Agora CP Germany Web PDF
Agora CP Germany Web PDF
Agora CP Germany Web PDF
country profile
Report on the German
power system
country Profile
Report on the German power system
Edith Bayer
The Regulatory Assistance Project
Rue de la Science 23
1040 Brussels
Agora Energiewende
Rosenstrasse 2 | 10178 Berlin | Germany
Project lead:
Markus Steigenberger
Mara Marthe Kleiner
Maren Rabe,
Own illustration
1 Overview 5
5 Electricity Market 21
5.1 Wholesale Market, Prices, Liquidity 21
5.1.1 Electricity Market Design 21
5.1.2 Market Liquidity 21
5.2 Retail Market 22
5.2.1 Breakdown of Electricity Bill 23
5.3 Grid Cost Allocation 25
8 Renewable Energy 31
9 Energy Efficiency 33
11 References 39
Agora Energiewende | Report on the German power system
Acronyms Table 1
GW Gigawatt
kW Kilowatt
PV Solar Photovoltaics
TW Terawatt
Country Profile | Report on the German power system
1 Overview
This report explores the structure of the German power and the first nuclear phase out. After the nuclear disaster
sector. It looks at the fuel mix, production and consump- in Fukushima in 2011, for the second time, Germany took
tion, ownership and market structure, cross-border trade, the decision to phase out nuclear after the first phase out
and energy policy. was reversed in 2010.2 The high-level national goals for the
Energiewende have been integrated into Germanys Energy
The German power system is the largest in Europe. Ger- Concept, a national policy document which sets forth
many also has the highest share of renewable power in Eu- Germanys energy policy to 2050.3
rope in terms of installed capacity, and in fact is the coun-
try with the third largest amount of installed renewables The Energiewende has significant implications for the po-
capacity (excluding hydro) in the world.1 In 2014, renewa- wer sector, which is responsible for roughly 45 percent of
ble energy accounted for more than one quarter of all elec- greenhouse gas emissions from energy.4 It calls for signi-
tricity produced in the country. At the same time, hard coal ficantly improving energy efficiency, increasing the share
and lignite contributed 44 percent of electricity production of electricity generated by renewable resources, all while
in 2014, while nuclear energy accounted for about 16 per- phasing out carbon-intensive and nuclear power plants. It
cent of production. also requires careful consideration of how to most effec-
tively utilise cross-border interconnections with bor-
Four large power companies continue to dominate the dering EU member states to maximize economic effec-
German power market: E.ON, RWE, EnBW, and Vatten- tiveness of the energy transition while maintaining grid
fall. These four companies are responsible for the bulk of stability in the region.
electricity distribution, generation, and retail supply in
the country. While competition has been slow to evolve, it
has been increasing over the past few years. In 2012, more
than 20 percent of all end-user customers had a contract
with a competitive retail supplier. Moreover, as more re-
newables have come on the system, the ownership profile
of generation has been shifting. While the big four power
companies own most conventional generation (hard coal,
lignite, nuclear, and natural gas), they own only about 5
percent of renewable resources. Private citizens, including
farmers own 46 percent of renewable generation in Ger-
many, followed by project developers, industry, and banks.
Agora Energiewende | Report on the German power system
Country Profile | Report on the German power system
Germany at a glance Table 2 55-60 percent in 2035.5 In 2014, renewables already ac-
counted for more than a quarter of electricity produced in
Germany, and 41 percent of installed capacity. As the share
Main Indicators of renewable resources in the power generation mix incre-
80.43 million ases, the ownership profile of generation assets in Ger-
Total population
(2011) many is changing significantly, and is likely to continue to
shift to a more distributed ownership model.
2.6 trillion EUR
Ownership and operation of the German transmission
Average household 3,369 kWh/year system is divided between four transmission system ope-
electricity consumption (2011) rators (TSOs), as shown in Figure 2. As a result, there is not
a single German grid for the highest voltage level, but four
Gross electricity 576.3 TWh
consumption (2014) autonomous zonesand each operator is responsible for
network functioning in its respective zone. The four sys-
tem operators coordinate in order to maximize economic
and operational efficiency among the four zones.6
2.1 Industry Structure
Germany has unbundled most generation, transmission,
The German power system is dominated by four large distribution, and retail activities in the electricity sec-
companies, which continue to own significant genera- tor. European law requires unbundlingor separation, to
tion, distribution, and retail assets: E.ON, RWE, EnBW, and some degreeof generation, transmission, distribution,
Vattenfall. EnBW also owns part of the German transmis- and supply activities of electricity companies. The Euro-
sion system, though as explained below, it has unbundled pean Electricity Market Directive permits several approa-
according to the independent transmission system ope- ches to unbundling, from complete ownership separation,
rator (ITO) model under the Third Energy Package. Table 3 to legal separation of a company or functional separation of
presents the ownership structure of transmission, distri- management functions.7 According to the Energy Industry
bution, generation, and retail service in the energy sec- Act of 2005 (Energiewirtschaftsgesetz, or EnWG)8, trans-
tor, and is followed by more detail on the structure of each mission and supply were required to be unbundled star-
branch of the power sector. ting in 2005, and distribution system operators had until
2007 to complete legal unbundling. About 800 distribution
As mentioned earlier, there is a significant difference bet- companies with less than 100,000 customers were exempt
ween the ownership profile of conventional generation and from the legal unbundling requirement. Rather, they face a
that of renewable resources.
Under the German Energiewende, the share of renewable 5 Targets are fixed in the Renewable Energy Act that has been ad-
resources in the electricity mix is planned to grow to 40- justed in 2014 the last time.
7 Directive 2009/72/EC.
Agora Energiewende | Report on the German power system
Total Number
Sector Leading Companies Market Share
of Providers
Transnet BW (ENBW)
Transmission 100% Combined 4
50Hertz Transmission
Retail E.ON
of total electricity over 900 suppliers
Suppliers RWE
offtake (TWh).****
*Of this total number, 806 participated in the BNetzA survey; therefore, data regarding DSO activities is drawn from this smaller pool.
See BNetza, 2013, p. 25., **BNetzA, 2014., ***Volume of electricity produced by the big four energy companies in 2012 taken from
EnBW, 2013, p. 32. This is compared with data on total electricity produced in 2013, based on BMWi 2014b. As there are likely differen-
ces in the methods applied in each report, this number is an approximation., ****BNetzA, 2013, p. 27.
more lenient requirement to unbundle operations (staff) or The distribution system in Germany is the most complex
information. in Europe, with around 900 distribution system operators
serving 20,000 municipalities. This includes the four large
Germanys four transmission system operators (TSOs) have companies as well as about 700 Stadtwerke (municipally
unbundled according to different models. Two of the TSOs, owned utilities) and a number of regional companies. The
TenneT and 50Hertz, are ownership-unbundled. That is, four large DSOsRWE, EnBW, E.ON, and Vattenfallope-
ownership and control of the transmission system is se- rate a significant portion of the distribution grid through
parated from that of distribution, production and sup- concession contracts with municipalities. Under these
ply. The two remaining TSOs, Amprion and Transnet BW, contracts, municipalities rent out their distribution fran-
have unbundled pursuant to the ITO model, under which chise for up to 20 years. Under the Energy Industry Act,
the TSO remains within the integrated company and the these concession agreements have to be renegotiated under
transmission assets remain on its balance sheet. Additi- non-discriminatory rules and can be cancelled. It is worth
onal regulatory conditions are imposed to guarantee the noting that there is a movement today for Stadtwerke to
independence of the ITO from the vertically integrated un- take over their own grid operations as many concession
dertaking. contracts come up for review.
COUNTRY PROFILE | Report on the German power system
5% 1%
Project developers
Funds/banks TenneT
Other TransnetBW
Many of Germanys DSOs are quite small; more than three- and Vattenfall.9 Most of the capacity owned by these com-
quarters of them supply under 30,000 metering points. panies is coal, nuclear, and gas capacity.
Figure 3 illustrates the preponderance of distribution com-
panies serving a small pool of customers. The four biggest electricity generators are also the biggest
retail suppliers, and in total they supplied 45.5 percent of
In 2013, four companies owned about 56 percent of ins- the total delivered volume of energy (in TWh) to end-use
talled generation capacity in Germany: E.ON, RWE, EnBW,
9 BNetzA, 2014.
Agora Energiewende | Report on the German power system
Breakdown of distribution companies had a contract with a competitive (i.e., not default) supplier.
by size of customer base Figure 3 The retail market is discussed in more detail in Section 5.2.
2.2 Regulation
The retail market in Germany has grown increasingly The German states11 play an important role in regulation of
competitive since retail competition was introduced in the power sector as well. In particular, regulation of reve-
1998. However, the percentage of switching from traditio- nues is divided between federal (BNetzA) and state regu-
nal suppliers for non-industrial customers (especially from latory authorities. General rules are set on the federal level,
traditional Stadtwerke) was relatively low in the begin- while the legal execution and legal process are shared bet-
ning. More recently, retail competition has been increa- ween federal and state regulatory authorities. Today, Ger-
sing, and in 2012 about 20 percent of household customers many has one federal and 11 state regulatory authorities in
Country Profile | Report on the German power system
Companies Ownership
*Amprion. 2011. Retrieved from, ** 50hertz, 2014., *** RWE, 2013.
place (five states have decided to shift all of their regula- 2.3 Transposition of European Energy Policy
tory responsibility for the power sector to BNetzA.) Grids
covering more than one state, and networks with more Germany has transposed the European directives on the
than 100,000 customers, are regulated by BNetzA as well. internal markets in electricity and natural gas into natio-
nal legislation. Implementation of electricity market libe-
Federal Cartel Office (BKartA): This office is charged ralisation, however, continues, with competition limited,
with ensuring market competition in Germany, primarily but increasing gradually.
through the control of abusive practices by dominant com-
panies. It is responsible for verification regarding energy Germany has transposed European climate and renewables
prices levied by suppliers that operate on a national ba- directives into national law; however, it is delayed in im-
sis. The Bundeslnder (state) cartel authorities or the civil plementing the European Energy Efficiency Directive.12
courts address allegations of excessive rates for end custo-
mers in their states.
12 Directive 2012/27/EU.
Agora Energiewende | Report on the German power system
Country Profile | Report on the German power system
3.1 Installed Capacity Section 8. Natural gas, hard coal, brown coal (lignite), and nu-
clear also account for a significant share of installed capacity.
As of July, 2014, Germany had an installed capacity of 192
GW. Renewables account for 83 GW, or about 44 percent of The renewable energy mix, in terms of installed capacity,
total installed capacity. This is the result of Germanys ag- is led by solar photovoltaics (PV) and onshore wind. Bio-
gressive policies supporting renewable energy, particularly mass, hydro, and other renewables (such as geothermal) ta-
through the feed-in tariff (FiT), described in more detail in ken together account for less than a quarter of all installed
renewables capacity.
Installed capacity 192 GW (7/2014) Lignite and hard coal accounted for about 44 percent of all
electricity produced in Germany in 2014. Renewables ac-
Peak demand 83.1 GW (2013) counted for just over a quarter of all electricity production.
Nuclear power, which is to be phased out by 2022, accoun-
Gross electricity ted for 16 percent of power production in 2014.
576.3 TWh (2014)
Hard Coal
28,403 37,448
Other conventionals
12,068 Biomass
21,206 3,918 1,447
Other RES
Agora Energiewende | Report on the German power system
26,7 Hard Coal
96,9 5 52,4
Other conventionals
157,3 48,9
109,9 Petroleum
156 20,8
AG Energiebilanzen, 2014.
Country Profile | Report on the German power system
The annual load profile for Germany shows, that the annual
peak of 84.0 GW was reached on December 7 at 5:00pm.
18 ENTSO-E, 2014a.
Agora Energiewende | Report on the German power system
Country Profile | Report on the German power system
Germany has significant interconnection capacity with years ago. More recently, 50Hertz signed a virtual phase
neighboring EU member states. It is interconnected with shifter agreement with PSE Operator, the Polish TSO. A
Austria, Switzerland, the Czech Republic, Denmark, France, virtual phase shifter agreement is a contractual agreement
Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Poland, and Sweden.20 defining a maximum limit for cross-border electricity
flows, with flows limited where necessary via re-dispat-
In 2012, Germany had 21.3 GW of available interconnec- ching. Physical phase shifting transformers are expec-
tion capacitya high level compared with an annual peak ted to be installed around 2016 to limit flows through the
demand of 83.1 GW.21 Still, only about half of this export Czech Republic and Poland.24
capacity is utilized at any given time. Export capacity has,
on average, been growing over the past few years, and is Another solution to the problem of unplanned flows has
expected to continue to grow as planned interconnections been set forth in an analysis commissioned by the regula-
expand cross-border transmission capacity with several tors from Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hun-
neighbouring countries.22 gary. The study identified significant unplanned flows
in the CEE region, with Poland and the Czech Republic
Germany is a net energy exporter. The biggest export mar- most strongly affected. It recommended coordination of all
kets are The Netherlands and Austria, while it draws net cross-border transactions via the introduction of market
energy imports mainly from the Czech Republic. Trade coupling and flow-based capacity allocation methodology,
between Germany and France requires a closer view:
While Germany exports electricity according to finan-
cial transactions, physical flows are to a certain extent Import/Export balance 2003-2014
(in GWh, physical flows) Figure 11
transit flows from France via Germany to Switzerland.
There is a significant volume of unplanned physical flows
(loop flows) occurring between Germany and its neigh-
bours. Due to constraints on the German transmission 35000
system, the excess power from the north travels through 30000
the transmission systems of neighbouring countries, and
particularly through Poland, the Czech Republic, or via the
In response to these unplanned flows, German TSOs have
taken several steps with neighbouring countries. Phase-
shifting transformers, which limit the flow of electrons 5000
cross-border, have been deployed to limit transit flows
through The Netherlands to Belgium and France already 15 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14
22 ENTSO-E, 2012a.
Agora Energiewende | Report on the German power system
2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014*
AT 4457 8376 8957 11621 9390 7895 7955 10566 8748 7126 9000
CH 9044 16501 10777 11921 11149 10506 11972 11238 9591 7968 6900
CZ -12972 -12617 -11407 -8535 -6614 -7722 -8836 -7522 -5742 -6956 -2400
DK 3338 583 3972 1472 1364 3615 3769 -2149 -6738 2539 500
FR -15086 -15739 -15334 -15705 -9701 -9171 -14331 -20176 -12437 -10574 -14000
LU 4177 4248 4330 4413 4467 4387 4798 4655 4592 4586 4800
NL 16799 18935 22053 17763 18030 5360 5870 6368 21817 24219 24000
PL 2708 1220 1826 4843 5482 5483 5167 4705 5877 4909 9200
SE 176 -2663 453 -867 -1964 221 1348 -1419 -2612 -29 -1000
Totals 12641 18844 25627 26926 31603 20574 17712 6266 23096 33788 35900
stressing the need for all significant constraint boundaries tion and Congestion Management (CACM) Code.27 The res-
to be included in the process. pective Guideline is currently progressing through the Co-
Because of its central location in Europe and high level of mitology procedure, following a recommendation by ACER
interconnection with neighboring member states, Ger- to adopt the Guidelines.28 It recommends that bidding zones
many belongs to four of six Electricity Regional Initiati- be defined so as to support congestion management and
ves.25 Over the past few years, the German market has be- market efficiency, by defining bidding zones by congestion
come more closely linked to neighboring markets through rather than national boundaries. However, the text is not
market coupling: explicit on this point and the question of what might con-
stitute the most efficient means of managing congestion
Nordic market and Germany (2009) market splitting, or coordinated redispatch is left open.
Central-West region (2010)
Central-West and Nordic region (2013)26
Country Profile | Report on the German power system
802 PL
NL 719
748 703 616
CZ 187
2,327 234 SK
805 220
918 74 HU
FR CH 589 58 171
226 180 SL
344 IT
Agora Energiewende | Report on the German power system
Country Profile | Report on the German power system
5 Electricity Market
5.1 Wholesale Market, Prices and Liquidity EPEX SPOT in Paris, and the Energy Exchange Austria
(EXAA) in Vienna.31
5.1.1 Electricity Market Design
The German wholesale electricity market is broadly made 5.1.2 Market Liquidity
up of three elements: (1) a forward market; (2) a day-ahead As described earlier, the generation market is quite con-
market; and (3) an intra-day market. Electricity supply centrated, with the four largest private supply companies
deliveries in the forward market can be negotiated up to owning about 56 percent of installed capacity and produ-
seven years in advance, but for liquidity reasons typically cing about 59 percent of the electricity generated in Ger-
only look out three years, and in fact most futures trading many. Total output of the largest four producers in 2012
focuses one year ahead.29 was as follows:
2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014
Baseload Peakload
EEX, 2014.
29 For more on the wholesale markets, see BNetzA, 2013, pp. 91-119. 31 BNetzA, 2013, pp. 93-94.
30 BNetzA, 2013, p. 14. 32 EnBW, 2013, p. 32.
Agora Energiewende | Report on the German power system
Share of consumption by customer class, Nordic regions. Moreover, market liquidity has been in-
TWh (2012) Figure 9 creasing over the past few years, in part due to the obliga-
tion that TSOs sell renewable energy on the spot market.
BNetzA, 2013, p. 26. Note that these data are based on bot- Germanys economy is highly industrialized, and as illust-
tom-up analysis performed by BNetzA, rated in Figure 9, large industrial customers accounted for
and reflect responses from 806 out of 888 suppliers.
nearly half of German consumption in 2012. Residential
customers, which are the largest customer class by num-
Wholesale market concentration in Germany remains re- ber, accounted for about a quarter of total consumption, and
latively high. In 2011, the wholesale market Herfindahl- smaller industrial and business customers accounted for
Hirschman Index (HHI)33 was measured at 2,012, which the just over a quarter.
is considered a highly concentrated market.34 However,
it is important to note that market concentration is lower Since 1998 all customers have been able to choose their
in combined bidding zones, such as the Central-West and electricity supplier. However, in practice the percentage
of switching from traditional suppliers for non-industrial
33 The HHI is defined as the sum of the squares of the percentage
customers (especially from traditional Stadtwerke) has
market share of each market participant. The Index can range in been a relatively slow process. When retail competition
value from 0 to 10,000. The higher the index, the more concentrat- was first introduced, there were no standards for contracts,
ed the market. A market with an HHI of less than 1,000 is generally
times and switching costs, which caused a great deal of
considered competitive, a market with an HHI in the range of 1,000
to 1,800 would be considered as moderately concentrated, while
uncertainty. As regulation has been introduced to control
a market with an index above 1,800 would be considered highly these factors, customer switching has increased. In 2012,
concentrated. 20 percent of customers had contracts with a competitive
34 European Commission, 2011. supplier (i.e., not their default supplier), and more than 43
Country Profile | Report on the German power system
Average volume-weighted retail price for The remaining energy is supplied by publicly owned
household customers (ct/kWh) in 2014* Figure 10 Stadtwerke (most or fully owned by the local authority) and
independent suppliers.
Electricity prices (in ct/kWh) have risen for both household
30 and industrial customers over the past years. Household
25 2.05 electricity prices have increased for default customer con-
4.65 tracts with default suppliers as well as for those with non-
BDEW, 2014; *Other charges are the sum of: billing, 19 Strom-
NEV surcharge, metering operations, offshore liability As a caveat it shall be noted that electricity prices for in-
surcharge, KWKG surcharge, and metering.
dustrial consumers vary significantly in Germany. Espe-
cially many large energy-intensive companies are exem-
percent of customers remained with their default supplier, pted almost entirely from levies and taxes. The following
but under a competitive contract. The remainder remained section discusses this problem in slightly more detail.
on a default contract with their default supplier.35
5.2.1 Breakdown of Electricity Bill
For 2013, Germanys retail electricity sector was identified In order to understand electricity prices in Germany, it is
as having a low level of market concentration, falling well important to understand the significant portion of the bill
below a HHI of 1,000.36 As mentioned earlier, in 2012 the covering taxes and levies. For residential customers, taxes
four biggest retailers supplied 45.5 percent of the total de- and levies account for roughly half of their electricity bill,
livered volume of energy (in TWh) to end-use customers.37 while for industrial customers the share rises to almost 60
35 BNetzA, 2013, p. 128.
Agora Energiewende | Report on the German power system
cant. Without exemptions, the small or medium sized in-
dustrial customer in this example will pay just over 17 ct/
kWh, while when the maximum exemptions apply, they
pay just over 9.5 ct/kWh a 44% reduction. The largest
cuts are found on the EEG surcharge, which pays for sup-
port of renewable energy in Germany, and is reduced by
No exemptions With exemptions
more than 90 percent from 6.24 ct/kWh to 0.45 ct/kWh.41
Taxes drop by nearly a quarter, and the network tariff
drops by nearly 80 percent. Concession fees are completely
Metering and billing
Additional surcharges*
The availability of exemptions for many industrial cus-
Concession fees
tomers makes it difficult to compare industrial electricity
Net network tariff prices in Germany with those in other countries. Howe-
ver, one can state that electricity prices for large industrial
Tax (electricity and VAT) consumers in Germany are at a similar level or lower than
in most other European countries (Figure 12).
Energy procurement and supply
Figure 10 illustrates the charges on an average household Furthermore, some large energy-intensive companies pay
customers bill. The energy and network tariffs account for even less for electricity, because they are exempted from
about half the bill, while taxes and surcharges account for
the rest. The EEG surcharge accounts for 17 percent of the
40 In this case, the customer is assumed to have 24 GWh/year annual
overall bill, followed by VAT at 15 percent. consumption; 4,000 kW annual peak load and 6,000 hours annual
usage time, and be connected to the medium-voltage grid (10 or 20
Compared to other Member States, German household kV). BNetzA 2013, p. 15.
electricity prices in 2014 were the second highest in the 41 EEG surcharge was 5.28 c/kWh in 2013, 6.24 c/kWh in 2014 and
EU, at 29 ct/kWh. will be at 6.17 c/kWh in 2015.
Country Profile | Report on the German power system
Prices in EUR/MWh
60 56
53.6 59
40 49.6 49 46.5
Germany France Netherlands EU-27
basically all taxes and surcharges while purchasing their small businesses), grid costs are charged primarily on an
electricity at the wholesale market at record low prices.44 energy-use basis, plus a fixed customer charge.45
5.3 Grid Cost Allocation Grid tariffs are calculated based on direct grid costs and
certain components of providing system services, namely:
In Germany, all grid costs are allocated to end-use cus-
tomers. Supply only has to pay the one-time cost of grid At the transmission level, system costs consist of the
connection; all other costs are borne by end users. Costs are cost of managing grid bottlenecks (i.e., redispatch, rene-
allocated differently among large and small end-use custo- wables curtailment, and capacity payments for reserves,
mers. Charges for industrial customers are based primarily minus energy rates for called reserves).
on the level of peak demand (kW) that is coincident with At the distribution level, the balancing costs for devia-
system peak. Grid tariffs for these customers are charged tions associated with standard load profiles.
as a combination of per kW demand charges and per kWh
energy-use charges, based on the demand and energy use An important feature of grid cost allocation in Germany is
characteristics of the customer class. The demand charge that costs are allocated exclusively within a distribution
tends to be the higher charge, while energy-use charges grid operators territory. This has the practical effect that
are lower. For low-energy use customers (residential and grid tariffs can vary substantially from one distribution
territory to another. There is one exception to this: A na-
tionwide system of cost equalization governs the costs of
hooking up offshore wind parks.
Agora_Comparing_Electricity_Prices_for_Industry_web.pdf 45 For more on grid tariff design, see Jahn, 2014.
Agora Energiewende | Report on the German power system
The 888 or so DSOs are heterogeneous and thus have very comparison with larger, more populated DSO territories,
different network costs, as a result to the density of de- where reduced grid tariffs for distributed generation are
mand within a given distribution territory (number of shared across a broader customer base.
customers and level of consumption), and investments for
RES connections. The connection costs of wind parks, bio-
mass power plants, and PV systems are exclusively borne
by customers of the local distribution networks where the
facilities are located. As a result, the network tariffs for
customers can vary widely, from 4.2 to 8.88 ct/kWh for re-
sidential customers in 2014.
46 At the same time, self-generation, which also has the result of re-
duced payments for grid services, only contributes to reallocation
of about 1 percent of grid revenues. See Jahn, 2014.
Country Profile | Report on the German power system
Time [Minutes]
Primary control reserve jointly provided by all TSOs in synchronous area
and activated within seconds
Secondary and minute reserve provided by the TSO in whose control area
the imbalance occured
Reserve beyond four quarter-hours provided by the balance responsible
party which triggered the original imbalance, n.d.
47 bertragungsnetzbetreiber, n.d., a.
Agora Energiewende | Report on the German power system
Country Profile | Report on the German power system
The EU has set the goal of reducing GHG emissions 20 The Energiewende aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissi-
percent below 1990 levels by 2020. This target is divided ons economy-wide by 8095 percent by 2050.
between sectors covered under the EU Emissions Tra- The high-level national goals for the Energiewende have
ding System (ETS), covering about 45 percent of total GHG been integrated into the Energy Concept, a national policy
emissions, and the Effort Sharing Decision (ESD), which document which sets forth Germanys energy policy to
sets targets for all remaining economic sectors. Under the 2050.50 The German energy transition has significant im-
ETS Directive there are no country-level targets; however, plications for the power sector, as reflected in the following
to implement the Energiewende, Germany has set a target table, which represents Germanys quantitative interim
of reducing GHG emissions by at least 40 percent compa- and 2050 targets relating to the power sector.51
red to 1990 levels by 2020.48 The ESD caps Germanys GHG
emissions in non-ETS sectors at 14 percent below 2005 le- As discussed in Sections 8 and 9, these goals are being im-
vels by 2020.49 plemented through targeted legislation.
BMWi, 2014a, p. 4.
49 European Commission, n.d. 51 For targets related to other energy sectors, see BMWI, 2014a, p. 4.
Agora Energiewende | Report on the German power system
Country Profile | Report on the German power system
8 Renewable Energy
Under the European Renewable Energy Directive, Ger- The quantitative targets for renewable energy are as follows:
many has been allocated an 18 percent target for the share
of gross final energy consumption to be met by renewable Wind onshore: additional 2,500 MW/year (net)
energy by 2020.52 This target has been incorporated into PV: additional 2,500 MW/year (gross)
the German Energy Concept targets. In line with the Ener- Wind offshore: 6,500 MW by 2020
giewende, the German Renewable Energy Act (EEG) further Biomass: additional 100 MW per year (gross)55
specifies a target for renewable energy from electricity:
4045 percent by 2025, and 5560 percent by 2035.53 Notably, these targets reflect a reduction in ambition for
offshore wind and biomass, due to their high costs compa-
Under the EEG, the main support mechanism for renewa- red to other renewable resources. The FiT levels from Au-
ble energy in Germany used to be the FiT, which has been gust 2014 have been adjusted as documented in table 8.
in place since 200054 and provides a fixed price for power
produced from renewable sources. The FiT is set for a 20- It is important to note that the law introduces flexible caps
year term, varies by technology, and the tariff level is set at (breathing cap) to reach the annual renewable energy
regular intervals. The cost of the FiT is covered through a targets. If targets are met in a given year, the following
surcharge on end-use customer electricity bills, as descri- years FiTs for that technology will be reduced by a stan-
bed in Section 5 of this report. dard rate. If targets are exceeded, the incentives will de-
crease, and the more they are exceeded, the greater the
In 2014, the Renewable Energy Act was amended, with the decrease in FiTs. Conversely, if the target is not met, the FiT
goal of continuing progress towards Germanys renewable will not decrease but might even increase.56
energy targets, while controlling cost. The amendments to
the Act set quantitative targets for renewable energy, by Thanks in large part to the German FiT scheme, Germany
resource, and established new FiT levels for each techno- has seen a significant rise in the share of electricity gene-
logy. Importantly, the 2014 amendments shift renewab- rated by renewable resources for more than a decade.
les support from a traditional FiT to a mandatory Feed-
in-Premium scheme. That is, instead of receiving the FiT It is important to note that a significant change to the Re-
amount directly, all new installations larger than 500 kW newable Energy Act is expected in 2016. In order to comply
(and larger than 100kW after 2016) will need to sell the with new EU environmental state aid guidelines, Germany
electricity they produce, themselves or through a third will introduce auction schemes for renewable energy in
party, and will then be rewarded the difference between 2016, to enter into effect in 2017.57 It is foreseen to open a
the FiT and the revenues earned on the wholesale electri- certain portion of totally auctioned capacity for assets in
city market (direct marketing). other countries as long as physical transmission can be
52 Directive 2009/28/EC.
53 This is in line with the 35 percent target for 2020 and 50 percent
target for 2030 listed in Figure 18.
55 Agora Energiewende, 2014a.
54 In fact, the introduction of the feed-in tariff in Germany dates back
56 Agora Energiewende, 2014a, p. 2.
to 1991when the Stromeinspeisegesetz, the predecessor of the EEG,
was adopted. 57 Agora Energiewende, 2014a.
Agora Energiewende | Report on the German power system
FiT Levels under German Renewable Energy Act, from August 2014 Table 8
8.9 ct/kWh (initial feed-in tariff 0.4% on a quarterly basis (degression may in-
Wind onshore for at least 5 years). crease up to 1.2% or decrease up to zero de-
4.95 ct/kWh (basic feed-in tariff). pending on amount of installed capacity.
Electricity supply from renewable sources, 20002014, and prospective supply 2015-2020 Figure 14
35000 60%
30000 50%
5000 10%
0 0
Country Profile | Report on the German power system
9 Energy Efficiency
Under the Energy Concept, Germany has set the goal of One of the main instruments to achieve energy savings in
reducing primary energy consumption by 20 percent Europe to 2020 is Article 7 of the European Energy Effici-
by 2020, and 50 percent by 2050 (compared with 2008). ency Directive. Article 7 sets mandatory end-use energy
This is in line with the European goal of reducing primary savings targets for Member States of 1.5 percent each year
energy consumption 20 percent by 2020 Europe-wide. from 2014 to 2020.60 This target can be met through imple-
Germany further aims to reduce gross electricity con- mentation of an energy efficiency obligation on all energy
sumption by 10 percent by 2020 and 25 percent by 2050.58 distribution companies or all energy service providers, or
While the country has a number of policies and measu- through equivalent alternative measures.
res in place to support energy efficiency, and has achie-
ved steady energy savings over time, it is not enough. The In December 2014, the federal government has adopted
Second Monitoring Report, which tracks progress on the a National Action Plan Energy Efficiency that proposes a
Energiewende, emphasizes that Germany must do more if it large set of instruments ranging from competitive tenders
is to meet its goal of achieving 20 percent primary energy to tax exemptions for building renovations. Some measu-
savings by 2020.59 res need legislative decision, others can be implemented
Index 1990=100
0 91 2 3 4 5 6 97 8 9 0 01 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 1 12 1 3 1 4
19 9 19 19 9 19 9 19 9 19 9 19 9 19 19 9 19 9 200 20 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 20 20 20 20 20
Statistisches Bundesamt
Agora Energiewende | Report on the German power system
Country Profile | Report on the German power system
Currently, the German power system has a surplus of ca- SAIDI, or the System Average Interruption Duration Index, is
pacity, though due to the stepwise phase out of nuclear ca- a standard measure of the average number of minutes of ser-
pacity, some challenges might arise in near future in Sou- vice interruption per customer on the low-voltage network
thern Germany.62 in a given year. Figure 16 reflects SAIDI in six member states,
including Germany, and accounts for unplanned interruptions,
In addition to the nuclear phase out, some conventional ca- excluding exceptional events. As this figure indicates, reliabi-
pacity will be retired in the coming years (see above, chap- lity of service in Germany is high compared to neighbouring
ter 3.5. for more details). Although several GW new coal and countries, ranging from about 14 to 21 minutes of interrup-
gas plants are currently under construction, experts ex- tions annually per customer over the past eight years, with an
pect potential shortages to arise in the next decade. If the overall gradual improvement over time.
current market design is suitable to incentivise new re-
sources able to meet peak demand and thus to avoid power 10.3 Smart Metering
shortages in the 2020s, is currently disputed in Germany.
In autumn 2014 the government is launching a discussion Germany has taken several steps towards increasing the
process on potential market reform including a debate penetration of smart meters in the country. As described
about an improved energy-only market and capacity re- in this section, the definition of smart meter, and func-
muneration mechanisms as well. tionalities associated with smart meters, has evolved in
Minutes lost per customer
60.0 France
20.0 Germany
0 0 2 0 0 1 0 03 0 0 4 0 0 5 0 0 6 2 0 0 7 0 0 8 0 0 9 2 0 1 0 20
20 2 2 2 2 2 2
CEER, 2014.
Agora Energiewende | Report on the German power system
parallel to European requirements regarding intelligent or Electricity Directive.64 The analysis concludes that for the
smart metering systems. first three groups of end users delineated in 21(c) of the
EnWG, installation of smart meters is cost-effective and
The German Energy Industry Act requires installation of therefore recommended. For small consumers, the analysis
measurement systems for three categories of end users: recommends replacement of current meters with intel-
ligent meters within the normal replacement cycle for me-
1. New buildings or those undergoing a major renovation ters.
as defined by Directive 2010/31/EC on the Energy Per-
formance of Buildings The distinction between smart and intelligent meters
2. For final consumers with an annual consumption gre- made in the Ernst & Young report is that smart meters
ater than 6,000 kWh communicate information on energy consumption and
3. For plant operators under the Renewable Energy Act time of use to energy companies, while intelligent meters
or power-heat coupling law for new plants with an ins- show end users their actual energy usage via an in-home
talled capacity of more than 7 kW63 display, but do not communicate this information to the
utility.65 The report also notes that intelligent meters are
A measurement system is defined as a device connected easily upgraded to smart meters.
to a communications network measuring device for de-
tecting electrical energy, which reflects the actual energy As of 2013, about 500,000 meters had been installed in
consumption and actual time of use. Installation of mea- Germany.66 A number of barriers currently exist, however,
surement systems for these customers is only required if to installation of smart meters as required by law. Firstly,
technically feasible. Technical feasibility is met if measu- meters have not yet been developed that comply with new
rement systems that meet the statutory requirements are security standards.67 Secondly, the Ernst & Young recom-
available on the market. mendations have not yet been incorporated into a national
roll-out strategy for smart meters. And Thirdly, German
In all other buildings, the act calls for installation of mea- law allows third parties (that is, companies independent
surement systems as far as is technically and economically of the DSOs, who are the default option) to serve as mete-
feasible. Economic feasibility is defined as replacement at ring operators and metering service providers. The DSO is
no extra cost to the consumer, or as established by an eco- required to allow the metering service provider to install
nomic evaluation of the BMWi.
64 The Electricity Directive sets the indicative goal of equipping 80
In 2013, BMWi released a cost-benefit analysis, prepared percent of consumers with intelligent by 2020. While intel-
ligent meters are not defined in the Directive, the European
by Ernst & Young, to determine the cost-effectiveness of
Communication on Smart Grids (SEC/2011/463 final), references
installing smart meters in Germany under Annex I of the the Smart Grid Task Forces definition of smart meters: Meter
with extra functionality allows the meter to collect usage data and
transmit this data back to the via the AMI (Advanced Metering
Infrastructure). Load control and tariff management are also ex-
amples of possible extra functionality. The Smart Meter has provi-
sions for a consumer interface that enables the consumer to moni-
tor energy usage. See European Commission Task Force for Smart
Grids, 2010, p. 43.
Country Profile | Report on the German power system
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Publications of Angora Energiewende
IN English
in german
Auf dem Weg zum neuen Strommarktdesign: Kann der Energy-only-Markt 2.0 auf Kapazitts-
mechanismen verzichten?
Dokumentation der Stellungnahmen der Referenten fr die Diskussionsveranstaltung am 17. September 2014
Publications of Angora Energiewende
Erneuerbare-Energien-Gesetz 3.0
Konzept einer strukturellen EEG-Reform auf dem Weg zu einem neuen Strommarktdesign
Power-to-Heat zur Integration von ansonsten abgeregeltem Strom aus Erneuerbaren Energien
Handlungsvorschlge basierend auf einer Analyse von Potenzialen und energiewirtschaftlichen Effekten
Agora Energiewende
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Agora Energiewende is a joint initiative of the Mercator Foundation and the European Climate Foundation.