Cellulosic Fiber Loose-Fill Thermal Insulation: Standard Specification For

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Designation: C739 − 11

Standard Specification for

Cellulosic Fiber Loose-Fill Thermal Insulation1
This standard is issued under the fixed designation C739; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (´) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
This standard has been approved for use by agencies of the U.S. Department of Defense.

1. Scope Properties by Means of the Thin-Heater Apparatus

1.1 This specification covers the composition and physical C1338 Test Method for Determining Fungi Resistance of
requirements of chemically treated, recycled cellulosic fiber Insulation Materials and Facings
loose-fill type thermal insulation for use in attics or enclosed C1363 Test Method for Thermal Performance of Building
spaces in housing, and other framed buildings within the Materials and Envelope Assemblies by Means of a Hot
ambient temperature range from − 45 to 90°C by pneumatic or Box Apparatus
pouring application. While products that comply with this C1374 Test Method for Determination of Installed Thick-
specification are used in various constructions, they are adapt- ness of Pneumatically Applied Loose-Fill Building Insu-
able primarily, but not exclusively, to wood joist, rafters, and lation
stud construction. C1485 Test Method for Critical Radiant Flux of Exposed
Attic Floor Insulation Using an Electric Radiant Heat
1.2 The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as Energy Source
standard. No other units of measurement are included in this E177 Practice for Use of the Terms Precision and Bias in
standard. ASTM Test Methods
1.3 This standard does not purport to address all of the E691 Practice for Conducting an Interlaboratory Study to
safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the Determine the Precision of a Test Method
responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro- E970 Test Method for Critical Radiant Flux of Exposed Attic
priate safety and health practices and determine the applica- Floor Insulation Using a Radiant Heat Energy Source
bility of regulatory limitations prior to use.
3. Terminology
2. Referenced Documents 3.1 Definitions—For definitions of terms used in this
2.1 ASTM Standards:2 specification, see Terminology C168.
B152/B152M Specification for Copper Sheet, Strip, Plate, 3.2 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard:
and Rolled Bar 3.2.1 attic—an enclosed space between the roof and ceiling
C168 Terminology Relating to Thermal Insulation of the occupied part of a building.
C177 Test Method for Steady-State Heat Flux Measure- 3.2.2 critical radiant flux—the level of incident radiant heat
ments and Thermal Transmission Properties by Means of energy on the attic floor insulation system at the most distant
the Guarded-Hot-Plate Apparatus flame-out point (W/cm2).
C518 Test Method for Steady-State Thermal Transmission
Properties by Means of the Heat Flow Meter Apparatus 4. Materials and Manufacture
C687 Practice for Determination of Thermal Resistance of 4.1 The basic material shall be recycled cellulosic fiber
Loose-Fill Building Insulation made from selected paper, paperboard stock, or ground wood
C1114 Test Method for Steady-State Thermal Transmission stock, excluding contaminated materials, which may reason-
ably be expected to be retained in the finished product. Suitable
chemicals are introduced to provide properties such as flame
This specification is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee C16 on
Thermal Insulation and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee C16.23 on resistance, processing, and handling characteristics.
Blanket and Loose Fill Insulation.
4.2 The basic material may be processed into a form
Current edition approved April 1, 2011. Published May 2011. Originally
approved 1973. Last previous edition approved 2008 as C739 – 08. DOI: 10.1520/ suitable for installation by pneumatic or pouring methods.
For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website, www.astm.org, or 5. Physical and Chemical Properties
contact ASTM Customer Service at service@astm.org. For Annual Book of ASTM
Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on 5.1 Design Density—The design density shall be determined
the ASTM website. in accordance with Section 8. Report all units in kg/m3.

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C739 − 11
5.1.1 Design density is not a basis for acceptance or currently studying methods to ascertain if there is a long-term deteriora-
rejection. tion of fire performance characteristics of cellulose insulation. Should the
need for a permanency test be determined by this task group and a test
5.2 Corrosiveness—The loose-fill insulation material shall method be developed and finalized, it will become a part of this
be tested for corrosiveness as specified in Section 9. The specification.
composition of the insulation material shall be such that after
testing, no perforation of the 3-mil (76-µm) metal specimens 8. Design Density
shall be evident when the specimens are observed over a 40-W 8.1 Scope—This test method provides a basis for calculating
appliance light bulb. Notches extending into the coupon 3 mm the product coverage values and for conducting physical
or less from any edge shall be ignored. property tests requiring the use of design density for sample
5.3 Critical Radiant Flux—When tested in accordance with preparation.
Section 10, the critical radiant flux shall be equal to greater 8.2 Significance and Use—The design density is the ap-
than 0.12 W/cm2. All values shall be reported to two significant proximate density expected after long-term attic application.
8.3 Apparatus and Materials:
5.4 Fungi Resistance—The loose-fill insulation material 8.3.1 Insulation Specimen Container—A beaker having a
shall be tested and shall pass fungi resistance as specified in flat bottom and an inside diameter of 15.0 6 1 cm, straight
Section 11. If the growth on two or more of the replicate test sides. The height of the beaker shall be such that the distance
items is greater than that on the comparative item, the test item between the bottom of the cyclone and the top edge of the
shall be considered to fail. beaker is 8.50 6 1.0 cm.
NOTE 1—If the manufacturing claims the insulation kills or controls 8.3.2 Flat Rigid Disk, having a total weight of 75 6 5 g and
insects or rodents, or both, the product must be registered as a pesticide of a suitable diameter to fit loosely into the specimen container.
under the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodentic Act, as amended, Weight may be added to the center of the disk to bring the total
and must also be registered in accordance with state pesticide statutes. weight to the required 75 6 5 g.
5.5 Moisture Vapor Sorption—Moisture gain in the insula- 8.3.3 Balance, having a 2-kg capacity accurate to 60.2 g.
tion shall be no more than 15 % by weight when tested in 8.3.4 Blower Apparatus, having two blower units (supply
accordance with Section 12. and overflow) meeting the following specifications:
5.6 Odor Emission—Any sample producing a detectable Each blower apparatus shall be capable of blowing
odor that is classified as objectionable and strong or very strong an average of 272.2 kg of insulation per hour.
by more than two panel members shall be considered to have Each blower apparatus shall have a nominal air flow
failed the test when tested in accordance with Section 13. velocity of 0.38 m/s. Each blower apparatus shall have a nominal motor
5.7 Smoldering Combustion—When tested in accordance speed of 16 450 r/min at 115 V (a-c).
with the smoldering combustion test method in Section 14, the 8.3.5 Shaker Unit, having a capability of shaking 4.5 kg of
insulation shall show no evidence of flaming and a weight loss weight with a vertical motion of 0.5 g rms acceleration at an
no greater than 15 %. approximate frequency of 9 Hz and displacement of approxi-
5.8 Thermal Resistance—The standard thermal resistance mately 1.17 6 0.08 cm.
values normally recommended for open application are: 2.3, 8.3.6 Fill Chamber, having inside dimensions of 45.7 cm
3.4., 3.9, 5.3, 6.7, and 8.6 and are expressed in K·m2/W. The high by 38.1 cm wide by 38.1 cm deep, with covered openings
thermal resistance R for the average of any (four) randomly that will allow a radiant panel tray to be slid through the
selected specimens shall not be more than 5 % below the listed chamber (see Fig. 1).
R value when tested in accordance with Section 15. R values 8.3.7 Cyclone Receiver—See Fig. 2.
other than those listed shall be as agreed upon between the 8.3.8 Hose—Various lengths of nominal 5.08-cm diameter
supplier and the purchaser. hose (see Fig. 1): Supply Source Hose, 274.3 6 5.1 cm.
6. Workmanship, Finish, and Appearance Cyclone Receiver Hose, 182.9 6 5.1 cm.
6.1 The product shall be free of extraneous foreign materials Fill Chamber Exit Hose, 91.4 6 5.1 cm.
such as metals and glass that will adversely affect the perfor- Overflow Exhaust Hose, length as needed.
mance in service. 8.3.9 Blower Controls, having capability of operating the
two blowers at 40 V rms and 12 A.
TEST METHODS 8.3.10 Insulation Holding Container, capable of holding
four times the amount of insulation required to fill the
7. Summary specimen container.
7.1 The following tests shall be conducted on loose-fill 8.3.11 Garden Rake, with steel teeth.
cellulosic insulation at the measured design density: moisture 8.4 Conditioning:
vapor sorption, smoldering combustion, and thermal resis- 8.4.1 Condition specimens to equilibrium at 21 6 2.0°C and
tance. 50 6 5 % relative humidity in an open top mesh bottom
NOTE 2—The importance of an insulation’s product to maintain its fire container not exceeding 10.16 cm in depth and position in such
retardant characteristics is recognized. A task group in ASTM C16.31 is a way to allow free movement of air on exposed sides. A

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Universidad Industrial de Santander (Universidad Industrial de Santander) pursuant to License Agreement. No further reproductions authorized.
C739 − 11

FIG. 1 Partial Insulation Preparation Apparatus

specimen for design density within 10 min after it has been

removed from the conditioned area.
8.5 Procedure for Pneumatic Applications:
8.5.1 Conduct the test in an area conditioned in accordance
with 8.4.1.
8.5.2 Blow the material through a commercial blower using
30.48 m of 5.08 cm hose into a sample receiver while holding
the hose horizontally at a height of four feet.
8.5.3 Set up the apparatus as shown in Fig. 1. Connect one
end of the supply source hose to the intake of the supply
blower. Use the other end of the supply source hose to pick up
insulation from the holding container. Connect one end of the
cyclone receiver hose to the outlet of the supply blower and the
other end to the fill chamber. Place the fill chamber on a flat
and level surface. Connect one end of the variable length
overflow exhaust hose to the outlet of the overflow blower.
Conveniently place the other end to reduce insulation dust in
the test area.
8.5.4 Weigh the empty insulation specimen container and
record its weight.
8.5.5 Place the empty insulation specimen container in the
fill chamber, centered under the cyclone receiver, and close the
front cover.
8.5.6 Adjust the blower control(s) so that the supply and
overflow blowers will operate at a no-load voltage of 40 V rms.
8.5.7 Simultaneously turn on the blowers and proceed to fill
FIG. 2 Cyclone Receiver Weldment
the insulation specimen container by picking up material from
the holding container using the supply source hose.
8.5.8 The container may fill unevenly, that is, a void may
change in net weight of the specimen that is less than 1 % in tend to form off center in the container. If this occurs, stop the
two consecutive weighings with 24 h between each weighing blowing process and rotate the container. If, for any reason, the
constitutes equilibrium. filling process is interrupted for more than 1 min or for more
8.4.2 If ambient laboratory conditions are different from the than the time allowed to rotate the container once, begin the
conditioning requirements specified in 8.4.1, begin testing the process again.

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C739 − 11
TABLE 1 Design Density (lb/ft3)
Repeatability Reproducibility
Repeatability Reproducibility
Sample AverageA Standard Standard
Limit Limit
Deviation Deviation
x̄ sr sR r R
Insulation 1.51 0.03 0.07 0.09 0.20
The average of the laboratories’ calculated averages.

8.5.9 Gently remove the excess material using a straight 8.8 Calculations—Calculate the design density, in kg/m3, of
edge to leave a uniform surface on the insulation flush with the each specimen using Eq 1:
top of the container. Design density 5 W/V s (1)
8.5.10 Weigh the filled and leveled container and record the
weight. Take care not to bump or jar the container so not to where:
introduce any extraneous settling of the insulation. W = combined mass of the container and insulation minus
8.5.11 Cover the container to prevent spilling and secure the the mass of the container, g, and
container to the shaker. Operate the shaker for a period of 5 Vs = volume of insulation in container after shaking, L.
min 6 15 s. 8.9 Precision and Bias:
8.5.12 Remove the container from the shaker and uncover, 8.9.1 The precision of this test method is based on an
taking care not to bump or jar it. Lower the disk very slowly interlaboratory study of C739, Standard Specification for
into the container until it starts to contact the insulation. At this Cellulosic Fiber Loose-Fill Thermal Insulation, conducted in
point, release the disk and allow it to settle onto the insulation 2009. Six laboratories participated in this study, reporting the
under its own weight. Design Density for a single cellulose insulation. All six labs
8.5.13 Measure the volume of the space occupied by the reported results in pounds per cubic foot. A total of 16
insulation using the bottom edge of the disk as the upper datum replicates were reported by the participants for each of the unit
point. If the disk is not level, measure the high and low points measurements. Every “test result” reported represents an indi-
of the bottom of the disk and average the readings and use this vidual determination. Except for the use of data from only a
as the height measurement in calculating the volume (Vs). single type of cellulosic insulation, Practice E691 was followed
Calculate the design density using the insulation volume and for the design and analysis of the data; the details are given in
insulation mass (W). ASTM Research Report No. RR:C16-1037.3
8.5.14 Repeat 8.5.1 – 8.5.13 using another specimen of the Repeatability limit (r)—Two test results obtained
insulation until four densities are obtained for a given material. within one laboratory shall be judged not equivalent if they
Then average these figures to determine the design density. differ by more than the “r” value for that material; “r” is the
8.6 Procedure for Pouring Applications: interval representing the critical difference between two test
8.6.1 Pour loose-fill insulation into a simulated attic space results for the same material, obtained by the same operator
until full. The attic space shall be formed by two nominal 2 by using the same equipment on the same day in the same
6 by 8-ft long joists placed 40.6 cm on center with 1.27-cm laboratory.
plywood nailed to the ends and bottom. Fluff the material with (1) Repeatability limits are listed in Table 1.
a garden rake, applying a series of small amplitude strokes Reproducibility limit (R)—Two test results shall be
while moving the rake slowly along the joist. Repeat the judged not equivalent if they differ by more than the “R” value
fluffing process six times. for that material; “R” is the interval representing the critical
8.6.2 Weigh the empty insulation specimen container and difference between two test results for the same material,
record its mass. obtained by different operators using different equipment in
8.6.3 Using a shovel, remove the insulation from the simu- different laboratories.
lated attic space and place it into the specimen container until (1) Reproducibility limits are listed in Table 1.
the container just begins to overflow. The above terms (repeatability limit and reproduc-
8.6.4 Follow the procedure specified in 8.5.9 – 8.5.13. ibility limit) are used as specified in Practice E177.
8.6.5 Repeat 8.6.2 – 8.6.4 using another specimen of the Any judgment in accordance with statement
insulation until four densities are obtained for a given material. would normally have an approximate 95 % probability of
Then average these values to determine the design density. being correct, however the precision statistics for the analysis
8.7 Procedure for Pouring and Pneumatic Applications—If obtained in this ILS must not be treated as exact mathematical
the insulation is intended for both pouring and pneumatic quantities which are applicable to all circumstances and uses.
applications, or if it is uncertain whether the insulation will be The limited number of laboratories reporting results, and
poured or installed pneumatically, test the insulation for design
density in accordance with 8.4, 8.5, and 8.6 for each of the 3
Supporting data have been filed at ASTM International Headquarters and may
applications. be obtained by requesting Research Report RR:C16-1037.

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C739 − 11
materials tested, guarantees that there will be times when 9.3.8 Forceps.
differences greater than predicted by the ILS results will arise, 9.3.9 Test Coupons:
sometimes with considerably greater or smaller frequency than Two, 3003 Bare Aluminum alloy, zero temper.
the 95 % probability limit would imply. Consider the repeat- Two, Specification B152/B152M, Type ETP, Cabra
ability limit as a general guide, and the associated probability No. 110 soft copper.
of 95 % as only a rough indicator of what can be expected. Two, low-carbon, commercial quality, cold-rolled,
8.9.2 Bias—At the time of the study, there was no accepted less than 0.30 % carbon, shim steel.
reference material suitable for determining the bias for this test Each coupon shall be 50.8 by 50.8 by 0.076-mm
method, therefore no statement on bias is being made. thick, free of tears, punctures, or crimps. Six coupons shall be
8.9.3 This precision statement was determined through the used for one test of the insulation.
statistical examination of 96 results from six laboratories, on a 9.4 Sampling—Samples of cellulose insulation used for
single type of cellulose insulation, measured in inch-pound testing shall be blown, combed, or otherwise mixed to reason-
units. The insulation test was generally described as: ably ensure homogeneity of the sample. Cellulose insulation “A”—Cellulosic fiber made
9.5 Procedure:
from selected recycled paper or paperboard stock. Suitable
9.5.1 Precleaning Metal Coupons:
chemicals were introduced to provide flame resistance proper- During fabrication, cleaning, or testing, never touch
ties. The material was processed through an attrition mill with
the metal coupons by ungloved hands.
the intended use of pneumatic applications. Handle cleaned coupons with only clean forceps.
9. Corrosiveness In order to avoid exposing laboratory personnel to
toxic fumes, perform all cleaning in a fume hood.
9.1 Scope—This test method covers the determination of the Clean the coupons by vapor degreasing with 1-1-1
corrosiveness of cellulosic insulation. The cellulosic insulation trichloroethane for 10 min. Following vapor degreasing, sub-
shall be tested for corrosiveness using the measured design ject the coupons to caustic or detergent washing, or both, as
density, as determined in Section 8. The pass/fail criteria is appropriate. Following caustic or detergent washing, rinse the
given in 5.2. coupons in flowing water to remove residues. Inspect each
9.2 Significance and Use—This test method provides a basis coupon for a water-break free surface. (A water-break is a
for estimating the corrosiveness of cellulosic insulation in break, separation, beading, or retraction of the water film as the
contact with steel, copper, and aluminum test materials. The coupon is held vertically after wetting.) As the coupons are
test method represents one set of exposure conditions designed cleaned, the water film should become gradually thinner at the
to accelerate possible corrosive effects, and may not simulate top and heavier at the bottom. Hot-air dry the coupons at
exposure conditions experienced in actual field applications. 105°C.
9.3 Apparatus and Materials: 9.5.2 Preparation of Test Samples:
9.3.1 Humidity Chamber (Test Method A), air-circulating, Determine the design density of the sample in
capable of maintaining a temperature of 48.9 6 1.7°C and 97 accordance with Section 8.
6 1.5 % relative humidity throughout the active portion of the For each metal coupon, subdivide a 20-g sample of
chamber. insulation into two 10-g portions. Determine the quantity of
9.3.2 Oven (Test Method B), air circulating, capable of sterile and either distilled or deionized water to be used for
maintaining a temperature of 48.9 6 1.7°C throughout the each 10-g portion in accordance with Eq 2:
active portion of the chamber. 2.9
3 75 mL (2)
9.3.3 Crystallizing Dishes, six, glass, 90 mm in diameter by d
50 mm in height. where:
9.3.4 Containers, six, glass, polyethylene or polypropylene,
with screw cap or friction top lid capable of sealing, 127 mm d = design density, lb/ft3.
in nominal diameter and 76 mm in nominal height. Presaturate each 10-g portion with the determined
9.3.5 Gloves, clean and in good condition. amount of water. Place one presaturated 10-g portion into a
9.3.6 Chemicals—Reagent-grade chemicals shall be used in crystallizing dish, tamp level using the bottom of a clean
all tests. Unless otherwise indicated, it is intended that all suitably sized glass beaker. Place a metal coupon onto the
reagents shall conform to the specifications of the Committee presaturated insulation portion and center it in a horizontal
on Analytical Reagents of the American Chemical Society, plane. Place the other presaturated 10-g portion into the
where such specifications are available.4 crystallizing dish on the metal coupon and tamp the composite
9.3.7 Water, sterile and either distilled or deionized. specimen (metal coupon and saturated insulation in the crys-
tallizing dish) to ensure an even distribution of this material
and to ensure good contact of the insulation with the metal.
Reagent Chemicals, American Chemical Society Specifications, American Exercise care in preparing the composite specimens to elimi-
Chemical Society, Washington, DC. For suggestions on the testing of reagents not nate air pockets from forming next to the metal coupons.
listed by the American Chemical Society, see Analar Standards for Laboratory
Chemicals, BDH Ltd., Poole, Dorset, U.K., and the United States Pharmacopeia Do not cover the crystallizing dish. Care should be
and National Formulary, U.S. Pharmacopeial Convention, Inc. (USPC), Rockville, taken to avoid evaporation from the composite during prepa-
MD. ration or until it is placed on the testing chamber.

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Universidad Industrial de Santander (Universidad Industrial de Santander) pursuant to License Agreement. No further reproductions authorized.
C739 − 11
9.5.3 Sample Test Cycle—Use either a humidity chamber Technique No. 2—Copper (This technique or Tech-
(Method A) or an oven (Method B) to provide the required nique No. 1 may be used for postcleaning only the tested
temperature and relative humidity exposure. copper coupons.) Make a solution containing 500 mL of Test Method A—Test Method A is given to be hydrochloric acid (sp gr 1.19), 100 mL of sulfuric acid (sp gr
consistent with federal standards and Test Method B is given as 1.84), and 400 mL of water. See Note 5.
an alternative since the 97 6 1.5 % relative humidity is an
NOTE 5—To avoid injury, prepare the solution by slowly adding the
alternative requirement. sulfuric acid to the water with continuous stirring. Cool, then add the
(1) Precondition the humidity chamber to 48.9 6 1.7°C hydrochloric acid slowly with continuous stirring. The solution shall be at
and 97 6 1.5 % relative humidity. room temperature. Dip the coupons in the solution for 1 to 3 min.
(2) Place all six composite samples in the humidity Technique No. 3—Steel (This technique or Tech-
chamber. Keep the samples in the humidity chamber 336 6 4 nique No. 1 may be used for postcleaning only the tested steel
h. During the test cycle, periodically monitor the temperature coupons.) Use one of the following two solutions:
and humidity. (1) Solution No. 1—Add 100 mL of sulfuric acid (sp gr
(3) During the test cycle, do not open the humidity cham- 1.84), 1.5 mL organic inhibitor, and water to make a 1-L
ber unless it can be determined that such openings do not solution. Maintain the solution at 50 6 2°C. Dip the coupons
adversely affect the test cycle. in this solution.
(4) If drippings of condensate occurs within the humidity (2) Solution No. 2 (Clarke’s solution)—Add 20 g of
chamber, position guards over the samples to prevent the antimony trioxide and 50 g of stannous chloride to 1 L of
condensate from falling onto the samples. hydrochloric acid (sp gr 1.19). Stir the solution and use it at Test Method B: room temperature. Dip the coupons for up to 25 min in this
(1) Precondition the oven to 48.9 6 1.7°C. solution, while stirring the solution at a rate so that deformation
(2) Place the crystallizing dishes containing the composite of the coupons does not occur.
sample in separate 127-mm diameter containers. Technique No. 4—Aluminum (This technique or
(3) Add 70 mL of sterile and either distilled or deionized Technique No. 1 can be used for postcleaning only the tested
water solution plus 25 g of potassium sulfate to the annular aluminum coupons.) Make a 1-L solution by adding 20 g of
space between the crystallizing dish and the container. Use care chromic acid and 50 mL of phosphoric acid (sp gr 1.69) to
not to add any of the solution to the composite sample. If any water. Maintain the solution at 80 6 2°C . Dip the coupons in
of the solution is inadvertently added to the composite sample, this for 5 to 10 min. If a film remains, dip the coupons in nitric
prepare a new composite. acid (sp gr 1.42) for 1 min. Repeat the chromic acid dip. If
(4) Loosely place the covers on the containers and preheat there are no deposits, use nitric acid alone.
the containers 1 h in the oven at 48.9 6 1.7°C. After 9.5.5 Inspection—After cleaning the metal coupons, exam-
preheating, seal the containers by tightening the covers. Keep ine the coupons over a 40-W light bulb for perforations. Ignore
the containers in the oven 336 6 4 h. During the test cycle, notches that extend into the coupon 3 mm or less from any
periodically monitor the temperature. edge.
(5) During the test cycle, do not open the oven unless it
can be determined that opening does not adversely affect the 9.6 Report—The report shall include the following:
test cycle. 9.6.1 Description of the insulation tested,
9.5.4 Post-Test Cleaning of the Metal Coupons—After com- 9.6.2 Test method for corrosiveness used, and
pleting the test cycle, disassemble the composite specimens. 9.6.3 The absence or presence of perforations of or by the
Thoroughly wash the metal coupons under running water and metal coupons. Notches extending into the coupon 3 mm (0.12
lightly brush them using a soft nylon bristle brush or equivalent in.) or less from any edge shall be ignored. The absence or
to remove loose corrosion products. Remove the remaining presence or perforation by type of metal coupon may also be
corrosion products from the metal coupons by cleaning them as reported.
follows in a fume hood:
9.7 Precision and Bias—No statement is made about the Technique No. 1—Electrolytic Cleaning (for copper,
precision and bias of this test method since it is a qualitative
steel, and aluminum coupons). Electrolyze the coupons by
method and no numerical value is obtained.
making a solution containing 28 mL of sulfuric acid (sp gr
1.84), 2 mL of organic inhibitor (for example, about 0.5 g/L of
10. Critical Radiant Flux
such inhibitors as diorthotolyl thiourea, quinoline ethiodide, or
betanaphthol quinoline) and 970 mL water. Maintain the 10.1 The critical radiant flux of the insulation shall be
solution at 75°C . Use carbon or lead for the anode and one determined in accordance with Test Method E970.
metal coupon for the cathode. Electrolyze for 3 min at a current 10.2 Sample Preparation:
density of 20 A/cm2. See Note 3 and Note 4.
10.2.1 Condition specimens in accordance with Test
NOTE 3—If using lead anodes, lead may deposit on the coupon. If the Method E970 Section 11.
coupon is resistant to nitric acid, remove the lead by a flash dip in a 10.2.2 Procedures:
solution of equal parts nitric acid and water.
NOTE 4—To avoid injury when mixing acid and water, for electrolytic Method A—Blow the material through a commer-
cleaning gradually pour the acid into the water with continuous stirring, cial blower using 30.5 m of 5.08-cm (2-in.) diameter hose into
and provide cooling if necessary. a sample receiver while holding the hose horizontally at a

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Universidad Industrial de Santander (Universidad Industrial de Santander) pursuant to License Agreement. No further reproductions authorized.
C739 − 11
height of 4 ft. Hand load the specimen tray, being careful not 49 6 2.3°C and 50 6 5 % relative humidity, and
to compact the insulation. 49 6 2.3°C and 90 6 5 % relative humidity. Method B—Blow the material through a commer- 12.3.3 Balance, accurate to 0.1 g.
cial blower using 30.5 m of 5.08-cm. diameter hose directly 12.4 Sampling—The test sample shall be randomly selected
into the specimen tray while holding the hose horizontally at a from one production lot of insulation.
height of 4 ft.
10.2.3 Gently shake specimen, removing excess and over- 12.5 Procedure:
blown insulation. The specimen shall then be gently screeded 12.5.1 Determination of moisture sorption shall be at the
with a metal straight edge in one direction so that the specimen design density determined in Section 8.
is level across the top of the tray. Surface irregularities shall not 12.5.2 The insulation specimen shall be blown, combed, or
exceed 4.8 mm . Additional material may be added to fill any otherwise mixed to remove lumps.
voids or valleys around the periphery of the specimen tray. 12.5.3 Calculate the amount of insulation material required
Take care not to compact the insulation. The tray may now be as shown in Eq 3:
inserted in the radiant panel. As an alternative to screeding, the W 5 V 3d (3)
specimen tray may be gently dropped onto a hard level surface
until the specimen is level with the sides of the specimen tray.
W = mass of insulation, kg,
11. Fungi Resistance V = volume of container, m3, and
d = design density, kg/m3.
11.1 The Fungi Resistance of the insulation shall be deter-
mined in accordance with Test Method C1338. 12.5.4 Fill the container (see 12.3.1) with the calculated
amount of test material.
11.2 Sampling/Conditioning/Inoculation—Unless specified
12.5.5 Condition this test material at 49 6 2.3°C and 50 6
by the purchaser, one specimen shall be selected from each of
5 % relative humidity to a constant weight and record the mass.
the three different bags or other packages of insulation, as
Constant mass has been achieved when successive weighings
vary no more than 1 % in 24 h.
11.2.1 Condition the specimens per section 8.4.
12.5.6 Increase the relative humidity to 90 6 5 % and
11.2.2 Specimen size shall be 10 g of cellulosic loose-fill
recondition for 24 h. Weigh and record within 15 min of
insulation. Aseptically transfer approximately one third of the
removal from this conditioning.
insulation specimen to each of three sterile Petri dishes and
gently tamp down to a relatively smooth surface to facilitate 12.6 Calculations—Calculate the moisture absorbed as
subsequent microscopic examination. shown in Eq 4:
11.2.3 A section of untreated southern yellow pine is the W2 2 W 1
comparative item. M5 3 100 (4)
W1 2 W3
11.2.4 Inoculation of test and comparative item per Test
Method C1338. where:
11.3 Complete test per Test Method C1338. M = moisture absorbed, %,
W1 = weight of container and specimen after conditioning at
11.4 Report—Report results as specified in Section 8, Test 50 % relative humidity, g,
Method C1338. W2 = weight of container and specimen after conditioning at
90 % relative humidity, g, and
12. Moisture Vapor Sorption W3 = weight of the empty container, g.
12.1 Scope—This test method describes a procedure for 12.7 Report—The report shall contain the following:
determining the percent moisture absorbed from the atmo- 12.7.1 Percentage by weight of moisture absorbed,
sphere by cellulosic fiber loose-fill insulation product under 12.7.2 Sample identification and date of manufacture, if
laboratory conditions. known,
12.2 Significance and Use: 12.7.3 Density at which sample was tested, and
12.2.1 Excessive moisture in attic insulation could lead to 12.7.4 Test conditions, such as temperature, relative
deterioration of structural components, as well as possible odor humidity, and exposure time.
and vermin infestation. 12.8 Precision and Bias:
12.2.2 The inherent property of cellulosic fiber to absorb 12.8.1 Precision—The precision of this test method was
finite amounts of water from the atmosphere, and the possible determined by an interlaboratory test program involving five
use of hygroscopic chemicals in fire retardants are factors laboratories and three materials5. Each laboratory reported
necessitating testing of production lots of insulation for mois- three replicates of the test for each material. The three materials
ture absorption capability. tested were (1) a cellulose insulation product containing only
12.3 Apparatus: boric acid as a fire retardant, (2) a cellulose insulation product
12.3.1 Specimen Container, constructed of a noncorrosive- containing boric acid and ammonium sulfate as fire retardants,
and nonwater-absorbing material 230 by 230 by 200 6 3 mm.
12.3.2 Humidity Chamber, capable of maintaining the fol-
lowing two sets of conditions: 5
Supporting data pending being filed at ASTM International Headquarters.

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Universidad Industrial de Santander (Universidad Industrial de Santander) pursuant to License Agreement. No further reproductions authorized.
C739 − 11
TABLE 2 Repeatability and Reproducibility for the Moisture 13.7.4 Precision and Bias—No statement is made about
Sorption Test either the precision or the bias of this odor emission method
Material Average Sr SR r R since the results merely determine whether the material emits
1 7.08 0.48 1.50 1.34 4.20 an objectionable odor or not. See Note 6.
2 11.54 0.77 2.80 2.15 7.38
3 6.39 0.24 1.14 0.68 3.21 NOTE 6—Panel members shall be persons who have demonstrated an
ability to detect odors accurately and consistently. A recommended
method for panel selection is given in the paper The Selection of Judges
of Odor Discrimination Panels.6

and (3) processed newsprint without fire retardant. The 14. Smoldering Combustion
repeatability, Sr, and reproducibility, SR, were calculated from 14.1 Scope—This test method determines the resistance of
the data using the method prescribed in Practice E691. The the insulation to smolder under specific laboratory conditions.
95 % repeatability, r, and reproducibility, R, limits were calcu-
lated using Equations (11) and (12) in Section 21 of Practice 14.2 Significance and Use—Insulation materials that readily
E691. (See Table 2.) smolder could have an adverse effect on the surrounding
12.8.2 Bias—No statement can be made about the bias of structure in the event of exposure to fire or heat sources.
this test method since no materials having an accepted refer- 14.3 Apparatus:
ence value are available. 14.3.1 Specimen Holder—The specimen holder shall be an
open-top 200 6 2-mm square box, 100 6 2 mm in height,
13. Odor Emissions fabricated from 0.61 6 0.08-mm thick (22–26 U.S. standard
13.1 Scope—This test method covers the determination of gage) stainless steel sheet with the vertical edges of the box
the existence, nature, and degree of odors present in thermal overlapped, not to exceed 7 mm in seam width, and joined to
insulation materials. be watertight. The specimen holder during test use shall rest
upon a pad of unfaced glass fiberboard having dimensions
13.2 Significance and Use—Thermal insulating materials
equal to and not less than those of the bottom of the specimen
that produce objectionable odors could cause discomfort to
holder. The glass fiberboard shall be approximately 25-mm
persons occupying a structure insulated with such materials.
thick, with a density of 40 6 4 kg/m3.
Therefore, an examination to determine the odor potential of a
14.3.2 Ignition Source—The ignition source shall be a
particular insulation is desirable.
cigarette without filter tip made from natural tobacco, 85 6
13.3 Apparatus—Containers shall be either all stainless 2-mm long with a tobacco packing density of 0.27 6 0.020
steel or glass with tight-fitting lids. Containers must produce no g/cm3 and a total mass of 1.1 6 0.2 g.
discernible odor of their own. Capacity of containers shall be a 14.3.3 Balance, 1-kg capacity, accurate at least to 0.1 g.
minimum of 50 g of the material to be tested. 14.3.4 Hot Wire Anemometer, having a range of measure-
13.4 Sampling—Unless otherwise specified by the ment to include 0.5 m/s.
purchaser, one sample of the material to be tested shall be 14.3.5 Solid Glass Rod, 8 mm, having one smooth tapered
selected at random. Each sample shall contain a minimum of end.
50 g of insulation. 14.4 Sampling—Three specimens per sample shall be
13.5 Condition samples in accordance with 8.4. tested.
13.6 Procedure: 14.5 Conditioning—Samples and cigarette shall be condi-
13.6.1 Insert the sample into a test container and firmly tioned in an open container in accordance with 8.4.
replace the lid. Subject each closed container to a temperature 14.6 Procedure:
of 65°C for a period of 30 min. 14.6.1 Draft-protect and equip the test area with a suitable
13.6.2 A panel of five persons having normal odor percep- system for exhausting smoke or noxious gases, or both,
tion shall open and examine for odor in the test containers. produced by testing. Air velocities measured by a hot wire
13.6.3 The panel members shall answer the following ques- anemometer in the vicinity of the surface of the sample shall
tions regarding the sample examined: not exceed 0.5 m/s. Maintain the test area at 21 6 2°C (69.8 6 Was a perceptible odor present? 3.6°F) and 50 6 5 % relative humidity. If so, was the odor objectionable, pleasant, or 14.6.2 Calculate the mass of material necessary to fill the
neutral? holder (volume of 4000 cm3) at the design density as deter- Was the odor weak, strong, or very strong? mined in Section 8. Blow, comb, or otherwise mix the material
13.7 Report—A test report shall be prepared indicating to remove lumps. Load the material uniformly into each
whether the tested material passed or failed. The report shall specimen holder, level and flush to the top of the holder.
also include the compiled panel opinions as follows: Measure the mass of each specimen to the nearest 0.2 g or less
13.7.1 Was a perceptible odor present? Yes ___ No ___. If by weighing the holder before and after filling. If the mass of
so: ______________________________________________. the specimen is less than calculated, place a removable
13.7.2 Odor was objectionable ___ pleasant ___ neutral
______________________________________________. 6
Symposium on the Correlation of Subjective-Objective Methods in the Study of
13.7.3 Odor was weak ____ strong ___ very strong ___. Odors and Taste, ASTM STP440, ASTM, 1968 , pp. 49-70.

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Universidad Industrial de Santander (Universidad Industrial de Santander) pursuant to License Agreement. No further reproductions authorized.
C739 − 11
TABLE 3 Example of Suggested Form for Loose-fill Insulation Coverage Chart
R value at 75°F Minimum Initial Maximum Net Minimum Minimum Settled
Mean Temperature Settled Thickness Installed Coverage bags/1000 ft2 Weight DensityB
(to obtain an ThicknessA per Bag per square
insulation resistance (R)) foot
K·m2/W (°F·h·ft2/Btu
SI mm mm Area m2 Count Kg/m2 Kg/m3
R-8.6 ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
R-6.7 ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
R-5.3 ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
R-3.9 ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
R-3.4 ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
R-2.3 ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
Design Density –X.X Kg/m2
Determined per Test Method C1374.
The column for Settled Density id not required when using option 1. this column is required when using option 2. The Design Density per Section 8 shall be part of the
bag label in either case.

extension top on top of the holder; place the necessary amount 14.8.5 Number of tests performed, and
of insulation inside the extension and drop the loaded holder 14.8.6 Results of test: Pass/Fail.
from a height of no greater than 76 mm onto a hard flat surface. 14.9 Precision and Bias:
Repeat this process until the specimen settles uniformly to the 14.9.1 Precision—Interlaboratory tests were performed to
top of the holder. Then remove the extension top. evaluate the repeatability and reproducibility of this test for
14.6.3 With the specimen in the holder and placed on the cellulose insulation. These tests were based on Federal Speci-
insulation pad, vertically insert a glass rod into the center of the fication HH-I-515D. Seven commercially manufactured cellu-
material (610 mm) being tested to a depth equivalent to the lose insulations, marketed for residential use, were evaluated
length of the cigarette, and withdrawn to form a cavity for the by each procedure. Ten laboratories participated in conducting
ignition source, so that the cigarette fits snugly and maintains the tests. Data from the soldering combustion test was evalu-
uniform contact with the specimen. Insert a well-lighted ated on a pass/fail basis with agreement by nine of ten
cigarette, burned no more than 8 mm into the formed cavity, laboratories for six of the seven materials tested. Seven of the
with the lit end upward and flush with the specimen surface. ten laboratories also agreed on the seventh material.
Allow burning of the cigarette to proceed undisturbed in the 14.9.2 Bias—No information can be presented on the bias of
test area for at least 2 h or until the smoldering is no longer this test method because no material having an accepted
progressing, whichever period is longer. reference value is available.
14.6.4 Test all insulation samples for smolder combustion in
triplicate. 15. Thermal Resistance
14.6.5 If one specimen fails, perform another set. If any one 15.1 The thermal conductivity or thermal conductance shall
of the second set of specimens fails, the sample fails. If any one be determined in accordance with Test Methods C177, C518,
of the specimens fails, the sample fails. C1114, or C1363.
14.7 Calculations—After completion of burning and after 15.1.1 For Coverage Charts at design density—Test speci-
the holder has cooled to 25°C or less, weigh the specimen mens at the density determined in accordance with Section 8.
holder with its material residue at least to the nearest 0.2 g , and 15.1.2 For Coverage Charts with multiple installed
calculate the percent mass loss of the original specimen. Ignore densities—Test specimens at a minimum of 3 different installed
the mass of the cigarette residue in this calculation. Calculate densities which correspond to the range of thicknesses in the
the mass loss as shown in Eq 5: chart to determine the density versus thermal conductivity
W1 2 W 2
W5 3 100 (5) 15.2 The mean temperature for determination of thermal
conductivity shall be 23.9°C , using the procedure presented in
where: Practice C687.
W = mass loss, %, 15.3 Values for thermal resistance at other mean tempera-
W1 = mass of insulation before test, g, and
tures may be determined using the same procedure as steps
W2 = mass of insulation at completion of test, g.
15.1 and 15.2 but at alternate mean temperatures.
14.8 Report—The report shall include the following:
14.8.1 Percent mass loss and evidence of flaming, if any, 16. Inspection
14.8.2 Sample identification and date of manufacture, 16.1 Inspection of the insulation shall be made as agreed
14.8.3 Statement of sample conditioning and preparation, upon by the purchaser and the manufacturer as part of the
14.8.4 Statement of test density, purchase contract.

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C739 − 11
17. Packaging and Package Marking Option 1: The chart shall use the Design Density
17.1 Packaging—Unless otherwise specified, the insulation for the entire chart.
shall be packaged in the manufacturer’s standard commercial Option 2: The chart shall use the multiple installed
containers. densities derived from data resulting from Test Method C1374.
17.2.6 Optional information for products intended for side-
17.2 Marking—Each bag of insulation shall be marked to wall application,
include the following: Certification—“This insulation has been installed
17.2.1 Name of manufacturer, in conformance with the above recommendations, to provide a
17.2.2 Manufacturing date and location, value of R− ___ using ___ bags of this insulation to cover___
17.2.3 Net weight of insulation per bag, square feet of area,” including:
17.2.4 Minimum Settled Thicknesses, Initial Installed Place for builder’s signature, company name, and
Thicknesses, Minimum Weights, and Maximum Coverages, to date, and
provide the levels of insulation thermal resistance (R) shown, Place for applicator’s signature, company, name,
and the specific blowing machine type and machine settings and date, and
used to determine the initial installed thicknesses shall be 17.2.7 Where material is intended for blowing or pouring
stated on the bag. application, the bag shall have a separate coverage for each
17.2.5 A filled-in coverage chart containing the information type of application.
prescribed in Table 3 shall be based for product that is no
greater than 10 % above the design density determined in 18. Keywords
Section 8. 18.1 cellulosic fiber; loose-fill; thermal insulation


(Nonmandatory Information)


X1.1 For purposes of establishing in-house quality control Chamber and Gas Radiant Panel Test Chamber (see Test
conformance to critical radiant flux criteria, manufacturers may Method E970). Test Method C1485 provides details for the
establish correlation between their Electric Radiant Panel Test operation of the electric radiant heat apparatus.


X2.1 Sample Preparation: filling the chamber until large amounts of insulation are being
X2.1.1 Condition specimens in accordance with Test drawn into the overflow hose.
Method E970, Section 11. X2.1.5 Slowly slide the specimen tray through the fill
X2.1.2 Insulation shall be installed into the specimen tray chamber so that the low flux end of the tray is parallel with the
using the blower-cyclone apparatus. For this purpose, the fill back of the fill chamber, filling the by sliding the tray forward
chamber (See Figs. 1 and 2), shall be equipped with the to allow excess of insulation to build up in the tray.
openings in the front and back so that a radiant panel specimen
X2.1.6 Shut off the blowers and remove the specimen tray.
tray can be slid through the fill chamber during blowing.
The specimen shall be gently raked with a wide toothed comb
X2.1.3 Adjust the blower control(s) so that the supply and to eliminate any voids. The specimen shall then be gently
overflow blowers will operate at no-load voltage of 40 V rms. screeded with a metal or wood straight edge in one direction so
X2.1.4 Simultaneously turn on the blowers and proceed to that the specimen is level across the top of the tray. Surface
fill the fill chamber by picking up material from the insulation- irregularities shall not exceed 4.8 mm. Additional material may
holding container, using the supply source hose. Do not be added to fill any voids or valleys around the periphery of the
pre-blow the insulation. Large clumps of insulation shall be specimen tray. Take care not to compact the insulation. The
broken by hand before feeding them into the hose. Continue tray may now be inserted in the radiant panel.

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Universidad Industrial de Santander (Universidad Industrial de Santander) pursuant to License Agreement. No further reproductions authorized.
C739 − 11
ASTM International takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any item mentioned
in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights, and the risk
of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility.

This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and
if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards
and should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the
responsible technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should
make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, at the address shown below.

This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959,
United States. Individual reprints (single or multiple copies) of this standard may be obtained by contacting ASTM at the above
address or at 610-832-9585 (phone), 610-832-9555 (fax), or service@astm.org (e-mail); or through the ASTM website
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