A comprehensive survey of the literature regarding moisture damage to asphalt be as many as five different mechanisms by which
pavements as a result of stripping is presented. The literature reviewed was stripping of asphalt from an aggregate surface may
generally limited to readily available publications since 1954. The paper at· occur. Those five mechanisms include detachment,
tempts to address the key issues related to stripping of asphalt pavements in a displacement, spontaneous emulsification, pore pres-
logical order. These issues have been divided into the following categories: sure, and hydraulic scouring. It appears that these
Mechanisms of Stripping, Factors Influencing Stripping, Use of Anti-Strip mechanisms may act individually or together to cause
Additives, and Tests to Predict Moisture Susceptibility. Each of these areas
adhesion failure in bituminous mixtures, A brief
has been developed to the extent felt necessary to discuss the current knowl·
edge of the subject adequately, with numerous references cited. A summary description of each of the suggested mechanisms of
entitled "Design and Construction to Reduce the Potential for Stripping of stripping follows.
Asphalt Pavements" is provided at the end of the paper to bring together
practical implications of the current state cf knowledge about stripping and Detacnment
moisture damage of asphalt pavements.
Detachment is the separation of an asphalt film from
an aggregate surface by a thin layer of water, with
A general definition of stripping is "the breaking no obvious break in the asphalt film (1,2). Where
of the adhesive bond between the aggregate surface stripping by detachment has occurred, - the asphalt
anti th" a>iphalt cement" in an asphaltic pavement or film can be peeled cleanly from the aggregate, indi-
mix tu re (_!_) • Stripping is a complex problem depen- cating a complete loss of adhesion (1). The theory
dent on many variables, including the type and use of intecfacial energy provides the- rationale foe
of mix, aspnalt characteristics, aggregate charac- explaining the detachment mechanism. This widely
teristics, environment, traffic, construction prac- accepted theory considers adhesion as a thermody-
tice, and the use of anti-strip additives; however, namic phenomenon related to the surface energies of
the presence of moisture is the common factor to all the materials involved, namely, asphalt and mineral
stripping. aggregates. The surface tension of water is much
A bituminous mixture derives its strength from lower than that of asphalt. The wettability of an
the cohesional resistance of the binder and grain aggregate increases as the surface tension (or free
interlock and frictional resistance of th~ aggre- surface energy) of the adhesive decreases (2),
gate. The cohesional resistance is only fully Thus, if a three-phase interface consisting of
available if a good bond exists between the binder aggregate, asphalt, and water exists, water is bet-
and the aggregate (2). If a good bond exists, fail- ter than asphalt for reducing the free surface en-
ure of the mixture- should occur within the binder ergy of the system to a thermodynamically stable
(~). If the bond is poor, the failure may occur at condition of minimum surface energy (2). The theory
the binder-aggregate interface and may result in of interfacial energy emphasizes the effect of
premature failure of the mix. polarity of the molecules present at the surface of
Failure caused by stripping occurs in two the two phases. Most aggregates have electrically
stages: the first stage is stripping failure, and charged surfaces. Asphalt, which is composed
the second stage is failure of the pavement under chiefly of high molecular weight hydrocarbons, ex-
traffic (3). Many asphalt. pavements experience hibits little polar activity; therefore, the bond
stripping failure within the mix without structural that develops between asphalt and an aggregate is
failure of the pavement. If stripping within the pc imacily due to relatively weak dispersion forces
pavement becomes excessive, loss of strength may (3). water molecules, on the other hand, are highly
result in excessive deformations caused by repeated polar and ace attracted to aggregates by much
loading, Tnis can lead to complete disintegration stronger orientation forces (ll.
of the pavement, often in the torm ot potholes (~).
Failure caused by stripping can also result in Displacement
cracKing and surface raveling of the pavement (_~).
wearing cour se.s over stripped asphalt ic bases are Stripping oy displacement results from the penetra-
liKely to exhibit adnesion failure by raveling and tion of water to the aggregate surface through a
pothole formation (5). With surface treatments, break in the asphalt film (!,.3_,!,2_). This break can
progressive loss of - the stripped aggregate causes be caused by incomplete coating of the aggregate
gradual removal of the entire surfacing (_~). initially or by film rupture (l-4). Because the
Evidence suggests that a stripped pavement will asphalt film at these locations i~ generally thinner
not fail unless the pavement structure has pro- and under tension, rupture of the asphalt film is
nounced flexibility (3). Further evidence suggests probable at the sharp edges and corners of angular
that the damage will- be minimal if stripping is aggregate pieces as a result of traffic loading.
restricted to the coarse aggregate (6). If the fine Stripping by displacement can result from pinholes
aggregate in the mixture strips, severe damage will in the asphalt film, which can form soon after coat-
result because the fine aggregate constitutes the ing of a dusty aggregate (4). The concept of strip-
basic matrix of the mixture (6), Numerous investi- ping by displacement is congruent with the thermody-
gators have observed that if- a stripped asphaltic namic approach to adhesion; that is, water will
mixture is exposed to a dry environment, the strip- displace asphalt from an aggregate surface when the
ping process is reversed and the mixture will heal three-phase interface exists.
itself (4,5,7,B). Failure of a stripped pavement The chemical reaction theory of adhesion can also
due to t~afflc - is not reversible, however, and pre- be used to explain stripping by displacement (5).
vention is the best and only cure. Changes in the pH of the microscopic water accumul a-
tions at the mineral surface can alter the type of
MECHANISMS OF STRIPPING polar groups adsorbed, as well as their state of
ionization/dissociation, leading to the build-up of
A review of the literature indicates that there may opposing, negatively-charged, electrical double lay-
Transportation Research Record 911 151
ers on the aggregate and asphalt surfaces (~). The FACTORS INFLUENCING STRIPPING
drive to reach equilibrium attracts more water and
leads to physical separation of the asphalt from the
As stated at the oeginning of this paper, stripping
aggregate (..?_) •
of asphalt pavement is a complex problem related to
a large number of variables. Those variables, which
Spontaneous Emulsification
have been identified through years of study of the
stripping problem, can be grouped for purposes of
In spontaneous emulsification, water and asphalt discussion into six categories: type and use of
combine to form an inverted emulsion, where asphalt mix, asphalt characteristics, aggregate characteris-
represents the continuous phase and water represents tics, environment, traffic, and construction prac-
the discontinuous phase. The formation of such an tice.
emulsion leads to stripping and is further aggra-
vated by the presence of emulsifiers such as mineral
clays and some asphalt additives (1,4,5). Type and use of Mix
Fromm observed that spontaneous -emulsification
occurs whenever asphalt films are immersed in water The type and use of an asphalt mixture nas been
but that the rate of emulsion formation depends on found to be related to the likelihood of stripping
the nature of the asphalt and the presence of addi- of the mix. The majority of pavement failures
tives (4). He observed that emulsion formation re- caused by stripping occur in open-graded mixes, base
sults in a total loss of adhesion when the emulsion courses, and surface treatments, all of which ace
penetrates to the aggregate surface (_!) • The fact relatively permeable to water wnen compared with
that stripping has been observed to be reversible dense-graded mixes (~). Surface treatments have
lends support to the spontaneous emulsification Deen noted to De particularly vulnerable to strip-
mechanism because evaporation of the water from the ping (~). Stripping in dense-graded, hot-mix paving
emulsion returns the asphalt to its original con- mixtures is generally not a problem unless the mix-
dition (_~). tures exhibit excessive air voids, insufficient
bitumen, inadequate compaction, or aggregate with
Pore Pressure adsorbed coatings (9). The inherent resistance to
stc ipping exhibited -by dense-graded, hot-mix paving
Pore pressure has been suggested as a mechanism of mixtures may be caused, in pact, by the use of hot,
stripping in high void mixes where water may circu- dry aggregate in those mixtures (7,10).
late freely through interconnected voids (! 1 ~) • The small percentage of air voids normally pres-
upon densification of the mix from traffic loading, ent in well-compacted, dense-graded hot mixes is
water may become trapped in impermeable voids that probably largely responsible for their excellent
previously permitted water circulation. Further moisture resistance because the virtual absence of
traffic may induce high excess pore pressures in the voids renders the mixes almost impermeable. Full-
trapped water causing stripping of the asphalt film depth (deep strength) asphalt pavements, as proposed
from the aggregate (!,~>. by The Asphalt Institute, have been shown to provide
excellent resistance to stripping (_!,11). The
Rydraulic Scouring dense-graded asphalt bases often ·used in full-depth
pavements ace observed to act as a vapor barrier so
Hydraulic scouring is a mechanism of stripping that that little or no free moisture accumulates beneath
is applicable only to surface courses. Stripping the pavements (11).
due to hydraulic scouring results from the action of
vehicle tires on a saturated pavement surface. This
Asphalt Characteristics
causes water to be pressed down into the pavem~nt in
front of the tire and immediately sucked away from
the pavement behind the tire. This compcession- The most frequently referenced relationship between
tension cycle is believed to contribute to the the characteristics of the asphalt in a paving mix-
stripping of the asphalt film from the aggregate (!). ture and the tendency of the mix to stc ip relates
In addition to the mechanisms outlined above, stripping resistance to the viscosity of the binder
which nave gained varying degrees of acceptance in service (~,2_,~,10). Binders of high viscosity
among investigators of the stripping problem, other have been observed to resist displacement by water
potential mechanisms for stc ipping have been pro- much better than those of low viscosity, although
posed. osmosis has been suggested as a possible even 60 penetration bitumen has been observed to
mechanism of stripping, but this has not been proved strip (10). Fromm observed that high viscosity as-
in the laboratory (_!). It has been observed that phalt resisted pulling along an air-water interface
asphalt will creep up an air-water interface, such and that the pulling of t\le asphalt film increased
as an air bubble on the pavement surface, as a re- as asphalt viscosity decreased (4).
sult of surface tension (4). If the air-water in- Low viscosity, however, is desirable during mix-
terface is sufficiently li"cge, this pulling of the ing operations because a low viscosity fluid has
asphalt film may result in film rupture or may re- more wetting power than one of high viscosity
sult in a film that is so thin that spontaneous (1,2). Observations made by Schmidt and Graf indi-
emulsification is rapid (4). c;;;-t; that most asphalts appear to behave similarly
Related to the mechanisms of stripping is the with respect to moisture, provided they ace of the
initiation and progression of stripping in a typical same viscosity; i.e., the effect of asphalt composi-
asphalt pavement. Inspection of field specimens of tion is negligible (8). In contrast, Fromm observed
stripped pavements has revealed that stc ipping be- that the rate of emulsion formation in an asphalt
gins at the bottom of the layer and works its way submerged in water depends on the nature of the as-
up, stripping mostly the coarse aggregate <!,_!>. phalt rather than its viscosity (4). Logically, an
This behavior is not surprising because the asphalt emulsified asphalt may be more prone to stripping by
at tne bottom of a pavement layer is in tension upon spontaneous emulsification i f some concentration of
tne application of load and is often subject to pro- emulsifier remains in the binder after mixing (4).
longed exposure to moisture from water trapped The presence of paraffin in asphalt is believed - to
within a granular base course above the subgcade. be detrimental to stripping resistance (~).
152 Transportation Research Recore 911
of tne paving mixture as a result of traffic loading cendec the additive ineffective as a surfactant
may close voids in the mix that were formerly pecme- (_!2). The cate of such reactions is significantly
aole to water and that subsequent stress imposed by increased with increased temperature, thus the term
traffic creates high poce pressures in the trapped "heat stable."
water resulting in stripping (1,2,4). Traffic is
directly responsible for the mechanism of stripping Operative Mechanisms
known as hydraulic scouring (!r.Z.l.
Tunnicliff and Root define anti-strip additives as
Construction Practice "substances designed to convect the aggregate sur-
face to one that is more easily wetted with asphalt
Two aspects of pavement construction practice ace of than water" (15); however, anti-strip additives may
particular importance in stripping: compaction and also increase the resistance of an asphalt pavement
weather conditions during construction. Proper com- to stripping by means other than electrochemical
paction of asphalt mixtures during pavement con- modification of the aggregate surface. surface ac-
struction is a necessity in order to minimize the tive agents work by reducing the interfacial tension
potential foe stripping. Excessive air voids in between the aggregate and bitumen by adsorption at
paving mixtures, resulting from inadequate compac- the aggregate-bitumen interface, thereby strengthen-
tion, can provide passages that permit the movement ing and reducing the stripping potential of the
of water and water vapor through the mix (_!.) • aggregate-bitumen bond (~,.z.,16). The intent of this
It has been shown that pavement construction in modification is to convert the aggregate surface to
the late fall results in asphalt pavements that are one that is more easily wetted by asphalt than water
more susceptible to stripping because of the likeli- (15) ~ cationic surfactants, upon migration to the
nood of aggregates being damp and weather conditions aggregate surface, displace water and render the
being cool and wet (15). Regardless of the season, surface hydrophobic and lipophilic (having an
if rain inunediately follows pavement construction, icy for oil) (17).
stripping of the pavement is more likely to occur Lime is usually considered to function as an
because the asphalt viscosity remains low for sev- anti-strip additive by means of a reaction in which
eral nours after paving operations cease. the hydrogen, sodium, potassium, and other cations
on the aggregate surface are replaced by calcium
USE OF ANTI-STRIP ADDITIVES from the iime (8). It has been suggested by
Plancher and others that the effect of hydrated lime
A review of tne literature indicates that the types in improving the stripping resistance of asphalt
of anti-strip additives currently being used with mixtures is, in part, a result of its interaction
reasonable frequency in the united States can be with certain asphaltic acids that are readily ad-
grouped into the following categories: surface sorbed to aggregate surfaces (18).
active agents (conunercial additives), hydrated lime, Schmidt and Graf concludedthat the mechanism by
portland cement, and fly ash. which lime operates in asphalt mixtures cannot be
This is Dy no means a complete list of the vari- fully explained by reaction with asphaltic acids or
ous cnemicals and compounds experimented with in the cation exchange at the aggregate surface (_!!.). Based
past and probably overlooks a few additives cur- on their observations, Schmidt and Graf concluded
rently Deing used on a trial basis or with relative that hydrated lime improves the stripping resistance
infrequency. Rather, the additives listed represent of asphalt mixtures to a large extent by the forma-
those tnat have attained general acceptance through- tion of a separate, crystalline, lime-mortar bond
out the country and are believed to be effective in between aggregate particles that appears to be syn-
reducing the potential foe moisture damage in as- ergistic with the binding action of asphalt (_!!.).
phalt pavements (15). Discussions regarding the
operative mechanisms, application and dosage, and Application and Dosage
effectiveness of portland cement and fly ash as
anti-strip additives were not encountered in the There ace two methods of introducing anti-strip
reviewed literature. It is speculated, however, additives into asphaltic paving mixtures. The addi-
that these additives are effective and are applied tive may be added to the asphalt wnile in a liquid
in much the same way as hydrated lime. Of the four state and thocougnly mixed before mixing the asphalt
additives, only the first group, surface active with the aggregate oc aggregates (~ 1 17). Tnis
agents, needs explanation regarding its constituents. method is inefficient because much of the additive
Tunnicliff and Root concluded that all of the never reaches the aggregate-bitumen interface; how-
surface active agents in current use are amines or ever, it represents a simple and economical applica-
chemical compounds containing amines, which ace tion method and is generally the method by which
strongly basic compounds derived from anunonia (15). conunercial additives ace currently used.
Most of the surface active agents (oc surfactants) The second method consists of applying the addi-
ace cationic; however, some contain both cationic tive directly to the aggregate surface (2,17). This
and anionic compounds and a few ace strictly anionic is the most efficient 'and most effecti.'7e'" method;
compounds (15). Lists of approved conunercial addi- however, it cequ ires more labor and probably more
tives provided by responding agencies in the additive and is, therefore, more expensive. It has
Tunnicliff and Root survey revealed at least 27 been shown that hydrated lime is most effective when
different manufactucecs of anti-strip additives in applied as a slurry to the aggregate before heating
the United States providing at least 116 approved and drying (4,8).
products (15). The number of conunercial additives It has been observed repeatedly by investigators
on the macKet are constantly cnanging as some addi- working witn anti-strip additives that the dosage of
tives are discontinued and new ones introduced, but the additive employed in a mix is extremely impor-
the number of additives available remains large tant to its effectiveness. Anderson and others in-
(15). The additive manufacturers who responded to dicate that a minimum dosage foe surface active
the inquic ies of Tunnicliff and Root all claim that agents exists, such that "the demand of the asphalt
their additives ace heat stable at usual working foe the anti-strip additive must be satisfied before
temperatures (15). An additive that is'heat stable the additive is effective as an anti-strip agent"
theoretically does not contain compounds that will (19).
react with some component of asphalt cement and Typical dosages of surface active agents in cue-
154 Transportation Research Record 911
rent use range between 0.3 and 0.5 percent by weight tant in an asphalt binder is in excess of that
of asphalt when used with cutback asphalts and are needed to satisfy the aggregate' s adsorption sites,
on the order of l percent or greater by weight of a mecnanically weak, water-susceptible shear plane
asphalt cement when used in hot-mix (17). Manufac- can occur within the binder (15,17). This weak con-
turers of commercial anti-strip additives recommend dition can promote strippinginasphalt pavements,
dosages ranging from less than 0.1 percent to 3 per- or could conceivably result in premature failure of
cent by weight of asphalt cement (15). Schmidt and the mix in the binder itself (15,17). Some commer-
Graf suggest that amounts of lime greater than l cial additives may interact with certain compounds
percent by weight of asphalt ace required to form in the asphalt without undergoing a chemical change;
mortar bonds (__!!) • this may prevent their migration to the aggregate
surface, thereby makin9 them ineffective (15).
Effectiveness Given the state of the act concerning commercial
anti-strip additives, it is apparent that no fool-
Several investigators nave reached the same conclu- proof commercial additive is currently available.
sion about effectiveness of anti-strip additives: (15).
anti-strip additives are asphalt and aggregate-
specific (2,4,12,15,16,19). Previous work to evalu- TESTS TO PREDICT MOISTURE SUSCEPTIBILITY
ate anti-stri.padditives has generally shown that
hydrated lime is the most effective additive in re- Numerous tests have been developed to evaluate prop-
ducing moisture damage of aspbalt mixtures, espe- erties that affect the stripping potential of a
cially when applied as a slurry to the aggregate bituminous mix and to predict the moisture suscepti-
prior to drying (6,8). bility of a given mixture. None of the tests devel-
As reported by- s7:hmidt and Graf, commercial addi- oped to date has received wide acceptance; this is
tives that showed dramatic improvement in adhesion due, for the most part, to their low reliability.
(apparent stripping resistance), when tested by The reliability of a majority of the test procedures
usual stripping tests, did not reduce the drop in proposed to date is poor because of a lack of a
resilient modulus caused by water saturation when direct relationship between laboratory and field
present in concentrations of l percent by weight of conditions. The development and use of laboratory
asphalt (8). However two surface active agents tests to predict an asphalt mixture's susceptibility
tested by - Dal tee and Gilmore showed dramatic im- to moisture began around 1930 or possibly a few
provement in retention of diametral tensile strength years earlier <1> • Moisture susceptibility tests
of compacted specimens, upon vacuum saturation fol- serve three purposes:
lowed by freeze-thaw conditioning, when compared to
untreated specimens of the same mix, using both 1. To determine the degree of resistance pro-
limestone and granitic aggregate mixtures (16). vided by a mixture against the action of water for a
It has been suggested that commercial anti-stc ip particular combination of asphalt and aggregates
additives may be ineffective if stripping is initi- (mix design) ,
ated and accelerated by externally induced physical 2. To compare mixes composed of different types
damage (e.g., traffic, freeze-thaw, and so on) or quantities of asphalt and aggregate, and
ratber than by spontaneous stripping (15). Commer- 3. To evaluate the effectiveness of one or more
cial additives have been shown to be -e"ffective in anti-strip additives in a given mix and determine
promoting good initial coating of the aggregate and the optimum dosage.
resisting spontaneous stripping by emulsification,
detachment, and so on. At present, no published Literally dozens of laboratory test procedures
data appears to be available about the effect of have been developed in an effort to determine the
anti-strip additives on the long-teem field perfor- susceptibility of asphalt paving mixtures to mois-
mance of asphalt pavements. ture damage. Some of the better known tests that
have been developed and are referenced in the liter-
Problems ature but that may or may not remain in use today
are listed below.
¥coblems witn some commercial anti-strip additives
have been encountered. some commercial anti-strip 1. Static Immersion Tests
additives can reduce the viscosity of the asphalt in ASTM Dl664-80 (20)
a paving mixture (3,12,19). The largest changes in Lee (_~) -
asphalt viscosity that have been observed approach Holmes water Displacement (±_)
the magnitude of the specification band for asphalt Oberbach (_±.)
viscosity; therefore, tne use of an anti-strip addi- German U-37 (±_,~)
tive could result in an asphalt which does not meet
viscosity specifications (19). 2. Dynamic Immersion Tests
The time required foe an adequate amount of sur- Nicholson (±_,~)
factant to migrate to tne aggregate-binder inter- now or Tyler wash (±_,~)
face, when dissolved in the binder, may be greater
than the period of time during which the asphalt 3. Boiling Tests
viscosity is sufficiently low to permit such migra- ASTM D3625-77 (21)
tion (7,15,17). If this occurs, the amount of sur- Reidel and Weber (±_,~)
factant that reaches the .aggregate surface may be
inadequate to satisfy the aggregate's demand and 4. Chemical Immersion Test
perform as an effective anti-strip agent. Reidel and Weber (±_,~)
Some commercial anti-strip additives exhibit low
heat stability regardless of manufacturer claims 5. Quantitative Coating Evaluation Tests
(2,8). Some commercial surfactants can act as Dye Adsorption (22)
emulsifiers, particularly if excessive dosages are Mechanical Integration Method (±_)
used (_!,~.!. Although these additives may promote Radioactive Isotope Tracer Technique (2,9)
good initial coating and adhesion, they can acceler- Tracer-salt with Flame Photometer Analysis
ate stripping by promoting spontaneous emulsifica- (~)
tion (il· If the concentration of cationic surfac- Light-Reflection Method (±_,1l
Transportation Research Record 911 155
sion test at a specified loading rate and tempera- mens. The resilient modulus is a property that is
ture (14). The resulting data is normalized by directly rela ted to the l oad carryi n.g abili ty of a
expressing it in the f o r·m of a tensile strength flexible pavement; there f o r e, the Res i lient Modulus
ratio (TSR) and an E-mOdulus ratio (E-modR), where Test offers great potential for correlating moisture
tne tensile strength and E-modulus of dry specimens damage observed in tne laboratory witn field per-
are used as reference bases. formance.
After exposing two-thirds of the prepared speci- Because the test is nondestructive, it can be
mens to vacuum saturation, one-half of the vacuum- used to measure changes in the resilient modulus of
saturated specimens are exposed to secondary tne same specimen with time. The progressive dete-
moisture conditioning consisting of a single freeze- rioration of asphaltic paving mixtures in service
plus-soak cycle (0-140°F) or repeated freeze-thaw caused by stripping can be related to changes in the
cycling (18 cycles of 0-120-0°F) (14). Lottman elastic c ons ta nts of the mix (2). By using moisture
recommends a separation point of 0 • .,- for tensile and thermal c ond itioning procedures modeled closely
strength ratio or E-modulus ratio, as determined for after conditions that could be expected to prevail
the specimens subjected to vacuum saturation plus in service, the Resilient Modulus Test may predict
thermal cycling, to distinguish between moisture moisture damage in an asphalt pavement, and its con-
susceptible mixtures and moisture resistant mix- sequences, with sufficient reliability to make it a
tures; the former category is associated with the valuable design tool.
lower values (14). The procedure has the potential one factor that may limit use of the Resilient
for providing a quantitative measure of the rate of MOdulus Test, however, is the cost and availability
moisture damage progression by providing for of the necessary testing equipment.
strength and modulus determinations at three dis-
tinct phases of moisture conditioning (14) Texas Freeze-Thaw Pedestal Test
Lottman's method has been criticized for being
too severe with regard to moisture conditioning; The recently developed Texas Freeze-Thaw Pedestal
however, this appears to be a procedural matter Test evaluates the moisture susceptibility of an
rather than a problem inherent in the test method. asphalt mixture by determining the number of freeze-
Moisture conditioning could be modified to simulate thaw cycles that a specimen can endure before crack-
more accurately the climatic conditions that prevail ing (6). The test method uses a compacted cylindri-
locally (15) . No special equipment is needed for cal -specimen, approximately 3/4-in. t h ick by
the proposed test method because most of the needed l-3/8-in. diameter, composed of a uniformly- sized
equipment is available in the majority of highway fraction of the proposed job aggregate and 2 percent
materials laboratories (14). correlation studies more asphalt than proposed for ' the field mix. The
performed by Lottman, involving 17 pavements in ser- compacted specimen is immersed in water contained in
vice in 14 states, indicate that the indirect ten- a sealed jar and subjected to thermal cycling
sion method gives good reliability in identifying (10-140-10°F). Kennedy, Roberts, and Lee, who pro-
asphalt i c concrete mixtures that are prone to severe posed tne test method, have concluded that the di-
moisture damage and in identifying those that are viding line between stripping-prone and stripping-
strongly resistant to moisture damage. It is less resistant mixtures l i es between 10 and 20 cycles to
reliable in predicting intermediate moisture resis- failure ( 6).
tance (14). A limited correlation study performed during de-
A limited correlation study by the Virginia De- velopment of the Texas Freeze-Thaw Pedestal Test
partment of Highways and Transportation compares revealed that the test results showed good cor rela-
tensile strength ratio values obtained from labora- tion with previous field experience using the tested
tory specimens prepared from job mixtures before aggregates; however, at this stage, the test method
construction with observed stripping of core samples remains empirical and has only been tested on and
taken from the pavements after 2.5 years of service correlated with a limited number of mixes (6). The
( 12) . The results of that study indicate that ten- need for further study of this test method is indi-
sile strength ratio values correlate well with the cated.
observed stripping and performance, assuming that a At present no one test method has been found to
tensile strength ratio of 0.70 to 0.75 serves as the be totally reliable in its prediction of the mois-
separation point between good performance and ture susceptibility of a given paving mixture; how-
stripping (12). ever , tne evolutionary advancement toward that goal
With further refinement, the moisture damage test has resulted in new test methods that are predicting
system recommended by Lottman may provide quantita- moisture damage with increasing degrees of accuracy
t i ve predictions of moisture damage to asphaltic and confidence.
concrete mixtures (14).
The Resilient Modulus Test, used by Schmidt and Graf Based on the findings of this study, recommendations
to evaluate the effect of water on asphalt mixtures, are presented below that should secve as general
uses a 0 .1 sec duration pulsing load applied across guidelines for both the design and construction of
one diameter of a cylindrical specimen made in ac- asphalt pavements and mixtures to reduce the poten-
cordance with ASTM Dl56l-65 using the Hveem kneading t for stripping and related failures. No origi-
compactor (8). During application of the pulsing nality is claimed for the recommendations; in fact,
load across- one diameter of the specimen, the re- they generally follow recommendations outlined .i.n
sultant elastic deformation across the perpendicu- ES-10 of The Asphalt Institute <.!l.
lar, or opposite, diameter is measured. The resil-
ient modulus, MR, is then calculated from the 1. Pavement and mix design practice should con-
loading and deformation values, the sample thick- sider the loss of pavement strength and stiffness,
ness, and an assumed value of Poisson's ratio. and thus performance, that results from exposure to
Schmidt and Graf subjected test specimens to moisture. This might best be accomplished by incor-
various forms of moisture conditioning and then com- porating an immersion-mechanical test into the de-
pared the resilient moduli determined for the condi- sign procedure, so that a quantitative evaluation of
tioned specimens to those determined for dry speci- strength or stiffness loss due to moisture condi-
Transportation Research Record 911 157
tioning can be made, and a reduced strength or Treated Mixes. Proc., Assoc. of Asphalt Paving
stiffness value can be used in the design. Technologists, Vol. 41, 1972, pp. 118-162.
2. Specify a well-compacted, dense-graded hot 9. Symposium on Effect of water on Bituminous Pav-
mix whenever possible. ing Mixtures. ASTM, Special Technical Publica-
3. Consider a Full-Depth (Deep Strength) design tion No. 240, 1958.
in which all of the pavement layers us e asphalt 10. E. Thelen. Surface Energy and Adhesion Proper-
mixtures. use dense-graded asphalt mixtures for ties in Asphalt-Aggregate Systems. HRB, Bull.
base ana intermediate courses where possible. 192, 1958, pp. 63-74.
4. Provide positive drainage, both surface and 11. W.L. Hindermann. The swing to Full-Depth ••.
subsurface, unless a Full-Depth design is speci- The Case for Laying Asphalt on the Raw Sub-
fied. In conjunction with providing good drainage, grade. Information Series No. 146, Asphalt In-
maintain a well-sealed surface on the roadway to stitute, College Park, MD, 1968.
minimize infiltration of surface water. 12. G.W. Maupin. The use of Antistripping Addi-
5. Assure thorough compaction of all courses. tives in Virginia. Paper Presented at 5lst
6. Select a grade of asphalt that will wet the Annual Meeting, Assoc. of Asphalt Paving Tech-
aggregate thoroughly during mixing but will nave a nologists, Kansas City, MO, Feb., 1982.
viscosity in service that is as high as practical 13. H. Schmerl. Drainage. Port Authority of New
for other mix considerations. York and New Jersey, New York, 1981.
7. use as nigh an asphalt content as is prac- 14. R.P. Lottman. Predicting Moisture-Induced Dam-
tical to meet stability and flow requirements. age to Asphaltic Concrete. TRB, NCHRP Rept.
Thick asphalt films can best be accommodated by No. 192, 1978.
selecting an aggregate gradation that provides a 15. D.G. Tunnicliff and R.E. Root. Antistripping
high percentage of voids in the mineral aggregate Additives in Asphalt Concrete--State-of-the-
(VMA) after compaction (8). The design asphalt con- Art. Paper Presented at 5lst Annual Meeting,
tent should result in a -low percentage of air voids Assoc. of Asphalt Paving Technologists, Kansas
in the compacted mix. City, MO, Feb., 1982.
8. Use not, dry, clean aggregate (not freshly 16. R.S. Dalter and D.W. Gilmore. A Comparison of
crushed) • Effects of water on Bonding Strengths of Com-
9. Do not use highly hydrophilic aggregate if a pacted Mixtures of Treated Versus Untreated As-
choice is available. phalt. Paper Presented at 5lst Annual Meeting,
10. If the apparent stripping resistance of a Assoc. of Asphalt Paving Technologists, Kansas
mix is less than desired, treat it with hydrated City, MO, Feb., 1982.
lime or a heat-stable surface active agent in an 17. J.N. Dybalski. Cationic surfactants in Asphalt
amount determined by mix design and thorough labora- Adhesion. Paper Presented at 5lst Annual Meet-
tory testing. Hydrated lime is most effective when ing, Assoc. of Asphalt Paving Technologists,
applied as a slurry to the aggregate before drying. Kansas City, MO, Feb. 1982.
Make sure commercial additives are compatible and 18. H. Plancher, S.M. oorrence, and J.C. Petersen.
effective with the mix materials by testing and ob- Identification of Chemical Types in Asphalts
serve manufacturer dosage guidelines. Strongly Adsorbed at the Asphalt-Aggregate In-
terface and Their Relative Displacement by
Water. Pree., Assoc. of Asphalt Paving Tech-
nologists, Vol. 46, 1977, pp. 151-175.
19. O.A. Anderson, E.L. Dukatz, and J.C. Petersen.
1. cause and Prevention of stripping in Asphalt The Effect of Antistrip Additives on the Prop-
Pavements. Educational series No. 10, Asphalt erties of Asphalt Cement (Draft Copy). Paper
Institute, College Park, MD, 1981. Presented at 5lst Annual Meeting, Assoc. of As-
2. K. Majidzadeh and F.N. Brovold. State of the phalt Paving Technologists, Kansas City, MO,
Art: Effect of Water on Bitumen-Aggregate Mix- Feb., 1982.
tures. HRB, Special Rept. 98, 1968. 20. Standard Test Method for Coating and Ste ipping
3. Bituminous Materials in Road Construction. De- of Bitumen-Aggregate Mixtures. ASTM D 1664-80,
partment of Scientific and Industrial Research, Annual Book of Standards, Part 15, 1980, pp.
Road Research laboratory, Her Majesty's Sta- 461-463.
tionery Office, London, 1962, pp. 68-88 and 21. Standard Test Method for Effect of Water on
316-333. Bituminous-Coated Aggregate--Quick Field Test.
ASTM D3625-77, Ann 11al Book of Standards, Part
4. H.J . Fromm. The Mechanisms of Asphalt stripping
15, 1977, pp. 1027-1028.
from Aggregate Surfaces. Proc., Assoc. of As-
22. J. Skog and E. zube. New Test Methods for
phalt Paving Technologists, Vol. 43, 1974, pp.
Studying the Effect of water Action on Bitumi-
nous Mixtures. Proc., Assoc. of Asphalt Paving
5. J.A.N. Scott. Adhesion and Disbonding Mecha-
Technologists, Vol. 32, 1963, pp. 380-411.
nisms of ' Asphalt used in Highway Construction
23. Standard Test Method for Effect of Water on Co-
and Maintenance. Proc., Assoc. of Asphalt Pav-
hesion of Compacted Bituminous Mixtures. ASTM
ing Technologists, Vol. 47, 1978, pp. 19-48.
Dl075-76, Annual Book of Standards, Part 15,
6. T.W. Kennedy, F.L. Roberts, and K.W. Lee.
1976, pp. 372-373.
Evaluation of Moisture Susceptibility of As- 24. Standard Method of Test for Effect of water on
phalt Mixtures using the Texas Freeze-Thaw Ped-
Cohesion of Compacted Bituminous Mixtures.
estal Test. Paper presented at 5lst Annual
AASHTO T 165-77, Standard Specifications for
Meeting, Assoc. of Asphalt Paving Technolo-
Transportation Materials and Methods of Sam-
gists, Kansas City, MO, Feb., 1982.
pling and Testing ,. Part 2, Tests, 1977, pp.
7. F.C. Gzemski, D.W. McGlashan, and W.L. Dolch. 531-533.
Thermodynamic Aspects of the Stripping Prob- 25. O.B. Andersland and W.h. Goetz. sonic Test for
lem. HRB, Highway Research Circular No. 78, Evaluation of Stripping Resistance in Compacted
1968. Bituminous Mixtures. Proc., Assoc. of Asphalt
8. R.J. Schmidt and P.E. Graf. The Effect of Paving Technologists, Vol. 25, 1956, pp. 148-
water on the Resilient Modulus of Asphalt- 175.
158 Transportation Research Record 911
In the laboratory, samples of asphaltic concrete Uddin's defense of qualitative coating evaluation
mixture are prepared using the same procedure as tests is well received and certainly justifiable.
for Marshall specimens. The optimum asphalt con- our intent was not to discredit this classification
tent is used in the preparation of the test sam- of stripping tests, but rather to point out the dis-
ples. Tne mixture is then spread in loose thin satisfaction of many investigators with the repro-
layers to be cured in a i r for 24 hours. Half of ducibility of the tests and their correlation with
a 600 ml clean glass jar is filled with the sam- field performance. Limitations on the paper's
ple and covered with distilled water at the room length prevented a thorough discussion of many as-
temperature. After 24 hours immersion in water, pects of the stripping problem. Uddin' s discussion
the jar is vigorously shaken for about 15 minutes is greatly appreciated since it provides a different
and the sample is then examined visually for perspective on one of the many categories of strip-
ping tests.
stripping. This is done by looking through the
water in the standard way. Further examination
is done by spreading the mixture again on a clean
flat surface.
Tnis test method has been successfully used dur- Publication of this paper sponsored by Committee on Flexible Pavement Con-
ing tne construction of pavements on civil aviation strnction.
An investigation of premature distress and failure of an asphalt concrete overlay In tne fall of 1979, an overlay project was under-
placed in 1979 and 1980 is summarized. The primary objective of the study taken to rehabilitate a section of roadway that had
was to determine the probable cause of the distress . The investigation involved been in service for 13 yr. The project was 9 miles
an analysis of construction records and laboratory test results performed during long and consisted of overlaying a continuously re-
and after construction. In addition, specimens and material wero obtained inforced concrete pavement (CRCP) with hot-mix as-
from the roadway for use in a laboratory evaluation. The sampling program in- pnalt concrete.
cluded the nollection of cores, slabs, and stockpile or pit ma1erials. A descrip-
In June 1980, before completion of the contract,
tion and summary of the pavement and distress, construction procedures, and
mixture characteristics, along with the findings related to the probable causes distress began to develop on certain sections of the
of the distress is presented. The basic causes were that (a) all aggregates and highway (Figures 1-4), Distress was in the form of
the resulting aggregate-asphalt combinations were highly susceptible to mois- r .u tting, shoving, and bleeding , Initially, distress
ture damage and (b) the antistripping additive used in the mixture was not occurred in small areas of the outside westbound
effective. lanesi however, distress subsequently developed in