Nutrients 11 01306
Nutrients 11 01306
Nutrients 11 01306
Obesity and the Mediterranean Diet: A Review of
Evidence of the Role and Sustainability of the
Mediterranean Diet
Santa D’Innocenzo 1, *, Carlotta Biagi 2 and Marcello Lanari 2
1 Prochild Project, Department of Medical and Surgical Sciences (DIMEC), St. Orsola-Malpighi Hospital,
University of Bologna, 40138 Bologna, Italy
2 Pediatric Emergency Unit, Department of Medical and Surgical Sciences (DIMEC), St. Orsola-Malpighi
Hospital, University of Bologna, 40138 Bologna, Italy; (C.B.); (M.L.)
* Correspondence:; Tel.: +39-0335-5444472
Received: 30 March 2019; Accepted: 30 May 2019; Published: 9 June 2019
Abstract: Several different socio-economic factors have caused a large portion of the population
to adopt unhealthy eating habits that can undermine healthcare systems, unless current trends are
inverted towards more sustainable lifestyle models. Even though a dietary plan inspired by the
principles of the Mediterranean Diet is associated with numerous health benefits and has been
demonstrated to exert a preventive effect towards numerous pathologies, including obesity, its use is
decreasing and it is now being supplanted by different nutritional models that are often generated by
cultural and social changes. Directing governments’ political actions towards spreading adherence to
the Mediterranean Diet’s principles as much as possible among the population could help to tackle
the obesity epidemic, especially in childhood. This document intends to reiterate the importance
of acting in certain age groups to stop the spread of obesity and proceeds with a critical review of
the regulatory instruments used so far, bearing in mind the importance of the scientific evidence
that led to the consideration of the Mediterranean Diet as not just a food model, but also as the
most appropriate regime for disease prevention, a sort of complete lifestyle plan for the pursuit of
healthcare sustainability.
Keywords: Mediterranean Diet; public health policy; childhood obesity; healthy lifestyle;
health communication
Thanks to all these healthy aspects, the MD has been associated with a lower risk of cardiovascular
mortality [7–9] and coronary diseases [10], obesity, type 2 diabetes, mellitus and metabolic syndrome
in adults [11,12].
In pregnancy, a higher adherence to the MD has been associated with a lower risk of neural tube
defects [13], preterm birth [14,15] and fetal growth restriction [16].
Moreover, it seems to influence the fetus’ susceptibility to gain weight later in life, as it has
been associated with lower offspring waist circumference at preschool age [17] and lower offspring
cardiometabolic risk [18].
How an adherence to the MD during pregnancy could have positive effects in offspring, not only
during fetal life, but also later in life, is still unclear, but the induction of epigenetic modifications
represents a possible explanation [19].
Despite this almost indisputable scientific evidence, some ambiguous effects highlighted in specific
studies are considered depending on the definition of the MD standards and the indexes of the adhesion
to the same standard used [20], so a few concerns arise when we refer to the definition of the MD, in
view of the different opinions in the scientific literature [21] on how it has to be technically defined.
Moreover, citizens and consumers who need to be persuaded to adopt it often have confused ideas
about the foods that are part of this diet, [22]. In effect, since the MD has become an increasingly popular
topic of interest worldwide, several myths and misconceptions are now associated with its nutritional
pattern, and this may be a further obstacle to its correct diffusion, since the main challenges for its
desiderable transferability in non Mediterranean areas largely derive from these misrepresentations.
In consideration of the scientific evidence, it seems increasingly appropriate to maintain the
Mediterranean paradigm by way of an overall food composition, suggesting the possibility of
implementing a Mediterranean-type dietary pattern within the context of a non-Mediterranean
population. Even if the paucity of data does not give a clear picture of the health effects of the MD in
non-Mediterranean countries [23], the transferability of the MD pattern to non-Mediterranean settings
is desirable, and has been studied and deemed possible. However, it requires a multitude of changes
in dietary habits, practical resources, and knowledge to accomplish these changes [24]. New strategies
to increase the adherence to its principles among citizens are considered necessary above all due to
the fact that some recent studies support the role of the MD in preventing obesity development in
children [25–27], a thorny issue which is worth examining briefly.
Methods: This narrative review was performed with a multidisciplinary approach to identify
publications about the regulatory instruments used to increase adherence to the Mediterranean Diet and
stop the spread of obesity. A multidisciplinary and multilevel approach is chosen due to the nature of
the topic itself: obesity is a multifactorial, multifaceted problem. Given that poor diets are a component
of a more complex array of factors and owing to the complexity of the obesity epidemic, prevention
strategies and policies across multiple levels and disciplines are needed in order to have a measurable
effect. In order to set up population strategies prevention, combination and collaboration between
different disciplines and competences has become essential to tackle this multifactorial problem. The
search strategy was conducted in the following database: PubMed, Embase, and selected gray literautre
sources. Reports, working papers, government documents, white papers and evaluation materials and
research produced by organizations outside of the traditional commercial or academic publishing and
distribution channels have been consulted for research and duly indicated in the bibliography.
Relevant keywords relating to the Mediterranean Diet in combination with public policy terms
and text words (“Public Policy”, “Mediterranean Diet,” or “diet” or “dietary pattern” “Mediterranean,”
or “adherence” or “score”) were used in combination with words relating to health status (“health”
or “mortality” or “morbidity,” or “cardiovascular diseases” or “obesity” and “childhood obesity”).
The search strategy had no language restrictions. The date range was from the inception of the
respective database until March 2019, when multiple articles for a single study were present, we
used the latest publication and supplemented it, if necessary, with data from the most complete or
updated publication.
Nutrients 2019, 11, 1306 3 of 25
a parallel increase in snacking and eating away from home. In addition to this, most recently the intake
of foods high in added sugar has increased, together with a major growth in consumption of processed
foods and beverages, while the profusion of supermarkets and convenience stores are dramatically
changing the nature of China’s food supply, showing how dietary shifts are greatly affected by a wild
Western urbanization [38,39].
The shifts in diet are also profound in the Latin America and the Caribbean region, which faces a
major diet-related health problem accompanied by enormous economic and social costs [40].
Not even Africa has escaped this problem: the prevalence of overweight and obesity among
children under five years of age was 5% in 2017, and in absolute numbers there has been an increase of
almost 50% since 2000, from 6.6 million to 9.7 million in 2017 [41,42].
Overweight and obesity are a major public health issue in Australia, where their rates have risen
over recent decades, with nearly 2 in 3 adults, and 1 in 4 children considered overweight or obese in
2014–2015. In addition, if compared with non-Indigenous Australians, Indigenous adults are more
likely to be overweight or obese, and Indigenous children and adolescents are more likely to be obese.
Unlike the previous examples, those who live outside of major urban areas are more likely to be
overweight or obese than others [43].
It therefore appears evident that inadequate eating habits now constitute a multilevel problem
threatening healthcare sustainability worldwide. In most of the aforementioned studies it is noted that
consumer choices turn irremediably towards Western diets, abandoning autochthonous and typical
diets. And this indisputable fact entails serious problems for healthcare sustainability [44].
use), which facilitated a radical shift in a population’s habits, leading to an overall imbalance between
energy intake and expenditure [52,53].
In other words, the essence of the matter is that the general adoption of sedentary lifestyle and
westernized dietary patterns generated the global rise of obesity and diabetes worldwide over the last
few decades [54–58]. Large swathes of populations choose Western diets on a daily basis [59], both in
Western and Southern Europe [60–63] and in developing countries [64], which is not a optimal choice
for healthy living [65,66].
In effect, the rising prevalence of childhood obesity is a particularly concerning aspect of the
phenomenon [67], the underlying causes of which are complex and interconnecting, involving social,
cultural, familial, physiological, genetic, metabolic, and behavioral factors. The only safe and effective
treatment is a real long-term change in lifestyle, as obesity is the result of unhealthy behaviors that
may be difficult to change.
Table 1 reports the main dietary foods of the Mediterranean and Western Diets. The greatest
difference between the Mediterranean and the Western Diets is the sources and proportion of dietary
fat [2].
In view of all this, the choice between Mediterranean and Western Diets is mainly determined
by a set of socio-economic, demographic and conjunctural factors. But that is not all: obesity is a
complex, multifactorial, multilevel disease that not only has a significant impact on physical health but
also on psychosocial well-being and therefore on quality of life. Obese people experience substantial
impairments in quality of life as a consequence of their weight, and these can impact significantly on
their mental health, which in turn can further impact on their physical health [68].
Clearly, important changes in the social determinants, whatever they may be, are unlikely in
the absence of social, fiscal or legislative change, which remains a decisive tool for change: a brief
examination of impact of such tool therefore seems appropriate.
Nutrients 2019, 11, 1306 6 of 25
are treatments to be carried out on an individual basis and, due to the fact that they are extremely
expensive and particularly invasive, they are commonly debated [87]. Furthermore, they are not to be
taken into consideration for subjects of a developmental age, even if for some minors, bariatric surgery
may be the only option to save their lives or avoid severe disease. For others, bariatric surgery may be
considered morally wrong when more beneficent alternatives exist [88].
The cornerstone of lifestyle modifications includes changes to dietary and exercise habits that
only public policy can effectively induce. While the first two pillars can obtain excellent results, they
achieve nothing from a social point of view other than increasing social and health inequality. It is
not exactly a correct use of public health policy to rely on such invasive and non-reversible surgeries,
instead of intensifying a social commitment towards a substantial improvement of the conditions of
disadvantaged groups [89] who are forced to live in environments that cannot prevent the onset of the
disease. Moreover, the first two pillars can only help when obesity has been diagnosed, unlike the
third pillar, which can also effectively be used to prevent the onset.
In this context, prevention is more necessary than ever in order to halt the increase of social and
health inequality: only preventing obesity can decrease the number of years lived with diseases and
tackle the spreading of the continuous rise of the epidemic. A clear policy implication is the need
for careful monitoring and following-up of public health intervention, with a focus on effects—those
intended or otherwise—in different socioeconomic groups [90].
One major issue is the scarcity of strong evidence on how to prevent obesity: prevention surely
requires a complex, multilevel, environmental, socioeconomic, and lifespan approach, acting on
changeable causal factors, such as diet or physical activity [91].
Despite a few isolated areas of improvement, no country has yet reversed its obesity epidemic [92].
However, since incontrovertibly strong scientific and experiential data from research carried out over
the last two decades highlights the relevance of environmental factors in the development of obesity
and how its effects can modify citizens’ lifestyle, important steps have already been made in the
development of systems for the monitoring of socio-economic inequality in health. In some European
member states, considerable efforts have been made over the last two decades to use existing data
sources to monitor socio-economic differences in health indicators [93]. Given the direct connection,
this could provide a good basis for identifying areas of epidemiological onset, in order to dispense
directed and appropriate interventions.
In fact, the practice has shown that imposing regulations regardless of the epidemiological
knowledge of the onset of the disease has very limited effects.
6. Facts and Patterns of the Onset of the Epidemic: the Relevance of Environmental Factors
New habits then [94] can lead to obesity in certain environments, and epidemiological studies [95]
reveal that obesity occurs and develops systematically here and there, but mostly in low-income
urban and suburban areas [96]. As a consequence, the recognition of obesogenic environments, the
importance of which have been acknowledged for some time [97], can be verified through defined
parameters. This means that we can avoid dispersed intervention in order to promote specific actions
for the change of microenvironments with appropriate control and surveillance [98].
Getting people to change is not easy [99] and the role of public action remains that of modeling
interventions in relation to the epidemiological evidence, in conformity with the aspects of health
character and the administrative and accounting procedures of the territory, respecting the different
needs of each specific area. The correct use of social accounting in the Local Health Units could play a
very important role in the interception and monitoring of disadvantaged areas, thus enhancing the
sustainability that these instruments can achieve for stakeholders.
Therefore, it is necessary to change the choices that affect the lifestyle of citizens in an effective
manner. Some positive results to this aim seem to have been obtained through the specific public
policies of social marketing [100] and nudges [101], despite the heated debates that the latter caused over
time [102,103]. These policies have helpfully directed the dietary behavior of consumers according
Nutrients 2019, 11, 1306 8 of 25
to various aims [104]. They have achieved this through a correction of certain characteristics of the
environments in which citizens live and by concentrating on the reasons behind their unhealthy
Nutrients 2019, 11,choices.
REVIEWthough some recent analyses demonstrate that nudge techniques can
8 of 25 be an
effective public health strategy for combatting obesity [105], these instruments can certainly not be
The nudge actiona cure-all,
can be butstructured
should beinincluded
different indegrees
a framework of directed in
of effectiveness, measures,
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with the of
aims tothebemultidisciplinary
pursued: providing nature of the problem
information, [106]: they
communicating andcan help to put
informing in place
citizens; a systematic
enabling peopleaction
aimed at getting to know the benefits of the MD as well.
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affect the quality of citizens’ choices. Since it is a question of modifying environments, the effort must harmful decisions; regulating,
be multilevel and multi-competency and cannot be limited to isolated actions. In view of all of this, areas,
containing or definitively eliminating the prospects of choice. It can be applied in limited
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proposals, place
like to control.
excises on unhealthy foods and traffic light food labeling. Of course, even if the law is
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as well as the potentially achievable advantages.
The mostThiswidespread
paper therefore publicis proposed to proceed
policies adopted to a general
to reduce childhoodexamination of the
obesity are currently known
indicated to tackling
in Figure 1. obesity, trying to highlight the criticalities that each regulatory intervention entails,
as well as the potentially achievable advantages.
The most widespread public policies adopted to reduce childhood obesity are schematically
indicated in Figure 1.
social instrument to stop the increasing obesity rate. Therefore, they are currently in place in a number
of countries [110], while elsewhere [111] they have had a short lifespan and only marginal results.
The real objective of an excise of this kind should be the adoption of healthy regimes and the
consequent reduction of obesity, but despite all the heated discussions generated, it is still not clear if
they really can help to reach this goal.
For example, there is empirical evidence that connects taxation with a considerable decrease in
sales [112], and yet there is still no clear evidence that taxation can lead to a real improvement in a
population’s health. What is more, even if we were to have high quality data on the population’s
health, which currently we do not, it would be very difficult to establish whether the improvement
was due to a single specific political measure [113].
The results of some studies investigating the extension of a value-added tax to certain categories
of food products have shown that it is indeed possible to obtain small health benefits, but unexpected
results are also possible; for example, they have shown that taxing saturated fats leads to an increase in
salt intake and greater overall mortality [114].
On the other hand, a connection between fizzy drinks and a large number of diseases has long
been established: these diseases include cardiac and cerebrovascular disease [115] and reduction of
bone strength [116].
Not only it has been hypothesized that fizzy drinks can contribute to causing erectile dysfunction,
but it is also been highlighted that monosaccharide fructose is the most harmful sugar component in
terms of weight gain and metabolic disturbances, while high-fructose corn syrup is gradually replacing
sucrose as the main sweetener in soft drinks and has been accused of being potentially responsible for
the current high prevalence of obesity. There is also considerable evidence that fructose, rather than
glucose, can be the more damaging sugar component in terms of cardiovascular risk [117].
However, it should be noted that no one would think of reducing the intake of fructose from
fresh fruit.
Even if it is well known today that soft drinks have detrimental metabolic effects and that their
consumption should be limited, they only represent a very small part of the problem, given that
the consumer frequently consumes them alongside other junk food, which is full of salt, sugar and
trans-fats, almost all of which is industrially produced and processed.
We are talking about food available at very low prices on the market, which we have come
to associate with images of happiness and socializing due to the amount and invasive nature of
obsessively repeated advertising, which for this reason, makes the food even more dangerous for
minors. Another aspect of this food that is perhaps even more attractive than its price, is the fact that it
is readily available almost everywhere, from large urban areas to smaller provincial towns [118], and it
is ready prepared and can be eaten immediately. In today’s society, where time is an increasingly rare
resource, this is an aspect that cannot be overlooked.
Therefore, we must ask ourselves whether the various sugar or soda taxes can truly represent a
realistic solution that is both feasible and desirable in a context where the real purpose would be to
encourage citizens to adopt voluntarily a healthy regime.
The answer is not immediately clear: some studies [119] have proposed an examination of the
advantages and disadvantages of implementing a tax on junk food as an intervention to halt the
increase of obesity in North America. The results have confirmed that although it is probable that
modest excises produce substantial revenue, it is however improbable that these excices have any real
influence on the rates of obesity. It is more likely that higher excises on soft drinks would have a direct
impact on the weight of populations at risk, but it is less likely that they would be politically acceptable
or sustainable.
As things stand, the efficiency of these taxes seems to be irrelevant because the consumption of
soft drinks is a small part of overweight people’s diets and the drinks that can substitute for sugary
drinks can often be even more calorific than the original soft drinks.
Nutrients 2019, 11, 1306 10 of 25
In fact, evidence shows that consumption often merely shifts from one unhealthy product to
another: a reduction in soda consumption is shown to be completely offset by increases in the
consumption of other high-calorie drinks [120], leaving the calorie count unchanged and meaning
the action was undertaken in vain. Only replacing sugar-sweetened beverages with natural water is
associated with a reduction in total calories and weight loss [121,122].
Moreover, if the aim of imposing taxation on soft sugary drinks lies in wanting to reduce the rate
of obesity, then the increase in revenue should go towards financing projects and programs that would
work towards this goal. This sort of taxation would then be worth considering more carefully.
Usually governments, for political convenience, don’t have the ability to direct the increase in
revenue derived from these taxes to social aims and the consumers have little control over the final use
of these funds. Indeed, the effectiveness of healthcare programs and subsidiaries allocated ad hoc are
probably only a determining factor of the fiscal success in the fight against obesity if proposed in a
well-devised, multidisciplinary framework.
What’s more, the analyses and contributions of some researchers [123] demonstrate that selective
taxation distorts the market, reducing the consumer’s freedom of choice; and tends to have a regressive
impact [83], impoverishing the less-advantaged social groups, confirming that the excises on sugary
drinks usually only weigh upon the less advantaged classes.
Instead, these taxes need to be inserted into a wider plan, one that possibly includes incentives for
healthy foods, gently pushing people to improve their choices. For example, some studies show that
about a quarter of consumers claim to not eat enough fresh fruit, but that they would eat more fruit if it
cost a little less; around a fifth of citizens would do the same with vegetables.
The same studies show that, in reality, in some environments, the actual diet rarely coincides with
the healthiest one, but this does not reduce the weight of public-healthism as an ethical and practical
nutritional reference point, as it has the ability to generate a sense of mass guilt, even in areas where it
cannot have an effect on healthy eating in practice [124]. Certainly, cost is an important factor when we
talk about nutritional choices and the impact of the price of fruit and vegetables—the most important
part of the MD—on the pocket of the consumer, should certainly be re-evaluated in the context of fiscal
planning based on citizens’ lifestyle. This is also the line of the WHO, which recommends the use of
financial incentives in a complete and coherent political context [125].
It is true that: “The cost of basic food commodities, such as corn and soy, is very low owing to
economic strategies for food production including direct and indirect subsidies or tax advantages
implemented as part of the farm bill. These crops are highly profitable because they are the raw
ingredients of most processed foods and beverages. Corn and soy are also the primary feed for
livestock; thus, the prices of beef and poultry are also very low by historic and international standards.
By contrast, production of fruits and vegetables, which receives little governmental support, remains
expensive” [95].
These circumstances make it difficult to achieve a healthy remodeling of behaviors and habits of
individuals and families. A few cents more will not be enough to address the consumer in the right
direction [126], as a buying choice is motivated by many other impulses. Indeed, recent scientific
evidence shows that the cerebral neurochemistry, when in a state of sugar withdrawal, conditions
behavior, pushing the consumer to satisfy their need in any way possible, in a worrying parallel to
other addictions [127]. Moreover, high consumption levels of soft drinks containing sugar have long
been associated with mental health problems among adolescents, even after adjustments have been
made in research for possible confounders [128], this is why a small price difference is not relevant in
effectively influencing behavior towards better choices, and even if it was a price problem, as already
discussed above, the subject’s preference would simply turn towards other drinks, which are often no
less calorific and just as harmful.
Labeling systems seem to be equally insufficient in the positive conditioning of citizens’ choices.
For a while different studies [129] have shown that the information directed at changing eating habits,
Nutrients 2019, 11, 1306 11 of 25
communicated only through labeling, has provided limited results in the conditioning of citizens’
behavior and can even lead to excesses of consumption.
It is quite clear then, just how difficult it is to change nutritional choices on a large scale for wide
sectors of the population with the only help of fiscal strategies. In reality, the areas that the legal
instrument would need to touch upon are numerous and influenced by different causal factors. It is
therefore necessary to swiftly examine the other aspects that political action must consider in order to
halt and control the multifaceted and multilevel problem of obesity, particularly considering other
actors that could participate in attempts to stop the spread of the epidemic.
voluntary targets need comprehensive monitoring and guidance to be effective and, most crucially,
that the food industry cannot, and must not, be made solely responsible for lowering our salt intakes.
And this does not only apply to salt.
Depending on the choices of public policy, the government can opt for the targets to be made
mandatory, with penalties if the targets are not met, or alternatively to choose to intensify communication
and education for the most disadvantaged groups of consumers to make them aware of the risks
of consumption.
In any case, it is easy to understand how the adaptation of a normative model for the current
needs of reducing childhood obesity cannot be achieved whilst the obesity epidemic is growing so
exponentially that it is unthinkable that it can be slowed only by preventing citizens from eating
harmful foods by the use of regulation.
On the other hand, the same goal will not be achieved either by demanding producers to make
their products healthier as quickly as possible. The spread of obesity is simply too rapid.
It is necessary, above all, to improve citizens’ daily nutritional options promoting knowledge.
Encouraging appropriate choices that can lead to a greater adherence of the MD is just as important,
as evidenced by the majority of the population, who already eat well due to simple cultural choices,
avoiding eating sweets, fats and processed meats for every meal or drinking water instead of fizzy
drinks. It is therefore necessary to ensure that citizens’ purchases respond to more rational and
informed impulses, especially with regard to minors.
On this topic, it is widely assumed too that children are more susceptible than adults to persuasion
by clever advertising and are more influenced by peer pressure. Junk food advertising is widely
connected with poor nutrition, which has led to the policy response of banning junk food advertising
for children [137].
To this end, limiting advertising for harmful foods could help, above all for the more impressionable
bands of society such as minors, but this measure should also be accompanied by social marketing and
appropriate education. Food marketing intentionally targets children who are too young to distinguish
advertising from truth and induces them to eat high-calorie, low nutrient, but often highly profitable,
junk food. Manufacturers and FBC are so successful in this marketing that business-as-usual cannot be
allowed to continue without appropriate limits being imposed on them.
Such legislation, however, should be introduced in a wider framework of actions to combat
childhood obesity [138]. This is an action that many European countries have already undertaken,
given that it is now definitively established that the effects of these forms of advertising are extremely
harmful [139]. A study drawn up by the WHO [140] indicates that existing policies and regulations are
markedly insufficient when it comes to addressing the continuing challenges in this sensitive area.
This is because they often tend to use too narrow definitions and criteria, meaning that standards
are applied only to certain types of media, rather than to those with the largest audience of children.
Furthermore, the complex challenges faced by cross-border marketing are hardly ever dealt with. The
multiple causes of these situations are underpinned by both strong control and opposition from parts
of the private sector, and the weakness of some self-regulation schemes.
9. The Nature of the Obstacles to the Adoption of the MD: Addressing Research
Generally, people prefer to eat everyday foods that correspond to predetermined patterns within
their food culture, so that each food can satisfy an already known standard. The parameters of these
standards are compatible with their lifestyle: not too expensive, with the nutrition they deem they
need, prepared in the time they have and fitting to social norms with expected costs. Because trying a
new food represents a risk of waste, simplifying seems to be the best option.
Attempts to steer consumers toward cheaper yet nutrient dense foods have encountered resistance
and the main barriers to adoption are generally affordability, a lack of compatibility with taste
preferences, and the belief that diet recommendations are often too time-consuming [141].
Nutrients 2019, 11, 1306 13 of 25
In this sense, the MD provides a socially acceptable framework for the inclusion of a set of fresh
vegetables and dried fruit in a nutrient-rich everyday diet. Many of the products included in MD are
themselves economical—except for some types of fish which can be replaced with cheaper ones—but
consumers generally resist eating these less-familiar foods on a daily basis, particularly if they believe
that doing so means abandoning their cultural heritage, or that those foods are associated with a
different culture or a different social class.
As for this problem, there is evidence of a social gradient in diet quality: some studies demonstrate
that generally, MD products are more likely to be consumed by groups of higher socio-economic
status, while the consumption of refined grains, processed meats and added fats have been associated
with a lower socio-economic status [142]. This fact can represent the real challenge, because the
determinants of food choice are both complex and multifactorial, but food price is one of the most
relevant determinants [143]. The lowest-cost diets, both energy rich and shelf stable, are also the least
healthy, as composed by dry packaged and processed foods, likely to contain refined grains, added
sugars, and added fats.
In many industrialized countries, there are socio-economic gradients in diet, so that those who
are better off consume healthier diets than those less well-to-do. Almost everywhere the available
evidence reveals that income affects food intake both directly and indirectly through the dispositions
associated with particular social class locations [144]. Economic differences often generate cultural
thresholds that constitute the most consistent problem: understanding how to overcome them and
structuring adequate public policies is particularly important for resolving the problems faced by those
that are most vulnerable to the choice of insecure food.
The multiple challenges involved in improving diet quality include helping people recognize the
lower cost foods within their own cultural heritage, increasing the convenience and accessibility of
lower cost, lower energy dense foods, and finally, doing so without sacrificing taste or enjoyment.
The MD represents a real intangible cultural heritage that flourished in a specific socio-cultural
context, the dictates of which have become the biomedical model of a cultural representation [145],
leading to a greater awareness of the importance of the social and cultural context in which a food
model develops. This not only includes the choice of food in itself, but also corresponds particularly
to the idea of conviviality, preparation and the pleasure of shared meals. The environment in which
the MD was once consumed saw populations that were physically active enjoy a diet that basically
rested on local plant foods. The challenges to promoting the Mediterranean Diet within and outside
the Mediterranean region have been much researched and a significant point of evaluation has been
how accurately the cultural ideals recognized by United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural
Organization (UNESCO) [146] really represent the region and how culturally acceptable these ideals
are to populations outside of the Mediterranean [147].
In particular, the act of eating together is seen to promote cultural identity and ensures social
continuity. This special aspect of the MD represents an opportunity for social exchange, sharing time
together, creating a special connection and promoting a space for community values and hospitality.
A complete cultural process, expressed through the safeguarding of culinary techniques and the
transmission of social values, is at the core of the life-style regime, along with the acknowledgment
of pleasure as a fundamental part of a sustainable eating pattern. This point differentiates the MD
from most dietary models focusing on the role of diet to meet biological needs rather than the role
that foods can play as a vehicle for cultural processes and social interactions. Achieving the balance
between pleasurable eating and health can obviously be more troublesome in the current environment,
where media is a dominant presence and consumers are faced with an overabundance of calorific and
processed food. In effect, economic growth and the globalization of food production are the reasons
behind the desertion of the MD in countries where it once flourished [148].
It is clear that in the current obesogenic environment, reconstructing the same socio-environmental
model is the most difficult challenge and the feeble voice of nutrition is almost lost amidst all the
competing interests from the food industry and the perennially incumbent media. Living in cultural
Nutrients 2019, 11, 1306 14 of 25
environments continually exposed to an excess of harmful foods makes it difficult opt out to healthy
choices, while such choices remain almost non-existent or ineffective because they are dispersive, which
means the clear identification of a correct nutritional modality is necessary. This is the reason why
the structuring of an adequate and systematic health communication that takes these elements into
account to be effective in contrasting childhood obesity and the sustainability of health systems now
seems essential. Clearly indicating what is not suitable for long-term human nutrition and allowing
consumers to explore their shared cultural food heritage through proper culinary education might
represent a first
Nutrients 2019, stepPEER
11, x FOR to restructuring,
REVIEW explicitly showing the benefits of joining the MD. Adapting 14 of 25
traditional food preparation techniques to the modern world would also help to promote the adoption
of this healthy lifestyle.
Gradually replacing harmful processed foods with high caloric density is a process that can be
assimilated withreplacing harmful processed
proper communication, foods
correct with high and
information caloric densityeducation.
extensive is a processIf that can be
are requiredwith proper communication,
to maintain a dietary pattern,correct information
they need and
to be clear onextensive
what thateducation. If consumers
this pattern is.
are required
Figure 2.toshows
maintain a dietary pattern,
a communication they need
framework ofto be clear
actions on what
aimed that this pattern
at enhancing is.
the adoption of the
MD. Figure 2 shows a communication framework of actions aimed at enhancing the adoption of
the MD.
11. Conclusions
In this scenario, having shown that the Mediterranean Diet (MD) prevents many diseases, the
11. Conclusions
dissemination of its principles must be placed at the center of health policies.
scenario, having
to beshown thatexternality
effective, the Mediterranean
must alsoDiet (MD) prevents
be pervaded many diseases,
by adequate the
and coherent
dissemination of its principles must be placed at the center of health policies.
communication, because in a dietary and food context, imperfect and asymmetric information is very
For improvement to be effective, externality must also be pervaded by adequate and coherent
often synonymous with poor efficacy.
communication, because in a dietary and food context, imperfect and asymmetric information is very
In reverse, if well-conceived, carefully structured, implemented, and well-sustained public health
often synonymous with poor efficacy.
communication programs have the capacity to elicit change among citizens by raising awareness,
In reverse, if well-conceived, carefully structured, implemented, and well-sustained public
increasing knowledge, shaping attitudes, and changing behaviors and lifestyle [164], effectively
health communication programs have the capacity to elicit change among citizens by raising
influencing health outcomes.
awareness, increasing knowledge, shaping attitudes, and changing behaviors and lifestyle [164],
Even if the evidence obviously suggests that poor diets and lifestyle cannot be changed by
effectively influencing health outcomes.
information policy alone, improved information is nevertheless essential for a conscious choice.
Nutrients 2019, 11, 1306 17 of 25
This means that policy measures should include the allocation of funds to expressly encourage
a greater adherence to the MD in childhood environments through appropriate information and
education. In consideration of the substantial evidence that supports its effects in chronic disease
prevention and management, the Mediterranean Model could be designed while considering the
needs of the period we are experiencing, of the current food supply, which is obviously different
from that of the Sixties, and designing specific practical strategies to further spread and implement,
considering that nutritional habits are homogenizing everywhere. In effect, the greater issue is that
the importance of having the majority of a population following a healthy diet like the MD is hugely
underestimated. In a general prevention context, speaking abstractly about generic dietary patterns
is not what’s needed. Instead, one model needs to be unequivocally promoted, that which has been
identified as having proved to be the most effective amongst many others in terms of the prevention of
obesity-related diseases.
The aim is to translate the MD traditional principles, identifying the key food-based components,
in order to be able to adapt them also to populations with different nutritional traditions, or in
multicultural settings, as already successfully experimented [165]. In other words, the MD Model
should represent the translation of the key elements of the traditional MD to populations outside the
Mediterranean Region in order to increase the likelihood of acceptability and sustainability.
Encouraging people to adopt MD habits would not only be beneficial from a public
health perspective, but above all it would be a concrete measure of intervention in terms of
economic sustainability.
Author Contributions: The contributions refer to the different areas of competence: Law, Regulation and Human
Sciences: S.D.; Figure 2, Figure 3, Figure 4: S.D.; Pediatrics: C.B. and M.L.; Everything has been shared among the
Authors. All authors read, revised, and approved the final manuscript.
Funding: This research received no external funding.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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