Titanic: in Disasters Like The Sinking of The, Who Should Be Saved First?
Titanic: in Disasters Like The Sinking of The, Who Should Be Saved First?
Titanic: in Disasters Like The Sinking of The, Who Should Be Saved First?
In disasters like the sinking of the
Titanic, who should be saved first?
Some people say that, in emergencies, women and children should be saved first.
Do you agree with this?
When the Titanic was built, everyone said it to be helped. Second, they believed that the
was indestructible. But on the night of April lives of women and children were more
14, 1912, on its first voyage from England to valuable. Finally, many men thought placing
New York, the Titanic hit an iceberg and sank. women and children first was simply the right
Of the 2,224 people aboard, only about 700 and proper thing to do. “Women and children
survived. first” is how they did everything.
Many of the people who survived were Does this make sense? What if the Titanic
women and children. This was because male sank today? Do you think men should do the
passengers decided that women and children same thing?
should get into the lifeboats first. There were
many reasons for this. First, men believed that
women and children were weaker, and needed
Your Turn!
Write Now: Do you think “women and children first” is a good idea? Why or why not?
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