Sedimentology Question Paper
Sedimentology Question Paper
Sedimentology Question Paper
(1st Year, 2nd Semester)
Paper : VII
Time : Two hours Full Marks : 50
(Turn Over)
(2) (3)
3. (a) Mark the following events and surfaces on a (b) When is a biogenic build-up designated as reef ?
hypothetical sea level curve : What is the difference between a biostrome and a
Onset of regression, End of transgression, End of bioherm ? 1+2
regression, End of forced regression (Events); Basal
surface of forced regression, Maximum regressive 7. (a) Describe the depositional processes unique to
surface, Maximum flooding surface, Correlative lacustrine systems. How do they influence
conformity (Surfaces). 4 sedimentation ? 4
(b) State the basic criteria for classifying sedimentary (b) How do you explain emplacement of a massive
basins. What are the principal types of sedimentary sandstone bed within a black shale formation
basins ? 1+2 with bipolar prod marks at their base ? Justify your
answer. 3
4. (a) Describe different kinds of fluvial bars. How are these
characterized in rock record ? 4 8. (a) How can an estuary be identified in a rock record ?4
(b) An assemblage of clastic grains in a sediment may (b) Why do most carbonate slope deposits have apron
not reflect the composition of the source rocks ? Justify geometry ? Justify your answer. 3
the statement. 3
9. (a) Discuss briefly the origin of bedded chert. 4
5. (a) (i) Is dolomite an evaporite mineral ? Explain your (b) Evaluate the role of sediment gravity flows in deep
answer. 2 marine sedimentation. 3
(ii) How do you justify that most of the ancient
dolomites are of replacement origin ? 2
(b) Shallow marine sedimentation record is highly biased
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towards storm episodes – Discuss. 3