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Third edition

Rubber compounding ingredients —

Silica, precipitated, hydrated —
Part 1:
Non-rubber tests
Ingrédients de mélange du caoutchouc — Silices hydratées
précipitées —
Partie 1: Essais sur le produit brut

Reference number
ISO 5794-1:2005(E)

© ISO 2005
ISO 5794-1:2005(E)

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ISO 5794-1:2005(E)

Contents Page

Foreword ............................................................................................................................................................ iv
1 Scope...................................................................................................................................................... 1
2 Normative references ........................................................................................................................... 1
3 Terms and definitions........................................................................................................................... 2
4 Sampling ................................................................................................................................................ 2
5 Methods of test...................................................................................................................................... 2
6 Test report.............................................................................................................................................. 3
Annex A (normative) Determination of total copper content......................................................................... 4
Annex B (normative) Determination of total manganese content ................................................................. 7
Annex C (normative) Determination of total iron content ............................................................................ 10
Annex D (normative) Determination of specific surface area...................................................................... 13
Annex E (normative) Determination of the specific surface area by multipoint nitrogen adsorption
test (BET test) ...................................................................................................................................... 20
Annex F (normative) Determination of granule size fractions of granulated precipitated silica ............. 21
Annex G (normative) Determination of CTAB surface area ......................................................................... 23
Annex H (informative) Classification of silicas and typical physical and chemical properties ............... 29
Bibliography ..................................................................................................................................................... 31

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ISO 5794-1:2005(E)

ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies
(ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO
technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been
established has the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental and
non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. ISO collaborates closely with the
International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization.

International Standards are drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2.

The main task of technical committees is to prepare International Standards. Draft International Standards
adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for voting. Publication as an
International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting a vote.

Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent
rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.

ISO 5794-1 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 45, Rubber and rubber products, Subcommittee
SC 3, Raw materials (including latex) for use in the rubber industry.

This third edition cancels and replaces the second edition (ISO 5794-1:1994), which has been technically

ISO 5794 consists of the following parts, under the general title Rubber compounding ingredients — Silica,
precipitated, hydrated:

 Part 1: Non-rubber tests

 Part 2: Evaluation procedures in styrene-butadiene rubber

iv © ISO 2005 – All rights reserved


Rubber compounding ingredients — Silica, precipitated,

hydrated —
Part 1:
Non-rubber tests

WARNING — Persons using this part of ISO 5794 should be familiar with normal laboratory practice.
This part of ISO 5794 does not purport to address all of the safety problems, if any, associated with its
use. It is the responsibility of the user to establish appropriate safety and health practices and ensure
compliance with any national regulatory conditions.

1 Scope
This part of ISO 5794 specifies methods of test for characterizing precipitated hydrated silica for use as a
rubber compounding ingredient. A definition of precipitated hydrated silica is given.

ISO 5794-2 specifies the test formulation, mixing equipment, mixing procedure and methods of test for use in
determining the physical properties of styrene-butadiene rubber compounded with precipitated hydrated silica.

2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated
references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced
document (including any amendments) applies.

ISO 565, Test sieves — Metal wire cloth, perforated metal plate and electroformed sheet — Nominal sizes of

ISO 787-2, General methods of test for pigments and extenders — Part 2: Determination of matter volatile at
105 °C

ISO 787-8, General methods of test for pigments and extenders — Part 8: Determination of matter soluble in
water — Cold extraction method

ISO 787-9, General methods of test for pigments and extenders — Part 9: Determination of pH value of an
aqueous suspension

ISO 787-10, General methods of test for pigments and extenders — Part 10: Determination of density —
Pyknometer method

ISO 787-18, General methods of test for pigments and extenders — Part 18: Determination of residue on
sieve — Mechanical flushing procedure

ISO 1124, Rubber compounding ingredients — Carbon black shipment sampling procedures

ISO 3262-1:1997, Extenders for paints — Specifications and methods of test — Part 1: Introduction and
general test methods

ISO 3262-19:2000, Extenders for paints — Specifications and methods of test — Part 19: Precipitated silica

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ISO 5794-1:2005(E)

ISO 4652-1:1994, Rubber compounding ingredients — Carbon black — Determination of specific surface area
by nitrogen adsorption methods — Part 1: Single-point procedures

ISO 15528, Paints, varnishes and raw materials for paints and varnishes — Sampling

ISO 18852, Rubber compounding ingredients — Determination of multipoint nitrogen surface area (NSA) and
statistical thickness surface area (STSA)

3 Terms and definitions

For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.

precipitated hydrated silica
material composed of amorphous particles obtained from soluble silicates by precipitation from aqueous

4 Sampling
Sampling shall be carried out in accordance with ISO 15528.

5 Methods of test
The properties of precipitated hydrated silica shall be determined by the methods of test referred to in Table 1.

Table 1 — Methods of test

Property Method of test

Silica content of dried sample, % (by mass) ISO 3262-19:2000, Clause 6

Note that the calculation in 6.5 gives the silica content of the
original sample, w(SiO2). In order to obtain the silica content of
the dried sample, wdried(SiO2), proceed as follows:

w dried (SiO 2 ) = w(SiO 2 ) ×
100 − VM
where VM is the volatile matter at 105 °C (see below).
Colour ISO 3262-1:1997, 5.1
Residue on sieve (nominal aperture size 45 µm)
for silica in powder form ISO 3262-19:2000, Clause 8
for silica in other forms ISO 787-18
Volatile matter at 105 °C (loss on heating) ISO 787-2
(Use a test portion of 2 g weighed to the nearest 0,1 mg.)
Density, Mg/m3 ISO 787-10
Loss on ignition at 1 000 °C of dried sample ISO 3262-1:1997, 5.2
pH of slurry ISO 787-9

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ISO 5794-1:2005(E)

Table 1 (continued)

Property Method of test

Water-soluble matter ISO 787-8

Total copper content, mg/kg See Annex A
Total manganese content, mg/kg See Annex B
Total iron content, mg/kg See Annex C
Specific surface area, m2/g See Annexes D, E
Granule size distribution, % See Annex F
CTAB surface area, m2/g See Annex G

6 Test report

The test report shall include the following information:

a) a reference to this part of ISO 5794;

b) all details necessary for complete identification of the material tested;

c) the results of the tests:

1) silica content,

2) colour,

3) residue on sieve (and the test method used),

4) volatile matter at 105 °C,

5) density;

6) loss on ignition at 1 000 °C,

7) pH of slurry,

8) water-soluble matter,

9) total copper content,

10) total manganese content,

11) total iron content,

12) specific surface area by nitrogen adsorption (and the test method used),

13) granule size distribution (fraction retained on the 75 µm and 300 µm screen, and the fines content),

14) specific surface area by CTAB adsorption,

d) any unusual observations noted during the test;

e) any deviations from the test method and the reason for them;

f) any tests performed not covered by this part of ISO 5794;

g) the date of the test.

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ISO 5794-1:2005(E)

Annex A

Determination of total copper content

A.1 Principle
A test portion is digested with hydrofluoric acid and sulfuric acid and the silicon is volatilized as silicon

Any metals in the digested test portion are dissolved in hydrochloric acid, then the solution is diluted and
aspirated into the flame of an atomic absorption spectrometer set at a wavelength of 324,7 nm.

The method is applicable to the determination of copper contents up to 125 mg/kg, and there is provision for
extending the range to 1 250 mg/kg.

WARNING — All recognized health and safety precautions should be taken when performing this
method of analysis.

A.2 Reagents and materials

All reagents shall be of recognized analytical grade. The water used shall be distilled water or water of
equivalent purity.

A.2.1 Acetylene, compressed-gas supply.

A.2.2 Air, compressed-gas supply.

A.2.3 Hydrochloric acid, 10 % (by mass) solution.

Dilute 20 cm3 of 35 % (by mass) hydrochloric acid solution (ρ20 = 1,18 Mg/m3) with 50 cm3 of water.

A.2.4 Hydrofluoric acid, 40 % (by mass) solution (ρ20 = 1,13 Mg/m3).

A.2.5 Sulfuric acid, 98 % (by mass) solution (ρ20 = 1,84 Mg/m3).

A.2.6 Nitric acid, 68 % (by mass) solution (ρ20 = 1,42 Mg/m3).

A.2.7 Copper, standard solution corresponding to 1 g of Cu per cubic decimetre.

Dissolve 1,000 g ± 0,001 g of high-purity copper turnings in a mixture of 10 cm3 of water and 5 cm3 of nitric
acid (A.2.6) in a 100 cm3 beaker. Boil under a fume hood to expel oxides of nitrogen. Cool, transfer to a 1 dm3
volumetric flask, make up to the mark with water and mix. 1 cm3 of this standard solution contains 1 000 µg of

A.2.8 Copper, standard solution corresponding to 50 mg of Cu per cubic decimetre.

Pipette 50,0 cm3 of the 1 g/dm3 standard copper solution (A.2.7) into a 1 dm3 volumetric flask, add 5 cm3 of
nitric acid (A.2.6), make up to the mark with water and mix. 1 cm3 of this standard solution contains 50 µg of

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ISO 5794-1:2005(E)

A.2.9 Copper, standard solution corresponding to 10 mg of Cu per cubic decimetre.

Pipette 50,0 cm3 of the 50 mg/dm3 standard copper solution (A.2.8) into a 250 cm3 volumetric flask, add
1 cm3 of nitric acid (A.2.6), make up to the mark with water and mix. 1 cm3 of this standard solution contains
10 µg of copper.

NOTE Commercially available standard copper solutions may be used, if preferred, instead of A.2.7, A.2.8 and A.2.9.

A.3 Apparatus
Usual laboratory equipment, plus the following:

A.3.1 Platinum dish, of capacity approximately 35 cm3.

A.3.2 Atomic absorption spectrometer, fitted with an air/acetylene burner.

A.3.3 Analytical balance, capable of weighing to 0,1 mg.

A.4 Procedure

A.4.1 Test portion

Weigh, to the nearest 0,1 mg, approximately 2 g of sample into the platinum dish (A.3.1).

A.4.2 Blank test

Carry out a blank test simultaneously with the determination, using the same reagents and same procedures,
but omitting the test portion.

A.4.3 Preparation of the calibration graph

A.4.3.1 Preparation of standard calibration solutions

Into a series of six 50 cm3 volumetric flasks, transfer the volumes of 10 mg/dm3 standard copper solution
(A.2.9) indicated in Table A.1, dilute to the mark with water and mix.

Table A.1 — Standard calibration solutions for determination of copper

Volume of standard copper solution (A.2.9) Corresponding copper content

cm3 µg/cm3

0,5 0,1
2,5 0,5
5,0 1,0
10,0 2,0
15,0 3,0
25,0 5,0

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ISO 5794-1:2005(E)

A.4.3.2 Spectrometric measurements

Aspirate in turn each of the standard calibration solutions prepared in A.4.3.1 into the flame of the atomic
absorption spectrometer (A.3.2) and record their absorbances at a wavelength of 324,7 nm, following the
instructions of the instrument manufacturer.

Aspirate water into the flame after each measurement.

A.4.3.3 Plotting the graph

Plot a graph having, for example, the copper contents, in micrograms per cubic centimetre, as the abscissae
and the corresponding values of absorbance as the ordinates.

A.4.4 Determination

A.4.4.1 Preparation of the test solution

Add 10 cm3 of hydrofluoric acid solution (A.2.4) and 0,5 cm3 of sulfuric acid solution (A.2.5) to the test portion
prepared in A.4.1, in the platinum dish (A.3.1).

Place the dish and contents on a heated sand tray and evaporate under a fume hood until the evolution of
dense white fumes ceases.

Dissolve any residue in 5 cm3 of hydrochloric acid solution (A.2.3) and transfer to a 10 cm3 volumetric flask,
rinsing the dish with two 1 cm3 portions of water and adding the rinsings to the flask. Make up to the mark with
water, and transfer the solution to a dry polyethylene bottle.

A.4.4.2 Spectrometric measurements

Aspirate the test solution prepared in A.4.4.1 and the blank test solution (see A.4.2) into the flame of the
atomic absorption spectrometer and measure their absorbances at 324,7 nm, following the instructions of the
instrument manufacturer. Repeat this procedure and record the mean values of the absorbance of the test
solution and the blank test solution.

Aspirate water into the flame after each measurement.

If the absorbance of the test solution is greater than that of the standard calibration solution having the highest
copper content, dilute 5 cm3 of the test solution to 50 cm3 with water, repeat the measurements and take the
dilution into account in the expression of results.

A.5 Expression of results

By reference to the calibration graph, determine the copper contents corresponding to the absorbances of the
test solution and the blank test solution.

Calculate the total copper content of the sample, w(Cu), expressed in milligrams per kilogram, from the

w(Cu) = 10(ρ1 − ρ2)/m


ρ1 is the copper content, in micrograms per cubic centimetre, of the test solution;

ρ2 is the copper content, in micrograms per cubic centimetre, of the blank test solution;

m is the mass, in grams, of the test portion.

If the test solution was diluted as described in A.4.4.2, multiply the right-hand side of the equation by 10.

Express the result to the nearest 0,1 mg/kg.

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ISO 5794-1:2005(E)

Annex B

Determination of total manganese content

B.1 Principle
The principle is the same as for the determination of total copper content (see Annex A), except that the
absorbance of the test solution is measured at 279,5 nm and is compared with the absorbance of manganese
standard calibration solutions. The method is applicable to the determination of manganese contents up to
125 mg/kg, and there is provision for extending the range to 1 250 mg/kg.

WARNING — All recognized health and safety precautions should be taken when performing this
method of analysis.

B.2 Reagents and materials

All reagents shall be of recognized analytical grade. The water used shall be distilled water or water of
equivalent purity.

B.2.1 Acetylene, as specified in A.2.1.

B.2.2 Air, as specified in A.2.2.

B.2.3 Hydrochloric acid solution, as specified in A.2.3.

B.2.4 Hydrofluoric acid solution, as specified in A.2.4.

B.2.5 Sulfuric acid solution, as specified in A.2.5.

B.2.6 Nitric acid solution, as specified in A.2.6.

B.2.7 Manganese, standard solution corresponding to 1 g of Mn per cubic decimetre.

Dissolve 1,000 g ± 0,001 g of high-purity, oxide-free manganese in a mixture of 50 cm3 of water and 5 cm3 of
nitric acid (B.2.6) in a 400 cm3 beaker. Boil under a fume hood to expel oxides of nitrogen. Cool, transfer to a
1 dm3 volumetric flask, make up to the mark with water and mix.

1 cm3 of this standard solution contains 1 000 µg of manganese.

B.2.8 Manganese, standard solution corresponding to 50 mg of Mn per cubic decimetre.

Pipette 50,0 cm3 of the 1 g/dm3 standard manganese solution (B.2.7) into a 1 dm3 volumetric flask, add 5 cm3
of nitric acid (B.2.6), dilute to the mark with water and mix.

1 cm3 of this standard solution contains 50 µg of manganese.

B.2.9 Manganese, standard solution corresponding to 10 mg of Mn per cubic decimetre.

Pipette 50,0 cm3 of the 50 mg/dm3 standard manganese solution (B.2.8) into a 250 cm3 volumetric flask, add
1 cm3 of nitric acid (B.2.6), make up to the mark with water and mix.

1 cm3 of this standard solution contains 10 µg of manganese.

NOTE Commercially available standard manganese solutions may be used, if preferred, instead of B.2.7, B.2.8 and

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ISO 5794-1:2005(E)

B.3 Apparatus
As specified in A.3.

B.4 Procedure

B.4.1 Test portion

See A.4.1.

B.4.2 Blank test

See A.4.2.

B.4.3 Preparation of the calibration graph

B.4.3.1 Preparation of standard calibration solutions

Into a series of six 50 cm3 volumetric flasks, transfer the volumes of 10 mg/dm3 standard manganese solution
(B.2.9) indicated in Table B.1, dilute to the mark with water and mix.

Table B.1 — Standard calibration solutions for determination of manganese

Volume of standard manganese solution Corresponding manganese

(B.2.9) content
cm3 µg/cm3

0,5 0,1
2,5 0,5
5,0 1,0
10,0 2,0
15,0 3,0
25,0 5,0

B.4.3.2 Spectrometric measurements

Aspirate in turn each of the standard calibration solutions prepared in B.4.3.1 into the flame of the atomic
absorption spectrometer and record their absorbances at a wavelength of 279,5 nm, following the instructions
of the instrument manufacturer.

Aspirate water into the flame after each measurement.

B.4.3.3 Plotting the graph

Plot a graph having, for example, the manganese contents, in micrograms per cubic centimetre, as the
abscissae and the corresponding values of absorbance as the ordinates.

B.4.4 Determination

B.4.4.1 Preparation of the test solution

See A.4.4.1.

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ISO 5794-1:2005(E)

B.4.4.2 Spectrometric measurements

Aspirate the test solution prepared in B.4.4.1 and the blank test solution (see B.4.2) into the flame of the
atomic absorption spectrometer and measure their absorbances at 279,5 nm, following the instructions of the
instrument manufacturer. Repeat this procedure and record the mean values of the absorbance of the test
solution and the blank test solution.

Aspirate water into the flame after each measurement.

If the absorbance of the test solution is greater than that of the standard calibration solution having the highest
manganese content, dilute 5 cm3 of the test solution to 50 cm3 with water, repeat the measurements and take
the dilution into account in the expression of results.

B.5 Expression of results

By reference to the calibration graph, determine the manganese contents corresponding to the absorbances
of the test solution and the blank test solution.

Calculate the total manganese content of the sample, w(Mn), expressed in milligrams per kilogram, from the

w(Mn) = 10(ρ3 − ρ4)/m


ρ3 is the manganese content, in micrograms per cubic centimetre, of the test solution;

ρ4 is the manganese content, in micrograms per cubic centimetre, of the blank test solution;

m is the mass, in grams, of the test portion.

If the test solution was diluted as described in B.4.4.2, multiply the right-hand side of the equation by 10.

Express the result to the nearest 0,1 mg/kg.

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ISO 5794-1:2005(E)

Annex C

Determination of total iron content

C.1 Principle
The principle is the same as for the determination of total copper content (see Annex A), except that the
absorbance of the test solution is measured at a wavelength of 248,3 nm and is compared with the
absorbances of iron standard calibration solutions.

The method is applicable to the determination of iron contents up to 125 mg/kg, and there is provision for
extending the range to 2 500 mg/kg.

WARNING — All recognized health and safety precautions should be taken when performing this
method of analysis.

C.2 Reagents and materials

All reagents shall be of recognized analytical grade. The water used shall be distilled water or water of
equivalent purity.

C.2.1 Acetylene, as specified in A.2.1.

C.2.2 Air, as specified in A.2.2.

C.2.3 Hydrochloric acid solution, as specified in A.2.3.

C.2.4 Hydrofluoric acid solution, as specified in A.2.4.

C.2.5 Sulfuric acid solution, as specified in A.2.5.

C.2.6 Iron, standard solution corresponding to 1 g of Fe per cubic decimetre.

Dissolve 1,000g ± 0,001 g of high-purity iron in a mixture of 10 cm3 of water and 5 cm3 of hydrochloric acid
(C.2.3) in a 100 cm3 beaker. Boil under a fume hood until dissolution is complete. Cool, transfer to a 1 dm3
volumetric flask, make up to the mark with water and mix.

1 cm3 of this standard solution contains 1 000 µg of iron.

C.2.7 Iron, standard solution corresponding to 50 mg of Fe per cubic decimetre.

Pipette 50,0 cm3 of the 1 g/dm3 standard iron solution (C.2.6) into a 1 dm3 volumetric flask, add 5 cm3 of
hydrochloric acid (C.2.3), dilute to the mark with water and mix.

1 cm3 of this standard solution contains 50 µg of iron.

C.2.8 Iron, standard solution corresponding to 10 mg of Fe per cubic decimetre.

Pipette 50,0 cm3 of the 50 mg/dm3 standard iron solution (C.2.7) into a 250 cm3 volumetric flask, add 1 cm3 of
hydrochloric acid (C.2.3), make up to the mark with water and mix.

1 cm3 of this standard solution contains 10 µg of iron.

NOTE Commercially available standard iron solutions may be used, if preferred, instead of C.2.6, C.2.7 and C.2.8.

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ISO 5794-1:2005(E)

C.3 Apparatus
As specified in A.3.

C.4 Procedure

C.4.1 Test portion

See A.4.1.

C.4.2 Blank test

See A.4.2.

C.4.3 Preparation of the calibration graph

C.4.3.1 Preparation of standard calibration solutions

Into a series of six 50 cm3 volumetric flasks, transfer the volumes of 10 mg/dm3 standard iron solution (C.2.8)
indicated in Table C.1, dilute to the mark with water and mix.

Table C.1 — Standard calibration solutions for determination of iron

Volume of standard iron solution (C.2.8) Corresponding iron content

cm3 µg/cm3

0,5 0,1
2,5 0,5
5,0 1,0
10,0 2,0
15,0 3,0
25,0 5,0

C.4.3.2 Spectrometric measurements

Aspirate each of the standard calibration solutions prepared in C.4.3.1 into the flame of the atomic absorption
spectrometer and record their absorbances at a wavelength of 248,3 nm, following the instructions of the
instrument manufacturer.

Aspirate water into the flame after each measurement.

C.4.3.3 Plotting the graph

Plot a graph having, for example, the iron contents, in micrograms per cubic centimetre, as the abscissae and
the corresponding values of absorbance as the ordinates.

C.4.4 Determination

C.4.4.1 Preparation of the test solution

See A.4.4.1.

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ISO 5794-1:2005(E)

C.4.4.2 Spectrometric measurements

Aspirate the test solution prepared in C.4.4.1 and the blank test solution (see C.4.2) into the flame of the
atomic absorption spectrometer and measure their absorbances at 248,3 nm, following the instructions of the
instrument manufacturer. Repeat this procedure and record the mean values of the absorbance of the test
solution and the blank test solution.

Aspirate water into the flame after each measurement.

If the absorbance of the test solution is greater than that of the standard calibration solution having the highest
iron content, dilute 5 cm3 of the test solution to 100 cm3 with water, repeat the measurements and take the
dilution into account in the expression of results.

C.5 Expression of results

By reference to the calibration graph, determine the iron contents corresponding to the absorbances of the
test solution and the blank test solution.

Calculate the total iron content of the sample, w(Fe), expressed in milligrams per kilogram, from the equation

w(Fe) = 10(ρ5 − ρ6)/m


ρ5 is the iron content, in micrograms per cubic centimetre, of the test solution;

ρ6 is the iron content, in micrograms per cubic centimetre, of the blank test solution;

m is the mass, in grams, of the test portion.

If the test solution was diluted as described in C.4.4.2, multiply the right-hand side of the equation by 20.

Express the result to the nearest 0,1 mg/kg.

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ISO 5794-1:2005(E)

Annex D

Determination of specific surface area

D.1 Principle
Two flasks of equal volume — one containing the test portion, the other empty — are filled with nitrogen under
atmospheric pressure at room temperature. Both flasks are then cooled by immersion in liquid nitrogen.

At this temperature, the test portion adsorbs nitrogen, whereby a pressure difference is created between the
flask containing the test portion and the reference flask. The pressure difference is measured by means of a
differential pressure gauge. The specific surface area is calculated from the measured pressure difference,
the nitrogen-gas feed pressure and the mass of the test portion. The method is similar to that described in
ISO 4652-1:1994, Clause 4 (method B).

WARNING — All recognized health and safety precautions should be taken when performing this
method of analysis.

D.2 Materials
D.2.1 Nitrogen gas, in a cylinder, or other source of pre-purified nitrogen, of recognized analytical quality.

D.2.2 Liquid nitrogen.

D.3 Apparatus
D.3.1 Adsorption apparatus1) (see Figure D.1), comprising a reference flask (G) and a sample flask (H)
mounted with gastight connections. These connections are provided with one valve each (A and B) by means
of which the flasks can be connected to the atmosphere. The gas to be adsorbed is fed into each flask
through the connection pieces.

The flasks are made of glass which is resistant to sudden changes of temperature, and have a volume of
approximately 100 cm3. The volume difference between the two flasks shall not exceed 0,1 %. The flask
necks are made of calibrated precision glass tubing with an inside diameter of 5 mm ± 0,02 mm. This ensures
that several flasks can be used as sample or reference flasks without having to adjust the compensation
volume for each different combination.

A U-tube is mounted between the two flasks, and the arms of the pressure gauge are connected by capillary
tubes to the two adsorption flasks. By means of valve D, the two adsorption vessels can be either separated
from one another or connected to one another via their capillary tubes. Using valve E, the two liquid arms of
the differential pressure gauge can be separated or joined together. The measuring fluid is dibutyl phthalate.

The two arms of the differential pressure gauge are made of calibrated precision glass tubing with an inside
diameter of 5 mm ± 0,02 mm. Therefore, any change in volume during gas adsorption can be sufficiently
accurately calculated. The feed capillary to the sample flask, owing to its short length, is considered as a
compensation volume which is adjusted during preparation of the equipment (see D.7).

1) A suitable adsorption apparatus is the Areameter, available from Juwe GmbH, Fuggerstr. 6, D-41352 Korschenbroich,
Germany. This information is given for the convenience of users of this part of ISO 5794 and does not constitute an
endorsement by ISO of the apparatus named. Other apparatus may be used provided it complies with the specified

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ISO 5794-1:2005(E)

A to E valves K compensation volume
F cold bath L safety valve
G reference flask M flow meter
H sample flask N drying tower
J differential pressure gauge P nitrogen inlet

Figure D.1 — Areameter adsorption apparatus

The gas is introduced into the equipment through valve C. If valves A, B and D are open, the gas flows
through both flasks. If valves A and D are closed, the reference flask is shut off and only the sample flask is
purged with the gas.

When a measurement is made, only part of the volume enclosed by valves A, B and C is cooled to the
measurement temperature by the liquid nitrogen. The remaining volume, which will be at or near room
temperature, shall not be more than 10 % of the total volume. The connections to the adsorption flasks are
therefore capillaries which almost completely fill the necks of the flasks. In this manner, the volume of gas at
room temperature is kept to a minimum.

NOTE Procedures for commissioning new equipment and for carrying out checks are given in D.7.

14 © ISO 2005 – All rights reserved

ISO 5794-1:2005(E)

D.3.2 Control thermostat 2 ), designed to ensure that the adsorption flasks are kept at a constant
temperature, and either purged with nitrogen gas or evacuated.

D.3.3 Analytical balance, accurate to 0,1 mg.

D.3.4 Drying oven, capable of being maintained at 105 °C ± 2 °C.

D.3.5 Cold bath, containing liquid nitrogen (D.2.2).

D.4 Preparation of the test portion

D.4.1 The maximum reading (400 mm) of the differential pressure gauge corresponds to a surface area of
approximately 50 m2. The mass of the test portion shall therefore be adjusted so that the difference in liquid
levels, ∆h, in the differential pressure gauge is as great as possible and at least 50 mm. If the approximate
specific surface area is not known, preliminary tests with various test-portion masses shall be performed to
establish the most suitable mass for the test portion.

NOTE Table D.1 gives, as a guide, the test-portion masses most suitable for various specific surface areas.

Table D.1 — Test-portion masses suitable for various specific surface areas

Specific surface area Mass of test portion

m2/g g

20 0,6 to 0,8
30 0,4, to 0,6
40 0,3 to 0,5
80 0,2 to 0,3
120 0,15 to 0,2
140 0,1 to 0,15
> 200 < 0,1

D.4.2 Transfer a suitable amount of silica without pre-drying to a previously tared sample flask by means of
a funnel. Introduce the test portion into the flask in such a manner that no material adheres to the walls of the
neck. In order to avoid electrostatic charge causing the silica to adhere to the neck of the flask, discharge the
flask by putting it on a grounded copper plate before and after weighing.

D.4.3 Determine the mass of the test portion by difference, carrying out both weighings to the nearest
0,1 mg.

D.4.4 In order to determine the actual silica content, the mass of the test portion in the flask shall be
corrected for the moisture content. For this purpose, determine the moisture content immediately after
weighing the silica into the Areameter flask, using a separate silica test portion, as follows. Weigh, to the
nearest 0,1 mg, 2 g of the silica under test into a weighing bottle with a ground-glass stopper. With the
weighing bottle open, dry the test portion for 2 h at 105 °C ± 2 °C in the oven (D.3.4). Stopper the hot
weighing bottle in the oven and allow it to cool to room temperature in a desiccator. Weigh the stoppered
weighing bottle plus contents to the nearest 0,1 mg. Calculate the moisture content of the test portion by

2) A suitable themostat is that designed for the Areameter, available from Juwe GmbH, Fuggerstr. 6, D-41352
Korschenbroich, Germany. This information is given for the convenience of users of this part of ISO 5794 and does not
constitute an endorsement by ISO of the apparatus named. Other apparatus may be used provided it complies with the
specified requirements.

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ISO 5794-1:2005(E)

D.4.5 Before determining the surface area, remove as much adsorbed matter as possible from the surface
of the test portion by purging in a flow of nitrogen.

D.4.6 Carry out this desorption in a thermostat-controlled enclosure at 150 °C to 160 °C (preferably 155 °C
to 160 °C) for a period of 60 min ± 5 min. Adjust the thermostat thermometer to a height 3 cm above the
bottom of the flask. Adjust the nitrogen flow through the flask to 75 cm3/min.

D.4.7 After desorption, allow the test portion to cool to room temperature under a flow of nitrogen, and
stopper and store the flask until required for the determination.

D.5 Procedure
D.5.1 Connect flask H containing the prepared test portion to the nitrogen supply and open valves B and C,
allowing nitrogen to flow into the flask with valves D, A and E closed.

D.5.2 Open valves D, A and E and place both reference and sample flask in a water bath maintained at
23 °C ± 2 °C, maintaining the flow of nitrogen.

D.5.3 After 10 min to 15 min, determine the pressure difference in the flasks by closing valves A, B, C and D.
If a pressure difference exists, re-open the valves in the order D, C, B and A, and continue purging with
nitrogen. Close valves A, B, C and D when the pressures are equal.

D.5.4 When pressure equilibrium has been attained, close valve E and stop the nitrogen flow by closing the
supply valves.

D.5.5 Wipe the water drops off the flasks, immerse the flasks in the liquid-nitrogen bath (D.3.5) to the lower
mark on the neck and, after 1 min, open valve E very slowly.

D.5.6 When the resulting pressure difference has stabilized, read the difference in heights of the liquid in the
U-tube arms to the nearest 0,5 mm.

D.5.7 Close valve E. Replace the liquid-nitrogen bath (D.3.5) with a water bath maintained at approximately
40 °C. After a few minutes, start the nitrogen flow and open valves D, C, B, A and E in that order.

D.5.8 When the connections have reached room temperature, close valves A, D and E and disconnect the
sample flask with valves B and C open.

D.6 Expression of results

D.6.1 Method of calculation

Calculate the specific surface area, Sm, in square metres per gram, using the equation

( )
 1,05 × 10 5 − p 
S m = 1,174 × 10 −7 
 m  

( )
 ×  13,71 + 6,656 × 10 −5 p ∆h + m  p − p B  

ρ  77,6 295  
 


p is the equilibrium pressure, in pascals, given by

109,6 p B
p = − 10,29∆h
393,1 + 9,82 × 10 −3 ∆h )
m is the mass, in grams, of the test portion corrected for the moisture content of the sample;

∆h is the difference, in millimetres, in the heights of the liquid in the U-tube arms;

16 © ISO 2005 – All rights reserved

ISO 5794-1:2005(E)

pB is the atmospheric pressure, in pascals;

ρ is the density, in megagrams per cubic metre, of the test sample, assumed to be equal to 2,0 Mg/m3.

NOTE For specific surface areas greater than 1 m2/g, the term

m p p 
 − B 
ρ  77, 6 295 

may be ignored.

Express the result to the nearest 1 m2/g.

D.6.2 Calculation using a nomogram

Calculation may be simplified by the use of a nomogram (see Figure D.2).

Figure D.2 — Nomogram

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ISO 5794-1:2005(E)

Place a straight edge over the nomogram to join the measured value of ∆h on the ∆h scale with the measured
value of pB on the vertical pB scale. Record the value at the point of intersection of the line and scale A.

Place a straight edge over the nomogram to join the measured value of ∆h on the ∆h scale with the measured
value of pB on the inclined, reduced pB scale. Record the value at the point of intersection of the line and
scale B.

The specific surface area, in square metres per gram, is given by the equation

A × ∆h B
Sm = +
m ρ× p


A and B are the values derived from the nomogram as described above;

∆h, m, ρ and p are as defined in D.6.1.

Express the result to the nearest 1 m2/g.

D.7 Notes on procedure — Preparation of the Areameter

D.7.1 General

When commissioning new equipment or when checking existing equipment, carry out the following tests to
check whether the compensation volume (K in Figure D.1) is correctly adjusted and that the apparatus is

D.7.2 Volume-equalization test

It is essential for this test that valve D is gastight (see D.7.3).

Connect the empty adsorption flasks to the apparatus, aligning the upper marks on the flask necks with the
lower gasket. Then open all the valves and purge the apparatus with nitrogen. Use a flow rate of
2,8 cm3/s ± 0,15 cm3/s.

While purging, keep the flasks immersed in a water bath at 23 °C ± 2 °C to the lower mark on the flask necks,
so that both flasks attain the same temperature. When this can be assumed to have taken place (allow at
least 10 min), seal the apparatus from the atmosphere and separate the flasks from each other by closing
valves A, B, C and D in that order. Closing valve D may cause a minor pressure difference. If this pressure
difference changes within the next 2 min, complete temperature equilibrium has not been reached between
the adsorption flasks. In this case, re-open valves D, C, B and A in that order and again purge the apparatus
with nitrogen. Repeat the test after a few minutes. When temperature equilibrium has been reached, close
valve E. Remove the water bath, wipe off the adhering water drops and immerse the flasks to the lower mark
on the flask necks in a cold bath of boiling nitrogen.

As soon as the flasks have assumed the temperature of the boiling nitrogen (for empty flasks, after
approximately 1 min), open valve E very slowly. If the volumes of the sample flask and the reference flask are
correctly balanced, there will be no pressure difference between them. In this case, close valve E again and
re-open valve D. Then remove the cold bath and replace by a water bath at approximately 40 °C to thaw out
the flasks. Remove the warm-water bath as soon as the flasks have reached approximately room temperature.
After a few minutes, re-open valves C, B and A in that order, and purge the apparatus with nitrogen.

Cooling and heating the flasks may result in high pressure differences for short periods. This could cause the
dibutyl phthalate in the U-tube to enter other parts of the apparatus. It is therefore important that valve E be
kept open at the times indicated.

18 © ISO 2005 – All rights reserved

ISO 5794-1:2005(E)

If a pressure difference should arise during the preparation of the apparatus, change the compensation
volume (K in Figure D.1) at room temperature in such a way that the volumes on both sides of the differential
pressure gauge are equal. Check the volume balance by repeating the above test.

D.7.3 Leak test

If balancing the volumes at the temperature of boiling nitrogen results in a continuously increasing, or very
considerable, pressure difference (greater than 400 mm) after valve E has slowly been opened, this is
evidence of leaks from the apparatus to the atmosphere (i.e. through valves A, B and C).

The gastightness of valve D cannot be checked by means of the pressure difference, and this valve must
therefore be tested separately. To do this, immerse the flasks in the cold bath, close valves B, C and D and
open valves A and E. By means of valve A, produce a difference in liquid heights of approximately 300 mm
and close valve A.

This difference in height shall not change by more than 1 mm within 10 min.

D.7.4 Operational check

Check the correct operation of the apparatus initially, and periodically during use, by measurement of the
surface area of a silica of known specific surface area. The specific surface area of the reference material
shall have been measured using the same method.

D.7.5 Maintenance

Replace the dibutyl phthalate in the U-tube if it becomes polluted, or at least once a year. Also replace
exhausted silica gel in the drying tower.

© ISO 2005 – All rights reserved 19

ISO 5794-1:2005(E)

Annex E

Determination of the specific surface area by multipoint nitrogen

adsorption test (BET test)

E.1 Scope
E.1.1 This annex specifies a method for the determination of the surface area of precipitated hydrated
silicas based on the Brunauer, Emmett and Teller (BET) theory of gas adsorption using multipoint
determinations. The test method described in ISO 18852 specifies the sample preparation and treatment,
instrument calibration, required accuracy and precision of experimental data, and calculation of the surface
area from the data obtained.

E.1.2 The method is used to determine the nitrogen surface area of precipitated silicas with specific surface
areas in the range of 1 hm2/kg to 50 hm2/kg (10 m2/g to 500 m2/g).

E.2 Significance and use

E.2.1 This method is used to measure the surface area of precipitated hydrated silicas that is available to
the nitrogen molecule.

E.2.2 Silicas, like other solids, adsorb nitrogen under specified conditions. With increasing partial pressure,
coverage of the silica surface increases, and at a certain stage a monolayer of nitrogen molecules is formed.

NOTE The quantity in this hypothetical monomolecular layer is calculated using the BET equation. Combining this
with the area occupied by the nitrogen molecule yields the total surface area of the solid.

E.2.3 The method measures the estimated quantity of nitrogen in the monomolecular layer by adsorption at
liquid nitrogen temperature and at several (at least five) partial pressures of nitrogen.

E.2.4 Before a surface area determination can be made, it is necessary that the silica be stripped of any
material which may already be adsorbed on the surface. The stripping of adsorbed foreign material (by
heating under vacuum, while maintaining the hydration of the silica) eliminates two potential errors. The first
error is associated with the mass of the foreign material. The second error is associated with the surface area
occupied by the foreign material.

E.3 Procedure
E.3.1 Sampling shall be carried out in accordance with ISO 15528.

E.3.2 Carry out the determination by the procedure described in ISO 18852 except that, before starting the
determination, the sample shall be pre-dried at 110 °C ± 5 °C. When drying hydrated silica, it shall be ensured
that the moisture level does not drop below 1 % (preferably staying in the 2 % to 6 % range) because
electrostatic build-up makes it difficult to handle and transfer the powder.

E.3.3 The suitability of the statistical thickness surface area (STSA) method for hydrated silicas has not
been established yet.

20 © ISO 2005 – All rights reserved

ISO 5794-1:2005(E)

Annex F

Determination of granule size fractions of granulated precipitated silica

F.1 Principle
This test method covers a procedure to measure the granule size fractions of granulated precipitated silica. It
describes the test equipment, sample treatment and evaluation of test results.

A test portion of granulated silica is put on a stack of defined sieves and is shaken for 5 min. The amount of
silica passing through all sieves or remaining on the various sieves is determined.

The method is applicable to all granulated silicas.

F.2 Sampling
Samples shall be taken in accordance with ISO 15528 or ISO 1124.

F.3 Apparatus
F.3.1 Sieve shaker3).

F.3.2 Sieves, nominally 200 mm diameter, 25 mm high, of woven metal wire cloth, conforming to ISO 565,
having apertures of 300 µm (U.S. standard sieve No. 50) and 75 µm (U.S. standard sieve No. 200).

Other sizes may be added by agreement between the interested parties.

F.3.3 Analytical balance, capable of weighing to 0,001 g.

F.4 Procedures
F.4.1 Weigh, to the nearest 0,01 g, the bottom receiver pan, the 75 µm sieve and the 300 µm sieve.

F.4.2 Weigh to the nearest 0,01 g approximately 100 g of the silica sample. Alternatively, 10 g may be used.

F.4.3 Stack the sieves in the following order from bottom to top:

 bottom receiver pan;

 75 µm sieve;

 300 µm sieve.

3) A Ro-Tap sieve shaker is satisfactory for this purpose. It is available from W.S. Tyler, 8570 Tyler Boulevard, Mentor,
Ohio 44060, USA. This information is given for the convenience of users of this part of ISO 5794 and does not constitute
an endorsement by ISO of the apparatus named. Other types of apparatus may be used if they can be shown to lead to
the same results.

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ISO 5794-1:2005(E)

F.4.4 Transfer the silica sample to the top sieve and install the top sieve cover.

F.4.5 Transfer the sieve assembly to the sieve shaker. Raise the sieve assembly to the holding clamp at the
top of the apparatus and tighten with the wing nuts.

F.4.6 Place the hammer in the operating position.

F.4.7 Set the timer of the equipment to 5 min and switch on.

F.4.8 The equipment is switched off automatically after reaching the shaking time set.

F.4.9 Weigh the silica retained on the sieves and in the bottom receiver pan.

F.5 Calculation of test results

The silica in the bottom receiver pan constitutes the fines content. All results shall be expressed as a
percentage of the silica test-portion mass determined in F.4.2.

Silica retained = (Vessel + silica) – Empty vessel

Mass of silica retained on 300 µm screen

w1 = × 100
Mass of test portion

Mass of silica retained on 75 µm screen

w2 = × 100
Mass of test portion

Mass of silica retained in bottom pan

Fines = × 100
Mass of test portion

22 © ISO 2005 – All rights reserved

ISO 5794-1:2005(E)

Annex G

Determination of CTAB surface area

G.1 Scope
This annex specifies a method for determining the CTAB (hexadecyltrimethyl ammonium bromide) surface
area which reflects the external, i.e. non-porous, surface area of the silica.

G.2 Principle
A solution of hexadecyltrimethyl ammonium bromide (CTAB) is added to a test portion of silica. Under
agitation, a suspension is generated, leading to adsorption of CTAB by the silica surface.

After separation of the liquid phase, the non-adsorbed CTAB is determined by turbidity titration.

G.3 Reagents and materials

G.3.1 Buffer solution of pH 9,6, c(H3BO3) = 0,05 mol/dm3.

To a 1 000 cm3 volumetric flask containing 500 cm3 of distilled water, add 3,101 g of boric acid, 3,708 g of
potassium chloride and, with a burette, 36,85 cm3 of 1 M sodium hydroxide. After the solids have dissolved, fill
the volumetric flask to 1 000 cm3 with distilled or deionized water and homogenize with a magnetic stirrer.

G.3.2 Hexadecyltrimethyl ammonium bromide (CTAB) solution, c(CTAB) = 0,015 1 mol/dm3.

In a 1 000 cm3 volumetric flask containing 350 cm3 of buffer solution (G.3.1) and approximately 500 cm3 of
distilled or deionized water, dissolve 5,50 g of reagent-grade CTAB, purity > 99 %. Fill up to the mark with
distilled or deionized water and warm the solution to a temperature of 27 °C to 37 °C to facilitate dissolution.
Cool to a temperature between 22 °C and 25 °C before using.

Do not store the solution or allow it to cool below 22 °C since this will result in slow crystallization of the CTAB.

G.3.3 Sodium di(2-ethylhexyl) sulfosuccinate (aerosol OT) solution, c(aerosol OT) = 0,003 89 mol/dm3.

Dissolve 1,730 g of aerosol OT in 1 000 cm3 of distilled or deionized water by stirring vigorously with a
magnetic stirrer for 48 h. Allow to stand an additional twelve days before use.

Cap the solution tightly and store in a cool place. Since aerosol OT solution may be subject to slow
biodegradation, do not store the solution for more than 2 months.

Once opened, keep solid aerosol OT in a desiccator.

G.3.4 Distilled or deionized water.

© ISO 2005 – All rights reserved 23

ISO 5794-1:2005(E)

G.4 Apparatus
G.4.1 Automatic titration equipment, with a) a photoelectric detector or photometer measuring the light
transmittance at a wavelength of 550 nm, and b) a 20 cm3 burette.

G.4.2 Analytical balance, 0,1 mg sensitivity.

G.4.3 Magnetic stirrer.

G.4.4 Magnetic spinbar.

G.4.5 Microfiltration membrane filter discs, 47 mm diameter, pore size 0,1 µm.

G.4.6 Filter holder.

G.4.7 Sampling cylinder, 30 cm3, stainless steel, suitable for 0,7 MPa (7 bar) pressure.

G.4.8 Centrifuge.

G.4.9 Centrifuge tubes.

G.4.10 Syringe.

G.4.11 Filter for syringe, pore size preferably 0,45 µm.

G.4.12 Glass vials.

G.4.13 Pipettes, 5 cm3, 10 cm3, 30 cm3, class A.

G.4.14 Gravity-convection drying oven, capable of maintaining 105 °C ± 1 °C.

G.4.15 Volumetric flasks, 1 000 cm3.

G.4.16 Titration beakers.

G.4.17 Combined glass/calomel electrode.

G.4.18 pH-meter (if automatic titrator is not used for pH adjustment).

G.4.19 Mortar and pestle.

G.4.20 Sieve, 150 µm, with receiver pan.

G.5 Sample preparation

The silica is tested without prior drying. Powder the granulated silica gently with a mortar and pestle and then
pass it through a 150 µm sieve.

G.6 Procedure

G.6.1 Test portion

Weigh, to the nearest 0,1 mg, a test portion of the sieved silica into a glass vial and record the mass.
Appropriate test portions may be selected as indicated in Table G.1.

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ISO 5794-1:2005(E)

Table G.1 — Test-portion size

Estimated surface area Test portion

m2/g g
50 1,000
90 0,600
120 0,450
175 0,300
200 0,270

An appropriate test-portion mass may also be taken as 53/Sest, in grams, where Sest is an estimate of the
expected CTAB surface area.

G.6.2 Adsorption

G.6.2.1 Insert a magnetic spinbar into the vial. Add 30,0 cm3 of CTAB solution taking care to prevent foaming
of the solution. It is also possible to add the equivalent of 30 cm3 of CTAB solution gravimetrically (in grams).

If for any reason the volume of CTAB solution is modified, it is essential to change the mass of the test portion

G.6.2.2 Cap the vial and stir for 35 min. Make sure that the temperature of the suspension is between 23 °C
and 27 °C.

G.6.3 Separation

G.6.3.1 General

To separate the silica from the CTAB solution a centrifuge (see G.6.3.2), a syringe (see G.6.3.3) or a
membrane filter (see G.6.3.4) can be used.

G.6.3.2 Separation using a centrifuge

G. Insert the centrifuge tube containing the suspension of silica and CTAB solution into the
centrifuge and start the machine.

Centrifuge conditions shall be selected in such way as to generate a non-turbid supernatant solution. During
the run, the temperature of the solution shall be kept below 27 °C.

G. Take a test portion from the liquid for titration (see G.6.4).

G.6.3.3 Separation using a syringe

Fill a suitable syringe with 20 cm3 of the silica suspension.

G.6.3.4 Separation using a membrane filter

G. Wipe clinging water from the outside of the sample vial. Pour the test portion through a small
funnel into the pressure cell. Connect the cell to the pressure manifold and filter under 0,7 MPa (7 bar) of air
or nitrogen pressure. Discard the first 5 cm3 of filtrate and then collect the rest of the filtrate in a clean vial.
Agitate or stir the collected filtrate to ensure homogeneity.

G. Take a test portion from the liquid for titration (G.6.4).

© ISO 2005 – All rights reserved 25

ISO 5794-1:2005(E)

G.6.4 Titration

G.6.4.1 Prepare the automatic titration apparatus in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.
Select titration parameters so as to give fast addition of CTAB in the initial stage of the titration (typically
10 cm3/min or 170 mm3/s) and slower addition depending on the slope of the titration curve (typically
0,4 cm3/min or 7 mm3/s) close to the end-point.

G.6.4.2 Pipette 10 cm3 of the CTAB solution from G., G.6.3.3 or G. to be titrated into a
titration beaker. Take care to avoid formation of excessive foam.

G.6.4.3 Add 50 cm3 of distilled or deionized water.

G.6.4.4 Place the beaker in the automatic titrator and adjust the speed of the stirrer to provide effective
mixing without foam generation.

G.6.4.5 Start the titration, which will be terminated automatically as the end-point, i.e. the point of
inflection of the titration curve, is reached.

G.6.4.6 Make duplicate tests.

G.6.5 Standardization of solutions

G.6.5.1 The OT consumption for 5 cm3 of CTAB solution shall be checked daily (blank value).

G.6.5.2 Pipette 5 cm3 of CTAB solution into a titration beaker.

G.6.5.3 Add 55 cm3 of distilled or deionized water.

G.6.5.4 Proceed as described in G.6.4.4 and G.6.4.5.

G.6.5.5 Due to the importance of the blank value for the results of samples under test, it shall be
determined three times and the average value used for calculation in G.7.

G.7 Calculation
G.7.1 Whereas the concentration of the CTAB solution is assumed to be exactly 0,015 1 mol/dm3, the
concentration of the aerosol OT solution is determined by titration of 5 cm3 of CTAB (see G.6.5).

0,015 1× 5
c OT =


V0 is the average volume of OT required for the blank titration, in cm3;

cOT is the concentration of aerosol OT, in mol/dm3.

G.7.2 The amount of CTAB adsorbed per gram of silica, Nad, is calculated, in mol/g, as follows:

1 Vi
N ad = ( 2V 0 − V ) × c OT × ×
m Vt


V0 is the volume, in cm3, of OT required for the titration of 5 cm3 of CTAB;

V is the volume, in cm3, of OT required for 10 cm3 of filtrate;

26 © ISO 2005 – All rights reserved

ISO 5794-1:2005(E)

m is the mass of the test portion, in g;

Vi is the volume, in cm3, of CTAB added to the silica;

Vt is the volume, in cm3, of the CTAB aliquot used for the titration (here: 10 cm3).

G.7.3 Assuming that the molecular area of one CTAB molecule adsorbed, ACTAB, is 0,35 nm2, the specific
surface area S' is given, in m2/g, by

N ad × 0,35 × 10 −18 × N A
S' =
1 000

where NA is the Avogadro constant (6,022 × 1023 mol−1).

G.7.4 The CTAB surface area is referred to silica dried for 2 h at 105 °C (for the drying procedure, refer to
D.4.4), as follows:

S' × 100
S =
(100 − VM)

S is the CTAB surface area referred to dried silica, in m2/g;

VM is the volatile-matter content of the silica, in %.

G.7.5 Combining the equations above gives

( 2V 0 − V ) × c OT × ACTAB × N A × V i × 100
S =
m × (100 − VM) × V t × 1 000

( 2V 0 − V ) × 0,015 1× 5 × ( 0,35 × 10 −18 ) × ( 6,022 × 10 23 ) × 30 × 100

S =
V 0 × m × (100 − VM) × 10 × 1 000

( 2V 0 − V ) × 4 774
S =
V 0 × m × (100 − VM)

G.8 Precision
For the determination of precision data (see Table G.2), nine laboratories participated in a round-robin test.
On two different silica samples with different surface areas (grade B and grade F as defined in Table H.1), the
CTAB surface area was measured twice a day on ten consecutive days, followed by one test per week during
the following eight consecutive weeks. The precision data were calculated in accordance with normal
statistical procedures.

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ISO 5794-1:2005(E)

Table G.2 — Precision data

Average Within laboratory Between laboratories

surface area
Sample sr r (r) sR R (R)
m2/g m2/g m2/g % m2/g m2/g %

Grade B silica 171,1 1,52 5,40 3,16 2,63 6,84 3,99

Grade F silica 52,4 0,73 3,00 5,73 1,51 3,77 7,19

sr is the standard deviation within laboratories;

r is the repeatability (in measurement units);

(r) is the repeatability (in relative percent);

sR is the standard deviation between laboratories;

R is the reproducibility (in measurement units);

(R) is the reproducibility (in relative percent).

28 © ISO 2005 – All rights reserved

ISO 5794-1:2005(E)

Annex H

Classification of silicas and typical physical and chemical properties

H.1 General
The purpose of standardizing on a limited number of grades is to avoid a proliferation of grades. Material
meeting the requirements given herein is suitable for use in rubber compounds. It does not follow that material
not meeting these requirements is unsuitable for such use.

H.2 Classification according to specific surface area

Six grades of silica are defined in Table H.1. The method for determining specific surface area is given in
Annex D or E.

Table H.1 — Classification of silicas

Specific surface area


A > 191
B 161 to 190
C 136 to 160
D 106 to 135
E 71 to 105
F < 70

H.3 Typical values of physical and chemical properties

Typical values of physical and chemical properties, determined by the methods specified in Table 1, are given
in Table H.2.

H.4 Physical form and dispersibility

H.4.1 The physical form of the silica should be such that, when incorporated into the rubber in accordance
with the test recipe, and using the equipment and procedure given in ISO 5794-2, the unvulcanized mix so
produced has the silica properly dispersed, showing no evidence of agglomerates or uneven dispersion of

H.4.2 To reduce dust levels when the silica is being handled, dust-reduced forms of the powder, such as
pellets, granules or beads, are recommended, provided that such forms comply with the dispersibility
requirement (see H.4.1) and the other requirements of this part of ISO 5794.

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ISO 5794-1:2005(E)

H.5 Rubber tests

Results of tests carried out in accordance with Table 1 should be as agreed between supplier and consumer.
Typical values are given in Table H.2.

Table H.2 — Typical values of physical and chemical properties

Property Typical value

Silica (SiO2) content of dried sample 90,0 % (by mass) min.

Colour Should match agreed sample.
Residue on 45 µm sieve (powder form) 0,5 % (by mass) max.
Loss on heating at 105 °C 4,0 % (by mass) to 8,0 % (by mass)
Density 2,0 Mg/m3
Loss on ignition at 1 000 °C (of dried sample) 7,0 % (by mass) max.
pH of slurry (5 g of silica in 100 g of water) 5,0 to 8,0
Water-soluble matter 3 % (by mass) max.
Total copper (Cu) content of dried sample 30 mg/kg max.
Total manganese (Mn) content of dried sample 50 mg/kg max.
Total iron (Fe) content of dried sample 500 mg/kg max.

30 © ISO 2005 – All rights reserved

ISO 5794-1:2005(E)


[1] ISO 5794-2, Rubber compounding ingredients — Silica, precipitated, hydrated — Part 2: Evaluation
procedures in styrene-butadiene rubber

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ISO 5794-1:2005(E)

ICS 83.040.20
Price based on 31 pages

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