Lesson 1
Lesson 1
Lesson 1
Besides reference groups, there is also the opposition of in-groups and out-
groups. An
in-group is a social group toward which a member feels respect and
loyalty, while an
Firm up
Living in a society implies that we are governed by a set of
rules. Some rules may be imposed while others are
negotiated. Regardless of how these were arranged, their
importance in understanding what is culturally, socially and
politically acceptable cannot be denied. A social institution
“consists of all the structural components of a society
through which the main concerns and activities are
organized, and social needs … are met” (Marshall 1998:
317–318). In addition to this, there is also a tradition of
the study of institutions as constraining. Douglass North
defines institutions as “humanly devised constraints that
structure, political, economic and social interactions”
(North 1991: 97). These constraints come in the form of
informal control such as taboos, culture and tradition.
Constraints are also manifested through the establishment of
formal rules such as law and constitution.
Key concepts
Family is a social institution found in all societies that
unites people in cooperative groups to care for one another,
including any children (Macionis 2012: 418). The nuclear
family is a family composed of one or two parents and their
children. It is also known as a conjugal family.