Pagcor Vs Bir
Pagcor Vs Bir
Pagcor Vs Bir
(c) Income from private internet casino gaming, internet sports betting and Second. Every effort must be exerted to avoid a conflict between statutes; so
private mobile gaming operations; DSATCI that if reasonable construction is possible, the laws must be reconciled in that
(d) Income from private poker operations;
Third. Even assuming that an inconsistency exists, P.D. 1869, as amended,
(e) Income from junket operations; which expressly provides the tax treatment of petitioner's income prevails
over R.A. No. 9337, which is a general law. It is a canon of statutory
(f) Income from SM demo units; and construction that a special law prevails over a general law — regardless of
their dates of passage — and the special is to be considered as remaining an
(g)Income from other necessary and related services, shows and exception to the general.
Creba vs Romulo
Cyanamid vs CA
The use of the GSP/FMV as basis to determine the withholding taxes is On February 7, 1985, the Commissioner of Internal Revenue (CIR)
evidently for purposes of practicality and convenience. Obviously, the sent an assessment letter to petitioner Cyanamid Philippines, Inc. for taxable
withholding agent/buyer who is obligated to withhold the tax does not year 1981. On March 4, 1985 petitioner protested the assessment particularly,
know, nor is he privy to, how much the taxpayer/seller will have as its (1) the 25% Surtax Assessment of P3,774,867.50; (2) 1981 Deficiency
net income at the end of the taxable year. Instead, said withholding Income Assessment of P119,817.00; and (3) 1981 Deficiency Percentage
agent's knowledge and privity are limited only to the particular Assessment of P8,846.72. Petitioner, through its external accountant, Sycip,
transaction in which he is a party. In such a case, his basis can only be Gorres, Velayo & Co., claimed, among others, that the surtax for the undue
the GSP or FMV as these are the only factors reasonably known or accumulation of earnings was not proper because the said profits were
knowable by him in connection with the performance of his duties as a retained to increase petitioner's working capital and it could be used for
withholding agent.||| reasonable business needs of the company. Petitioner contended further that
it availed of the tax amnesty under Executive Order No. 41, hence, it enjoyed
amnesty from civil and criminal prosecution granted by law. In reply, the CIR
Under RR 2-98, the tax base of the income tax from the sale of real refused to allow the cancellation of the assessment notices on the ground that
property classified as ordinary assets remains to be the entity's net the availment of the tax amnesty under Executive Order No. 41, as amended,
income imposed under Section 24 (resident individuals) or Section 27 is sufficient basis, in appropriate cases, for the cancellation of the assessment
(domestic corporations) in relation to Section 31 of RA 8424, i.e. gross issued after August 21, 1986 only. Petitioner appealed to the Court of Tax
income less allowable deductions. The CWT is to be deducted from the Appeals (CTA). During the pendency of the case, however, both parties
net income tax payable by the taxpayer at the end of the taxable agreed to compromise the 1981 deficiency income tax assessment and the
year. 71 Precisely, Section 4 (a) (ii) and (c) (ii) of RR 7-2003 reiterate petitioner paid the reduced amount. With regards to the surtax on improperly
that the tax base for the sale of real property classified as ordinary assets accumulated profits, the CTA denied the petition by ruling that there was no
remains to be the net taxable income: need for petitioner to set aside a portion of its retained earnings as working
Section 4. Applicable taxes on sale, exchange capital reserve as it claims since it had considerable liquid funds. On appeal,
or other disposition of real property. — Gains/Income the Court of Appeals affirmed the CTA decision.
derived from sale, exchange, or other disposition of real In this petition, the Court ruled that the Tax Court opted to determine
properties shall unless otherwise exempt, be subject to the working capital sufficiency by using the ratio between current assets to
applicable taxes imposed under the Code, depending on current liabilities. The working capital needs of a business depend upon the
whether the subject properties are classified as capital nature of the business, its credit policies, the amount of inventories, the rate
assets or ordinary assets; of turnover, the amount of accounts receivable, the collection rate, the
(ii) The sale of real property located in the Philippines, classified as ordinary availability of credit to the business, and similar factors. Petitioner, by
assets, shall be subject to the [CWT] (expanded) under Sec. 2.57.2(j) of [RR adhering to the "Bardahl" formula, failed to impress the tax court with the
2-98], as amended, based on the [GSP] or current [FMV] as determined in required definiteness envisioned by the statute. The Court agreed with the tax
accordance with Section 6(E) of the Code, whichever is higher, and court that the burden of proof to establish that the profits accumulated were
not beyond the reasonable needs of the company, remained on the taxpayer.
The Court will not set aside lightly the conclusion reached by the Court of TAX ON CORPORATIONS; TAX ON IMPROPER ACCUMULATION
Tax Appeals which, by the very nature of its function, is dedicated OF SURPLUS; A PENALTY TAX DESIGNED TO COMPEL
exclusively to the consideration of tax problems and has necessarily CORPORATIONS TO DISTRIBUTE EARNINGS. — Section 25 of the
developed an expertise on the subject, unless there has been an abuse or National Internal Revenue Code discouraged tax avoidance through
improvident exercise of authority. Unless rebutted, all presumptions corporate surplus accumulation. When corporations do not declare dividends,
generally are indulged in favor of the correctness of the CIR's assessment income taxes are not paid on the undeclared dividends received by the
against the taxpayer. With petitioner's failure to prove the CIR incorrect, shareholders. The tax on improper accumulation of surplus is essentially a
clearly and conclusively, this Court was constrained to uphold the correctness penalty tax designed to compel corporations to distribute earnings so that the
of tax court's ruling, as affirmed by the Court of Appeals said earnings by shareholders could, in turn, be taxed.|||