The Fundamentals of Nuring: My Own Theory
The Fundamentals of Nuring: My Own Theory
The Fundamentals of Nuring: My Own Theory
My Own Theory
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“A nurse does not only seek to alleviate physical pain or render physical care – she ministers to
the whole person. The existence of suffering, whether physical, mental or spiritual is the proper
concern of the nurse.” - Anonymous
I believe that the purpose of nursing is to “assist an individual, family or community to prevent
or cope with the experience of illness or suffering, and if necessary, to find meaning in these
experiences." Nurses are responsible to advocate and care for individuals of all ethnic origins
and religious backgrounds and support them through health and illness. As nurses, we also have
the responsibility towards our patients. This responsibility does not only focus on the physical
imperfections, difficulties or illnesses they experience but as well as their total being whether it
may be emotionally, psychologically and spiritually. In being able to provide quality health care
to our patients, we must be able to have a good interaction and working relationship with them.
We must be able to gain their trust, respect and establish rapport as well. As nurses, we must be
able to assess the person as a whole not just by mainly focusing in each problem that they
verbalize, share or complain.
We should not be able to assist them towards wellness but also to be able to find meaning in the
situation or experiences they had been through whether it may be good or bad. We should not
also only focus on the patient but as well as with the nurse practitioner, both having a unique
personality. That's why I believe that a nurse and patient should have this kind of a strong
The patient is the recipient of the care. He/She needs medical assistant from nurse to be able to
recover from illness or suffering.
The possesses specialized skills and knowledge to assist patients to help recover from illness or
suffering and regain healthy body condition.
The nurse should have skills in order to give nursing care effectively because there are innate
components of nurse's personality and core values - while some nurses may simply be born with
these qualities, others can develop and master them over time.
Knowledge is what the nurse learned though education and practice. It can give a nurse greater
power to take action as to what he/she will do depending on what kind of illness or suffering,
pain and disease a patient has.
Illness or Suffering
Illness is a disease or period of sickness affecting the body or mind of a patient. While suffering is
a feeling of displeaure which ranges from simple to extreme physical, mental, or spiritual
discomfort of a patient.
Rapport is a close, friendly, and harmonious relationship between the nurse and patient to have
mutual understanding, or empathy that makes communication possible or easy.
Empathy is a process wherein the nurse is able to comprehend the psychological state of the
patient, or vise versa (if needed only).
Communication between the nurse and patient is essential to achieve a successful outcome of
nursing care of each patient. To have an effective communication, it requires an understanding
of the patient condition and experiences. It requires also sympathy of the nurse to understand
what concerns the patient.
Sympathy suggests a desire to help a patient who is suffering from an illness, pain, and disease.
FIGURE 1. The Nurse-to-Patient Relationship. This model shows how nurse and patient build a
strong relationship which gives the full meaning and purpose of nursing.
1. A nurse should have proper skills and knowledge for him/her to give nursing care.
2. The nurse's perception of the patient is geatly influences the quality and quantity of nursing
care that are given to the patient.
3. All people, at some time in thier lives, will face illness and pain (mental, physical, or spiritual
suffering), and eventually will die.
4. The patient is the one who needs the medical assistant and help of a nurse. He/she is the
receiver/recepient of the nursing care.
5. The patient will recover and regain healthy body through the help of a nurse.
6 Illness and suffering are spiritual contact a well as emotional and physical experiences.
7. Good rapport creates a close and harmonious relationship with patients. It allows you to
understand your patient's feelings and communicate well with them.
8. Having empathy, communication, and sympathy to your patient are important to play your
role as an effective nurse in giving nursing care. Also, these values are essential to fulfiil the
purpose of nursing.
I fully believe thhat the nurse-to-patient is the foundation of nursing practice across all
populations and cultures. It is therapeutic or nursing care and patient-centred. Already in the
19th century Florence Nightingale considered nursing being an art. Therefore, nursing does not
only involves knowledge, physical skills and scientific understanding but also personal
commitment and building harmonious relationship with the patient and, as well as applying
caring attitudes and behaviours. The nurse as well as the patient can gain experience by sharing
time with each other.
1. The nurse and patient establish a rapport in the final stage. Meeting the nursing goals requires
the creation of a genuine nurse-to-patient relationship, which can only be established by an
interaction process.
2. The patient needs the assistant of a nurse may it be physically, mentally, emotionally, and
3. The nurse-to-patient relationship is vital and essential in giving and receiving nursing care and
is the purpose of nursing.