Presents Existing Projects Relevant To The Proposed One.: DATASAL Project Documentation
Presents Existing Projects Relevant To The Proposed One.: DATASAL Project Documentation
Presents Existing Projects Relevant To The Proposed One.: DATASAL Project Documentation
i. Cover Page
ii. Abstract
iii. Table of Contents
iv. Acknowledgement
1. Introduction
Establishes the purpose of the project and the problem it is intended to solve.
Gives a general description of the program specifications and how it works.
2. Literature Survey
Describes the documents from books and journals regarding the application or
project. Presents existing projects relevant to the proposed one.
3. Theoretical Framework
Theories regarding the concepts of abstract data type/s used in the program are presented.
5. Detailed Design
Software: Discuss the following
6. Program Walk through
Screenshots of the I/O dialogue with explanation
7. Analysis
Analysis of the program
8. Summary, Conclusions
Effectively closes the paper.
Ties together all elements. Logical explanation that leads to the conclusion.
Effectively integrated.
Conclusions are relevant to the problem
Bibliography of References (APA format)
journals, books, datasheets