University of Cihan Department of Business Administration
University of Cihan Department of Business Administration
University of Cihan Department of Business Administration
Prepared by
Fahima Sabr
Ivan Pirdawd
Rezan Ismail
Swaila Abdulkareem
Supervised by
Ms. Bushra
The benefits of e-business adoption: An empirical study of
Swedish SMEs
Hooshang Beheshti
Radford University
The global nature of business today and the advances in informa- tion and
communications technologies have compelled corporations to em- ploy emerging
technologies in order to remain competitive. In recent years electronic business
has been adopted by many corporations to improve operational efficiency,
profitability, and to strengthen their competitive posi- tion. This study examines
the impact of web-based e-business on the small and medium-size enterprises
(SMEs) in Sweden. The analyses of data collected for this study provide valuable
information to the executives of manufacturing and service SMEs. The findings
show that the SMEs in the sample have benefited from e-business implementation
in both operational and perfor- mance areas of their organization.
1 Introduction
The proliferation of the Internet has provided a unique opportunity for small and
medium-size enterprises (SMEs) to conduct business electronically, to be more
competitive, and to do business in a global environment. Implementing e-business
and having an online presence can be beneficial for many compa- nies with
adequate preparation prior to implementation. The Internet usage in the European
Union and Sweden grew by 147 and 68%, respectively between 2000 and 2005.
About half the populations in the European Union member states and 75% of the
Swedes use the Internet (Internet Usage in Europe 2006).
Internet-based electronic business can be defined as a system that provides
businesses with a platform to connect with customers, business partners,
employees, and suppliers via the Internet, extranets, and intranets. The internal
and external connectivity of electronic business enables companies to become
more efficient by lowering costs, increasing productivity, and accomplishing
business goals faster. In addition, responsiveness to customer needs,
communications with businesses, and supplier relations and selection can be
The benefits of joining the e-business arena outweigh the costs for most
organizations (Barau et al. 2001; Lefebvre et al. 2005; Straub and Klein 2001).
However, the review of the literature shows that SMEs are using the Internet in
most part for electronic mail and advertising and are not taking full advantage of
e-business technologies when compared to large organizations (Fillis et al. 2004;
Peet et al. 2002; Quayle 2002; Grandon and Pearson 2004). Understanding how a
company can benefit from e-business is the key to e- business implementation.
Small and medium-size organizations must ensure that e-business will align with
their organizational goals and in turn create positive outcomes for the
organization. Having a well-developed strategy that includes flexibility and
adaptability for launching, maintaining, and updating an e-business is crucial. E-
business strategy can be defined as the development and the execution of a plan
for a company to do business electronically. When developing an e-business
strategy, companies must identify the areas of the business that will be affected by
e-business implementation. The business owner/manager and key employees
should participate in the development of a plan for e-business implementation and
identify benefits derived and changes required by such a system. Managers should
encourage customers and sup- pliers participation in this phase since the readiness
of both for e-business are essential in the success of an e-business plan. The plan
should include the type of information and communications technologies and
security measures nee- ded as well as provide methods for earning the trust of the
customers, business partners, and suppliers. In addition, an entrance strategy must
be developed. Entering into e-business at the wrong time can prove detrimental to
an SME (Evans 1999; Wright 2000; Sanderson 2004; Cote et al. 2005).
Customers’ expectations and needs change over time; therefore, a company
must be ready to update its system in a timely fashion in order to meet the
changing demand of the marketplace. Satisfying customer needs requires an
effective marketing strategy that includes a customer relationship database which
contains information about the customers’ buying behavior and pref- erences.
This database allows marketing efforts to be directed toward cus- tomer needs. An
integrated program makes it possible for sales staff to view how current and
prospective customers are reacting to new programs, what each customer is
buying, and how they feel about pricing and customer ser- vice. The ability to
better serve each customer leads to customer loyalty as well as improvement in
the products and services offered by the firm.
The integration of e-business into business processes involves the incor-
poration of information and communication technologies into business activities
so that business transactions can be performed online with data driven by
corporate databases. For example, e-business integration with back- office
operations can improve inventory management, sales processing, order entry, and
catalog development. In general, the development and imple- mentation of
marketing strategies for e-business necessitate substantial restructuring and
rethinking of the existing processes. Managers must com- municate the importance
of e-business applications to their employees and provide training for them.
Employees should understand what they are sup- posed to do and how they can
make the venture successful for the company. An e-business model is the
electronic methods and structures used by a company to remain competitive and to
generate revenue. There are several e- business models that can be used by an
organization but the five common models include: business-to-business (B2B),
business-to-consumer (B2C), portals, websites as goodwill or promotional
vehicles, and mobile commerce. Companies should carefully analyze their
business and evaluate the benefits and costs of each model to ensure that they
utilize the best system for their business. The selection of a suitable model can
lower intermediary costs, re- duce purchasing costs, improve buyer and supplier
relationships, and improve market share or development (Barau et al. 2001).
The primary objective of this research is to examine the impact of the Internet-
based e-business on the Swedish SMEs. The major research objectives are:
In this study, we adopted the European Commission’s definition of SME; that is,
any firm that employs less than 250 employees. However, firms with employees
of less than ten, very small, were excluded and considered not suitable for this
research. Data was solicited from 500 randomly selected, Swedish companies
having between 10 and 249 employees without regard to their location or industry
for analysis. A four-page survey questionnaire with a cover letter explaining the
objectives of the study, and a return envelope was mailed to these SMEs. The total
number of usable responses after two mail- ings was 132 (26.4%). However, 58
(11.6%) of the surveyed firms indicated they do not have an Internet-based e-
business and 74 (14.8%) do.
The significant majority of the manufacturing companies (92%) and service firms
(89%) were privately owned. More manufacturing companies (77%) than service
organizations (52%) conduct business both nationally and internationally; 77% of
manufacturing and 52% of service corporations buy and sell globally. All
manufacturing and 69% of service companies use the B2B model. The B2C
model is used by 97 and 43% of service and manufac- turing firms, respectively.
The majority of service firms (85%) and manufac- turing companies (60%) had
their latest e-business implementation in the last 5 years.
Three questions in the study solicited data with regard to the development and
implementation, maintenance, and technical support for e-business models in use.
Table 1 shows that the majority of the respondents developed their e- business
models and most of these systems are maintained and supported by in-house
technical staff.
Study participants were asked if the implementation of e-business was based on
an e-business strategy. More manufacturing organizations (67%) than service
firms (53%) had developed an e-business strategy before implementing e-
business. Full integration of e-business into business processes was reported by
72% of manufacturing and 83% of service companies. An- other question in the
survey dealt with online purchasing and procurement. Almost the same
percentages were reported for online procurement by manufacturing firms (70%)
and service organizations (69%). It appears that Swedish SMEs are taking
advantage of this aspect of electronic business.
5 Cost reduction and increase in sales
The majority of the firms in the study group, 87% of manufacturing and 76% of
service organizations reported that the use of electronic business has re- sulted in
reducing the costs of doing business. Table 2 presents the percentage of cost
reduction for the participants.
Although both groups have experienced savings in their business from the
implementation of e-business, a higher percentage of service organizations (94%)
than manufacturing (23%) have saved 10% or more. Considering that various
technologies have been used by manufacturing firms over the last few decades to
streamline their processes and to reduce the cost of production, it is not surprising
to see that cost savings is less for this group.
One of the advantages of conducting business online is that it is convenient for
the customer to order and in return, this feature of business could increase sales
volume. More service (46%) than manufacturing (42%) firms reported an increase
in their sales volume because of e-business implementation.
6 E-business champion
7 Length of implementation
One of the areas of consideration in the implementation of any new tech- nology
is the time that it takes to acquire the hardware and software needed for the
project as well as integration and user training. The questionnaire sought
information about the time that it took to implement an e-business system. The
majority of the respondents (46% of manufacturing and 52% of
CEO/owner 10 37
Production/manufacturing 03 –
Information technology department 13 22
Marketing and sales 59 26
Purchasing/procurement 10 11
Finance/accounting 02 –
Employees 03 04
service firms) reported that it took them between 6 and 12 months to have the e-
business system ready for use.
More manufacturing than service firms experienced implementation time of
over 18 months as shown in Table 4. The data seem to provide evidence that most
SMEs can implement an e-business system within a year. This infor- mation is
useful to those SMEs that are planning to integrate electronic business in their
When conducting business electronically and over the Internet, the security of
data transmission of buyers, business partners, and suppliers is a critical issue for
businesses. The integrity and the privacy of information exchanged among
customers and sellers must be protected at all times. To gain customers’ trust and
assure them that their site is safe, many organizations display security seals on
their website (Hu et al. 2003). Privacy and security issues should be addressed in
the e-business strategy and a policy statement should be devel- oped governing
privacy and security matters (Patton and Josang 2004; Thu- raisingham 2005;
Shih and Wen 2005).
Small and medium enterprises may be more at risk since they might not have the
expertise and financial means to guard against unauthorized access to the confidential
information by employees and from outsiders and hackers. Business owners and
managers must take steps to assure the business partners and the customers of the
security of their network when business transactions are performed online. In the
December 2004 issue of Risk Management Magazine, it was reported that e-business
was the most hit area of the com- puter technology attacks. The survey participants
were asked if their computer network security has been breached over the last 2 years.
The majority of service (87%) and manufacturing (89%) had no security problems
with their system either internally or externally. However, those manufacturing
(11%) and the service (13%) firms who had experienced unauthorized access to their
system reported one incident (33% manufacturing and 20% service) and two
occurrences by 67% of manufacturing firms and 80% of service organizations. No
company had experienced more than two incidents.
10 Online business
By integrating e-business activities with the corporate website, companies can sell
products online, have online billing and payments, provide customer service, and
inform the customer about new sales and promotions among
11 Barriers to entry
Before venturing into e-business, many factors such as cost, change of cor- porate
culture, security, availability of resources, resistance to change by employees, and
integration of e-business into business activities should be considered by
managers. It has been argued that these factors collectively and independently
could inhibit SMEs from implementing e-business (Kosan 2001; Fillis et al. 2004;
Taylor and Murphy 2004; Mendo and Fitzgerald 2005). The survey respondents
rated the degree of importance given to barriers to e-business entry before
implementation on a scale ranging from 1 (no importance) to 5 (maximum
importance). The results are given in Table 6. As expected, the cost of having and
maintaining an e-business system in both sectors were the highest pre-
implementation concern to SME managers with a score of 4.12 and 3.86 for
manufacturing and service, respectively, out of a maximum of five.
The second highest scores in both sectors were given to shortage of resources.
The results show clearly that the lack of adequate financial and personnel
resources could be major impediments to SMEs in implementing
Integration of e-business technology into business processes can reduce unit cost
of goods and services provided by lowering personnel requirements and reducing
both transactions and agency costs of the business. E-business is a way for
companies to become more efficient and to promote operational flexibility.
Responsiveness to consumer needs and supplier relations can be improved. In
addition, these companies are able to collect data about their customers to
improve marketing strategies, sales, and customer service.
The survey also asked respondents to score the degree of improvement they
experienced after e-business implementation with regard to several key per-
formance areas. The results are shown in Table 7. Scores ranged from 1 (no
improvement) to 5 (most improvement). Improvement in the area of customer
service scored the highest degree (3.84 in manufacturing and 3.91 in service) of
all the performance areas in both sectors. The data indicate that e-business can be
used by SMEs to improve communications between the customer and the
organization which in turn can translate into customer satisfaction and retention.
The scores for customer service and retention are similar for the two sectors.
The service organizations have benefited more in the areas of product
promotion, advertising, and marketing than manufacturing firms. The costs of
product handling and distribution of goods to wholesalers, retailers, and customers
are generally higher in manufacturing than service firms. The data show that
manufacturing firms (3.32) using e-business benefited more in these areas than
service corporations (2.74).
In order for organizations to realize the maximum benefits of the e-business
technology, managers must create a compatible organizational structure with e-
business applications. Matching employees’ activities with e-business
applications requires change in the corporate culture which is the softer side of the
corporate structure and is the set of values that employees share in the enterprise.
Proper management of cultural change can be a critical factor in the successful
implementation and the use of e-business technology. E-busi- ness technology
affords the company to move from a traditional business model to a model that
promotes shared activities, decision making, and problem solving as well as
strengthening the management of inter- and intra- organizational processes.
Change of organizational structure and the business model allow the firm to be
flexible and to improve internal and external information flow, reduce inventory
costs, and to better manage its supply chains and customer relationships.
The survey respondents identified the extent of the impact of e-business on their
organizations in ten different areas on a scale ranging from 1 (no impact) to 5 (highest
impact). Table 8 depicts the results. The highest impact in the manufacturing group was
given to inventory management (4.02) and in the service to customer relationship
management (3.88). Given that the manu- facturing firm’s responsiveness to customer
demands depend on an effective management of inventory and the efficiency of the
supply chain performance, it is not surprising to see that the manufacturing sector gave
the highest rating to inventory management. Both groups rated the improvement in
their supply chains as the second highest.
As mentioned earlier, e-business integration requires that organizations change
their business model as well as the corporate culture. Both sectors reported that e-
business implementation changed their business model (3.37 rating by
manufacturing and 3.28 by service) and corporate culture with rat- ings of 3.86
and 3.64 for manufacturing and service, respectively.
E-business can provide organizations with the ability to increase sales and
profitability by using electronic networks to reach customers without regard to
their geographic locations and be more flexible in the production and delivery of
goods and services to the marketplace. The scores for improved profitability
ranked the fifth highest and are very similar between the manufacturing and
service firms. Both groups improved corporate agility by implementing e-business
technology (3.64 reported by service and 3.59 by manufacturing).
13 Conclusions
Peet S, Brindley C, Ritchie B (2002) The European Commission and SME support
mechanisims for e-business. Eur Bus Rev 14(5):335–341
Taylor M, Murphy A (2004) SMEs and e-business. J Small Bus Enterp Dev
11(3):280–289 Thuraisingham B (2005) Directions for security and privacy for
semantic e-business applications.