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August 26, 1974
Int. Fed. Spec. QQ-NOO281C (NAVY-Ships)
April 10, 1967, and
Fed. Spec. QQ-N-281b
October 31, 1966
(See 6.6)





This specification was approved by the Commissioner, Federal Supply Services, General
Services Administration, for use of all Federal agencies.


1.1 Scope. This specification covers nickel-copper alloy for applications requiring
comparatively high strength and resistance to corrosion.

1.2 Classification. Nickel-copper alloy shall be of the following classes, forms, and
conditions, as specified (see 6.2):

Class A.

Form 1 - Bar and rod.

Condition: Cold drawn (stress relieved).
Hot finished (as hot finished or stress relieved).
Hot finished, high tensile (stress relieved).
Annealed (hot finished or cold drawn).
Forging quality.

Form 2 - Forged parts.

Condition: Hot finished (as forged or stress relieved).
Forged, high tensile (stress relieved).
Hot finished, annealed.

Form 3 - Shapes.
Condition: Annealed.
Hot finished.
Cold rolled or cold drawn.
Form 4 - Sheet.
Condition: Cold rolled (annealed).
Cold rolled (as rolled).
Hot finished (annealed).
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Form 5 - Strip.
Condition: Cold rolled (annealed).
Cold rolled (quarter hard).
Cold rolled (hard, as rolled).
Cold rolled (full hard spring, as rolled).

Form 6 - Plate.
Condition: Hot finished (annealed).
Hot finished (as rolled).

Form 7 - Wire.
Condition: Cold drawn (annealed).
Cold drawn (various tempers).

Class B.

Form 1 - Bar and rod.

Condition: Cold drawn (as drawn or stress relieved).
Hot finished (as hot finished or stress relieved).
Annealed (hot finished or cold drawn).

Form 2 - Wire.
Condition: Cold drawn (annealed).
Cold drawn (various tempers).


2.1 The following documents of the issue in effect on date of invitation for bids or
request for proposal, form a part of the specification to the extent specified herein.

FED-STD-182 - Identification Marking of Nickel and Nickel Base Alloys.
FED-STD-151 - Metals; Test Methods.

(Activities outside the Federal Government may obtain copies of Federal Specifications
and Standards as outlined under General Information in the Index of Federal Specifications
and Standards and at the prices indicated in the Index. The index, which includes
cumulative monthly supplements as issued, is for sale on a subscription basis by the
Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C., 20402.

(Single copies of this specification and other Federal Specifications required by

activities outside the Federal Government for bidding purposes are available without charge
from Business Service Centers at the General Services Regional Offices in Boston, New York,
Washington, DC, Atlanta, Chicago, Kansas City, MO, Fort Worth, Denver, San Francisco, Los
Angeles, and Seattle, WA.

(Federal Government activities may obtain copies of Federal Specifications and

Standards and the Index of Federal Specifications and Standards from established
distribution points in their agencies.)

MIL-P-116 - Preservation, Methods of.
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MIL-STD-163 - Steel Mill Products, Preparation for Shipment and Storage.
MIL-STD-271 - Nondestructive Testing Requirements for Metals.

(Copies of specifications, standards, drawings, and publications required by suppliers

in connection with specific procurement functions should be obtained from the procuring
activity or as directed by the contracting officer.)

2.2 Other publications. The following documents form a part of this specification to
the extent specified herein. Unless otherwise indicated, the issue in effect on date of
invitation for bids or request for proposal shall apply.


E-8 - Methods of Tension Testing of Metallic Materials.
E-140 - Standard Hardness Conversion Tables for Metals (Relationship Between
Brinell Hardness, Vickers Hardness, Rockwell Hardness, Rockwell Superficial
Hardness, and Knoop Hardness).

(Application for copies should be addressed to the American Society For Testing and
Materials, 1916 Race Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19103.)

(Technical society and technical association specifications and standards are generally
available for reference from libraries. They are also distributed among technical groups
and using Federal agencies.)


3.1 Chemical requirements. The material shall conform to the chemical requirements of
table I.
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3.2 Thermal treatment (class A cold drawn bar and rod). Class A drawn bar and rod
shall be given a low temperature stress relieving treatment to relieve the major portion of
internal stress developed during cold drawing.

3.3 Mechanical properties. Mechanical properties shall be as specified in tables II

through VIII.
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Table II - Mechanical properties - class A: bar, rod and

forged parts; class B: bar and rod.

³ ³ ³ Yield strength at ³ Yield strength at ³Elongation ³
³Conditions ³Tensile ³0.01 percent offset or ³ 0.02 percent offset or ³in 2 inches³
³and dia- ³strength ³at extension indicated [1]³ at extension indicated [1]³or 4 x diam³
³maximum ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³
³distance ³ psi ³ psi ³ Inches in ³ psi ³ Inches in ³ percent³
³between ³ (min) ³ (min) ³ 2 inches ³ (min) ³ 2 inches ³ (min) ³
³parallel ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³
³faces ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³
³(inches) ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³
³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³
³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³
³ ³ Class A ³
³ ³ Cold Drawn (Stress relieved) ³
³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³
³Rounds, ³84,000 ³40,000 ³ 0.0033 ³ 50,000 ³ 0.0078 ³ 10 [2] ³
³ under 1/2 ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³
³Rounds, 1/2³87,000 ³45,000 ³ 0.0037 ³ 60,000 ³ 0.0086 ³ 22 ³
³ to 3-1/2, ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³
³ incl. ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³
³Rounds, ³84,000 ³42,000 ³ 0.0034 ³ 55,000 ³ 0.0082 ³ 25 ³
³ over 3- ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³
³ 1/2 to 4, ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³
³ incl. ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³
³Squares, ³84,000 ³40,000 ³ 0.0033 ³ 50,000 ³ 0.0078 ³ 22 [2] [3]³
³ hexagons, ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³
³ and rec- ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³
³ tangles, ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³
³ all ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³
³ sizes ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³
³ ³ Hot Finished (as hot finished or stress relieved) ³
³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³
³Rounds, [4]³80,000 ³30,000 ³ 0.0025 ³ 40,000 ³ 0.0071 ³ 30 [5] ³
³ squares, ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³
³ flats up ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³
³ to 12, and³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³
³ hexagons ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³
³ 2-1/8 and ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³
³ under, and³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³
³ forged ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³
³ parts up ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³
³ to 12 ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³
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³ ³ ³ ³ ³
³Rounds, ³75,000 ³30,000 ³ 0.0025 ³ 40,000 ³ 0.0071 ³ 30 ³
³ squares, ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³
³ flats ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³
³ over 12, ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³
³ and ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³
³ forged ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³
³ parts ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³
³ over 12 ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³
³Hexagons ³75,000 ³25,000 ³ 0.0021 ³ 30,000 ³ 0.0063 ³ 30 ³
³ over 2- ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³
³ 1/8 to ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³
³ 2-1/2, ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³
³ inc. ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³
³ ³ ³
³ ³ Hot Finished, High Tensile (stress relieved) [6] ³
³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³
³Rounds, ³95,000 ³52,000 ³ 0.0042 ³ 70,000 ³ 0.0094 ³ 20 ³
³ 3 to 6, ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³
³ incl. ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³
³Rounds, ³85,000 ³45,000 ³ 0.0037 ³ 60,000 ³ 0.0086 ³ 25 ³
³ over 6 ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³
³ to 12, ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³
³ incl. ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³
³Hexagons, ³85,000 ³45,000 ³ 0.0037 ³ 60,000 ³ 0.0086 ³ 25 ³
³ squares, ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³
³ and flats ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³
³ 3 to 12, ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³
³ incl. ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³
³ ³ ³
³ ³ Annealed (hot finished or cold drawn) ³
³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³
³All pro- ³70,000 ³---- ³ ---- ³ 25,000 ³ 0.0059 ³ 35 ³
³ ducts ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³
³ and all ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³
³ sizes [4] ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³
³ ³ ³
³ ³ Forging Quality [7] ³
³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³
³All ³---- ³---- ³ ---- ³ ---- ³ ---- ³ ---- ³
³ sizes ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³

See footnotes
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Table II - Mechanical properties - class A: bar, rod and

forged parts; class B: bar and rod (cont'd.).
³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³
³ ³ ³ Yield strength at ³ Yield strength at ³ Elongation ³
³ Conditions³Tensile ³ 0.01 percent offset or ³ 0.2 percent offset or ³ in 2 inches³
³and dia- ³strength ³ at extension indicated [1]³at extension indicated [2]³ or 4 x diam ³
³maximum ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³
³distance ³ psi ³ psi ³ Inches in ³ psi ³ Inches in ³ percent ³
³between ³ (min) ³ (min) ³ 2 inches ³ (min) ³ 2 inches ³ (min) ³
³parallel ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³
³faces ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³
³(inches) ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³
³ ³ Class B [8] ³
³ ³ Cold Drawn (as drawn or stress relieved) ³
³ ³ ³
³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³
³Rounds ³85,000 [9]³---- ³ ----- ³ 50,000 ³ 0.0078 ³ 8 ³
³ under 1/2 ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³
³Rounds 1/2 ³85,000 [9]³---- ³ ----- ³ 50,000 ³ 0.0078 ³ 15 ³
³ to 1, ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³
³ incl. ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³
³Rounds ³85,000 ³---- ³ ----- ³ 50,000 ³ 0.0078 ³ 15 ³
³ over 1 to ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³
³ 3, incl. ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³
³Hexagons ³85,000 ³---- ³ ---- ³ 50,000 ³ 0.0078 ³ 15 ³
³ and ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³
³ squares 2 ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³
³ and less ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³
³ ³ Hot Finished (as hot finished or stress relieved) ³
³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³
³Rounds 3 ³75,000 ³---- ³ ---- ³ 35,000 ³ 0.0067 ³ 30 ³
³ and less ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³
³Hexagons ³75,000 ³---- ³ ---- ³ 35,000 ³ 0.0067 ³ 30 ³
³ and ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³
³ squares 2 ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³
³ and less ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³
³Hexagons ³70,000 ³---- ³ ---- ³ 30,000 ³ 0.0063 ³ 30 ³
³ and ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³
³ squares ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³
³ over 2 ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³
³ to 4 ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³
³ incl. ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³
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Annealed (hot finished or cold drawn)

³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³
³All prod- ³70,000 ³---- ³ ---- ³ 25,000 ³ 0.0059 ³ 35 ³
³ ucts and ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³
³ all sizes ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³
³ [4] ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³

[1] The elastic properties of all class A and B material shall be determined at 0.2
percent offset, unless otherwise specified (see 6.2).
[2] Not applicable to diameters or cross-sections under 3/32 inch.
[3] For sections up to 1/2 inch, the elongation shall be 10 percent minimum.
[4] Only tensile strength shall be required for material, in coil, up to 3/4 inch
[5] For flats 5/16 inch and under in thickness, elongation 20 percent minimum.
[6] Applicable to rod and bar only, but procurable in limited shapes and sizes of forged
[7] Forging quality rod is furnished to chemical composition and surface inspection only.
No tensile strength tests are required. For Naval shipboard applications, the
mechanical properties of forging quality rod after hot working are required and
shall conform to the applicable product classification of the end item (see form 2
conditions). These conditions are as specified in table II for class A hot-finished
forged parts.
[8] See 6.1.2.
[9] 110,000 psi maximum.

TABLE III - Mechanical properties of class A, cold

rolled and hot finished sheet
³ ³ ³ ³ ³
³ Condition and³Tensile Yield strength [1] at 0.2 percent³ Elongation [1] ³Hardness ³
³thickness 1/4 ³Strength offset or at extension ³ in 2 inches ³[2] ³
³inch inclusive³ indicated ³ ³ ³
³wise (indi- ³ psi ³ psi ³ Inches in ³ Percent ³ ³
³cated) ³ ³ (min) ³ 2 inches ³ (min) ³Rockwell B³
³ Cold rolled sheet ³ ³
³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³
³Annealed ³ 70-85,000 ³ 28,000 ³ 0.0062 ³ 35 ³(73 max) ³
³ (plain ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³
³ finish) ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³
³Hard (as ³100,000 (min) ³ 90,000 ³ 0.0109 ³ 2 ³(93 min) ³
³ rolled) ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³
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Hot rolled sheet

³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³
³Annealed ³ 70,000 (min) ³ 28,000 ³ 0.0062 ³ 35 ³(73 max) ³
³ plain ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³
³ finish) ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³

[1] No yield strength requirements for material under 0.020 inch thick, and elongation
shall be 30 (min).
[2] Rockwell B or equivalent hardness. Hardness values are informative only.

Table IV - Mechanical properties of class A,

cold rolled strip.
³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³
³ Condition ³Tensile ³Yield strength [1] at 0.2 percent³Elongation [1]³ Hardness [2]³
³thickness 1/4 ³Strength ³ offset or at extension ³ in 2 inches ³ ³
³inch and less ³ ³ indicated ³ ³ ³
³ ³ psi ³ psi ³ Inches in ³ Percent ³ ³
³ ³ ³ (min) ³ 2 inches ³ (min) ³ Rockwell B ³
³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³
³Annealed ³ 70-85,000 ³ 28,000 ³ 0.0062 ³ 35 ³ (68 max) ³
³Quarter hard ³ 78-85,000 ³ 45,000 ³ 0.0075 ³ 20 ³ (74-89) ³
³Hard (as ³100,000 (min)³ 90,000 ³ 0.0109 ³ 2 ³ (93 min) ³
³ rolled) ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³
³Full hard ³ ---- ³ ---- ³ ---- ³ -- ³ 98 min ³
³ spring as ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³
³ rolled) ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³
³ [3] ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³
[1] No yield strength requirements for material under 0.020 inch thick, and elongation
shall be 30 (min).
[2] Rockwell B or equivalent hardness. Hardness values are informative only for those
conditions for which tensile requirements are specified.
[3] No tensile requirements.

Table V - Mechanical properties of class A,

hot finished plate.
³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³
³ Condition ³Tensile ³Yield strength at 0.2 percent ³Elongation [1]³ Hardness [2]³
³(thickness ³Strength ³ offset or at extension ³ in 2 inches ³ ³
³3/16 inch and ³ ³ indicated ³ ³ ³
³ ³ psi ³ psi ³ Inches in ³ Percent ³ ³
³ ³ ³ (min) ³ 2 inches ³ (min) ³ Brinell ³
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³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³
³ Annealed ³ 70,000 ³ 28,000 ³ 0.0062 ³ 35 ³ (110-140) ³
³As rolled [3] ³ 75,000 ³ 40,000 ³ 0.0071 ³ 25 ³ (125-180) ³

See footnotes on next page.

[1] When round specimens are used, elongation shall be measured in 4 times diameter.
[2] Hardness values are for information only and are not to be construed as the basis
for acceptance or rejection. If Rockwell readings are made, the following con-
version applies:

³ Brinell hardness number ³ Rockwell B ³
³ 110-140 ³ 61-77 ³
³ 125-180 ³ 70-89 ³
For other hardness conversion values see hardness conversion tables for nickel
alloys, ASTM E-140.

[3] As rolled plate may be stress relieved subsequent to final rolling.

TABLE VI- Mechanical properties of class A, shapes.

³ ³ Tensile ³ Yield strength at 0.2 percent ³ Elongation ³
³ ³ Strength ³ offset or at extension ³ in 2 inches ³
³ Condition ³ ³ indicated ³ ³
³ ³ psi ³ psi ³ Inches in ³ Percent ³
³ ³ (min) ³ (min) ³ 2 inches ³ (min) ³
³ Annealed ³ 70,000 ³ 25,000 ³ 0.0059 ³ 35 ³
³ Hot finished ³ 75,000 ³ 35,000 ³ 0.0067 ³ 30 ³
³ Cold rolled or³ 80,000 ³ 45,000 ³ 0.0075 ³ 20 ³
³ cold drawn ³ ³ ³ ³ ³

TABLE VII - Mechanical properties of cold drawn

wire in coil [1]
³ ³ Tensile strength ³ ³
³ Condition and size, inch ³ psi ³ Wrapping test ³
³ ³ (min) ³ (max) ³ ³
³ ³ ³ ³ ³
³Classes A and B: ³ ³ ³ ³
³ Annealed, all sizes ³ 70,000 ³ 85,000 ³ All wiring shall wrap around a ³
³ No. 0 temper, under 1/2 ³ 80,000 ³ 95,000 ³ rod of the same diameter as the ³
³ No. 1 temper, under 1/2 ³ 90,000 ³ 110,000 ³ wire without cracking. ³
³Class A (only): ³ ³ ³ ³
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³ Regular temper under 1/2 ³ 110,000 ³ 140,000 ³ All wire up to 0.2294 inch, in- ³
³ Regular temper, 1/2 and over ³ 90,000 ³ 130,000 ³ clusive, shall wrap around a ³
³ Spring temper (round wire) ³ ³ ³ rod of the same diameter as ³
³ 0.028 diameter and less ³ 165,000 ³ ------- ³ the wire without cracking. ³
³ Over 0.028 to 0.057, incl. ³ 160,000 ³ ------- ³ Wire over 0.2294 inch diameter ³
³ Over 0.057 to 0.114, incl. ³ 150,000 ³ ------- ³ shall wrap around a rod twice ³
³ Over 0.114 to 0.312, incl. ³ 140,000 ³ ------- ³ the wire diameter without ³
³ Over 0.312 to 0.375, incl. ³ 135,000 ³ ------- ³ cracking. ³
³ Over 0.375 to 0.500, incl. ³ 130,000 ³ ------- ³ ³
³ Over 0.500 to 0.563, incl. ³ 120,000 ³ ------- ³ ³
[1] Properties are not applicable to wire after straightening and cutting.

TABLE VIII - Grain size and hardness for cold rolled, deep drawing,
and spinning quality sheet and strip.

³ ³ Grain size ³ ASTM micro- ³ Rockwell B ³
³ Thickness, inch ³ (max) ³ grain size ³ hardness ³
³ ÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÂÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ´ number ³ (max) ³
³ ³ Mm ³ Inch ³ ³ ³
³ ³
³ Sheet (56 inches wide and less) ³
³ 0.050 and less ³ 0.075 ³ 0.0030 ³ 4.5 ³ 68 ³
³ Over 0.050 to 0.250 ³ 0.110 ³ 0.0043 ³ 3.5 ³ 68 ³
³ incl. ³ ³ ³ ³ ³
³ ³
³ Strip (all widths) ³
³ 0.005 to 0.015, incl.³ 0.022 ³ 0.0009 ³ 8 ³ 73 ³
³ Over 0.015 to 0.024, ³ 0.060 ³ 0.0024 ³ 5.5 ³ 70 ³
³ incl. ³ ³ ³ ³ ³
³ Over 0.024 to 0.125, ³ 0.075 ³ 0.0030 ³ 4.5 ³ 68 ³
³ incl. ³ ³ ³ ³ ³

3.4 Deep drawing or spinning quality. Class A "deep drawing" and "spinning quality"
sheet and strip shall conform to the requirements of table VIII.

3.5 Ultrasonic inspection. When specified (see 6.2, rod, bar, plate, and simple
forged shapes shall pass the ultrasonic inspection test (see 4.4.4). Round bar 1-3/16 inch
diameter and under shall be ordered with a turned or ground surface when ultrasonic testing
is specified.

3.6 Liquid penetrant test. When specified (see 6.2), material shall be inspected by
the liquid penetrant method as specified in 4.4.5.

3.7 Forged parts.

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3.7.1 Dimensions. All forged parts shall conform to the sizes and shapes as specified
(see 6.2). The responsibility of furnishing forged parts that can be laid out and machined
to the finished dimensions within the specified tolerances as shown on the drawings, and
that will conform to such gages as may be specified in individual cases, shall rest with
the contractor. Sufficient stock shall be allowed for finishing. Forgings unreasonably in
excess of the specified size or weight shall be rejected.

3.7.2 Permissible variations. When dimensional tolerances are not included in the
contract or order, forged parts measured on their diameters or between parallel faces shall
not vary from the specified dimensions by more than the amounts specified in table XIII for
rod and bar, and by not more than +/- 1/32 inch on smooth forged or +/- 3/32 inch on rough
machined forged parts other than rod and bar.

3.8 Permissible variations, bar and rod.

3.8.1 Cold drawn. Diameter, thickness, or width. Cold drawn bar and rod measured on their
diameters or between parallel faces, shall not vary at any point from specified dimensions
by more than the amounts specified in table IX.

Table IX - Permissible variation in diameter or distance

between parallel surfaces of cold drawn bar and rod (all classes).
³ ³ Permissible variation ³
³ Dimension, inches [1] ³ (Inch) ³ (Inch) ³
³ ³ plus ³ minus ³
³ Hexagons, squares, rectangles: ³ ³ ³
³ 15/16 and less ³ 0 ³ 0.003 ³
³ Over 15/16 to 1-1/2, incl. ³ 0 ³ 0.004 ³
³ Over 1-1/2 to 2, incl. ³ 0 ³ 0.005 ³
³ Over 2 to 2-3/4, incl. ³ 0 ³ 0.006 ³
³ Over 2-3/4 to 4, incl. ³ 0 ³ 0.007 ³
³ Rounds [2] ³ ³ ³
³ Under 1/2 ³ 0 ³ 0.003 ³
³ 1/2 to 15/16, incl. ³ 0 ³ 0.002 ³
³ Over 15/16 to 1-15/16, incl. ³ 0 ³ 0.003 ³
³ Over 1-15/16 to 2-1/2, incl. ³ 0 ³ 0.004 ³
³ Over 2-1/2 to 3, incl. ³ 0 ³ 0.005 ³
³ Over 3 to 3-1/2, incl. ³ 0 ³ 0.006 ³
³ Over 3-1/2 to 4, incl. ³ 0 ³ 0.007 ³

[1] Dimensions apply to the diameter of rounds, distance

across flats for hexagons and squares, and separately
to width and thickness of rectangles.
[2] See 6.1.7. Round rod shall not be out-of-round by more than one-half the permissible
variation in diameter specified in table IX.
Downloaded from http://www.everyspec.com Square, rectangular, and hexagonal bar and rod shall have commercially sharp
corners, unless otherwise specified (see 6.2). Straightness. The permissible variations in straightness of cold drawn rod and bar as
determined by the departure from true straightness (throw in one revolution or dept of arc)
shall be as specified in table X.

Table X - Permissible variations in straightness

of cold drawn rod and bar (see 6.3.5).
³ Specified diameter or ³ Permissible variations ³
³ distance between parallel ³ in lengths indicated, ³
³ surfaces, inches ³ inches ³
³ Rounds: ³ Throw in one revolution: ³
³ 15/16 and under ³ 0.020 in 42 inch length ³
³ Over 15/16 to 4, incl. ³ 0.015 in 42 inch length ³
³ Squares, hexagons, flats: ³ Depth of arc: ³
³ All sizes ³ 0.025 per foot of length ³
ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ The permissible variations in straightness of precision straightened cold

drawn round rod and shafting (class A only), as determined by the departure from
straightness (throw in one revolution), shall be as specified in table XI. All precision
straightened rods shall be checked for straightness when supported on rollers at 42-inch
intervals, and also on rollers at the ends of the rods in diameters and lengths as
specified in table XI. The permissible variations in straightness of hot finished rod and bar as
determined by the departure from straightness (throw in one revolution or dept of chord)
shall be as specified in table XII.

3.8.2 Hot finished (classes A and B). Diameter, thickness, or width. Hot finished bar and rod, measured on their
diameter or between parallel surfaces, shall not vary at any point from the specified
dimensions by more than the amounts specified in table XIII. Spot grinding of forging stock, to remove minor defects, may be employed as
specified in table XIII.
Downloaded from http://www.everyspec.com

Table XI - Permissible variations in straightness of

precision-straightened cold drawn shafting
(Class A only) (see 6.3.5).
³ ³ ³ Permissible vari- ³
³ Specified ³ Standard dis- ³ ations (throw in one ³
³ diameter ³ tance between ³ revolution) from ³
³ of shafting ³ supports ³ straightness ³
³ Inches ³ Inches ³ Inches ³
³ 1/2 to 15/16, ³ 42 ³ 0.005 ³
³ incl. ³ ³ ³
³ Over 15/16 to ³ 42 ³ 0.006 ³
³ 1-15/16, incl. ³ ³ ³
³ Over 1-15/16 ³ 42 ³ 0.007 ³
³ to 2-1/2, incl. ³ ³ ³
³ Over 2-1/2 to ³ 42 ³ 0.008 ³
³ 4, incl. ³ ³ ³
³ 3/4 to 15/16, ³ Specified ³ 0.004 + 0.0025 for ³
³ incl. ³ lengths of ³ each foot or frac- ³
³ ³ 3 to 10 feet ³ tion thereof in ex-³
³ ³ ³ cess of 3 feet ³
³ Over 15/16 ³ Specified ³ 0.005 + 0.0015 for ³
³ to 4, incl. ³ lengths of ³ each foot or frac- ³
³ ³ 20 feet and ³ tion thereof in ex-³
³ ³ less ³ cess of 3 feet ³

Table XII - Permissible variations of straightness

in hot finished rod and bar [1]
³ ³ ³
³ ³ Permissible ³
³ Condition and finish ³ variations ³
³ ³(inches per foot) ³
³ Rod and bar, hot finished ³ 0.050 [2] ³
³ ³ ³
³ Round rod, hot finished, ground or ³ 0.050 [3] ³
³ rough turned ³ ³
³ ³ ³
³ Round rod, hot finished, semi-smooth ³ 0.0031 [4] [5] ³
³ machined ³ ³
³ ³ ³
³ Round rod, hot finished, smooth ³ 0.0015 [4] ³
³ machined ³ ³

[1] Not applicable to forging quality rod.

Downloaded from http://www.everyspec.com

[2] The maximum curvature (depth of chord) shall not exceed

the values indicated multiplied by length in feet.
[3] The throw in one revolution in any 3 feet of length, or
fraction thereof.
[4] The throw in one revolution in any 20 foot maximum length
shall not exceed the values indicated.
[5] For shafts over 20 feet, the maximum deviation from
straightness (throw in one revolution) shall not exceed
0.062 inch over the entire length when supported at the

TABLE XIII - Permissible variations in diameter or

distance between parallel surfaces
of hot finished rod and bar.
³ ³ Permissible variations ³
³ Specified dimension, inches [1] ³ from specified ³
³ ³ dimensions, inches ³
³ ³ Plus ³ Minus ³
³ Rod and bar, hot finished: ³ ³ ³
³ 1 and under ³ 0.016 ³ 0.016 ³
³ Over 1 to 2, incl. ³ 0.031 ³ 0.016 ³
³ Over 2 to 4, incl. ³ 0.047 ³ 0.031 ³
³ Over 4 ³ 0.125 ³ 0.068 ³
³ Round, rod, hot finished, semi-smooth ³ 0.031 ³ 0 ³
³ machined, over 4 inches ³ ³ ³
³ Round rod, hot finished,and rough- ³ ³ ³
³ turned or rough ground: ³ ³ ³
³ 1 inch and over ³ 0.031 ³ 0 ³
³ ³ ³ ³
³ Round rod, hot finished, smooth finish ³ 0 ³ 0.005 [2] ³
³ machined over 4 inches ³ ³ ³
³ ³ ³ ³
³ Forging quality rounds: [3] ³ ³ ³
³ Under 1 ³ 0.005 ³ 0.005 ³
³ 1 and over ³ 0.031 ³ 0 ³
³ Forging quality bolt stock (rounds ³ ³ ³
³ only): ³ ³ ³
³ 1/4, 5/16 ³ 0 ³ 0.0062 ³
³ 3/8, 7/16, 1/2 ³ 0 ³ 0.0066 ³
³ 9/16 to 7/8, in 1/16 ³ 0 ³ 0.0082 ³
³ 15/16 and 1 ³ 0 ³ 0.0098 ³
³ 1-1/16 to 1-1/2, incl., in 1/16 ³ 0 ³ 0.0112 ³

[1] Dimensions apply to diameter of rounds, to distance across

flats of hexagons and squares and separately to width and
thickness of rectangles.
Downloaded from http://www.everyspec.com

[2] Permissible variations available as plus 0.005 inch, minus 0;

or plus 0.0025 inch, minus 0.0025 inch when so specified.
[3] Spot grinding is permitted to remove minor surface defects.
Such spot-ground areas shall not reduce the diameter of the
bar at any point by more than 3 percent of the diameter. Round rod in straight lengths, classes A and B, shall not be out-of-round by
more than one-half the total permissible variation in diameter specified in table XIII. Square, rectangular, and hexagonal bar and rod shall have sharp corners and
angles consistent with commercial practice unless otherwise specified (see 6.2).

3.8.3 Length--all classes,bar and rod. Bar and rod of all sizes may be ordered in cut lengths, random lengths,
nominal (stock) lengths, or in multiple lengths as specified (see 6.2). Unless otherwise specified (see 6.2), bar and rod shall be furnished in random
mill lengths with cut or sheared ends. Rod and bar furnished to nominal (stock) lengths
shall be furnished with either cropped or saw-cut ends. Material ordered to cut lengths
shall be furnished with square saw-cut or machined ends. Where rod and bar are ordered in
multiple lengths, 1/4 inch will be allowed for each multiple cut unless otherwise specified
in the contract or order, and the rod and bar will have cut ends. The permissible variations in lengths of rod and bar, all classes and all
conditions, shall be as specified in tables XIV and XV.

Table XIV - Permissible variations in length of bar and

rod all classes, all conditions.

³ ³ Shortest ³ Maximum ³ Maximum permissible ³
³ Specified length, feet ³ acceptable ³ acceptable ³ percentage by weight of ³
³ ³ length, feet³ length ³ short lengths ³
³Random mill lengths [1] ³ 6 ³ 24 ft ³ 25 percent under 9 ft ³
³ ³ ³ ³ ³
³Nominal (stock) length [2]³ ³ ³ ³
³ 16 to 18 ³ 16 ³ 18 ft, 1/2 in ³ 100 percent 16 ft or longer ³
³ 14 to 16 ³ 14 ³ 16 ft, 1/2 in ³ 100 percent 14 ft or longer ³
³ 12 to 14 ³ 12 ³ 14 ft, 1/2 in ³ 100 percent 12 ft or longer ³
³ ³ ³ ³ ³
³ 10 to 12 [3] ³ 10 ³ 12 ft, 1/2 in ³ 100 percent 10 ft or longer ³
³ ³ ³ ³ ³
³ 8 to 10 [3] ³ 8 ³ 10 ft, 1/2 in ³ 100 percent 8 ft or longer ³
³ ³ ³ ³ ³
³ 6 to 8 [3] ³ 6 ³ 8 ft, 1/2 in ³ 100 percent 6 ft or longer ³
³ 4 to 6 ³ 4 ³ 6 ft, 1/2 in ³ 100 percent 4 ft or longer ³
³Cut-to-length ³ Specified ³ (see table XV)³ 100 percent specified length ³
³ ³ length ³ ³ (see table XV) ³
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[1] Not applicable to smooth forged rod and bar or to hot finished sections weighing
over 25 pounds per lineal foot. These items are generally not available in the
range of lengths indicated; short lengths down to 2 feet in lieu of 6 feet may be
[2] Other nominal lengths with a specified range of not less than 2 feet, with no shorts
allowed, may also be furnished.
[3] For cold drawn rod and bar, under 1/2 inch in diameter or distance across flats
ordered to nominal or stock lengths with a 2-foot range, at least 93 percent of
such material shall be within the range specified, the balance may be in shorter
lengths but in no case shall lengths less than 4 feet be furnished.

Table XV - Permissible variations in length of bar

machine cut after machine straightening.

³ ³ Permissible variations in ³
³ Specified size of ³ length, inches ³
³ hexagons, octagons, ³ To 12 ft, incl. ³ Over 12 ft ³
³ of flats, inches ³ Over ³ Under ³ Over ³Under ³
³ To 3, incl. ³ 1/8 ³ 0 ³ 3/16 ³ 0 ³
³ 3 to 6, incl. ³ 3/16 ³ 0 ³ 1/4 ³ 0 ³
³ 6 to 9, incl. ³ 1/4 ³ 0 ³ 5/16 ³ 0 ³
³ 9 to 12, incl. ³ 1/2 ³ 0 ³ 1/2 ³ 0 ³

3.9 Permissible variations, shapes.

3.9.1 The permissible variations in cross sectional dimensions of shapes shall be as

specified (see 6.2).

3.9.2 Unless otherwise specified (see 6.2), shapes shall have commercially sharp

3.9.3 Length. A variation of plus 1/8 inch is permitted on shapes ordered to cut-to-

3.10 Permissible variations, plate, sheet, and strip.

3.10.1 Thickness. The permissible variations in thickness shall be specified in

tables XVI, XVII, and XVIII.
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Table XVI - Permissible variations in thickness of sheet

³ Permissible variations [1] in thickness ³
³ for widths given, inches ³
³ ³ Hot-rolled, ³ ³
³ ³ annealed an ³ Cold rolled ³
³ ³ pickled ³ ³
³ ³ ³ ³ Over ³
³ Specified thickness, inches ³ All ³ 48 and ³ 48 to ³
³ ³ widths ³ under ³ 60, ³
³ ³ ³ ³ incl. ³
³ ³ Plus or ³ Plus or³ Plus or ³
³ ³ minus ³ minus ³ minus ³
³ 0.018 to 0.025, incl. ³ 0.003 ³ 0.002 ³ 0.003 ³
³ Over 0.025 to 0.034, incl. ³ 0.004 ³ 0.003 ³ 0.004 ³
³ Over 0.034 to 0.043, incl. ³ 0.005 ³ 0.004 ³ 0.005 ³
³ Over 0.043 to 0.056, incl. ³ 0.005 ³ 0.004 ³ 0.005 ³
³ Over 0.056 to 0.070, incl. ³ 0.006 ³ 0.005 ³ 0.006 ³
³ Over 0.070 to 0.078, incl. ³ 0.007 ³ 0.006 ³ 0.007 ³
³ Over 0.078 to 0.093, incl. ³ 0.008 ³ 0.007 ³ 0.008 ³
³ Over 0.093 to 0.109, incl. ³ 0.009 ³ 0.007 ³ 0.009 ³
³ Over 0.109 to 0.125, incl. ³ 0.010 ³ 0.008 ³ 0.010 ³
³ Over 0.125 to 0.140, incl. ³ 0.012 ³ 0.008 ³ 0.010 ³
³ Over 0.140 to 0.171, incl. ³ 0.014 ³ 0.009 ³ 0.012 ³
³ Over 0.171 to 0.187, incl. ³ 0.015 ³ 0.010 ³ 0.013 ³
³ Over 0.187 to 0.218, incl. ³ 0.017 ³ 0.011 ³ 0.015 ³
³ Over 0.218 to 0.234, incl. ³ 0.018 ³ 0.012 ³ 0.016 ³
³ Over 0.234 to 0.250, incl. ³ 0.020 ³ 0.013 ³ 0.018 ³
[1] Measured 3/8 inch or more from any edge.

Table XVII - Permissible variations in thickness

of cold rolled strip.
³ ³ Permissible variations [1] ³
³ ³ inches for all widths ³
³ Specified thickness, inches ÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ´
³ ³ Plus or minus ³
³ Under 0.006 ³ 0.0005 ³
³ 0.006 to 0.009, incl. ³ 0.0008 ³
³ Over 0.009 to 0.050, incl. ³ 0.0015 ³
³ Over 0.050 to 0.093, incl. ³ 0.0025 ³
³ Over 0.093 to 0.125, incl. ³ 0.0040 ³
³ Over 0.125 to 0.156, incl. ³ 0.0045 [2] ³
³ Over 0.156 to 0.250, incl. ³ 0.0055 [2] ³
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[1] Measured 3/8 inch or more from any edge except for
strip under 1 inch in width is measured at any
[2] For widths over 8 inches, the permissible variations
for cold rolled sheet are applicable. The permissible thickness variations on sheet and strip shall be based on
measurements taken with the micrometer spindle 3/8 inch or more from any edge for material
1 inch or over in width and at any place on strip under 1 inch in width and shall be as
specified in tables XVI and XVII. The permissible variations under the specified thickness and the permissible
excess in overweight of plates shall be as specified in table XVIII.
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3.10.2 Width. The permissible variations in width for sheet and strip shall be as specified
in table XIX and those for plates shall be as specified in table XX.

Table XIX - Permissible variations in width of

sheet and strip [1]
³ ³ ³ Permissible ³
³ ³ ³ variations, ³
³ Specified thickness, inches ³ Width, inches ³ inches ³
³ ³ ³ Plus ³ Minus ³
³ Sheet ³
³ ³ ³ ³ ³
³ Sheared: ³ ³ ³ ³
³ 0.0180 to 0.109, incl. ³14 and less ³ 0.062 [1]³ 0 ³
³ Over 0.109 to 0.250, incl. ³14 and less ³ 0.125 [1]³ 0 ³
³ 0.018 to 0.250, incl. ³Over 14 ³ 0.125 [1]³ 0 ³
³ Strip ³
³ Slit edge: ³ ³ ³ ³
³ 0.009 and less ³12 and less ³ 0.005 ³ 0.005 ³
³ Over 0.009 to 0.024, incl. ³12 and less ³ 0.007 ³ 0.007 ³
³ Over 0.024 to 0.075, incl. ³14 and less ³ 0.007 ³ 0.007 ³
³ Over 0.075 to 0.100, incl. ³14 and less ³ 0.009 ³ 0.009 ³
³ Over 0.100 to 0.125, incl. ³14 and less ³ 0.012 ³ 0.012 ³
³ Over 0.125 to 0.250, incl. ³ 8 and less [2]³ 0.015 ³ 0.015 ³
³ Slit or sheared edge: ³ ³ ³ ³
³ Over 0.125 to 0.250, incl. ³Over 8 to 14, ³ 0.125 ³ 0 ³
³ ³ incl. [2] ³ ³ ³
³ Round or square edge strip: ³ ³ ³ ³
³ 0.020 to 0.250, incl. ³3 and less ³ 0.005 ³ 0.005 ³
Downloaded from http://www.everyspec.com

[1] When so specified, sheet shall be furnished with a toler-

ance of plus 0 with the above tolerance on the minus
side or with one-half the above tolerance on the plus
side and one-half on the minus side.

[2] Available only in straight (random or cut) lengths. Unless otherwise specified (see 6.2), strip shall be furnished with type of
edge as follows:

³ Thickness, inches ³ Width, inches ³ Type of edge ³
³ 0.125 and less ³ 14 and less ³ Slit [1] ³
³ Over 0.125 ³ 8 and less ³ Slit [2] ³
³ Over 0.125 ³ Over 8 ³ Slit or sheared [2] ³

[1] In coil or straight (random or cut) lengths.

[2] In random or cut straight lengths only.

3.10.3 Length. All sheet and strip in straight lengths ordered cut-to-length shall have a
permissible variation of plus 1/8 inch over the specified length.
Downloaded from http://www.everyspec.com When strip up to 14 inches wide is ordered in nominal (stock) lengths, the
places shall be cut to the nominal length plus 1/8 inch as a maximum. The shortest
acceptable lengths, the maximum permissible percentage by weight of short lengths,and the
required percentage by weight or nominal lengths in any one shipment shall be as specified
in table XXI.

Table XXI - Permissible variations in length of strip

14 inches wide and less.
³ ³ ³ Maximum permissible percentage, by weight ³
³ ³ Required ³ of short lengths ³
³ (stock) ³ by weight, ³ Over 8 ³ Over 6 ³ Over 4 ³ ³ ³
³ length, ³ of nominal ³ to ³ to ³ to ³ 2 to ³ Under ³
³ feet ³ length ³ 10 feet,³ 8 feet,³ 6 feet, ³4 feet,³ 2 feet ³
³ ³ ³ incl. ³ incl. ³ incl. ³ incl. ³ ³
³ 10 ³ 60 ³ 40 ³ 30 ³ 20 ³ 10 ³ 0 ³
³ 8 ³ 70 ³ ³ 30 ³ 20 ³ 10 ³ 0 ³
³ 6 ³ 80 ³ ³ ³ 20 ³ 10 ³ 0 ³

table XXII.
Downloaded from http://www.everyspec.com Unless otherwise specified (see 6.2), plate 1-1/4 inch thick and under
shall be furnished with a sheared edge, and plate over 1-1/4 inch shall be furnished with
machined, abrasive or plasma torch cut edges as specified (see 6.2).

3.10.4 Diameter. Circular plate shall have a permissible variation in diameter as specified

(see 6.2), in table XXIII.

3.10.5 Curvature (edge waviness). Sheet. Sheet in straightened and cut lengths shall not exhibit edgewise
curvature (depth of arc) in excess of 1/4 inch in 8 feet of length. Strip. Strip in straightened and cut lengths shall not exhibit edgewise
curvature (dept of arc) in excess of 0.05 inch per foot of length.

3.10.6 Finished edges (strip). When finished edges of strip are specified (see 6.2), the following
description shall apply:

"Square-edge" material shall be supplied with finished edge with sharp, commercially
square corners without bevel or rounding of any sort.
"Round edge" material shall be supplied with finished edge, semicircular in form, the
diameter of the circle forming the edge being equal to the thickness of the strip. When no description of any required form of edge on strip is given, it shall
be understood that edges such as would result from slitting or shearing will be acceptable.

3.10.7 Unless otherwise specified (see 6.2), sheets shall be furnished to the
specified widths and lengths; strip shall be furnished in random (straight) lengths; plate
1-1/4 inches in thickness and less shall be furnished with sheared edges; and plate over 1-
1/4 inches in thickness shall be finished with machined edges.

3.11 Permissible variations, wire.

3.11.1 Diameter. Permissible variations in diameter and out-of-roundness of cold

drawn wire shall be as specified in table XXIV.

3.11.2 Coil and spool weights. Permissible variations in coil and spool weights shall
be as specified in tables XXV and XXVI (see 6.2).
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Table XXIII - Permissible variation in diameter

for circular plate.

³ ³ Permissible variations over specified ³
³ Specified diameter, ³ diameter for thickness given, ³
³ inches ³ inches ³
³ Sheared plate: [1] ³ Thickness to 3/8, incl. ³
³ 20 to 32, excl. ³ 1/4 ³
³ 32 to 84, excl. ³ 5/16 ³
³ 84 to 108, excl. ³ 3/8 ³
³ 108 to 140, excl. ³ 7/16 ³
³ ³ Thickness, ³ 3/16 to 2, excl. 2 to 3, excl. ³
³ ³ ³ Plus ³ Minus ³ Plus ³ Minus ³
³ Plasma torch cut ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³
³ plate: [2] [3] ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³
³ 19 to 20, excl. ³ 3 ³ 1/2 ³ 0 ³ 5/8 ³ 0 ³
³ 20 to 22, excl. ³ 2-3/4 ³ 1/2 ³ 0 ³ 5/8 ³ 0 ³
³ 22 to 24, excl. ³ 2-1/2 ³ 1/2 ³ 0 ³ 5/8 ³ 0 ³
³ 24 to 28, excl. ³ 2-1/4 ³ 1/2 ³ 0 ³ 5/8 ³ 0 ³
³ 28 to 32, excl. ³ 2 ³ 1/2 ³ 0 ³ 5/8 ³ 0 ³
³ 32 to 34, excl. ³ 1-3/4 ³ 1/2 ³ 0 ³ --- ³ --- ³
³ 34 to 38, excl. ³ 1-1/2 ³ 1/2 ³ 0 ³ --- ³ --- ³
³ 38 to 40, excl. ³ 1-1/4 ³ 1/2 ³ 0 ³ --- ³ --- ³
³ 40 to 140, excl. ³ 3 ³ 1/2 ³ 0 ³ 5/8 ³ 0 ³

[1] No permissible variation under.

[2] The tolerance for plasma cut plate may be obtained all minus or
divided between the plus and minus sides, as specified (see
[3] Permissible variations in plasma torch cut sketch plates shall
be as agreed upon between the manufacturer and the purchaser.

Table XXIV - Permissible variations in diameter of

cold drawn wire.

³ ³ ³
³ Diameter, inches ³ Permissible variations [1], inches ³
³ ³ Plus ³ Minus ³
³ Under 0.0044 ³ 0.0002 ³ 0.0002 ³
³ 0.0044 to 0.0079, incl. ³ 0.00025 ³ 0.00025 ³
³ Over 0.0079 to 0.0149, incl. ³ 0.0003 ³ 0.0003 ³
³ Over 0.0149 to 0.0199, incl. ³ 0.0004 ³ 0.0004 ³
³ Over 0.0199 to 0.031, incl. ³ 0.0005 ³ 0.0005 ³
³ Over 0.031 to 0.045, incl. ³ 0.0006 ³ 0.0006 ³
Downloaded from http://www.everyspec.com

³ Over 0.045 to 0.079, incl. ³ 0.0007 ³ 0.0007 ³

³ Over 0.079 to 0.1875, incl. ³ 0.001 ³ 0.001 ³
³ Over 0.1875 to 0.406, incl. ³ 0.001 ³ 0.002 ³
³ Over 0.406 ³ 0.002 ³ 0.002 ³

[1] Wire shall not be out-of-round by more than one-half the total
permissible variations shown.

3.12 Machining allowances for hot finished material.

3.12.1 Machining allowances for hot finished material shall be as specified in table

3.13 Identification marking. Unless otherwise specified (see 6.2), identification

marking shall be in accordance with FED-STD-182.

Table XXV - Permissible variation in weight of wire in

coils and on spools (except Air Force use).
³ ³ ³ Maximum ³
³ ³ ³Standard weight of ³
³ Condition ³ Wire diameter ³ spool wire on ³
³ ³ (inches) ³ weight each spool³
³ ³ ³ (pounds) (pounds) ³
³ ³ Under 0.010 ³ 2 2-1/2 ³
³ Spools (all ³ 0.010 to 0.018, incl. ³ 5 6 ³
³ conditions) ³ Over 0.018 to 0.040, incl. ³ 10 15 ³
³ ³ ³Approximate Maximum ³
³ ³ ³ mean coil weight ³
³ ³ ³ diameter per coil ³
³ ³ ³ (inches) (pounds) ³
³ ³ Under 0.010 ³ 8 15 ³
³ ³ 0.010 to 0.018, incl. ³ 8 25 ³
³ Coils (all ³ Over 0.018 to 0.040, incl. ³ 8 to 12 40 ³
³ conditions) ³ Over 0.040 to 0.081, incl. ³ 16 to 20 100 ³
³ ³ Over 0.081 to 0.312, incl. ³ 18 to 20 100 ³
³ ³ Over 0.312 to 0.563, incl. ³ 22 to 30 100 ³

Table XXVI - Permissible variation in weight of wire in

coils and on spools (Air Force use only).
³ ³ ³ Core ³ Maximum weight ³
³Condition ³ Wire diameter (inches) ³diameter ³ of wire on each³
³ ³ ³(inches) ³ spool (pounds) ³
³ ³Under 0.035 ³ 1 ³ 1 ³
³All con- ³0.035 to 0.063, incl. ³ 4 to 5 ³ 1 ³
³ ditions ³0.064 to 0.0915, incl. ³ --- ³ 5 ³
³ ³0.0916 to 0.162, incl. ³ --- ³ 25 [1] ³
Downloaded from http://www.everyspec.com

[1] Coil

Table XXVII - Machining allowances for hot

finished material [1]
³ ³ Machining allowance, inches ³
³ ³ ³ Distance ³ ³
³ Finish machined dimensions, ³ ³ between ³ For rectangles ³
³ inches for conditions as ³ On ³ parallel ÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ´
³ specified herein [2] ³ diameter ³ surfaces ³ On ³
³ ³ for ³ for ³ thick- On ³
³ ³ rounds ³ hexagons, ³ ness width ³
³ ³ ³ squares ³ ³
³ Hot finished: ³ ³ ³ ³
³ Up to 7/8, incl. ³ 1/8 ³ 1/8 ³ 1/8 3/16 ³
³ Over 7/8 to 1-7/8, incl. ³ 1/8 ³ 3/16 ³ 1/8 3/16 ³
³ Over 1-7/8 to 2-7/8, incl. ³ 1/8 ³ 1/4 ³ --- 3/16 ³
³ Over 2-7/8 to 3-13/16, incl. ³ 3/16 ³ --- ³ --- 3/16 ³
³ Over 3-13/16 ³ 3/16 ³ --- ³ --- 3/8 ³
³ Hot finished rounds: ³ ³ ³ ³
³ Rough turned: ³ ³ ³ ³
³ 15/16 to 4, incl. in dia. ³ 1/16 ³ --- ³ --- --- ³
³ Over 4 to 12, incl. in dia. ³ 1/8 ³ --- ³ --- --- ³
³ Semismooth machined: ³ ³ ³ ³
³ Over 4 to 10, incl. ³ 1/8 [3] ³ --- ³ --- --- ³

See footnotes on next page.

[1] The allowance for hot finished material are recommended for rounds
machined in lengths of 3 feet or less and for squares, hexagons, and
rectangles machined in lengths of 2 feet or less. Hot finished mate-
rial to the machined in longer lengths should be specified showing the
finished cross-sectional dimension and the length in which the mate-
rial will be machined in order that the manufacturer may supply mate-
rial with sufficient oversize, including allowance for out-of-
[2] Dimensions apply to the diameter of rounds, distance between parallel
surfaces of flats or squares and hexagons, and separately to width
and thickness of rectangles.
[3] Applicable to 30 feet maximum lengths.

3.14 Workmanship. THe material shall be uniform to quality and condition, clean,
smooth, commercially flat and straight, and be free from foreign material and imperfections
such as pipe, laps, cracks, and seams which due to their nature, degree or extent may
detri-mentally affect the suitability for the service intended. Products ordered with a
hot finished or machined surface may contain surface imperfections that shall not be
considered injurious unless they exceed the recommended machining allowance specified in
table XXVII.
Downloaded from http://www.everyspec.com


4.1 Responsibility for inspection. Unless otherwise specified in the contract or

purchase order, the supplier is responsible for the performance of all inspection
requirements as specified herein. Except as otherwise specified in the contract or order,
the supplier may use his own or any other facilities suitable for the performance of the
inspection requirements specified herein, unless disapproved by the Government. The
Government reserves the right to perform any of the inspections set forth in the
specifications where such inspections are deemed necessary to assure supplies and services
conform to prescribed requirements.

4.2 Lot.

4.2.1 For visual inspection and mechanical tests. A lot shall consist of material of
one class, condition, size, and heat and with the finished product heat treated in the same
batch or continuous process under the same conditions as to temperature, time and
atmosphere. For mechanical tests, size shall refer to the same thickness of sheet,
strip,or plate and the same cross section for other products and shall consist of not more
than 30,000 pounds.

4.2.2 For chemical analysis. A lot shall consist of material from the same heat.

4.3 Sampling.

4.3.1 Sampling for chemical analysis. One representative sample shall be obtained from each lot. Samples may be
taken from the ladle or the finished product. Samples from the finished product shall be
taken in accordance with method 111 or 112 of FED-STD-151. For fine wire, 0.032 inch diameter and less, samples for chemical analysis may
be taken from the final starting size prior to the final cold reduction.

4.3.2 Sampling for visual and dimensional inspection. Forged parts weighing 250 pounds or more. Each forged part weighing 250
pounds or more shall be subject to surface inspection for workmanship and dimension. Small forged parts weighing less than 250 pounds and all other forms. From
each lot, representative samples shall be selected for inspection of visual and dimensional
characteristics with acceptance based on the sampling requirements specified in table
XXVIII. In case of wire, a unit shall be one coil of wire.

Table XXVII - Sampling for visual and dimensional inspection

AQL (approx.) = 1.5 percent defective.

³ Number of ³ Number ³ Acceptance ³ Rejection ³
³ units in ³ of units ³ number ³ number ³
³ lot ³ in sample ³ (defectives) ³ (defectives) ³
³ 15 and under ³ 7 ³ 0 ³ 1 ³
³ 16 to 40 ³ 15 ³ 0 ³ 1 ³
Downloaded from http://www.everyspec.com

³ 41 to 110 ³ 25 ³ 1 ³ 2 ³
³ 111 to 300 ³ 35 ³ 1 ³ 2 ³
³ 301 to 500 ³ 50 ³ 2 ³ 3 ³
³ 501 and over ³ 75 ³ 3 ³ 4 ³

4.3.3 Sampling for mechanical tests. Rod, bar, and flat products. One tensile specimen shall be taken from each
lot. Forged parts. Forged parts 250 pounds and less. One sample shall be taken from each lot.
Prolongations shall be provided on at least 20 percent of the forged parts unless
trepanning is used or the producer may provide extra identical forged parts for test. Forged parts greater than 250 pounds. Each forged part shall be tested.
Prolongations shall be provided on each forged part unless trepanning is used. Ring or disk forged parts. Forged parts under 3-1/2 inches thick may have
test specimens removed from separately forged test bars with the same wall thickness,
amount of working, and annealed with the same change as the forged parts. Extra forged
parts shall be provided for samples when forged parts are over 3-1/2 inches thick. Wire. Samples for mechanical tests and acceptance shall be as specified in
table XXIX.

Table XXIX - Sampling for mechanical tests

(tension and wrapping tests) [1]

³ ³ ³ Maximum ³
³ ³ Number of ³ number of³
³ Lot size, ³ samples for ³ failures ³
³ pounds ³ each test ³ allowed ³
³ For wires 1/4 inch ³ ³ ³
³ diameter or less: ³ ³ ³
³ 180 and under ³ 1 ³ 0 ³
³ 181 to 500 ³ 2 ³ 0 ³
³ 501 to 800 ³ 3 ³ 0 ³
³ 801 to 1300 ³ 5 ³ 0 ³
³ 1301 to 3200 ³ 7 ³ 0 ³
³ 3201 to 5000 ³ 10 ³ 1 ³
³ For wires over ³ ³ ³
³ 1/4 inch ³ ³ ³
³ diameter: ³ ³ ³
³ For each 500 lbs ³ 1 ³ 0 ³
³ or fraction ³ ³ ³
³ thereof ³ ³ ³
Downloaded from http://www.everyspec.com

[1] A wrapping test shall not be required for

wire over 1/4 inch diameter.

4.3.4 Sampling for ultrasonic test. When specified (see 6.2), each piece of each lot
shall be inspected 100 percent by volume.

4.4 Quality conformance test procedures.

4.4.1 Chemical analysis. The sample selected in accordance with 4.3.1 shall be
analyzed by the wet chemical or spectrographic method to determine conformance with table
I. A single analysis of a compound sample may be made.

4.4.2 Visual and dimensional examination. Each sample selected in accordance with
table XXVIII shall be subjected to surface inspection for workmanship and dimensions. Any
sample unit found containing one or more visual or dimensional defects shall be rejected,
and if the number of defective units in any sample exceeds the acceptance number for that
sample, the lot represented by the sample shall be rejected. Inspection of hot finished or machined material. Rod or bar surface shall be
examined to locate imperfections of maximum severity. These imperfections shall be
explored by grinding, filing, or otherwise reducing the cross-section dimension at the site
of the imperfection. Sufficient material shall be removed to reach the bottom of the
imperfection. The cross-section dimension is measured at this point. If the depth of the
imperfection does not exceed the machining allowance in table XXVII for the applicable size
and form, the product will be acceptable. Straightness. In determining conformance to straightness requirements

in the standard 42 inch distance between supports or conformance to straightness when sup-
ported at the ends, the rod shall be placed on a precision table equipped with ball-bearing
rollers and a micrometer or dial indicator. The rod shall then be rotated slowly against
the indicator, and the deviation from straightness in any portion of the rod between the
supports shall not exceed the permissible variations specified in tables X and XI. The
deviation from straightness (throw in one revolution) is defined as the difference between
the maximum and minimum readings of the dial indicator in one complete revolution of the

4.4.3 Tension tests. Each of the specimens selected in accordance with 4.3 shall be
subjected to the tension test as follows: Rod, bar, and all flat products shall be tested in full size when
practicable. When a machined specimen becomes necessary, enough metal may be removed from
the gage section to meet the limitations of the testing machine, or the specimen may be
machined to the form and dimensions of the largest standard round specimen in ASTM E-8
obtainable from the product being tested. For rod, bar and all flat products up to 1-1/2 inches in diameter or minimum
thickness, the axis of the first specimen shall coincide with the central axis of the
piece. For material 1-1/2 inches and over in diameter or thickness, if a machined specimen
is used, the axis shall be located midway between the center and the rolled or draw surface
of the piece.
Downloaded from http://www.everyspec.com For plate, sheet, and strip less than 0.500 inch thick, the test specimen
shall be machined to the form and dimensions of the standard plate or sheet type specimens
in ASTM E-8. For plates 0.500 inch and thicker, the test specimen shall be machined to the
form and dimensions of the largest standard round specimen in ASTM E-8 obtainable from the
product being tested. For forged parts, the largest standard round specimen in ASTM E-8 available
from the sample material shall be used. For wire, specimens shall be of the full cross-section of the wire and not
less than 15 inches in length. Specimens shall be free from sharp bends or kinks. The
distance between the jaws of the testing machine, with the specimen in place ready for
testing, shall be not less than 10 inches. Wrapping test specimens shall be full size sections of wire of a suitable
length. The specimens shall be wrapped at lest 360 degrees around a rod of the diameters
specified in table VII and examined for cracks. If cracks exist, the sample and the lot
represented by the sample shall be rejected.

4.4.4 Ultrasonic tests. General. Ultrasonic testing shall be performed in accordance with MIL-STD-271 as

modified by the requirements specified herein. Testing shall be done by the longitudinal
wave or shear wave technique as specified herein. Calibration. Shear wave. The shear wave test shall be calibrated on two notches; one
notch cut into the inside and one into the outside surface. The notches shall be cut
axially and shall have a depth of 5 percent of the material thickness or 1/4 inch,
whichever is less. Notch length shall not exceed 1 inch. Notches shall be made either in
the piece to be examined or in a separate defect-free specimen of the same size (within +/-
1/8 inch), shape, material, and condition or acoustically similar material. Acoustically
similar material is defined as one which has been experimentally proven to have an
acoustical velocity within +/- 3 percent, and an attenuation at the frequency to be used
within +/- 0.25 decibels (dB) per inch of the material to be inspected, using the same wave
mode as that used for inspection. The position and amplitude of the response from each
notch shall be marked on the instrument screen, or a transparent overlay,and these marks
shall be used as the evaluation reference. Indications which appear between these points
shall be evaluated on the basis of a straight line joining the two peak amplitudes. Longitudinal wave. The longitudinal wave test shall be calibrated on a

flat bottomed reference hole of a given diameter in accordance with table XXX (or table
XXXI, as applicable), for specified material thickness drilled either into the piece to be
tested or into a separate defect-free specimen of the same size (within +/- 1/8 inch),
shape, material and condition or acoustically similar material. Acoustically similar
materia, is defined as one which has been experimentally proven to have an acoustical
velocity within +/- 3 percent, and an attenuation at the frequency to be used within +/-
0.25 dB per inch of the material to be inspected, using the same wave mode as that used for
inspection. Holes are to be drilled to midsection and the bottom of the hole shall be
Downloaded from http://www.everyspec.com

parallel to the entrant surface of the ultrasonic beam or to the tangent to the entrant
surface. The ultrasonic test instrument shall be adjusted so that the response from the
reference hole shall be not less than 25 percent and not more than 75 percent of screen

Table XXX - Ultrasonic testing reference hole

for rod, bar, disc, pancake forg-
ings, and forged parts.

³ ³ Hole diameter, ³
³ Material thickness, inches ³ inches ³
³ Up to and including 6 ³ 1/8 ³
³ Over 6 and including 16 ³ 1/4 ³
³ Over 16 ³ As agreed upon ³

Table XXXI - Ultrasonic testing reference hole

for plate.

³ ³ Hole diameter, ³
³ Material thickness, inches ³ inches ³
³ Up to and including 4 ³ 1/4 ³
³ Over 4 ³ 1/2 ³
ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ Recalibration. During quality conformance inspection, any realignment of

the search unit which will cause a decrease in the calibrated sensitivity and resolution,
or both, or any change in search unit, couplant, instrument settings or scanning speed from
that used for calibration shall require recalibration. Recalibration shall be performed at
least once per 8 hour shift. Procedure. The following paragraphs describe the requirements for rod, bar,
and simple forged shapes. Sheet, strip and wire shall be specifically excluded from these
requirements. Shapes other than those listed below shall be tested to the extent set forth
in the approved procedure.

(a) Rod. Rod shall be tested using the longitudinal wave technique. The
scanning path shall be circumferential or helical with the beam directed
along a radius of the rod.
(b) Bar, Bar shall be tested using the longitudinal wave technique through
one side of each pair of parallel sides.
(c) Ring and hollow round products. Rings and other hollow cylindrical
products shall be tested using the shear wave method by the contract
or immersion technique. The shear wave entrant angle shall be such
to assure reflection from the notch or notches used in calibration.
For contact testing, the search unit shall be fitted with a wedge
or shoe machined to fit the curvature of the piece being inspected.
Downloaded from http://www.everyspec.com

The product shall also be inspected with a longitudinal wave test

from the external circumferential and end of surfaces.
(d) Disk or pancake forged parts. Disk or pancake forged parts shall be
inspected with a longitudinal wave technique from both parallel
(e) Plate. Plate shall be inspected by the longitudinal wave technique
using the contact or immersion method. For contact, the scanning
shall be on a 24 inch grid and one diagonal in each grid. For
immersion, the scanning shall be continuous on a 12 inch grid.
For either method, the search shall be expanded to determine the
full extent of any rejectable indication if the material is to be
offered on a waiver basis. Acceptance criteria. Shear wave. Any material which produces indications equal to or larger
than the response from the reference notch shall be rejected. Longitudinal wave. Any material which produces indications equal to or

larger than the response from the reference hole or which produces a complete loss of back
reflection shall be rejected. Material shall be tested using a square, rectangular, or
circular transducer having an effective area of one square inch or less, but no dimension
shall be smaller than the diameter of the reference hole. In the event of disagreement on
the degree of back reflection loss, it shall be determined by the contact method using a 1
to 1-1/8 inch diameter transducer or one whose area falls within this range. Reference notch removal. If reference notches or flat-bottomed holes are

made in the material to be tested, they shall be so located that their subsequent removal
will not impair the suitability of the material for its intended use.

4.4.5 Liquid penetrant inspection. Procedure. Liquid penetrant inspection shall be conducted in accordance with

MIL-STD-271. Acceptance criteria. Linear defects revealed by liquid penetrant inspection

shall be explored by grinding or other suitable means. Depth of defects shall not exceed
the dimensional tolerances of the material.

4.4.6 Rejection. If any specimen fails to meet the requirements of this

specification, this shall be cause for rejection of the entire lot except as specified

(a) When inspecting or testing material in accordance with or

(b) Subject to the retest provisions of FED-STD-151.
(c) Material not meeting the visual, dimensional, or weight requirements
may be offered again if, after rework, it passes all the tests and
inspections of this specification.
(d) Material failing the ultrasonic and liquid penetrant examinations may
be retested after overhaul provided such overhaul does not reduce the
material below minimum specified dimension. The removal of a defect
shall be verified by the method originally used to detect the defect.
Downloaded from http://www.everyspec.com

4.5 Inspection of preparation for delivery. The preservation packaging, packing, and
marking of the items shall be examined to determine compliance with the requirements of
section 5.


(The preparation for delivery requirements specified herein apply only for direct
Government procurements. For the extent of applicability of the preparation for delivery
requirements of referenced documents listed in section 2, see 6.5.)

5.1 Nickel-copper alloy products shall be preserved-packaged, packed, and marked level
A or C as specified (see 6.2), in accordance with MIL-STD-163, except that for level A pre-
servation-packaging wire products furnished on spools or in coils less than 25 pounds
maximum weight shall be individually unit protected in accordance with method III of MIL-P-
116. The contractor's standard spool or coil package will be acceptable as the unit
package under his procedure.


6.1 Intended use. Nickel-copper alloys, classes A and B, are used where a combination
of high strength, ductility, and excellent resistance to corrosion are involved.

6.1.1 Nickel-copper alloy, class A, is a general purpose alloy and is used by

aircraft, building, chemical, houseware, oil refinery, paper and pulp, and many other
industries in the manufacture of articles requiring bending, forming, upsetting, and
similar operations.

6.1.2 Nickel-copper alloy, class B, is intended primarily for automatic screw machine
work, where free cutting and machining are of high importance. Such material is not
generally recommended for forged parts, and the producer should be consulted.

6.1.3 Cold rolled sheet, annealed, is intended for forming and fabricating where
finish is to be applied afterward.

6.1.4 Annealed cold drawn rod is intended for severe cold working operations such as
redrawing, swaging, and upsetting.

6.1.5 Annealed wire and conditions No. 0 and No. 1 temper wires are intended for the
manufacture of cold headed bolts, rivets, screws, and nails and for roll threading and
similar purposes. The selection of the proper temper will vary, depending on the type of
heading machine used and the severity of cold forming involved.

6.1.6 Class A cold drawn nickel-copper alloy wire springs should be given a stress
equalizing treatment after forming. The stress equalizing should be of 1 hour duration at
575 deg. F. Whenever springs are to be set or pressed before using, this should be done
after the stress equalizing.

6.1.7 Where rounds are ordered of shafting to be used with S.A.E. straight bore
couplings, special diameter tolerances can be provided (see 6.2 (p)).

6.1.8 Stress relieved rounds, recommended condition for shafting, may have a thin dark
oxide surface.
Downloaded from http://www.everyspec.com

6.1.9 For special applications of deep drawing, deep drawing quality, sheet and strip
may be ordered to definite grain size limits (see table VIII).

6.1.10 Plate is available descaled by blasting with iron free mineral grit, when
required for welding or other applications where oxide free surface is required.

6.2 Ordering data. Purchasers should select the preferred options permitted herein
and include the following information in procurement documents:

(a) Title, number, and date of this specification.

(b) Class, form, size, condition, and surface finish of material required
(see 1.2).
(c) When yield strength is to be determined at 0.01 percent offset (see
table II).
(d) Whether ultrasonic inspection is required (see 3.5).
(e) Whether liquid penetrant test is required (see 3.6).
(f) The size and shapes of the forged parts required (see 3.7.1).
(g) Whether square, rectangular, and hexagonal bar, rod, and shapes shall
have corners other than commercially sharp (see,,
and 3.9.2).
(h) The lengths required and whether cut-to-length, random mill lengths,
nominal (stock) length, or multiples of specified lengths (see,, 3.9.3, 3.10.3, and 3.10.7).
(i) The permissible variations in cross-sectional dimensions of shapes
(see 3.9.1).
(j) If edges are to be other than standard (see,,
(k) If the tolerances other than those specified are required (see
( and table XXIII).
(l) Weight of coil or spool of wire required (see 3.11.2).
(m) Whether marking, other than FED-STD-182 is required (see 3.13).
(n) Whether each piece of each lot shall be inspected 100 percent by
volume for ultrasonic testing (see 4.3.4).
(o) Selection of applicable levels of preservation-packaging and
packing required (see 5.1).
(p) Whether precision straightened, cold drawn shafting is required.
Whether these should have special diameter tolerances (see 6.1.7).
(q) Whether descaled surface is desired (see 6.1.10).

6.3 General information.

6.3.1 When material is ordered in the form of plate, sheet, or strip, it shall be
understood that these terms refer merely to the general form and dimensions of the material
and do not have any technical significance as to the methods of manufacture.

6.3.2 Sheet or strip required for deep drawing or spinning is not stretcher leveled
and may be slightly wavy.

6.3.3 Plate, sheet, and strip should be ordered in as narrow widths as can be used.

6.3.4 Hot finished "forging quality" rounds (see table XIII) with a cold drawn pass
are available to special close tolerances for hot upsetting of bolts.
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6.3.5 The commercial straightness tolerances of cold drawn rod and bar are specified
in table X and those of precision straightened shafting are specified in table XI. Where
material is intended for shafting, the use of precision straightened cold drawn shafting is
recommended (see

6.3.6 Where oxide-free plate is desired, such as for parts involving considerable
welding where oxidized surface may be objectionable, plates may be furnished descaled
(grit-blasted using iron-free mineral grit).

6.3.7 "Plain finish" is the finish resulting from material that has been descaled or
that has been annealed in an atmosphere that yields a bright finish.

6.3.8 The following hardness values for class B cold-drawn and class B annealed
material are given for information only:
³ ³ Diameter or dis- ³ ³
³ ³ tance between ³ Hardness, ³
³ Condition and form ³ parallel surfaces, ³ Rockwell B ³
³ ³ inches ³ ³
³ Cold-drawn: ³ ³ ³
³ ³ Under 1/2 ³ 84-96 ³
³ ³ 1/2 to 1, incl. ³ 84-98 ³
³ Rounds ³ Over 1 to 3, ³ 84-100 ³
³ ³ incl. ³ ³
³ Hexagons and squares ³ 1/4 to 2, incl. ³ 80-94 ³
³ Annealed: ³ ³ ³
³ All products ³ All ³ 60-75 ³

6.4 The chemical and mechanical property requirements of this specification are
similar to ASTM B127, ASTM B164, and ASTM B564.

6.5 Sub-contracted material and parts. The preparation for delivery requirements of
reference documents listed in Section 2 do not apply when material and parts are procured
by the supplier for incorporation into the equipment and lose their separate identity when
the equipment is shipped.


Custodians: Preparing activity:

Army - MR Navy - SH
Navy - SH (Project 9535-0207)
Air Force - 11

Review activities:
Army - MR, MI, MU
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Navy - SH, OS, AS, YD

Air Force - 11, 84, 85

User activity:
Army - ME

Orders for this publication are to be placed with General Services Administration,
acting as an agent for the Superintendent of Documents. See section 2 of this
specification to obtain extra copies and other documents referenced herein. Price 65 cents
Downloaded from http://www.everyspec.com

October 23, 1985
January 21, 1981




This amendment, which forms a part of QQ-N-281D, dated August 26, 1974, is approved by
the Assistance Administrator, Office of Federal Supply and Service, General Services
Administration, for the use of all Federal agencies.


* Table II: Delete fourth column heading and substitute:

"Yield strength at 0.2 percent offset or at extension indicated [1]"


* Table II, Class B, Cold drawn, under "Hexagons and squares 2 and less"" Add

³ Hexagons and ³ 80,000 ³ --- ³ --- ³ 45,000 ³ 0.0074 ³ 15 ³
³ squares over ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³
³ 2 to 4 incl ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³


4.1 Delete and substitute:

"4.1 Responsibility for inspection. Unless otherwise specified in the contract, the
contractor is responsible for the performance of all inspection requirements as specified
herein. Except as otherwise specified in the contract, the contractor may use his own or
any other facilities suitable for the performance of the inspection requirements specified
herein, unless disapproved by the Government. The Government reserves the right to perform
any of the inspection set forth in the specifications where such inspections are deemed
necessary to assure supplies and services conform to prescribed requirements.

FSC 9535
DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A Approved for public release; distribution unlimited

1 of 2
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* 4.1.1 Certification of quality compliance. A certificate of quality compliance shall

be prepared for each lot of material offered for acceptance. The certificate shall
include, actual data of specified chemical and mechanical tests. Qualitative results of
nondestructive tests and other inspections or tests shall be recorded on the certificate.
The certificate shall also state that each lot has been sampled, tested, and inspected in
accordance with the specification and meets all specification requirements. The
certificate shall be signed by a responsible representative of the contractor."


* DD Form 1426, SPECIFICATION ANALYSIS SHEET: Delete address and substitute:

WASHINGTON, DC 20362-5101"

NOTE: The margins of this amendment are marked with an asterisk to indicate where changes
(additions, modifications, corrections, deletions) from the previous amendment were made.
This was done as a convenience only and the Government assumes no liability whatsoever for
any inaccuracies in these notations. Bidders and contractors are cautioned to evaluate the
requirements of this document based on the entire content irrespective of the marginal
notations and relationship to the last previous amendment.




Army - MR Navy - SH
Navy - SH (Project 9535-0406)
Air Force - 20

Review activities
Army - AR, MI
Navy - AS, YD
Air Force - 84, 85, 99

User activity
Army - ME
Navy - OS

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