New Renewable Energy Policies in Germany and Their Perspectives
New Renewable Energy Policies in Germany and Their Perspectives
New Renewable Energy Policies in Germany and Their Perspectives
energy policies in
Germany and their
With a focus on the power sector
Increase in efficiency
Reduction of power consumption compared to
2008 levels: - 10% in 2020; - 25% in 2050
AGEB (2015a), BReg (2010), EEG (2014), own calculations * preliminary
Renewables are the most important source in the electricity
system – followed by lignite and hard coal
Share in gross electricity generation by fuel in 2015 Gross electricity generation by fuel 1990 - 2014
The key insight for the Energiewende:
It’s all about wind and solar!
Gross electricity generation of renewable energies 2000 - 2035
2000 - 2014: AGEB (2015a); 2015 - 2035: own calculation on basis of BNetzA (2014)/BNetzA (2015b)
Wind energy and solar PV are in most regions of the world the
cheapest low-carbon options and already cost competitive to
newly built fossil power plants
Range* of levelized cost of electricity (LCOE) 2015
Agora Energiewende (2015e) * based on varying utilization, CO2-price and investment cost
New renewable
energy policies :
moving towards
>50% renewables
Germany is currently refining its regulatory framework in order
to achieve a reliable power system, with high shares of
renewables and at low cost.
Schematic diagram of a new power market design Five elements are needed in order to get a good
market design for high shares of renewables.
2 These elements should not contradict each other
Power Market 2.0 (e.g. capacity payments for old coal power plants),
supply and
(complemented by flexible markets for balancing energy) but be mutually supportive.
AG Energiebilanzen 2015
1 EEG Act
2 Electricity Market Law – Flexibility
Grid Reserve
• Security of supply and grid reliability
(accounting for congestions in the Capacity reserve
grid) • Security of Supply (4.4 GW, through
• Activated after market closure (only if
no clearing prices on day-ahead)
„Climate reserve“
• Transition period: the capacity
reserve has an additional function of
”climate reserve” (2.7 GW lignite for
four years) to contribute to reduction
in emissions
2 How Germany currently cope with flexibility
3 „Smart“ retirement of coal power plants
10%-point gap!
To sum up : Germany on its way towards a highly flexible
power system based on wind energy and solar PV.
What about Japan?
Historic development of variable renewables in Germany and Japan and 2030 targets (based
The German energy transition is an ambitious
on government objectives)
industrial and societal transformation process, with
clear political commitment and long-term targets. It
benefits from a strong support within the German
The German Renewable Energy Act (EEG law) is
the legislative corner stone of the Energiewende.
The ongoing reform of the law fosters market
Germany integration and increases competitiveness.