1ms to 255ms can be set
A timer value of 0 means that the PDO is locked
255 Transmission occurs asynchronously (event-controlled)

The CANopen profile provides three different types of trigger modes:

• event-controlled or timer-controlled transmission
• transmission on request
• cyclic or acyclic synchronous transmission

Event-controlled or timer-controlled transmission



Fig. 3-16: Event-controlled or timer-controlled transmission

Timer-controlled transmission
Using RD parameter P0716.x "CANopen PDO mode", timer-controlled
transmission can be set for a Tx PDO. To do this, the value 254 is
selected. The index of parameter 716 stands for the selected PDO, i.e.:
index 0 for PDO1, index 1 for PDO2 and index 2 for PDO3.
The cycle time is set in RD parameter P0717.x and can be selected from
1ms to 255ms in steps of one millisecond. Indices 0 to 2 again stand for
PDOs 1 to 3, which can independently receive different cycle times. The
value 0ms has a special status; it means that the corresponding PDO is
not active, i.e. it shows no reactions to external influences (the PDO is

Event-controlled transmission
If a PDO is to undergo event-controlled transmission, parameter P0716.x
must be programmed with a value of 255.
If the data content of a PDO changes due to events in the device, this
PDO is transmitted. The shortest time between two events must be
approx. 1ms, i.e. events that occur within one millisecond are not
detected for certain.

Note: A PDO affects a group of PZDs.

RD 500 Options RZP01.1-C2 - CANopen 3-17

Example: PDO1 is to be transmitted with event control.

To do this, RD parameter P0716.0 is programmed to a value of 255.
PDO1 contains PZDs 1 to 4, whose values are as follows:
PZD1 = 0x1111, PZD2 = 0x2222, PZD3 = 0x3333 and PZD4 = 0x4444;
Now PZD3 changes to 0x3334.
PDO1, with PZD1 to PZD4 assigned, is transmitted...

Transmission on request
Using request telegrams (remote frames), every PDO can be specifically
called. This can be used to determine the data content of a PDO, even if
the PDO has not been modified.
For example, if a diagnosis device is connected during bus operation, all
relevant PDOs can be called.

remote frame


Fig. 3-17: Transmission on request

Cyclic or acyclic synchronous transmission



Fig. 3-18: Cyclic or acyclic synchronous transmission

The sync object (a short telegram with no user data and with a relatively
high priority) can be used to synchronize the inputs and outputs of
different devices. In addition, the update rates of different PDOs can be
configured. With modes 1 to 240, data can be transferred cyclically and
synchronous with every n sync object.

SDO Services
The SDO is a Service Data Object that is used for parameterization,
operation and observation. Using the SDO, every entry in the object
directory can be read and written.
The SDO COB identifier (11 bits wide) consists of a basic address and
the node address (node ID). The node address is stored in device
parameter P0714. The SDO COB identifier is set according to the
Predefined Connection Set as follows:

3-18 RZP01.1-C2 - CANopen RD 500 Options

11-bit identifier:

SDO Basic address + Node address = SDO COB

e.g.: note 3 identifier
TxSDO 0x580 3 0x583
RxSDO 0x600 3 0x603

Emergency Objects
The emergency object is used to inform other bus participants about
internal device errors or other detected bus errors.
The standard COB identifier is at 0x80 + node address; the corresponding
object entry is at 0x1014.
RD parameter P0718 can be used to suppress (value = 0) or enable
(value = 1) all emergency messages that can be generated by the RD500

Node Guarding / Life Guarding

The Node guarding and Life guarding options are supported on CANopen
card RZP01.1-C2.


Master Master Master Master Master Master


Slave1 Slave1 Slave1 Slave1 Slave1 Slave1
Guard-Time time


Fig. 3-19: Node guarding / Life guarding

Node guarding
Using the Node guarding monitoring function, a network master can
detect if a slave fails.
In Node guarding, the master transmits a remote frame to the node to be
monitored. Then the node transmits the corresponding reply telegram
containing the status of the slave and a shifted toggle bit. If the master
receives an unexpected reply, or none at all, the master assumes that the
slave has failed.
The COB ID for the Node guarding message is entered at the 0x100E
position in the object directory. The default value is at 0x700 + node
The corresponding object directory entry for the monitoring time is at
0x100C. The default value for the Node-guarding monitoring time is
preset at one second.

Life guarding
The CANopen option can also detect the failure of the CANopen master if
it hasn’t transmitted any Node-guarding messages in the “Node lifetime”.
The Node lifetime is a multiple of the Node-guarding monitoring time
(object directory entry 0x100C). The multiplier is entered at the 0x100D
position in the object directory. A multiplier of 3 is entered as the default
value, corresponding to a default time of three seconds.

RD 500 Options RZP01.1-C2 - CANopen 3-19

If the Node-guarding monitoring time or the Lifetime multiplier is zero, the

Node lifetime is not monitored (life-guarding is deactivated).
If the failure of the master is detected, the node returns to the “Pre-
operational” status and transmits an emergency message.

Note: Monitoring is also active in node status “Stopped”.

CANopen Status Rules

Every node in the CANopen network works according to defined status
rules. Only certain actions are permitted in each state.

Power on


(11), (14)

(7) (13)
(3) (4) Stopped

Operational (9), (12)

Fig. 3-20: Status rules

After the power is switched on, the “Initialization” status is attained. After
initialization, the node automatically switches to the “Pre-operational”
status. The node can now be configured using service data objects
(SDOs). The process data objects (PDOs) are not yet evaluated in this
If the message “Start_Remote_Node” is now received, the node switches
to the “Operational” status. Process data (PDOs) can be received as of
now. If the node is in the “Stopped” status, only network messages can be
received. The node can enter this status if the master requests it to do so.

(1) After the device is switched on, the INITIALIZATION status is

automatically attained
(2) After initialization, the node automatically switches to the
(3), (6) Start_Remote_Node; node is enabled
(4), (7) Enter_PRE_OPERATIONAL_STATE; PDOs are locked,
SDOs remain active
(5), (8) Stop_Remote_Node; PDOs and SDOs are locked, NMT
messages remain active
(9), (10), (11) Reset_Node; node is reinitialized with the startup default
(12), (13), (14) Reset_Communication; only communication parameters
(0x1000 - 0x1FFF) are reset to the startup default values

3-20 RZP01.1-C2 - CANopen RD 500 Options

3.5 CANopen I/O Profile DS401

I/O profile DS401 has been activated by RD parameter P0720 = 1 (see
page 3-10 Parameter P0720:).

The implementation of the I/O profile includes 32 digital inputs, 32 digital
outputs, 8 analog inputs (16 bits wide) and 8 analog outputs (16 bits

Process data objects (PDOs) are used for the fast transfer of real-time
data. A PDO can contain up to four process data (PZDs).

PDO mapping

Note: CANopen option RZP01.1-C2 does not support dynamic

mapping of PDOs! The data content of the PDOs is fixed and
cannot be reprogrammed by the CANopen master. The data
content of the PDOs corresponds with the RD500 PZDs
(process data). These, in turn, can be freely assigned so that
the transfer possibilities are unlimited.
See also section “Editing Process Data”.

PDO identifier
A PDO COB identifier (11 bits wide) consists of a basic address and the
node address (node ID). The node address is stored in RD device
parameter P0714. As a rule, the identifiers can be freely assigned with
entries 0x1400 to 0x1403 and 0x1800 to 0x1803 using the object table.
By default, however, the PDOs are set according to the Predefined
Connection Set as follows:

11-bit identifier:
Tx PDO No. Basic address + Node address = PDO COB
e.g.: note 3 identifier
1 0x180 3 0x183
2 0x280 3 0x283
3 0x380 3 0x383
4 0x480 3 0x483

Rx PDO No. Basic address + Node address = PDO COB

e.g.: note 3 identifier
1 0x200 3 0x203
2 0x300 3 0x303
3 0x400 3 0x403
4 0x500 3 0x503

PDO structure
The CANopen option permits up to three PDOs to be used for
transmission and up to three PDOs to be used for reception.

RD 500 Options RZP01.1-C2 - CANopen 3-21

Three PDOs correspond to 10 PZDs (process data) that are assigned as


PDO Word 1 Word 2 Word 3 Word 4

(16 bits) (16 bits) (16 bits) (16 bits)
TxPDO1 TxPZD1 TxPZD2 reserved reserved
TxPDO4 reserved reserved reserved reserved
RxPDO1 RxPZD1 RxPZD2 reserved reserved
RxPDO4 reserved reserved reserved reserved

TxPDO1 and RxPDO1 are assigned to the digital inputs and outputs,
while TxPDOs 2 and 3 / RxPDOs 2 and 3 are assigned to the analog
inputs and outputs.
By default, only the first two TxPDOs and the first two RxPDOs are
enabled. This conforms to the Predefined Connection Set. If you want to
also use process data 7 to 10, i.e. PDO3, the CANopen master or a
corresponding configuration tool must enable TxPDO3 and RxPDO3.

Enabling TxPDO3 and RxPDO3

Enabling is carried out according to the CANopen profile – when SDO
services are used for writing, the uppermost bit in object directory index
1402, subindex 1 must be set to “0” for RxPDO3.
When index 1802, subindex 1 in the object directory is written, the
uppermost bit must also be set to “0” to enable TxPDO3.

Communication mode
The operating mode of the PDOs is specified to mode 255 (asynchronous
event-controlled transmission) according to the selection of the I/O profile

Supported Objects in the Object Directory

In the area between 0x6000 and 0x9FFF (Standardized Device Profile
Area), the following entries are supported:

Entry Meaning
0x6000 Read Input, 8-Bit
0x6002 Polarity Input, 8-Bit
0x6005 Digital Inputs, Global Interrupt Enable
0x6006 Input Interrupt Mask Any Change, 8-Bit
0x6007 Interrupt Mask Low to High, 8-Bit
0x6008 Interrupt Mask High to Low, 8-Bit
0x6200 Write Output, 8-Bit
0x6202 Change Polarity Output, 8-Bit
0x6206 Error Mode Output, 8-Bit
0x6207 Error Value Output, 8-Bit

3-22 RZP01.1-C2 - CANopen RD 500 Options

Entry Meaning
0x6401 Read Analog Input, 16-Bit
0x6403 Read Analog Input, Float
0x6411 Write Analog Output, 16-Bit
0x6413 Write Analog Output, Float
0x6420 Set Analog Input Range (reserved)
0x6421 Analog Input Interrupt Trigger Selection, 8-Bit
0x6422 Analog Input Interrupt Source, 32-Bit
0x6423 Analog Input Global Interrupt Enable
0x6424 Analog Input Interrupt Upper Limit, Integer
0x6425 Analog Input Interrupt Lower Limit, Integer
0x6426 Analog Input Interrupt Delta, Unsigned
0x6427 Analog Input Interrupt Negative Delta, unsigned
0x6428 Analog Input Interrupt Positive Delta, unsigned
0x642E Analog Input Offset, Float
0x642F Analog Input Scaling, Float
0x6441 Analog Output Offset, Float
0x6442 Analog Output Scaling, Float
0x6443 Analog Output Error Mode, 8-Bit
0x6444 Analog Output Error Value, Integer
Fig. 3-21: Standardized Profile Area

Digital Inputs
32 digital inputs are supported; these are permanently stored in TxPDO1
(PZD1 and PZD2). The polarity of each individual input can be switched.
The interrupt for transmitting the PDOs can be separately switched on for
each input. The trigger can be set for each modification of the input or
only on the rising or falling flank.
The digital inputs can also be read from object directory entry 0x6000
using SDO access.
The 32 digital inputs are assigned as follows:

TxPZD Digital inputs, bits

TxPZD1 15 - 00
TxPZD2 31 - 16

The objects are organized according to bytes; the input bits and the
masks for switching the polarity and enabling the interrupt are arranged
according to the following system:

Object IDx Sdx Digital inputs, bits

0x6000, 0x6002, 1 07 - 00
0x6006, 0x6007,
0x6008 2 15 - 08
3 23 - 16
4 31 - 24

If a bit in object 0x6002 is set, the polarity of the associated input bit
switches. If a bit in one of the three interrupt masks is set, the

RD 500 Options RZP01.1-C2 - CANopen 3-23

corresponding flank is activated. The TxPDO transmission interrupt is

enabled if bit 0 in object 0x6005 is set.

Change Palarity

=1 8-Bit Input Values

Digital Inputs 6000

Any Change
6006 Interrupt Enable

6007 ³1 &


Fig. 3-22: Dataflow of a digital inlet

Digital Outputs
32 digital outputs are supported; these are permanently stored in
RxPDO1 (PZD1 and PZD2). The polarity of each individual output can be
If the device is faulty, it is possible to bring the digital outputs into a
predefined setting. This predefined reaction can be entered in position
0x6206 or 0x6207 in the object directory using the CANopen master.
The digital outputs can also be reread from object directory entry 0x6000
using SDO access.
The 32 digital outputs are assigned as follows:

RxPZD Digital outputs, bits

RxPZD1 15 - 00
RxPZD2 31 - 16

The objects are organized according to bytes; the input bits and the
masks for switching the polarity and enabling the interrupt are arranged
according to the following system:

Object IDx Sdx Digital outputs, bits

0x6200, 0x6202, 1 07 - 00
0x6206, 0x6207
2 15 - 08
3 23 - 16
4 31 - 24

If a bit in object 0x6202 is set, the polarity of the associated output bit, or
of the bit for a fault, switches. The polarity switches only after the next
PDO is received. If a bit in object 0x6207 is set, the status of the
corresponding bit is transferred from object 0x6207 in case of a fault (bit
in RD status word D1922.3 or D1733 is set); if the bit is reset, the status
that was last output is retained. A modification to objects 0x6206 or
0x6207 goes into effect only after the next fault event occurs.

3-24 RZP01.1-C2 - CANopen RD 500 Options

Change Polarity Output 8-Bit

WriteOutput 8-Bit XOR Digital
RxPDO Output
von 0x6200

Error Value Output 8-Bit

Error Mode Output 8-Bit

0x6207 AND

Device Failure
D1922.3, D1733)

Fig. 3-23: Dataflow of a digital output

Analog Inputs
8 analog inputs are supported; these are permanently stored in TxPDO2
(PZD3 to PZD6) and TxPDO3 (PZD7 to PZD10). Each individual inlet can
be defined with an amplification, an offset and an inlet value range. The
interrupt for transmitting the PDOs can be separately switched on for
each input. The trigger can be programmed to an upper limit and/or a
lower limit. At the same time, a tolerance range that activates a trigger
every time that the range is exceeded can be defined. However, it is also
possible to activate a trigger in the positive and/or negative direction. For
example, the trigger can be set differently in the positive direction than in
the negative direction.
The analog inputs can also be read from object directory entry 0x6401
using SDO access.
The 8 analog inputs are assigned as follows:

TxPZD Analog input

TxPZD3 1
TxPZD4 2
TxPZD5 3
TxPZD6 4
TxPZD7 5
TxPZD8 6
TxPZD9 7
TxPZD10 8

The objects for the input values, the input area, the offset, the scaling and
the trigger settings are arranged according to the following system:

Object IDx Sdx Analog input

0x6401, 0x6403, 1 1
0x6420, 0x6421,
0x6423, 0x6424, 2 2
0x6425, 0x6426, 3 3
0x6427, 0x6428,
0x642E, 0x642F 4 4
5 5
6 6
7 7
8 8

RD 500 Options RZP01.1-C2 - CANopen 3-25

Using SDO services, the input values can be read from object 0x6401 as
a 16-bit integer value or, alternatively, to object 0x6403 as a float value
with positions behind the decimal point; the value is the same. The object
for inlet area 0x6420 is implemented only for reasons of compatibility; it
has no function.
The objects for offset 0x642E and scaling 0x642F of the input values are
represented as float values; they are allocated to the corresponding input
value according to the formula below:

(0x6403) = (float)input value × (0x642F) + (0x642E)

(0x6401) = (int16)(0x6403)

After offset correction and scaling, the numerical value is written to object
0x6403; from there, it is written to object 0x6401 after an integer
Object 0x6423 is used to enable or block the transmission interrupts for
all channels simultaneously. The TxPDO transmission interrupt is enabled
if bit 0 in object 0x6423 is set.
Object 0x6421 can be used to set under which conditions a transmission
interrupt is to be triggered for each channel:

Bit in 0x6421 Priority Interrupt trigger if Associated object for

0 1 Input above upper limit 0x6424
1 2 Input below lower limit 0x5425
2 4 Input changed by more 0x6426
than delta
3 8 Input reduced by more 0x6427
than negative delta
4 16 Input increased by more 0x6428
than positive delta
7-5 - reserved -

Several trigger conditions can also be combined by adding the priorities. If

one of the selected conditions occurs, a trigger is activated.
Object 0x6422 can be used to read out which analog input has triggered
an interrupt. A bit is reserved in object 0x6422, subindex 1 for each
analog input; this is set if it has caused a trigger event.
Bit 0 is reserved for analog input 1, bit 1 for analog input 2, and so on for
the remaining bits. The object is reset after it has been read out using a
PDO or SDO service.

3-26 RZP01.1-C2 - CANopen RD 500 Options

Analogue Input Analogue Input MATH*=(int16)(((float)(0x6411)-(0x6441))/(0x6442))

Offset Float Scaling Float
0x642E 0x642F

Read Analogue Input 16-Bit CAN-Bus
Analogue Inputs MATH* 0x6401
TxPZD3 ... TxPZD10
Read Analogue Input Float
0x6403 Analogue Input
Interrupt Source
Bit in
Analogue Input 0x6422
Global Interrupt Enable
0x6423 &

Analogue Input Interrupt a

Upper Limit Integer a>b >=1
0x6424 b OR

Analogue Input Interrupt a

Lower Limit Integer a<b
0x6425 b

Analogue Input Interrupt

Delta Unsigned a a>(c+b)
0x6426 b oder
c a<(c-b)

Analogue Input Interrupt

Negative Delta Unsigned a
0x6427 b a<(c-b)

Analogue Input Interrupt

Positive Delta Unsigned a
0x6428 b a>(c+b)

0x6421 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
Analogue Input Interrupt Trigger Selection 8-Bit

Fig. 3-24: Dataflow of an analog inlet

Analog Outputs
8 analog outputs are supported; these are permanently stored in RxPDO2
(PZD3 to PZD6) and RxPDO3 (PZD7 to PZD10). Each individual output
can be provided with an amplification and an offset.
If the device is faulty, it is possible to bring the analog outputs into a
predefined setting. This predefined reaction can be entered in position
0x6443 or 0x6444 in the object directory using the CANopen master.
The analog outputs can also be reread from object directory entry 0x6411
using SDO access.
The analog outputs are assigned as follows:

RD 500 Options RZP01.1-C2 - CANopen 3-27

RxPZD Analog output

RxPZD3 1
RxPZD4 2
RxPZD5 3
RxPZD6 4
RxPZD7 5
RxPZD8 6
RxPZD9 7
RxPZD10 8

The objects for the output values, the offset, the scaling and the trigger
settings are arranged according to the following system:

Object IDx Sdx Analog output

0x6411, 0x6413, 1 1
0x6441, 0x6442,
0x6443, 0x6444 2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
6 6
7 7
8 8

Using SDO services, the output values can be read from object 0x6411
as a 16-bit integer value or, alternatively, to object 0x6413 as a float value
with positions behind the decimal point; the value is the same.
The objects for offset 0x6441 and scaling 0x6442 of the output values are
represented as float values; they are allocated to the corresponding
output value according to the formula below:

Intermediate value = ((float)(0x6411) − (0x6441))/(0x6442)

output value = (int16)Intermediate value

The numerical value is written to the analog output (associated RxPZD)

after the offset correction and scaling.
A modification to objects 0x6441 and 0x6442 goes into effect only after
the next PDO is received.
If the value in object 0x6443 is 1, the value of object 0x6444 is adopted in
case of a fault (bit in RD status word D1922.3 or D1733 is set); if the
value in object 0x6443 is 1, the analog value that was last output is
retained. A modification to objects 0x6443 or 0x6444 goes into effect only
after the next fault event occurs.

3-28 RZP01.1-C2 - CANopen RD 500 Options

Analogue Output Analogue Output

Offset Float Scaling Float
0x6441 0x6442

Write Analogue
Output 16-Bit
von 0x6411 MATH*
Analogue Output
CAN-Bus RxPZD3 ... RxPZD10
Write Analogue
Output Float
Analogue Output
Error Value Integer
Analogue Output
Error Mode 8-Bit &
0x6443 AND

Device Failure
D1922.3, D1733)

Fig. 3-25: Dataflow of an analog output

3.6 Electronic Data Sheet (EDS)

Entries in the EDS File

The EDS file contains a complete description of all the parameters of the
CANopen node (RD500 device) that can be reached using the CANopen
network. This does not necessarily mean all the device parameters – see
menu item BASIC parameters or ALL parameters in EDS Generator. Only
the parameters that are described in this file can be reached using the
object directory.
The EDS file can be divided into three groups:
• the informative part (creation date, program version, etc.)
• the device-specific part (manufacturer, baud rates, slave type, etc.)
• and the object table with its default values (parameter implementation,

Manufacturer-specific entries
Manufacturer-specific entries start at 2000hex in the object directory.
RD500 parameter numbers are assigned to the object table as follows:

Note: Object directory entry = 0x2010 + RD parameter number

Example: Parameter 1 of RD500 is stored at location 0x2011 in the object

The first 16 entries from 0x2000 to 0x200F are allocated for mirroring
process data TxPZD1 to TxPZD10 and RxPZD1 to RxPZD10. It is thus
possible to address the process data with SDO services.

RD 500 Options RZP01.1-C2 - CANopen 3-29

Automatic Generation of EDS File for CANopen

Via the Internet, you can download the program (EDS Generator) for
generating your own EDS file.
File name:
Contents of the ZIP file:
• EDS-GEN.EXE Program
• Setup.bat Standard installation from A: to
• Readme.txt Installation notes (this text file)
• \EDSGEN\static.dat Program data to generate the EDS

EDS Generator
1. Copy the contents of this file to any directory on the hard disk,
preferentially C:\REFU\EDSGEN\*.*
Note: The subdirectory absolutely must be included.
Program “setup.bat” does this for you.
2. Start the EDS-GEN.EXE program (Win9X, WinNT).
3. Select the fastest possible transfer speed permitted by your system
environment (e.g. 57600 Baud as the fastest transfer rate of the
RD500 device). To do this, set device parameter P0499 to the desired
baud rate. In menu item “Device connection \ configuration” of the
EDS Generator, set the same baud rate. Menu item “Timeout
multiplier” multiplies the timeout period in 25ms steps. “No timeout”
means that the reply is expected immediately within the reply delay
time, according to the USS protocol specification. This is the fastest
connection with the converter – see if the hardware configuration of
your PC permits it. When the “AUTO” button is pressed, the PC looks
for the connection on its own.
4. Make a connection with the RD500 device, i.e. RS232 serial
communication via the COM interface and service interface X11 of
the RD500. Please use a standard RS232 extension cable or the
original RD cable with item number 0013456.
5. To test the connection, select menu item “Device connection \
Connection test”.
6. Now generate the EDS file by activating menu item “Make EDS”. You
are now requested to enter the size, type and language of the EDS
file that is to be generated. If BASIC PARAMETERS is selected, only
the most important parameters required to operate and monitor the
converter are generated. The language of the EDS parameter
descriptions can be set by selecting either English or German. The
progress bar shows the current processing status. Generation can
take from approx. 10 minutes to half an hour.
7. When the procedure is complete, the automatically generated name
of the EDS file is displayed. This contains the firmware version. The
file is located on the same path as the program.
Note: Files with the same name in this directory are overwritten
without a query being issued.

If you have any questions, consult our Customer Service department or

call our telephone hotline:

3-30 RZP01.1-C2 - CANopen RD 500 Options

Telephone Hotline: +49-(0)7123-969-200

Please provide our Customer Service department with files EDS-
LOG.LOG and EDS-ERROR.LOG so that an error analysis may be
carried out.

RD 500 Options RZP01.1-G1/G3 Incremental encoder emulation 4-1

4 RZP01.1-G1/G3 Incremental encoder emulation

4.1 General information on pulse encoder emulation

The RZP01.1-G1/G3 option is used to evaluate an incremental pulse
encoder (rotary encoder input X48) and to emulate a pulse encoder
(encoder output X49).
The encoder input supports pulse encoders with TTL or RS422 signal
level and can be used as second encoder for position or speed
The encoder output emulates a pulse encoder with RS422 signal level
and optionally emulates
• the encoder input (X48)
• or the pulse encoder input of the base card SR17002 (X18)
Option G1 additionally contains a converter, which emulates a pulse
encoder from the signals of a SR17002 (X18) resolver.

X 49

X 48


Fig. 4-1: Layout diagram of the GB21082 module

4-2 RZP01.1-G1/G3 Incremental encoder emulation RD 500 Options

Technical data

Order No. / version RZP01.1-G1/RZP01.1-G3

Power supply for the card + 5V and +15V internal from the
control card
Size 100 x 89 mm
Environmental Class 3K3 acc. to DIN IEC 721-3-3
Ambient temperature
– during storage -25°C ... 70°C
– in operation 0°C ... 40°C
Radio interference suppression level A1 acc. to EN 55011
Noise immunity EN50082-2
Encoder input (X48) TTL pulse encoder
Encoder power supply +5V max 300mA (when sensor
conductors are connected) closed-
loop controlled;
+10V max 300mA (when the sensor
conductors are jumpered)
Signal inputs A+ / A-, B+ / B- and Differential inputs RS422 signal level
R+ / R-
Input resistance 120 Ohm
Max. input signal level w.r.t. ground +/- 10V
Max. common mode signal +/- 10V
Max. input frequency 300 kHz
Encoder output (X49)
Signal pairs A+/A-, B+/B-, R+/R- RS422 driver
Fig. 4-2: Technical data

RD 500 Options RZP01.1-G1/G3 Incremental encoder emulation 4-3

4.2 Electrical installation

Installation diagram
The options G1 and G3 can be inserted at module slot 1 or 2. The
connections are visible after the front cover has been removed




Upper metal lug

X49 Encoder output
dr ive 50


Pulse encoder emmulation: RZP01.1-G1

or RZP01.1-G3 at option slot 2

X48 Encoder input (emmulation)
age. Danger
High Volt shock. Donot touch
electrical nections for 5
electricalcon switching
minutes after
pow er off. ety
follow "Saf
Read and for Electrical
Instructionsnual, DOK-GENE-
Drives "ma******-SVS...
RL-DRIVE ating
before oper

Fig. 4-3: Connector layout diagram, option G1/3 at module slot 2

4-4 RZP01.1-G1/G3 Incremental encoder emulation RD 500 Options

Connector assignment

Connector X48 Encoder input 15-pin sub-D plug connector

Pin No. Signal designation Description
1 P5V sense Sensor conductor +5V
2 OV sense Sensor conductor, ground
3 R- Zero signal (inverted)
4 R+ Zero signal (direct)
5 B- Neg. signal track B
6 B+ Pos. signal track B
7 A+ Pos. signal track A
8 A- Neg. signal track A
9 Not assigned
10 0V Ground or reference potential
11 Not assigned
12 5V Power supply, max. 300mA,
(* 10V) (* 10V, if pins 1 and 2 are jumpered)
13 Not assigned
14 0V Ground or reference potential
15 Not assigned
Fig. 4-4: Connector assignment X48

Connector X49 Encoder output 9-pin sub-D plug connector

Pin No. Signal designation Description
1 B+ Pos. signal track B
2 B- Neg. signal track B
3 R+ Zero signal direct
4 R- Zero signal inverted
5 A- Neg. signal track A
6 - Not assigned
7 - Not assigned
8 0V Ground or reference potential
9 A+ Pos. signal track A
Fig. 4-5: Connector assignment X49

RD 500 Options RZP01.1-G1/G3 Incremental encoder emulation 4-5

4.3 Hardware description

Input circuit
All of the 3 signals of the encoder input (A, B, R) are implemented
according to the following principle. Differential signals according to the
RS422 Standard are expected.

+ 5V

7,8 kW

120 W

- 75175

7,8 kW

Fig. 4-6: Input circuit

The input circuit is not floating, however, however the input circuit can
process common-mode signals of +/-10 V. The maximum input frequency
is approx. 300 kHz; this corresponds, for an encoder with 1024 pulses, a
speed of approx. 17500 rpm.

Output circuit
The encoder output (X49) supplies signals A, B and R and the associated
inverted signals. The RS422 drivers supply a differential voltage signal
level of min. 2.5 V for a 120 Ohm load. The outputs are short-circuit proof.

Encoder power supply

The power supply at X48 (pin10-pin12) supplies max. 300 mA and has an
internal current limiting function. The nominal voltage is 5 V. However, it
can also be adapted for encoders with a 7-12 V power supply.
For longer encoder cables, we additionally recommend that 2 sense
conductors are used in the encoder cable. These are connected, at the
encoder side, with the +5 V and 0 V power supply conductors. The power
supply regulates the output voltage so that there is precisely 5.0 V
between pin 1 (+5V sensor) and pin 2 (0V sensor). This means that the
voltage drop along the power supply conductors can be compensated.
The regulator can generate a max. voltage of approx. 10 V (pin12 to
pin10), which means, that for very long cables, the supply conductors
should have a 0.5 mm cross-section.
For encoders with a recommended power supply of 7-12 V, a voltage of
approx. 10 V can be forced by connecting pins 1 and 2 (sensor
conductors) at the connector on the drive converter side.

4-6 RZP01.1-G1/G3 Incremental encoder emulation RD 500 Options

4.4 Parameterization

Checking the card identification

As for all option cards for REFUdrive units, these log-on in the basic drive
converter firmware under the following parameters
• 1021.0 (slot 1) and
• 1022.0 (slot 2) with a card identification.
• Identification for G1: 21
• Identification for G3: 23
The encoder option G1/G3 does not have its own firmware, which is the
reason that parameters 102x.1 .. 102x.3 indicate a zero.

Setting the encoder type

Parameter No. Name Description or value range Factory setting

P134 Encoder emulation From encoder SR17002 = 0 0
pulse encoder GB21082 = 1
P637 Select, The evaluation of the supplementary encoder Everything de-activated = 0
supplementary is activated using the following settings
function IGR 2 active =2
IGR 2 + position controller =3
P0638 IGR2 pulse number 100 ... 8000 1024
P0639 Offset, pos.act.value -180.00° ... +1799.99° 0
P0640 IGR2 reset zero sync 0..2047 connectable input to reset the 1700
angular referencing via zero pulse
D1985 Angle IGR 2, raw -200.00% ... +199.99% -
display parameter: Angular signal before
referencing normalization 100% => 90°
D1986 Angle IGR 2 -200.00% ... + 199.99% -
display parameter: Angular signal after offset
and referencing,
normalization 100% => 90°
D1987 nact 2 -200.00% ... +199.99% -
the speed display refers to the speed
normalization set in P0390
Fig. 4-7: Parameter list

RD 500 Options RZP01.1-G1/G3 Incremental encoder emulation 4-7

Function diagram, encoder evaluation

The following function module is processed in time sector 4T0 (directly
before the closed-loop position controller), and is activated by
appropriately setting parameter P0637.

P0638 P0390

D1985 D1987
Up/Down-Counter 65536
B with four-fold X
evaluation 4XP0638

R P0639

D1534 +
S Q &

R Q/ S/H-Modul

Fig. 4-8: Function diagram, encoder evaluation G1/G3

4.5 Applications

Master setpoint from an external encoder

The speed is evaluated according to the pulse counting method (without
interpolation). The speed actual value (D1986) also does not include a
low-pass filter which means that this signal has a relatively coarse
resolution. If D1986 is to be used as speed setpoint, we recommend that
this signal is filtered through a PT1 element. The time constant must be
adapted to the application (dynamic response).

Application, electronic shaft

The encoder angle D1987 can be directly used as setpoint for the position
controller (P0648) or can be routed via the electronic gear (P0642), so
that D1988 is used as position controller setpoint. The position controller
processes 32-bit quantities, however the G2 angle only has a 16-bit word
size, which means that parameter P0794 (evaluation position difference)
should be set to 1 at the position controller (= factor 1/65536).

Looping the master setpoint signal

Output X49 can be configured with P0134, so that the encoder input
signals are directly routed to the output driver. This allows almost
instantaneous (no delay) signal looping.

4-8 RZP01.1-G1/G3 Incremental encoder emulation RD 500 Options

Pulse encoder emulation of the resolver

The option version G1 additionally has a resolver-pulse encoder
converter. This emulates an incremental encoder with 1024 pulses from
the modulated sinusoidal signals of a resolver. In this case, the resolver
must be connected via X18 of the base card, encoder selection
P0130 = resolver and P0134 = encoder from SR17002.

Note: The converter always generates 1024 pulses + 1 zero pulse

for each resolver period. This means that for 4 or 6-pole
resolvers, either 2048 or 3072 pulses are generated each
shaft revolution and either 2 or 3 zero pulse marks. This
means that a 2-pole resolver is required in order to evaluate
the zero pulse.

RD 500 Options Input 1Vss Gear-Type Encoder and Incremental Encoder Emulation RZP01.1-G2 5-1

5 Input 1Vss Gear-Type Encoder and Incremental

Encoder Emulation RZP01.1-G2

5.1 General
The RZP01.1-G2 option is used to evaluate a rotary encoder (rotary
encoder input X48) and to emulate a pulse encoder (encoder output X49).
The encoder input supports the following encoder types:
• Pulse encoder (TTL / RS422 level)
• Sine-cosine encoder (signal level of 1Vss)
• Absolute value encoder with RS485 interface (Hiperface)
• Absolute value encoder with SSI interface
These encoders can be used as primary encoders (motor shaft) or as
secondary encoders for position or speed synchronization.
When a sine-cosine encoder is used, the signal asymmetries (offset and
amplitude differences) can be automatically compensated; the input is
suitable for direct connection to a gear-type encoder (magneto-resistire
The encoder output X49 emulates a pulse encoder
• with RS422 signal level
• with any number of lines to a maximum of 8192 lines per rotation
• source encoder selectable from the option card G2 (X48) or SR (X18)

X 49

X 48

Fig. 5-1: Layout of GB21084 module

5-2 Input 1Vss Gear-Type Encoder and Incremental Encoder Emulation RZP01.1-G2 RD 500 Options

Technical Data

Order No. / version RZP01.1-G2

Power supply card + 5 V and +15 V, internal, from the
logic and control card
Size 100 x 89 mm
Environmental class 3K3 according to DIN IEC 721-3-3
Ambient temperature
– storage -13.00°F ... 158.00°F ...
– operation 32.00°F 104.00°F
Degree of radio interference A1 acc. to EN 55011
Immunity to interference EN50082-2
Encoder input (X48) TTL pulse encoder or SinCos encoder
Encoder power supply +5 V max. 300 mA (when sensor
cables are attached), regulated;
+10 V max. 300 mA (via sensor cable
Signal inputs A+ / A-, B+ / B- Differential inputs, RS422 level or
Input resistance 120 Ω
Max. input level against GND +/- 20 V
Max. input frequency 300 kHz

Amplitude (A+ - A-) (SinCos encoder) 0,5 Vss ... 1.3 Vss ...
Permitted offset (SinCos encoder) +/- 250 mV, but no more than 50% of
the amplitude
Signal input R+ / R-
Input resistance 120 Ω
Max. input level against GND +/- 15V
Switching threshold (R+ / R-) +/- 20 V
Interface for multiturn encoder Synchronous / asynchronous serial
Signal pair Data+ / Data- RS485 transceiver, 120Ω termination
Signal pair CLK +/ CLK- RS422 driver
Max. cable length 100 m
Encoder output (X49)
Signal pairs A+/A-, B+/B-, R+/R- RS422 driver
Max. output frequency A/B 300 kHz
Validity of the zero pulse Operating mode 1:1 – up to 300kHz,
Operating mode 1:n – up to 60kHz
signal A/B frequency
Fig. 5-2: Technical data

RD 500 Options Input 1Vss Gear-Type Encoder and Incremental Encoder Emulation RZP01.1-G2 5-3

5.2 Electrical Installation

Installation Plan
Option G2 can be attached to either module slot 1 or 2. The connections
are visible after the front cover has been removed.




Upper metal lug

X49 Encoder output
dr ive 50


Pulse encoder emmulation: RZP01.1-G1

at option slot 2

X48 Encoder input (emmulation)
age. Danger
High Volt shock. Donot touch
electrical nections for 5
electricalcon switching
minutes after
pow er off. ety
follow "Saf
Read and for Electrical
Instructionsnual, DOK-GENE-
Drives "ma******-SVS...
RL-DRIVE ating
before oper

Fig. 5-3: Plug layout for option G2 on module slot 2

5-4 Input 1Vss Gear-Type Encoder and Incremental Encoder Emulation RZP01.1-G2 RD 500 Options

Connection Allocation

Connection Allocation Plug X48 Encoder input Sub-D pin, 15 pins

Pin No. Signal designation Description
1 P5V Sense Sensor cable +5V
2 OV Sense Sensor cable for ground
3 R- Zero signal (inverted)
4 R+ Zero signal (direct)
5 B- (Cos-) Neg. signal track B or cosine
6 B+ (Cos+) Pos. signal track B or cosine
7 A+ (Sin+) Pos. signal track A or sine
8 A- (Sin-) Neg. signal track A or sine
9 Data + Pos. data cable of the ser. interface
10 OV Ground or reference potential
11 CLK+ Pos. timing circuit of the ser. interface
12 5V Power supply max. 300mA,
(* 10V) (* 10V if pins 1 and 2 are bridged)
13 CLK- Neg. timing circuit of the ser. interface
14 0V Ground or reference potential
15 Data - Neg. data cable of the ser. interface
Fig. 5-4: Connection allocation for X48

Plug X49 Encoder output Sub-D pin, 9 pins

Pin No. Signal designation Description
1 B+ Pos. signal track B
2 B- Neg. signal track B
3 R+ Zero signal (direct)
4 R- Zero signal (inverted)
5 A- Neg. signal track A
6 - free
7 - free
8 0V Ground or reference potential
9 A+ Pos. signal track A
Fig. 5-5: Connection allocation for X49

RD 500 Options Input 1Vss Gear-Type Encoder and Incremental Encoder Emulation RZP01.1-G2 5-5

5.3 Overview of Parameters

Checking Card ID
As is the case for all option cards for RD 500 devices, these cards report
in the basic device firmware under the parameters P1021.0 at slot 1, or
under parameters P1022.0 at slot 2 with a card ID.
• ID for G2: 22
The firmware version of the option card is visible in the following indices
of parameters P102x.1 .. P102x.3.

Settings of the RZP01.1-G2 Option Card

Encoder input (X48)

Parameter No. Name Description or value range Factory setting

P0420 G2 encoder type Sine/cosine encoder =0 Sine/cosine encoder
Incremental encoder =1
Hiperface encoder =2
SSI encoder standard =3
SSI encoder and SinCos =4
SSI encoder and rectangle =5
P0421 G2 encoder number 1 ... 8192 256
of lines
P0422 G2 compensation Switched off =0 Auto offset + amplitude
mode Auto offset =1
Auto offset + amplitude =2
P0430 Enable zero D0 .... D2048 D1700
referencing G2
P0431 Reset zero D0 .... D2048 D1700
P0432 Absolute position -1000000.00 .... 10000000.00 0.00
P0450 Gear counter -8192 ... 8192 1
P0451 Gear denominator 1 ... 8192 1
Fig. 5-6: Parameters for encoder input X48

Encoder Output (X49)

Parameter No. Name Description or value range Factory setting

P0423 G2 source emulation Deactivated =0 Encoder G2 1:1 = 2
Encoder SR 1:1 =1
Encoder G2 1:1 =2
Encoder SR 1:n =3
Encoder G2 1:n =4
P0424 G2 emulation 1 ... 8192 256
number of lines
Fig. 5-7: Parameters for encoder emulation output X49

5-6 Input 1Vss Gear-Type Encoder and Incremental Encoder Emulation RZP01.1-G2 RD 500 Options

Hiperface absolute encoder evaluation

Parameter No. Name Description or value range Factory setting

P0425 Baud rate serial 0 = 600 Bd 9600Bd = 4
interface (Hiperface) 1 = 1200 Bd
2 = 2400 Bd
3 = 4800 Bd
4 = 9600 Bd
5 = 19200 Bd
6 = 38400 Bd
P0426 Set position -16383 ... -16383 - +16383 rotations 0
The position-setting procedure is started with
bit 31
Fig. 5-8: Parameters for evaluation of Hiperface

Evaluation of SSI absolute encoder

Parameter No. Name Description or value range Factory setting

P0452 No. of bits 0 .... 25 13 bits
P0453 No. of bits 0 .... 25 0 bits
P0454 SSI Baud rate 0 = 62.5 kBd 570kBd = 5
1 = 100 kBd
2 = 120 kBd
3 = 220 kBd
4 = 360 kBd
5 = 570 kBd
6 = 750 kBd
7 = 810 kBd
8 = 1 MBd
9 = 1.5 MBd
P0455 SSI coding 0 = Gray code Gray code = 0
1 = binary code
Fig. 5-9: Parameter for evaluation of SSI encoder

Diagnosis Parameters

Parameter No. Name Description or value range Factory setting

P0428 G2 debug address 1 0 ... 65536 11
P0429 G2 debug address 2 0 ... 65536 0
Fig. 5-10: Parameters for diagnosis of encoder interface

RD 500 Options Input 1Vss Gear-Type Encoder and Incremental Encoder Emulation RZP01.1-G2 5-7

Process Data Interface

The RZP01.1-G2 is attached using process data interface SS2 or SS4.
Depending on in which module slot the printed circuit board is inserted,
information is transferred to D1910 ... D1919 or to D1101 ... D1109, as
shown in the following table.

Signal D parameter when G2 D parameter when G2 Comment

is on module slot 1 is on module slot 2
(SS2) (SS4)
Angle, (Hi word) D1910 D1100 0 ... 0xffff -> 0 ... 360 degrees
Angle, (Lo word) D1911 D1101 Fine resolution of the angle
Rotational speed D1912 D1102 Normalization acc. to P0390
Zero impulse D1913 D1103 Bit 0
Encoder error message D1914 D1104 Bit 0 (Error monitoring signal)
OK = 0
Error = 1
Diagnosis value 1 D1915 D1105 see P0428
Diagnosis value 2 D1916 D1106 see P0429
Normalized actual position D1917 D1107 Normalization acc. to P0780
(Hi word)
Normalized actual position D1918 D1108 Normalization acc. to P0780
(Lo word)
Fig. 5-11: Allocation of process data

5.4 Description of Functions

Principle of Offset and Amplitude Compensation

When the compensation mode (P0422) is selected, the encoder signals
are symmetrized automatically. This procedure starts when the shaft
starts to turn. By determining the minima and maxima of the sine and
cosine signal, the zero point offset (offset error) and the size variation of
sine and cosine (amplitude error) can be determined. The control
algorithm for error compensation is always active; therefore, temperature-
and speed-dependent effects can be compensated during operation.

Encoder Output X49 for Incremental Encoder Emulation

The incremental encoder signal tracks A, B and R of the G2 encoder
emulation are located on encoder output X49. Encoder emulation of the
encoder connected to the G2 encoder input (X48) as well as of the
encoder connected to the SR encoder input (X18) is possible. The
encoder signals can be evaluated both as TTL and as RS422 levels. The
following possible emulation's can be selected.

5-8 Input 1Vss Gear-Type Encoder and Incremental Encoder Emulation RZP01.1-G2 RD 500 Options

Value Allocation Comment

0 Deactivated No encoder emulation, constant output level
1 SR 1:1 Direct emulation (number of input lines = number of
output lines) via the hardware driver of the encoder
connected to the SR (X18). Only SinCos and
incremental encoders can be emulated.
2 G2 1:1 Direct emulation (number of input lines = number of
output lines) via the hardware driver of the encoder
connected to the G2 (X48).
3 SR 1:n Emulation of any encoder with any number of lines
of the encoder connected to the SR (X18).
4 G2 1:n Emulation with any number of lines of the encoder
connected to the G2 (X48).
Fig. 5-12: Encoder emulation selection

Direct Emulation
The encoder output mirrors the signals of the encoder input in a prepared
form as pulses (TTL / RS422 level). The path of the signal goes via the
operation amplifier, the comparator and the line driver; therefore, there is
no appreciable signal delay. The output signal is issued correctly even if
dynamic modifications to the speed of the encoder are made.
The setting of the value in P0424 “Emulation number of lines” is irrelevant


sin + + A+
sin - - A-

Input difference Comparator Output

amplifier driver

Fig. 5-13: Principle of encoder input -> encoder output signal path

RD 500 Options Input 1Vss Gear-Type Encoder and Incremental Encoder Emulation RZP01.1-G2 5-9

Direct Emulation for “G2 1:1”

If option G2 1:1 is selected, the automatic offset compensation of the G2
can also be used. Offset compensation, which can be selected using
P0422, affects the pulse widths of the incremental signals on plug X49.
This is useful, for example, in the speed evaluation of an external unit.
The following illustration shows this in more detail.



Sinus +

Dig. Signal

50% Duty

Fig. 5-14: Preparation of the encoder output signals

The zero impulse signal – if the encoder has one – has no offset
compensation; the input amplifier is directly followed by the comparator
and the output driver.

Direct Emulation for “SR 1:1”

When “SR 1:1“ is selected, a SinCos or incremental encoder must be
connected to the SR. The zero impulse signal can only be generated if
the encoder connected to the SR creates a zero pulse.

Note: If “SR 1:1” is selected, the zero impulse signal is inverted!

Any Emulation “SR 1:n” or “G2 1:n”

In the case of any form of emulation, the number or pulses to be
emulated can be set using parameter P0424. If option “SR 1:n” is
selected, the PZD1 channel (P480.0 when the option card is connected to
interface SS2 or P491.0 for the SS4) must be connected with D1890.
For option “G2 1:n”, no process data channels need be connected.

The zero impulse of the encoder emulation is a 90° pulse; it is valid with
the increasing edge. When the zero pulse has an increasing edge, this
means that both the A track and the B track of the emulation are on High

Note: The emulated zero pulse is not synchronous to the zero

position of the source encoder; it is generated regardless of
whether the source encoder has a zero impulse or not.

5-10 Input 1Vss Gear-Type Encoder and Incremental Encoder Emulation RZP01.1-G2 RD 500 Options

Drehung rechts Drehung links

Line A Line A

Line B Line B

Line R Line R

tD1 tD2 tD1 tD2

tD1: Delay of zero pulse, increasing edge

tD2: Delay of zero pulse, decreasing edge
Fig. 5-15: Zero pulse of encoder emulation

Note: The zero impulse is generated only at a number of encoder

emulation lines of 2 (n = 0, 1, 2, 4 - 13). 13).

Diagnosis Interface
For commissioning or troubleshooting, diagnoses can be carried out
quickly using parameters P0428 and P0429 as well as the oscilloscope
function of the REFUwin software tool.
Procedure: With P0428 / P0429, the following table is used to decide
which signal is indicated on the allocated D parameter (D1915, D1916 for
SS2 or D1105/D1106 for SS4). In the oscilloscope function of the
REFUwin software tool, the selected signals can be recorded in two
channels. All process signals of the RZP01.1-G2, including diagnosis
values, are updated in control cycle T0.

RD 500 Options Input 1Vss Gear-Type Encoder and Incremental Encoder Emulation RZP01.1-G2 5-11

Value in Signal allocation Comment

P0428 /
0 Zero Debug mode off
1 Sine Maximum amplitude +/-50%
2 Cosine Maximum amplitude +/-50%
3 SinCos amount (sin² + cos²)/65536
4 Offset sine
5 Offset cosine
6 Amplitude correction, Nominally 100%
sine signal
7 Following error, Delay to input signal at 4x the number of
encoder emulation pulses
8 Absolute encoder, Range: -32768 to 32767 32767
9 Absolute encoder, 0 ... 0 - FFFFhex = 360°
10 Absolute encoder type 8-bit hex value from specifications for
Hiperface encoder
11 Encoder error status Refer to Abb. 5-17
12 ... 65535 - For internal use only
Fig. 5-16: Allocation of debug parameters

If “Malfunction of encoder G2” occurs, the cause of the error can be

viewed in detail in diagnosis value No. 11 “Encoder error status”. Bits 8 to
12 are used to represent any errors that may be reported by a Hiperface

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
0 0 0 X X X X X 0 X X X X X X X
Data recording
Signal evaluation
Serial communication
Absolute encoder general
Incremental emulation

Absolute encoder initialization

Absolute encoder protocol
Absolute encoder EEPROM
Absolute encoder position
Absolute encoder

Abb. 5-17:G2 error status

Description of error bits and their possible causes:

Bit Name Description

0 Data recording Error in analog signal recording (signal
1 Signal evaluation Discrepancy between analog signal and
absolute encoder information
2 Serial communication Error in communication on RZP01.1-G2 side

5-12 Input 1Vss Gear-Type Encoder and Incremental Encoder Emulation RZP01.1-G2 RD 500 Options

3 Absolute encoder, Error in the absolute encoder determined by

general RZP01.1-G2.
4 Incremental emulation Signal input frequency too high (300kHz)
5 System Error detected in the hardware
6 Software Unexpected entry
8 Initialization Internal initialization error of absolute encoder
9 Protocol Reception error on absolute encoder side
10 Data Error during data access to absolute encoder
11 Position Error in absolute position recording
12 Miscellaneous Error determined in the power or temperature
monitor of the absolute encoder
Fig. 5-18: Description of error bit

Evaluation of Absolute Encoders with Stegmann Hiperface Encoders

The Stegmann HIPERFACE (High Performance Interface) contains two
data interfaces. These are a real-time data channel as a sine/cosine
interface and a serial data channel for the absolute position information.
Furthermore, the following information is evaluated using the serial data
• encoder status information concerning any errors detected by the
• encoder type information for determining the encoder number of lines
and the absolute position information (multiturn / single-turn).
The encoder types recognized by the firmware are listed in Fig. 5-19:
Hiperface encoder tpyes. If the encoder type is recognized by the
option card, this automatically adopts the corresponding number of
encoder lines. If the encoder type is not known to option card RZP01.1-
G2, the number of lines specified by P0421 is used.

Type Type ID Resolution No. of periods Number of Comment

Single- Multiturn / rotation rotations
SINCOS® SKS/M 36 32hex 37hex 4096 inc. / rot 128 4096
SINCOS® SCS/M 60/70 02hex 07hex 16384 inc. / rot 512 4096
SINCOS® SHS 170 02hex - 16384 inc. / rot 512 - Single-turn
SINCOS® SRS/M 50/60 22hex 27hex 32768 inc. / rot 1024 4096
SINCOS® - KIT 22hex 27hex 32768 inc. / rot 1024 4096
SINCOS® SRS 660 22hex - 32768 inc. / rot 1024 - Single-turn
Fig. 5-19: Hiperface encoder tpyes

The absolute position information of the encoder is used to compensate

the angle information during the initialization of the option card; these are
transferred to the SR via process data channels PZD1 and PZD2
(D1100/1101 or D1910/1911). This ensures that the correct angle
information that is required to operate, for example, a synchronous
machine is always present. This compensation also occurs for the
normalized absolute position of option card G2, which leads to display
parameter D1508. This value can be used as an actual value input for
position control. Display parameter D1510 indicates the absolute position
as a physical unit.

RD 500 Options Input 1Vss Gear-Type Encoder and Incremental Encoder Emulation RZP01.1-G2 5-13

normalized actual position

G2 angle P780 / 2 value

X tachometer

Sample / Hold
16 Low word
zero impulse G2 D1040 D1510
P430 &
(release & •
zero reference) D1700 D1511 X •
physical G2 actual
S Q position value
P431 D1509
D1700 R Q P432 32
16 Low word

tA: T 0


Fig. 5-20: Normalized G2 actual position value

Possible Settings
In order to adapt to ambient conditions, it is possible to set the baud rate
of the serial communication between 600 Baud and 38400 Baud.
The absolute position can be set using parameter P0426 and
permanently stored in the encoder. This setting is required only during
commissioning or when modifying a system; it is designed for using the
encoder system for position control.

Evaluation of Absolute Encoder with SSI Encoder Interface

Single-turn and multi-turn variants of an SSI encoder (synchronous serial
interface) can be used. Additionally, combined encoders with additional
sine/co-sine or rectangle signal can be evaluated. In case of encoders
with these additional incremental tracks, the SSI interface is evaluated for
position of the starting angle and the absolute position information in
parameter D1508 at the start of initialization. Then, the incremental tracks
are used for further capture of data. Accordingly, evaluation of the SSI
signals only occurs during initialization.

Note: SSI encoders without incremental track are not suitable as

motor encoders.

In most cases, SSI data are transmitted in Gray-code process, but they
can also be evaluated in binary format.
Any errors recognized in the SSI data transmission are recorded and
signaled as errors of option card G2 to the control card. The reaction to
an encoder error can be set.
The following list is an overview of the supported encoder manufacturers
and of the encoders tested with option card G2.

5-14 Input 1Vss Gear-Type Encoder and Incremental Encoder Emulation RZP01.1-G2 RD 500 Options

Manufacturer Type Resolutions in Comments Encoder cable

Rotations /
Sick AG (Stegmann) ATM60 (AG 626) 12/13 Programmable, binary/gray IKS5021
Heidenhain ROQ 425 12/13 Additionally, 512 IKS5023
sinus/cosine periods IKS5024 Version
for 5Volt supply
TR Elektronik HE 65S 12/13 11-27 Volt supply voltage IKS5021
(G2 max. 10Volt) IKS5022
TR Elektronik CE65M-SSI 12/12 Additional sinus/cosine
Thalheim ATD 3S B14 Y 1 12/13
IVO G1P2H 12/13 Hollow-shaft encoder with
additional rectangle signal
Hengstler RA-58M 12/12 IKS5021
Hengstler Acuro 12/13 Additionally, 2048
sine/cosine periods or
rectangular; programmable
Fig. 5-21: Overview of SSI encoders

Error Evaluation and Reactions

When the encoder connected to G2 is used as a motor encoder with
P0130 = external encoder and P0145 = 1100/1910, the reaction to an
encoder error can be set with parameter P0047 “Encoder monitoring”.
When the G2 encoder is used as a secondary encoder, the reaction to an
encoder error can be parameterized through the parameters P0509 “S2
function” or P0745 “SS4 function”, depending on the respective slot.
There are the following options:
• no reaction
• warning “Encoder error G2”
• malfunction “Encoder error G2”

Firmware Compatibility
Use of encoder emulation with any number of lines and of absolute
encoder evaluation is possible as of G2 firmware version
FWC-GB2108-400-02VRS-01 and only in connection with SR firmware as
of version FWC-SR1700-200-06VRS-xx. RZP01.1-G2 firmware FWC-
GB2108-400-01VRS-01 functions with all SR firmware versions.

RD 500 Options Input 1Vss Gear-Type Encoder and Incremental Encoder Emulation RZP01.1-G2 5-15

RZP01.1 G2 firmware SR firmware Limitation to functioning

FWC-GB2108-400-01V01-NN FWC-SR1700-200-04VRS-xx No encoder emulation and absolute
FWC-SR1700-200-05VRS-xx encoder evaluation
FWC-GB2108-400-01T02-NN to FWC-SR1700-200-04VRS-xx Restricted scope of functions :
FWC-GB2108-400-01T04-NN FWC-SR1700-200-05VRS-xx “SR 1:n” encoder emulation possible.
FWC-SR1700-200-06VRS-xx See the description in the additional
FWC-GB2108-400-02VRS-NN FWC-SR1700-200-06VRS-xx Evaluation of Hiperface and
incremental encoder emulation
FWC-GB2108-400-03VRS-NN from FWC-SR1700-200-06V39 SSI evaluation, evaluation of
Hiperface and incremental encoder
Fig. 5-22: Firmware limitations, RZP01.1-G2

5.5 Commissioning and Use

Overview of RZP01.1-G2 Operating Modes

Operating mode of G2 encoder Parameters for motor control Parameters for position control
input X48
X48 as motor encoder (1 encoder) P0130 = 5 “external from P0145” D1890 – “mechanical angle”
P0145 = corresponding module pos. D2014 – “normalized actual pos. val.”
P0189 if “encoder optimization run” is
X48 as position encoder (2 encoder) P0130 = 0 - 4 (encoder from X18 or D1100 – “angle encoder G2”
w/o encoder) D1508 – “normalized G2 actual
position value”
D1510 – “physical G2 actual position
X48 as speed encoder (2 encoder) P0130 = 0 - 4 (encoder from X18 or D1102 – “speed encoder G2”
w/o encoder)
Fig. 5-23: Operating modes of G2 encoder input X48

Operating mode of G2 incremental Parameters for incremental Comment

encoder output X49 encoder emulation
SR 1:1 P0423 = 1 Zero pulse inverted!
G2 1:1 P0423 = 2 -
SR 1:n P0423 = 3 Zero pulse is generated only for 2
P0424 = 1...8192 line graduation.
RZP01.1-G2 on module slot 1:
P0480.0 = D1890
RZP01.1-G2 on module slot 2:
P491.0 = D1890
G2 1:n P0423 = 4 Zero pulse is generated only for 2
P0424 = 1...8192 line graduation.
Fig. 5-24: Operating modes of G2 encoder output X49

5-16 Input 1Vss Gear-Type Encoder and Incremental Encoder Emulation RZP01.1-G2 RD 500 Options

RZP01.1-G2 Encoder Input X48 as Motor Encoder (1st Encoder)

For use as a motor encoder, the following parameter settings must be
• P0130 = external from P0145
• P0145 = D1910 if RZP01.1-G2 is on module slot 1,
P0145 = D1100 if RZP01.1-G2 is on module slot 2
• and encoder settings in P042ff
This configuration results in the transfer of the entire angle information
(32 bits) via P0145 to D parameter D1890 (mechanical angle encoder).
From this, differentiation and filtering is used to determine the speed,
leading to the familiar parameter D1873.
Neither display parameter D1102 or D1912 (G2 speed) nor the encoder
error message (D1104/D1904) needs to be switched
Using parameter P0189 = 3 “Encoder optimization run”, parameter 133.x
“Encoder delta-phi” can be automatically compensated. When a
sine/cosine or incremental encoder is selected using P0420 and a
synchronous machine is present, the encoder optimization run occurs at
every start. When a Hiperface encoder or an SSI encoder with
incremental track is used, the encoder optimation run occurs only when
“Encoder optimization” mode is selected with P0189 = 3.
Zero impulse synchronization for position controlling occurs in the
same manner as in the use of encoder input X18 (logic and control card).
D parameter “Zero impulse” (D1913 or D1103) is entered in parameter
P0622. The information “Zero pulse detected” is visible in D1780.

RZP01.1-G2 Encoder Input X48 as 2nd Encoder

When the G2 encoder input is used as a second encoder, several
possibilities are available. The normalized actual position value of the G2
– D1508 – can be switched directly to the position controller. Actual
position value D1508 is normalized using parameter P0780
“Increments/motor rotation”. In this way, the actual position value is
normalized to the same unit as nominal position value D2012.
Following is an example for setting the parameters for position controlling
with a second encoder.


Index 0 ... 15 n-soll

D2012 % Position D1991 % Speed D1854
9 controller controler
P785.0 t
Position setpoints in physically quantity

D1508 n-ist
"G2 act. Pos. norm." D1873
Encoder G2

"Mechanical angle" of speed
Encoder SR

Fig. 5-25: Position controlling with 2 encoder

In the same manner, actual speed value D1102 (D1912) can serve as a
nominal value and be switched depending on the application. The angle
information in D1100 (D1912) can also be used as a nominal position
controller value, e.g. for the application of an electrical shaft.
The zero impulse is synchronized in the manner described in Section
RZP01.1-G2 Encoder Input X48 as Motor Encoder (1 Encoder).

RD 500 Options Input 1Vss Gear-Type Encoder and Incremental Encoder Emulation RZP01.1-G2 5-17

Encoder Output X49 for Incremental Encoder Emulation

When commissioning the encoder emulation, pay heed to the following
when using the encoder input signal from the SR (X18):
• when using any emulation, parameter P0423 = “SR 1:n“”, process data
channel PZD1 must be connected to the G2 with D1890 “Mechanical

Settings for Stegmann Hiperface Encoders

Since the Stegmann Hiperface protocol initializes itself on its own, there
are no commissioning regulations to be heeded for this device type.
When the Hiperface encoder is selected in the case of an unconnected or
defective encoder, an encoder error is displayed.
In the case of encoder types that are unknown to the card, the number of
encoder lines must be set in P0421. Known encoder types are listed
under Fig. 5-19:Hiperface encoder tpyes.
The debug interface can be used to read out the determined encoder type
and the determined position information from the encoder.

Setting the Baud Rate and Serial Communication

Parameter P0425 can be used to set the baud rate of the serial encoder
interface. Note that, in order to set up communication, a baud rate scan is
carried out; subsequently, the device switches to the set baud rate. This
means that a connection can always be set up with the encoder –
regardless of the baud rate set in P0425 and as long as the line
connection is working properly. If any communication errors occur, the
option card reports an encoder error (see Abb. 5-17 ).

Note: The serial connection set-up is independent of the baud rate

preset in P0425! Connection errors are not caused by an
incorrectly set baud rate.

Setting the Current Position

Parameter P0426 can be used to permanently change the current
position of the Hiperface encoder. For this, the encoder shaft absolutely
must be idle! If the position is to be set and the encoder is not idle, the
position information is not modified and the option card reports an
encoder error. The uppermost bit of P0426 is used to trigger the action
“Set position”. The “Set position” word is entered in “Number of rotations”
and “Angle” with a resolution of 65535 increments per rotation of the
encoder shaft.
Entry 8000 0000hex means setting position zero.
Entry 8001 0000hex means setting the position to one rotation of the

31 30 29 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
X Number of rotations Angel
Bit 31: Triggering “Set position”
Fig. 5-26: P0426 “Set position”

5-18 Input 1Vss Gear-Type Encoder and Incremental Encoder Emulation RZP01.1-G2 RD 500 Options

SSI Interface Settings

To set an SSI encoder, the encoder type is selected in P0420. For setting
all SSI encoders (P0420 = 3, 4 or 5), the following parameters must be
• in P0452, enter the resolution in bits per encoder rotation. Normally,
the information on encoder resolution is printed on the type label of the
encoder. As a default value for an SSI encoder, a resolution of 13 bit
per rotation is defined for an SSI encoder.
• In P0453, enter the bit number of the maximum number of rotations
the encoder can evaluate. For a single-turn encoder, enter the value
‘zero’. As a standard, a multi-turn encoder has 25 bits (12 bits rotations
and 13 bits resolution) for the SSI interface.
• The SSI Baud rate can be set in P0454. Here, take the encoder
specification into consideration as not all SSI encoders cover all the
range of Baud rates that can be set. Together with the bit number of
P0452 and P0453 to be captured, the set Baud rate defines the
sample rate of the encoder. In this connection, also note the following
maximum cable lengths.

Max. cable Baud rate Sample rate for Sample rate for
length 25 bit multi-turn 13 bit single-turn
- 1.00 MBaud 16 kHz 20 kHz
13.67 yd 810.00 kBaud 15 kHz 19 kHz
27.34 yd 750.00 kBaud 14 kHz 18 kHz
54.68 yd 570.00 kBaud 12 kHz 17 kHz
109.36 yd 360.00 kBaud 9 kHz 13 kHz
218.72 yd 220.00 kBaud 6 kHz 10 kHz
437.45 yd 120.00 kBaud 4 kHz 6 kHz
546.81 yd 100.00 kBaud 3 kHz 5 kHz
- 62.5 kBaud 2 kHz 3 kHz
Fig. 5-27: Maximum cable length

• For a binary-coded encoder, the coding type of data transmission can

be changed in P0455. By default, SSI encoders are carried out in
When an SSI encoder with an additional sine/cosine interface (P0420 = 4)
or rectangular interface (P0420 = 5) is connected, the number of encoder
lines or the sine-cosine periods must be entered additionally in P0421.
If there are faulty settings in a parameter, the encoder angle cannot be
captured correctly. Also in case of selection of an SSI encoder with
additional incremental tracks, only one SSI encoder with P0420 = 3
should be selected first to check the set bit numbers in P0452/P0453.
After checking for the correctly captured angle by turning the encoder
shaft by one rotation, P0420 can be set to one SSI encoder with
incremental track.

Note: The correct SSI encoder setting can be checked by turning the
encoder shaft by one rotation and monitoring the G2 encoder
angle in D1910 or D1100.

RD 500 Options Input 1Vss Gear-Type Encoder and Incremental Encoder Emulation RZP01.1-G2 5-19

5.6 Encoder cable

Several prefabricated encoder cables are available to connect an encoder
to option card RZP01.1-G2:

Encoder Encoder input Encoder

(X48) output (X49)
ERN 387 IKS 5015
e. g., Indramat ADP motor IKS 5016 (AMP)
Woelke gear-type encoder IKS 5015
TTL IKS 5011
Hiperface encoder IKS 5019
(12-pin circular connector) IKS 5020 (AMP)
SSI encoder RKG 5021
(12-pin circular connector, Stegmann RKG 5022 (AMP)
SSI encoder RKG 5023
(17-pin circular connector, Heidenhain RKG 5024 (AMP)
Pulse encoder replica IKS 5012
AMP: Angular motor plug
Fig. 5-28: Cable selection

IKS5015 IKS5015 1


1 green/black 0,14 mm 7
A+ A+
2 yellow/black 0,14 mm 8
A- A-
11 blue/black 0,14 mm 6
B+ B+
12 red/black 0,14 mm 5
B- B-
internal screen 17
3 green 0,14 mm 4
R+ R+
13 brown 0,14 mm 3
R- R-
yellow 0,14 mm
violet 0,14 mm regulator-
encoder- 2
grey 0,14 mm
side 2
pink 0,14 mm
red 0,14 mm
black 0,14 mm
10 red 0,34 mm 12
7 blue 0,34 mm 10
0V 0V
16 white 0,34 mm 1
Psense Psense
15 brown 0,34 mm 2
Msense Msense

Fig. 5-29: Encoder cable IKS 5015

5-20 Input 1Vss Gear-Type Encoder and Incremental Encoder Emulation RZP01.1-G2 RD 500 Options

IKS5016 IKS5016 1


1 green/black 0,14 mm 7
A+ A+
2 yellow/black 0,14 mm 8
A- A-
11 blue/black 0,14 mm 6
B+ B+
12 red/black 0,14 mm 5
B- B-
3 green 0,14 mm 4
R+ R+
13 brown 0,14 mm 3
R- R-
yellow 0,14 mm
violet 0,14 mm
encoder- 2 side
grey 0,14 mm
side 2
pink 0,14 mm
red 0,14 mm
black 0,14 mm
10 red 0,34 mm 12
7 blue 0,34 mm 10
0V 0V
16 white 0,34 mm 1
Psense Psense
15 brown 0,34 mm 2
Msense Msense

Fig. 5-30: Encoder cable IKS 5016

RD 500 Options Input 1Vss Gear-Type Encoder and Incremental Encoder Emulation RZP01.1-G2 5-21

IKS5011 IKS5011 1


green/black 0,14 mm
yellow/black 0,14 mm
blue/black 0,14 mm
red/black 0,14 mm

green 0,14 mm 7
A+ A+
brown 0,14 mm 8
A- A-
yellow 0,14 mm 6
B+ B+
B- violet 0,14 mm 5
B- regulator-
4 side
encoder- 0 grey 0,14 mm 0
side 0- pink 0,14 mm 3
red 0,14 mm
black 0,14 mm
red 0,34 mm 12
blue 0,34 mm 10
0V 0V
white 0,34 mm 1
Psense Psense
brown 0,34 mm 2
Msense Msense

Fig. 5-31: Encoder cable IKS 5011

5-22 Input 1Vss Gear-Type Encoder and Incremental Encoder Emulation RZP01.1-G2 RD 500 Options

IKS5019 IKS5019 1


green/black 0,14 mm
yellow/black 0,14 mm
blue/black 0,14 mm
red/black 0,14 mm

2 7
5 green 0,14 mm
A+ A+
2 8
6 brown 0,14 mm
A- A-
2 6
8 yellow 0,14 mm
encoder- B+
side B-
1 violet 0,14 mm 5
B- regulator-
0,14 mm side
pink 0,14 mm
2 9
2 red 0,14 mm
Data+ Data+
2 15
7 black 0,14 mm
Data- Data-
2 12
12 red 0,34 mm
P10V P10V
2 10
10 blue 0,34 mm
0V 0V
2 1
white 0,34 mm
2 2
brown 0,34 mm

Fig. 5-32: Encoder cable IKS 5019

RD 500 Options Input 1Vss Gear-Type Encoder and Incremental Encoder Emulation RZP01.1-G2 5-23

IKS5020 IKS5020 1


green/black 0,14 mm
yellow/black 0,14 mm
blue/black 0,14 mm
red/black 0,14 mm

2 7
5 green 0,14 mm
A+ A+
2 8
6 brown 0,14 mm
A- A-
2 6
encoder- B+
8 yellow 0,14 mm
side 1 violet 0,14 mm
2 5 regulator-
B- B-
grey 0,14 mm
2 side
pink 0,14 mm
2 9
2 red 0,14 mm
Data+ Data+
2 15
7 black 0,14 mm
Data- Data-
2 12
12 red 0,34 mm
P10V P10V
2 10
10 blue 0,34 mm
0V 0V
2 1
white 0,34 mm
2 2
brown 0,34 mm

Fig. 5-33: Encoder cable IKS 5020

5-24 Input 1Vss Gear-Type Encoder and Incremental Encoder Emulation RZP01.1-G2 RD 500 Options

RKG5021 RKG5021 1


3 green/black 0,14 mm 11
Clk+ Clk+
11 yellow/black 0,14 mm 13
Clk- Clk-
2 blue/black 0,14 mm 9
Data+ Data+
10 red/black 0,14 mm 15
Data- Data-
internal screen
green 0,14 mm
brown 0,14 mm
yellow 0,14 mm
violet 0,14 mm regulator-
encoder- 2
grey 0,14 mm
side 2
pint 0,14 mm
red 0,14 mm
black 0,14 mm
8 red 0,34 mm 12
1 blue 0,34 mm 10
0V 0V
white 0,34 mm 1
brown 0,34 mm 2

Fig. 5-34: Encoder cable RKG 5021

RD 500 Options Input 1Vss Gear-Type Encoder and Incremental Encoder Emulation RZP01.1-G2 5-25

RKG5022 RKG5022 1


3 breen/black 0,14 mm 11
Clk+ Clk+
11 yellow/black 0,14 mm 13
Clk- Clk-
2 brown/black 0,14 mm 9
Data+ Data+
10 red/black 0,14 mm 15
Data- Data-
internal screen
green 0,14 mm
brown 0,14 mm
yellow 0,14 mm
violet 0,14 mm
encoder- 2 side
grey 0,14 mm
side 2
pink 0,14 mm
red 0,14 mm
black 0,14 mm
8 red 0,34 mm 12
1 blue 0,34 mm 10
0V 0V
white 0,34 mm 1
brown 0,34 mm 2

Fig. 5-35: Encoder cable RGK 5022

5-26 Input 1Vss Gear-Type Encoder and Incremental Encoder Emulation RZP01.1-G2 RD 500 Options

RKG5023 RKG5023 1


15 green/black 0,14 mm 7
A+ A+
16 yellow/black 0,14 mm 8
A- A-
12 blue/black 0,14 mm 6
B+ B+
13 red/black 0,14 mm 5
B- B-
internal screen
green 0,14 mm
brown 0,14 mm
yellow 0,14 mm
violet 0,14 mm regulator-
encoder- 2
11 side
8 grey 0,14 mm
side Clk+
9 pink 0,14 mm 13
Clk- Clk-
14 red 0,14 mm 9
Data+ Data+
17 black 0,14 mm 15
Data- Data-
7 red 0,34 mm 12
10 blue 0,34 mm 10
0V 0V
1 white 0,34 mm 1
Psens Psens
4 brown 0,34 mm 2
Msens Msens

Fig. 5-36: Encoder cable RGK 5023

RD 500 Options Input 1Vss Gear-Type Encoder and Incremental Encoder Emulation RZP01.1-G2 5-27

RKG5024 RKG5024 1


15 green/black 0,14 mm 7
A+ A+
16 yellow/black 0,14 mm 8
A- A-
12 blue/black 0,14 mm 6
B+ B+
13 red/black 0,14 mm 5
B- B-
internal screen
green 0,14 mm
brown 0,14 mm
yellow 0,14 mm
violet 0,14 mm regulator-
-side Clk+ 8 grey 0,14 mm
9 pink 0,14 mm 13
Clk- Clk-
14 red 0,14 mm 9
Data+ Data+
17 black 0,14 mm 15
Data- Data-
7 red 0,34 mm 12
10 blue 0,34 mm 10
0V 0V
1 white 0,34 mm 1
Psens Psens
4 brown 0,34 mm 2
Msens Msens

Fig. 5-37: Encoder cable RGK 5024

5-28 Input 1Vss Gear-Type Encoder and Incremental Encoder Emulation RZP01.1-G2 RD 500 Options

IKS5012 IKS5012 1

green/black 0,14 mm
yellow/black 0,14 mm
blue/black 0,14 mm
red/black 0,14 mm

green 0,14 mm 9 A+
brown 0,14 mm 5 A-
yellow 0,14 mm 1 B+
encoder- B-
violet 0,14 mm 2 B- regulator-
side R+
grey 0,14 mm 3 R+ side
pink 0,14 mm 4 R-
rot 0,14 mm
black 0,14 mm
red 0,34 mm
blue 0,34 mm 8 0V
white 0,34 mm
brown 0,34 mm

Fig. 5-38: Encoder cable IKS 5012 (pulse encoder replica X49)

RD 500 Options RZP01.1-L1 SynchroLink 6-1

6 RZP01.1-L1 SynchroLink

6.1 General information on SynchroLink

Technical data
Order No.: RZP01.1-L1
External power supply 24V DC –15/+20%, max. ripple 5%
corresponding to VDE 0411/500
Size (length x width) 107mm x 87mm
Environmental Class 3K3 acc. to DIN IEC 721-3-3
Ambient temperature
– during storage -25°C ... +70°C
– in operation 0°C ... +40°C
Radio interference suppression level A1 acc. to EN 55011
Noise immunity EN 50082-2
Fig. 6-1: Technical data

View of the SL21058 control card



Fig. 6-2: SL21058 control card

6-2 RZP01.1-L1 SynchroLink RD 500 Options

6.2 Prerequisites for using SynchroLink

Unit series
From the REFU DRIVE 500 series, only the RD52 can be equipped with
SynchroLink (RZP01.1-L1).
Version SR17002 08 SP 08 (May 1998) or higher of the control card must
be used.

Firmware versions
The basic card supports the SynchroLink function from firmware version
FVC 04VRS onwards.
The actual FPGA firmware of the SynchroLink option can be read-out
from parameter P1021.x or P1022.x.

Unit settings
The SynchroLink card is automatically identified and supported on the two
option slots X121 and X123. No special configurations have to be made.

Note: It is not permissible to insert 2 SynchroLink cards.

SynchroLink settings
The number of nodes is limited to 16.

RD 500 Options RZP01.1-L1 SynchroLink 6-3

6.3 Electrical installation

Installation diagram
The RZP01.1-L1 option can either be inserted at module slot 1 or 2. The
connections are visible after the front cover has been removed.




S1 Cable length selection between

sender to receiver
U1 LWL-sender
U6 LWL-receiver

X47 External power supply
SynchroLink board: RZP01.1-L1
at module slot 1
dr ive 50




Lower metal lug

e.Danger uch
HighVoltagsl hock.Don
electrica nnectionsfor 5
electricalco rswitching
pow erof afety
Readand for Electrical E-
Instructions anual,DOK-
Drives"m *****-SVS...
RL-DRIVE* erating
befo reop

Fig. 6-3: Connector layout diagram, option RZP01.1-L1

Connection assignment
External power supply
The external power supply is connected at X47.
It should have a 24V output voltage and provide a minimum 5W output.

Pin number Description

X47.1 24V DC –15%/+20% acc. to EN 61131-2
X47.2 0V (ground)
Fig. 6-4: X47 pin assignment, SynchroLink

6-4 RZP01.1-L1 SynchroLink RD 500 Options

Bus operation
• If the basic drive unit is in a no-current condition and does not have an
external power supply, then the fiber-optic cable bus is ‘isolated’ at this
• Data transfer along the bus can be maintained using the external X47
power supply. However, it should be noted that for this node the fiber-
optic cable bus is seen as being ‘short-circuited’. The failed node then
behaves as if it was programmed in the ‘unsync broadcast’
SynchroLink mode.

Ground connection
The external power supply is not electrically isolated.
Pin 2 of X47 is the digital device ground!
This is the reason that it must be checked whether several SynchroLink
options can be connected together at the same external power supply (->
equalization currents).
We recommend that electrically isolated connections are used, especially
for drive units with a high output.

Note: If the supplementary P24V standby function is used instead of

the external power supply at X47, the SynchroLink card
remains fully functional.

Significance of the LEDs:

Drive status: Ready / operation

Green Flashes for data transfer with the SynchroLink bus

Yellow Flashes as long as the SR is synchronized (slave mode)
LED Is dark, if the SR is not synchronized, or is in the unsync mode
Red LED Flashes for a data transfer error
Dark when running error-free
Fig. 6-5: Drive status, ready/operation, SynchroLink

Drive status: Initialization

Green Remains dark

Yellow Remains dark
Red LED Remains dark
Fig. 6-6: Drive status initialization, SynchroLink

RD 500 Options RZP01.1-L1 SynchroLink 6-5

Drive status: No-current condition, SynchroLink with external

power supply

Green Bright
Yellow Bright
Red LED Bright
Fig. 6-7: Device status

Fiber-optic cable

U6 Fiber-optic cable receiver

U1 Fiber-optic cable sender

The cable length is always from one SynchroLink card to the other, i.e.
from one fiber-optic cable sender to a fiber-optic cable receiver.
The factory setting of jumper S1 at the front of the SynchroLink (SL21058)
is defined for a cable length of between 0.2 to 10 meters (jumper between
S1.2 and S1.4).
For >10 to 30 meters, the jumper must be set to pins S1.3 and S1.4; for
>30 to 50 meters, the jumper must be set to pins S1.1 and S1.2.

Note: Under no circumstances can a jumper setting be used which

does not match the actual cable length, as otherwise the fiber-
optic cable receiver will be either over-controlled or under-

Jumper setting Cable length

4 3 0.2 ... 10 m
S1 Factory setting
2 1

LK SL21058

4 3 >10 ... 30 m
2 1

LK SL21058

6-6 RZP01.1-L1 SynchroLink RD 500 Options

4 3 >30 ... 50 m
2 1

LK SL21058

Fig. 6-8: Jumper settings

There are pre-assembled fiber-optic cables with different lengths for the
SynchroLink connection.

Fiber-optic cable Order No.:

0.3 m 0014126
1.0 m 0011950
2.5 m 0014127
3.0 m 0014308
4.0 m 0014402
5.0 m 0015299
10.0 m 0017241
Fig. 6-9: Fiber-optic cable Order No.

6.4 Data transfer with SynchroLink

Synchronizing AC drives
The main function of SynchroLink is to synchronize AC drives with one
another. This allows the time sectors T0 of all drives to be synchronized
with one another and the control loops can be closed in the fastest time
The highest requirements placed on an electronic shaft can be
• Angular synchronism
• Speed synchronism
• Electronic gear
Fast distributed drive structures are extremely simply implemented using
SynchroLink and at a favorable price. It is no longer necessary to directly
transfer encoder signals.

The fiber-optic cable connection

The data transfer is realized using fiber-optic cables. This has the
advantage that it is insensitive to EMC noise, reduces EMC emission and
also electrically isolates the devices being connected.
The number of nodes is limited to 16.

RD 500 Options RZP01.1-L1 SynchroLink 6-7

Fast and reliable data transfer

Process data (PZD) can be quickly and reliably transferred in the highest
closed-loop control time sector T0 = 1/Fpuls with a baud rate of 10Mbit/s
and an appropriate protocol frame.
3 protocols are generated within T0. One telegram is used to transfer
synchronous information and two telegrams are used for data transfer. A
data telegram can accept 5 pieces of process data whose contents are
protected using a data security code. Data transfer takes approx. 10µs.
Both of these data telegrams can be operated separately from one
another in different modes.

Data transfer of a SynchroLink coupling

The example describes data transfer of 10 pieces of process data
between drives in time sector T0 (example fp = 10 kHz).

100 µs (Puls frequenz 10kHz)

Frame 1 Frame 2

Data message
User data
Header 5PZD's á 16 Bit Trailer

Sync message
Sync Message Data backup
Header information Trailer information code 0

Hardware code/

Fig. 6-10: Data transfer of a SynchroLink coupling

The SynchroLink interface (SS7) provides 10 pieces of process data (16

bit). A maximum of 8 such PZDs can be combined in groups of two. A
maximum of 4 PZDs is then obtained each with 32 bit and 2 PZDs with 16

6.5 Parameters which are used:

Parameter P0496
The SynchroLink interface can be monitored together with parameter
P0497. The ‘Rx monitoring mode’ is set here (also refer to 6.6, Interface
description SS7:).

6-8 RZP01.1-L1 SynchroLink RD 500 Options

Parameter P0497
Here, the ‘Rx monitoring time’ is set, in which time at least one data
transfer must have been taken place via SynchroLink, otherwise the
action, which is activated in P0496, is executed (also refer to 6.6,
Interface description SS7:).

Parameter P0498
The SynchroLink coupling mode is set using parameter P0498.

Parameter Value Description

P0498 0 Master, peer to peer
1 Master, change mode
2 Slave, peer to peer
3 Slave, change mode
4 Slave broadcast
5 Unsync peer to peer
6 Unsync broadcast
Fig. 6-11: P0498 SynchroLink

Parameters P0493.00 .. 09
The process data to send on the SS7 (SynchroLink) are defined using
parameters P0493.00 .. 09 (also refer to 6.6, Interface description SS7:).

Parameters D1130 .. D1139

The display parameters D1130 to D1139 accept the received process
data via SS7 (SynchroLink) (also refer to 6.6, Interface description SS7:).

Parameters D1531, D1532, D1533

These three display parameters map the status of the LEDs on the
SynchroLink option.
D1531 ‘RxD active’ indicates whether data transfer via SynchroLink is active. The
display parameter is updated in 16T0 (refer to green LED).
D1532 ‘Drive in synchronism’ includes status information as to whether the drive
has synchronized to the synchronization master. The update is realized in
16T0 (refer to yellow LED).
D1533 ‘Data transfer error’ indicates whether data transfer via SynchroLink is
erroneous. D1533 is set at each telegram error and indicates this status
for a minimum of 100 ms (refer to red LED).

Parameter D1021 and D1022

If the SynchroLink card is inserted at module slot 1 (X121), the
SynchroLink firmware version can be read-out via parameter D1021. The
same is also true for module slot 2 (X123) with parameter D1022.

RD 500 Options RZP01.1-L1 SynchroLink 6-9

Parameter Index Description Example value

D1021 0 Card code for SynchroLink 18
1 Code for the drive series 500
2 Firmware module 1
3 Firmware version 1
4 Firmware release 1
5 Status information n.n.
Fig. 6-12: Parameter D1021 and D1022 SynchroLink

6.6 Interface description SS7:

The interface structure:

A max. of 10 pieces of process data can be exchanged with other RD52
drives in time sector T0 using interface SS7.
Various drive pulse frequencies can be mixed in the ‘de-synchronized’
D1130 D1131 P0493.01
D1132 D1133 D....
PZD3 / PZD4 P0493.03
D1134 P0493.04
PZD5 D.... SS7
SS7 10 10
10 10 D1135 D1136 PZD6 / PZD7
D1137 D1138
PZD9 D....
D1139 P0493.08

Fig. 6-13: Interface structure, SS7 SynchroLink

6-10 RZP01.1-L1 SynchroLink RD 500 Options

10 pieces of process data, 16 bit data can be transferred. It is possible to

combine process data to form 32-bit data. A maximum of 4 32 bit process
data and 2 - 16 bit process data can be configured.

P0493.0 is interpreted as 32-bit value by writing the D P0493.00

parameter ‘D1800’ into P0493.1. For all other D....
configurations of P0493.1, two independent 16-bit values P0493.01
are configured (the low word of P0493.0 is then cut-off). D.... PZD2

The same is true for the process data pairs:
P0493.2 and P0493.3 (with possibly D1800 in P0493.3 ) D....
P0493.5 and P0493.6 (with possibly D1800 in P0493.6 ) PZD5
D.... SS7
10 10
P0493.7 and P0493.8 (with possibly D1800 in P0493.8 ) P0493.05
Parameters P0493.4 and P0493.9 are permanently set to D.... PZD7

a data width of 16 bit. P0493.07


Fig. 6-14: Parameter P0493.X

Parameters D1130, D1132, D1135 and D1137 are D1130 D1131

interpreted as 32-bit value if a link is generated to a 32-bit PZD1 / PZD2
source parameter. For a link to a 16-bit source parameter,
the high word is always used. D1132 D1133
(refer to the example below) PZD4

D1131, D1133, D1134, D1136, D1138 and D1139 are
always interpreted as 16-bit value. 10 10 D1135 D1136

D1137 D1138


Fig. 6-15: Parameters D1130 ... D1139 SynchroLink

Interface monitoring
The SynchroLink interface is monitored using parameters P0496 and
P0497. For this purpose, the ‘Rx monitoring time’ can be set in 1 ms
steps in P0497. The shortest monitoring time is a millisecond and the
longest monitoring time is 60 seconds.
If data transfer is not detected in the selected time, then the action,
activated in P0496, is executed. P0496 (‘Rx monitoring mode’) provides
five different actions:

RD 500 Options RZP01.1-L1 SynchroLink 6-11

No action Monitoring is not active

Warning The drive outputs a warning
Fault The drive outputs a fault
Warning & Clear-Data A warning is output and parameters
D1130 to D1139 are set to 0x0000.
Fault & Clear-Data A fault is output and parameters
D1130 to D1139 are set to 0x0000.
Fig. 6-16: Interface monitoring, SynchroLink

Example of data transfer:

When sending, PZD1 should be transferred as 32-bit value; PZD3, PZD4
and PZD5 as 16-bit value.
Furthermore when receiving, PZD1 should be interpreted as 32-bit value,
PZD3, PZD4 and PZD5 as 16-bit value.

Sending In order that PZD1 (P493.0) is

recognized as 32-bit value, D1800
must be written into P493.1. The other
PZDs are automatically recognized as
16-bit value.
Receive In order that PZD1 (D1130) is used as
32-bit value, it must be logically-
combined with a 32-bit source
In order that PZD3 (D1132) is
recognized as 16-bit value, it must be
logically-combined with a 16-bit source
PZD4 (D1133) and PZD5 (D1134) are
already defined as 16-bit data.
Info: In D1131, are the lower 16-bits of
the 32-bit value from D1130.
Fig. 6-17: Example of a SynchroLink data transfer

6-12 RZP01.1-L1 SynchroLink RD 500 Options

6.7 SynchroLink mode selection:

In synchronized operation, the pulse frequency of all of the nodes
(stations) must be set to the same value (parameter P0026).

Module description

Mode selection (P0498) Description Graphic representation

Master, Synchronization: Master
peer-to-peer This device has the master function to Receive Send
synchronize the fiber-optic cable ring SYNC
bus. Only one master may be defined
in the system. PZD1..5

Process data processing:
The received PZDs 1 to 10 (D1130 to
D1139) are replaced by their own
PZDs 1 .. 10 (P0493.0 to P0493.9).
Master, Synchronization: Master
change mode This device has the master function to Receive Send
synchronize the fiber-optic cable ring SYNC
bus. Only one master may be defined
in the system.

Process data processing:
The received PZDs 1 to 5 (D1130 to
D1134) are only read and transferred
unchanged. PZDs 1 ..5 of the SS7
interface (P0493.0 to P0493.4) have
no effect. The received PZDs 6.. 10
(D1135 to D1139) are replaced by
their own PZDs 6 .. 10 (P0493.5 to
Slave, Synchronization: Station
peer-to-peer This device synchronizes itself to the Receive Send
device defined as master.

Process data processing:
The received PZDs 1 to 10 (D1130 to PZD6..10
D1139) are replaced by their own
PZDs 1 .. 10 (P0493.0 to P0493.9).

RD 500 Options RZP01.1-L1 SynchroLink 6-13

Slave, Synchronization: Station

change mode This device synchronizes itself to the Receive Send
device defined as master.

Process data processing: PZD1..5

The received PZDs 1 to 5 (D1130 to PZD6..10

D1134) are only read and transferred
unchanged. PZDs 1 ..5 of the SS7
interface (P0493.0 to P0493.4) have
no effect. The received PZDs 6.. 10
(D1135 to D1139) are replaced by
their own PZDs 6 .. 10 (P0493.5 to
Slave, Synchronization: Station
broadcast This device synchronizes itself to the Receive Send
device defined as master.

Process data processing: PZD1..5

The received PZDs 1 to 10 (D1130 to

D1139) are only read and transferred
unchanged. PZDs 1 .. 10 of the SS7
interface (P0493.0 to P0493.9) have
no effect.
Unsync., Synchronization: Station
peer-to-peer This device does not synchronize Receive Send
It runs non-synchronously to bus data
transfer. PZD1..5

This mode may not be selected in a PZD6..10

synchronized system.

Process data processing:

The received PZDs 1 to 10 ( D1130 to
D1139) are replaced by their own
PZDs 1 .. 10 (P0493.0 to P0493.9).
Unsync., Synchronization: Station
broadcast This device does not synchronize Receive Send
It runs non-synchronously to bus data
Process data processing:
The received PZDs 1 to 10 (D1130 to
D1139) are only read and transferred
unchanged. PZDs 1 .. 10 of the SS7
interface (P0493.0 to P0493.9) have
no effect.

6-14 RZP01.1-L1 SynchroLink RD 500 Options

6.8 System example

Example 1:
Synchronized operation, where each node (station) sends its own output
data to the next node (station) (synchronized peer-to-peer mode).

Master Peer to Peer

Slave Peer-to-Peer Slave Peer-to-Peer Slave Peer-to-Peer Slave Peer-to-Peer
Receive Send
Receive Send Receive Send Receive Send Receive Send

PZD1..5 PZD1..5 PZD1..5 PZD1..5 PZD1..5

PZD6..10 PZD6..10 PZD6..10 PZD6..10 PZD6..10

Fig. 6-18: Synchronized peer-to-peer mode

Example 2:
Synchronized operation, where each slave processes the output data of
the master, however without sending any output data (synchronized
broadcast mode).

Slave Broadcast Slave Broadcast Slave Broadcast Slave Broadcast
Receive Send
Receive Send Receive Send Receive Send Receive Send

PZD1..5 PZD1..5 PZD1..5 PZD1..5

PZD6..10 PZD6..10 PZD6..10 PZD6..10

Fig. 6-19: Synchronized broadcast mode

Example 3:
Synchronized operation, where each slave processes the output data
PZD1 to PZD5 of the master and sends output data PZD6 to PZD10 to its
next node (synchronized change mode).

Master Peer to Peer

Receive Send Slave change mode Slave change mode Slave change mode Slave change mode
Receive Send Receive Send Receive Send Receive Send

PZD1..5 PZD1..5 PZD1..5 PZD1..5

PZD6..10 PZD6..10 PZD6..10 PZD6..10 PZD6..10

Fig. 6-20: Synchronized change mode

RD 500 Options RZP01.1-L1 SynchroLink 6-15

Example 4:
Non-synchronized operation, where each node sends its own output data
to the next node (non-synchronized peer-to-peer mode).

unsync. Peer-to-Peer unsync. Peer-to-Peer unsync. Peer-to-Peer unsync. Peer-to-Peer unsync. Peer-to-Peer
Receive Send Receive Send Receive Send Receive Send Receive Send

PZD1..5 PZD1..5 PZD1..5 PZD1..5 PZD1..5

PZD6..10 PZD6..10 PZD6..10 PZD6..10 PZD6..10

Fig. 6-21: Non-synchronized peer-to-peer mode

Example 5:
Non-synchronized mixed operation, where the individual node either
sends its own output data to the next node or only receives data but does
not send any output data (non-synchronized mixed operation).

unsync. Peer-to-Peer unsync. Peer-to-Peer unsync. Broadcast unsync. Peer-to-Peer unsync. Brodcast
Receive Send Receive Send Receive Send Receive Send Receive Send


PZD1..5 PZD1..5 PZD1..5

PZD1..5 PZD1..5

PZD6..10 PZD6..10 PZD6..10

PZD6..10 PZD6..10

Fig. 6-22: Non-synchronized mixed operation

Example 6:
This example is mainly a theoretical configuration and has no practical
significance. However, it clearly shows the flexibility of the modules.
The slave, which runs in this synchronous system in the ‘non-
synchronized broadcast’ mode does not have to have the same pulse
frequency as the other slaves. This means that the devices run in the
synchronous fiber-optic cable ring bus, e.g. with 5kHz, while the non-
synchronized device can operate with 8kHz.

Master change mode

Slave change mode unsync Broadcast Slave Broadcast Slave Peer-to-Peer
Receive Send
Receive Send Receive Send Receive Send Receive Send

PZD1..5 PZD1..5 PZD1..5 PZD1..5

PZD6..10 PZD6..10 PZD6..10

PZD6..10 PZD6..10

Fig. 6-23: Mixed operation

6-16 RZP01.1-L1 SynchroLink RD 500 Options

RD 500 Options RZP01.1-L2 Peer-to-peer coupling 7-1

7 RZP01.1-L2 Peer-to-peer coupling

7.1 General information on the peer-to-peer coupling

Function of the peer-to-peer coupling

The peer-to-peer coupling is used to establish a fast, digital setpoint cas-
cade. Fiber-optic cables are used as the data transfer medium in order to
guarantee fast and disturbance-free data transfer. Each drive sends up to
5 process data words (this can be set from one word up to 5 words) to the
next drive in the cascade. A dedicated controller guarantees the shortest
data processing time. The number of drives in the cascade is not limited.
Branches in the drive cascade can be realized using two outputs.
For REFUdrive 500 – RD51, the system clock cycle of all drive units in a
setpoint cascade can be synchronized via the peer-to-peer coupling; refer
to the parameterization of the synchronized operation.
For REFUdrive 500 – RD52, the peer-to-peer coupling can only be real-
ized de-synchronized. We recommend the SynchroLink RZP01.1-L1 op-
tion for drive unit synchronization in RD52.
The 1st drive of a setpoint cascade can be connected to an automation
unit (PLC) either via the standard serial interface RS485 or an optional
fieldbus interface, e.g. Profibus DP.

Mapping the peer-to-peer coupling

Connector to the control board

Yellow: receive
Green: send

Input U1

Output U2

Output U3

Mounting holes for distance studs

Fig. 7-1: View, peer-to-peer coupling

7-2 RZP01.1-L2 Peer-to-peer coupling RD 500 Options

Technical data

Order No. RZP01.1-L2

Protocol Internal protocol
refer to Page 7-10
Baud rate 9.6 kbaud, 19.2 kbaud, 38.4 kbaud, 76.8
kbaud, 115.2 kbaud, 230.4 kbaud.
Power supply +5V and +15V internal from the control card
Size (length x width) 100 x 87 mm
Environmental Class 3K3 acc. to DIN IEC 721-3-3
Ambient temperature
– during storage -25°C ... +70°C
– in operation 0°C ... +40°C
Radio interference suppression A1 acc. to EN 55011
Noise immunity EN 50082-2
Fig. 7-2: Technical data

There are pre-configured fiber-optic cables for the peer-to-peer coupling;
they are available in various lengths.

length Type code Order number

0.3 IKO 0004/000.3 201217
1.0 IKO 0004/001.0 201218
Abb. 7-3: Fiber-optic cable, Order No.

RD 500 Options RZP01.1-L2 Peer-to-peer coupling 7-3

7.2 Electrical installation

Connection diagram

The board receives
a valid telegram



The board sends
a telegram

Peer-to-Peer coupling

U1 Input
U2 Output

U3 Output

dr ive 50


Lowwer metal lug


age. Danger
High Volt shock. Donot touch
electrical nections for 5
electricalcon switching
minutes after
power off. follow "Safety
Read and for Electrical
Instructionsnual, DOK-GENE-
Drives "ma******-SVS...
RL-DRIVE ating
before oper

Fig. 7-4: Connection diagram, peer-to-peer coupling

Connection assignment

Connection Designation Function

U1 Input The process data is received from the previous
U2 Output Sends its own process data.
U3 Output Sends process data.
Output U3 is, depending on the setting of P507,
internally connected to input U1 or output U2.
In the first case, the process data, received via
U1 are sent instantaneously (no delay) via U3.
In the second case, their own process data are
simultaneously sent via U2 and U3.
Fig. 7-5: Connections, peer-to-peer coupling, description

7-4 RZP01.1-L2 Peer-to-peer coupling RD 500 Options

Connection example of a setpoint cascade

The connection between drives can be simply established using pre-
assembled fiber-optic cables which can be plugged-in. The two ends of
the fiber-optic cable are the same and the signal direction is bi-directional.
This means that the cable ends can be interchanged. The only thing that
has to be observed is that the output of a drive (U2 or U3) is connected to
input (U1) of the following drive. The fiber-optic cable length between two
drives may not exceed 10 meters.
A branch in the setpoint cascade is realized in the example below. Drive 3
calculates a new setpoint for the branch to drive 4, e.g. from the received
process data and its own measured values.

controller Drive 1 Drive 2 Drive 3 Drive n1
converter converter converter converter

Profibus DP DP

P-to-p P-to-p P-to-p P-to-p

U1 U2 U3 U1 U2 U3 U1 U2 U3 U1 U2 U3

Fibre-optic cable max. 10 m (400 inch)

Drive 4 Drive n2
converter converter

P-to-p P-to-p

U1 U2 U3 U1 U2 U3

Fig. 7-6: Connection example, setpoint cascade with branch

Synchronized operation for RD51 via the peer-to-peer card

For RD51, the system clock cycle of all drive units in a cascade can be
synchronized via the peer-to-peer coupling (from firmware SR501-1-5-1).
The master is the first drive unit in the setpoint cascade, all of the other
drive units in the cascade are slaves. The master outputs the 1 ms clock
cycle to synchronize the drive units. A connection must be established
between output U2 and input U1 on the peer-to-peer card of the master
via a fiber-optic cable. At the same time, the master sends protocols in a
1 ms clock cycle to the slaves and to itself via the two outputs U2 and U3
(to itself via the link between U2 and U1). All of the drive units in the cas-
cade derive their internal system clock cycle from the cyclically received
The master may not immediately process the setpoints output from the
control computer, but must first send them via the peer-to-peer coupling
and then receive them again via the fiber-optic cable coupling between U2
and U1. This means that the setpoints in the master and in all of the slave

RD 500 Options RZP01.1-L2 Peer-to-peer coupling 7-5

drive units become effective and are processed in the processor at the
same time.
For synchronized operation, a baud rate and a protocol must be selected
which results in a telegram run time of <0.7 ms; refer to Protocol run
times”, Page 7-10. We recommend that the fastest baud rate of 230400
baud is set.

Stored-program Drive 1 Drive 2 Drive 3 Drive n

controller master slave slave slave
converter converter converter converter

Profibus DP DP

P-to-P P-to-P P-to-P P-to-P

U1 U2 U3 U1 U2 U3 U1 U2 U3 U1 U2 U3

Fig. 7-7: Connection example, peer-to-peer coupling synchronized operation

Parameterizing synchronized operation

P. No. Name Setting Description / explanation

Master drive unit
0507 Peer-to-peer oper- Output U3 = U2 = mas- The two outputs U2 and U3 are internally connected. The
ating mode ter drive unit is the master and sends the process data in a 1
ms clock cycle.
At the master, a connection must be established between
output U2 and input U1 using a fiber-optic cable.
0508 Synchronous opera- Ext. peer-to-peer The drive unit generates its system clock cycle from the re-
tion ceived protocols (time clock cycle = 1ms). The master syn-
chronizes itself via the U2 – U1 fiber-optic cable connection.
Slave drive unit
0507 Peer-to-peer oper- Output U3 = input U1 Output U3 is internally connected to input U1. The slave re-
ating mode ceives the protocols from the master via input U1 and
transfers them instantaneously to the next slave via output
0508 Synchronous opera- Ext. peer-to-peer The drive unit generates its system clock cycle from the re-
tion ceived protocols (clock cycle = 1ms). This synchronizes it to
the master.
Fig. 7-8: Parameterizing synchronized operation

7-6 RZP01.1-L2 Peer-to-peer coupling RD 500 Options

Assembling fiber-optic cables

The fiber-optic cables used are APF cables from Toshiba with connector
housings using a clamping system. They are pre-assembled in standard
lengths, refer to “Accessories”, Page 7-2.
If you wish to assemble a fiber-optic cable with a particular length, or if
you wish to shorten an existing cable, proceed as follows:
1. Release the clamping device using a small screwdriver.
2. Shorten the APF cable to the required length.
3. Use an insulation stripping tool to remove approx. 2 cm of sheath
from the APF cable taking care that the fiber-optic cable is not dam-
4. Insert the cable into the connector housing; the core must extend
through the front of the connector.
5. Re-insert the clamping device into the connector housing.
6. Using a sharp knife, cut the core which projects beyond the housing
of the APF cable vertically at the connector.
7. Using grain size 600 sandpaper, finish the core and then polish it with
a polishing foil.

Clamping device

APF cable

Connector housing

Fig. 7-9: Assembling fiber-optic cables

7.3 Parameterization
Before commissioning the peer-to-peer coupling, the parameters for the
interface must be set, depending on the module slot and peer-to-peer
specific parameters. The parameters can be accessed via the following
PARAMETERIZATION / Prompted Parameterization / Options / Slot 1

RD 500 Options RZP01.1-L2 Peer-to-peer coupling 7-7

Setting the peer-to-peer specific parameters

Parame- Name Description / explanation Factory setting Pass-

ter No.: selectable options min ... max values word
0507 Peer-to-peer mode Two settings are simultaneously made using the 0 2
selectable options. The internal connection from
output U3 is linked to the system clock cycle
0 = output U3 = output U2; RD51 0 ... 2 r/w off
output U2 and output U3 are connected RD52 0 and 1
on the hardware side on the peer-to-
peer card.
1 = output U3 = input U1;
input U1 and output U3 are connected
on the hardware side on the peer-to-
peer card.
2 = output U3=U2=master;
output U2 and output U3 are connected
on the hardware side on the peer-to-
peer card.
The drive unit is the master and sends
the process data in a 1 ms clock cycle
to synchronize all of the drive units in
the setpoint cascade (only RD51).
0508 Synchronous opera- Synchronized operation using the peer-to-peer 0 1
tion coupling, only for RD51!
0 = non-synchronized 0 ... 1 r/w off
The system clock cycle is internally
generated in the drive unit
1 = ext. peer-to-peer
The system clock cycle is derived fr. the
protocols received in the 1 ms clock
cycle via the peer-to-peer coupling. All
of the drive units in the setpoint cascade
operate in the synchronized mode.
0510 Peer-to-peer protocol 3 2
6 = peer-to-peer 1 word 6 ... 10 r/w on
7 = peer-to-peer 2 words
8 = peer-to-peer 3 words
9 = peer-to-peer 4 words
10 = peer-to-peer 5 words
0511 Peer-to-peer baud 8 2
3 = 9600 baud 3 ... 8 r/w on
4 = 19200 baud
5 = 38400 baud
6 = 76800 baud
7 = 115200 baud
8 = 230400 baud

7-8 RZP01.1-L2 Peer-to-peer coupling RD 500 Options

Setting the interface parameters

Module slot 1
If the peer-to-peer coupling is inserted at module slot 1, the drive unit
firmware addresses it as serial interface SS2. For interface operation, the
parameters of SS2 must be set.

Parame- Name Description / explanation Factory setting Pass-

ter No.: selectable options min ... max val- word
ues prog.

0526 SS2 RX monitoring Sets the response time if a valid telegram was not 0 2
received after the monitoring time has expired
0 = no action 0 ... 2 r/w on
1 = warning
2 = fault
0527 SS2 monitoring time Sets the monitoring time in which a valid telegram 0.01 sec 2
must be received.
0.01 ... 60.00 sec r/w on

Module slot 2
If the peer-to-peer coupling is inserted at module slot 2, the drive unit
firmware addresses it as serial interface SS4. For interface operation, the
parameters of SS4 must be set.

Parame- Name Description / explanation Factory setting Pass-

ter No.: selectable options min ... max val- word
ues prog.

0746 SS4 RX monitoring Sets the response time if a valid telegram was not 0 2
received after the monitoring time has expired
0 = no action 0 ... 2 r/w on
1 = warning
2 = fault
0747 SS4 monitoring time Sets the monitoring time in which a valid telegram 0.01 sec 2
must be received.
0.01 ... 60.00 sec r/w on

RD 500 Options RZP01.1-L2 Peer-to-peer coupling 7-9

Controlling the drive unit in peer-to-peer operation

It is not possible to parameterize the drive unit using the peer-to-peer
coupling as for the fieldbus interfaces. However, all of the control func-
tions of the control word, e.g. powering-up the drive unit, can be executed.
The master drive unit in the setpoint cascade sends the control word as
process data word 1; refer to Section “Send and receive process data”,
Page 7-10. In the slaves, the control word, received via the peer-to-peer
coupling, is connected in P0074, refer to the table below.

Parame- Name Description / explanation Setting Pass-

ter No.: selectable options example word
0073 Source ON / OFF Selects the source for the ON/OFF command (control 1 2
word generation). The value must be set to 1 so that
the peer-to-peer card has the control authorization.
0 = operator panel + terminals r/w off
1 = bus SSx (serial interface) +
2 = terminals
3 = service interface
0074 Source, control word 1910 or 1100 2
Recommendation for the peer-to-peer coupling at r/w off
option slot 1:
Use PZD 1 as control word. Enter D1910 into P0074
as parameter value.
Recommendation for the peer-to-peer coupling at
option slot 2:
Use PZD 1 as control word. Enter D1110 into P0074
as parameter value.

7.4 Commissioning
1. Connect all of the drive units in the setpoint cascade via the fiber-
optic cable; refer to the Section, Connection example of a setpoint
cascade on Page 7-4.
2. Set the parameters for the peer-to-peer mode and for the interface
depending on the module slot used; refer to Section “Parameteriza-
tion”, Page 7-6.
3. Connect the process data (D parameters) for the peer-to-peer com-
munications, depending on your requirement, to variable parameter
sources; refer to the Section “Send and receive process data”, Page
7-10. Detailed information about working with the software is provided
in the instructions associated with the firmware.

7-10 RZP01.1-L2 Peer-to-peer coupling RD 500 Options

7.5 Peer-to-peer communications

Peer-to-peer protocol
The net data in the peer-to-peer protocol can be set to between 1 and 5
words using P0510.

Header 5 words net data Trailer


1st word 2nd word 3rd word 4th word 5th word

Fig. 7-10: Peer-to-peer protocol

Protocol run times

The protocol run time depends on the selected baud rate (P0511) and the
number of words in the peer-to-peer protocol (P0510). For synchronized
operation, for RD51, only the settings in the cells marked with * may be
used due to the required protocol run time of < 0.7 ms.

Baud rate 5 words 4 words 3 words 2 words 1 word

9 600 16.0 ms 13.7 ms 10.3 ms 8.00 ms 5.70 ms
19 200 8.0 ms 6.8 ms 5.10 ms 4.00 ms 2.80 ms
38 400 4.0 ms 3.4 ms 2.60 ms 2.00 ms 1.40 ms
76 800 2.0 ms 1.7 ms 1.30 ms 1.00 ms 0.70 ms
115 200 1.3 ms 1.1 ms 0.83 ms 0.70 ms *0.46 ms
230 400 0.7 ms *0.6 ms *0.45 ms *0.35 ms *0.25 ms
Fig. 7-11: Protocol run times, peer-to-peer coupling

Send and receive process data

The process data received via the serial protocol of the peer-to-peer cou-
pling are changed-over to the process data channels of SS2, and are then
available in the drive unit as D parameters. In order to further process the
data, the D parameters must be connected to a variable parameter
The drive unit sends its actual values as process data via the peer-to-peer
coupling, by connecting D parameters to the variable parameter sources,
which serve as output for interface SS2.

RD 500 Options RZP01.1-L2 Peer-to-peer coupling 7-11

Peer-to-peer card at module slot 1

The Peer-to-peer coupling only supports process data 1 to 5.

Receive data D1910 Send data

PZD1 P0480.0 PZD1
Status word D1922
PZD2 P0480.1 PZD2
Actual speed
PZD3 P0480.2 PZD3
PZD4 P0480.3 PZD4
Peer-to-Peer coupling D Peer-to-Peer coupling
PZD5 P0480.4 PZD5
1 ... 5 D 1 ... 5
10 10
Input U1 SS2 D1915 SS2 Output U2 (U3)
PZD6 P0480.5 PZD6
Process data D Process data
interface D1916 interface
PZD7 P0480.6 PZD7
PZD8 P0480.7 PZD8
interrupt D1918
PZD9 P0480.8 PZD9
PZD10 P0480.9 PZD10

Fig. 7-12: Process data, interface SS2

7-12 RZP01.1-L2 Peer-to-peer coupling RD 500 Options

RD 500 Options RZP01.1-P2 Profibus DP 8-1

8 RZP01.1-P2 Profibus DP

8.1 General Information Regarding Profibus DP

Communication module RZP01.1-P2 is the Profibus DP connection for all
of the converters of the REFUdrive 500 series. It permits the converter to
be coupled to superordinate automation computers.




Fig.: 8-1: Layout of RZP01.1-P2 module (PB22847)

Technical Data

Order No. RZP01.1-P2

Interface RS485
Protocol Profibus DP-conformal
(see EN 50170, Volume 2 / DIN
19245, Parts 1 and 3)
Baud rate 9.6 kBit / s - 12 Mbit / s
Power supply + 5V and +15V, internal, from the logic
and control card
Size (length x width) 111.5 mm x 87 mm
Environmental class, storage 1K3 according to EN 60721-3-1
– 5° C to + 45° C
Environmental class, transport 2K3 according to EN 60721-3-2
-25° C to +70° C
Environmental class, operation 3K3 according to EN 60721-3-3
+5° C to +40° C

8-2 RZP01.1-P2 Profibus DP RD 500 Options

Order No. RZP01.1-P2

Noise suppression level A1 acc. to EN 55011
Immunity to interference EN 50082-2

General Information Regarding Bus Operation

Profibus DP is used for fast data exchange in the field level. Mainly cyclic
data traffic takes place. The connection is implemented with a fast two-
wire line (RS 485, twisted, shielded). All protocols are transferred with the
Hamming distance HD = 4, ensuring a high transmission reliability. The
device master data file (REFU0469.GSD) provides the converter charac-
teristics regarding functions and bus parameters to the planning tools and
the bus commissioning / bus configuration tools.

Number of Slaves
Up to 32 stations can be connected to one bus segment (masters or
slaves). The beginning and the end of the segment must be terminated
with a bus termination. When more than 32 stations are in operation, re-
peaters must be used. Overall, a maximum of 126 participants is possi-

DIN Basics
PROFIBUS-DP is legally established as a standard design in DIN 19245,
Part 3. Data are exchanged with the converters according to the conven-
tions of VDI/VDE guideline 3689 “Profibus Profile – Drives with Variable
Speeds”. The guideline specifies the user data structure for the drives;
these are used by a master to access the drive slaves. The user data
structure is divided into two areas which can be transferred in every tele-
• process data, i.e. control words and nominal values or status informa-
tion and actual values; and
• parameter area to read/write parameter values, e.g. reading out mal-
functions, as well as reading out information regarding characteristics
of a parameter, such as reading out the minimum / maximum limits,
The structure of the user data is designated as parameter process data
objects (PPO) in Profibus profile “Drives with Variable Speeds” (VDI/VDE
guideline 3689). There are five PPO types: user data without a parameter
area with two- or six-word process data, or user data with a parameter
area and two-, six- or ten-word process data.
The converter is addressed by the PROFIBUS DP master with PPO types
1 to 5.
The process data are processed with the highest priority and in the short-
est time slices. The process data are used to guide the drive in the auto-
mation network, e.g. switching on/off, specifying nominal values, etc.
Using the parameter area, the user has random access to all the pa-
rameters located in the converter via the bus system. For example: read-
ing out detailed diagnostic information, error messages, etc. In this man-
ner, additional information for visualizing the drive can be called from a
superordinate system, e.g. from a PC, without affecting the performance
of the process data transfer.

RD 500 Options RZP01.1-P2 Profibus DP 8-3

Data Transfer Structure




15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Bit-No.



request and response ID


Fig.: 8-2 PKW area

Controlling and Operating the Converter Using Profibus

In the process data area, all the information is transferred that is required
to guide a speed-controlled drive in the network of a technical process.
Control information (control words) and nominal values are given to the
converter by the PROFIBUS DP master. Information regarding the status
of the converter (status words) and actual values are transferred in the
opposite direction.
Communication module RZP01.1-P2 transfers the received process data
in the dual-port RAM on the logic and control card.
The LEDs on the front side of the card are a fast way of providing the user
with information about the current status of the RZP01.1-P2.

8-4 RZP01.1-P2 Profibus DP RD 500 Options

8.2 Electrical Installation

Cable Connection Plan





1 X37 Profibus DP connector

(SUB-D 9-pole)

Profibus DP board: RZP01.1-P2

at option slot 1

Lower lug




lug to screen connection

Fig.: 8-3 Profibus cable connection layout plan

RED Flashes as long as the communication software is working correctly
YELLOW Flashes as long as the data traffic between the option card and the basic
card operates correctly
GREEN Flashes as long as telegrams are exchanged with the bus master

Connection Assignment

Terminal Designation
X37 Profibus DP
1 Bus ground
2 -
3 B cable: Rx / Tx + potential-separated

RD 500 Options RZP01.1-P2 Profibus DP 8-5

Terminal Designation
4 Repeater control
5 Bus ground
6 +5V
7 -
8 A cable: Rx / Tx - potential-separated
9 -
Fig.: 8-4 X37 terminal assignment

Connection Types to the Bus System (RS - 485)

Profibus option card RZP01.1-P2 is connected via X37 to the bus system
(RS - 485). Profibus plug INS 0704 / K01 (item No. 200667) is available
as an accessory.

Assembly Types of the Bus Lines

The SIEMENS-SINEC-L2 bus line (6XV1830-0AH10) can be used as the
bus line; this is ideally suited for the Profibus plug mentioned above. De-
tailed multi-language assembly instructions are included with every Pro-
fibus plug.

Assembly Type

A1 B1 A2 B2

A1 B1 A2 B2


1: Cable shield
2: Bus cable, e.g. 6XV1 830-OEH10
3: Screw terminal block on plug PCB for bus cable connection
Fig.: 8-5 Bus connection plug 1

1. Strip the insulation off the cable.

2. Guide the green and red wires into the screw terminal block.
(A1, B1 or A“, B2; recommendation; A = green, B = red)
3. Press the cable sleeve between the two clamping fins.
4. Screw the green and red wires into the screw terminal.

8-6 RZP01.1-P2 Profibus DP RD 500 Options

Profibus Plug INS 0704 / K01

A1 B1 A2 B2 R ON



1: Switch setting for the first and last participants on the Profibus: “ON”
(terminating resistor switched on)
2: The cable shield must lie directly on the metal guide
Fig.: 8-6 Bus connection plug 2

Bus connection for the first and last participants on the Profibus. The ca-
ble must always be connected on the left side (see plug ID A1, B1)

A1 B1 A2 B2 R ON



1: Switch setting for all additional participants on the Profibus. “OFF” (termi-
nating resistor switched off)
2: The cable shield must lie directly on the metal guide
Fig.: 8-7 Bus connection plug 3

Bus connection for all additional participants on the Profibus. The cable
entry must always be connected on the left side (A1, B1) The cable con-
tinuation must always be connected on the right side (A2, B2)

RD 500 Options RZP01.1-P2 Profibus DP 8-7

Note: If the switch is set to “ON”, the Profibus is separated from the
other participants at this point (e.g. for servicing).

Proposed Switching Configuration

higher-level Slave 1 Slave 2 Slave n(n£31)

computer (master)
with activated
bus termination

X37 X37 X37

RxTx+ RxTx-

A1 B1 A2 B2 A1 B1 A2 B2 A1 B1

Connect the screen to Connect the screen to Connect the screen to

the converter housing! the converter housing! the converter housing!
last Slave:
bus terminatination
activated in plug


Fig.:8-8 Profibus connection, proposed switching configuration

Bus Termination
For error-free operation, the Profibus line must be terminated with resis-
tors on both ends. Here, the bus line must be viewed as one bus line from
the first to the last Profibus participant. The Profibus is thus terminated
In the first bus participant (e.g. master) and the last bus participant
(slave), the bus terminating resistors must be switched on. In the Profibus
plug mentioned above, it is not possible to accidentally switch on three or
more terminating resistors: the bus is either terminated with one resistor
(R on) or is looped to the next bus participant (R off); the switch settings
are impressed in the plug housing.

Note: Please ensure that you switch on the bus termination only for
the first bus participant (e.g. control computer) and the last bus
participant (e.g. RZP01.1-P2)!

8-8 RZP01.1-P2 Profibus DP RD 500 Options

Using Repeaters
By using repeaters, a line segment can be lengthened. With repeaters,
the bus can be extended to 126 stations. The control signal is placed on
X37 on PIN 4 (PIN name: "CNTR - P") and works with TTL levels.
It is recommended that no more than 3 repeaters be switched in series.

Stubs are possible with limitations: they should be avoided at baud rates
of 187.5 kBit/s and higher; they are no longer permitted at baud rates of
1.5 Mbit/s and higher. Stubs cannot be generated with the plug mentioned

Line Length of the Bus System

The line length of the bus line (between Profibus cards or between auto-
mation computers and Profibus cards) depends on the baud rate used
and on the cable type (and cable connection) used. The possible line
length is decreased at high baud rates. By using repeaters, a line seg-
ment can be lengthened.

Transfer rate in kBits/s Max. line length of a segment in

9.6 1200
19.2 1200
45.45 1200
93.75 1200
187.5 1000
500 400
1500 200
3000 100
6000 100
12,000 100
Fig.:8-9 Line length, Profibus DP

The data in the table refer to the cable type mentioned below.

Recommended Cable Type

Characteristic 135 - 165 Ω

Capacitance per unit < 30 pF / m
Loop resistance 110 Ω / km
Wire diameter 0.64 mm
Wire cross-section > 0.34 mm²
Fig.:8-10 Recommended cable type, Profibus DP

RD 500 Options RZP01.1-P2 Profibus DP 8-9

EMC Measures
To ensure fault-free Profibus DP operation, the following measures are
absolutely required:
• The bus lines must be twisted and shielded and are to be laid out so
that they are separated from the power cables, at a minimum distance
of 20 cm.
• The shield must be generously applied on both sides, i.e. the shield of
the bus line is to be applied on both ends on the converter housing
between 2 converters. The same is true for the shield of the bus line
between the Profibus DP master and the converter.
• Crossings of bus and power cables are to be laid out at an angle of
Where the bus line enters the converter housing, the shield must be at-
tached to the chassis using cable ties. Handling of the shield connection
is explained in detail in the operating instructions of the corresponding
device. When removing the insulation of the wire ends, please make sure
that the massive copper wire is not nicked in the process.
Please ensure that the shield of each bus line lies on a surface both at the
cabinet entry and on the converter housing!

Potential Equalization
Please avoid differences in potential (e.g. due to different power supplies)
between the converters and the PROFIBUS DP master:
• Use potential equalization lines:
- 16 mm² Cu for potential equalization lines up to 200 m length
- 25 mm² Cu for potential equalization lines above 200 m length
• Lay out potential equalization lines in such a way that as small an area
as possible is enclosed between the potential equalization conductor
and the signal lines.
• Connect the potential equalization conductor with the ground electrode
/ protective conductor over a large area.

Line Layout
Please note the following instructions for laying out lines:
• Do not lay out the bus cable (signal cable) parallel and next to power
cables; maintain a minimum spacing of 20 cm.
• Lay out signal cables and the associated potential equalization lines
with as small a spacing as possible between them and over the short-
est path possible.
• Lay out power cables and signal cables in separate cable ducts.
• Lay out shields smoothly.

Note: For the shield connection, refer to Fig.: 8-3 Profibus cable
connection layout plan

8-10 RZP01.1-P2 Profibus DP RD 500 Options

8.3 Setting Parameters

Before commissioning the Profibus interface, the parameters for the in-
terface, depending on the option slot, and the Profibus-specific parame-
ters must be set. The parameters can be attained using the menu:
\Module slot 1 X121
\Module slot 2 X123

Setting Converter Parameters for Profibus Operation

Parame- Name Description / explanation Sample setting Password

ter. No. of selectable options prog.
0073 Source ON / OFF Selection of the source for the ON/OFF com- 1 2
mand (control word generation). For the Pro-
fibus card to receive control authorization, the
value must be set to 1
0 = control panel + terminals r / w off
1 = serial interface (SS) + terminals
2 = terminals
3 = service interface
0074 Source of control D1910 2
Proposal for SS2 (module slot 1): r / w off
Use PZD 1as the control word; enter D1910
as the parameter value in P0074.
Proposal for SS4 (module slot 2):
Use PZD 1 as the control word; enter D1100
as the parameter value in P0074.
0480.x Source of SS2 PZD D1800
Proposal for SS2 (module slot 1): r / w off
Send the status word as PZD 1. To do this,
use the variable parameter source P0480.0.
Set D1922 (status word) as the parameter
0491.x Source of SS4 PZD Note: Depending on the selected module D1800 2
slot, only the corresponding parameter
P0480.x or P0491.x must be set.
Proposal for SS4 (module slot 2): r / w off
Send the status word as PZD 1. To do this,
use the variable parameter source P0491.0.
Set D1922 (status word) as the parameter
Fig.:8-11 Converter parameters for Profibus operation

RD 500 Options RZP01.1-P2 Profibus DP 8-11

Setting Profibus - Specific Parameters

P. No.: Name Description / explanation Factory setting Pass-

of selectable options min - max values word
0522.X PB baud rate X = 0: data refer to SS2 2
X = 1: data refer to SS4
9600 baud read
19,200 baud
45,450 baud
93,750 baud
187,500 baud
500,000 baud
1.5 Mbaud
3 Mbaud
6 Mbaud
12 Mbaud
0523 PB address Setting the slave address 9 2
3 - 124 r / w on
0524 PB CLR-DATA Behavior in case of Clear Data 0 2
0 = no action 0/1 r / w on
1 = malfunction
0525.X PB PPO-TYP X = 0: data refer to SS2 2
X = 1: data refer to SS4
PPO type 1, 4 / 2 words read
PPO type 2, 4 / 6 words
PPO type 3, 0 / 2 words
PPO type 4, 0 / 6 words
PPO type 5, 4 / 10 words
Fig.:8-12: Setting Profibus-specific parameters

8-12 RZP01.1-P2 Profibus DP RD 500 Options

Setting Interface Parameters

Module slot 1 If the Profibus board is mounted on module slot 1, it is addressed as se-
rial interface 2 (SS2) by the converter firmware. The parameters of SS2
must be set for interface operation.

P. No.: Name Description/explanation Factory setting Pass-

of selectable options min - max values word
0509 SS2 functions Setting the type of reaction of the converter to a 0 2
warning/malfunction from the Profibus interface.
0 = all active 0-3 r / w on
1 = warning off
2 = malfunction off
3 = blocked
0526 SS2 RX monitoring Setting the type of reaction if no valid telegram was 0 2
received after the monitoring time (P0527) has
0 = no action 0-2 r / w on
1 = warning
2 = malfunction
0527 SS2 monitoring time Setting the monitoring time in which a valid tele- 0.01 sec 2
gram must be received.
0.01 - 60.00 sec r / w on
Fig.:8-13: Setting SS2 interface parameters, Profibus DP

Module slot 2 If the Profibus board is mounted on module slot 2, it is addressed as se-
rial interface 4 (SS4) by the converter firmware. The parameters of SS4
must be set for interface operation.

P. No.: Name Description / explanation Factory setting Pass-

of selectable options min - max values word
0745 SS4 functions Setting the type of reaction of the converter to a 0 2
warning/malfunction from the Profibus interface.
0 = all active 0-3 r / w on
1 = warning off
2 = malfunction off
3 = blocked
0746 SS4 RX monitoring Setting the type of reaction if no valid telegram 0 2
was received after the monitoring time (P0747)
has elapsed.
0 = no action 0-2 r / w on
1 = warning
2 = malfunction
0747 SS4 monitoring time Setting the monitoring time in which a valid tele- 0.01 sec 2
gram must be received.
0.01 - 60.00 sec r / w on
Fig.:8-14: Setting SS4 interface parameters, Profibus DP

RD 500 Options RZP01.1-P2 Profibus DP 8-13

8.4 Profibus Operation

Device Master Data File “REFU0469.GSD”

The available functions of the device and the possible bus parameters,
such as the baud rate, PPO type, time monitors, etc. are described in the
so-called 'REFU0469.GSD' file. This DMD (Device Master Data) file has a
specified format and can be used by the user for automatic bus configu-
ration. In addition, the consistency of the entire bus system can already
be checked in the design phase.
This file provides a simple plug-and-play configuration.
The REFU0469.GSD file can be downloaded from the Indramat home
page It is shown below:

1 ; (c) 1999 REFU Elektronik 66 ;

2 ; 67 ; 6 Mbaud is supported
3 ; PROFIBUS DP Device master file 68 6M_supp = 1
4 ; 69 ;
5 ; Author: Thomas Moegle 70 ; 12 Mbaud is supported
6 ; Creation date: 27.01.1999 71 12M_supp = 1
7 ; Modifications: --.--.---- 72 MaxTsdr_9.6 = 60
8 ; 73 MaxTsdr_19.2 = 60
9 ; General information: ---- 74 MaxTsdr_45.45 = 250
10 ; ===================================== 75 MaxTsdr_93.75 = 60
11 ; 76 MaxTsdr_187.5 = 60
12 ; 77 MaxTsdr_500 = 100
13 #PROFIBUS_DP 78 MaxTsdr_1.5M = 150
14 ; 79 MaxTsdr_3M = 250
15 ; Manufacturer name 80 MaxTsdr_6M = 450
16 Vendor_Name = "REFU Elektronik" 81 MaxTsdr_12M = 800
17 ; 82 ;
18 ; Manufacturer’s designation of the DP device 83 Redundancy = 0
19 Model_Name = "REFUdrive 500 (RZP01.1-P2)" 84 ;
20 ; 85 ; CNTR-P is designed as TTL signal
21 ; Version level of the DP device 86 Repeater_Ctrl_Sig = 2
22 Revision = "01" 87 ;
23 ; 88 ; 24V not connected
24 ; Protocol ID of the DP device 89 24V_Pins = 0
25 ; 0: Profibus-DP 90 ;
26 ; 16-255 Manufacturer-specific 91 Implementation_Typ = "SPC3"
27 Protocol_Ident = 0 92 ;
28 ; 93 ; ID number
29 ; DP device type 94 Ident_Number = 0x0469
30 ; 0: DP slave 95 ;
31 ; 1: DP master, class 1 96 ; Freeze mode is supported
32 Station_Type = 0 97 Freeze_Mode_supp = 1
33 ; 98 ;
34 ; no mixed FMS/DP device 99 ; Sync mode is supported
35 FMS_supp = 0 100 Sync_Mode_supp = 1
36 ; 101 ;
37 ; Hardware release of the DP device 102 ; Automatic baud rate detection is supported
38 Hardware_Release = "RZP01.1-P2 02 SP02" 103 Auto_Baud_supp = 1
39 ; 104 ;
40 ; Software release of the DP device 105 ; The slave address can not be set by the
41 Software_Release = "PB500.01" 106 master
42 ; 107 Set_Slave_Add_supp = 0
43 ; 9.6 kBaud is supported 108 ;
44 9.6_supp = 1 109 ; Min. spacing between 2 DDLM_Data_Exchange
45 ; 110 calls
46 ; 19.2 kBaud is supported 111 Min_Slave_Intervall = 30
47 19.2_supp = 1 112 ;
48 ; 113 ; Module ID
49 ; 45.45 kBaud is supported 114 Modular_Station = 1
50 45.45_supp = 1 115 Max_Module = 4
51 ; 116 Max_Input_len = 20
52 ; 93.75 kBaud is supported 117 Max_Output_len = 20
53 93.75_supp = 1 118 Max_Data_len = 20
54 ; 119 ;
55 ; 187.5 kBaud is supported 120 Module = "PPO 1" 0xF3, 0xF1
56 187.5_supp = 1 121 EndModule
57 ; 122 Module = "PPO 2" 0xF3, 0xF3, 0xF1
58 ; 500 kBaud is supported 123 EndModule
59 500_supp = 1 124 Module = "PPO 3" 0x00, 0xF1
60 ; 125 EndModule
61 ; 1.5 Mbaud is supported 126 Module = "PPO 4" 0x00, 0xF3, 0xF1
62 1.5M_supp = 1 127 EndModule
63 ; 128 Module = "PPO 5" 0xF3, 0xF9
64 ; 3 Mbaud is supported 129 EndModule
65 3M_supp = 1 130

8-14 RZP01.1-P2 Profibus DP RD 500 Options

ID Number
Each bus participant (slave) on the Profibus DP must have an ID number
so that it can be uniquely identified on the bus. For the REFUdrive 500
device series, the ID number is:

0469 hex

The master uses this ID number to provide the reference to the device
master data (DMD) file. User data are transferred only if the ID number,
together with the correct bus address, are recognized by the master.

To create a connection between the master and the slave (RZP01.1-P2),
the master must first send the configuration bytes for the set PPO type.
Possible PPO settings:

Number of configuration bytes

PPO type 1 byte long 2 bytes long 3 bytes long 4 bytes long
PPO1 - F3, F1 - -
PPO2 - F3, F5 F3, F3, F1 -
PPO3 F1 00, F1 - -
PPO4 F5 00, F5 00, F3, F1 -
PPO 5 - F3, F9 - F3, F3, F3, F1
Fig.:8-15 PPO settings for Profibus DP

The baud rate and the PPO type used are automatically detected by the
device and are shown in parameters P0522 and P0525.

Data Transfer with Profibus

The structure of the user data is designated as Parameter Process data
Objects (PPO) in Profibus profile “Drives with Variable Speeds”. This de-
fines five PPO types for data transfer:

PPO type 1 4 / 2 words (4 words in PKW area / 2 words in PZD area)

PPO type 2 4 / 6 words (4 words in PKW area / 6 words in PZD area)
PPO type 3 0 / 2 words (no word in PKW area / 2 words in PZD area)
PPO type 4 0 / 6 words (no word in PKW area / 6 words in PZD area)
PPO type 5 4 / 10 words (4 words in PKW area / 10 words in PZD area)

Process Data Control

As opposed to the description of the USS protocol, bit 10 of the control
word for the Profibus DP has the special function “Release of process
Bit 10 = 0 ⇐ freeze process data
Bit 10 = 1 ⇐ process data valid

RD 500 Options RZP01.1-P2 Profibus DP 8-15

Guide via Interface (Bit 10 in Control Word)

For correct operation when guiding via the PROFIBUS DP interface, it is
required that process datum PZD1 be permanently allocated for incoming
and outgoing protocols (PPO types).
This means:
• in order to be able to evaluate the control word, it must be ensured that
parameter P0074 (source of control word 1) is linked with parameter
D1910 or D1100 (SS2 / SS4).
• in order to transfer the status word, parameter P0480.0 or P0491.0
(SS2 / SS4) must also be linked with parameter D1922.

Note: In the control word, bit 10 has the function “Guiding from PLC”.
Value “1” When guiding via the interface, this means that
the received process data are valid and are accepted.
Value “0” No guiding via the interface; the received process
data are invalid and are not accepted. The process data that
were last received remain active, i.e. the last status is “frozen”.

USS Protocol
Control word, status word The superordinate automation computer predefines the control word and
evaluates the status word. The bit functions of the control and status
words are specified by the VDI / VDE 3689 guideline for bits 0 to 10; bits
11 to 15 can be freely allocated.
In the REFUdrive 500 device series, control and status word bits 0 to 7
have been allocated in agreement with the guideline. Bits 8 to 15 can be
freely allocated; see the function plan for “Control word 1” and “Status
word 1”.
In the illustration below, the control / status word is transferred as PZD1
according to the proposed allocation.




Control and status word

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Bit-No.

Device-specific Defined acc. to VDI


Fig.:8-16 Profibus PZD area

8-16 RZP01.1-P2 Profibus DP RD 500 Options

From each operatin status

Line voltage ON
Fault occur
From each operating status
except "Fault" or "Operating"
Inhibit converter,
main contactor OFF
DC-link discharge
Status word: bit 7...0
New start
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
OFF 2 or OFF 3
Status word: bit 7...0
Fault X 0 X X 1 0 0 0

Status word: bit 7...0 Inhibit converter,

Fault cause X X X X X X X main contactor OFF
eliminated DC-link discharge
Positive edge for fault acknowledge

From operating status "Ready" or "Precharge"

Control word: bit 7...0
X X X X 0 1 1 1

Status word: bit 7...0

Inhibit converter, Switch-on-inhibit X 1 X X 0 0 0 0
main contactor OFF
DC-link discharge
Control word: bit 7...0
X X X X X 1 1 0

Status word: bit 7...0

Not ready X 0 1 1 0 0 0 0

Control word: bit 7...0

X X X X X 1 1 0

Status word: bit 7...0

Ready to switch on X 0 1 1 0 0 0 1

Control word: bit 7...0

X X X X X 1 1 1

Positive edge to switch-on

Precharge relay ON


DC-link reached

Main contactor ON

Status word: bit 7...0

Ready X 0 1 1 0 0 1 1

Control word: bit 7...0

X X X X 1 1 1 1

Status word: bit 7...0

Operating X 0 1 1 0 1 1 1

(Warnung kann anstehen)

("Operating enable" switch-off) OFF 1 (shutdown) OFF 2 (power is disconnected) OFF 3 (fast stop)

Control word: bit 7...0 Control word: bit 7...0 Control word: bit 7...0 Control word: bit 7...0
X X X X 0 1 1 1 X X X X X 1 1 0 X X X X X X 0 X X X X X X 0 1 X

Cast down Braking Cast down Braking

1 0, 2 1 0, 2
P43 = x P44 = x
Deceleration along
the fast stop ramp
to n = 0
Deceleration Deceleration
along the RFG along the RFG
to n = 0 to n = 0

Inhibit converter Inhibit converter Inhibit converter

main contactor OFF, main contactor OFF,
DC-link discharge DC-link discharge

Fig.:8-17 Control and status word diagram for converters

RD 500 Options RZP01.1-P2 Profibus DP 8-17

DC bus voltage ON
From each operating status

Fault oxxur
From each operating status
except "Fault" or "Operating"
Inhibit inverter
Status word: bit 7...0
New start
(Initialization) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Status word: bit 7...0

Fault X 0 X X 1 0 0 0 OFF 2 or OFF 3

Control word: bit 7...0

Fault cause
eliminated X X X X X X X
Inhibit inverter
Positive edge for fault acknowledge

From operating status "Ready" or "Precharge"

Control word: bit 7...0
X X X X 0 1 1 1
Status word: bit 7...0
Switch-on inhibit X 1 X X 0 0 0 0

Inhibit inverter
Control word: bit 7...0
X X X X X 1 1 0

Status word: bit 7...0

Not ready X 0 1 1 0 0 0 0

Control word: bit 7...0

X X X X X 1 1 0 DC-link reached

Status word: bit 7...0

Ready to switch-on X 0 1 1 0 0 0 1

Control word: bit 7...0

X X X X X 1 1 1

Positive edge to swich-on

Status word: bit 7...0

Ready X 0 1 1 0 0 1 1

Control word: bit 7...0

X X X X 1 1 1 1

Status word: bit 7...0

Operating X 0 1 1 0 1 1 1

(Alarm is possible)

("Operation enable" switch-off) OFF 1 (shutdown) OFF 2 (power is disconnected) OFF 3 (fast stop)

Control word: bit 7...0 Control word: bit 7...0 Control word: bit 7...0 Control word: bit 7...0
X X X X 0 1 1 1 X X X X X 1 1 0 X X X X X X 0 X X X X X X 0 1 X

Cast down Braking Cast down Braking

1 0, 2 1 0, 2
P43 = x P44 = x
Deceleration along
the fast stop ramp
to n = 0
Deceleration Deceleration
along the RFG along the RFG
to n = 0 to n = 0

Inhibit inverter Inhibit inverter Inhibit inverter

Fig.:8-18 Control and status word diagram for inverters

8-18 RZP01.1-P2 Profibus DP RD 500 Options

Assignment of Control Word Bits

Bit Value Meaning Comment

0 1 On Transition to the “Ready for operation” status;
intermediate circuit is loaded, master contactor on
(if present).
0 Off 1 Stop (back to the “Ready to be switched on”
status); shut down to the RFG ramp*; power re-
lease if n/f = 0 and I = 0 ; master contactor off (if
* or run-empty – see parameter P0044
1 1 Operational requirement All “Off 2” commands are lifted
0 Off 2 Power release, block impulses!
Then switch the master contactor off (if present)
and go to the “Switch-on block” status; the motor
slows to a stop.
2 1 Operational requirement All “Off 3” commands are lifted
0 Off 3 Quick stop; shut down to the quick-stop ramp or
current limit; at n/f = 0, block WR impulses, then
release power (contactor off if present) and go to
the “Switch-on block” status.
3 1 Release operation Release of electronics and impulses
Release WR impulses and impress the field cur-
rent. Then drive the RFG to the pending nominal
0 Block operation Block WR impulses:
Drive slows to stop (RFG at zero) or braking op-
eration to the RFG ramp (see P0043) and goes to
the “Ready for operation” status (see control word,
bit 2).
4 1 Operational requirement
0 Block RFG The ramp function encoder output is set to 0. The
main contactor remains on; the power converter is
not disconnected from the power supply.
5 0 Stop RFG Freezing of the nominal value currently predefined
by the RFGG.
1 Release RFG
6 1 Release nominal value The selected value at the input of the RFG is
switched on.
0 Block nominal value The selected value at the input of the RFG is set
to 0.
7 1 Acknowledge The collective message is acknowledged when
the flank is positive; the current converter is in the
malfunction mode until the error has been suc-
cessfully eliminated and then goes to “Switch-on
0 no meaning
Fig.:8-19 Assignment of control word bits, Profibus DP

RD 500 Options RZP01.1-P2 Profibus DP 8-19

Assignment of Status Word Bits

Bit Value Meaning Comment

0 1 Ready to be switched on Power supply is switched on, electronics are initialized, main con-
tactor (if present) dropped out, impulses blocked
0 Not ready to be switched on
1 1 Ready for operation Ready for operation; current at current converter, i.e. main con-
tactor on (if present). Intermediate circuit is loaded; WR impulses
0 Not ready for operation
2 1 Operation released Release of electronics and impulses. Release WR impulses:
RD51: for Fmin wait for time P544.
RD52: wait for field buildup D1756.
Then the HLG drives to the pending nominal value.
0 Operation blocked
3 1 Malfunction Drive malfunctioning and thus not in operation; goes to switch-on
block after successful error elimination and acknowledgement
when “On” command is pending. Error numbers in malfunction
memory P 0040.x (the last malfunction can also be read out using
0 No malfunction
4 1 No Off 2
0 Off 2 “Off 2” command pending.
5 1 No Off 3
0 Off 3 “Off 3” command pending.
6 1 Switch-on block Restart only using “Off 1” and subsequent “On” command
0 No switch-on block
7 1 Warning Drive remains in operation, warning in warning parameter P0039.
0 No warning No warning is pending / warning has been rescinded.
8 1 “Nominal f in range of tolerance” (standard assignment)
9 1 Remote
10 1 “Nominal f attained” (standard assignment)
Fig.:8-20 Assignment of status word bits, Profibus DP

8-20 RZP01.1-P2 Profibus DP RD 500 Options

Parameter ID, PID Word




15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Bit-No.



request and response ID


Fig.:8-21 Parameter ID, PKE word

Request and response ID (AK)

In request IDs, the requests that are sent by the master to the slave are
coded. The slave processes the request and formulates the correspond-
ing answer; this is then also coded and sent back to the master as an
answer ID.
The request and response IDs are defined in such a manner that an re-
quest / response is uniquely identified by the parameter ID (PID = AID +
PNU). Certain orders/answers are also defined by the index word IND
(see “Index word”).
Parameter Number (PNU)
The parameter number is contained in bits 0 to 10. You can find the pa-
rameters, arranged according to increasing PNUs, in the parameter list of
the corresponding firmware of the device.
The functions of most of the parameters can be seen in the function

RD 500 Options RZP01.1-P2 Profibus DP 8-21

Request ID Function

AID Bit No. Function Description

15 14 13 12 master to slave
0000 No request No request
0001 Request PWE Requests a parameter value (PWE).
(16 or 32 bits)
0010 Modify PWE (word) Writes a parameter value (PWE) in
word size (16 bits)
0011 Modify PWE (double-word) Writes a parameter value (PWE) in
double-word size (32 bits)
0110 Request PWE (array) Reads a parameter value from an
array. The position within the array
from which the value is to be read can
be seen in IND
Example: If IND = 4, the PWE that is
located in the 5 element of the array
is transferred. (16 or 32 bits)
0111 Modify PWE (array word) Writes a parameter value (PWE) in
word size to a certain position in an
(as for reading) (16 bits)
1000 Modify PWE (array double-word) Writes a parameter value (PWE) in
double-word size to a certain position
in an array.
(as for ID 0111) (32 bits)
1001 Request number of array elements Reads the number of elements of an
The standard password level is 3
16 bit parameter values are in word 4 of the net data
32 bit parameter values are in words 3 and 4 of the net data
Fig.:8-22: request ID function, Profibus DP

8-22 RZP01.1-P2 Profibus DP RD 500 Options

Response ID Function

AID Bit No. Function Description

15 14 13 12 master to slave
0000 No response No response
0001 Transfer PWE (word) Transfers a parameter value (PWE)
as a word (16 bits)
0010 Transfer PWE (double-word) Transfers a parameter value (PWE)
as a double-word (32 bits)
0100 Transfer PWE (array word) Transfers a parameter value from the
element given in IND + 1 within an
array (16 bits)
0101 Transfer PWE (array double-word) As ID 0100, only the PWE is in
double-word size (32 bits).
0110 Transfer number of array elements Transfers the number of elements of a
0111 Order cannot be executed (with error The order cannot be executed by the
number) slave. Reason: see the error number.
1000 No PKW operating sovereignty Parameter values may only be read,
not modified, on the interface on
which this protocol is running.
Fig.:8-23 Response ID function, Profibus DP

Relationship between Request and Response

AID Bit No. Request ID function AID Bit No. Response ID function
15 14 13 12 master to slave 15 14 13 12 slave to master
0000 No Request 0000 No Request
0001 Request PWE 0001 Transfer PWE (word)
0010 Transfer PWE (double-word)
0010 Modify PWE (word) 0001 Transfer PWE (word)
0011 Modify PWE (double-word) 0010 Transfer PWE (double-word)
0110 Request PWE (array) 0100 Transfer PWE (array word)
0101 Transfer PWE (array double-word)
0111 Modify PWE (array word) 0100 Transfer PWE (array word)
1000 Modify PWE (array double-word) 0101 Transfer PWE (array double-word)
0111 Order cannot be executed
1000 No operating sovereignty
Fig.:8-24: Relationship between Request and Response, Profibus DP

RD 500 Options RZP01.1-P2 Profibus DP 8-23

Error ID Description
0 Invalid parameter No.
1 Parameter cannot be modified
2 Min. / max. limitation
3 Incorrect index value
4 No array
5 Incorrect data type
101 Unknown order
102 Data conflict between parameter X and parameter Y
Parameter P1019 can be used to read out the two conflict parameters:
P1019.0 = parameter X
P1019.1 = parameter Y
103 Writing possible only with WR block
104 Password level too low
105 Writing possible only in configuration mode
106 Internal interface buffer is full, order must be repeated
Fig.:8-25: Error IDs, Profibus DP

Index Word (IND)

The index word is defined only for Request / Response where values are
to be written to / read from an array (one-dimensional field).
In all other cases, the index word is included in the telegram as a "zero
word", i.e. all bits are set to logical 0.




15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Bit-No.

High-Byte: Not used, bits are Low-byte: 0 to 254

logically set to 0
Fig.:8-26 Index word in PKW area, Profibus DP

8-24 RZP01.1-P2 Profibus DP RD 500 Options

Request with Index Word (IND)

AID Bit No. Function Low byte Function
15 14 13 12 master to slave
0110 Request PWE y (< = 254) Read the parameter value of the “y +1”th
(array) element of the array

0111 Modify PWE y (< = 254) Write the PWE in word size to the “y + 1”th
(array word) element in the array
1000 Modify PWE y (< = 254) Write the PWE in double-word size to the “y
(array double-word) + 1”th element in the array
Fig.:8-27 Request with index word (IND), Profibus DP

Response with Index Word (IND)

AID Bit No. Function Low byte Function
15 14 13 12 master to slave
0100 Transfer PWE y (< = 254) Transfer the PWE that is in the “y +1”th
(array word) element of the array
0101 Transfer PWE y (< = 254) Write the PWE in double-word size to the “y
(array double-word) + 1”th element in the array
1000 Modify PWE y (< = 254) Write the PWE in double-word size to the “y
(array double-word) + 1”th element in the array
Fig.:8-28 Response with index word (IND), Profibus DP

RD 500 Options RZP01.1-P2 Profibus DP 8-25


Freeze Function
The freeze function is supported. When the freeze command arrives, the
current status data of the converter are frozen, i.e. the PROFIBUS DP
master cannot request current data from the converter during the freeze
command. This function is used to synchronize the input data of various

Unfreeze Function
The unfreeze function is supported. When the 'UNFREEZE' command
arrives, freezing of the converter data is lifted and the current status data
can be requested again.

Functions SYNC / UNSYNC

Sync Function
The SYNC function is supported. When the SYNC command arrives, the
data that were received last are accepted. The data that are subsequently
sent are not executed until the next SYNC command is received.
In this way, different data can be accepted by several slaves at the same
time. This function is used to synchronize the output data of various

Unsync Function
The UNSYNC function is supported. The “UNSYNC” command deacti-
vates the “SYNC” command.

Function “PB Clear-Data”

If the Profibus master sends the “CLEAR DATA” command, the nominal
values in the process data channel are set to zero. This also resets bit 10
in the control word (Guiding AG) and the last control status is frozen.
Parameter P0524 “PB CLEAR Data” can be used to define the reaction of
the converter to this command.
Case 1: Setting parameters with The converter runs with the valid data that were last sent until a new valid
the value “No malfunction” protocol with the value ONE in bit 10 of the control word arrives.

Case 2: Setting parameters with When the “CLEAR DATA” command arrives, a timer starts in the con-
the value “Malfunction” verter; this switches the converter off with a malfunction message (“Mal-
function SSx function”) after the timeout period elapses.
The timeout period corresponds to the Watchdog period, whose pa-
rameters were set by the master when the connection was made. If no
timeout was given while setting the parameters of the converter, a default
value of 10 seconds is used for this function.
A shutdown due to a malfunction also occurs if the data buffers are de-
leted due to incorrectly set parameters when the connection was made
(transitions ABORT 4 - 10 in the PROFIBUS DP status diagram.
If a valid protocol (with bit 10 in the control word equal to ONE) arrives
before the timeout period elapses, the timer is switched off and the con-
verter continues to run normally.

8-26 RZP01.1-P2 Profibus DP RD 500 Options

Processing Profibus Process Data

The process data received using the Profibus are transformed into display
parameters in the converter; these can be freely switched into the variable
parameter sources to control the device.
The converter sends its actual values as process data via the Profibus;
the variable parameter sources that serve as the output for SS2 / SS4 are
switched in the D parameter.

Module slot 1 D1910

PZD1 P0480.0 PZD1
Statusword D1922
PZD2 P0480.1 PZD2

PZD3 P0480.2 PZD3
PZD4 P0480.3 PZD4
Option board D Option board
PZD5 P0480.4 PZD5
n D n
10 10
Inputs SS2 D1915 SS2 Outputs
option board PZD6 P0480.5 PZD6 option board
Process data D Process data
interface D1916 interface
PZD7 P0480.6 PZD7
PZD8 P0480.7 PZD8
interrupt D1918 tA: 1 ms / 2
PZD9 P0480.8 PZD9
PZD10 P0480.9 PZD10

Fig.:8-29 Process data interface SS2

Module slot 2 D1110

PZD1 P0491.0 PZD1
Statusword D1922
PZD2 P0491.1 PZD2

PZD3 P0491.2 PZD3
PZD4 P0491.3 PZD4
Option board D Option board
PZD5 P0491.4 PZD5
n D n
10 10
Inputs SS4 D1115 SS4 Outputs
option board PZD6 P0491.5 PZD6 option board
Process data D Process data
interface D1116 interface
PZD7 P0491.6 PZD7
PZD8 P0491.7 PZD8
interrupt D1118 tA: 1 ms / 4
PZD9 P0491.8 PZD9
PZD10 P0491.9 PZD10

Fig.:8-30 Process data interface SS4

RD 500 Options RZP01.1-S1 SERCOS-Interface 9-1

9 RZP01.1-S1 SERCOS-Interface

9.1 General Information on the SERCOS Interface

With the RZP01.1-S1 optional assembly, you get a SERCOS interface
slave with the following devices: REFUdrive 500 RD51, RD52 and RS51.
This is based on the Sercos Version 1.02 update 98.1 according to

Technical Specifications
Order No. RZP01.1-S1
Power supply internal
Size (length and width) 113 x 87 mm
Environmental class of storage 1K3 according to EN 60721-3-1
–5 °C to +45 °C
Environmental class of transport 2K3 according to EN 60721-3-2
-25 °C to +70 °C
Environmental class in operation 3K3 according to EN 60721-3-3
+5 °C to +40 °C
Radio interference level A1 according to EN 55011
Immunity to radio interference Test level 2 according to EN 61000-4-2
ESD with the synthetic cover mounted
Immunity to radio interference Test level 4 according to EN 61000-4-4
Fig. 9-1: Technical Specifications of RZP01.1-S1

9-2 RZP01.1-S1 SERCOS-Interface RD 500 Options

View of the SC22243 PCB



S4 S3 U7 U8

Fig. 9-2: SC22243

9.2 Requirements for Operating SERCOS - Interface

PCB Hardware Firmware

SC22243 SC22243 03SP03, layout 00 or higher FWC-SC2224-300-01VRS or higher
SR17000 for RD51 SR17000 07SP07 or higher FWC-SR1700-000-04VRS or higher
SR17000.2 for RS51 SR17000.2 03SP03 or higher FWC-SR1700-000-04VRS or higher
SR17002 for RD52 SR17002 08SP08 or higher FWC-SR1700-200-05VRS or higher

RD 500 Options RZP01.1-S1 SERCOS-Interface 9-3

9.3 Electrical Installation




on off

U8 fiber optics cable input
on off
U7 fiber optics cable output
dr ive 50
0 lower metal lug



metal lug for fixing of

fiber optics cable
e.Danger uch
HighVoltagsl hock.Don
electrica nnecti nsfor 5
electricalco rswitching

Both fibre optics cables should be fixed as

f. o afety
powerof follow"S
Readand for Electrical E-
Instructions anual,DOK-
Drives"m *****-SVS...

far left as possible, in oder to allow fixing of

RL-DRIVE* eratin

other cables and plugs.


e.g. to the lower optional assembly

Fig. 9-3: Plug Position Plan of RZP01.1-S1 Option

Note: When laying the fiber optics cable, make sure to observe the
minimum bending radius stipulated by the manufacturer
(typically 50 mm). The fiber optics cable must be mechanically
fixed to the metal lugs.

Note: After assembling the fiber optics cable onto the cable
transmitter and the cable receiver by tightening the union nut
(e.g. using the fiber optics cable FSMS socket wrench, order
no. 260 285) and, when required, the rubber cover plugs (refer
also to the „Handling the Fiber Optics Cable“ manual)), the
synthetic cover on the front panel of the REFUdrive 500 must
be reattached.

9-4 RZP01.1-S1 SERCOS-Interface RD 500 Options

Control elements

Control element Description Display or Setting Cause and/or Effect

H1 triple LED status display bright red permanent light No light signal at the
red/yellow/green receiver, incorrect baud
rate, extreme distortion
dim red permanent light bad reception signal:
reception level is too weak
or heavy distortion due to
high reception level
yellow permanent light Initialization of the SERCOS
(approx. 5 sec) option board
yellow permanent light Update of the parameter
(approx. 45 sec) information on the option
board (only once, when the
options board or basic
board firmware has been
yellow flashing light Operation
green LED is off Communication phase
0 or 1
green LED is permanently Communication phase 2
on (configuration phase) or 3
green LED flashes Communication phase 4
(operating phase)
S2 double DIL switch transmission brightness Switch S2.2 Switch S2.1 transmission brightness
(bottom) (top)
On On Very high, > 45m or fiber
On Off High, 30 – 45 m
Off On Medium, 15 – 30 m
Off Off Low, 0 – 15 m
U8 fiber optics cable Rx
U7 fiber optics cable Tx
S3 rotary coded switch address high Decimal more significant Address settings 1 to 99
0 ... 9 settings can be made can be made
S4 rotary coded switch address low Decimal less significant
0 ... 9 settings can be made

S1 double DIL switch baud rate Schalter Schalter baud rate

S1.2 (unten) S1.1 (oben)
On On No function
On Off No function
Off On 4 MBaud
Off Off 2 MBaud

Note: The same baud rate must be set for all slaves within the fiber
optics cable bus.

RD 500 Options RZP01.1-S1 SERCOS-Interface 9-5

9.4 General Information on the SERCOS Protocol

Real Time Control and Status Bits

In the SERCOS control and status word, 2 control and 2 status bits are
transmitted cyclically. Within the SERCOS implementation in the
REFUdrive 500, these real-time bits are passed on to the REFUdrive
control board (SR) and are available there as binary Refu – P –
parameters and can be switched through from there. To understand the
wiring or the concrete parameterization there, please consult, e.g. the
REFUdrive 500 manual: Function plans and parameter lists, function
descriptions for firmware.

Real-time status bit Bit in SERCOS Is transmitted to the Is configured in: Function plan
status word of the options board in the
drive bit of the RD500-
status word P1922
1 6 13 P0076.13 Status word 1
2 7 14 P0076.14 Status word 1
Real-time status bits

Real-time status bit Bit in SERCOS Is transmitted to the Appears in: Function plan
control word of the basic board in the
drive bit of the RD500-
control word P1922
1 6 8 D1768 Control word 1
2 7 9 D1769 Control word 1
Real-time control bits

Note: The SERCOS control word can be read out in S-0-0135.

The SERCOS status word can be read out in S-0-0134.

Telegram Type
The standard, default telegram type (S-0-0015 Telegram type parameter)
is 2 „speed control“. Thereby, only the nominal speed value S-0-0036 is
transmitted in MDT and the actual speed value S-0-0040 is transmitted in
AT. (See also the parameters for data scaling S-0-0044, S-0-0045 and S-
An additional supported standard telegram is 5 „position and speed data“.
Here, positional information (S-0-0051, S-0-0053 and
S-0-0047) are also transmitted in addition to the nominal and actual
speed values. However, this information is not evaluated by the drive.
The following parameters are available for application telegram type 7
(contained in the IDN lists S-0-0187 (for the AT) and
S-0-0188 (for the MDT)):

9-6 RZP01.1-S1 SERCOS-Interface RD 500 Options

AT: Content of S-0-0187

If parameters from here are used in the AT, then they must be entered
into the parameter S-0-0016 configuration list of the AT.

Parameter Name Description

S-0-0040 Velocity feedback value, 4 bytes With data scaling S-0-0044 to S-0-0046
S-0-0051 Position feedback value 1 Dummy parameter
S-0-0053 Position feedback value 2 Dummy parameter
S-0-0084 Torque feedback value Dummy parameter
S-0-0144 Signal status word Currently, only bits 0, 1, 5 and 6 are supported
P-0-2060 Feedback configurable 1, 2 byte With Refu standard data scaling ± 15 bits
P-0-2061 Feedback configurable 2, 2 byte With Refu standard data scaling ± 15 bits
P-0-2062 Feedback configurable 3, 2 byte With Refu standard data scaling ± 15 bits
P-0-2063 Feedback configurable 4, 2 byte With Refu standard data scaling ± 15 bits
P-0-2064 Feedback configurable 5, 2 byte With Refu standard data scaling ± 15 bits
P-0-2065 Feedback configurable 6, 4 byte With Refu standard data scaling ± 31 bits
TB. 9-4: Content of S-0-0187

MDT: Content of S-0-0188

If parameters from here are used in the MDT, then they must be entered
into the parameter S-0-0024 configuration list of the MDT.

Parameter Name Description

S-0-0036 Velocity command value, 4 bytes With data scaling S-0-0044 to S-0-0046
S-0-0047 Position command value Dummy parameter
S-0-0080 Torque command value, bipolar Dummy parameter
S-0-0092 Bipolar torque limit value Dummy parameter
P-0-2050 Setpoint configurable 1, 2 byte With Refu standard data scaling ± 15 bits
P-0-2051 Setpoint configurable 2, 2 byte With Refu standard data scaling ± 15 bits
P-0-2052 Setpoint configurable 3, 2 byte With Refu standard data scaling ± 15 bits
P-0-2053 Setpoint configurable 4, 2 byte With Refu standard data scaling ± 15 bits
P-0-2054 Setpoint configurable 5, 2 byte With Refu standard data scaling ± 15 bits
P-0-2055 Setpoint configurable 6, 4 byte With Refu standard data scaling ± 31 bits
TB. 9-5: Content of S-0-0188

In this way, all Refu-Parameters can be made available for cyclic transfer
in MDT- and AT-telegram. Every parameter of REFUdrive be configured
The following connections exist:

IDN Appears in the REFUdrive as Comment

P-0-2050 Setpoint configurable 1 D1912
P-0-2051 Setpoint configurable 2 D1913
P-0-2052 Setpoint configurable 3 D1914
P-0-2053 Setpoint configurable 4 D1915
P-0-2054 Setpoint configurable 5 D1916
P-0-2055 Setpoint configurable 6 D1917 and D1918 32 bits

RD 500 Options RZP01.1-S1 SERCOS-Interface 9-7

IDN Is created in the REFUdrive in Comment

P-0-2060 Feedback configurable 1 P0480.2
P-0-2061 Feedback configurable 2 P0480.3
P-0-2062 Feedback configurable 3 P0480.4
P-0-2063 Feedback configurable 4 P0480.5
P-0-2064 Feedback configurable 5 P0480.6
P-0-2065 Feedback configurable 6 P0480.7 and P0480.8 32 bits

Note: Only one SERCOS options board may be inserted into the

9-8 RZP01.1-S1 SERCOS-Interface RD 500 Options

Function plan
Function plan of process data interface SI2 when
operated with the SERCOS interface.
Processing of the inputs of the options board

SERCOS control word PZD1
(corresponds to S-0-0134) Implementation and
Master control word Evaluationon SERCOS control word
option board

Velocity command value

(corresponds to S-0-0036)
is transmitted every
SERCOS Cycle in
the MDT Conversion of SERCOS D1911
data scaling to PZD2
Parameters with influence REFU standardization
main nominal value
S-0-0044 (speed-setpoint)

SI2 process data interface

P-0-0114 (for RD51, RS51) D1912
PZD3 auxiliary nominal value
Setpoint configurable 1 no conversion
P-0-2050 D1913
no conversion PZD4 auxiliary nominal value
Setpoint configurable 2
P-0-2051 D1914
Setpoint configurable 3 PZD5 auxiliary nominal value
no conversion
P-0-2052 D1915
Setpoint configurable 4 PZD6 auxiliary nominal value
no conversion
P-0-2053 D1916
Setpoint configurable 5 no conversion PZD7 auxiliary nominal value
2 byte values that are trans-
mitted in the MDT in each
SERCOS-Cycle D1917
PZD8 high word
Setpoint configurable 6 (32bit) auxiliary nominal value
4 byte value that is transmitted no conversion D1918
in the MDT in each SERCOS
Cycle PZD9 low word

Fig. 9-6: Input SI2 of Process Data Interface with SERCOS

RD 500 Options RZP01.1-S1 SERCOS-Interface 9-9

Signal Flow to the Outputs of the Options Board

P0480.0 PZD1
D1922 Implementation SERCOS status word
status word
and Evaluation (corresponds to S-0-0135)
on SERCOS Drive status word
option board
P0480.1 PZD2
D1851 Velocity feedback value
n-actual (for RD52) S-0-0040
or is transmitted each
D1981 for RD51 and RS51 SERCOS cycle in the AT
Conversion of
REFU standardi-
zation to SERCOS Parameters
data scaling with influence
SI2 process data interface S-0-0045
P-0-0114 (for RD51,RS51)

P0480.2 PZD3 Feedback configurable 1

no conversion
P0480.3 PZD4 Feedback configurable 2
no conversion
P0480.4 PZD5 Feedback configurable 3
no conversion
P0480.5 PZD6 Feedback configurable 4
no conversion
P0480.6 PZD7 Feedback configurable 5
no conversion
2 byte values that are trans-
mitted in the AT in each
high word
P0480.7 PZD8
no conversion Feedback configurable 6
low word P-0-2065
P0480.8 PZD9 4 byte value that is transmitted
in the AT in each SERCOS-
Fig. 9-7: Output SI2 of Process Data Interface with SERCOS

Examples for Transmitting Parameters via the SI2 Interface

• Cyclic transmission of a torque limit value via SERCOS in the MDT

configurable nominal value PZD3
P-0-2050 SS2
transmitted in a loop in the MDT
Fig. 9-8: Example of the Transmission of a Torque Limit Value

The values D1868 and D1869 as well as D1912 are percentage-

standardized .
This means that for a torque limitation to ±100 %, a value of 16384 must
be entered in P-0-2050 (=D1912). (Refer also to chapter 9.13
Documentation on Data Types N2 and N4).
• Transmitting the torque-forming motor current isq via SERCOS to the

9-10 RZP01.1-S1 SERCOS-Interface RD 500 Options


P0480.2 Feedback configurable 1

D1882 SS2

Fig. 9-9: Example for Transmitting the Torque-forming motor current

If, for instance, the torque-forming current is 100%, then the value 16384
is transmitted via P-0-2060. (Refer also to chapter 9.13 Documentation on
Data Types N2 and N4).
A conversion to current in amperes would then be possible via the
normalize current parameter P0374 (P-0-0374 ).

RD 500 Options RZP01.1-S1 SERCOS-Interface 9-11

9.5 Parameterization

General Preliminary Remarks for Basic Devices RD51 and RS51

A difference is made between basic and free parameterization for devices
RD51 and RS51. The basic parameterization allows for a simple and
easily understandable setup of the drive (input of engine data, plug
assignments, function on/off, etc.). For operation with SERCOS, operation
with the basic parameterization is not possible. For this reason, you must
switch over to free parameterization.
Setting the free parameterization
When putting into operation, parameter P0071 “Load Factory Settings” is
set to the value 2. This then sets all parameters to their standard values.
Parameter P0064, “Parameterization Level” indicates that the free
parameterization level is active (value of P0064 = 1)

Loading the Factory Settings with SERCOS Functions

For all basic devices RD51, RS51 and RD52, the parameters required for
running with SERCOS can either be set individually as described in the
next section or “semi-automatic” factory settings can be made.
Setting the “Standard Values with SERCOS”:
When putting into operation, parameter P0071 “Load Factory Settings” is
set to the value 4. All parameters are thereby set to standard values and
the parameters required for operating with SERCOS are also set.
For RD51 and RS51: Value = 4 = “free standard value and SERCOS”
For RD52: Value = 4 = “standard value and SERCOS”
For device RD52, setting the “standard value with SERCOS” also has an
effect on the parameters required for the function “spindle positioning”
(Refer to chapter 9.17 Spindle positioning).

Setting the Parameters for Operation with SERCOS

The following parameters must be specially set to allow for correct
They can either be written in phase 2 by the SERCOS master, via the
control panel or via a serial interface.

Parameter Name Value Description

P0064 Parameterization 1 Only for RD51, RS51 free parameterization level
P0043 Inhibit operation 1 Inverter off, coast down
P0050.0 Source of control e.g. 1719 Digital input, to switch on power. Recommended
word KL for RD51 and RS51 Digital input 6, this is the value
e.g. 1717 Digital input, to switch on power. Recommended
for RD52: Digital input 4, this is the value 1717
P0050.1 to Source of control 1701 Constant logical 1
P0050.6 word KL
P0050.7 Source of control 1700 Constant logical 0
word KL
P0072 Source of 4 All busses, so that the basic board (SR17000 or
Parameterization NEVER CHANGE! SR17002) can be configured by the SERCOS
interface. P0072 is automatically set after a power-
on during the initialization process of the basic
board and must not be changed after this.

9-12 RZP01.1-S1 SERCOS-Interface RD 500 Options

Parameter Name Value Description

P0073 or Source on/off 1 From an Serial Interface and terminals
P0076.8 Source of 1567 for RD52 reports the signal “in position” (necessary for the
statusword 1bit RD51, RS51: no change spindle positioning function)

P0076.11 Source of 1756 for RD52 Field current reached (if P0189 is at U/f operation,
statusword 1bit then: value = 1701)
RD51, RS51: no change Does not have to be adjusted for RD51 and RS51
P0076.12 Source of 1709 for RD52 Speed < n_min
statusword 1bit
1701 for RD51, RS51 For RD51 and RS51, this should be at 1701
P0093 Fault quit delay 0
P0298 Source of Speed- D1672 for RD52 So that the selection of Kp2, Tn2 is available for
Control parameter parameter set 1. Only required when different
set 2 parameter sets are required. See S-0-0216.
Does not have to be adjusted for RD51 and RS51.

P0390 Speed For RD52 Is set by the SERCOS interface board depending
normalization NEVER CHANGE! on S-0-0044, S-0-0045, S-0-0046, P-i-2070 and P-
0-0114 (for RD51 and RS51). Is changed as soon
Frequency For RD51, RS51 as communication phase 2 is reached for the first
normalization NEVER CHANGE! time after switching on the drive.

P0391 Hysteresis Only for RD52 Set suitably, e.g.: Standard = 10.00%
P0392 Threshold Only for RD52 Set suitably, e.g.: Standard = 1.00%

Parameter Name Value Description

P0074 Source of control word 1 1910 PZD1 of SI2
P0263 or Source of main set point 1911 PZD2 of SI2
P0480.0 PZD1 of SI2 1922 Status word
P0480.1 PZD2 of SI2 1851 for RD 52 nact

1981 for RD 51 fact before standardization

1981 for RS 51 fact before standardization

P0526 SI2 Rx watchdog 2 Fault

P0527 SI2 Rx timeout 0.1 sec

The most important SERCOS Parameters

Note: If you do not want to make the following settings using

SERCOS then the drive parameters indicated in the P-
Parameter column must be set accordingly (e.g. using the
control panel or RefuWin).

RD 500 Options RZP01.1-S1 SERCOS-Interface 9-13

S Parameter Description P Parameter

S-0-0015 Telegram type parameter (value 2, 5 or 7) P1324
S-0-0016 Configuration list of AT (only required when S-0-0015 = 7) P1325, the first index no
longer contained in the
telegram must be set to 0!
S-0-0024 Configuration list of MDT (only required when S-0-0015 = P1326, the first index no
7) longer contained in the
telegram must be set to 0!
S-0-0044 Velocity data scaling type: normal value is: 2, this is the P1332
default data scaling (1 LSB corresponds to 10 1/min)
S-0-0045 Velocity data scaling factor: normal value is: 1. P1333
S-0-0046 Velocity data scaling exponent: normal value is: -4. P1334
S-0-0091 Bipolar velocity limit value, parameter set 0 must be set to P1339.0
a meaningful value that is not equal to zero.
S-1-0091 Bipolar velocity limit value, parameter set 1 must be set to P1339.1
a meaningful value that is not equal to zero. S-1-0091
must then also be set if only parameter set 0 is used!
S-0-0154 Set spindle positioning parameter to the value 0000 P1346
0010b (RD52 only)
P-0-2070 RD500 standardization speed parameter set 0 must be P1360.0
set to a suitable value. Set the maximum speed used in
the system for parameter set 0. For more information,
refer to the parameter description of P-0-2070.
P-1-2070 RD500 standardization speed parameter set 1 must be P1360.1
set to a suitable value. Set the maximum speed used in
the system for parameter set 1. For more information,
refer to the parameter description of P-1-2070. This
parameter must also be set if only parameter set 0 is

To conclude this configuration, the command S-0-0264, “Backup working

memory” must be set.
Using parameters S-0-0095 and (after the commands S-0-0127 and S-0-
0128) S-0-0021 and S-0-0022 you can recognize which parameters
include an incorrect value or which parameters pose a data conflict.

Changed Speed Normalization

Parameters P0390.0 and P0390.1 (SERCOS: P-0-0390) are suitably set
by the options board when operating with SERCOS from phase 2
onwards and must not be subsequently changed. It is important to note
that the speed normalization has now been changed and may have an
effect on other characteristics that have already been set in the drive.
Particular attention should be given to the following parameters and
changes should be made as required:
• speed controller Kp and Tn (only for RD52: P0335 to P0338).
• negative and positive speed limitation value (P0303 and P0304)
• f-min and f-max (only for RD51 and RS51: P0179 and P0180)
• Check switch-off threshold Nmax (only for RD52: P0395)
• and other parameters

9-14 RZP01.1-S1 SERCOS-Interface RD 500 Options

9.6 List of the supported Commands

IDN Command Comment

S-0-0099 Reset Class 1 diagnostic
S-0-0127 CP3 transition check

S-0-0128 CP4 transition check

S-0-0152 Position spindle procedure Is only supported in RD52

S-0-0216 Switch parameter set procedure
S-0-0264 Backup working memory Stores the temporarily transmitted values in the EEprom of the
procedure command basic board. S and P parameters are stored.

9.7 Description of the Parameters

Parameter: S-0-0001 NC cycle time

Length: 2 bytes
Minimal value: 1000
Maximal value: 65000
Unit: µsec
This value is not processed by the option board

Parameter: S-0-0002 Communication cycle time

Length: 2 bytes
Minimal value: 1000
Maximal value: 65000
Unit: µsec
The communication cycle time states the time interval in which data is
transmitted in a cycle. This value must be transmitted to the slave in
phase 2 and is valid from phase 3. The minimum time is 1000 µsec or a
multiple of this.

Parameter: S-0-0003 Shortest AT transmission starting time

Length: 2 bytes
Minimal value: -
Maximal value: -
Unit: µsec
The maximal time that the slave requires between the end of the master
synchronization telegram MST and the first drive telegram AT transmitted
after this. This time is determined by the ASIC and is 12 µsec.

Parameter: S-0-0004 Transmit/receive transition time

Length: 2 bytes
Minimal value: -
Maximal value: -
Unit: µsec

RD 500 Options RZP01.1-S1 SERCOS-Interface 9-15

The maximal time that the slave requires between transmitting its own
drive telegram and receiving the master data telegram. This time is
determined by the ASIC and is 0 µsec.

Parameter: S-0-0005 Minimum feedback processing time

Length: 2 bytes
Minimal value: 500
Maximal value: 500
Unit: µsec
Not supported by the drive.

Parameter: S-0-0006 AT transmission starting time

Length: 2 bytes
Minimal value: = t1min
Maximal value: = tScyc
Unit: µsec
This time determines when the slave must transmit its drive telegram
after completion of the MST. The value is calculated by the master and is
transmitted to the slave in phase 2. T1 is then effective in phase 3 and 4.

Parameter: S-0-0007 Feedback acquisition capture point (t4)

Length: 2 bytes
Minimal value: =0
Maximal value: = tScyc
Unit: µsec
Is written by the master; the value is not further processed by the option

Parameter: S-0-0008 Command value valid time (t3)

Length: 2 bytes
Minimal value: =0
Maximal value: = tScyc
Unit: µsec
Is written by the master; the value is not further processed by the option

9-16 RZP01.1-S1 SERCOS-Interface RD 500 Options

Parameter: S-0-0009 Position of data record in MDT

Length: 2 bytes
Minimal value: = 1 (one drive)
Maximal value: = 65531
Unit: -
Specified in bytes. Here, the slave is informed of the location within the
master telegram that contains data relevant for the slave. The slave is
informed in phase 2 and this then applies in phases 3 and 4.

Parameter: S-0-0010 Length of MDT

Length: 2 bytes
Minimal value: = 4 (one drive)
Maximal value: = 65534 (number of bytes of 254 drives)
Unit: Byte
Specified in bytes. This length contains the data records of all drives
participating on the bus, including the control word and the service-
information value. The slave is informed in phase 2 and this then applies
in phases 3 and 4.

Example: If standard telegram 2 is used (transmission of nominal and

actual speed values) then 4 bytes are used for the cyclical
transmission (nominal and actual speed values are 32 bit
values), 2 bytes are used for the control word and 2 bytes for
the service channel. If only one SERCOS slave RD500 is
connected to the bus then S-0-0010 is transmitted with the
value 8.

Parameter: S-0-0011 Class 1 diagnostic

Length: 2 bytes
Minimal value: -
Maximal value: -
Unit: -
Only bit 15 “Manufacturer-specific errors” is supported. If an error occurs
on the basic device, then bit 15 is set.

Parameter: S-0-0012 Class 2 diagnostic

Length: 2 bytes
Minimal value: -
Maximal value: -
Unit: -
This parameter is not supported.

RD 500 Options RZP01.1-S1 SERCOS-Interface 9-17

Parameter: S-0-0013 Class 3 diagnostic

Length: 2 bytes
Minimal value: -
Maximal value: -
Unit: -
Reports status conditions.
The following bits are used:
Bit 0: (nnom – nwindow) <= nact <= (nnom + nwindow)
Bit 1: |nact| <= nstandstill
Bit 5: |nnom| >= nlimit
Bit 6: Spindle is in position (only for RD52)
Bits that are not mentioned are currently not supported (=0).
The following applies:

nnom = S-0-0036 nominal speed value (Velocity command value)

nact = S-0-0040 actual speed value (Velocity feedback value)
nwindow = S-0-0157 velocity window
nstandstill = S-0-0124 standstill window
nlimit = S-i-0091 bipolar velocity limit value

Parameter: S-0-0014 Interface status

Length: 2 bytes
Minimal value: -
Maximal value: -
Unit: -
This parameter is not supported.

Parameter: S-0-0015 Telegram type parameter

Length: 2 bytes
Minimal value: -
Maximal value: -
Unit: -
In SERCOS-implementation for RD500, standard telegrams 2 and 5 as
well as application telegram 7 are supported.
This value of S-0-0015 is transmitted by the master to the slave in phase
2 and is valid from phase 3.
Standard telegram 2 means that the cyclic data of the master data
telegram (MDT) only contains the velocity command value (32 bit)
parameter S-0-0036. The cyclic data of the drive telegram (AT) only
contains the velocity feedback value (32 bit) parameter S-0-0040.
Standard telegram 5 is the same as telegram type 2, but contains
additional position values that are not evaluated (dummy).
Telegram type 7 means that the data to be cyclically transmitted can be
configured by the user. To do this, the identification numbers contained in
IDN lists S-0-0187 and S-0-0188 can be configured into IDN lists S-0-
0016 and S-0-0024 and written to the drive. The drive thereby configures
these parameters in the cyclical telegrams.

9-18 RZP01.1-S1 SERCOS-Interface RD 500 Options

Parameter: S-0-0016 Configuration list of AT

Length: Variable (2 bytes)
Minimal value: -
Maximal value: -
Unit: -
This list contains the IDNs whose operating data are transmitted cyclically
in the configurable part of the AT. In case of application telegram (S-0-
0015 = 7) this list is written by the master in CP2.

Example: In case of the standard telegram S-0-0015 = 2, this list only

contains the parameter S-0-0040 (velocity feedback value).

Parameter: S-0-0017 IDN-list of all operation data

Length: Variable (2 bytes)
Minimal value: -
Maximal value: -
Unit: -
This list contains all S - and P - parameters supported by this
implementation of SERCOS.

Note: This ID number list has the following length for the REFUdrive:
RD51: 986 entries
RS51: 1033 entries
RD52: 1278 entries
For future functional expansions the length of this list should
be reserved big enough inside the control system.
Suggestion: list-length of 1600 entries

Parameter: S-0-0018 IDN-list of all operation data for CP2

Length: Variable (2 bytes)
Minimal value: -
Maximal value: -
Unit: -
The ID numbers of all operation data needed for CP2 are stored in this
IDN-list and must be processed before switching over into communication
phase 3 (CP3).

Parameter: S-0-0019 IDN-list of all operation data for CP3

Length: Variable (2 bytes)
Minimal value: -
Maximal value: -
Unit: -
The ID numbers of all operation data needed for CP3 are stored in this
IDN list and must be processed before switching over into communication
phase 4 (CP4).

RD 500 Options RZP01.1-S1 SERCOS-Interface 9-19

Parameter: S-0-0021 IDN-list of invalid operation data for CP2

Length: Variable (2 bytes)
Minimal value: -
Maximal value: -
Unit: -
Here, the drive delivers those ID numbers that have been recognized as
invalid during a switch-over command from CP2 to CP3 (S-0-0127).

Parameter: S-0-0022 IDN-list of invalid operation data for CP3

Length: Variable (2 bytes)
Minimal value: -
Maximal value: -
Unit: -
Here, the drive delivers those ID numbers that have been recognized as
invalid during a switch-over command from CP3 to CP4 (S-0-0128).

Parameter: S-0-0024 Configuration list of MDT

Length: Variable (2 bytes)
Minimal value: -
Maximal value: -
Unit: -
This list contains the IDNs whose operating data are transmitted cyclically
in the configurable part of the MDT. In case of application telegram (S-0-
0015 = 7) this list is written by the master in CP2.

Example: In case of the standard telegram S-0-0015 = 2, this list only

contains the parameter S-0-0036 (velocity command value).

Parameter: S-0-0025 IDN-list of all procedure commands

Length: Variable (2 bytes)
Minimal value: -
Maximal value: -
Unit: -
All ID numbers of commands that exist in the drive are stored in this IDN

Parameter: S-0-0028 MST error counter

Length: 2 bytes
Minimal value: =0
Maximal value: = 65535
Unit: -
The MST error counter counts all invalid MSTs in communication phases
3 and 4. If more than two consecutive MSTs break down then any
subsequent MST faults are no longer counted. The MST error counter
counts to a maximum of 216 –1. In case of a seriously interrupted
transmission, the MST error counter therefore has the value 65535 after a
long interruption time.

9-20 RZP01.1-S1 SERCOS-Interface RD 500 Options

Parameter: S-0-0028 MDT error counter

Length: 2 bytes
Minimal value: =0
Maximal value: = 65535
Unit: -
The MDT error counter counts all invalid MDTs in communication phase
4. If more than two consecutive MDTs break down then any subsequent
MDT faults are no longer counted. The MDT error counter counts to a
maximum of 216 –1. In case of a seriously interrupted transmission, the
MDT error counter therefore has the value 65535 after a long interruption

Parameter: S-0-0030 Manufacturer version

Length: Variable 1 byte (text)
Minimal value: -
Maximal value: -
Unit: -
Displays the firmware version of the REFUdrive and of the SERCOS

Example: FWC-SR1700-200-05V18-MS/SC2224-300-01V20.

Parameter: S-0-0032 Primary operation mode

Length: 2 bytes
Minimal value: -
Maximal value: -
Unit: -
The operating mode set in this parameter is activated in the drive when
the main operating mode is selected in the control word of the MDT.
The parameter is not evaluated by the option board.
It is assumed that the operating mode is „velocity control“.

Parameter: S-0-0033 Secondary operation mode 1

Length: 2 bytes
Minimal value: -
Maximal value: -
Unit: -
The operating mode set in this parameter is activated in the drive when
secondary operation mode 1 is selected in the control word of the MDT.
The parameter is not evaluated by the option board.
It is assumed that the operating mode is „velocity control“.

RD 500 Options RZP01.1-S1 SERCOS-Interface 9-21

Parameter: S-0-0034 Secondary operation mode 2

Length: 2 bytes
Minimal value: -
Maximal value: -
Unit: -
The operating mode set in this parameter is activated in the drive when
secondary operation mode 2 is selected in the control word of the MDT.
The parameter is not evaluated by the option board.
It is assumed that the operating mode is „velocity control“.

Parameter: S-0-0035 Secondary operation mode 3

Length: 2 bytes
Minimal value: -
Maximal value: -
Unit: -
The operating mode set in this parameter is activated in the drive when
secondary operation mode 3 is selected in the control word of the MDT.
The parameter is not evaluated by the option board.
It is assumed that the operating mode is „velocity control“.

Parameter: S-0-0036 Velocity command value

Length: 4 bytes
Minimal value: -
Maximal value: -
Unit: rpm
In the velocity control of the drive, the command values are transmitted by
the control system to the drive in the time pattern of the SERCOS cycle

Note: The limitation imposed by parameters S-0-0044, S-0-0045 and

S-0-0046 as well as by „standardization“ by P-i-2070 should be

Parameter: S-0-0040 Velocity feedback value

Length: 4 bytes
Minimal value: -
Maximal value: -
Unit: rpm
The actual speed value is transmitted by the drive to the control system to
allow the speed to be displayed by the control system.

Note: The limitation imposed by parameters S-0-0044, S-0-0045 and

S-0-0046 as well as by „standardization“ by P-i-2070 should be

9-22 RZP01.1-S1 SERCOS-Interface RD 500 Options

Parameter: S-0-0042 Homing acceleration (Dummy)

Length: 4 bytes
Minimal value:
Maximal value:
This parameter is not supported. It can be read and written via the
SERCOS service channel but the value is not used.

Parameter: S-0-0043 Velocity polarity parameter

Length: 2 bytes
Minimal value: 0
Maximal value: 0
This parameter is not supported. It can be read and written via the
SERCOS service channel but the value is not used.

Parameter: S-0-0044 Velocity data scaling type

Length: 2 bytes
Minimal value: 2
Maximal value: 10
Only the values 2 or 10 are allowed. 2 is the default data scaling 1 LSB =
10 rpm; 10 is the parameter data scaling using S-0-0045 and
The following always applies: Rotational data scaling, unit rpm, data
related to the motor shaft.

Note: Bit 6 may be set but is not supported, i.e. no difference is

made between the data relation at the load or at the motor

Parameter: S-0-0045 Velocity data scaling factor

Length: 2 bytes
Minimal value: 1
Maximal value: 9
Values can be between 1 and 9.

Parameter: S-0-0046 Velocity data scaling exponent

Length: 2 bytes
Minimal value: -4
Maximal value: 0
Values can be between -4 and 0.

RD 500 Options RZP01.1-S1 SERCOS-Interface 9-23

Parameter: S-0-0047 Position command value (Dummy)

Length: 4 bytes
Minimal value: -231
Maximal value: 231-1
Unit: m
This parameter is not supported. It can be read and written via the
SERCOS service channel but the value is not used.

Parameter: S-0-0051 Position feedback value 1 (Dummy)

Length: 4 bytes
Minimal value: -231
Maximal value: 231-1
Unit: m
This parameter is not supported. It can be read and written via the
SERCOS service channel but the value is not used.

Parameter: S-0-0053 Position feedback value 2 (Dummy)

Length: 4 bytes
Minimal value: -231
Maximal value: 231-1
Unit: m
This parameter is not supported. It can be read and written via the
SERCOS service channel but the value is not used.

Parameter: S-0-0055 Position polarity parameters (Dummy)

Length: 2 bytes
Minimal value: 0
Maximal value: 65535
This parameter is not supported. It can be read and written via the
SERCOS service channel but the value is not used.

Parameter: S-0-0057 Position window (Dummy)

Length: 4 bytes
Minimal value: 0
Maximal value: +231-1
This parameter is not supported. It can be read and written via the
SERCOS service channel but the value is not used.

9-24 RZP01.1-S1 SERCOS-Interface RD 500 Options

Parameter: S-0-0080 Torque command value (Dummy)

Length: 2 bytes
Minimal value: -215
Maximal value: 215-1
Unit: Nm
This parameter is not supported. It can be read and written via the
SERCOS service channel but the value is not used.

Parameter: S-0-0084 Torque feedback value (Dummy)

Length: 2 bytes
Minimal value: -215
Maximal value: 215-1
Unit: Nm
This parameter is not supported. It can be read and written via the
SERCOS service channel but the value is not used.

Parameter: S-0-0086 Torque data scaling type (Dummy)

Length: 2 bytes
Minimal value:
Maximal value:
This parameter is not supported. It can be read and written via the
SERCOS service channel but the value is not used.

Parameter: S-0-0088 Receive to receive recovery time (TMTSY)

Length: 2 bytes
Minimal value: 0
Maximal value: 0
Unit: µsec
Maximal time that the slave requires between a received MDT and the
next MST. Fixed value: 0 µsec. Can be read by the master from phase 2.

Parameter: S-0-0089 MDT transmission starting time (T2)

Length: 2 bytes
Minimal value: =0
Maximal value: = tScyc
Unit: µsec
The MDT transmission starting time determines when the master shall
send its MDT during CP3 and CP4, following the MST. This parameter is
transferred by the master to the slave during CP2 and becomes active
during CP3.

Parameter: S-0-0090 Command value proceeding time (TMTSG)

Length: 2 bytes
Minimal value:
Maximal value:
Unit: µsec
The times required by the slave to make command values available for a
drive after receipt of a MDT. This time is read by the master during CP2 in

RD 500 Options RZP01.1-S1 SERCOS-Interface 9-25

order to calculate correctly the command value valid time T3 (IDN0008).

The command value proceeding time depends on the telegram type.

Parameter: S-0-0091 Bipolar velocity limit value

Length: 4 bytes
Minimal value: =0
Maximal value: = 231 - 1
Unit: rpm
If the velocity command value exceeds this value then the value
transmitted to the basic board is limited. The report „nnom > nlimit“ in S-0-
0013 and S-0-0144 is supported.

Note: Parameter S-0-0091 is valid for parameter set 0.

Parameter S-1-0091 is valid for parameter set 1.

Parameter: S-1-0091 Bipolar velocity limit value

Length: 4 bytes
Minimal value: =0
Maximal value: = +231 - 1
Unit: rpm
If the velocity command value exceeds this value then the value
transmitted to the basic board is limited. The report „nnom > nlimit“ in S-0-
0013 and S-0-0144 is supported.

Note: Parameter S-0-0091 is valid for parameter set 0.

Parameter S-1-0091 is valid for parameter set 1.

Parameter: S-0-0092 Bipolar torque limit value (Dummy)

Length: 2 bytes
Minimal value: =0
Maximal value: = +215 - 1
Unit: Nm
This parameter is not supported. It can be read and written via the
SERCOS service channel but the value is not used.

Parameter: S-0-0095 Diagnostic message

Length: Variable 1 byte (text)
Minimal value: -
Maximal value: -
Unit: -
The drive operating condition that is currently relevant is transmitted in the
diagnostic message. The diagnostic messages are generated as a text in
the drive and are stored in the operating data of this IDN.

Parameter: S-0-0096 Slave arrangement (SLKN)

Length: 2 bytes
Minimal value: 1
Maximal value: 254

9-26 RZP01.1-S1 SERCOS-Interface RD 500 Options

Unit: -
The implementation of the SERCOS Interface for RD500 only allows for
one drive for each bus address. It therefore follows that this parameter
only contains its own drive address in each of the high and the low bytes
(this is set by rotary coded switches S3 and S4). The drive address can
be in the range between 1 and 99. The master can request this parameter
from communication phase 2.

Parameter: S-0-0099 Reset class 1 diagnostic

Length: 2 bytes
Minimal value:
Maximal value:
If the slave receives this command and if there are no more errors then
Class 1 diagnostic is reset.

Parameter: S-0-0100 Velocity loop proportional gain Pset 0 (Dummy)

Length: 2 bytes
Minimal value: 0
Maximal value: 65535
Unit: -
This parameter is not supported. It can be read and written via the
SERCOS service channel but the value is not used.
It is intended for parameter set 0.

Parameter: S-1-0100 Velocity loop proportional gain PSet 1 (Dummy)

Length: 2 bytes
Minimal value: 0
Maximal value: 65535
Unit: -
This parameter is not supported. It can be read and written via the
SERCOS service channel but the value is not used.
It is intended for parameter set 1.

Parameter: S-0-0101 Velocity loop integral action time PSet 0 (Dummy)

Length: 2 bytes
Minimal value: 0
Maximal value: 65535
Unit: -
This parameter is not supported. It can be read and written via the
SERCOS service channel but the value is not used. It is intended for
parameter set 0.

Parameter: S-1-0101 Velocity loop integral action time PSet 1 (Dummy)

Length: 2 bytes
Minimal value: 0
Maximal value: 65535
Unit: -
This parameter is not supported. It can be read and written via the
SERCOS service channel but the value is not used. It is intended for
parameter set 1.

RD 500 Options RZP01.1-S1 SERCOS-Interface 9-27

Parameter: S-0-0104 Position loop Kv-factor (Dummy)

Length: 2 bytes
Minimal value: 0
Maximal value: 65536
Unit: -
This parameter is not supported. It can be read and written via the
SERCOS service channel but the value is not used.

Parameter: S-0-0121 Input revolutions of load gear (Dummy)

Length: 4 bytes
Minimal value: =1
Maximal value: =1
Unit: -
This parameter is not supported. It can be read and written via the
SERCOS service channel but the value is not used. The value is fixed as

Parameter: S-0-0122 Output revolutions of load gear (Dummy)

Length: 4 bytes
Minimal value: =1
Maximal value: =1
Unit: -
This parameter is not supported. It can be read and written via the
SERCOS service channel but the value is not used. The value is fixed as

Parameter: S-0-0124 Standstill window

Length: 4 bytes
Minimal value: =0
Maximal value: = +231 -1
Unit: rpm
The standstill window describes the amount of deviation of the velocity
from 0. If the velocity feedback value is within the standstill window the
drive sets the message nact = 0 in signal status word S-0-0144 and in the
Class 3 diagnostic S-0-0013.

Parameter: S-0-0127 CP3 transition check

Length: 2 bytes
Minimal value: -
Maximal value: -
Unit: -
Using this command, the slave checks whether it has all information
required to switch correctly into phase 3. The command is completed
without an error when the slave can keep to the programmed timeslot
values and can generate the desired telegram.

9-28 RZP01.1-S1 SERCOS-Interface RD 500 Options

Parameter: S-0-0128 CP4 transition check

Length: 2 bytes
Minimal value: -
Maximal value: -
Unit: -
Using this command, the slave checks whether it has all information
required to switch correctly into phase 4. The command is completed
without an error when the slave is ready to do this.

Parameter: S-0-0129 Manufacturer class 1 diagnostic

Length: 2 bytes
Minimal value:
Maximal value:
This parameter is not supported. It can be read and written via the
SERCOS service channel but the value is not used.

Parameter: S-0-0134 Master control word

Length: 2 bytes
Minimal value: -
Maximal value: -
Unit: -
Using this, you can display the master control word via the service
channel on the screen of the control system (this is a useful help when
putting into operation and during troubleshooting).

Parameter: S-0-0135 Drive status word

Length: 2 bytes
Minimal value: -
Maximal value: -
Unit: -
Using this, you can display the drive status via the service channel on the
screen of the control system (this is a useful help when putting into
operation and during troubleshooting).

Parameter: S-0-0138 Bipolar acceleration limit value (Dummy)

Length: 4 bytes
Minimal value:
Maximal value:
This parameter is not supported. It can be read and written via the
SERCOS service channel but the value is not used.

RD 500 Options RZP01.1-S1 SERCOS-Interface 9-29

Parameter: S-0-0140 Controller type

Length: Variable 1 byte (text)
Minimal value: -
Maximal value: -
Unit: -
Contains the type code of the drive in as much as the values can be read
out from the drive parameters.

Example: RD52.1-4B-005-x-xx-FW

Parameter: S-0-0141 Motor type

Length: Variable 1 byte (text)
Minimal value: -
Maximal value: -
Unit: -
The operating data of the motor type contains the fixed text “REFU

Parameter: S-0-0142 Application type

Length: Variable 1 byte (text)
Minimal value: -
Maximal value: -
Unit: -
The operating data contains the type of usage of the drive (e.g. main
spindle drive, Rotary Axis).
When first switching on the drive, this parameter contains the text “REFU
main spindle”. This text can be over-written as required and replaced by a
text specific to the application (max. 40 characters).

Note: This text is stored in an EEPROM on the option board and is

therefore not accessible via the basic board. We recommend
that you fill the new text with blanks until it is longer than the
old, previously stored text.

Parameter: S-0-0143 SYSTEM interface version

Length: Variable 1 byte (text)
Minimal value: -
Maximal value: -
Unit: -
Contains the fixed text string: "V 01.02 "

Parameter: S-0-0144 Signal status word

Length: 2 bytes
Minimal value: -
Maximal value: -
Unit: -
Signals can be transmitted in real time from the drives to the control
system using the signal status word. To do this, the signal status word

9-30 RZP01.1-S1 SERCOS-Interface RD 500 Options

must be integrated into the AT as cyclic data. The assignment of the bits
in the signal status word is fixed in the SERCOS-implementation for
The following bits are reserved:
Bit 0: (nnom – nwindow) <= nact <= (nnom + nwindow)
Bit 1: |nact| <= nstandstill
Bit 5: |nnom| >= nlimit
Bit 6: Spindle is in position (only for RD52)

Bits that are not mentioned are currently not supported (=0).

The following applies:

nnom = S-0-0036 Nominal speed value (Velocity command value)

nact = S-0-0040 Actual speed value (Velocity feedback value)
nwindow = S-0-0157 Velocity window
nstandstill = S-0-0124 Standstill window
nlimit = S-i-0091 speed limit value, bipolar

Parameter: S-0-0147 Homing parameter (Dummy)

Length: 2 bytes
Minimal value:
Maximal value:
This parameter is not supported. It can be read and written via the
SERCOS service channel but the value is not used.

Parameter: S-0-0152 Position spindle procedure command

Length: 2 bytes
Minimal value: -
Maximal value: -
Unit: -
On activating the command, the drive switches to drive-internal
positioning control. While the command is active, changes to the cyclical
command values are ignored. As long as the spindle is not yet in position,
it runs at Spindle positioning speed S-0-0222. Additionally, the spindle
angle position (IDN 00153) is driven into absolute position via the spindle
positioning parameter (IDN 00154). When the selected value is reached,
the message "In Position" (IDN 00336) is set by the drive. Bits in S-0-
0013 and S-0-0144 are also set. As long as the command is active, the
drive maintains the control of the position and accepts every new setpoint
setting (IDN 00153) via the service channel. If the control system resets
the command then the drive switches back to velocity control.
The parameter is only of significance for RD52.

Parameter: S-0-0153 Spindle angle position

Length: 4 bytes
Minimal value: = -2 31
Maximal value: = +2 31 -1
Unit: -

RD 500 Options RZP01.1-S1 SERCOS-Interface 9-31

The spindle angle position is based on the reference point and is only
active with the "Position spindle procedure command" (IDN 00152).
The parameter is only of significance for RD52.

Parameter: S-0-0154 Spindle positioning parameter

Length: 2 bytes
Minimal value: -
Maximal value: -
Unit: -
When the "Position spindle procedure command" is active and the
nominal speed value is 0 then the direction of rotation for reaching the
spindle angle position can be preset here. If the nominal speed value
does not equal 0 then the current direction of rotation is maintained for
reaching the spindle angle position.
Construction of the spindle positioning parameter:
Bit 0-1: 1 x – shortest path (x = 0 or 1)
Bit 2: 0 – spindle angle position (IDN 00153)
Bit 3: 0 – motor encoder
The parameter is only of significance for RD52.

Parameter: S-0-0157 Velocity window

Length: 4 bytes
Minimal value: 0
Maximal value: 231-1
Unit: rpm
If the velocity feedback value is around the velocity command value within
the velocity window then bit 1 is set in Signal status word (S-0-0144) and
in Class 3 diagnostic (S-0-0013).

Parameter: S-0-0160 Acceleration data scaling type (Dummy)

Length: 2 bytes
Minimal value:
Maximal value:
This parameter is not supported. It can be read and written via the
SERCOS service channel but the value is not used.

Parameter: S-0-0169 Probe control parameter (Dummy)

Length: 2 bytes
Minimal value:
Maximal value:
This parameter is not supported. It can be read and written via the
SERCOS service channel but the value is not used.

9-32 RZP01.1-S1 SERCOS-Interface RD 500 Options

Parameter: S-0-0182 Manufacturer class 3 diagnostic (Dummy)

Length: 2 bytes
Minimal value:
Maximal value:
This parameter is not supported. It can be read and written via the
SERCOS service channel but the value is not used.

Parameter: S-0-0185 Length of the configurable data record in the AT

Length: 2 bytes
Minimal value: -
Maximal value: -
Unit: -
In the operation data of this IDN, the drive indicates the maximum length
in bytes which can be processed in the configurable data record of the

Parameter: S-0-0186 Length of the configurable data record in the MDT

Length: 2 bytes
Minimal value: -
Maximal value: -
Unit: -
In the operation data of this IDN, the drive indicates the maximum length
in bytes which can be processed in the configurable data record of the

Parameter: S-0-0187 IDN-list of the configurable data in the AT

Length: Variable 2 bytes (IDNn)
Minimal value: -
Maximal value: -
Unit: -
This list contains those IDNs whose operation data can be delivered by
the drive cyclically as feedback values in the AT. If the application
telegram (S-0-0015 = 7) is used, then the IDNs contained in it can be
written into S-0-0016. Refer to table TB. 9-4: Content of S-0-0187 In
Chapter 9.4.

Parameter: S-0-0188 IDN-list of the configurable data in the MDT

Length: Variable 2 bytes (IDNn)
Minimal value: -
Maximal value: -
Unit: -
This list contains those IDNs whose operation data can be delivered by
the drive cyclically as command values in the MDT. If the application
telegram (S-0-0015 = 7) is used, then the IDNs contained in it can be
written into S-0-0024. Refer to table TB. 9-5: Content of S-0-0188 In
Chapter 9.4.

RD 500 Options RZP01.1-S1 SERCOS-Interface 9-33

Parameter: S-0-0192 IDN-list of backup operation data

Length: Variable, 2 bytes (IDNn)
Minimal value: -
Maximal value: -
Unit: -
IDN´s of all S - and P – parameters, which have to be loaded in the drive
in order to guarantee correct operation, are stored in this IDN-list. The
master uses this list to generate a backup copy of the drive parameters.
Important: IDN S-0-0269 Storage mode. It is fixed at 1, e.g. temporarily
store data. This means that data that is stored in the parameters
contained in S-0-0192 and that are transmitted to the drive are only stored
temporarily and are only written into the EEprom of the basic board when
“Backup working memory procedure command” S-0-0264 is set..

Note: This ID number list has the following length for the REFUdrive:
RD51: 410 entries
RS51: 444 entries
RD52: 644 entries
For future functional expansions the length of this list should
be reserved big enough inside the control system.
Suggestion: list-length of 1000 entries.

Parameter: S-0-0216 Switch parameter set procedure command

Length: 2 bytes
Minimal value: -
Maximal value: -
Unit: -
Parameter sets can be switched over using this command. The drive
switches over to the parameter set that is programmed in the “Parameter
set preselection” (IDN 00217). This command can only be executed when
the inverter is off, i.e. when the corresponding bits are reset in the control

Note: On changing the parameter set, the corresponding value is

written to parameter P0070 (P-0-0070).
Parameter set preselection S-0-0217 = 0: P-0-0070 = 1700
= 1: P-0-0070 = 1701

Parameter: S-0-0217 Parameter set preselection

Length: 2 bytes
Minimal value: 0
Maximal value: 1
Unit: -
The parameter set in the drive is selected via the parameter set
preselection. The „Switch parameter set procedure command“ (IDN
00216) is used to switch parameter sets.
Parameter sets 0 and 1 are supported.
Value: 0 – parameter set 0
1 – parameter set 1

9-34 RZP01.1-S1 SERCOS-Interface RD 500 Options

Parameter: S-0-0219 IDN-list parameter set

Length: variable 2 byte (IDN list)
Minimal value: -
Maximal value: -
Unit: -
This IDN list contains all IDNs whose parameter sets can be switched
over. If their IDN is smaller than 32767 or larger than 34816 then this
parameter also exists in parameter set 1. (Example: S-0-0091, S-1-0091,
P-0-2070, P-1-2070)
If the ID number is in the range between 32768 and 34815 (i.e. within P-0-
0000 and P-0-2047) then the value of the second parameter set is shown
in the second list element.

Parameter: S-0-0222 Spindle positioning speed

Length: 4 bytes
Minimal value: ≥0
Maximal value: ≤ +231 -1
Unit: rpm
The "Position spindle procedure command” (IDN 00152) accelerates or
decelerates to the Spindle positioning speed If the drive receives the
"Position spindle procedure command" when at standstill then it
accelerates to the Spindle positioning speed.
The parameter is only of significance for RD52.

Parameter: S-0-0254 Actual parameter set

Length: 2 bytes
Minimal value: 0
Maximal value: 1
Unit: -
This parameter stores the currently active parameter set in the drive. If a
parameter set is to be switched, it is important, that the next consecutive
parameter set has been updated into the parameter set preselection (IDN
00217) before setting the Switch parameter set procedure command.
Value: 0 – parameter set 0 is active
1 – parameter set 1 is active

Parameter: S-0-0264 Backup working memory procedure command

Length: 2 bytes
Minimal value: -
Maximal value: -
Unit: -
When the master sets the „Backup working memory procedure
command”, all data necessary for operation (see „IDN List of the
Operating Data to be Stored“ IDN 00192) is transferred from the drives
„active memory“ into its „non-volatile memory“.

Attention: This command overwrites previously stored parameters.

Parameter: S-0-0265 Language selection

RD 500 Options RZP01.1-S1 SERCOS-Interface 9-35

Length: 2 bytes
Minimal value: 0
Maximal value: 1
Unit: -
You can choose between either English or German language.
Value: 0 – German
1 – English

Parameter: S-0-0269 Storage mode

Length: 2 bytes
Minimal value: -
Maximal value: -
Unit: -
The „Storage mode“ indicates that in RefuDrive 500 all data transmitted
via the service channel is stored temporarily (e.g. in RAM, working
memory). Refer also to Parameter: S-0-0264 Backup working memory
procedure command
Bit 0: 1 – store data temporarily

Parameter: S-0-0336 Status “In position”

Length: 2 bytes
Minimal value: -
Maximal value: -
Unit: -
With this parameter, an IDN is set for the message "In Position".
Construction of the "In Position" message:
Bit 0: 0 – position not (yet) reached
1 – position reached
The parameter only exists for RD52.
Note: This information is generated from the REFUdrive basic device
RD52, Parameter P1567 (P-0-1567) and transmitted from there via the
status word (P1922, P-0-1922), bit 8 to the option board. To do this,
parameter P0076.8 (ninth list element of P-0-0076) must have the value
1567. For more information on this, refer to the REFUdrive 52 manual,
Functional Diagrams and Parameter Lists, for Firmware 05VRS.
Parameters S-0-0305, S-0-0307, S-0-0047 and S-0-0057 are not

Parameter: S-0-0390 Diagnostic number

Length: 2 bytes
Minimal value: =0
Maximal value: = 216 -1
Unit: -
During a fault of the basic device, the number of the fault is indicated
here. This corresponds to the parameter P-0-1793 of the basic device.

9-36 RZP01.1-S1 SERCOS-Interface RD 500 Options

Parameter: S-0-0403 Position feedback value status (Dummy)

Length: 2 bytes
Minimal value: -
Maximal value: -
Unit: -
This parameter is not supported. It can be read and written via the
SERCOS service channel but the value is not used.

Parameter: P-0-2048 Block configuration SERCOS on

Length: 2 bytes
Minimal value: 0
Maximal value: 1
Unit: -
This parameter is not supported.

Parameter: P-0-2049 Block configuration SERCOS off

Length: 2 bytes
Minimal value: 0
Maximal value: 1
Unit: -
This parameter is not supported.

Parameter: P-0-2050 Setpoint configurable 1

Length: 2 bytes
Minimal value: -
Maximal value: -
Unit: -
With Refu standard data scaling ± 15 bits

Parameter: P-0-2051 Setpoint configurable 2

Length: 2 bytes
Minimal value: -
Maximal value: -
Unit: -
With Refu standard data scaling ± 15 bits

Parameter: P-0-2052 Setpoint configurable 3

Length: 2 bytes
Minimal value: -
Maximal value: -
Unit: -
With Refu standard data scaling ± 15 bits

RD 500 Options RZP01.1-S1 SERCOS-Interface 9-37

Parameter: P-0-2053 Setpoint configurable 4

Length: 2 bytes
Minimal value: -
Maximal value: -
Unit: -
With Refu standard data scaling ± 15 bits

Parameter: P-0-2054 Setpoint configurable 5

Length: 2 bytes
Minimal value: -
Maximal value: -
Unit: -
With Refu standard data scaling ± 15 bits

Parameter: P-0-2055 Setpoint configurable 6

Length: 4 bytes
Minimal value: -
Maximal value: -
Unit: -
With Refu standard data scaling ± 31 bits

Parameter: P-0-2060 Feedback configurable 1

Length: 2 bytes
Minimal value: -
Maximal value: -
Unit: -
With Refu standard data scaling ± 15 bits

Parameter: P-0-2061 Feedback configurable 2

Length: 2 bytes
Minimal value: -
Maximal value: -
Unit: -
With Refu standard data scaling ± 15 bits

Parameter: P-0-2062 Feedback configurable 3

Length: 2 bytes
Minimal value: -
Maximal value: -
Unit: -
With Refu standard data scaling ± 15 bits

Parameter: P-0-2063 Feedback configurable 4

Length: 2 bytes
Minimal value: -
Maximal value: -
Unit: -

9-38 RZP01.1-S1 SERCOS-Interface RD 500 Options

With Refu standard data scaling ± 15 bits

Parameter: P-0-2064 Feedback configurable 5

Length: 2 bytes
Minimal value: -
Maximal value: -
Unit: -
With Refu standard data scaling ± 15 bits

Parameter: P-0-2065 Feedback configurable 6

Length: 4 bytes
Minimal value: -
Maximal value: -
Unit: -
With Refu standard data scaling ± 31 bits

Parameter: P-i-2070 RD500 normalization Speed parameter set i

Length: Variable 2 bytes (IDNn)
Minimal value: >=0
Maximal value: <=+2 -1
Unit: rpm
Parameters P-0-2070 and P-1-2070 are available for parameter sets 0
and 1. In the following, they are combined and termed as P-i-2070. This
parameter “P-i-2070 RD500 normalization speed parameter set i” is used
to adjust the different ways of displaying velocity / speed data under
SERCOS and REFUdrive.
Differences in the speed data:

Protocol SERCOS REFUdrive

Data width 32 bits 16 bits
Normalization is as 1 LSB = a x 10b rpm 100 % = P0390
Parameters that S-0-0044 Data scaling type P0390 Normalization
always apply: S-0-0045 Data scaling factor (a) speed
S-0-0046 Data scaling exponent
Data transmission As above, i.e. 1 LSB = a x 10b 100 % = 16384
LSB: Least Significant Bit

To solve the normalization problem with a good rate of accuracy and with
sufficient resolution while at the same time reducing the online computer
time to a minimum, the P-i-2070 parameter has been introduced.
P-i-2070 must be parameterized to suit the motor in order to obtain a
suitable normalization, speed accuracy and resolution. The value to be
inserted orients itself to the maximal allowed or actually occurring speed
of the motor in this application.
Example: A spindle has a maximum speed of 18000.0000 rpm. This
range is also fully used on the system. For P-i-2070, you now select a
value that is a „little“ higher, e.g. 18100.0000. (data scaling factors S-0-
0044 to S-0-0046 apply!!).

RD 500 Options RZP01.1-S1 SERCOS-Interface 9-39

Note: Parameter S-i-0091 has nothing to do with P-i-2070.

S-i-0091 is used in limiting the velocity command value.

Note: When switching on the drive (power-on) or on changes to S-0-

0044, S-0-0045, S-0-0046 or P-i-2070, parameter P0390.i is
written from the SERCOS option assembly onto the basic
board SR. For RefuDrive RD51 and RS51 the parameter P-0-
0114 (P0114) Pole pair number is also relevant.
For this reason, P0390 must not be changed by other sources
or at other locations (control panel, REFUwin, ...) as otherwise
the conversion of the weighted SERCOS velocity data to the
normalized percentile Refu nominal and actual speed values is
no longer correct.

Note: Both P-0-2070 and P-1-2070 must be set to suitable values. If

you only use parameter set 0 then it is best to set P-1-2070 to
the same value as P-0-2070.

Parameter: P-0-2080 Set parameter for operation procedure command

Length: 2 bytes
Minimal value:
Maximal value:
Sets the parameters of the basic device required for operation with
SERCOS, depending on the basic unit. These parameters are described
in chapter 9.5 Parameterization This command can be used when setting
a drive into operation for the first time. It can only be written in phase 2.
Important note: These settings are standard values that can or must be
optimized afterwards.

Parameter: P-0-2081 Set parameter for spindle positioning command

Length: 2 bytes
Minimal value:
Maximal value:
Sets the parameters required at the RD52 basic device for the spindle
positioning procedure command. These parameters are described in
chapter 9.17 Spindle positioning.

Note: These settings are standard values that can or must be

optimized afterwards.

9.8 Refu – P Parameter

All Refu parameters from P-0-0000 (P0000) to P-0-2047 (P2047) (refer to
documentation REFUdrive Function Plans and Parameter Lists) are also
available to the user with the elements belonging to SERCOS (name,
IDN, attribute, min. and max. values, unit and data (the data can be read
by the user and, when not read-only, can also be edited by the user).
With the REFUdrive, a distinction is made between offline and online,
whereby offline means that the parameter can only be written when the

9-40 RZP01.1-S1 SERCOS-Interface RD 500 Options

inverter is switched off. SERCOS does not recognize this difference. For
this reason, all of these parameters have the attribute „Can only be
changed in Phase 2“. Refu online parameters are „Changeable in Phase

P-Parameters with index

There are indexed parameters in the REFUdrive. As this term or
mechanism does not exist under SERCOS, all Refu parameters with
index are mapped into SERCOS list parameters.

Refu: Parameter P0050.x, Index Length 7 (i.e. 0 to 7) Name: „Source Control
word KL”
P0050.0 = 1714
P0050.1 = 1701
P0050.2 = 1701
P0050.3 = 1701
P0050.4 = 1701
P0050.5 = 1701
P0050.6 = 1701
P0050.7 = 1700

SERCOS List with 2-byte data, length of list: 8 , IDN: P-0-0050, Name: „Source
Control word KL”
Transmitted by SERCOS: Actual Length in Bytes, Max. Length in Bytes,
Example: 16, 16, 1714, 1701, 1701, 1701, 1701, 1701, 1701, 1700
The first element has the value 1714. Under Refu, this is the index 0.
The second element has the value 1701. Under Refu, this is the index 1.

P-Parameters for the SERCOS - interface

The following parameters are used for settings and diagnostics. These
parameters (read-only) can be seen in the basic device.

Parameter Name Comment

P1322 SC address Shows the current SERCOS bus address of the drive. It is set on the
options board using rotary coded switches S3 and S4.
P1323 SC baud rate Shows the current baud rate and is set on the options board by switch S1.
P1520 SC phase Displays the current SERCOS phase
P1521 SC cycle time Shows the value of the S-0-0002 parameter
P1522 SC control word Shows the value of the S-0-0134 parameter
P1523 SC status word Shows the value of the S-0-0135 parameter
P1524 SC brightness Shows the currently set transmitter brightness. It is set on the options
board using switch S2.

RD 500 Options RZP01.1-S1 SERCOS-Interface 9-41

9.9 Data storage

The IDN-list of the S-0-0192 backup operation data contains all S - and P
- parameters of the „REFUdrive 500 with SERCOS-Interface“, that must
be stored securely against a power failure.
Loading the data of all parameters contained in S-0-0192 into the control
system allows the complete configuration to be restored for example
during service operations.
All S (SERCOS-standard) and P (product-specific) parameters described
in 9.7 Description of the Parameters and that are implemented on the
option board and that are stored at a power failure are kept in the EEprom
of the basic board (SR17000 or SR17002).
The following table contains those SERCOS parameters that are only
relevant for the option „SERCOS Implementation in RD500“.
They are available via the SERCOS optical bus under the following ID
numbers (IDN).
In the REFUdrive, they can be addressed via the parameter number in
the REFUdrive P-Number column and can be read and edited at the
control panel or by using REFUwin.

Note: If these parameters are changed via SERCOS then they are
immediately visible under the corresponding REFUdrive P-
If these parameters are changed via the control panel or
REFUwin then they are only available via SERCOS after the
next power-on or phase transition to phase 2.

Reminder: Do not forget to store all parameters after loading the

parameters in the drive (using the S-0-0264 command)!

IDN Name Is only valid for: REFUdrive P-Number

(Name in REFUdrive)
S-0-0015 Telegram type parameter RD51, RS51, RD52 P1324
(S15 telegram type)
S-0-0016 Configuration list of AT RD51, RS51, RD52 P1325 Index 0 ... 9
(S16 config. list AT)
S-0-0024 Configuration list of MDT RD51, RS51, RD52 P1326 Index 0 ... 9
(S24 config. list MDT)
S-0-0032 Primary operating mode RD51, RS51, RD52 P1327
(S32 main oper. mode)
S-0-0033 Secondary operation mode 1 RD51, RS51, RD52 P1328
(S33 aux oper.mode 1)
S-0-0034 Secondary operation mode 2 RD51, RS51, RD52 P1329
(S34 aux oper.mode 2)
S-0-0035 Secondary operation mode 3 RD51, RS51, RD52 P1330
(S35 aux oper.mode 3)
S-0-0043 Velocity polarity parameter RD51, RS51, RD52 P1331
(S43 speed polarit.)
S-0-0044 Velocity data scaling type RD51, RS51, RD52 P1332
(S44 veloc.scal type)
S-0-0045 Velocity data scaling factor RD51, RS51, RD52 P1333
(S45 veloc.scal fact)
S-0-0046 Velocity data scaling exponent RD51, RS51, RD52 P1334

9-42 RZP01.1-S1 SERCOS-Interface RD 500 Options

IDN Name Is only valid for: REFUdrive P-Number

(Name in REFUdrive)
(S46 veloc.scal exp.)
S-0-0055 Position polaritiy parameter RD52 P1335
(S55 posit. polarity)
S-0-0057 Positioning window RD52 P1336
(S57 positioning window)
S-0-0085 Torque polaritiy parameter RD52 P1337
(S85 torque polaritiy)
S-0-0086 Torque/force data scaling type RD52 P1338
(S86 torq.scal type)
S-0-0091, Bipolar velocity limit value 0 RD51, RS51, RD52 P1339, Index 0 ... 1
S-1-0091 Bipolar velocity limit value 1
(S91 veloc limit bip)
S-0-0092 Bipolar torque limit value RD52 P1340
(S92 torque limit bip) .
S-0-0093 Torque/force data scaling factor RD52 P1341
(S93 torquescal fact)
S-0-0094 Torque/force data scaling exponent RD52 P1342
(S94 torque scal exp)
S-0-0103 Modulo value (is not supported) RD52 P1343
(S103 modulo value)
S-0-0124 Standstill window RD51, RS51, RD52 P1344
(S124 standstil wind)
S-0-0153 Spindle angle position RD52 P1345
(S153 spindle angle)
S-0-0154 Spindle positioning parameter RD52 P1346
(S154 spindleposMode)
S-0-0157 Velocity window RD51, RS51, RD52 P1347
(S157 speed window)
S-0-0222 Spindle positioning speed RD52 P1348
(S222 position.speed)
S-0-0265 Language selection RD51, RS51, RD52 P1349
(S265 language sel.)
P-0-2070, RD500 Normalization speed parameter set 0 RD51, RS51, RD52 P1360, Index 0 ... 1
P-1-2070 RD500 Normalization speed parameter set 1
(Sercos Max. speed)

9.10 Special treatment of some parameters under SERCOS

Certain Refu parameters have a special meaning under SERCOS, i.e.
they are treated in a special way by the SERCOS board.
An example of this is the Refu parameter P0390.i.:
For reasons of:
• SERCOS own data scaling of the speed information (nominal and
actual speed values)
• 16 bit resolution of the speed controller
• percentile standardization typical to the Refu, and
• computing times
the parameter P0390 must be generated in a special way from SERCOS
parameters (S-0-0044, S-0-0045, S-0-0046, P-i-2070) (after power-on, in
phase 2).

RD 500 Options RZP01.1-S1 SERCOS-Interface 9-43

For this reason, the P0390 parameter must not be subsequently changed.
A change via the control panel or via REFUwin should no longer be
When the SERCOS board is plugged in then the parameter P0390.i is
The following parameters are also treated specially by SERCOS:

Parameter Name Comment

P0008 EEprom program cycles Is generated in the S-0-0264 command
P0010 Display language To switch over the language of all parameters,
both S-0-0265 as well as P0010 (P-0-0010) must
be suitably set.
For S-0-0265, the following applies: 0 – German
1 = English
For P-0-0010, the following applies: 0 – English
1 = German
When writing from S-0-0265, P-0-0010 is
generated accordingly.
P0390 Frequency normalize (RD51, RS51) Value can not be changed by SERCOS.
Speed normalize (RD52)
P0072 Source parameter Is fixed at value 4 = all interfaces
P0000 Firmware FWC- Is displayed as an ASCII value with 16-bit word
width. Refer also to Parameter: S-0-0030
Manufacturer version
P0028 Operating hours Can not be changed
P0029 Operating minutes Can not be changed
P0040 Fault memory Can not be changed
P0041 Fault time hours Can not be changed
P0042 Fault time minutes Can not be changed
P0435.0 Fixed value for D1860 Only for RD52 Do not use for other applications!
Is used to transmit the spindle positioning speed
from the SERCOS option board to the basic
P0435.2 Fixed value for D1967 Only for RD52 Do not use for other applications!
Is used to transmit the spindle angle position
from the SERCOS option board to the basic
P1848 n regulator Kp Is converted on the option board in such a way
that the date transmitted via SERCOS
corresponds to the value on the control panel
P1870 Cooler temperature, power section Is converted on the option board in such a way
that the date transmitted via SERCOS
corresponds to the value on the control panel
P1872 Motor temperature, linearized Is converted on the option board in such a way
that the date transmitted via SERCOS
corresponds to the value on the control panel
P1796 St. LT:S 1P W12 P not visible via SERCOS
P1798 Dig. output relay 321 not visible via SERCOS
P1799 Dig In 54321 not visible via SERCOS

9.11 Rights
Both the control panel, REFUwin and the SERCOS master can read, write
and change parameters.

9-44 RZP01.1-S1 SERCOS-Interface RD 500 Options

If a parameter is changed using the control panel or by REFUwin at a

control system with the SERCOS interface, then a parameter upload
should be subsequently done in order to ensure that data consistency is
Recommended operation:
Putting into operation: REFUwin
Fault remedy: Control panel
Operation: SERCOS Master

9.12 Fault Remedy (Troubleshooting)

Error Message Cause Remedy

Yellow LED does not light up Options board without power or
Yellow LED lights permanently for Once-only initialization Please wait
approx. 45 sec after power-on
Red LED lights up brightly Light bus not closed Fiber optic cable is defective, bent or
not correctly screwed on; when
appropriate, use the LWL-FSMA
socket wrench, Order No.: 260 285
Received light level is much too high Adjust transmission brightness of pre-
or much too weak ceeding transmitter in SERCOS bus.
Incorrect baud rate Check baud rate (using S1)
Red LED lights weakly or flickers Light bus not closed Fiber optic cable is defective, bent or
not correctly screwed on; when
appropriate, use the LWL-FSMA
socket wrench, Order No.: 260 285
Received light level is much too high Adjust transmission brightness of pre-
or much too weak ceeding transmitter in SERCOS bus.
Incorrect baud rate Check baud rate (using S1)

All LEDs light permanently Options board is in reset condition Switch the drive off from power and
then switch back on
SS2 or SS4 timeout Incorrect parameterization Check the parameters P0526, P0527
or P0746 and P0747

9.13 Documentation on Data Types N2 and N4

(Profibus) data types N2 and N4 are used in the REFUdrive device.
These are 16 and 32 bit parameters, marked with a „percentage“ sign.
This means that the number range of ±215 is mapped to ±200.00 % (for
16 bit) and ±231 is mapped to ±200.00000 % (for 32 bit). All process-
relevant data is therefore shown on the control panel and in REFUwin as
a „percentage“ and with „2 digits (for 16bit) after the decimal point“, but
the data is transmitted via the interface (and this also includes the
SERCOS interface) as ±215 (or ±231).

% Value in the REFUdrive Number via SERCOS (or another Hex equivalent
+199,99 % 32767 7FFF

RD 500 Options RZP01.1-S1 SERCOS-Interface 9-45

+100,00 % 16384 4000

0% 0 0
-1,00 % -163 FF5D
-100,00 % -16384 C000
-200,00 % -32768 8000

9.14 Information on operation with DriveTop

The “setpoint generator” implemented on the SERCANS board is used for
putting the drive into operation. After all settings have been done and
communication phase 4 has been switched on, the setpoint generator can
now be started.
First, the setpoint generator must be “configured” using “setpoint
generator box” – “setpoint box selection” and then the operating mode
“xxx speed control” must be selected.
Then, in the “setpoint generator box” – “setpoint generator box settings”
window, the drive is enabled and the motor is switched on with “Start” (or
”Jog” and “Jog +” or “Jog –“).
The speed is adjusted using the parameters Y-0-0062, rotary speed or Y-
0-0063, jog speed.
Y-0-0044 setpoint generator enable = 00000000 00000001 (automatically
done by setpoint generator)
Y-0-0045 setpoint generator operating mode axis structure 1 = 01010001
00000001 (automatically done by setpoint generator)

9.15 Known Limitations

a) setpoint generator together with DriveTop
The setpoint generator on the SERCANS board with DriveTop only works
with the following limitations regarding the Sercos cycle time S-0-0002:

Basic devices RD51 and RS51:

F-pulse in kHz 2 4 6 8 10 12
S-0-0002 >= 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 No function
(in usec)

Basic device RD52:

F-pulse in kHz 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
S-0-0002 >= 5000 4000 3000 2000 2000 2000 2000 3000 3000 3000 3000
(in usec)

When used with other control systems than DriveTop, no limitations have
as yet been observed.

b) With basic device RefuSpeed RS51, only the setting 0 = brake

operation is possible for parameter P-0-0043 (P0043). This means that
the option of selecting the inverter off, coast down via the corresponding
bit in the Sercos control word is not available.

9-46 RZP01.1-S1 SERCOS-Interface RD 500 Options

c) For basic devices RD51 and RS51, there is no SERCOS interface on

selecting the TEST operation (refer here to the documentation of devices
RD51 or RS51).

9.16 Block-parametrization
To download an entire data record to a drive, we recommend that you use
Parameter P1018 (P-0-1018) Blockparametrization is used here.
Manually entering the parameter at the beginning and at the end of a data
record ensures that no warning or error messages appear and that a
functioning data record is also completely downloaded.
To do this, the block-parametrization is “opened” at the beginning by
transmitting the value 1. On conclusion, the block-parametrization is
“closed” by transmitting the value 0.

9.17 Spindle positioning

a) Requirements
Refu drive RD52 (with Firmware version FWC-SR1700-200-05V17 or
later) and SERCOS Option Board on slot 1 (with Firmware FWC-SC2224-
300-01V16 or later).
Before putting the spindle positioning function into operation, all
parameters that are required for operation with SERCOS must already be
correctly set. This means that operation in phase 4 with speed control is a
basic requirement.
Furthermore, a rotary position transducer that delivers a zero pulse must
be connected to the motor.
A simple way of carrying out the following configuration is, in phase 2, to
execute the command P-0-2081 “Set Parameter for Spindle Positioning
Command”. All of the following settings listed are then carried out. (do not
forget command S-0-0264 on completion!).

b) configuration for spindle positioning

The resolution is set for the position information in the drive:
Parameter Name Value Description
P-0-0780 (P0780) resolution/motor-turn 22 2exp 32 increments

Enter ramps active in positioning mode:

Parameter Name Value Description
P-0-0280, second list element (or P0280.1) Ramp up time 1.0 sec Active in positioning mode
P-0-0281, second list element (or P0281.1) Ramp down time 1.0 sec

Now enter the basic setting of the speed control parameters. These
values are very “soft” settings of the speed and position control during
spindle positioning. They must be subsequently optimized.

Parameter Name Value Description

P-0-0335 (P0335) Speed controller G1 1.0 Active for speed control;

RD 500 Options RZP01.1-S1 SERCOS-Interface 9-47

Parameter Name Value Description

P-0-0336 (P0336) Speed controller T1 50 msec
P-0-0337 (P0337) Speed controller G2 1.0 Active for position control;
P-0-0338 (P0338) Speed controller T2 50 msec
P-0-0654 (P0654) Position controller Gain 1.0 Active for position control;

Setting the parameters for the spindle positioning:

Parameter Name Value Description
P-0-0156, third list element (or P0156.2) MFB source 1 D 1991
P-0-0157, third list element (or P0157.2) MFB source 2 D 1834
P-0-0158, third list element (or P0158.2) MFB function 1 1 Subtraction
P-0-0159, third list element (or P0159.2) MFB function 2 1 Absolute value
P-0-0269 (or P0269) Source, jog setpoint value 3 D 1860
P-0-0270 (or P0270) Source, enable jog 3 D 1770
P-0-0271 (or P0271) Source ramp up generator 2 D 1770
P-0-0298 (or P0298) Selection speed controller 2 D 1612
P-0-0300 (or P0300) Source, additional setpoint 4 D 1991
P-0-0301 (or P0301) Selection addition. setpoint 4 D 1613
P-0-0317 (or P0317) Source 1, Multiplier 1 D 1860
P-0-0318 (or P0318) Source 2, Multiplier 1 D 2001
P-0-0367 (or P0367) Fix value torque limit 1 199.99%
P-0-0370 (or P0370) Fix value torque limit 2 -199.99%
P-0-0396 (or P0396) Source x1 comparator 1 D 1895
P-0-0397 (or P0397) Hysteresis x1:xs1 0.1%
P-0-0398 (or P0398) Fix value xs1 comparator 1 0.1%
P-0-0406 (or P0406) Source x0 positive input D 1897 Actual speed value
P-0-0407 (or P0407) Source x0 negative input D 1860 Positioning speed
P-0-0408 (or P0408) Hysteresis x0:xs0 0.1%
P-0-0409 (or P0409) Fix value xs0 0.2%
P-0-0460 (or P0460) Source digital output 1 D 1768
P-0-0572 (or P0572) Source AND ramp up enable D 1613
P-0-0576 (or P0576) Source synchronous reset D 1626
P-0-0583, first list element (or P0583.0) Source input 0 gate D 1748
P-0-0583, sixth list element (or P583.5) Source input 0 gate D 1770
P-0-0584, first list element (or P584.0) Source input 1 gate D 1780
P-0-0584, second list element (or P 584.1) Source input 1 gate D 1610
P-0-0585, first list element (or P585.0) Source input 2 gate D 1757
P-0-0585, second list element (or P 585.1) Source input 2 gate D 1650
P-0-0586, first list element (or P586.0) Function gate 14 triple AND
P-0-0586, second list element (or P 586.1) Function gate 3 RS-Flipflop
P-0-0586, sixth list element (or P586.5) Function gate 22 Inverter and NAND
P-0-0587, fourth list element (or P587.3) Source timer module D 1770

9-48 RZP01.1-S1 SERCOS-Interface RD 500 Options

Parameter Name Value Description

P-0-0588, fourth list element (or P588.3) Timer module mode 2 pulse
P-0-0589, fourth list element (or P589.3) Timer module time 1 1 0.01 sec
P-0-0637 (or P0637) Enable auxiliary function 1 position control active!
P-0-0647 (or P0647) Source additional setpoint D 1967 comes from P0435.2
position control
P-0-0648 (or P0648) Source setpoint position D 1800
P-0-0649 (or P0649) Source position feedback D 2014
P-0-0656 (or P0656) Source position control D 1701
P-0-0657 (or P0657) Source position control D 1860
positive limit
P-0-0658 (or P0658) Source position control D 1831
negative limit
P-0-0788 (or P0788) Enable reset position D 1757
P-0-0793 (or P0793) linear part of square-root 0.5% optimize!
P-0-0794 (or P0794) weighting position error 1 1/65536

After completing the configuration, the command S-0-0264 must be

started to ensure data safety.

Parameter S-0-0153 sets the spindle angle position (value range 0.0000
to 360.0000 degrees)
Parameter S-0-0222 sets the spindle positioning speed (value range the
same as for other speed data)
The Position spindle procedure command is started by S-0-0152.

Note: Parameters P0435.0 and P0435.2 are used by the spindle

positioning function and are therefore not available to other
applications. The spindle positioning speed is transmitted in
P0435.0 (as a percentage, related to P0390.0) The angle
position (high word) is transmitted in the resolution +/- 199.99
percent in P0435.2.

RD 500 Options Extended control terminal strip RZP01.1-T1 10-1

10 Extended control terminal strip RZP01.1-T1

10.1 General information on the extended control terminal

The extended control terminal strip RZP01.1-T1 offers the following
functionality over the control terminal strip
• 4 floating digital inputs
• 4 relay outputs (2 NO contacts, 2 changeover contacts)
• 2 floating analog current outputs (9-bit resolution / max. 500 Ω)
• 1 differential high-ohmic analog input (current/voltage, 10-bit
The extended control terminal strip KL RZP01.1-T1 is intended for
installation in module slot 2. The basic parameterization (only for RD51)
supports the extended control terminal strip at module slot 2.

Technical data
Order No. RZP01.1-T1
Power supply +5 V and +15 V internal from the control
Size (length x width) 100 x 87 mm (3.94 x 3.43 inch)
Environmental Class 3K3 acc. to DIN IEC 721-3-3
Ambient temperature
– during storage -25 °C ... +70 °C
– in operation 0 °C ... +40 °C
Radio interference suppression A1 acc. to EN 55011
Noise immunity EN 50082-2
Relay outputs
Max. switching voltage 30 V AC/DC
Max. switching current 2A
Max. switching power 65.5 VA, 60 W
Min. load 10 µA at 10 mV DC
Digital inputs (floating)
Voltage input 0 ... 35 V
Input resistance Ri ≈ 3 kΩ
H signal +13 V ... +35 V
L signal -3 V ... +5 V or open-circuit terminal
Analog outputs
Current outputs 0...20 mA or 4...20 mA, can be
Max. load resistance 500 Ω
Resolution 9 bit

10-2 Extended control terminal strip RZP01.1-T1 RD 500 Options

Analog input (can either be parameterized as current or voltage input),

Current input 0...20 mA or 4...20 mA, can be
Input resistance Re = ~ 150 Ω
Current resolution 0...20 mA 10 bit
Min. load 10 µA at 10 mV DC
Voltage input -10 V...+10 V
Input resistance Re = ~ 45 kΩ
Voltage resolution ±9 bit

10.2 Electrical installation

The optional extended control terminal strip is inserted at module slot 2.
The connections are visible after the front cover has been removed.

Terminal diagram




Option slot 1

Terminal strip expansion

at option slot 2 RZP01.1-T3
X31 Digital inputs
X34 Analog inputs
dr ive 50


X32 Digital outputs


X33 Analog outputs
ag Dang
Hig Volt shoc Dono touch
electric ti nsfor 5
e ectre. i a conneer chinf
hminute afte swit t
powe off c o"Safet
lReac an l follo
sInstructionr fog Electric
rDrive ."mawnu y -
d ******
dRL-DRIVE r al
sbefor operatingGENE-
s al,

Fig. 10-1: Terminal layout diagram, extended control terminal strip

RD 500 Options Extended control terminal strip RZP01.1-T1 10-3

Connection assignment

Terminal Comment
X31 Digital inputs
1 Ground, internal unit
2 Digital input 1
3 Digital input 2
4 Digital input 3
5 Digital input 4
6 Digital input, REFERENCE
X32 Relay outputs
1 Relay 1 NO contact (default “open”)
2 Relay 1
3 Relay 2 NO contact (default “open”)
4 Relay 2
5 Relay 3 changeover contact (default “closed”)
6 Relay 3 center contact
7 Relay 3 changeover contact (default “open”)
8 Relay 4 changeover contact (default “closed”)
9 Relay 4 center contact
10 Relay 4 changeover contact (default “open”)
X33 Analog outputs
1 Analog output 1
2 Analog output 2
3 Analog output, REFERENCE
X34 Analog input
1 Analog input A -
2 Analog input A+

10-4 Extended control terminal strip RZP01.1-T1 RD 500 Options

Connection circuit diagram

External Internal

X14 (SR1700x)
1 P 24V (output)
* Alternative connection:
Use the internal
control voltage X31
1 Ground P24V

P 24V
* 2 DE1 (Input)
3 DE2 (Input)
4 DE3 (Input)
5 DE4 (Input)
6 DE Ground

2 Relay 1

4 Relay 2

Relay 3
Relay 4

Connection example: Connection example:

Voltage output Curren output X33
0/4-20 mA 1 AA1 (Output)
0/2-10 V U
0/4-20 mA 2 AA2 (Output)
0/2-10 V 0/4-20mA
500W Ground 3 AA Ground

1 AE- (Input) -
Voltage-, ca. 150W
current input 2 AE+ (Input)

Fig. 10-2: Connection circuit-diagram

RD 500 Options Extended control terminal strip RZP01.1-T1 10-5

10.3 Parameterization

Basic parameterization for RD51

The user can use pre-defined parameters (refer to the Instruction
Manual). These can either be accessed via the numerical list or as follows
via the menu:

Setting the specific parameters for the extended control terminal strip

P. No.: Name Description / explanation, Factory setting Passw.

selectable options min ... max values Prog.
0882 Option, dig. input1 I no function 1
Digital input 0 ... 69 r/w off
0 = I no function (I=input)
1 = I operating enable
2 = I not alarm ext.
3 = I not fault ext.
4 = I fault reset
5 = I fmin select
6 = I direct. rotat.
7 = I not volt. disc.
8 = I not parking
9 = I RFG park
10 = I RFG up stop
11 = I motp. faster
12 = I motp. slower
13 = I WLM sensit. up
14 = I WLM sensit. down
15 = I WLM sensit. StrtStp
16 = I inhib. touch mess
17 = I inhib. load limit

20 = I setp. mem. bit4

22 = I setp. mem. bit0
23 = I setp. mem. bit1
24 = I setp. mem. bit2
25 = I setp. mem. bit3
26 = I param. set bit0
27 = I param. set bit1
28 = I param. set bit2
29 = I param. set bit3
30 = I param. set bit4

10-6 Extended control terminal strip RZP01.1-T1 RD 500 Options

P. No.: Name Description / explanation, Factory setting Passw.

selectable options min ... max values Prog.
31 = IN operating enable (IN = input for NORMAL)
32 = IN not alarm ext.
33 = IN not fault ext.
34 = IN fault reset
35 = IN fmin select
36 = IN direct. rotat.
37 = IN no volt. disc.
38 = IN not fast stop
39 = IN RFG parking
40 = IN RFG up stop
41 = IN motp. faster
42 = IN motp. slower
43 = IN WLM sensit. up
44 = IN WLM sensit. down
45 = IN WLM sensit. StrtStp
46 = IN inhib.touch mess
47 = IN inhib. load limit

51 = IT operating enable (IT=input for TEST)

52 = IT not alarm ext.
53 = IT not fault ext.
54 = IT fault reset
55 = IT fmin select
56 = IT direct. rotat.
57 = IT not volt. disc
58 = IT not fast stop
59 = IT RFG parking
60 = IT RFG up stop
61 = IT motp. faster
62 = IT motp. slower
63 = IT WLM sensit. up
64 = IT WLM sensit. down
65 = IT WLM sensit. StrtStp
16 = IT inhib.touch mess
17 = IT inhib. load limit

0883 Option, dig.input2 I no function 1

As for parameter P0882, from value 0 to 69. 0 ... 69 r/w off
0884 Option, dig.input3 I no function 1
As for parameter P0882, from value 0 to 69. 0 ... 69 r/w off
0885 Option, dig.input4 I no function 1
As for parameter P0882, from value 0 to 69. 0 ... 69 r/w off

RD 500 Options Extended control terminal strip RZP01.1-T1 10-7

P. No.: Name Description / explanation, Factory setting Passw.

selectable options min ... max values Prog.
0886 Option, relay 1 O no function 1
70 = O no function (O=output) 70 ... 99 r/w off
71 = O ready to switch-on
72 = O st.: Ready to switch-on
73 = O ready
74 = O st.: Ready
75 = O run
76 = O not fault
77 = O switch-on inhibit
78 = O no alarm
79 = O motor rotates 1 (on & ( < x.x sec)  (i > x.xx
80 = O motor rotates 2 (on & (fact > fmin) & (i > x.xx
81 = O direct. cw
82 = O current limiting
83 = O not mot. warning temp
84 = O not mot. overtemp
85 = O RFG up
86 = O RFG down
87 = O RFG reached
88 = O setpoint reached
89 = O setpoint in tolerance
90 = O fmin limiting
91 = O fmax limiting
92 = O TEST selected
93 = O control line contactor
94 = O f act <= f min
95 = O WLM spark signal
96 = O WLM load limit
97 = O mech. brake open
0887 Option, relay 2 O no function 1
As for parameter P0886, from value 70 to 99. 70 ... 99 r/w off
0888 Option, relay 3 O no function 1
As for parameter P0886, from value 70 to 99. 70 ... 99 r/w off
0889 Option, relay 4 O no function 1
As for parameter P0886, from value 70 to 99. 70 ... 99 r/w off
0891 Option, analog No function 1
output 1
0 = no function 0 ... 6 r/w off
1 = fact output, frequency
2 = Iact output, current
3 = Isq torque generating
4 = Vact output, voltage
5 = Pact output, power
6 = Pactive active power
0892 Option, analog No function 1
output 2
As for parameter P0891. 0 ... 6 r/w off
0221.XX Filter time 0 ms 1
XX = 01 for module slot 1 0 ... 10000 ms r/w off
XX = 02 for module slot 2

10-8 Extended control terminal strip RZP01.1-T1 RD 500 Options

P. No.: Name Description / explanation, Factory setting Passw.

selectable options min ... max values Prog.
0741.XX Signal, output block Absolute value 1
XX = 00 for module slot 1 0 ... 3 r/w on
XX = 01 for module slot 2
0 = direct
1 = absolute value
2 = inverted
3 = absolute value inverted
0742.XX Output block, normal 100 % 1
Normalization of the output block 6.26 ... 200.00 % r/w on
XX = 00 for module slot 1
XX = 01 for module slot 2
0743.XX Output block 0 ... ±100% 1
XX = 00 for module slot 1 0/1 r/w on
XX = 01 for module slot 2
0 = 0 ... ±100%
1 = +20 ... +100%
0744.XX Output block, offset Is only displayed, if P0891 or P0892 has a 0.00 % 1
XX = 00 for option, analog output 1 -100.00 ... 100.00 % r/w on
XX = 01 for option, analog output 2

Free parameterization
The operator can access all of the parameters (refer to the function charts
and parameter lists of the appropriate unit).
Communications is established between the “Control card” and the option
card via the process data. The extended control terminal strip can only be
inserted at module slot 2.
The inputs of the extended control terminal strip are converted on the
process data channels, and are available as D parameter.
The firmware addresses an option card at slot 2 as interface

Module slot 2
Option input Process data channel D parameters
Digital input 1 PZD1 from SS4 D1100
Digital input 2 PZD2 from SS4 D1101
Digital input 3 PZD3 from SS4 D1102
Digital input 4 PZD4 from SS4 D1103
Analog input D1806
Fig. 10-3: Digital inputs, analog input

RD 500 Options Extended control terminal strip RZP01.1-T1 10-9

Signals are connected to the digital and analog outputs, by connecting the
appropriate D parameter to the variable parameter sources at the
interface output.

Module slot 2
Option output Process data channel Var. parameter source
Relay output 1 PZD1 from SS4 P0491.0
Relay output 2 PZD2 from SS4 P0491.1
Relay output 3 PZD3 from SS4 P0491.2
Relay output 4 PZD4 from SS4 P0491.3
Analog output 1 PZD5 from SS4 P0491.4
Analog output 2 PZD6 from SS4 P0491.5
Fig. 10-4: Relay outputs

10-10 Extended control terminal strip RZP01.1-T1 RD 500 Options

RD 500 Options Extended control terminal strip RZP01.1-T3 11-1

11 Extended control terminal strip RZP01.1-T3

11.1 General information on the extended control terminal

The extended control terminal strip RZP01.1-T3 offers the following
functionality over the control terminal strip
• 4 floating digital outputs
• 2 floating analog current outputs (9-bit resolution / max. 500 Ω). From
version KL24815SP02 selectable via switch as analog voltage outputs.
• differential analog input at a considerably high electrical resistance
(current/voltage, 10-bit resolution)
The extended control terminal strip KL24815. RZP01.1-T3 is intended for
installation in module slot 2. The basic parameterization (only for RD51)
supports the extended control terminal strip at module slot 2.

Technical data
Order No. RZP01.1-T3
Power supply +5 V and +15 V internal from the control
Size (length x width) 100 x 87 mm (3.94 x 3.43 inch)
Environmental Class 3K3 acc. to DIN IEC 721-3-3
Ambient temperature
– during storage -25 °C ... +70 °C
– in operation 0 °C ... +40 °C
Radio interference suppression A1 acc. to EN 55011
Noise immunity EN 50082-2
Digital outputs (floating)
Voltage input 18 ..-. 31 V DC
Maximum output current per 0,5 A
Maximum total output current 1A
H signal rate 24 V external – (0,4 Ω ∗output current) e.g.
24 V – (0,4 Ω ∗ 0,5 A) =23,8 V
L signal rate Must not exceed 1,5 V at a load resistance
≥ 10 MΩ

11-2 Extended control terminal strip RZP01.1-T3 RD 500 Options

Digital-inputs (floating)
Input voltage 0..... 35 V
Input resistance Rj ≈3KΩ
H – signal rate +13 V ... +35 V
L – signal rate -3 V ... +5 V or open terminal
Analog outputs KL24815SP01
Current outputs 0 ... 20 mA respectively 4 ... 20 mA suitable
for parameterization
Maximum load resistance 500 Ω
resolution 9 Bit
Analog outputs KL24815SP02
Current outputs 0 ... 20 mA respectively 4 ... 20 mA suitable
for parameterization
Voltage outputs to be switched 0 ... 10 V respectively 2 ... 10 V suitable for
via S1 parameterization
Analog input (can either be parameterized as current or voltage input),
Current input 0...20 mA or 4...20 mA, suitable for
Input resistance Re = ~ 150 Ω
Current resolution 0...20 mA 10 bit
Min. load 10 µA at 10 mV DC
Voltage input -10 V...+10 V
Input resistance Re = ~ 45 kΩ
Voltage resolution ±9 bit

RD 500 Options Extended control terminal strip RZP01.1-T3 11-3

11.2 Electrical installation

The optional extended control terminal strip is inserted at module slot 2.
The connections are visible after the front cover has been removed.

Terminal diagram




Option slot 1

Terminal strip expansion

at option slot 2 RZP01.1-T3
X31 Digital inputs
X34 Analog inputs
dr ive 50


X32 Digital outputs


X33 Analog outputs
ag Dang
Hig Volt shoc Dono touch
electric ti nsfor 5
e ectre. i a conneer chinf
hminute afte swit t
al e off
pow l follo "Safet c o
lReac an
sInstruction r fog Electric
rDrive ."mawnu y -
d ******
dRL-DRIVE r al
sbefor operatingGENE-
s al,
SVS ...

Fig. 11-1: Terminal layout diagram, extended control terminal strip

11-4 Extended control terminal strip RZP01.1-T3 RD 500 Options

Connection assignment

Terminal Comment
X31 Digital inputs
1 Ground, internal unit
2 Digital input 1
3 Digital input 2
4 Digital input 3
5 Digital input 4
6 Digital input, REFERENCE
X 32 Digital outputs
1 24 V DC external
2 0 V external
3 Digital output 1
4 Digital output 2
5 0 V external
6 0 V external
7 Digital output 3
8 Digital output 4
X33 Analog outputs
1 Analog output 1
2 Analog output 2
3 Analog output, REFERENCE
X34 Analog input
1 Analog input A -
2 Analog input A+
S1.1 Switch for analog output 1
On Voltage output
Off Current output
S1.2 Switch for analog output 2
On Voltage output
Off Current output

The 4 digital outputs are floating in relation to the electronic control

devices, but have the same potential mutually.
The voltage difference between 0 V external and protective conductor
must not exceed 30 V DC.
The digital outputs are resistant to short cuts and moreover cannot
become subject of overheating.

RD 500 Options Extended control terminal strip RZP01.1-T3 11-5

Connection circuit diagram

outside the unit inside the unit

1 P 24V (Output) SR1700x
* Alternative connection:
Utilization of the
internal control voltage
max. 50 mA
1 M 24V KL KL24815SP01
P 24V
* 2 DE1 (Input)
3 DE2 (Input)
4 DE3 (Input)
5 DE4 (Input)
6 DE Reference

1 24V supply ext.

2 0 V ext.
24 Vext
3 Digital Output 1
4 Digital Output 2
5 0 V ext.
6 0 V ext. 0 Vext

7 Digital Output 3

8 Digital Output 4

Connection example:
Current output X33
0/4-20 mA 1 AA1 (Output)
0/4-20 mA 2 AA2 (Output)
Ground 3 AA Reference

1 AE- (Input) -
Voltage and
app. 150 W
2 AE+ (Input)
current input

Abb. 11-2:Connection circuit-diagram KL24815SP01

11-6 Extended control terminal strip RZP01.1-T3 RD 500 Options

outside the unit inside the unit

1 P 24V (Output)
* Alternative connection:
Utilization of the
internal control voltage
max. 50 mA X31 KL24815SP02
1 M 24V KL

P 24V
* 2 DE1 (Input)
3 DE2 (Input)
4 DE3 (Input)
5 DE4 (Input)
6 DE Refer.

1 24V Supply external

2 0 V ext.l
24 Vext
3 Digital Output 1
4 Digital Output 2
5 0 V ext.
6 0 V ext. 0 Vext

7 Digital Output 3

8 Digital Output 4

X33 U
1 AA1 (Output)
2 AA2 (Output) I
3 AA Refer. 2 x app. 500 W

S1.1 S1.2

1 AE- (Input) -
Voltage, app. 150 W
current input 2 AE+ (Input)

Fig. 11-3: Connection circuit-diagram KL24815SP02

RD 500 Options Extended control terminal strip RZP01.1-T3 11-7

11.3 Parameterization

Basic parameterization for RD51

The user can use pre-defined parameters (refer to the Instruction
Manual). These can either be accessed via the numerical list or as follows
via the menu:

Setting the specific parameters for the extended control terminal strip

P. No.: Name Description / explanation, Factory setting Passw.

selectable options min ... max values Prog.
0882 Option, dig. input1 I no function 1
Digital input 0 ... 69 r/w off
0 = I no function (I=input)
1 = I operating enable
2 = I not alarm ext.
3 = I not fault ext.
4 = I fault reset
5 = I fmin select
6 = I direct. rotat.
7 = I not volt. disc.
8 = I not parking
9 = I RFG park
10 = I RFG up stop
11 = I motp. faster
12 = I motp. slower
13 = I WLM sensit. up
14 = I WLM sensit. down
15 = I WLM sensit. StrtStp
16 = I inhib. touch mess
17 = I inhib. load limit

20 = I setp. mem. bit4

22 = I setp. mem. bit0
23 = I setp. mem. bit1
24 = I setp. mem. bit2
25 = I setp. mem. bit3
26 = I param. set bit0
27 = I param. set bit1
28 = I param. set bit2
29 = I param. set bit3
30 = I param. set bit4

11-8 Extended control terminal strip RZP01.1-T3 RD 500 Options

P. No.: Name Description / explanation, Factory setting Passw.

selectable options min ... max values Prog.
31 = IN operating enable (IN = input for NORMAL)
32 = IN not alarm ext.
33 = IN not fault ext.
34 = IN fault reset
35 = IN fmin select
36 = IN direct. rotat.
37 = IN no volt. disc.
38 = IN not fast stop
39 = IN RFG parking
40 = IN RFG up stop
41 = IN motp. faster
42 = IN motp. slower
43 = IN WLM sensit. up
44 = IN WLM sensit. down
45 = IN WLM sensit. StrtStp
46 = IN inhib.touch mess
47 = IN inhib. load limit

51 = IT operating enable (IT=input for TEST)

52 = IT not alarm ext.
53 = IT not fault ext.
54 = IT fault reset
55 = IT fmin select
56 = IT direct. rotat.
57 = IT not volt. disc
58 = IT not fast stop
59 = IT RFG parking
60 = IT RFG up stop
61 = IT motp. faster
62 = IT motp. slower
63 = IT WLM sensit. up
64 = IT WLM sensit. down
65 = IT WLM sensit. StrtStp
16 = IT inhib.touch mess
17 = IT inhib. load limit

0883 Option, dig.input2 I no function 1

As for parameter P0882, from value 0 to 69. 0 ... 69 r/w off
0884 Option, dig.input3 I no function 1
As for parameter P0882, from value 0 to 69. 0 ... 69 r/w off
0885 Option, dig.input4 I no function 1
As for parameter P0882, from value 0 to 69. 0 ... 69 r/w off

RD 500 Options Extended control terminal strip RZP01.1-T3 11-9

P. No.: Name Description / explanation, Factory setting Passw.

selectable options min ... max values Prog.
0886 Option relais 1 Digital output 1 O no function 1
70 = O no function (O=output) 70 ... 99 r/w off
71 = O ready to switch-on
72 = O st.: Ready to switch-on
73 = O ready
74 = O st.: Ready
75 = O run
76 = O not fault
77 = O switch-on inhibit
78 = O no alarm
79 = O motor rotates 1 (on & ( < x.x sec)  (i > x.xx
80 = O motor rotates 2 (on & (fact > fmin) & (i > x.xx
81 = O direct. cw
82 = O current limiting
83 = O not mot. warning temp
84 = O not mot. overtemp
85 = O RFG up
86 = O RFG down
87 = O RFG reached
88 = O setpoint reached
89 = O setpoint in tolerance
90 = O fmin limiting
91 = O fmax limiting
92 = O TEST selected
93 = O control line contactor
94 = O f act <= f min
95 = O WLM spark signal
96 = O WLM load limit
97 = O mech. brake open
0887 Option, relay 2 Digital output 2 O no function 1
As for parameter P0886, from value 70 to 99. 70... 99 r/w off
0888 Option, relay 3 Digital output 3 O no function 1
As for parameter P0886, from value 70 to 99. 70 ... 99 r/w off
0889 Option, relay 4 Digital output 4 O no function 1
As for parameter P0886, from value 70 to 99. 70 ... 99 r/w off
0891 Option, analog No function 1
output 1
0 = no function 0 ... 6 r/w off
1 = fact output, frequency
2 = Iact output, current
3 = Isq torque generating
4 = Vact output, voltage
5 = Pact output, power
6 = Pact active power
0892 Option, analog No function 1
output 2
As for parameter P0891. 0 ... 6 r/w off
0221.XX Filter time 0 ms 1
XX = 00 for module slot 1 0 ... 10000 ms r/w off
XX = 01 for module slot 2

11-10 Extended control terminal strip RZP01.1-T3 RD 500 Options

P. No.: Name Description / explanation, Factory setting Passw.

selectable options min ... max values Prog.
0741.XX Signal, output block Absolute value 1
XX = 00 for module slot 1 0 ... 3 r/w on
XX = 01 for module slot 2
0 = direct
1 = absolute value
2 = inverted
3 = absolute value inverted
0742.XX Output block, normal 100 % 1
Normalization of the output block 6.26 ... 200.00 % r/w on
XX = 00 for module slot 1
XX = 01 for module slot 2
0743.XX Output block 0 ... ±100% 1
XX = 00 for module slot 1 0/1 r/w on
XX = 01 for module slot 2
0 = 0 ... ±100%
1 = +20 ... +100%
0744.XX Output block, offset Is only displayed, if P0891 or P0892 has a 0.00 % 1
XX = 00 for option, analog output 1 -100.00 ... 100.00 % r/w on
XX = 01 for option, analog output 2

Free parameterization
The operator can access all of the parameters (refer to the function charts
and parameter lists of the appropriate unit).
Communications is established between the “Control card” and the option
card via the process data. The extended control terminal strip can only be
inserted at module slot 2.
The inputs of the extended control terminal strip are converted on the
process data channels, and are available as D parameter.
The firmware addresses an option card at slot 2 as interface

Module slot 2
Option input Process data channel D parameters
Digital input 1 PZD1 from SS4 D1100
Digital input 2 PZD2 from SS4 D1101
Digital input 3 PZD3 from SS4 D1102
Digital input 4 PZD4 from SS4 D1103
Analog input D1806
Fig. 11-3: Digital inputs, analog input

RD 500 Options Extended control terminal strip RZP01.1-T3 11-11

Signals are connected to the digital and analog outputs, by connecting the
appropriate D parameter to the variable parameter sources at the
interface output.

Module slot 2
Option output Process data channel Var. parameter source
Digital output 1 PZD1 from SS4 P0491.0
Digital output 2 PZD2 from SS4 P0491.1
Digital output 3 PZD3 from SS4 P0491.2
Digital output 4 PZD4 from SS4 P0491.3
Analog output 1 PZD5 from SS4 P0491.4
Analog output 2 PZD6 from SS4 P0491.5
Fig. 11-4: Digital outputs

The digital outputs number 1 and 2 are designed as current outputs at a

capacity of 4 ... 20 mA . All units from version KL24815SP02 on will carry
a double switch on the board which allows the user to alter between
current and voltage output.

11-12 Extended control terminal strip RZP01.1-T3 RD 500 Options

RD 500 Options Index 12-1

12 Index

2 Encoder, RZP01.1-G2 5-16

Accessories RZP01.1-L2 6-6, 7-2
Actual values, RZP01.1-P2 8-3
Answer ID (AID), Profibus DP 8-20
Applications RZP01.1-G1 4-7
Applications RZP01.1-G3 4-7
Assembling fiber-optic cables 7-6
Assembly types of the bus lines, Profibus DP 8-5
Assignment of the control word bits, Interbus S 2-15
Assignment of the status word bits, Interbus S 2-16

Baud rate 8-13
Baud rate, Profibus DP 8-8
Brief Information Regarding CANopen Bus Operation 3-1
Bus adress 8-14
Bus cable shielding, Interbus S 2-5
Bus connection, Profibus DP 8-6
Bus line 8-5
Bus line, Profibus DP 8-8
Bus lines, Profibus DP 8-9
Bus operation, SynchroLink 6-4
Bus participant, Profibus DP 8-7
Bus structure, Interbus S 2-2
Bus structure, Interbus S 2-1
Bus system (RS-485), Profibus DP 8-5
Bus terminating resistors, Profibus DP 8-7
Bus termination 8-2
Bus termination, Profibus DP 8-7
Bus termination, Profibus DP 8-7

Cabinet entry 8-9
Cable connection layout plan, Profibus DP 8-4
Cable length of the bus system, Interbus S 2-5
Cable length, SynchroLink 6-5
Cable ties 8-9
CANopen analog inputs 3-24
CANopen analog outputs 3-26
CANopen Basic Profile DS301. 3-10
CANopen bus termination 3-6
CANopen cable connection plan 3-3
CANopen communication modes 3-15
CANopen communication objects 3-1
CANopen Communication Profile Area 3-12
CANopen connection assignment 3-4
CANopen cyclic or acyclic synchronous transmission 3-17
CANopen digital inputs 3-22
CANopen digital outputs 3-23
CANopen EDS 3-28
CANopen EDS Generator 3-29
CANopen electrical installation 3-3
CANopen Electronic Data Sheet 3-28
CANopen emergency objects 3-18
CANopen event-controlled transmission 3-16
CANopen I/O profile DS401 3-20
CANopen interface parameters 3-7
CANopen life guarding 3-18

12-2 Index RD 500 Options

CANopen line lengths 3-6

CANopen Manufacturer-Specific Profile Area 3-12
CANopen node guarding 3-18
CANopen object directory 3-11
CANopen parameter value assignment 3-6
CANopen parameters 3-9
CANopen SDO services 3-17
CANopen standards and organisations 3-1
CANopen status rules 3-19
CANopen Technical Data 3-2
CANopen timer-controlled transmission 3-16
CANopen transmission on request 3-17
Card ID, RZP01.1-G2 5-5
Card identification RZP01.1-G1 4-6
Card identification RZP01.1-G3 4-6
Cautionary measures when handling devices/components which can be
destroyed by electrostatic discharge (ESDS) 1-5
CB23904 3-2
Commissioning RZP01.1-L2 7-9
Commissioning, RZP01.1-G2 5-15
Communication module 8-1
Communication objects, Interbus S 2-3, 2-10
Communications, option card – control card 1-1
Configuration bytes 8-14
Connection allocation for X48, RZP01.1-G2 5-4
Connection allocation for X49, RZP01.1-G2 5-4
Connection assignment RZP01.1-G1 4-4
Connection assignment RZP01.1-G3 4-4
Connection assignment RZP01.1-L2 7-3
Connection assignment RZP01.1-T1 10-3
Connection assignment RZP01.1-T3 11-4
Connection assignment, Interbus S 2-5
Connection assignment, Profibus DP 8-4
Connection assignment, SynchroLink RZP01.1-L1 6-3
Connection diagram, peer-to-peer coupling 7-3
Connection example of a setpoint cascade RZP01.1-L2 7-4
Connection to the bus system (CAN) 3-4
Connector assignment X48 RZP01.1-G1/3 4-4
Connector assignment X49 RZP01.1-G1/3 4-4
Consistency 8-13
Control and status word diagram 8-16, 8-17
Control and status word diagrams, Interbus S 2-13
Control Word Bits, Profibus DP 8-18
Control word, Profibus DP 8-15
Control words, PZP01.1-P2 8-3
Controlling and operating the converter using Profibus DP 8-3
Controlling the drive unit in peer-to-peer operation 7-9
Converter housing 8-9
Converter parameters, Profibus DP 8-10

D parameter 8-26
D1021 SynchroLink 6-8
D1022 SynchroLink 6-8
D1130 .. D1139 SynchroLink 6-8
D1531 SynchroLink 6-8
D1532 SynchroLink 6-8
D1533 SynchroLink 6-8
Data transfer of a SynchroLink coupling 6-7
Data transfer structure, Profibus DP 8-3
Data transfer via Interbus S 2-2
Data transfer with SynchroLink 6-6
Data Transfer, Profibus DP 8-14
Description of the extended control terminal strip 10-1, 11-1
Design phase 8-13
Device master data file 8-2
Device master data file, Profibus DP 8-13
Device status, no-current condition, SynchroLink with external power supply 6-5

RD 500 Options Index 12-3

Diagnosis of Encoder Signals for RZP01.1-G2 5-10

DIN basics, Profibus DP 8-2
Display parameters 8-26
DMD file 8-13
Drive status initialization, SynchroLink 6-4
Drive status, ready/operation, SynchroLink 6-4
DRIVECOM PROFILE drive technology, Interbus S 2-2

Electrical installation RZP01.1-G1 4-3
Electrical installation RZP01.1-G3 4-3
Electrical installation RZP01.1-L2 7-3
Electrical installation RZP01.1-T1 10-2
Electrical installation RZP01.1-T3 11-3
Electrical installation, Interbus S 2-4
Electrical Installation, Profibus DP 8-4
EMC Measures, Profibus DP 8-9
Enabling TxPDO3 and RxPDO3 3-15
Error IDs, Profibus DP 8-23
ESDS 1-5
Example of a SynchroLink data transfer 6-11
Extended control terminal strip RZP01.1-T1 10-1
Extended control terminal strip RZP01.1-T3 11-1
External power supply, SynchroLink 6-3

Fast and reliable data transfer, SynchroLink 6-7
Firmware versions SynchroLink 6-2
Free parameterization RZP01.1-T1 10-8
Free parameterization RZP01.1-T3 11-10
Freeze function, Profibus DP 8-25
Function diagram, encoder evaluation RZP01.1-G1 4-7
Function diagram, encoder evaluation RZP01.1-G3 4-7
Functional readiness of the Interbus S 2-3

General information on bus operation Interbus S 2-1
General information on encoder evaluation RZP01.1-G2 5-1
General information on Interbus S 2-1
General information on SynchroLink 6-1
General information on the peer-to-peer coupling RZP01.1-L2 7-1
General information regarding bus operation, Profibus DP 8-2
General Information Regarding CANopen Option 3-1
General information regarding Profibus DP 8-1
Guide via Interface 8-15

Home page 8-13

ID number, Profibus DP 8-14
Index word (IND) 8-24
Index word (IND), Profibus DP 8-23
Input circuit RZP01.1-G1 4-5
Inserting the control card 1-4
Installation diagram RZP01.1-G1 4-3
Installation diagram RZP01.1-G3 4-3
Installation instructions 1-2
Installation plan for RZP01.1-G2 5-3
Installing option cards 1-3
Installing the option card 1-4
Insulation removal 8-9
Interface description SS7, SynchroLink 6-7, 6-8, 6-9

12-4 Index RD 500 Options

Interface parameters, Profibus DP 8-12

Layout diagram of the GB21082 module 4-1
LEDs Interbus S 2-4
LEDs, Profibus DP 8-4
LEDs, RZP01.1-P2 8-3
Line layout 8-9
Line length, Profibus DP 8-8
Line segment, Profibus DP 8-8

Mapping the peer-to-peer coupling 7-1
Master 8-14
Mechanical installation 1-2
Mixed operation, SynchroLink 6-16
Module description, SynchroLink 6-12
Module slots 1-1
Card combinations 1-2
Motor encoder, RZP01.1-G2 5-16

Nominal values RZP01.1-P2 8-3
Non-synchronized mixed operation, SynchroLink 6-15
Non-synchronized peer-to-peer mode, SynchroLink 6-15
Number of Interbus S slaves 2-2
Number of Slaves, Profibus DP 8-2

Operation, Interbus S 2-10
Option RZP01.1-G1/G3 4-1
Option RZP01.1-G2 5-1

P0493.00 .. 09 SynchroLink 6-8
P0496 SynchroLink 6-7
P0497 SynchroLink 6-8
P0498 SynchroLink 6-8
Parameter area 8-2
Parameter number (PNU), Profibus DP 8-20
Parameterization RZP01.1-L2 7-6
Parameterization RZP01.1-T1 10-5
Parameterization RZP01.1-T3 11-7
Parameterization, Interbus S 2-7
Parameterizing synchronized operation RZP01.1-L2 7-5
PB Clear-Data 8-25
PDO COB identifier 3-14
PDO identifier 3-20
PDO mapping 3-14, 3-20
PDO Structure 3-15
Peer-to-peer communications 7-10
Peer-to-peer coupling RZP01.1-L2 7-1
Peer-to-peer protocol 7-10
PKW area 8-23
Potential bonding, Interbus S 2-6
Potential equalization lines 8-9
Potential equalization, Profibus DP 8-9
Power cables 8-9
Power supplies 8-9
PPO settings 8-14
PPO type 8-13, 8-14
PPO types 8-2
Prerequisites for using SynchroLink 6-2
Process data 8-2

RD 500 Options Index 12-5

Process data control, Profibus DP 8-14

Process data Interbus S 2-17
Process Data Interface of RZP01.1-G2 5-7
Process data, Interbus S 2-3
Process Data, Profibus DP 8-26
Processing the Interbus S process data, Interbus S 2-17
Profibus 8-1
Profibus connection, proposed switching configuration 8-7
Profibus DP participants 8-6
Profibus operation 8-13
Profibus-specific parameters 8-11
Protocol run times RZP01.1-L2 7-10

Read-write objects, Interbus S 2-10
Recommended cable type, Interbus S 2-5
Recommended cable type, Profibus DP 8-8
Removing the control card 1-4
Repeaters 8-2
Repeaters, Profibus DP 8-8
Request ID Function 8-21
Response ID Function 8-22
Routing cables, Interbus S 2-6
RZP01.1-C2 3-1
RZP01.1-C2 - CANopen 3-1
RZP01.1-G1 General information on pulse encoder emulation 4-1
RZP01.1-G3General information on pulse encoder emulation 4-1

Selecting the module slot 1-1
Send and receive process data RZP01.1-L2 7-10
SERCOS-Interface RZP01.1-S1 9-1
Serial Interbus S protocol 2-2
Servicing 8-7
Setting Parameters in RZP01.1-G2 5-5
Setting Parameters, Profibus DP 8-10
Setting the drive unit parameters for Interbus S operation 2-7
Setting the encoder type RZP01.1-G1 4-6
Setting the encoder type RZP01.1-G3 4-6
Setting the interface parameters RZP01.1-L2 7-8
Setting the interface parameters, Interbus S 2-9
Setting the peer-to-peer specific parameters 7-7
Setting the specific parameters for the extended control terminal strip 10-5, 11-7
Settings of the Interbus S-specific parameters 2-8
Shield, Profibus DP 8-9
Shutdown due to malfunction 8-25
Significance of the LEDs, SynchroLink 6-4
Status word bits, Profibus DP 8-19
Status word, Profibus DP 8-15
Status words, RZP01.1-P2 8-3
Storage 1-2
Stubs, Profibus DP 8-8
Subsequent installation 1-2
Switch setting, Profibus DP 8-7
SYNC 8-25
Sync function, Profibus DP 8-25
SynchroLink 6-1
SynchroLink mode selection 6-12
Synchronized broadcast mode, SynchroLink 6-14
Synchronized change mode, SynchroLink 6-14
Synchronized operation for RD51 via the peer-to-peer card 7-4
Synchronized peer-to-peer mode, Synchrolink 6-14
Synchronizing AC drives, SynchroLink 6-6
System example, SynchroLink 6-14

12-6 Index RD 500 Options

Technical data Interbus S 2-1
Technical Data of RZP01.1-G2 5-2
Technical data RZP01.1-G1 4-2
Technical data RZP01.1-G3 4-2
Technical data RZP01.1-L2 7-2
Technical data RZP01.1-T1 10-1
Technical data RZP01.1-T3 11-1
Technical data, Profibus DP 8-1
Terminal layout diagram, extended control terminal strip 10-2, 11-3
Terminal layout diagram, Interbus S 2-4
Terminating resistors, Profibus DP 8-7
The CANopen bus system 3-1
The fiber-optic cable connection, SynchroLink 6-6
Time monitors 8-13
Timeout period 8-25
Two-wire line 8-2

Unfreeze function, Profibus DP 8-25
Unsync function, Profibus DP 8-25
User data transfer 8-14
USS protocol, Profibus DP 8-15

View of CB23904 circuit board 3-2

Watchdog period 8-25

RD 500 Options Service & Support 13-1

13 Service & Support

13.1 Helpdesk
Unser Kundendienst-Helpdesk im Hauptwerk Lohr Our service helpdesk at our headquarters in Lohr am
am Main steht Ihnen mit Rat und Tat zur Seite. Main, Germany can assist you in all kinds of inquiries.
Sie erreichen uns Contact us

- telefonisch - by phone: +49 (0) 9352 40 50 60

über Service Call Entry Center Mo-Fr 07:00-18:00
- via Service Call Entry Center Mo-Fr 7:00 am - 6:00 pm

- per Fax - by fax: +49 (0) 9352 40 49 41

- per e-Mail - by e-mail:

13.2 Service-Hotline
Außerhalb der Helpdesk-Zeiten ist der Service After helpdesk hours, contact our service
direkt ansprechbar unter department directly at

+49 (0) 171 333 88 26

oder - or +49 (0) 172 660 04 06

13.3 Internet

Unter finden Sie At you may find

ergänzende Hinweise zu Service, Reparatur und additional notes about service, repairs and training
Training sowie die aktuellen Adressen *) unserer in the Internet, as well as the actual addresses *)
auf den folgenden Seiten aufgeführten Vertriebs- of our sales- and service facilities figuring on the
und Servicebüros. following pages.
Verkaufsniederlassungen sales agencies
Niederlassungen mit Kundendienst offices providing service
Außerhalb Deutschlands nehmen Sie bitte zuerst Kontakt mit Please contact our sales / service office in your area first.
unserem für Sie nächstgelegenen Ansprechpartner auf.
*) Data in the present documentation may have become
*) Die Angaben in der vorliegenden Dokumentation können obsolete since printing.
seit Drucklegung überholt sein.

13.4 Vor der Kontaktaufnahme... - Before contacting us...

Wir können Ihnen schnell und effizient helfen wenn For quick and efficient help, please have the
Sie folgende Informationen bereithalten: following information ready:
1. detaillierte Beschreibung der Störung und der 1. Detailed description of the failure and
Umstände. circumstances.
2. Angaben auf dem Typenschild der 2. Information on the type plate of the affected
betreffenden Produkte, insbesondere products, especially type codes and serial
Typenschlüssel und Seriennummern. numbers.
3. Tel.-/Faxnummern und e-Mail-Adresse, unter 3. Your phone/fax numbers and e-mail address,
denen Sie für Rückfragen zu erreichen sind. so we can contact you in case of questions.

13-2 Service & Support RD 500 Options

13.5 Kundenbetreuungsstellen - Sales & Service Facilities

Deutschland – Germany vom Ausland: (0) nach Landeskennziffer weglassen!

from abroad: don’t dial (0) after country code!

Vertriebsgebiet Mitte
Bgm.-Dr.-Nebel-Str. 2 / Postf. 1357 Helpdesk HOTLINE 24 / 7 / 365 verlängerte Ansprechzeit
97816 Lohr am Main / 97803 Lohr MO – FR - extended office time -
Kompetenz-Zentrum Europa
von 07:00 - 18:00 Uhr außerhalb der Helpdesk-Zeit ♦ nur an Werktagen
from 7 am – 6 pm out of helpdesk hours - only on working days -
Tel.: +49 (0)9352 40-0 Tel.: +49 (0)172 660 04 06 ♦ von 07:00 - 18:00 Uhr
Tel. +49 (0) 9352 40 50 60
Fax: +49 (0)9352 40-4885 oder / or - from 7 am - 6 pm -
Fax +49 (0) 9352 40 49 41 Tel.: +49 (0)171 333 88 26 Tel. +49 (0) 9352 40 42 22

Vertriebsgebiet Süd Vertriebsgebiet West Gebiet Südwest

Germany South Germany West Germany South-West
Bosch Rexroth AG Bosch Rexroth AG Bosch Rexroth AG
Landshuter Allee 8-10 Regionalzentrum West Service-Regionalzentrum Süd-West
80637 München Borsigstrasse 15 Siemensstr.1
40880 Ratingen 70736 Fellbach
Tel.: +49 (0)89 127 14-0 Tel.: +49 (0)2102 409-0 Tel.: +49 (0)711 51046–0
Fax: +49 (0)89 127 14-490 Fax: +49 (0)2102 409-406 Fax: +49 (0)711 51046–248
+49 (0)2102 409-430

Vertriebsgebiet Nord Vertriebsgebiet Mitte Vertriebsgebiet Ost Vertriebsgebiet Ost

Germany North Germany Centre Germany East Germany East
Bosch Rexroth AG Bosch Rexroth AG Bosch Rexroth AG Bosch Rexroth AG
Walsroder Str. 93 Regionalzentrum Mitte Beckerstraße 31 Regionalzentrum Ost
30853 Langenhagen Waldecker Straße 13 09120 Chemnitz Walter-Köhn-Str. 4d
Tel.: +49 (0) 511 72 66 57-0 64546 Mörfelden-Walldorf 04356 Leipzig
Service: +49 (0) 511 72 66 57-256
Fax: +49 (0) 511 72 66 57-93 Tel.: +49 (0) 61 05 702-3 Tel.: +49 (0)371 35 55-0 Tel.: +49 (0)341 25 61-0
Service: +49 (0) 511 72 66 57-783 Fax: +49 (0) 61 05 702-444 Fax: +49 (0)371 35 55-333 Fax: +49 (0)341 25 61-111

RD 500 Options Service & Support 13-3

Europa (West) - Europe (West)

vom Ausland: (0) nach Landeskennziffer weglassen, Italien: 0 nach Landeskennziffer mitwählen
from abroad: don’t dial (0) after country code, Italy: dial 0 after country code

Austria - Österreich Austria – Österreich Belgium - Belgien Denmark - Dänemark

Bosch Rexroth GmbH Bosch Rexroth GmbH Bosch Rexroth NV/SA BEC A/S
Electric Drives & Controls Electric Drives & Controls Henri Genessestraat 1 Zinkvej 6
Stachegasse 13 Industriepark 18 1070 Bruxelles 8900 Randers
1120 Wien 4061 Pasching
Tel.: +43 (0)1 985 25 40 Tel.: +43 (0)7221 605-0 Tel: +32 (0) 2 451 26 08 Tel.: +45 (0)87 11 90 60
Fax: +43 (0)1 985 25 40-93 Fax: +43 (0)7221 605-21 Fax: +32 (0) 2 451 27 90 Fax: +45 (0)87 11 90 61

Great Britain – Großbritannien Finland - Finnland France - Frankreich France - Frankreich

Bosch Rexroth Ltd. Bosch Rexroth Oy Bosch Rexroth SAS Bosch Rexroth SAS
Electric Drives & Controls Electric Drives & Controls Electric Drives & Controls Electric Drives & Controls
Broadway Lane, South Cerney Ansatie 6 Avenue de la Trentaine ZI de Thibaud, 20 bd. Thibaud
Cirencester, Glos GL7 5UH 017 40 Vantaa (BP. 74) (BP. 1751)
77503 Chelles Cedex 31084 Toulouse
Tel.: +44 (0)1285 863000 Tel.: +358 (0)9 84 91-11 Tel.: +33 (0)164 72-63 22 Tel.: +33 (0)5 61 43 61 87
Fax: +44 (0)1285 863030 Fax: +358 (0)9 84 91-13 60 Fax: +33 (0)164 72-63 20 Fax: +33 (0)5 61 43 94 12 Hotline: +33 (0)608 33 43 28

France – Frankreich Italy - Italien Italy - Italien Italy - Italien

Bosch Rexroth SAS Bosch Rexroth S.p.A. Bosch Rexroth S.p.A. Bosch Rexroth S.p.A.
Electric Drives & Controls Via G. Di Vittorio, 1 Via Paolo Veronesi, 250 Via Mascia, 1
91, Bd. Irène Joliot-Curie 20063 Cernusco S/N.MI 10148 Torino 80053 Castellamare di Stabia NA
69634 Vénissieux – Cedex Hotline: +39 02 92 365 563
Tel.: +33 (0)4 78 78 53 65 Tel.: +39 02 92 365 1 Tel.: +39 011 224 88 11 Tel.: +39 081 8 71 57 00
Fax: +33 (0)4 78 78 53 62 Service: +39 02 92 365 300 Fax: +39 011 224 88 30 Fax: +39 081 8 71 68 85
Fax: +39 02 92 365 500
Service: +39 02 92 365 516

Italy - Italien Italy - Italien Netherlands - Niederlande/Holland Netherlands – Niederlande/Holland

Bosch Rexroth S.p.A. Bosch Rexroth S.p.A. Bosch Rexroth Services B.V. Bosch Rexroth B.V.
Via del Progresso, 16 (Zona Ind.) Via Isonzo, 61 Technical Services Kruisbroeksestraat 1
35020 Padova 40033 Casalecchio di Reno (Bo) Kruisbroeksestraat 1 (P.O. Box 32)
(P.O. Box 32) 5281 RV Boxtel
5281 RV Boxtel
Tel.: +39 049 8 70 13 70 Tel.: +39 051 29 86 430 Tel.: +31 (0) 411 65 19 51 Tel.: +31 (0) 411 65 16 40
Fax: +39 049 8 70 13 77 Fax: +39 051 29 86 490 Fax: +31 (0) 411 67 78 14 Fax: +31 (0) 411 65 14 83
Hotline: +31 (0) 411 65 19 51

Norway - Norwegen Spain - Spanien Spain – Spanien Sweden - Schweden

Bosch Rexroth AS Bosch Rexroth S.A. Goimendi S.A. Bosch Rexroth AB
Electric Drives & Controls Electric Drives & Controls Electric Drives & Controls Electric Drives & Controls
Berghagan 1 or: Box 3007 Centro Industrial Santiga Parque Empresarial Zuatzu - Varuvägen 7
1405 Ski-Langhus 1402 Ski Obradors s/n C/ Francisco Grandmontagne no.2 (Service: Konsumentvägen 4, Älfsjö)
Tel.: +47 (0) 64 86 41 00 08130 Santa Perpetua de Mogoda 20018 San Sebastian 125 81 Stockholm
Fax: +47 (0) 64 86 90 62 Tel.: +34 9 37 47 94 00 Tel.: +34 9 43 31 84 21 Tel.: +46 (0)8 727 92 00
Fax: +34 9 37 47 94 01 - service: +34 9 43 31 84 56 Fax: +46 (0)8 647 32 77
Hotline: +47 (0)64 86 94 82 Fax: +34 9 43 31 84 27 - service: +34 9 43 31 84 60

Sweden - Schweden Switzerland East - Schweiz Ost Switzerland West - Schweiz West
Bosch Rexroth AB Bosch Rexroth Schweiz AG Bosch Rexroth Suisse SA
Electric Drives & Controls Electric Drives & Controls Av. Général Guisan 26
Ekvändan 7 Hemrietstrasse 2 1800 Vevey 1
254 67 Helsingborg 8863 Buttikon
Tel.: +46 (0) 42 38 88 -50 Tel. +41 (0) 55 46 46 111 Tel.: +41 (0)21 632 84 20
Fax: +46 (0) 42 38 88 -74 Fax +41 (0) 55 46 46 222 Fax: +41 (0)21 632 84 21

13-4 Service & Support RD 500 Options

Europa (Ost) - Europe (East)

vom Ausland: (0) nach Landeskennziffer weglassen
from abroad: don’t dial (0) after country code

Czech Republic - Tschechien Czech Republic - Tschechien Hungary - Ungarn Poland – Polen
Bosch -Rexroth, spol.s.r.o. DEL a.s. Bosch Rexroth Kft. Bosch Rexroth Sp.zo.o.
Hviezdoslavova 5 Strojírenská 38 Angol utca 34 ul. Staszica 1
627 00 Brno 591 01 Zdar nad Sázavou 1149 Budapest 05-800 Pruszków
Tel.: +420 (0)5 48 126 358 Tel.: +420 566 64 3144 Tel.: +36 (1) 422 3200 Tel.: +48 22 738 18 00
Fax: +420 (0)5 48 126 112 Fax: +420 566 62 1657 Fax: +36 (1) 422 3201 – service: +48 22 738 18 46
Fax: +48 22 758 87 35
– service: +48 22 738 18 42

Poland – Polen Romania - Rumänien Romania - Rumänien Russia - Russland

Bosch Rexroth Sp.zo.o. East Electric S.R.L. Bosch Rexroth Sp.zo.o. Bosch Rexroth OOO
Biuro Poznan Bdul Basarabia no.250, sector 3 Str. Drobety nr. 4-10, app. 14 Wjatskaja ul. 27/15
ul. Dabrowskiego 81/85 73429 Bucuresti 70258 Bucuresti, Sector 2 127015 Moskau
60-529 Poznan Tel./Fax:: +40 (0)21 255 35 07 Tel.: +40 (0)1 210 48 25 Tel.: +7-095-785 74 78
Tel.: +48 061 847 64 62 /-63 +40 (0)21 255 77 13 +40 (0)1 210 29 50 +7-095 785 74 79
Fax: +48 061 847 64 02 Fax: +40 (0)21 725 61 21 Fax: +40 (0)1 210 29 52 Fax: +7 095 785 74 77

Russia Belarus - Weissrussland Turkey - Türkei Turkey - Türkei Slowenia - Slowenien

ELMIS Bosch Rexroth Otomasyon Servo Kontrol Ltd. Sti. DOMEL
10, Internationalnaya San & Tic. A..S. Perpa Ticaret Merkezi B Blok Otoki 21
246640 Gomel, Belarus Fevzi Cakmak Cad No. 3 Kat: 11 No: 1609 64 228 Zelezniki
Tel.: +375/ 232 53 42 70 34630 Sefaköy Istanbul 80270 Okmeydani-Istanbul
+375/ 232 53 21 69 Tel.: +90 212 413 34 00 Tel: +90 212 320 30 80 Tel.: +386 5 5117 152
Fax: +375/ 232 53 37 69 Fax: +90 212 413 34 17 Fax: +90 212 320 30 81 Fax: +386 5 5117 225

RD 500 Options Service & Support 13-5

Africa, Asia, Australia – incl. Pacific Rim

Australia - Australien Australia - Australien China China

AIMS - Australian Industrial Bosch Rexroth Pty. Ltd. Shanghai Bosch Rexroth Shanghai Bosch Rexroth
Machinery Services Pty. Ltd. No. 7, Endeavour Way Hydraulics & Automation Ltd. Hydraulics & Automation Ltd.
28 Westside Drive Braeside Victoria, 31 95 Waigaoqiao, Free Trade Zone 4/f, Marine Tower
Laverton North Vic 3026 Melbourne No.122, Fu Te Dong Yi Road No.1, Pudong Avenue
Melbourne Shanghai 200131 - P.R.China Shanghai 200120 - P.R.China
Tel.: +61 3 93 14 3321 Tel.: +61 3 95 80 39 33 Tel.: +86 21 58 66 30 30 Tel: +86 21 68 86 15 88
Fax: +61 3 93 14 3329 Fax: +61 3 95 80 17 33 Fax: +86 21 58 66 55 23 Fax: +86 21 58 40 65 77
Hotlines: +61 3 93 14 3321
+61 4 19 369 195

China China China China

Bosch Rexroth China Ltd. Bosch Rexroth China Ltd. Bosch Rexroth (China) Ltd. Melchers GmbH
15/F China World Trade Center Guangzhou Repres. Office A-5F., 123 Lian Shan Street BRC-SE, Tightening & Press-fit
1, Jianguomenwai Avenue Room 1014-1016, Metro Plaza, Sha He Kou District 13 Floor Est Ocean Centre
Beijing 100004, P.R.China Tian He District, 183 Tian He Bei Rd Dalian 116 023, P.R.China No.588 Yanan Rd. East
Guangzhou 510075, P.R.China 65 Yanan Rd. West
Shanghai 200001
Tel.: +86 10 65 05 03 80 Tel.: +86 20 8755-0030 Tel.: +86 411 46 78 930 Tel.: +86 21 6352 8848
Fax: +86 10 65 05 03 79 +86 20 8755-0011 Fax: +86 411 46 78 932 Fax: +86 21 6351 3138
Fax: +86 20 8755-2387

Hongkong India - Indien India - Indien India - Indien

Bosch Rexroth (China) Ltd. Bosch Rexroth (India) Ltd. Bosch Rexroth (India) Ltd. Bosch Rexroth (India) Ltd.
6th Floor, Electric Drives & Controls Electric Drives & Controls S-10, Green Park Extension
Yeung Yiu Chung No.6 Ind Bldg. Plot. No.96, Phase III Advance House, II Floor New Delhi – 110016
19 Cheung Shun Street Peenya Industrial Area Ark Industrial Compound
Cheung Sha Wan, Bangalore – 560058 Narol Naka, Makwana Road
Kowloon, Hongkong Andheri (East), Mumbai - 400 059
Tel.: +852 22 62 51 00 Tel.: +91 80 51 17 0-211...-218 Tel.: +91 22 28 56 32 90 Tel.: +91 11 26 56 65 25
Fax: +852 27 41 33 44 Fax: +91 80 83 94 345 +91 22 28 56 33 18 +91 11 26 56 65 27 +91 80 83 97 374 Fax: +91 22 28 56 32 93 Fax: +91 11 26 56 68 87

Indonesia - Indonesien Japan Japan Korea

PT. Bosch Rexroth Bosch Rexroth Automation Corp. Bosch Rexroth Automation Corp. Bosch Rexroth-Korea Ltd.
Building # 202, Cilandak Service Center Japan Electric Drives & Controls Electric Drives and Controls
Commercial Estate Yutakagaoka 1810, Meito-ku, 2F, I.R. Building Bongwoo Bldg. 7FL, 31-7, 1Ga
Jl. Cilandak KKO, Jakarta 12560 NAGOYA 465-0035, Japan Nakamachidai 4-26-44, Tsuzuki-ku Jangchoong-dong, Jung-gu
YOKOHAMA 224-0041, Japan Seoul, 100-391
Tel.: +62 21 7891169 (5 lines) Tel.: +81 52 777 88 41 Tel.: +81 45 942 72 10 Tel.: +82 234 061 813
Fax: +62 21 7891170 - 71 +81 52 777 88 53 Fax: +81 45 942 03 41 Fax: +82 222 641 295 +81 52 777 88 79
Fax: +81 52 777 89 01

Korea Malaysia Singapore - Singapur South Africa - Südafrika

Bosch Rexroth-Korea Ltd. Bosch Rexroth Sdn.Bhd. Bosch Rexroth Pte Ltd TECTRA Automation (Pty) Ltd.
1515-14 Dadae-Dong, Saha-gu 11, Jalan U8/82, Seksyen U8 15D Tuas Road 71 Watt Street, Meadowdale
Electric Drives & Controls 40150 Shah Alam Singapore 638520 Edenvale 1609
Pusan Metropolitan City, 604-050 Selangor, Malaysia
Tel.: +82 51 26 00 741 Tel.: +60 3 78 44 80 00 Tel.: +65 68 61 87 33 Tel.: +27 11 971 94 00
Fax: +82 51 26 00 747 Fax: +60 3 78 45 48 00 Fax: +65 68 61 18 25 Fax: +27 11 971 94 40 sanjay.nemade Hotline: +27 82 903 29 23

Taiwan Taiwan Thailand

Bosch Rexroth Co., Ltd. Bosch Rexroth Co., Ltd. NC Advance Technology Co. Ltd.
Taichung Industrial Area Tainan Branch 59/76 Moo 9
No.19, 38 Road No. 17, Alley 24, Lane 737 Ramintra road 34
Taichung, Taiwan 407, R.O.C. Chung Cheng N.Rd. Yungkang Tharang, Bangkhen,
Tel : +886 - 4 -235 08 383 Tainan Hsien, Taiwan, R.O.C. Bangkok 10230
Fax: +886 - 4 -235 08 586 Tel : +886 - 6 –253 6565 Tel.: +66 2 943 70 62 Fax: +886 - 6 –253 4754 +66 2 943 71 21 Fax: +66 2 509 23 62
Hotline +66 1 984 61 52

13-6 Service & Support RD 500 Options

Nordamerika – North America

USA USA Central Region - Mitte USA Southeast Region - Südwest USA SERVICE-HOTLINE
Headquarters - Hauptniederlassung
Bosch Rexroth Corporation Bosch Rexroth Corporation
Bosch Rexroth Corporation Electric Drives & Controls Electric Drives & Controls
- 7 days x 24hrs -
Electric Drives & Controls Central Region Technical Center Southeastern Technical Center
5150 Prairie Stone Parkway 1701 Harmon Road 3625 Swiftwater Park Drive
Hoffman Estates, IL 60192-3707 Auburn Hills, MI 48326 Suwanee, Georgia 30124
Tel.: +1 847 6 45 36 00 Tel.: +1 248 3 93 33 30 Tel.: +1 770 9 32 32 00 +1 800 739 7684
Fax: +1 847 6 45 62 01 Fax: +1 248 3 93 29 06 Fax: +1 770 9 32 19 03

USA East Region – Ost USA Northeast Region – Nordost USA West Region – West
Bosch Rexroth Corporation Bosch Rexroth Corporation Bosch Rexroth Corporation
Electric Drives & Controls Electric Drives & Controls 7901 Stoneridge Drive, Suite 220
Charlotte Regional Sales Office Northeastern Technical Center Pleasant Hill, California 94588
14001 South Lakes Drive 99 Rainbow Road
Charlotte, North Carolina 28273 East Granby, Connecticut 06026
Tel.: +1 704 5 83 97 62 Tel.: +1 860 8 44 83 77 Tel.: +1 925 227 10 84
+1 704 5 83 14 86 Fax: +1 860 8 44 85 95 Fax: +1 925 227 10 81

Canada East - Kanada Ost Canada West - Kanada West Mexico Mexico
Bosch Rexroth Canada Corporation Bosch Rexroth Canada Corporation Bosch Rexroth Mexico S.A. de C.V. Bosch Rexroth S.A. de C.V.
Burlington Division 5345 Goring St. Calle Neptuno 72 Calle Argentina No 3913
3426 Mainway Drive Burnaby, British Columbia Unidad Ind. Vallejo Fracc. las Torres
Burlington, Ontario Canada V7J 1R1 07700 Mexico, D.F. 64930 Monterrey, N.L.
Canada L7M 1A8
Tel.: +1 905 335 5511 Tel. +1 604 205 5777 Tel.: +52 55 57 54 17 11 Tel.: +52 81 83 65 22 53
Fax: +1 905 335 4184 Fax +1 604 205 6944 Fax: +52 55 57 54 50 73 +52 81 83 65 89 11
Hotline: +1 905 335 5511 Hotline: +1 604 205 5777 +52 81 83 49 80 91 Fax: +52 81 83 65 52 80

Südamerika – South America

Argentina - Argentinien Argentina - Argentinien Brazil - Brasilien Brazil - Brasilien
Bosch Rexroth S.A.I.C. NAKASE Bosch Rexroth Ltda. Bosch Rexroth Ltda.
"The Drive & Control Company" Servicio Tecnico CNC Av. Tégula, 888 R. Dr.Humberto Pinheiro Vieira, 100
Rosario 2302 Calle 49, No. 5764/66 Ponte Alta, Atibaia SP Distrito Industrial [Caixa Postal 1273]
B1606DLD Carapachay B1653AOX Villa Balester CEP 12942-440 89220-390 Joinville - SC
Provincia de Buenos Aires Provincia de Buenos Aires
Tel.: +54 11 4756 01 40 Tel.: +54 11 4768 36 43 Tel.: +55 11 4414 56 92 Tel./Fax: +55 47 473 58 33
+54 11 4756 02 40 Fax: +54 11 4768 24 13 +55 11 4414 56 84 Mobil: +55 47 9974 6645
+54 11 4756 03 40 Hotline: +54 11 155 307 6781 Fax sales: +55 11 4414 57 07
+54 11 4756 04 40 Fax serv.: +55 11 4414 56 86
Fax: +54 11 4756 01 36
+54 11 4721 91 53 (Service)

Columbia - Kolumbien
Reflutec de Colombia Ltda.
Calle 37 No. 22-31
Santafé de Bogotá, D.C.
Tel.: +57 1 368 82 67
+57 1 368 02 59
Fax: +57 1 268 97 37

Bosch Rexroth AG
Electric Drives and Controls
P.O. Box 13 57
97803 Lohr, Germany
Bgm.-Dr.-Nebel-Str. 2
97816 Lohr, Germany
Phone +49 (0)93 52-40-50 60
Fax +49 (0)93 52-40-49 41

Printed in Germany
R911200241 DOK-RD500*-OPTIONS****-FK07-EN-P

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pFad - Phonifier reborn

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Note: This service is not intended for secure transactions such as banking, social media, email, or purchasing. Use at your own risk. We assume no liability whatsoever for broken pages.

Alternative Proxies:

Alternative Proxy

pFad Proxy

pFad v3 Proxy

pFad v4 Proxy