Civil Society Notes 2019
Civil Society Notes 2019
Civil Society Notes 2019
The need to build and strengthen the Civil Society has come to be common theme with all
contemporary thinkers, reformers and commentators. Each democratic state fully accepts the
need and necessity of Civil Society for a successful working of its democratic government. It can
compel the government to continuously work as a representative, responsible, transparent and
accountable government of the people.
Initially, Civil Society used to be defined as a political community i.e. a society governed by the
government, law and authority. In contemporary times, however, Civil Society is distinguished
from the state and political community. It means nongovernmental, private, voluntarily
organized associations or institutions of the people, through which they try to secure their
needs, desires and objectives.
Such associations and organisations work independently of the government. Civil Society even
opposes the wrong politics, decisions and projects of the government. In doing so the civil
society depends upon constitutional, peaceful and legal method of action.
The term Civil Society is used to collectively refer to the voluntary organizations corporate
bodies, socially active groups, and firms working in each society.
"Civil Society is the set of intermediate associations which is neither the state nor the family, but
which plays an active and positive role in social, economic, and cultural activities."
According to Andrew Heywood, "Civil society refers to "a realm of associations, business,
interest groups, classes’ families and so on."
Civil Society includes all private organizations of the people. Press, professional associations of
the people, Human Right groups and organizations, voluntary social service organizations, and
in fact, all NGOs working in society.
In other words, Civil Society refers to the effective presence of non- governmental autonomous
groups and associations, business groups, interest groups, trade unions, voluntary social service
organizations, in fact, all non-governmental organizations, and groups working for securing
public interests and welfare by their self efforts.
3. Civil Society is, however, neither opposed to state nor to society. On the contrary it works as a
supplementary to each of the two. It, however, works in an organized and autonomous way.
4. A healthy and efficient democratic system needs and integrates civil society, society and state.
5. Civil Society is constituted by the well-organised and active presence of a number of social,
economic and cultural associations and groups of the people.
6. Both Liberalism and Marxism accept and advocate the role of Civil Society but each
conceptualizes it in a different way.
Civil Society works for discharging several economic, social, cultural, moral and other
responsibilities which fall in the domain of private activities. It is not a part of government and
yet it serves the purpose of securing the rights, general welfare and development of all the
people of the state.
In our country the Civil Society has been becoming more and more aware, alert and active. The
continuous presence and successful working of Indian liberal democratic political system, the
spread of literacy, the freedom of mass media, the existence of a very broad based decentralized
local self-government system, the presence of a direct, homogeneous and democratic process of
Political Socialization and people's full commitment to liberal democracy have been together
helping the Civil Society to become increasingly active and strong.
The Right to Information and the implementation of the Right to Information Act has given an
additional strength to the Civil Society. It now uses this Act for securing its objectives; It has
now come to be a powerful actor in the process of Indian democratic polity, economy and
society. Anna Hazare's anti-corruption movement and the movement for the creation of a strong
Lokpal as the watchdog against corruption has shown the increasing strength and role Civil
society in our country.
Since March 2008, Pakistan has been living with a democratic government and this
development has been helping the Civil Society in Pakistan to become better organized and
more active and efficient in playing its role in Pakistani society, economy and polity. It alone can
help the Pakistani government in controlling the menace of terrorism.
Presently, (February 2011) several states of Africa, particularly Tunisia, Egypt, Yemen and some
others have been experiencing the increasing strengths of their civil societies. Strong opposition
to authoritarian and dictatorial regimes is being demonstrated by the civil society in Egypt.
The civil society of Tunisia successfully secured its objective of overthrowing the forces of
authoritarianism in their country and on 11thFebruary 2011, the Egyptian Civil Society also
successfully secured its objective of eliminating the authoritarian regime of Hosne Mubarak in
their country. It is expected that it will now ensure the installation of a democratic regime in the
In fact, the civil society of each state has been trying to become more active and assertive in its
society, polity and economy. It is indeed a very healthy development which is destined to give
more strength to the movements for the restoration of democratic regimes in all authoritarian
states of the world.
The current drive for the protection of Human Rights of all the people living in all parts of the
globe and the environment protection movements will get more and more support and efforts
from the CIVIL SOCIETY of each member of the international community.
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