SEM 1, 2 Syllabus KJSCE

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University of Mumbai


FY B.Tech
(First Year Semester I and II)

Academic Year 2018-19
(KJSCE 2018 CBGS Pattern)
Approved by Academic Board 07/ 04 /2018
FY B.Tech /All Branches / Revision 2.1

K. J. Somaiya College of Engineering, Vidyavihar, Mumbai -77

(Autonomous College Affiliated to University of Mumbai)
K. J. Somaiya College of Engineering, Mumbai -77
(Autonomous College Affiliated to University of Mumbai)


At the outset, I would like to congratulate you on your decision of becoming a part our journey
of academic excellence. Academic Autonomy conferred by the University of Mumbai from
the Academic Year 2014-15, gave us the freedom to develop and implement our own
curriculum KJSCE2014 with features such as inclusion of choice based Interdisciplinary
Course (IDC), Audit Courses, Add on Credit Courses, Exposure Courses, etc. Distinct
assessment and evaluation methods were also designed based on focus of individual course.
And the outcome of this entire exercises; either by way of student placements or the feedback
received from all stakeholders is quite encouraging.
At present, Industry is moving towards Industrial revolution 4.0. Knowing very well that every
country's education system forms the basis of its progress and the groundwork for its future,
we need to be making engineering graduates equipped to take industrial challenges. A common
feature in successful education systems is the balance between tradition and the capacity to be
flexible and able to adapt to current social trends. To achieve this, AICTE has taken necessary
initiative in January 2018 by introducing model syllabus for undergraduate courses having a
focus on the changing industrial scenario.
Our new revision in syllabus KJSCE2018, to be introduced from the academic year 2018-19,
has been designed based on the revised AICTE guidelines as well as various accrediting
The said syllabus is a result of expert advice from members of Board of studies and Academic
Council; both having due representation from academia as well as appropriate industries.
Subsequently faculty members of the college have put in efforts to document it in the form
which has been presented here.
Some of the highlights of the KJSCE2018 syllabus are: Introduction of wide choice for branch
specific electives, more number of open or interdisciplinary electives, opportunity for
internships, etc. Course like Environmental studies is taught in a project based learning
approach; which would sensitize students about environmental concerns. A new course
“Industrial applications” has been introduced at semester II which gives an overview of
evolution in related areas, current trends, research and career opportunities, etc. Course on
programming or Engineering Drawing pays more attention to hands-on learning.
Focus of academic processes in KJSCE is such that, by the time student completes the
requirements of the degree, he/ she will be able to acquire attributes required for profession as
an engineer. Outcomes are defined to acquire these attributes which lead to development of
curriculum, pedagogy and assessment tools. These tools need to be updated based on
experiences of teacher and learner. Hence teaching -learning -evaluation paradigm is going to
be a mix of traditional as well as use of ICT tools. Role of the faculty member changes from
tutor to trainer / instructor/ facilitator / mentor based on the outcomes targeted.
For measuring learning outcomes of students , traditional methods like tests, laboratory work
and End Semester Examinations(ESE) are implemented. Continuous Assessment(CA) is
carried out through two tests and internal assessment ( IA) like quizzes, case studies , mini
projects etc. These IA tools not only contribute to marks but also enables the student to learn
through solutions discussed , improvisations suggested, feedbacks given by faculty members.
Through these assessment methods students get opportunity for reading research papers,
presenting ideas and working in a team.

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K. J. Somaiya College of Engineering, Mumbai -77
(Autonomous College Affiliated to University of Mumbai)

Since the assessments are distributed throughout the term the learning process is continuously
monitored and graded.
College promotes co-curricular, extra-curricular activities as well as sports; making life outside
classroom exciting and rewarding. What makes these activities very effective is the fact that
these do not focus only on winning trophies but try to nurture generic skills such as leadership,
effective communication, teamwork etc. which are essential skills for a bright professional
Along with my colleagues, I welcome you to Somaiya Vidyavihar and KJSCE and look
forward to lead you towards professional career. Together, let us build a great future for
ourselves and our country!

Dr.Shubha Pandit

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K. J. Somaiya College of Engineering, Mumbai -77
(Autonomous College Affiliated to University of Mumbai)

Acronym for category of courses Acronyms used in syllabus document

Acronym Definition Acronym Definition
BS Basic Science Courses CA Continuous Assessment
ES Engineering Science ESE End Semester Exam
HS Humanities and Social Sciences IA Internal Assessment
including Management Courses
PC Professional Core Courses O Oral
PE Professional Elective courses P Practical
OE Open Elective Courses P&O Practical and Oral
LC Laboratory Courses TH Theory
PR Project TUT Tutorial
AC Audit Course TW Term work
AOCC Add on Credit Course T–1 Test – 1
AOAC Add on Audit Course T–2 Test – 2
AVAC Add on Value Audit Course CO Course Outcome
EX Exposure Course PO Program Outcome
I Interdisciplinary courses PSO Program specific Outcome

Acronyms used in Course code e.g. 2UHC101

Acronym Definition
Serially as per code
2 Second revision after autonomy –“KJSCE 2018”
(First revision KJSCE 2014)
U Undergraduate
T Department of Science and Humanities
C Core Course
L Laboratory Course
W Workshop
T Tutorial
X Exposure Course
A Audit Course
1 FYBTech
01 Course No.

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K. J. Somaiya College of Engineering, Mumbai -77
(Autonomous College Affiliated to University of Mumbai)

Group C

Computer Engineering (Division A & B)

Information Technology (Division G & H)
Mechanical Engineering (Division I)

Syllabus of Semester I and II

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K. J. Somaiya College of Engineering, Mumbai -77
(Autonomous College Affiliated to University of Mumbai)

Semester I
Group C
COMP (Division A & B), IT (Division G & H) and MECH (Division I)
Credit Scheme

Course Course Name Teaching Total Credits Total Course

Code Scheme (Hrs.) (Hrs.) Assigned Credits Category
TH – P – TUT TH – P – TUT
2UHC101 Applied Mathematics I 4–0–1 05 4–0–1 05 BS
2UHC103 Engineering Chemistry 4–0 –0 04 4–0–0 04 BS
2UHC105 Engineering Drawing 1–0–2 03 1–0–2 03 ES
2UHC107 Elements of Electrical 3–0–0 03 3–0–0 03 ES
and Electronics
2UHC109 Communication Skills 0–0–2 02 0–0–2 02 HS
2UHL103 Engineering Chemistry 0–2–0 02 0–1–0 01 BS
2UHL105 Engineering Drawing 0–2–0 02 0–1–0 01 ES
2UHL107 Elements of Electrical 0–2–0 02 0–1–0 01 ES
and Electronics
2UHW110 Workshop I 0–2–0 02 0–2–0 02 ES
Total 12 – 08 - 05 25 12 - 05 - 05 22
2UHX1XX Exposure Course 02 -- EX

Examination Scheme

Course Course Name Examination Scheme

Code Marks
CA ESE TW O* P P&O Total
T-1 T-2 IA
2UHC101 Applied Mathematics I 20 20 10 50 25 -- -- -- 125
2UHC103 Engineering Chemistry 20 20 10 50 -- -- -- -- 100
2UHC105 Engineering Drawing 20 20 10 50 -- -- -- -- 100
2UHC107 Elements of Electrical --
and Electronics 20 20 10 50 -- -- -- 100
2UHC109 Communication Skills 25 25 -- -- 50 -- -- -- 100
2UHL103 Engineering Chemistry --
-- -- -- -- 25 25 -- 50
2UHL105 Engineering Drawing --
-- -- -- -- 50 -- -- 50
2UHL107 Elements of Electrical --
& Electronics
-- -- -- -- 25 25 -- 50
2UHW110 Workshop I -- -- -- -- 50 -- -- -- 50
2UHX1XX Exposure course -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -
Total 105 105 40 200 225 50 725
* Oral based on Laboratory work

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K. J. Somaiya College of Engineering, Mumbai -77
(Autonomous College Affiliated to University of Mumbai)

Semester II

Group C
COMP (Division A & B), IT (Division G & H) and MECH (Division I)
Credit Scheme

Course Course Name Teaching Total Credits Total Course

Code Scheme (Hrs.) (Hrs.) Assigned Credits Category
TH – P – TUT TH – P – TUT
2UHC111 Applied Mathematics II 4–0–1 05 4–0–1 05 BS
2UHC102 Engineering Physics 4–0 –0 04 4–0–0 04 BS
2UHC104 Engineering Mechanics 3–0–0 03 3–0–0 03 ES
2UHC106 Programming in C 1–0–2 03 1–0–2 03 ES
2UHC108 Environmental Studies 0–0–2 02 0–0–2 02 HS
2UHC112 Industrial Applications# 0 – 0 – 2$ 02 0–0–2 02 ES
2UHL102 Engineering Physics 0–2–0 02 0–1–0 01 BS
2UHL104 Engineering Mechanics 0–2–0 02 0–1–0 01 ES
2UHL106 Programming in C 0–2–0 02 0–1–0 01 ES
2UHW113 Workshop II 0–2–0 02 0–2–0 02 ES
Total 12 – 08 - 07 27 12 - 05 - 07 24
2UHX1XX Exposure Course 02 -- EX
$ #
Class-wise tutorials Branch wise Course

Examination Scheme

Course Course Name Examination Scheme

Code Marks
CA ESE TW O* P P&O Total
T-1 T-2 IA
2UHC111 Applied Mathematics II 20 20 10 50 25 -- -- -- 125
2UHC102 Engineering Physics 20 20 10 50 -- -- -- -- 100
2UHC104 Engineering Mechanics 20 20 10 50 -- -- -- -- 100
2UHC106 Programming in C 20 20 10 50 -- -- -- -- 100
2UHC108 Environmental Studies 25 25 -- -- 50 -- -- -- 100
2UHC112 Industrial Applications -- -- -- -- 50 -- -- -- 50
2UHL102 Engineering Physics --
-- -- -- -- 25 25 -- 50
2UHL104 Engineering Mechanics --
-- -- -- -- 25 25 -- 50
2UHL106 Programming in C --
-- -- -- -- 50 -- -- 50
2UHW113 Workshop II -- -- -- -- 50 -- -- -- 50
2UHX1XX Exposure Course -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -
Total 105 105 40 200 275 50 775

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K. J. Somaiya College of Engineering, Mumbai -77
(Autonomous College Affiliated to University of Mumbai)

Group P

Electronics Engineering (Division C & D)

Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering (Division E & F)
Mechanical Engineering (Division J)

Syllabus of semester I and II

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K. J. Somaiya College of Engineering, Mumbai -77
(Autonomous College Affiliated to University of Mumbai)

Semester I
Group P
ETRX (Division C & D), EXTC (Division E & F) and MECH (Division J)
Credit Scheme

Course Course Name Teaching Total Credits Total Course

Code Scheme (Hrs.) (Hrs.) Assigned Credits Category
TH – P – TUT TH – P – TUT
2UHC101 Applied Mathematics I 4–0–1 05 4–0–1 05 BS
2UHC102 Engineering Physics 4–0 –0 04 4–0–0 04 BS
2UHC104 Engineering Mechanics 3–0–0 03 3–0–0 03 ES
2UHC106 Programming in C 1–0–2 03 1–0–2 03 ES
2UHC108 Environmental Studies 0–0–2 02 0–0–2 02 HS
2UHL102 Engineering Physics 0–2–0 02 0–1–0 01 BS
2UHL104 Engineering Mechanics 0–2–0 02 0–1–0 01 ES
2UHL106 Programming in C 0–2–0 02 0–1–0 01 ES
2UHW110 Workshop I 0–2–0 02 0–2–0 02 ES
Total 12 – 08 - 05 25 12 - 05 - 05 22
2UHX1XX Exposure Course 02 -- EX

Examination Scheme

Course Course Name Examination Scheme

Code Marks
CA ESE TW O* P P&O Total
T-1 T-2 IA
2UHC101 Applied Mathematics I 20 20 10 50 25 -- -- -- 125
2UHC102 Engineering Physics 20 20 10 50 -- -- -- -- 100
2UHC104 Engineering Mechanics 20 20 10 50 -- -- -- -- 100
1UHC106 Programming in C 20 20 10 50 -- -- -- -- 100
2UHC108 Environmental Studies 25 25 -- -- 50 -- -- -- 100
2UHL102 Engineering Physics --
-- -- -- -- 25 25 -- 50
2UHL104 Engineering Mechanics --
-- -- -- -- 25 25 -- 50
2UHL106 Programming in C --
-- -- -- -- 50 -- -- 50
2UHW110 Workshop II -- -- -- -- 50 -- -- -- 50
2UHX1XX Exposure course -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -
Total 105 105 40 200 225 50 725

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K. J. Somaiya College of Engineering, Mumbai -77
(Autonomous College Affiliated to University of Mumbai)

Semester II
Group P
ETRX (Division C & D), EXTC (Division E & F) and MECH (Division J)
Credit Scheme

Course Course Name Teaching Total Credits Total Course

Code Scheme (Hrs.) (Hrs.) Assigned credits Category
TH – P – TUT TH – P – TUT
2UHC111 Applied Mathematics II 4–0–1 05 4–0–1 05 BS
2UHC103 Engineering Chemistry 4–0 –0 04 4–0–0 04 BS
2UHC105 Engineering Drawing 1–0–2 03 1–0–2 03 ES
2UHC107 Elements of Electrical 3–0–0 03 3–0–0 03 ES
and Electronics
2UHC109 Communication Skills 0–0–2 02 0–0–2 02 HS
2UHC112 Industrial Applications# 0 – 0 – 2$ 02 0–0–2 02 ES
2UHL103 Engineering Chemistry 0–2–0 02 0–1–0 01 BS
2UHL105 Engineering Drawing 0–2–0 02 0–1–0 01 ES
2UHL107 Elements of Electrical 0–2–0 02 0–1–0 01 ES
and Electronics
Engineering Laboratory
2UHW113 Workshop II 0–2–0 02 0–2–0 02 ES
Total 12 – 08 - 07 27 12 - 05 - 07 24
2UHX1XX Exposure Course 02 -- EX
$ #
Class-wise tutorials Branch wise Course
Examination Scheme

Course Course Name Examination Scheme

Code Marks
CA ESE TW O* P P&O Total
T-1 T-2 IA
2UHC111 Applied Mathematics II 20 20 10 50 25 -- -- -- 125
2UHC103 Engineering Chemistry 20 20 10 50 -- -- -- -- 100
2UHC105 Engineering Drawing 20 20 10 50 -- -- -- -- 100
2UHC107 Elements of Electrical --
and Electronics 20 20 10 50 -- -- -- 100
2UHC109 Communication Skills 25 25 -- -- 50 -- -- -- 100
2UHC112 Industrial Applications -- -- -- -- 50 -- -- -- 50
2UHL103 Engineering Chemistry --
-- -- -- -- 25 25 -- 50
2UHL105 Engineering Drawing --
-- -- -- -- 50 -- -- 50
2UHL107 Elements of Electrical --
& Electronics -- -- -- -- 25 25 -- 50
Engineering Laboratory
2UHW110 Workshop I -- -- -- -- 50 -- -- -- 50
2UHX1XX Exposure course -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Total 105 105 40 200 275 50 775
* Oral based on Laboratory work

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K. J. Somaiya College of Engineering, Mumbai -77
(Autonomous College Affiliated to University of Mumbai)

Course Code Course Title

2UHC101 Applied Mathematics - I
TH P TUT Total
04 -- 01* 05
Credits Assigned 04 -- 01 05
Examination CA
Scheme ESE TW O P P&O Total
T-1 T-2 IA
20 20 10 50 25 -- -- -- 125
* Batch wise Tutorial

Course prerequisites
 Differentiation Methods
 Basics of Complex numbers
 Basics of Matrices, Inverse and Adjoint
Course Objectives
The objective of the course is to impart knowledge of De- Moivre’s theorem, hyperbolic
functions and logarithm of complex numbers. The course clarifies the concept of partial
differentiation and its applications. The concept of rank of matrix, solving system of linear
equations, Eigen values and Eigen vectors is also conveyed.
Course Outcomes
At the end of successful completion of the course the student will be able to
CO1. Solve problems involving different forms and properties of complex numbers,
hyperbolic functions and logarithm of complex numbers.
CO2. Apply the concept of rank of a matrix and numerical methods to solve system of linear
CO3. Find Eigen values, Eigen vectors of a matrix, apply Cayley Hamilton theorem,
diagonalise a matrix and find functions of square matrices.
CO4. Find partial derivatives of multivariable functions, apply the concept of partial
differentiation to find maxima and minima of multivariable functions (2-3 variables)
apply Euler’s theorem to prove results about Homogeneous functions.

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K. J. Somaiya College of Engineering, Mumbai -77
(Autonomous College Affiliated to University of Mumbai)

Module Unit Details Hrs. CO

No. No.
1 Complex Numbers 7 CO 1
1.1 Statement of De Moivre’s theorem and related examples
1.2 Expansion of , in terms of sine and cosine
of multiples of angle θ and expansion of in
powers of
1.3 Powers and roots of complex numbers
2 Hyperbolic Functions and Logarithm of Complex Number 6 CO 1
2.1 Circular functions of complex number and hyperbolic
2.2 Inverse circular and inverse hyperbolic functions
2.3 Logarithmic functions
2.4 Separation of real and imaginary parts
3 Matrix Theory: Rank of Matrix 12 CO 2
3.1 Types and properties of matrices: Symmetric, Skew-
symmetric, Hermitian, Skew hermitian, Unitary and
Orthogonal matrix
3.2 Rank of a matrix using row echelon forms, reduction to
normal form, and PAQ form
3.3 System of homogeneous and non-homogeneous
equations, their consistency and solutions
3.4 Linearly dependent and independent vectors
3.5 Solution of system of linear algebraic equations by
(a) Crout’s method (LU) (b) Gauss Seidal method (c)
Jacobi iteration method
#Self learning topic: Properties of adjoint and inverse of
a matrix
4 Matrix Theory: Eigen values & Eigen vectors 12 CO 3
4.1 Characteristic equation, Eigen values and Eigen vectors,
Properties of eigen values and eigen vectors
4.2 Statement of Cayley-Hamilton theorem, Examples based
on verification and application of Cayley-Hamilton
4.3 Similarity of matrices, Diagonalisation of a matrix
4.4 Functions of square matrix, Derogatory and non-
derogatory matrices, Minimal polynomial
5 Partial Differentiation and Application 10 CO4
5.1 Functions of several variables, Partial derivatives of first
and higher order (definition using limits and simple
5.2 Differentiation of composite and implicit functions, Total
5.3 Maxima and minima of a function of two independent
5.4 Lagrange’s method of undetermined multipliers with one

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K. J. Somaiya College of Engineering, Mumbai -77
(Autonomous College Affiliated to University of Mumbai)

5.5 Introduction of Jacobian of two and three independent

variables (simple problems)
6 Homogeneous Functions 5 CO4
6.1 Euler’s theorem on homogeneous functions with two and
three independent variables (with proof) and problems
6.2 Deductions(Corollaries) from Euler’s theorem (with
proof) and problems
Total 52

Recommended Books

Sr. Name/s of Author/s Title of Book Name of Edition and

No. Publisher with Year of
country Publication
1. B. S. Grewal Higher Engineering Khanna 43rd Edition
Mathematics Publications, 2014
2. Erwin Kreyszig Advanced Engineering Wiley Eastern 10th Edition
Mathematics Limited, India 2015
3. Shanti Narayan A text book of Matrices S. Chand , 10th Edition
India 2004
4. P. N. Wartikar and A text book of Applied Pune Vidyarthi 6th Edition
J. N. Wartikar Mathematics Vol I & II Gruha, India 2012

# Students should prepare all self-learning topics on their own. Self-learning topics will
enable students to gain extended knowledge of the topic. Assessment of these topics may
be included in IA.

Term-Work will consist of Tutorials covering entire syllabus. Students will be graded
based on continuous assessment of their term work

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K. J. Somaiya College of Engineering, Mumbai -77
(Autonomous College Affiliated to University of Mumbai)

Course Code Course Title

2UHC102 Engineering Physics
TH P TUT Total
04 -- -- 04
Credits Assigned 04 -- -- 04
Examination CA
Scheme ESE TW O P P&O Total
T-1 T-2 IA
20 20 10 50 -- -- -- -- 100

Course Prerequisites
The Following topics of higher Secondary Level Physics are required as Prerequisites of this
 Semiconductors
 Optics
 Electrodynamics

Course Objectives:
The objective of this course is to impart fundamental concepts, their application and
processes. This course enhances creative thinking of the students which leads them to explore
engineering applications for technological development.

Course Outcomes:
At the end of successful completion of the course the student will be able to
CO1. Apply the knowledge of Solid State Physics to different crystal structures and
semiconductor materials.
CO2. Distinguish engineering materials on the basis of their behavior such as Dielectric,
Magnetic and Superconducting properties.
CO3. Apply knowledge of quantum opto-electronics and sensors in futuristic development
of science and technology.
CO4. Demonstrate the concepts of interference, diffraction and polarization using real life
CO5. Discuss the behavior of electromagnetic waves using fundamentals of

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K. J. Somaiya College of Engineering, Mumbai -77
(Autonomous College Affiliated to University of Mumbai)

Module Unit Details Hrs. CO

No. No.
1 Solid State Physics 11 CO1
1.1 Crystallography: Diamond cubic and Hexagonal Closed
Packed (HCP) structures, Planes and directions, Miller
1.2 X-Ray diffraction, Crystal structure determination by
rotating crystal method and Powder crystal method.
1.3 Liquid Crystals: Types, phases, properties and
1.4 Semiconductors: Fermi Dirac distribution function, Fermi
energy in conductors and its temperature dependence, Fermi
level in semiconductors, Effect of concentration and
temperature dependence on the Fermi level of extrinsic
1.5 Concepts of effective mass and hole, Density of states,
Drift, Diffusion and Continuity equation, p-n junction at
equilibrium, Derivation of barrier potential, Hall effect.
2 Dielectrics, Magnetic and Superconducting Properties of 9 CO2
2.1 Dielectrics: Relation between basic dielectric parameters
(E, D, P, εr, χ and allied terms), Types of polarization,
derivations of various polarizabilities, Frequency
dependence of polarizability, Ferro-electricity and pyro-
2.2 Magnetic Properties: Diamagnetism, Paramagnetism and
ferromagnetism, Hysteresis effect, Soft and hard magnetic
materials, Ferrites and its applications.
2.3 Superconductivity: Superconducting materials and its
properties and basic parameters, Temperature dependence
of critical magnetic field, Meissner effect.
2.4 Type I and II superconductors, Their application in
superconducting magnets and Maglev.
3 Quantum and Opto-electronics 9 CO3
3.1 Quantum mechanics: De-Broglie’s hypothesis, Matter
waves, Wave packet, Phase velocity, Group velocity and
their relation, Uncertainty principle and its applications.
3.2 Wave function, Time dependent and time independent
Schrodinger’s equation, Free particle, Particle in box, 3-
Dimensional potential well, Tunneling effect.
3.3 LASERs: Population, Absorption, Spontaneous and
Stimulated emission, Pumping, Metastable state, Optical
resonator, Einstein’s coefficient, He-Ne and Nd:YAG
Laser, Applications of Lasers, Holography.
3.4 Optical Fibres: Total internal reflection, Classification of
fibres, Numerical aperture, Modes of propagation, V-
number, Block diagram of basic optical fibre
communication system, Attenuation, Dispersion,

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K. J. Somaiya College of Engineering, Mumbai -77
(Autonomous College Affiliated to University of Mumbai)

Optical windows, Bit-rate, Commercially used fibres.

4 Sensors and Transducers 6 CO3

4.1 Sensors and Transducers: Effects used in sensors
technology: Piezoelectric, Magnetostriction effect,
Magnetoresistance effect, Seebeck effect, Peltier effect
(Qualitative and Quantitative discussions).
4.2 Biological Sensors: Environmental sensing by plants,
Different types of Tropism, Environmental sensing by
animals eg. Shark etc.
MEMS, NEMS: Principle, Types of designing tools.
4.3 IR/UV Sensors, Gas sensors.
5 Optics 11 CO4
5.1 Interference: Interference by division of amplitude,
Interference in thin films of uniform thickness, Non-
uniform thin film: Wedge shaped film and Newton’s rings,
Antireflection films, Anti-transmitting films, Testing of
optical flatness.
5.2 Diffraction: Fraunhoffer’s diffraction, Resultant amplitude
due to large number of waves, Diffraction due to single slit,
double slits, Absent spectra.
5.3 Diffraction due to multiple slits: diffraction grating, grating
equation, Rayleigh’s criterion and resolving power of
5.4 Polarization: Production of plane polarized light,
Birefringence, Nicol’s prism, Polarizer-analyzer, Malus’s
law, Elliptically and circularly polarized light, Application
in photoelasticity.
6 Electrodynamics 6 CO5
6.1 Vector Calculus: Scalar fields & vector fields, Gradients,
Divergence, Curl and their physical significance,
Fundamental laws of gradient, Divergence and curl. Electric
field due to continuous charge distribution, Electric
6.2 Magnetostatics: Source and properties of magnetic field,
Laws of magnetostatics, Faraday’s law of electromagnetic
6.3 Maxwell’s equation, Electromagnetic wave equation.


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K. J. Somaiya College of Engineering, Mumbai -77
(Autonomous College Affiliated to University of Mumbai)

Recommended Books:

Sr. Name/s of Author/s Title of Book Name of Edition with Year

No. Publisher with of Publication
1. Kittle Charles Introduction to Solid State Wiley, India 8th Edition, 2012
2. Murthy D.V.S. Transducers and PHI, India 2nd Edition, 2013

3. Bransden B. H. Quantum Mechanics Pearson, UK 2nd Edition, 2011

and Joachain C.
4. Kshirsagar M. N. A Textbook of S. Chand, India 10nd Edition,
and Avadhanulu Engineering Physics 2014
P. G.
5. Ghatak Ajoy and Fibre Optics and Lasers McMillan, India 1st Edition, 2016
Thyagarajan K

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K. J. Somaiya College of Engineering, Mumbai -77
(Autonomous College Affiliated to University of Mumbai)

Course Code Course Title

2UHC103 Engineering Chemistry
TH P TUT Total
04 -- -- 04
Credits Assigned 04 -- -- 04
Examination CA
Scheme ESE TW O P P&O Total
T-1 T-2 IA
20 20 10 50 -- -- -- -- 100

Course prerequisites
The following topics of higher secondary level Chemistry are required as prerequisites of this
● Stoichiometry
● Organic Chemistry
● Inorganic Chemistry

Course Objective:
The objective of this course is to appreciate the basic concepts of Chemistry towards the
development of futuristic materials and their applications in engineering. The course helps
to understand chemical processes involved in development of sustainable energy sources and
development of Nanomaterial and Nanotechnology in engineering. The course also
inculcates the knowledge about water technology and green chemistry in day to day life.

Course Outcomes
At the end of successful completion of the course the student will be able to
CO1. Understand the methods to produce soft and portable water and use of green
chemistry principles in real life applications.
CO2. Distinguish between the various types of fuels and materials for construction of
batteries in sustainable energy production.
CO3. Discuss the use of polymeric and nanomaterial for futuristic engineering applications.
CO4. Apply basic concepts of Spectroscopy and Electro-analytical technique in
characterizing chemical compounds.
CO5. Explain synthetic organic chemistry for justifying mechanism of chemical reactions
and the role of inorganic elements in living organisms.

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K. J. Somaiya College of Engineering, Mumbai -77
(Autonomous College Affiliated to University of Mumbai)

Module Unit Details Hrs. CO

No. No.
1 Water and Green Chemistry 11 CO1
1.1 Introduction, Types of hardness, Equivalence of CaCO3,
Experimental determination of hardness
1.2 Softening of hard water, Lime soda method with reaction,
Zeolite or Permutit process, problems on Zeolite, Ion-
exchange method
1.3 Methods to determine extent of water pollution, BOD,
Desalination of water using Electro dialysis, Reverse
1.4 Green chemistry: Introduction, Goals, 12 principles of
green chemistry, Significance of 12 principles with
industrial examples
2 Energy 10 CO2
2.1 Renewable source of energy - Introduction, Classification,
Solar energy, Production of electricity using solar energy,
Photo voltaic cells
2.2 Non-renewable source of energy - Fuels, Definition,
characteristic of good fuel, Calorific value of fuel, Solid
fuel, Analysis of coal and its significance, Liquid fuel,
Refining of petroleum, Cracking, Characteristic of fuel for
internal combustion engine, Knocking, Anti-knocking
agents, Octane number, Cetane number, Unleaded petrol
2.3 Battery technology- Basic concepts, Battery
characteristics, Classification, Classical batteries and
Modern batteries
3 Polymer Chemistry 9 CO3
3.1 Introduction, Classifications, Characteristic properties,
Concept of molecular mass, Determination of molecular
3.2 Methods of polymerization, Compounding and fabrication
of plastics
3.3 Synthesis, Properties and Application of polyvinyl acetate
(PVA), Polyvinyl alcohol, Polymethyl methacrylate
(PMMA), Poly acrylamide, Polycarbonate, Conducting
polymer, Liquid crystal polymer
4 Nano science and Nanotechnology 4 CO3
4.1 Introduction, Properties, Synthesis and applications of
4.2 Carbon Clusters- Graphene, Fullerene, Carbon nanotubes
, Structure, Quantum dots, Properties and applications of

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5 Spectroscopy and Instrumental Methods of Analysis 10 CO4

5.1 UV spectroscopy, Principle, Instrumentation and
5.2 IR spectroscopy - Basic Principle, Instrumentation and
5.3 H NMR spectroscopy: Principle, Instrumentation,
Chemical shift, Factors affecting chemical shift,
5.4 Electroanalytical techniques, pH metry, Conductometry
6 Synthetic Organic Reactions and Bio-inorganic Chemistry 8 CO5
6.1 Name reactions:
1) Aldol condensation, 2) Baeyer –Villiger oxidation, 3)
Dakin Reaction, 4) Haloform reaction, 5) Sharpless
epoxidation, 6) Wurtz synthesis, 7) Benzilic acid
rearrangement, 8) Benzoin condensation, 9) Birch
reduction, 10) Fries rearrangement
6.2 Bio-inorganic Chemistry
Inorganic elements and their biological functions,
Enzymes: Carboxy peptidase, Carboxy anhydrase, Liver
alcohol Dehydrogenase (LADH), Rubredoxin
Proteins: Ferredoxins, Hemoglobin and Myoglobin,
Hemerythrin, Hemocyanin
Total 52

Recommended Books:

Sr. Name/s of Author/s Title of Book Name of Edition with Year of

No. Publisher with Publication
1. Sesha Maheswaramma K. Engineering Pearson, India 1st Edition, 2017
and Chugh Mridula Chemistry
2. Dara S.S. and Umare S.S. A textbook of S. Chand, 12th Edition, 2014
Engineering India
3. Ahluwalia V.K. and Organic Narosa, India 5th Edition, 2010
Parashar R. K. reactions
4. Bertini I., Gray H. B., Bioinorganic University 1st Edition, 1995
Lippard S. J. and Valentine Chemistry Science
J. S. Books, USA

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K. J. Somaiya College of Engineering, Mumbai -77
(Autonomous College Affiliated to University of Mumbai)

Course Code Course Title

2UHC104 Engineering Mechanics
TH P TUT Total
03 -- -- 03
Credits Assigned 03 -- -- 03
Examination CA
Scheme ESE TW O P P&O Total
T-1 T-2 IA
20 20 10 50 -- -- -- -- 100

Course prerequisites:
 Basics of units and conversions
 Basics of Trigonometry
 Newton’s Laws of Motion

Course Objectives:
Engineering mechanics is the application of physics to solve problems involving common
engineering elements. This course introduces system of forces and its effect on stationary
and moving objects. The goal of this course is to expose students to problems in real-world
scenarios and respond accordingly.

Course Outcomes:
At the end of successful completion of the course the student will be able to
CO1. Identify the effect of forces and moment in a given engineering system
CO2. Determine center of gravity of wires (rods), lamina and solids
CO3. Analyze applications of equilibrium using free body diagram
CO4. Apply the concept of kinematics to rectilinear and curvilinear motion of particle.
CO5. Analyze general plane motion of rigid body using instantaneous center.
CO6. Analyze the dynamic system using D’Alembert, work energy and impulse momentum

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Module Unit Details Hrs. CO

No. No.
1 System of Forces 04 CO1
System of coplanar forces: Resultant of concurrent forces,
parallel forces, non-concurrent non parallel system of
forces, moment of force about a point, couples, Varignon’s
theorem, Principle of transmissibility of forces
2 Centroid of Wires, Laminas and Solids 04 CO2
Centroid of wires/rods
Centroid of plane laminas: Plane lamina consisting of
2.1 primitive geometrical shapes
Center of gravity of solids: Solids consisting of primitive
3 Equilibrium of Force System, Plane Truss and Friction 13 CO3
Equilibrium of system of coplanar forces: Condition of
equilibrium for concurrent forces, parallel forces and non-
concurrent, non-parallel force system (general force
system), Free body diagram.
Types of support, loads, beams, determination of reactions
3.2 at supports for various types of loads on beams (excluding
internal hinge problems)
Plane truss: Analysis of plane truss by using method of
joints and method of sections.(excluding frames)
Laws of friction, cone of friction, angle of repose,
3.4 equilibrium of bodies on inclined plane, application to
problems involving wedges and ladders
4 CO4,
Kinematics of Particles and Rigid Bodies 10
Variable motion, motion curves (a-t, v-t, s-t) (acceleration
curves restricted to linear acceleration only), motion along
4.1 plane curved path, velocity & acceleration in terms of
rectangular components, tangential & normal component
of acceleration, relative velocities.
Introduction to general plane motion, problems based on
4.2 ICR method for general plane motion of bodies (up to 2
linkage mechanism and no relative velocity method)
5 Kinetics of Particle 08 CO6
Force and acceleration: Introduction to basic concepts,
5.1 equations of dynamic equilibrium, Newton’s second law of
motion (only rectilinear motion)
5.2 Work energy principle
Impulse and Momentum: Principle of linear impulse and
5.3 momentum, law of conservation of momentum, impact and
collision, direct central and oblique central impact.
Total 39

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(Autonomous College Affiliated to University of Mumbai)

Recommended Books:

Sr. Name/s of Title Name of Publisher Edition with

No. Author/s with Country Year of
Tayal, A.K. Engineering Universal Publication, 14th Edition
1 Mechanics, Statics India 2011
and Dynamics
Hibbeler, H. C. Engineering Prentice Hall Private 11th Edition
2 and Gupta Mechanics, Statics limited, India 2012
and Dynamics
Bhattacharyya B. Engineering Oxford University Press, 2nd Edition
Mechanics India 2014
Ram H.D. and Foundations and Cambridge University 1st Edition
Chauhan A.K. Applications of Press, UK 2015
Bhavikatti S. S. Engineering New Age international, 6th Edition
Mechanics India 2017

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(Autonomous College Affiliated to University of Mumbai)

Course Code Course Title

2UHC105 Engineering Drawing
TH P TUT Total
01 -- 02 03
Credits Assigned 01 -- 02 03
Examination CA
Scheme ESE TW O P P&O Total
T-1 T-2 IA
20* 20* 10 50* -- -- -- -- 100
* On Screen Examination

Course prerequisites:
● Knowledge of various geometric constructions.
● Basics of trigonometry.

Course Objectives:
Engineering drawing is the language of Engineers. This course aims at building
visualization skills required for every engineer. These skills are developed through
projections of various solid objects by creating their multi-views. Learner acquires
sketching and drafting abilities through manual drawing as well as computer aided tools

Course Outcomes:
At the end of successful completion of the course the student will be able to visualize and
CO1. Projections of lines and planes
CO2. Orthographic multi-views of any object along with isometric views
CO3. Various views of regular solid geometrical objects
CO4. Sections and development of solid geometrical objects

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Module Unit Details Hrs. CO

No. No.
1 Projection of points and lines 9 CO 1
Standard sizes of drawing sheets, Types of lines,
Dimensioning, Scales, Drawing pencils etc.
Projection of points, Projection of lines inclined to both
the reference planes.
Projection of planes: Triangular, Square, Rectangular,
1.3 Pentagonal, Hexagonal and Circular planes inclined to
one reference plane and perpendicular to other.
2 Visualization of multi-views of object 14 CO 2
Multi-view orthographic projections of simple machine
parts by first angle method as recommended by Indian
Standards, Sectional views of simple machine parts (full
Introduction to Isometric drawing and Isometric
2.2 projection, Construction of isometric drawing of machine
3 Projection of solids 06 CO 3
Introduction to projection of solids, Classification of
solids and projection of right regular solids (Cube, Prism,
3.1 Pyramid, Tetrahedron, Cylinder and Cone) inclined to
both reference planes (excluding spheres, hollow and
composite solids)
4 Section and development of solids 10 CO 4
Projection of sectional views for solids (Cube, Prism,
Pyramid, Tetrahedron, Cylinder and Cone) cut by plane
perpendicular to one and inclined to other reference
planes (excluding curved cutting planes)
Development of surfaces: Lateral surface development of
Prism, Pyramid, Cylinder and Cone with section plane
inclined to one reference plane only (excluding reverse

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Recommended Books:

Sr. Name/s of Title Name of Publisher Edition with Year

No. Author/s with Country of Publication
1. Bhatt N.D. Engineering Drawing Charotar Publishing 53rd Edition; 2017
(Plane and solid House Pvt. Ltd India Reprint
2. Bhatt N.D. Machine Drawing Charotar Publishing 20th Edition 2014
and House Pvt. Ltd, India
3. Gill P. S. Engineering Graphics S.K. Kataria & Sons, 11th Edition; 2013
and Drafting India
4. Shah P.J. Engineering Graphics S. Chand Revised Edition;
Publications, India 2008
5. Parkinson A. General Engineering Pitman, UK 6th Edition Pitman,
C. (Albert Drawing 1968

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K. J. Somaiya College of Engineering, Mumbai -77
(Autonomous College Affiliated to University of Mumbai)

Course Code Course Title

2UHC106 Programming in C
TH P TUT Total
01 -- 02 03
Credits Assigned 01 -- 02 03
Examination CA
Scheme ESE TW O P P&O Total
T-1 T-2 IA
20 20 10 50* -- -- -- -- 100
* Conducted in laboratory as practical and oral examination

Course prerequisites: Basic knowledge of computer peripheral devices and software


Course Objectives
The course aims at a systematic approach to build logic for problem solving using tools like
algorithm and flowchart. Software development process is introduced through mini-projects.
The concepts of Structured Programming Approach are introduced with C as Programming
language. This first course in programming enables students to develop domain specific
software based solutions.

Course Outcomes
At the end of successful completion of the course the student will be able to

CO1. Formulate a problem statement and develop the logic (algorithm/flowchart) for its
CO2. Apply basic concepts of C programming for problem solving.
CO3. Illustrate the use of derived and structured data types such as arrays, strings,
structures and unions.
CO4. Demonstrate the concepts of modular programming through functions and dynamic
memory allocation through use of pointers.

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(Autonomous College Affiliated to University of Mumbai)

Module Unit Details Hrs. CO

No. No.
1 Introduction to C
1.1 Problem solving skill development: Problem definition,
fundamentals of algorithms and flowcharts, Algorithms 02 CO1
and flowchart development
1.2 Structure of C program and its Elements: Character
Set, C Tokens, Keywords and Identifiers, Literals ,
Variables, Data Types and its qualifiers, Declaration and
03 CO2
Initialization of Variables, Local and Global Variables,
Declaring Constants, Formatted Input/output functions
and unformatted input/output functions
1.3 Introduction to pointers: Pointer declaration and
01 CO4
2 Operators and Expressions
2.1 Types of Operators: Introduction, Arithmetic Operators,
Relational Operators, Logical Operators, Assignment
02 CO2
Operators, Increment and Decrement Operators,
Conditional Operators and Bitwise Operators
2.2 Pointer Arithmetic: Pointer addition and subtraction and
01 CO4
Evaluating pointer expressions
2.3 Type Conversions: Implicit and Explicit, Special
Operators- Comma Operator, size of Operator,
03 CO2
dereferencing operator and Expressions and Evaluation of
Expressions and Operator Precedence and Associativity
3 Control Structures
3.1 Decision Making and Branching Control Structures: if
Statement, Multiple, Statements within if, if – else
02 CO2
Statement, Nested if – else, else if Ladder and Decision
making using Switch-Case
3.2 Looping Control Structures: While Loop, For Loop, Do
05 CO2
While Loop and Algorithm and Flowchart for all the loops
3.3 Jump Statements: Break and Continue, goto Statement 01 CO2
3.4 Algorithm and Flowchart:
Algorithm and Flowchart for if, if-else, else if ladder, 01 CO1
switch case, for loop, while loop and do-while loop
4 Arrays, Structures And Unions
4.1 Arrays: Introduction to Arrays, One Dimensional Arrays,
Multidimensional Arrays, Declaration and Initialization 03 CO3
of Arrays, Reading and Displaying arrays
4.2 Character Arrays and Strings: Introduction, Declaring
and Initializing String Variables, Reading Character and
03 CO3
Writing Character, Reading and Writing Strings and
String Handling Functions
4.3 Structures and Unions: Introduction, Declaring and
02 CO3
defining Structure, Structure Initialization, Accessing

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and Displaying Structure Members, Array of Structures,

Introduction to Unions and Structure Vs Unions
4.4 Dynamic Memory Allocation using Pointers: Dynamic
memory allocation using malloc(), calloc() and realloc() 02 CO4
and deallocation of memory using free()
5 User Defined Functions
5.1 User Defined Functions: Need, Function Declaration
and Definition, Return Values, Function Calls, Passing
05 CO4
Arguments to a Function by Value, Recursive functions
and Storage classes of Variables
5.2 Pointers and Functions: Pass by Reference and
01 CO4
Returning pointers from functions
5.3 Command Line Arguments: Using main() function
02 CO2
arguments argc, argv
Total 39

Recommended Books:

Sr. Name/s of Title Name of Publisher Edition and Year of

No. Author/s Publication
1. E. Balagurusamy Programming in McGraw-Hill 7th Edition, 2016
ANSI C Education, India

2. Dey P. and Ghosh Structured Oxford University 1st Edition, 2016

M. Programming Press, India
3. Kanetkar Y. Let Us C BPB Publications, 15th Edition, 2016

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K. J. Somaiya College of Engineering, Mumbai -77
(Autonomous College Affiliated to University of Mumbai)

Course Code Course Title

2UHC107 Elements of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
TH P TUT Total
03 -- -- 03
Credits Assigned 03 -- -- 03
Examination CA
Scheme ESE TW O P P&O Total
T-1 T-2 IA
20 20 10 50 -- -- -- -- 100

Course Prerequisites
Knowledge of Basic Electrical parameters: Resistance, Inductance, Capacitance,
Frequency, Voltage, Current and Power and Energy

Course Objectives:
It is difficult to imagine life without electricity and electronics. Electricity plays a major role in
the working of all minor and major devices used in our day to day life. In this course students
acquire skills that build the domain knowledge right from the fundamentals till the actual
design of electrical and electronics appliances. The course also prepares students for follow up
courses in circuit and electronics area.

Course Outcomes:
At the end of successful completion of the course the student will be able to

CO1. Analyze resistive networks excited by DC sources using various network

CO2. Demonstrate and analyze response of series - parallel combinations of R-L-C
circuits excited by single phase AC source.
CO3. Analyze three phase AC star and delta connections for resistive, inductive and
capacitive loads.
CO4. Understand principles and working of AC machines and DC machines with their
CO5. Explain rectifier-filter circuits using PN junction diode and working of Bi-polar
junction transistor.

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Module Unit Details Hrs. CO

No. No.
1 DC Circuits 11 CO1
1.1 Concept of dependent / independent sources, ideal /
practical sources, source transformation and network
1.2 Series, parallel connection and Star-Delta transformations
for resistive network.
1.3 Mesh and nodal analysis, analysis using principle of
superposition theorem.
1.4 Super mesh and super Node analysis, Thevenin’s and
Norton’s theorems, maximum power transfer theorem (only
independent sources).
2 Single Phase AC Circuits 12 CO2
2.1 Generation of alternating voltage, average value, RMS
value, form factor, crest factor, phasor representation in
rectangular and polar form.
2.2 Steady state behavior of single phase AC circuits with pure
R, L, andC, , concept of inductive and capacitive reactance ,
phasor diagram of impedance, phase relationship in voltage
and current.
2.3 RL, RC and RLC series/ parallel circuits, concept of
impedance and admittance, power triangle, power factor,
active, reactive and apparent power, concept of power factor
2.4 Series and parallel resonance: concept of resonance,
resonant frequency, bandwidth and Q factor.
3 Three Phase AC Circuits 04 CO3
3.1 Star and Delta connected balanced circuits: Three phase
voltages, current and power, delta/star equivalence and
analysis for various loading conditions.
3.2 Measurement of power using two watt meter method.
4 Electrical Machines 06 CO4
4.1 Single phase transformer construction and principle of
working, emf equation of a transformer, different types of
transformer, losses in transformer, voltage regulation and
efficiency of transformer (no numerical expected)
4.2 Construction and working principle of DC motors such as
series, shunt and compound, torque-speed characteristics,
selection criteria and applications (no derivations and
numerical expected )

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5 Basic Electronic Components and applications 06 CO5

5.1 P-N Junction diode: Construction and working of PN

junction diode, half wave rectifiers with resistive load, full
wave center tap and bridge rectifier with resistive load with
their parameters such as ripple factor, rectification
efficiency, transformer utilization factor. capacitor filter (no
derivation and numerical expected)
5.2 Bipolar Junction Transistor: Construction of PNP and
NPN transistor, input- output characteristics of CE
configuration and single stage CE amplifier. (no derivation,
no numerical expected)

Books Recommended:

Name/s of Title Name of Publisher Edition with

Sr. Author/s with country Year of
No. Publication
1. Mittle and Mittle Basic Electrical Tata McGraw Hill, 2nd edition
Engineering India (New) 2001
2. Hughes E. Electrical and Electronic Pearson Education, 10th edition,
Technology India 2008

3. Singh Ravish R Basic of Electrical and Tata McGraw Hill, 1St Edition,
Electronics Engineering India 2013
4. Patil B R Basic of Electrical and Oxford University 3rd edition,
Electronics Engineering Press, India 2016

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K. J. Somaiya College of Engineering, Mumbai -77
(Autonomous College Affiliated to University of Mumbai)

Course Code Course Title

2UHC108 Environmental Studies
TH P TUT Total
-- -- 02 02
Credits Assigned -- -- 02 02
Examination CA
Scheme ESE TW O P P&O Total
T-1 T-2 IA
25 25 -- -- 50 -- -- -- 100

Course prerequisites
 Exposure to composition of atmosphere, lithosphere, hydrosphere and its interaction with
biotic components.
 Awareness of natural resources.

Course Objective
The objective of this course is to sensitize the students towards environment along with
emphasis on engineering applications required for sustainable development. Learner will
get acquainted with various environmental assessments and monitoring tools for
addressing environmental issues.
Experiential learning through projects will enable them to relate with real world problems.
It will also develop an ability to analyze and think critically.

Course Outcomes
At the end of successful completion of the course the student will be able to
CO1.Understand need and concept of sustainability associated with developmental
CO2. Get acquainted with various renewable energy resources and technologies to harness
the same.
CO3. Enumerate various types of pollution and their abatement.
CO4. Recognize the tools and technologies required for environmental assessment and

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(Autonomous College Affiliated to University of Mumbai)

Module Unit
Details Hrs. CO
No. No.
1 Environmental Sustainability 2 CO1
1.1 Strategic planning in sustainable development, Sustainable
1.2 Concept of green building, Green building materials
1.3 Climate change mitigation and adaptations – International
programs, REDD+
2 Social and Environmental Issues 2 CO1
2.1 Water management practices & case study
2.2 Waste management practices & case study
3 Renewable Energy Resources 2 CO2
3.1 Various renewable energy resources
3.2 Recent advancements in renewable energy
4 Environmental Pollution and Technology 4 CO3
4.1 Environmental pollution – Sources, effects and control
technologies for Air, water, land, e-waste and noise
4.2 Tools used in sampling and monitoring (air, water, soil)
5 Environmental Assessment and Management 2 CO4
5.1 Environment Impact Assessment (EIA)
5.2 Environmental audit and Eco-labeling, ISO - 14001, 18001
and 31001
6 Environment and Technology 2 CO4
6.1 Disaster management plan and use of technology
6.2 Remote sensing and GIS – Introduction and its
applications in environment sector
7 Mini Project - Choice based group projects will be carried out CO1,
Total 26

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Recommended Books:

Name of Edition and

Sr. Name of
Title of book Publication and Year of
No. Author
country Publication
1. Kaushik A and Perspectives of New age 6th edition,
Kaushik C P Environmental Studies international, India 2018
2. Anjaneyulu Y.
Environmental Impact B.S. Publications, 2nd edition,
and Manickam
Assessment Methodologies. India 2011
3. Environment
Asolekar S. and Preventive Environmental
CEE Publication, and
Gopichandran Management: An Indian
India Development
R. Perspective
Series, 2005
4. Renewable Energy: Power Oxford 3rd edition,
Boyle G.
for a Sustainable Future publication, UK 2012
5. Masters G M. Introduction to
Harlow, United 3rd edition,
and Ela W. P. Environmental Engineering
Kingdom Pearson 2014
and Science

Term Work:
1. Mini Project (30 marks): Project related activities will be conducted and final
evaluation will be based on presentation and viva voce on the selected topic
2. Tutorial (20 marks): Various activities covering entire syllabus will be conducted
during tutorial hours

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(Autonomous College Affiliated to University of Mumbai)

Course Code Course Title

2UHC109 Communication Skills
TH P TUT Total
-- -- 02 02
Credits Assigned -- -- 02 02
Examination CA
Scheme ESE TW O P P&O Total
T-1 T-2 IA
25 25 -- -- 50 -- -- -- 100

Course Prerequisites:
The following topics of higher secondary level English are required as prerequisites of this
 Grammar of English Language
 Reading and Listening Comprehension
 Letter Writing

Course Objectives:
The focus of this course is to improve linguistics and soft skills. The modules on phonology
and functional grammar will enhance students’ proficiency in English. Students’
interpersonal skills and non-verbal communication are developed through role plays and
group discussions.

Course Outcomes:
At the end of successful completion of the course the student will be able to
CO1. Use advanced vocabulary and grammar for effective communication.
CO2. Compose business letters, technical documents and e-communication messages.
CO3. Articulate sentences correctly by using stress pattern, intonation and voice modulation.
CO4. Use basic communication and behavioral skills in day to day communication.
CO5. Communicate effectively as an individual and a team-member.

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(Autonomous College Affiliated to University of Mumbai)

Module Unit Details Hrs. CO

No. No.
1 Grammar and Vocabulary 3 CO1
1.1 Vocabulary building (one word substitution,
synonyms and antonyms)
1.2 Pairs of confused words
1.3 Subject - predicate agreement
1.4 Common errors in the use of articles, modifiers and
2 Mechanics of Writing 5 CO1 ,
2.1 Use of proper punctuation, phrases and clauses in
2.2 Summarizing
2.3 Business letter writing
2.4 Introduction to technical writing
# Self learning topic: ICT enabled communication:
E-mail, Blog and Website
3 Introduction to Phonetics 4 CO3
3.1 Basic sounds in English (vowels and consonants)
3.2 Syllable, word stress and word accent
3.3 Weak forms and strong forms
3.4 Intonation
3.5 Phonetic transcription
4 Soft Skills 6 CO4
4.1 Non – verbal communication
4.2 Barriers to communication
4.3 Assertiveness
4.4 Positive thinking
4.5 Personality development
5 Basics of Workplace Communication 8 CO5
5.1 Listening comprehension
5.2 Speaking skills
5.3 Reading comprehension
5.4 Group discussion and public speaking
Total 26

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(Autonomous College Affiliated to University of Mumbai)

Recommended Books:

Sr. Name/s of Title of Book Name of Publisher Edition with

No. Author/s with country Year of
1. Raman, M. and Communication Skills Oxford University 1st Edition,
Sharma, M. Press, India 2016

2. Sharma, R. C. Basic Correspondence and Tata McGraw-Hill 5th Edition,

and Krishna Report Writing: A Practical Publishing 2017
Mohan Approach to Business and Company
Technical Communication Limited, India

3. Seely, J. The Oxford Guide to Writing Oxford University 3rd

and Speaking Press, India Edition ,
4. Lesikar, R. V. Basic Business McGraw-Hill 10th
and Pettit, J. D. Communication International Edition,
Edition, Singapore 2006
5. Sethi, J. and A Course in Phonetics and Prentice-Hall of 2nd Edition,
Dhamija P.V. Spoken English India 2006

# Students should prepare all self-learning topics on their own. Self-learning topics will
enable students to gain extended knowledge of the topic.

Term-Work will consist of Tutorials covering entire syllabus. Students will be graded
based on continuous assessment of their term work

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(Autonomous College Affiliated to University of Mumbai)

Course Code Course Title

2UHW110 Workshop- I
TH P TUT Total
-- 02 -- 02
Credits Assigned -- 02 -- 02
Examination CA
Scheme ESE TW O P P&O Total
T-1 T-2 IA
-- -- -- -- 50 -- -- -- 50

Course prerequisites:
Course Objectives:
Workshop is an important part of any engineering industry. Engineering students should
be conversant with different operations performed on materials for producing desired
objects, of various shapes/ sizes, made using several tools and devices. Experiential
learning in this course develops skills in different trades of manufacturing.

Course Outcomes:
At the end of successful completion of the course the student will be able to
CO1. Build an object using Fitting trade as per given specifications.
CO2. Develop an object using carpentry trade as per given specifications.
CO3. Understand the use of Lathe machine for shaping objects by removal of metal.
CO4. Comprehend the process of PCB making, layout of house wiring, and electric arc

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(Autonomous College Affiliated to University of Mumbai)

Module Unit Details Hrs. CO

No. No.
1 Fitting shop 06 CO1
1.1 Introduction to Fitting shop, Demonstration of
measuring instruments, cutting tools etc. used in Fitting
1.2 One simple job involving filing, right angle making, and
cutting to size operations.
2 Carpentry shop 04 CO 2
2.1 Introduction to carpentry shop, Demonstration of
measuring instruments, cutting tools used in Carpentry
shop and Planning a job using Jack plane.
2.2 One simple job consisting of lap joint to be performed in
a group consisting of Two students.
3 Machine shop (Demonstration) 04 CO 3
3.1 Introduction of all machines available in machine shop.
Demonstration of assembling and disassembling tools.
3.2 One demonstration job on lathe machine involving
turning, facing, grooving, threading etc. operations
4 Welding shop 04 CO 4
4.1 Introduction to Welding shop. Demonstration of
welding tools and equipment, arc welding practice.
4..2 One simple job involving Lap, Butt, Vertical joint to be
performed in a group consisting of Four students.
5 Electrical Wiring shop 04 CO4
5.1 Introduction to Electrical wiring. Demonstration of
Electrician tools like Tester, pliers, screw driver,
multimeter, etc.
5.2 Hands on experience on House wiring or staircase
wiring or godown wiring. Exposure to connecting solar
panel with battery and tube light.
6 Printed Circuit Board (PCB) shop 4 CO4
6.1 Introduction to PCB shop. Demonstration of tools,
material used for PCB making.
6.2 Demonstration of PCB making.

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K. J. Somaiya College of Engineering, Mumbai -77
(Autonomous College Affiliated to University of Mumbai)

Recommended Books

Sr. Name/s of Author/s Title Name of Edition and

No. Publisher Year of
With Country Publication
1. Hajra Choudhury S.K., Elements of Workshop Media 16th Edition,
Hajra Choudhury A.K. Technology, Promoters, 2015
and Nirjhar Roy Vol. I & II. India
2. Raghuwanshi B.S. A Course in Workshop Dhanpat Rai 10th Edition,
Technology, and Co. 2012
Vol. I &II. India Reprint 2017
3. Khurmi R.S. and Text book of Workshop S. Chand 6th Edition,
Gupta J.K. Technology. India 2007
Reprint 2012

Term-Work will consist of workshop practices covering entire syllabus. Students will be
graded based on continuous assessment of their term work.

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K. J. Somaiya College of Engineering, Mumbai -77
(Autonomous College Affiliated to University of Mumbai)

Course Code Course Title

2UHC111 Applied Mathematics - II
TH P TUT Total
04 -- 01* 05
Credits Assigned 04 -- 01 05
Examination CA
Scheme ESE TW O P P&O Total
T-1 T-2 IA
20 20 10 50 25 -- -- -- 125
*Batch wise Tutorials.

Course prerequisites
 Methods of integration
 Methods of differentiation
 Basics of differential equations
 Tracing of standard curves
Course Objectives
The objective of this course is to model a real life scenario into differential equations and
solve them. The course will enable students to learn different methods of solving improper
and multiple integral. It will also focus on expansion of a real function as Taylor’s series and
finding successive derivatives of functions.

Course Outcomes
At the end of successful completion of the course the student will be able to
CO1. Apply concept of Beta & Gamma functions and DUIS to solve improper integrals.
CO2. Find length of a curve using cartesian, polar and parametric equations of curves.
CO3. Evaluate multiple integrals and use it to find area, volume and mass of lamina.
CO4. Identify and solve different types of ordinary differential equations using various
CO5. Solve problems involving successive derivatives of real variable functions. Expand a
function as an infinite series using Taylor’s and Maclaurin’s series and use it to solve
problems involving indeterminate forms.

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K. J. Somaiya College of Engineering, Mumbai -77
(Autonomous College Affiliated to University of Mumbai)

Module Unit Details

Hrs. CO
No. No.
1 Integration : Review And Some New Techniques 8 CO1
1.1 Beta and Gamma functions with properties
1.2 Differentiation under integral sign with constant limits of
integration (without proof)
#Self-learning topic: Differentiation under integral sign
with variable limits of integration
2 Rectification 5 CO2
2.1 Rectification of plane curves in cartesian form
2.2 Problems of rectification in parametric and polar forms
3 Double Integration and Applications 9 CO3
3.1 Double integration - Introduction, Evaluation of double
integrals with given limits and over the given region
3.2 Change of order of integration, Evaluation of double
integrals by changing order of integration
3.3 Evaluation of double integrals by changing to polar form,
Examples on change of variables by using Jacobians
3.4 Application of double integrals to compute area and mass
of lamina
4 Triple Integration and Applications 7 CO3
4.1 Triple integration - Introduction and evaluation of integral
in cartesian form
4.2 Problems of triple integration using cylindrical and
spherical polar coordinates
4.3 Application of triple integral to compute volume
5 Differential Equation of First Order and First Degree 9 CO4
5.1 Differential equation of first order and first degree - Exact
differential equations, Equations reducible to exact
equations using integrating factor (Four rules)
5.2 Linear differential equations (review), Equation reducible
to linear form
5.3 Bernoulli’s equation, Equation reducible to Bernoulli’s
6 Higher Order Differential Equation 7 CO4
6.1 Linear differential equation with constant coefficients -
Complimentary function and particular integral of
differential equation of the type f(D)y=X, where X is eax,
sin (ax + b), cos (ax + b ), xn ,eaxV, xV
6.2 Cauchy’s homogeneous linear differential equation and
Legendre’s differential equation
6.3 Method of variation of parameters
7 Successive Differentiation, Expansion of Functions,
7 CO5
Indeterminate Forms

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K. J. Somaiya College of Engineering, Mumbai -77
(Autonomous College Affiliated to University of Mumbai)

7.1 Successive differentiation - nth derivative of standard

functions. Leibnitz’s theorem (without proof) and
7.2 Taylor’s theorem (only statement), Taylor’s series and
Maclaurin’s series (only Statement). Expansion of ,

Binomial series, Series

expansion using differentiation and integration
#Self-learning topic: Indeterminate forms, L-Hospital
rule, Problems involving series

Recommended Books

Sr. Name/s of Author/s Title of Book Name of Publisher Edition and

No with country Year of
. Publication
1. Grewal B. S. Higher Engineering Khanna 43rd Edition,
Mathematics Publications, 2014
2. Kreyszig E. Advanced Engineering Wiley Eastern 10th Edition,
Mathematics Limited, India 2015
3. Wartikar P. N. and A text book of Applied Pune Vidyarthi 6th Edition,
Wartikar J. N. Mathematics Vol. I & II Gruha, India 2012
4. Ramana B.V. Higher Engineering Tata Megraw Hill 12th Reprint,
Mathematics New Delhi, India 2012

# Students should prepare all self-learning topics on their own. Self-learning topics will
enable students to gain extended knowledge of the topic. Assessment of these topics may
be included in IA.

Term-Work will consist of Tutorials covering entire syllabus. Students will be graded
based on continuous assessment of their term work.

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K. J. Somaiya College of Engineering, Mumbai -77
(Autonomous College Affiliated to University of Mumbai)

Course Code Course Title

2UHC112 Industrial Applications
TH P TUT Total
-- -- 02 02
Credits Assigned -- -- 02 02
Examination CA
Scheme ESE TW O P P&O Total
T-1 T-2 IA
-- -- -- -- 50 -- -- -- 50

Course prerequisites:

Course Objectives:
The course introduces a new entrant to evolution, breadth of applications of chosen branch
as well as job and research opportunities. Interaction with experts from Industry and
Academia through series of lectures and industrial visits helps to create interest in specific
domain. This will enable the learner to understand the reach of technology to real-world

Course Outcomes
At the end of successful completion of the course the student will be able to
CO1. Recognize different program specific thrust areas and industrial applications
CO2. Understand evolution and developments in the related areas

Module Details
Hrs. CO
1 Industrial Experts Lectures 10
2 Internal Faculty / Academician-( Thrust Area) 4
3 Industrial Visit 4
4 Video Lecture 2
5 Students Presentation 6

Term Work-
1. Presentation ( Evaluation along with Communication Skills Faculty)
2. Quiz
3. Report Writing
4. Attendance

KJSCE 2018 FY B. Tech Syllabus /R2.1 Page 45 of 53

K. J. Somaiya College of Engineering, Mumbai -77
(Autonomous College Affiliated to University of Mumbai)

Course Code Course Title

2UHW113 Workshop - II
TH P TUT Total
-- 02 -- 02
Credits Assigned -- 02 -- 02
Examination CA
Scheme ESE TW O P P&O Total
T-1 T-2 IA
-- -- -- -- 50 -- -- -- 50

Course prerequisites:
Course Objectives:
Workshop is an important part of any engineering industry. Engineering students should be
conversant with different operations performed on materials for producing desired objects,
of various shapes/ sizes, made using several tools and devices. Experiential learning in this
course develops skills in different trades of manufacturing.

Course Outcomes:
At the end of successful completion of the course the student will be able to
CO1. Build an object/product using Fitting trade as per given specifications.
CO2. Develop an object/product using carpentry trade as per given specifications.
CO3. Create an object/product using Welding trade as per given specifications.
CO4. Prepare an object/product using PCB trade as per given specifications.

Based on the skills acquired by students in semester I, they will choose any Two trades from
Fitting, Carpentry, welding and PCB. With the help of these skills they will make product or
job in respective trade. Following is the list of some sample products which can be selected but
not limited. Apart from products listed below students can choose any product.
A team of students consisting of 4 to 5 members from same batch will have to select two
trades from Fitting, carpentry, welding and PCB,. Each team will get 12 hours to complete one
trade. Assessment will be
1. Continuous assessment
2. Quality of finished product

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K. J. Somaiya College of Engineering, Mumbai -77
(Autonomous College Affiliated to University of Mumbai)

Module Unit Details Hrs. CO

No. No.
1 Fitting shop 12 CO 1
1.1 Proposed products for Fitting shop:
1. Machine clamp assembly
2. C shape clamp
3. Fitting shop jobs involving various shapes and
4. Any other product involving fitting operations

2 Carpentry shop 12 CO 2
2.1 Proposed products for carpentry shop:
1. Office Tray
2. Switch board
3. Wooden stool
4. Mail box
5. Chalk box and duster
6. Picture frame
7. Chair cum ladder
8. Any other product involving carpentry operations
3 Welding shop 14 CO 3
3.1 Proposed products for Welding shop:
1. Magazine rack
2. Metal stool
3. Welding table
4. Cloth dryer stand
5. Ladder
6. Shoe rack
7. Flower pot stand
8. Any other product involving Welding operations
4 Printed Circuit Board (PCB) 12 CO 4
4.1 Proposed products for PCB shop:
1. Digital Clock
2. Electric Lamp.
3. 3Digit thermometer
4. 12V Power Supply
5. Portable Speaker.
6. Transistor Polarity Tester
7. Automatic Street Light.
8. LED Headlights


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K. J. Somaiya College of Engineering, Mumbai -77
(Autonomous College Affiliated to University of Mumbai)

In this project, work expected from student is

1. Prepare product drawing
2. Calculate material required
3. Calculate selling price of product considering raw material cost, labour cost, profit etc.
4. Process plan with manpower and approximate time required.
5. Complete the product in given time period

Term work assessment is based on the overall performance of the student with every
Job/product graded from time to time.

Recommended Books

Sr. Name/s of Author/s Title Name of Edition and

No. Publisher Year of
With Country Publication
1. Hajra Choudhury S.K., Elements of Workshop Media 16th Edition,
Hajra Choudhury A.K. Technology, Promoters, 2015
and Nirjhar Roy Vol. I & II. India
2. Raghuwanshi B.S. A Course in Workshop Dhanpat Rai 10th Edition,
Technology, and Co. 2012
Vol. I &II. India Reprint 2017
3. Khurmi R.S. and Text book of Workshop S. Chand 6th Edition,
Gupta J.K. Technology. India 2007
Reprint 2012

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K. J. Somaiya College of Engineering, Mumbai -77
(Autonomous College Affiliated to University of Mumbai)

Course Code Course Title

2UHL102 Engineering Physics Laboratory
TH P TUT Total
-- 02 -- 02
Credits Assigned -- 01 -- 01
Examination CA
Scheme ESE TW O* P P&O Total
T-1 T-2 IA
-- -- -- -- 25 25 -- -- 50
* Oral based on Laboratory Experiments

Term-Work will consist of experiments covering entire syllabus of Engineering Physics

Students will be graded based on continuous assessment of their term work.

Course Code Course Title

2UHL103 Engineering Chemistry Laboratory
TH P TUT Total
-- 02 -- 02
Credits Assigned -- 01 -- 01
Examination CA
Scheme ESE TW O* P P&O Total
T-1 T-2 IA
-- -- -- -- 25 25 -- -- 50
* Oral based on Laboratory Experiments

Term-Work will consist of experiments covering entire syllabus of Engineering

Students will be graded based on continuous assessment of their term work.

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K. J. Somaiya College of Engineering, Mumbai -77
(Autonomous College Affiliated to University of Mumbai)

Course Code Course Title

2UHL104 Engineering Mechanics Laboratory
TH P TUT Total
-- 02 -- 02
Credits Assigned -- 01 -- 01
Examination CA
Scheme ESE TW O* P P&O Total
T-1 T-2 IA
-- -- -- -- 25 25 -- -- 50
* Oral based on Laboratory Experiments

Term-Work will consist of experiments covering entire syllabus of Engineering

Mechanics (2UHC104).
Students will be graded based on continuous assessment of their term work.

Course Code Course Title

2UHL105 Engineering Drawing Laboratory
TH P TUT Total
-- 02 -- 02
Credits Assigned -- 01 -- 01
Examination CA
Scheme ESE TW O* P P&O Total
T-1 T-2 IA
-- -- -- -- 50@ -- -- -- 50
@ 25 marks each for Practical and Tutorial

Term-Work will consist of tutorials and practicals covering entire syllabus of

Engineering Drawing (2UHC105).
Students will be graded based on continuous assessment of their term work.

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K. J. Somaiya College of Engineering, Mumbai -77
(Autonomous College Affiliated to University of Mumbai)

Course Code Course Title

2UHL106 Programming in C Laboratory
TH P TUT Total
-- 02 -- 02
Credits Assigned -- 01 -- 01
Examination CA
Scheme ESE TW O* P P&O Total
T-1 T-2 IA
-- -- -- -- 50 -- -- -- 50

Term work will consist of tutorials and practicals covering entire syllabus of
Programming in C(2UHC107).
Students will be graded based on continuous assessment of their term work.

Course Code Course Title

Elements of Electrical & Electronics Engineering
TH P TUT Total
-- 02 -- 02
Credits Assigned -- 01 -- 01
Examination CA
Scheme ESE TW O* P P&O Total
T-1 T-2 IA
-- -- -- -- 25 25 -- -- 50
* Oral based on Laboratory experiments /activities

Term-Work will consist of experiments / activities based on syllabus of Elements of

Electrical & Electronics Engineering (2UHC107).
Students will be graded based on continuous assessment of their term work.

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K. J. Somaiya College of Engineering, Mumbai -77
(Autonomous College Affiliated to University of Mumbai)

Graduate Attributes of an Engineering Graduates:

(Defined by National Board of Accreditation)

1. Engineering Knowledge: Apply knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering

fundamentals and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering
2. Problem Analysis: Identify, formulate, research literature and analyse complex
engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of
mathematics, natural sciences and engineering sciences.
3. Design/ Development of Solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering problems
and design system components or processes that meet specified needs with appropriate
consideration for public health and safety, cultural, societal and environmental
4. Conduct investigations of complex problems using research-based knowledge and
research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data and
synthesis of information to provide valid conclusions.
5. Modern Tool Usage: Create, select and apply appropriate techniques, resources and
modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modelling to complex
engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations.
6. The Engineer and Society: Apply reasoning informed by contextual knowledge to assess
societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities
relevant to professional engineering practice.
7. Environment and Sustainability: Understand the impact of professional engineering
solutions in societal and environmental contexts and demonstrate knowledge of and need
for sustainable development.
8. Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities
and norms of engineering practice.
9. Individual and Team Work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or
leader in diverse teams and in multi-disciplinary settings.
10. Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the
engineering community and with society at large, such as being able to comprehend and
write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations and give
and receive clear instructions.
11. Project Management and Finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of
engineering and management principles and apply these to one‟s own work, as a member
and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.
12. Life-long Learning: Recognize the need for and have the preparation and ability to
engage in independent and life- long learning in the broadest context of technological

KJSCE 2018 FY B. Tech Syllabus /R2.1 Page 52 of 53

K. J. Somaiya College of Engineering, Mumbai -77
(Autonomous College Affiliated to University of Mumbai)

Note: It is notified to all concerned that Revision 1.0 of FYBTech – KJSCE 2018 syllabus is
further amended to Revision 2.1 with the due permissions from academic board. The course
codes prefix modified to 2 from 1 in earlier version of 1.0 and no change in the contents of any

13th November 2018 Principal

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