Introduction To Computer Aided Drafting Software Packages: Cad Lab
Introduction To Computer Aided Drafting Software Packages: Cad Lab
Introduction To Computer Aided Drafting Software Packages: Cad Lab
➢ Presentations
➢ Flexibility in editing
➢ Unit and accuracy levels
➢ Storage and access for drawings
➢ Sharing CADD drawings
Flexibility in editing
CADD allows us to work with great accuracy. If we need to create highly
accuracy geometric shapes, CADD is the answer. It can help avoid time-
consuming mathematical calculations.
About AutoCAD
There have been several versions of AutoCAD over the years, with
each new version introducing new and more powerful features than its
predecessor. The latest version of AutoCAD (at the time of writing) is
AutoCAD 2011. Any courses, whether through community colleges or
online universities, that are related to Engineering or Architecture should
be considered incomplete if they do not introduce students to AutoCAD.
out to the right from the origin, this would be considered the positive X-
axis. If we were to draw a line straight up, this would be the positive Y-axis.
The picture above shows a point located at (9, 6). This means that the point
is 9 units over in the X-axis and 6 units up in the Y-axis. When we are
working with points, X always comes first. The other point shown is (-10,-
4). This means that the point is 10 units in the negative X-axis (left) and
4 units in the negative Y-axis (down).
A line has two points, a start point and an end point. AutoCAD works
with the points to display the line on the screen. Most of the time we will
not have an indication of where the origin. We may need to draw a line from
the endpoint of an existing line. To do this we use relative points. These
work the same way, but we have to add the @ symbol (shift+2) to tell
AutoCAD that this next point is relative from the last point entered.
Angular Measurement
We can enter points directly on the command line using three different
systems. The one we use will depend on which is more applicable for the
situation. The three systems are as follows:
Types of Co-Ordinates:
Absolute Co-Ordinates
Using this method, we enter the points as they relate to the origin of the
WCS. To enter a point just enters in the exact point as X, Y.
Relative Co-Ordinates
This allows us to enter points in relation to the first point we have entered.
After we've entered one point, the next would be entered as @X, Y. This
means that AutoCAD will draw a line from the first point to another point X
units over and Y units up relative to the previous point.
Polar Co-Ordinates
We would use this system if we know that we want to draw a line a certain
distance at a particular angle. We would enter this as @D<A. In this
case, D is the distance and A is the angle. Example: @10<90 will draw
a line 10 units straight up from the first point.
The three ways of entering co-ordinates shown above are the ONLY way
AutoCAD accepts input. First decide which style we need to use, and then
enter as shown. Remember that X is always before Y (alphabetical). Don't
forget the '@' symbol when we are entering relative points.
F10 or
POLAR Turns polar on/off
F11 or
OSNAP TRACK Turns object snap tracking on/off
(C): Draws a circle based on a center point and radius. Circle with
the following options:
- Center Radius
- Center Diameter
- Two Points
- Three Points
- Tangent, Tangent, radius (TTR)
- At the specify the center point for the circle or[ 3P/2P/TTR].
Arc (A): Draws an arc (any part of a circle or curve) through three
known points.
Rectangle (REC): Draws a rectangle after you enter one corner and then
the second.
Display Commands:
at the same magnification you currently have set. Left click and hold
to move around your drawing.
Editing Commands:
Creating Layers:
Layer (LR): Starts the Layer and Line type property dialog box.
Construction Commands:
circular pattern.
specified distance. Offset can be used with lines, circles, arcs, and
Stretch (S): Stretches an object after you have selected a portion of it.
Commands Used:
Limits, Zoom, Line, Polygon, Arc, Circle, Offset, Copy, Move, Trim, Layer,
• Study functional requirements of the component.
• Select a suitable scale for the entire drawing.
• Set appropriate limits to new AutoCAD file using LIMITS command.
• Using circle, array, tangent and arc command draw the given
sample drawing.
• By using dimension tool marks the dimensions of every sketch.
• Finished work sheet is saved and hard copy is taken.
Commands Used:
Limits, Zoom, Line, Polygon, Arc, Circle, Offset, Copy, Move, Trim, Layer,
• Study functional requirements of the component.
• Select a suitable scale for the entire drawing.
• Set appropriate limits to new AutoCAD file using LIMITS command.
• Using circle, array, tangent and arc command draw the given sample
• By using dimension tool marks the dimensions of every sketch.
• Finished work sheet is saved and hard copy is taken.
3D View of V-Block
Software Used:
Operating system: Windows XP, AUTOCAD
Commands Used:
Limits, Zoom, Line, Circle Extrude, Dim.
• Study functional requirements of the component.
• Select a suitable scale for the entire drawing.
• Set appropriate limits to new AutoCAD file using LIMITS command.
• Using circle command draw the given sample drawing.
• Extrude the circle with the given height and subtract for the intersection
of solids
• By using dimension tool marks the dimensions of every sketch.
• Finished work sheet is saved and hard copy is taken.
(Computer Aided Three-dimensional Interactive Application)
CATIA is the most powerful multi platform CAD/CAM/CAE/PLM
software package of its kind in the world. It was created by the consortium
of Dessaults’ System of France and IBM of United States.
CATIA works like an integrated digital factory by its own. You can start with
a 2D sketch of the product, digitally create a full 3D prototype, manufacture
it through Numerical Control (NC) workbench and manage the development
and marketing of this product by using Product Lifecycle Management (PLM)
utilities. Some of the workbenches in CATIA are specially configured for ship
design, aerospace sheet metal design, A-Class surface design, Finite
Element Analysis (FEM), ergonomic design and analysis …etc
CATIA helps engineers by integrating all engineering design and analysis
tools under a single software package. This unique integration brings the
advantages of data management, consistency in information flow, savings
in time and money, rapid product development strategies, user
productivity, enhanced photorealistic visualization...etc.
CATIA consists of modules each Module specialized in specific design field
Sequence of steps
Aim: To create solid model of the given Machine component using CATIA
Sequence of steps
1. Start CATIA V5 – Select Start- Mechanical Design – Part Design.
2. Newpart dialogue box is viewed and disable all options and click OK.
3. Select the XYplane.
4. Select sketcher tool bar.
5. Create side view using Profile tool bar (predefined profile – rectangle is
6. Use constraint tool bar to constrain or fix the object.
7. Select workbench tool bar – select Exit work bench.
8. Now on Part Design screen, select Sketch-Based features – Pad option
for padding (to create solid).
9. Select top face and turn to sketcher in sketcher tool bar.
10. Create required holes of given dimensions, then use Exit work bench.
11. Now on Part Design screen, select Sketch-Based features – Pocket
option for pocketing (to remove material).
12. Select front face and make groove using pocket option.
13. Select Tools – Image – Capture – Select mode, then select the image –
Capture option to save the file in jpg format.
Auto CAD
1. What is meant by AutoCAD?
AutoCAD is one of the cad system software introduced in dec1982 by
Autodesk ltd in Sausallia, California of USA. It has hit the technical world
like shock wave revolutionizing the manner of drawing preparation.
2. What is the diff between CAD & CADD?
CAD-computer aided design
CADD-computer aided design and drafting
3. Define absolute co-ordinates?
Values locating a point in space that describe its displacement from origin
(0,0,0) point of the drawing.
4. Define polar co ordinates.
Values are locating a point in space that describes its location relative to
the last point picked as defined by an angle and s distance.
5. Define angular dimension?
A dimension that measures the angle between two lines or the angle
inscribed by an arc segment
6. Define aligned dimension?
A linear dimension measuring the distance between two points. The
dimension line for an aligned dimension is parallel to a line between points.
7. What is Bylayer?
A value that can be assigned to colours and line types so that objects receive
their colour and line type properties according to the layer they are on.
8. What is command line?
A text window at the bottom of the screen that’s displays command:
prompt. This is where you see what you are entering through the keyboard.
Also called the command window.
9. What is command: prompt:
A prompt at the command line, when no commands are currently running.
1. Expand CATIA?
Computer Aided Three Dimensional Interactive Applications.
2. What is the save extension of sketcher file?
CAT Part
3. Does CATIA V5 work on UNIX Platform?
4. Is it possible to increase the size of plane boundary
representation & how?
Yes, go for Tools-Options- Infrastructure-Part structure-Display
5. Is It Possible to directly enter in to Sketcher Workbench?
No, it is not possible to enter in to sketcher workbench directly. We have to
go for any workbench &form there we can enter the sketcher workbench..
6. Which is the tool used to exit from sketcher workbench to part
design Workbench?
Exit Sketcher.
7. What is use of construction elements?
Construction elements assist in sketching the required profile in sketcher.
8. What is the use of SKETCH TOOLS in sketcher work bench?
SKETCH TOOLS in sketcher workbench are the commands, which find very
use in creating sketches. SKETCH TOOLS are namely geometric and
dimensional constraints, construction elements/standard elements and Grid
option. They play very important role in sketching, whenever we want to
constrain a sketch we use these options and if we want to convert any
element into a construction element once again these options come into
9. What is the meaning of true dimension?
True dimension is the dimension desired after the machining. In other
words, this is the value that should be attained after the machining.
10. Where do we use axis?
Axis is used in creating shaft (revolved) feature
11. Can were define the sketches?
12. Can axis be converted into line or vice versa?
We can convert line into axis but axis cannot convert into line.
13. How many axis can be created in a single sketch?
Only one axis can be created in a sketch, if more than one axis are drawn
then only one of them, thelatest one will be axis and others will be converted
into reference elements.
14. How do we change, sketch's reference plane?
Right click on the sketch whose reference plane is to be changed and select
the change reference plane and then select new reference.
15. What is the function of mirror command in sketch?
Mirror command in sketch will create a copy of the sketch about a reference
16. What is SHOW / HIDE option?
Show mode enables us to see all the components presently opened and in
Hide mode we can hide the desired elements from the view for time being.
17. What is positioned sketch?
You can orient a sketch plane according to your requirement then you can
sketch its positioned sketch.
18. What is sketch analysis?
Sketch analysis is used to check the profile is open or close, and to convert
some profiles in to Reference elements and to delete. and also used to check
the sketch is constrained or not.