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Patterns in nature are visible regularities of form found in the natural world. These patterns recur in
different contexts and can sometimes be modelled mathematically. Natural patterns
include symmetries, trees, spirals, meanders, waves, foams, tessellations, cracks and stripes. Early Greek
philosophers studied pattern with Plato, Pythagoras and Empedocles attempting to explain order in
nature. The modern understanding of visible patterns developed gradually over time.
Mathematics, physics and chemistry can explain patterns in nature at different levels. Patterns in living
things are explained by the biological processes of natural selection and sexual selection. Studies
of pattern formation make use of computer models to simulate a wide range of patterns.

Symmetry is pervasive in living things. Animals mainly have bilateral or mirror symmetry, as do the
leaves of plants and some flowers such as orchids. Plants often have radial or rotational symmetry, as do
many flowers and some groups of animals such as sea anemones. Fivefold symmetry is found in
the echinoderms, the group that includes starfish, sea urchins, and sea lilies.

starfish have fivefold Snowflakes have sixfold Animals often show

symmetry. symmetry. mirror or bilateral
symmetry, like
Fractals this tiger.
Fractals are infinitely self-similar, iterated mathematical constructs having fractal
dimension. Infinite iteration is not possible in nature so all 'fractal' patterns are only approximate. For
example, the leaves of ferns and umbellifers (Apiaceae) are only self-similar (pinnate) to 2, 3 or 4 levels.
Fern-like growth patterns occur in plants and in animals including bryozoa, corals, hydrozoa like the air
fern, Sertularia argentea, and in non-living things, notably electrical discharges. Lindenmayer
system fractals can model different patterns of tree growth by varying a small number of parameters
including branching angle, distance between nodes or branch points (internode length), and number of
branches per branch point.
Fractal-like patterns occur widely in nature, in phenomena as diverse as clouds, river networks,
geologic fault lines, mountains, coastlines, animal coloration, snow flakes, crystals, blood
vessel branching, actin cytoskeleton, and ocean waves
Branching pattern of Mountain Ocean Waves
a baobab tree

Spirals are common in plants and in some animals, notably molluscs. For example, in the nautilus, a
cephalopod mollusc, each chamber of its shell is an approximate copy of the next one, scaled by a
constant factor and arranged in a logarithmic spiral.] Given a modern understanding of fractals, a growth
spiral can be seen as a special case of self-similarity
Plant spirals can be seen in phyllotaxis, the arrangement of leaves on a stem, and in the arrangement
(parastichy) of other parts as in composite flower heads and seed heads like
the sunflower or fruit structures like the pineapple and snake fruit, as well as in the pattern of scales
in pine cones, where multiple spirals run both clockwise and anticlockwise. These arrangements have
explanations at different levels – mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology – each individually correct,
but all necessary together.

Spiralling shell Bighorn sheep seed head

Meanders are sinuous bends in rivers or other channels, which form as a fluid, most often water, flows
around bends. As soon as the path is slightly curved, the size and curvature of each loop increases
as helical flow drags material like sand and gravel across the river to the inside of the bend. The outside
of the loop is left clean and unprotected, so erosionaccelerates, further increasing the meandering in a
powerful positive feedback loop.

Crawling Snake Brain Coral Wandering River

Tessellations are patterns formed by repeating tiles all over a flat surface. There are 17 wallpaper
groups of tilings. While common in art and design, exactly repeating tilings are less easy to find in living
things. The cells in the paper nests of social wasps, and the wax cells in honeycomb built by honey bees
are well-known examples. Among animals, bony fish, reptiles or the pangolin, or fruits like the salak are
protected by overlapping scales or osteoderms, these form more-or-less exactly repeating units, though
often the scales in fact vary continuously in size. Among flowers, the snake's head fritillary, Fritillaria
meleagris, have a tessellated chequerboard pattern on their petals. The structures of minerals provide
good examples of regularly repeating three-dimensional arrays. Despite the hundreds of thousands of
known minerals, there are rather few possible types of arrangement of atoms in a crystal, defined
by crystal structure, crystal system, and point group; for example, there are exactly 14 Bravais
lattices for the 7 lattice systems in three-dimensional space.[76]

Crystals honeycomb overlapping scales of common roach

Spots, stripes
Leopards and ladybirds are spotted; angelfish and zebras are striped. These patterns have
an evolutionary explanation: they have functions which increase the chances that the offspring of the
patterned animal will survive to reproduce. One function of animal patterns is camouflage for instance,
a leopard that is harder to see catches more prey. Another function is signalling[26] The young leopards
and ladybirds, inheriting genes that somehow create spottedness, survive. But while these evolutionary
and functional arguments explain why these animals need their patterns, they do not explain how the
patterns are formed.[79]

Zebra Royal angelfish Leopard

Who was Fibonacci?
The "greatest European mathematician of the middle ages", his full name was
Leonardo of Pisa, or Leonardo Pisano in Italian since he was born in Pisa,Italy

Pisa was an important commercial town in its day and had links with many
Mediterranean ports. Leonardo's father, Guglielmo Bonacci, was a kind of
customs officer in the present-day Algerian town of Béjaïa,formerly known as
Bugia or Bougie, where wax candles were exported to France. They are still
called "bougies" in French.

So Leonardo grew up with a North African education under the Moors and later
travelled extensively around the Mediterranean coast. He would have met with many merchants and
learned of their systems of doing arithmetic. He soon realised the many advantages of the "Hindu-
Arabic" system over all the others.

His names

Leonardo of Pisa is now known as Fibonacci [pronounced fib-on-arch-ee] short for filius Bonacci.

There are a couple of explanations for the meaning of Fibonacci:

 Fibonacci is a shortening of the Latin "filius Bonacci", used in the title of his book Libar Abaci (of which
mmore later), which means "the son of Bonaccio". His father's name was Guglielmo Bonaccio. Fi'-
Bonacci is like the English names of Robin-son and John-son. But (in Italian) Bonacci is also the plural of
Bonaccio; therefore, two early writers on Fibonacci (Boncompagni and Milanesi) regard Bonacci as his
family name (as in "the Smiths" for the family of John Smith).
Fibonacci himself wrote both "Bonacci" and "Bonaccii" as well as "Bonacij"; the uncertainty in the
spelling is partly to be ascribed to this mixture of spoken Italian and written Latin, common at that time.
However he did not use the word "Fibonacci". This seems to have been a nickname probably originating
in the works of Guillaume Libri in 1838, accordigng to L E Sigler's in his Introduction to Leonardo
Pisano's Book of Squares Others think Bonacci may be a kind of nick-name meaning "lucky son"
(literally, "son of good fortune").

Other names
He is perhaps more correctly called Leonardo of Pisa or, using a latinisation of his name, Leonardo
Pisano. Occasionally he also wrote Leonardo Bigollosince, in Tuscany, bigollo means a traveller.

Fibonacci's Mathematical Contributions

Introducing the Decimal Number system into Europe

He was one of the first people to introduce the Hindu-Arabic number system into Europe - the positional
system we use today - based on ten digits with its decimal point and a symbol for zero:
His book on how to do arithmetic in the decimal system, called Liber abbaci (meaning Book of the
Abacus or Book of Calculating) completed in 1202 persuaded many European mathematicians of his day
to use this "new" system.

The book describes (in Latin) the rules we all now learn at elementary school for adding numbers,
subtracting, multiplying and dividing, together with many problems to illustrate the methods:
1 7 4 + 1 7 4 - 1 7 4 x 1 7 4 ÷ 28
28 28 28 is
----- ----- -------
202 1 4 6 3 4 8 0 + 6 remainder 6
----- ----- 1 3 9 2

Roman Numerals

The Numerals are letters

The method in use in Europe until then used the Roman numerals:
I = 1,
V = 5,
X = 10,
L = 50,
C = 100,
D = 500 and
M = 1000
You can still see them used on foundation stones of old buildings and on some clocks.

The Additive rule

The simplest system would be merely to use the letters for the values as in the table above, and add the
values for each letter used.
For instance, 13 could be written as XIII or perhaps IIIX or even IIXI. This occurs in the Roman language of
Latin where 23 is spoken as tres et viginti which translates as three and twenty.
Above 100, the Latin words use the same order as we do in English, so that whereas 35 is quinque et
triginta (5 and 30), 235 is ducenti triginta quinque (two hundred thirty five).

The subtractive rule

The Roman language (Latin) also uses a subtraction principle so that whereas 20 is viginti 19 is "1 from
20" or undeviginti. We have it in English when we say the time is "10 to 7" which is not the same as "7
10". The first means 10 minutes before ( or subtracted from) 7 0'clock, whereas the second means 10
minutes added to (or after) 7 o'clock. This is also reflected in Roman numerals. This abbreviation makes
the order of letters important. So if a smaller value came before the next larger one, it
was subtracted and if it came after, it was added.
For example, XI means 10+1=11 (since the smaller one comes after the larger ten) but IX means 1 less
than 10 or 9.
But 8 is still written as VIII (not IIX). The subtraction in numbers was only of a unit (1, 10 or 100) taken
away from 5 of those units (5, 50 or 500 or from the next larger multiple of 10 (10, 100 or 1000).

Using this method, 1998 would be written much more compactly as MCMXCVIII but this takes a little
more time to interpret: 1000 + (100 less than 1000) + (10 less than 100) + 5 + 1 + 1 + 1.
Note that in the UK we use a similar system for time when 6:50 is often said as "ten to 7" as well as "6
fifty", similarly for "a quarter to 4" meaning 3:45. In the USA, 6:50 is sometimes spoken as "10 of 7".

Arithmetic with Roman Numerals

Arithmetic was not easy in the Roman system:



The Decimal Positional System

The system that Fibonacci introduced into Europe came from India and Arabia and used the Arabic
symbols 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 with, most importantly, a symbol for zero 0.
With Roman numbers, 2003 could be written as MMIII or, just as clearly, it could be written as IIIMM -
the order does not matter since the values of the letters are added to make the number in the original
(unabbreviated) system. In the "new system", the order does matter always since 23 is quite a different
number to 32. Also, since the position of each digit is important, then we may need a zero to get the
digits into their correct places (columns)


Earlier the Persian author Abu ‘Abd Allah, Mohammed ibn Musa al-Khwarizmi (usually abbreviated to Al-
Khwarizmi had written a book which included the rules of arithmetic for the decimal number system we
now use, called Kitab al jabr wa‘l-muqabala (Rules of restoring and equating) dating from about 825 AD.
D E Knuth (in the errata for the second edition and third edition of his "Fundamental Algorithms") gives
the full name above and says it can be translated as Father of Abdullah, Mohammed, son of Moses,
native of Khwarizm. He was an astromomer to the caliph at Baghdad (now in Iraq).

The Fibonacci Numbers

In Fibonacci's Liber Abaci book, chapter 12, he introduces the following problem (here in Sigler's
translation - see below):
How Many Pairs of Rabbits Are Created by One Pair in One Year
A certain man had one pair of rabbits together in a certain enclosed place, and one wishes to know how
many are created from the pair in one year when it is the nature of them in a single month to bear
another pair, and in the second month those born to bear also.
He then goes on to solve and explain the solution:
Because the above written pair in the first month bore, you will double it; there will be two beginning 1
pairs in one month. first 2
One of these, namely the first, bears in the second montth, and thus there are in the second second 3
month 3 pairs; third 5
of these in one month two are pregnant and in the third month 2 pairs of rabbits are born, fourth 8
and thus there are 5 pairs in the month; fifth 13
... sixth 21
there will be 144 pairs in this [the tenth] month; seventh 34
to these are added again the 89 pairs that are born in the eleventh month; there will be eighth 55
233 pairs in this month. ninth 89
To these are still added the 144 pairs that are born in the last month; there will be 377 tenth 144
pairs, and this many pairs are produced from the abovewritten pair in the mentioned place eleventh 233
at the end of the one year. end 377

You can indeed see in the margin how we operated, namely that we added the first number
to the second, namely the 1 to the 2, and the second to the third, and the third to the
fourth and the fourth to the fifth, and thus one after another until we added the tenth to
the eleventh, namely the 144 to the 233, and we had the abovewritten sum of rabbits,
namely 377, and thus you can in order find it for an unending number of months.

Did Fibonacci invent this Series?

Fibonacci says his book Liber Abaci (the first edition was dated 1202) that he had studied the "nine
Indian figures" and their arithmetic as used in various countries around the Mediterranean and wrote
about them to make their use more commonly understood in his native Italy. So he probably merely
included the "rabbit problem" from one of his contacts and did not invent either the problem or the
series of numbers which now bear his name.
D E Knuth adds the following in his monumental work The Art of Computer Programming: Volume 1:
Fundamental Algorithms errata to second edition:
Before Fibonacci wrote his work, the sequence F(n) had already been discussed by Indian scholars, who
had long been interested in rhythmic patterns that are formed from one-beat and two-beat notes. The
number of such rhythms having n beats altogether is F(n+1); therefore both Gospala (before 1135) and
Hemachandra (c. 1150) mentioned the numbers 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, ... explicitly.

Naming the Series

It was the French mathematician Edouard Lucas (1842-1891) who gave the name Fibonacci numbers to
this series and found many other important applications as well as having the series of numbers that are
closely related to the Fibonacci numbers - the Lucas Numbers: 2, 1, 3, 4, 7, 11, 18, 29, 47, ... named after

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