It has been suggested that the adoption of Internet At the start of 2002, the percentage of the work-
technologies by SMEs follows an ordered sequence of force employed by SMEs was 55.6%, the per-
stages and staged models to describe it. These models
postulate that businesses move in stages from basic use centage of firms that were classified as SMEs
of the Internet to the full integration of business systems was 99.8%, and these firms accounted for 52%
and redesign of business processes. The European of the business turnover 72 ].
Union and the UK government appear to believe in such
models and have used them in their e-business adoption One of the main characteristics of SMEs in the
encouragement policies for SMEs. However, despite the
efforts of governments and the various support programs, UK is the numerical dominance of businesses
the attainment of the advanced stages of e-commerce by which have no employees (owner-only), 69.5%.
SMEs is very low. Indeed, several studies into the state Furthermore, just over two thirds (67.3 per cent)
of e-business in the UK report a decline in the number
of SMEs implementing e-trading and even using website describe themselves as family-owned. About a
and e-mail. Hence, perhaps these adoption models need fifth (20.8 per cent) are exporters, conducting
to be questioned and even revised. There are a number of at least some of their business outside the UK.
authors that have already critized these models suggest- Service sector account for the bulk of the total,
ing that they are too general and do not take into account
the diversity of SMEs. Therefore, the aim of this paper at 71.8 per cent, and these include businesses
is to conduct an analysis of the Stages of Growth model in retailing, hotels and restaurants, transport
looking at its weaknesses and strengths in the context and communications, financial services, busi-
of the progression of Internet technologies adoption by
SMEs in the UK. In addition, alternative explanations of ness services, education, health and social work,
e-business progression will be presented and an interpre- and other services 73 ].
tative multi-theoretical framework to study this evolution
will be suggested. Small businesses have been suggested to tend
to be more risky than larger companies
Keywords: SMEs, e-business, e-commerce, Internet 8, 76, 18 ] being subject to higher firm fail-
adoption, Stages of Growth model, theories of change.
ure rates 40, 15 ]. They have been also found to
keep less adequate records 63, 47 ]. Storey and
Cressy 68 ] also characterise SMEs as having
little control over their environment and having
1. Introduction small market shares. Therefore, they are unable
to erect barriers to entry to their industry and
tend to be heavily dependent on a small number
Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) of customers.
make up a very heterogeneous group. The realm
of SMEs encompasses organisations with less Most SMEs have been found to lack techni-
than 250 employees, a turnover lower than 50 cal expertise 3 ] and adequate capital to under-
million , and which are owned for less than take technical enhancements 29, 61 ]. They also
25% by non-SMEs, except banks or venture suffer from inadequate organisational planning
capital companies 28 ]. SMEs comprise the vast 71, 50 ]. Khan and Khan 38 ] and Chen 14 ] sug-
majority of enterprises in the UK Economy and gested that most SMEs avoided sophisticated
employ a significant sector of the workforce. software or applications. They have been found
124 Theoretical Approaches to Study SMEs eBusiness Progression
to use ICT as tools to support specific organisa- full supply chain integration is cited, thereby
tional tasks such as administration and account- improving businesses relations and coordina-
ing, rely on standard, off-the-shelf solutions, tion with suppliers and customers (e.g. improve-
and on external support 20 ]. ments in order fulfilment, customer service and
communication with suppliers) 64, 23, 70 ].
Initially, the Internet was regarded as an im-
portant opportunity for small companies, aimed SMEs have been suggested to follow an ordered
at improving their relationship with the mar- sequence of stages in their adoption of Inter-
ket, reaching wider geographical markets and net technologies. These staged models (also
increasing customers 59 ]. The Internet’s abi- termed adoption ladders) postulate that busi-
lity to reach new markets or customers and en- nesses move in stages from basic use of the
hancing sales was seen as the most important Internet (as an e-mail or marketing tool) to a
expected benefit to be gained from adopting e- more sophisticated use that integrates business
commerce in companies, as reported by 36% of systems and redesigns business processes 13,
all the companies interviewed by KPMG 41 ]. 17, 60 ]. It is assumed that the higher the stage
However, Poon and Swatman 56 ] reported, in that a company reaches, the greater will be the
their longitudinal research about expected In- benefits obtained.
ternet benefits, that 45% of the Australian small
firms studied were disappointed with the per- The Stages Theory has been widely used as a
formance of the Internet in terms of sales and way of examining the adoption and progression
global marketing. However, those companies of various aspects of e-commerce in organiza-
found benefits in using the Internet as a com- tions. Conceptual models depicting the stages
munication and information medium. Other involved in the development of Internet systems
benefits were found to be improved customer have appeared in the literature 24, 10, 36, 77,
relationship and better business networks. 62 ]. There has also been a parallel develop-
ment of several models seeking to capture and
In a similar vein, recent studies found busi- describe specifically the different phases that
nesses now seeing the Internet primarily as a SMEs move through with respect to the sophis-
tool for cost reduction and efficiency improve- tication of their use of Internet technologies 22,
ment, as opposed to the former aspirations of 13, 17, 60 ].
expanding markets and increasing revenues
7, 11, 23 ]. For example, the CBI and KPMG Within these models, early stages of Internet
11 ] survey reported 87% of their respondents adoption are typically characterized by gaining
affirming that operational efficiency and cost access to the Internet followed by the use of
reduction were key e-business drivers in their relatively simple technologies (e.g. email) to
organization. In addition, improving customer dispense and gather information. Subsequent
service and supporting existing links with cus- stages relate to the establishment of a simple
tomers were found to be the next main bene- static home page containing basic contact infor-
fits businesses had experienced or expect in the mation. Later the business starts to publish a
UK 22, 10, 64 ]. In the DTI 22 ] study, im- wider range of information to market its prod-
proving customer service and relationships were ucts and perhaps provide after-sales support.
found to be the second driver for adopting In- E-commerce deployment is next, allowing the
ternet technologies, accounting for 16% of the users of the site to order and/or pay for goods
responses. and services. In the most mature stages the
website is fully integrated with the various back
It has been suggested that SMEs obtain the office systems such as enterprise resource plan-
greatest benefits from Internet technologies ning (ERP), customer relationship management
when integrating different parts of the value (CRM), and integrated supply chain manage-
chain (e.g. development, production, financ- ment (SCM) applications.
ing, marketing, sales and services, etc) trans-
forming their business processes 22, 64 ]. This In recent years, governmental programs of the
integration results in internal productivity im- UK, European Union and other governments
provements (e.g. enhancing business processes, have used one-size-fits-all staged models to en-
reducing production costs and inventory plus courage SME e-business adoption 22, 65, 25,
other efficiency savings). Also the benefit of 32, 52, 78 ]. However, despite the efforts of
Theoretical Approaches to Study SMEs eBusiness Progression 125
governments and the various support programs, 2. Analysis of the “Stages of Growth” Model
the achievement of the advanced stages of e-
commerce by SMEs is very low and lagging This model is commonly used to illustrate and
behind larger companies in the use of more so- conceptualise change in biology (e.g. the growth
phisticated ICTs 23, 26, 11, 27 ]. Nearly a and development of human life) as well as busi-
third of European large enterprises have imple- ness (e.g. product life cycles). From this per-
mented an electronic CRM system and 13% are spective, change is imminent (once an organism
users of an electronic SCM system, compared is conceived, or a company is founded, it grows
with only 10% (CRM) and 3% (SCM) of SMEs in a particular fashion) and linear, with develop-
27 ]. Furthermore, several studies of e-business
ment typically in a unitary sequence of stages
or phases, which is cumulative (development
in the UK report a decline in the number of
builds from previous stages) 75 ].
SMEs implementing trading online 7, 11, 27,
23 ]. Perhaps surprisingly, using website and e- In the area of Information Systems (IS) the
mail has also declined, as Figure 1 shows 22, Stages Theory first emerged in the mid 1970s
23 ]. The DTI 22 ] report found a reduction in with the work of Nolan 53 ]. His model pro-
vided a high-level view of IS strategy and im-
the number of micro businesses selling online of plementation suggesting that the planning, or-
10%, while there was an increase of 7% in the ganizing, and controlling activities associated
case of large businesses. Therefore, perhaps with managing the organizational computer re-
these adoption models need to be questioned source change in character over a period of time,
and possibly revised. and will evolve in patterns roughly correlated
to a number of stages. Each stage having its
The aim of this paper is to examine models own distinctive applications, benefits and prob-
for describing e-business progression in SMEs. lems. Nolan’s stage hypothesis has become well
Firstly, an analysis of the Stages of Growth known in the IS literature, but also controversial
39, 4, 46 ].
model looking at its weaknesses and strengths,
in the context of the progression of Internet All of the staged models are premised on the
technologies adoption by SMEs in the UK, is idea that organisations progress through a num-
conducted. Secondly, alternative approaches to ber of successive, identifiable stages. Each
stage reflects a particular level of maturity in
e-business progression are presented. Next, a
terms of the use and management of IS/IT to
classification of theories of change is offered support and facilitate business activities, pro-
and the previous alternative models are associ- cesses and operations. In this way staged mod-
ated with its categories. Finally, an interpre- els offer insights into how IT and organiza-
tative multi-theoretical framework is proposed tional strategies evolve over time 46 ] and have
and its empirical validation proposed as further become a popular element of IS planning ap-
research. proaches.
126 Theoretical Approaches to Study SMEs eBusiness Progression
The Stages Theory still has a strong influence some flexibility for organizational differences,
and variations of the early models are widely since it is noted that not all firms need to pass
used to describe technological and organiza- through all the stages in sequence. Businesses
tional trajectories for a range of technologi- may not begin the adoption process at stage one
cal implementations. For example: Knowledge and may miss out some stages entirely, depend-
Management 30 ], Intranet 16 ], End User Com- ing on their individual needs and priorities 22 ].
puting 34 ], E-Government 43 ] and Enterprise
Resource Planning Systems 31 ].
2.1. Criticisms or Weaknesses of the
This theory has been widely used as a way “Stages of Growth” Model
of examining the adoption and progression of
various aspects of e-commerce in organisations.
Conceptual models depicting the stages involved Although this model is a popular approach to ex-
in the development of Internet systems have ap- plain the evolution and progression of Internet
peared in the literature 24, 10, 36, 77, 62 ]. technologies adoption by organizations it has
been heavily criticized. Firstly, staged mod-
Recent years have seen a parallel development els have been criticized for adopting an over-
of several staged models, seeking to capture and simplified perspective of complex issues and
describe the different phases that SMEs move circumstances around small firm economic ac-
through, with respect to the sophistication of tivity 35 ], making use of some very simplistic
their use of Internet technologies 22, 13, 17, versions of organization change and innovation
60 ]. For example, recently the DTI has used theory 46 ]. The use of simplified linear ap-
an e-adoption ladder (Figure 2) to represent the proaches to analyse innovation fails to illustrate
adoption of ICT by SMEs as an ongoing journey the complex processes that may take place at
from basic access through to more sophisticated macro and micro-economic level within indi-
use. vidual small firms 28b ].
The DTI e-adoption ladder views firms as start- Secondly, the model assumes that firms progress
ing with the basic use of e-mail for commu- from basic to more advanced use of ICTs in a
nicating; progressing towards the creation of linear fashion. However, recent studies reported
websites; developing into the buying and sell- the stalling and even decline of small businesses
ing of goods online; integrating most if not all trading online and even a decline in the use of
internal processes; and, maturing into the trans- website and e-mail in the UK 7, 22, 23, 11, 27,
formation of the organisation and the construc- 74 ]. These two cases (reverse in e-trading and
tion of entirely new business models. There is ‘clicking off’) suggest that e-business strategies
(rather than being an unidirectional path from 2.2. Benefits or Strengths of the
a lower, simpler state to a higher, more com- “Stages of Growth” Model
plex one) is not borne out in practice and that
actually a regressive path may occur. Despite these criticisms, the model is a pop-
Thirdly, the model has not been empirically ular framework and IS researchers have con-
tested. It has been widely suggested that lon- tinued to use it to characterize developmental
gitudinal studies examining the same compa- changes in organizational experiences with In-
nies sequentially over time is a better approach ternet technologies, even though these failings
to analyse the validity of the evolutionary path may acknowledge. As a recent example of their
that e-business progression in these companies continuing use, Chan and Swatman 12 ] propose
may follow 58, 70, 17, 44 ]. In fact, Rusten and a staged model for B2B e-commerce implemen-
Cornford 64 ] in their 3-year longitudinal study tation in Australian organizations.
on the evolution of Internet strategies in firms
in the UK and Norway identified a whole range The model continues to be intuitively very ap-
of variation in the way websites developed, in- pealing, largely because aspects of the model
cluding the regressive cases. ring true to both practitioners and researchers
39 ]. It conforms to the concept of stages in a
A further criticism that some authors have noted person’s learning and understanding of some-
is that these models are too general and suggest thing new and suits our desire for orderliness
the same path of development for all kind of and classification. Therefore, a linear model
companies, not taking into account the diver- may seem attractive as a simplified way to de-
sity of SMEs 45, 48 ]. The small business sec- scribe ICTs adoption and use 48 ]. A survey
tor is not a homogeneous one but characterized on SMEs in Australia, looking at the pragmatic
by its intrinsic diversity (in size, economic ac- value of the stages concept to map the progres-
tivity, resource availability, etc.) and, therefore, sion of e-business maturity, concludes that the
one would expect a great deal of variations in stages concept is useful in a pragmatic sense in
the need for ICT and the adoption of different that it appeals to managers 58 ].
e-commerce strategies 64, 45, 21 ].
In addition, the model has proved to be a use-
In addition, other change theories have been ful tool for a SME that wishes to classify itself
suggested of providing better insights into the for comparison purposes with its major com-
actual mechanisms whereby change in the use of petitors involved in e-commerce within its own
technologies by organizations takes place 39, industry or sector, and hence, indicating gaps
42 ]. For example, ‘evolutionary’ models that and leading to strategic actions 60, 2 ].
describe evolution in terms of the mechanisms
of change, rather than the direction of change or A further strength is that they can provide a
the likely end state, might be more appropriate. roadmap to assist companies to determine whe-
Conducting research with a single preconceived ther or not is sensible to progress to a subsequent
change theory in mind has the risk of oversim- stage 60 ]. The stages approach is useful in
plification and obtaining only a partial account explaining the past, current and future involve-
of the development and change process at the ment in e-business. One of its major strengths is
expense of others 75 ] the sense of guidance and direction as to where
to proceed further, as well as where an organi-
Finally, staged models have been accused of be- zation might focus its goals and resources 58 ].
ing concerned with the broad picture of change
in the use of technologies by businesses, rather Finally, using the stages approach, an organi-
than with the actual experiences of change in sation might reduce the complexity of their e-
individual instances 42 ]. Therefore, an under- business initiatives, breaking them into smaller,
standing of the historical evolution of the ad- more flexible and manageable portions. By do-
vancements in the functionality of commercial ing so, an organisation is able to focus more
Internet applications and the growth of industry- on the task at hand, constantly evaluating and
wide experience with online business activities assessing the progression of their e-business ini-
itself may well explain the evolutionary stages tiatives. A staged model can assist in identify-
described in most of the general staged models. ing phases of development required and provide
128 Theoretical Approaches to Study SMEs eBusiness Progression
milestones that can be understood by manage- The curves of the eras overlap during periods of
ment. Staged development may also help con- technological discontinuity when further devel-
trol costs and allow for alteration during the opment of the proven old dominant technology
development process 58 ]. design clashes with the progress of the emerging
and unproven new technology design. Nolan
acknowledges that an organization can be in
several stages for different technologies at any
3. Alternative Approaches point of time. This stage of stages model implies
the idea of ongoing evolution and growth in or-
3.1. “Stages of Organizational ganizational learning in relation to IT, instead of
the previous final end stage of integration 42 ].
Learning” Model
Alonso Mendo and Fitzgerald 1 ] proposed a
It has been suggested that the stages of adoption variation of the Nolan’s revised model (Figure
should be replaced with stages of organizational 3) where the three original eras are replaced by
four eras characterized by the use of different
learning (OL) as it has been acknowledged that
Internet technologies: the Email era (efficient
the commitment of owners/managers and their
internal and external communications), Website
perception of the benefits of Internet technolo-
era (place in worldwide market), e-Commerce
gies appear to be critical factors for adoption in era (order and pay online, reducing transaction
SMEs 48 ]. costs) and e-Business era (integration of sup-
Nolan’s revised version of his staged model 54 ] ply chain to enable seamless manufacture and
proposes that it is organizational learning that delivery).
grows in stages (instead of the computer bud- This revised model does not assume linearity as
get). In this way, the introduction and assimi- it contemplates the possibility of a company be-
lation of new technologies in organizations re- ing in several stages for different technologies
quires experimentation and the emergence of at any point of time. In addition, reverse steps
the four stages of organizational learning (initia- in the adoption of e-business are also allowed
tion, contagion, control, and integration), which and explained in the model. For example, a
form an S-shaped curve. Nolan used his revised firm may abandon its e-commerce implementa-
staged model to describe three eras character- tion, or even its website, in the Initiation stage,
ized by the use of different technologies: the DP if during the experimentation the value of the
era (mainframes), micro-era (PCs) and network technology is not proved and further investment
era (the Internet). is not justified.
Technological discontinuity
Organizational Learning
Stage IV: Stage IV:
Stage I: Stage IV: Stage III: Stage II: Stage III: Integration
Stage III: Stage II: Integration
Initiation Stage IV: Stage II: Integration Control Contagion Control and Stage I
Control Contagion and Stage I
Integration Contagion and Stage I of of next
Stage III: and Stage I e-Commerce of e-Business
Stage II: technology
Control of Website
change theory. Firstly, the traditional staged For example, working simply with the view of
models applied to e-business progression could the life-cycle staged model to explain the pro-
be included in the life-cycle theory as they map gression of Internet activities in small compa-
a sequence of stages from a lower, simpler state nies may make a researcher expect a certain
to a higher, more complex one. However, we number of stages of development to occur. In
have seen before that this is one possible path complex processes it is too easy to find support
but not the only one. E-commerce progression for whatever one expects and therefore to ignore
can also follow a regressive path, as in the case other potential explanations 55, 75 ].
of ‘reverse in e-trading’ and ‘clicking off’. Sec-
ondly, the revised Stages of OL model could be
incorporated in both the life-cycle theory and
5. Proposed Interpretative
the social cognition theory when used to explain
Multi-theoretical Framework
change as a sequence of learning stages firms
may go through when learning and experiment-
ing with new technologies. Thirdly, the insti- In order to obtain a more comprehensive under-
tutional theory applied to EC progression could standing of how and why organizations evolve
be seen as incorporating both evolutionary and their e-business strategies and web sites over
dialectical theories, because it explains progres- time, this paper suggests that the different ex-
sion as an adaptation to fit the environment in planations of e-business adoption and progres-
which the firm operates, including the influence sion can be integrated into a multi-theoretical
of competition, cultural and political issues. Fi- framework (Figure 4).
nally, contingency models assume a teleological
driver, as they presume the firm adoption is ra- The evolution or development of e-business
tional according to a stated goal and change is strategies can be seen as a dynamic sequence
seen in terms of better accomplishing the organ- of changes over time. However, Van de Ven
isation objectives. 75 ] differentiates two interpretations of change.
Firstly, as a process or sequence of events over
This multiplicity of approaches and theories time and, secondly, as the empirically observ-
shows that there is not one best way to ap- able differences in the form, quality or state of
proach change and development processes in e- the organization over time.
business progression. Each basic change theory
provides an essentially different viewpoint on Following the first interpretation, the suggested
the sequence of events and assumptions about framework looks at the processes of change
the influences (or change drivers) for explaining from different viewpoints, combining assump-
the process of change. However, organizational tions from lifecycle, cognitive, teleological, evo-
change is more complex than any one of these lutionary and dialectical theories. The Stages of
basic theories imply, because it may involve a OL model, the institutional theory, the contin-
number of simultaneous change drivers inter- gent adoption models and role models described
acting with each other and producing interde- above are viewed as providing alternative pic-
pendent cycles of change. Van de Ven 75 ] sug- tures of the same organizational process.
gests combining elements of the ideal models
In addition, the framework also considers the
of change in order to reveal alternative pictures
second interpretation of change by looking at
of the same organizational processes. Each ap-
the observable differences in the web site of an
proach therefore can shed light on different as-
organisation over time using a web site metrics
pects of change, allowing us to understand a
model. Such a model intends to measure the de-
part of the processes taking place.
velopment of a web site looking at the presence
Conducting research with a single preconceived of a number of components related to a potential
change theory in mind has the risk of oversim- function accomplished by the website. For ex-
plification and obtaining only a partial account ample, a relational site can help reduce costs of
of the development and change process at the after sales service and communication with cus-
expense of others. The researcher may become tomers and other stakeholders by implementing
biased and look only for indicators of that partic- components such as discussion group, FAQ sec-
ular theory, ignoring other possible influences. tions, career information, etc 5 ].
132 Theoretical Approaches to Study SMEs eBusiness Progression
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Contact address:
Fernando Alonso Mendo
Brunel University
Department of Information Systems and Computing
Middlesex, UB8 3PH
e-mail: fernando.alonso@brunel.ac.uk
Guy Fitzgerald
Brunel University
Department of Information Systems and Computing
Middlesex, UB8 3PH
e-mail: guy.fitzgerald@brunel.ac.uk