GR Ramma Ar and D Voca Abulary y Unit: Gra Ammar V Vocabula Ary
GR Ramma Ar and D Voca Abulary y Unit: Gra Ammar V Vocabula Ary
GR Ramma Ar and D Voca Abulary y Unit: Gra Ammar V Vocabula Ary
ar and
d Voca
y Unit 4
ammar 6 He’s jus
st / never arrrived at the airport. He’s
waiting for his suitcaase and he’lll be home so
sent perfe
ect and pa
ast simple
1 Complete
C the
e sentencess with the pa
ast simple o
or Vocabula
V ary
he present p
perfect. Cho
oose the corrrect option..
Saskia me et Jude two years
y ago during a holidaay
4 Complete the sentencces with the
e words.
e. (met / has met)
to Tenerife
Saskia hass known Jude for two yea ars. am
musing ann oying emba arrassing
(knew / haas known) motivating relaxing up
1 They ____ ___________ _ from Berlinn to Munich a It was amusing
a wheen my dad told us a funnyy
year ago. ((have moved d / moved) story abbout when hee was at school.
They ____ ___________ _ there for a year. 1 It was ________
_ whhen my teachher told me I was
(have livedd / lived) doing well
w at Englishh.
2 Dad _____ __________ _ that ring for Mum. 2 It was ________
_ whhen our cat died.
(has bought / bought) 3 A long, hot bath is _________ .
She _____ __________ it for a long time. 4 It’s ____
_____ whenn my little bro
other takes my
(had / has had) things without
w askinng.
3 I ________ _______ to their
t new alb bum ten timess. 5 It was so
s _________ when I sentt Julie a birth
(have liste
ened / listene
ed) card on the wrong dday!
I ________ _______ it la
ast weekend!
(download ded / have doownloaded)
Complete th
5 Look at the pictures. C he phrases.
bject and o
object que
2 Put
P the word ds into the correct orderr to make
1 present / thhe / to / him / who / gave
1 3
_________ __________ ___________ ____________
2 in / you / w
who / saw / toown / ?
_________ __________ ___________ ____________
3 made / noise / that / wh hat / ?
_________ __________ ___________ ____________
4 you / statio
on / at / met / who / the / ? 2 4
_________ __________ ___________ ____________ 1 text som
meone 3 pr____
__ a button
5 do / you / w
what / did / ? 2 ch____ __ your phonee 4 scr___
____ down
_________ __________ ___________ __________
6 you / go / d
did / where / ? Asking
A for help on th
he phone
_________ __________ ___________ __________ 6 Put the lin
nes of the di alogue in th
he correct order.
sent perfe
ect with ev
ver, neverr and just A Of courrse. What’s thhe problem? ? __
3 Choose
C the c
correct optio
on. B Good afternoon. GizzmoGadgets s.
Ryan sp peaking. How w can I help?
? 1
What's the e most excitin
ng thing that you’ve
C I see. I’m sorry abouut that. Send d us the
never / ev ver done?
clock an nd we can giive you a new w one.
1 Oh no! Do on’t come in with
w dirty boo ots! I’ve
Can I taake your nam me, please? __
never / jus st washed thhe floor!
D Oh hello o. I’m callingg because I'v
ve just
2 Mum’s jus st / never stu
udied Germa an, but she
bought one of your SpeakToSle eep
wants to start it at an evening
e class
alarm clocks. Theree’s a problem m with it and I
3 Have you jjust / ever done
d a bunge ee jump in
need so ome help. __
your life?
E It’s Marria James. I’lll send the cloock, then.
4 We’ve nev ver / ever beeen abroad ono holiday. WWe
Thank you
y very mucch for your help.h __
only have holidays in this country.
F Well, if I say ‘Alarm off’, the alarrm
5 Has anyon ne ever / nevver given you u a present
should stop, but it ddoesn’t. __
which you’’ve already got?