LIP Copyright Notes Salao
LIP Copyright Notes Salao
LIP Copyright Notes Salao
ON other hand, DOJ ruled that Microsoft failed to present evidence proving that
what were obtained from respondents were counterfeit Microsfot products
- Respondent is deemed to have abandoned the mark. In this case, respondent The Durable Ang tibay
admitted that it failed to file the 10th year DAU for registration no. 56334
within the requisite period, oron or before October 21,2004 Ana ang vs toribio teodoro
- As a consequence it was deemed to have abandoned or withdrawn any right
or interest over the makr Birkenstock - Ang tibay is not a descriptive term.
- Neither can it incoke section 236 of IP Code which pertains to intellectual - We find it necessary to go into the etymology and meaning of tagalog
property righs obtained under previous intellectual property laws words and tibay to determine whether they are a descriptive term
- Petitioner has duly established its true and lawful ownership of the mark. - Whether they relate the quality or description of the merchandise to which
Besides, petitioner has duly established its true and lawful ownership of respondent has applied them as a trademark
mark Birkenstock - The word and is a definite article meaning the in English
- It is not the applicationor registration of trademark that vests ownership - Ang tibay as used by respondent to designate his wares, had exactly
thereof but it is the ownership of a trademark that confers the rightro performed that function for 22 years before petitioner adopted it as a
register the same. trademark in her own business
- A trademark is an industrial property over which its owner is entitled to - Toribios products shoes is similar to Angs product, pants and shirts.
property rights which cannot be appropriated by unscrupulous entities that, - The mere relation or association of articles is NOT CONTROLLING.
in one way or another, happen to register such trademark ahead of its true
Yummy Big Mac Mcdo vs LC Big Mak Burger
and lawful owner.
- Presumption of ownership accorded to a registrant must then necessarily - Big mac mark is valid as well as mcdonalds ownership over it. A mark is
yield to suprios evidence of actual and real ownership of a trademark valid if it is distinctive and thus not barred from registration under secion 4
of ra 166. However, once registered, not only the marksvalidity but also the
registrants ownership of the mark is prima facie presumed.
Goodwill Hunting (Fredco Manufacturing Corp vs President Harvard college) - Respondents use of Big Mak causes confusion. Petitioners claim that
respondents use of big mak mark on respondents hamburgers results in
- The mark Harvard veritas shield symbol is now deemed under ra 8293 confusion of goods, particularly with respect to petitioners habmburgers
- There is no dispute that the mark Harvard usedby freco is the same as the labelled big mac
mark Harvard in the Harvard veritas shield symbol of Harvard university. - Modern law recognizes that the protection to which the owner of a
- It is also not disputed that Harvard university was anmed Harvard college in trademark is entitled is not limited to guadng his goods or business from
1639 and that then, as now Harvard university is located in Cambridge. actual market competition with identical or similar products of the parties,
- Harvard university is entitled to protection in the Philippines of its trade but extends to all cases in which the use by ajunior appropriator of a
name Harvard even without registration of such trade name in the trademark or trade name is likely to lead to a confusion of source, as where
Philippines under Article 8 of Paris convention as well as section 37. The prospective purchasers would be misled into thinking that the complaining
Philippines and the US of America are both signatories to the Paris party has extended his business into the field or is in anyway connected
convention for the protection of industrial property with activities of infringer; or when it forestalls the normal potential
expansion of his business.
One more please Mcdo vs MacJoy Fastfood Beer is not confusing (Asia brewery vs CA)
- There is confucing similarity between the trademarks mcdo marks and - There is absolutely no similarity in the dominant features of both
macjoy and device . applying the dominancy test to the instant case. trademarks. Infringement is determined by test of dominancy rather than by
- Both marks use the corporate M design logo and the prefizes Mc and or differences or variations in details of one trademark and of another.
MAC asdominant features. First letter M in both marks puts emphasis on - Resemblance between the two trademarks such as would be likely to cause
the prefixes mc and mac by similar way in which they are depicted. the one mark to be mistaken for the other but this is not such similitude as
- Noted variations in marks are inconsequential. The differences and variation amounts to identity.
in styles as device depicting a head of chicken with cap and bowtie and
wings sprouting on both sides of chicken head, the heart shaped and stylistic If it sounds alike (Prosoruce International vs Horphag Research Management)
letters in macjoy and device.
- When two words are pronounce, the sound effects are confusingly similar.
Skechers vs Interpacific industrial The TC applied dominancy test in determining whether there was a
confusing similarity between the marks pycnogenol and PCO genols.
- The respondent is guilty of trademark infringement applying dominancy - Both words have same sffix which on evidence appears to be merely
test. descriptive and furnish no indication of orgin of article and hence, open for
- The use of the stylized s by respondent in its strong rubber shoes infringes trademark registration by plaintiff thru combination with another word
on the mark already registered by the petitioner with IPO. While it is - Although letters Y between P and C N : between O and C and S after L are
undiscputed that eptitiones stlzed S is whithin the ova; design missing in pettitioners amrk nevertheless when two words are pronounced,
- The dominant feature of the trademark is stylized S as it precisely the the sound effects are confusingly similar not to mention that they are both
stylized S which catches the eye of purchaser. described by their manufacturers as a food supplement and thus, identified
- Respondents shoes may not be an exact replica of peitioners shoes but as such by their public consumers
thefeatures and oversall design are so similar and alike that confusion is - Although there were dissimalrities in the trademark due to the type of letters
highly likely. used as well as sie, color and design employed on their individual
- While there may be dissimilarities between the apperances of shoes, to this packages.bottles, still the close relationshipof competing products name in
courts mind such similarities do not outweigh the stark and blatant sounds they were pronounced, clearly indicates that puchasers could be
similarities in their general features. misled into believing that they are same and or originates from a common
- Neither can thedifference in price be a complete defense in trademark source and manufacturer
- Modern law recognizes that the protection to which the owner of a
trademark is entitled it not limited to guarding his goods or business from
Sunshine is NOT delmonte (Delmonte vs CA)
actual market competition with identical or similar products of parties, but
extends to all cases in which the use by a junior appropriator of a trademark - Side by side comparison is not the final test of similarity. While the court
or tradename is likely to lead to a confusion of a source as where does recognize these distinction, ti does not agree with conclusion that there
prospective purchasers would be misled into thinking that the complaining was no infringement or unfair competition. It seems to us that the lower
party has extended his business intot he field or is in anyway connected courts have been so preoccupied with details that they have not seen total
with the activities of infringer or when it forestalls the normal potential picture
expansion of his business - Side by side comparison is NOT THE FINAL TEST OF SIMILARITY
- Protection of trademarks is intended not only to preserve the goodwill and - The question is whetgher a casual purchase is confused.
reputation of trademark owner but also to safeguard the public as consmers - The questions is whether a casual purchaser is confused. The questions is
against confusion on these goods. not whether the two articles are distinguihshable by their label when set
aside by side by side but whether the general confusion made by article -
upon the eye of casual purchaser who is unconspicious and off his guard, is
such as to likely result in his confounding it with original.
- In making purchasers, the consumer must depent upon his recollection of
appearance of the product which he intends to purchase. The buyer having
in mind mark or label of respondent must rely upon his memory
- Factors to consider by courts; primary is the cost of goods. Respondent
court failed to take into cosndieration several factors which should have
affected its conclusion, to wit: age, training and education of usual
purchaser, nature and cost of article.
- When sunshine chose to use same colors and letters as those used y del
monte without reasonable exaplanation, the inevitable conclusion is that it
was done deliberately to deceive. The predominant colors used in del monte
label are green and red orange, the same with sunshine. The word catsup in
both bottles is printed in white and style of print or letter is same.
Still approx. of tomato