DLL Q2 Week 6
DLL Q2 Week 6
DLL Q2 Week 6
A 1.Describe social stratification from functionalist and conflict perspectives. UCSP11/12HSOI – IIc – 30
2.Assessed the impact of social stratification as ranking of individuals according to wealth, power and prestige in the society.
B 1. Discuss the characteristics of the systems of stratification UCSP11/12HSOI – IId – 31
2. Recognize the different systems of stratification and its impact to the society
C 1.Identify the different social and political inequalities as features of societies and the global community
Objectives Write the
UCSP11/12HSOI – IIe – 32
LC code for each
2.Share suggestions how to address global inequalities
Content is what the lesson is all about. It pertains to the subject matter that the teacher aims to teach. In the CG, the content can be
II. CONTENT tackled in a week or two.
A. References MODULE 7
1. Teacher’s Guide UCSP UCSP UCSP UCSP
2. Learner’s Material
Social Desirables (Wealth, Social Desirables (Wealth, Power Social Mobility Systems Lesson 3 Social Inequality
Power and Prestige) and Prestige)
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Youtube, Slideshare, Youtube, Slideshare Youtube, Slideshare Youtube, Slideshare
Materials for Learning
Resource Portal
B. Other Learning Visual aids / Powerpoint Visual aids / Powerpoint Visual aids / Powerpoint Visual aids / Powerpoint
Resources Presentation Presentation Presentation Presentation
These steps should be done across the week. Spread out the activities appropriately so that students will learn well. Always be
guided by demonstration of learning by the students which you can infer from formative assessment activities. Sustain learning
IV. PROCEDURES systematically by providing students with multiple ways to learn new things, practice their learning, question their learning
processes, and draw conclusions about what they learned in relation to their life experiences and previous knowledge. Indicate the
time allotment for each step.
A. Reviewing Review the past lesson taken Greet the learners and review Ask the lesrners about their Begin the lesson by discussing
Previous Lesson or and introduce the new the past lesson. ideas in Social Mobility the importance of government
Presenting the New lesson. Systems? programs and initiatives in
Lesson addressing social inequalities.
Students must demonstrate Learners must learn the
an understanding of social following: Activity 2.1: Explain the role of the
stratifications as the ranking 1. Social Desirables and Share Your Story (SYS) government in promoting social
of individuals according to the three Indicators that Directions: Recall an justice and equitable
wealth, power and prestige. make one social experience and or a success opportunities.
desirables higher than story of people whom you
Forms of Stratification the other. know in your community. This
Systems 2. Two theories in the story tells a struggle from
B. Establishing a 1. Introduce different study of Social rugs to riches or from scratch
Purpose for the forms of stratification Stratification: Conflict to something remarkable.
Lesson systems, such as theory and Functionalist
caste systems, class Theory
systems, and slavery.
2. Discuss how each
form operates and
influences individuals'
life chances.
C. Presenting What’s New! Learners will be ask about their GROUP WORK:
Examples/ Instances Activity 1: Rank my Order! idea on social desirable and its Activity 3.1: LISTEN to my Voice
of the Lesson three indicators The teacher will discuss Listen to News, Public Affairs
D. Discussing New Directions: According to about the Social Mobility Public Service Program of your
Concepts and your own preference, rank Teacher will discuss about Systems favorite AM/FM Radio
Practicing New Skills and order the following. Social Desirables which also Station. List down five topics
#1 Write 1 as the highest and viewed in Palispis and Sampa frequently discussed by the
10 as your lowest on the (2015) as dimensions of News Anchor
space before each number stratification and Two theories in 1.
the study of Social Stratification: 2.
Conflict theory and Functionalist 3.
Theory through their 4.
comparissons. 5.
Answer the following questions
briefly and direct to the point:.
E. Discussing New 1. What group of people do
Concepts and these complaints come
Practicing New Skills
2. 2. Why do you think they
bring these complaints to
the radio?
3. What is the common
denominator of their
F. Developing Processing: Activity 2: Let’s get FIT! Let the learners write their 1. Present examples of
Mastery Answer the following Household chore is considered take aways about the topic government programs at
(Leads to Formative questions: as an exercise discussed. the local level that aim to
Assessment 3) 1. What are your top three because it helps develop the address social
answers, list down as 1 – 3? body. inequalities, such as
2. Why do you rank them that List down 5 of the household affordable housing
way? chores or initiatives, food
3. What does your ranking exercise that you do at home assistance programs,
say about you? and answer the and community
following questions based on development projects.
the F.I.T.T 2. Discuss the impact of
Principle. Use the table below. these local programs on
(5 minutes) the lives of citizens and
1.Provide a worksheet with marginalized
scenarios describing communities.
stratification systems from the
perspectives of functionalism,
conflict theory, and symbolic
2.Instruct students to analyze
each scenario based on the
insights of these sociological
Can we still find stratification 1. How can you fight the covid- How will you find yourself 8- Group work:
systems, such as social 19 using this 10 years from now and what Each group will choose two
inequality, social mobility, F.I.T.T principle will be your focus in life? representative to explain their
G. Finding Practical and social classes at the Summarize the key concepts work about government
Applications of present? programs at the local level that
discussed in the lesson,
Concepts and Skills aim to address social
emphasizing the importance of
in Daily Living inequalities, such as affordable
sociological perspectives in
housing initiatives, food
analyzing social hierarchies.
assistance programs, and
community development
Worksheet Activity (5 Class Activity: Think-pair-share!
minutes): Encourage students to Pair all learners and collab
1. Hand out a critically examine with their take aways and
worksheet with randomly select pairs then
stratification systems present their work in the
questions that ask using multiple class.
students to identify
sociological lenses.
the characteristics
H. Making
and forms of
Generalizations and
Abstractions about stratification systems
the Lesson in different
2. Allow students to
work independently
or in pairs to
complete the
I. Evaluating Learning The teacher will give a Post- Activity 1.2: The teacher will give a Post- Hand out a worksheet
test to the students. Categorize it! test to the learners. with questions that ask
Directions: Understand then
categorize the views below. Put students to identify and
a ( / ) check mark on the first explain government
column if the statement is a programs and initiatives
conflict theory and ( X ) wrong
mark on the last column if it a that address social
functionalist theory. inequalities at the local,
national, and global
Allow students to work
independently or in pairs
to complete the
Reflect on your teaching and assess yourself as a teacher. Think about your student’s progress this week. What works?
What else needs to be done to help the students learn?
Identify what help your instructional supervisors can provide for you so when you meet them, you can ask them relevant
A. No. of Learners
who earned 80% in
the evaluation
B. No. of Learners
who require additional
activities for
remediation who
scored below 80%
C. Did the remedial
lessons work? No. of
Learners who have
caught up with the
D. No. of Learners
who continue to
require remediation
E. Which of my ____Collaborative Learning ____Collaborative Learning ____Collaborative Learning ____Collaborative Learning
teaching strategies ____Think-Pair-Share ____Think-Pair-Share ____Think-Pair-Share ____Think-Pair-Share
worked well? Why did ____Small Group Discussion ____Small Group Discussion ____Small Group Discussion ____Small Group Discussion
these work? ____Free Discussion ____Free Discussion ____Free Discussion ____Free Discussion
____Inquiry-Based Learning ____Inquiry-Based Learning ____Inquiry-Based Learning ____Inquiry-Based Learning
____Reflective Learning ____ Reflective Learning ____ Reflective Learning ____ Reflective Learning
____Poster-making ____Poster-making ____Poster-making ____Poster-making
____Video Presentations ____Video Presentations ____Video Presentations ____Video Presentations
____Powerpoint ____Powerpoint Presentations ____Powerpoint ____Powerpoint Presentations
Presentations ____Integrative Learning Presentations ____Integrative Learning
____Integrative Learning (Integrating Current Issues) ____Integrative Learning (Integrating Current Issues)
(Integrating Current ____Reporting/ Gallery Walk (Integrating Current ____Reporting/ Gallery Walk
Issues) ____Problem-based Learning Issues) ____Problem-based Learning
____Reporting/ Gallery Walk ____Peer Learning ____Reporting/ Gallery Walk ____Peer Learning
____Problem-based Learning ____Games ____Problem-based Learning ____Games
____Peer Learning ____ANA/KWL Technique ____Peer Learning ____ANA/KWL Technique
____Games ____Decision Chart ____Games ____Decision Chart
____ANA/KWL Technique ____Quiz Bee ____ANA/KWL Technique ____Quiz Bee
____Decision Chart Other Strategies: ____Decision Chart Other Strategies:
____Quiz Bee ____Quiz Bee
Other Strategies: How did these work? Other Strategies: How did these work?
____It helped the learners to ____It helped the learners to
How did these work? understand the lesson. How did these work? understand the lesson.
____It helped the learners to ____Learners were motivated to ____It helped the learners to ____Learners were motivated to
understand the lesson. do the tasks assigned to them. understand the lesson. do the tasks assigned to them.
____Learners were ____Learners’ skills were ____Learners were motivated ____Learners’ skills were
motivated to do the tasks cultivated/refined. to do the tasks assigned to cultivated/refined.
assigned to them. . them. .
____Learners’ skills were Other reasons: ____Learners’ skills were Other reasons:
cultivated/refined. cultivated/refined.
. .
Other reasons: Other reasons: