IV B.Tech I Semester Regular/Supplementary Examinations, Oct/Nov - 2018
(Common to Aeronautical Engineering, Automobile Engineering and Mechanical
Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 70
Question paper consists of Part-A and Part-B
Answer ALL sub questions from Part-A
Answer any THREE questions from Part-B
3 a) Obtain the interpolation functions for a two noded axial element using local
coordinate system, global coordinate system and natural coordinate system. [8]
b) Explain the importance of (i) Node numbering (ii) Mesh generation [8]
Figure 4 (a)
b) Derive the shape functions for a beam element. [8]
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Code No: RT41033 R13 Set No. 1
5 a) For the axisymmetric element shown in Figure 5 (a) determine the element
stiffness matrix. Take E=200 GPa, and υ=0.3.
Figure 5 (a)
b) Discuss a few applications of axi-symmetric elements. [8]
6 a) Using the gauss quadrature method evaluate the following integral and compare
the results with the exact solute [8]
b) Explain briefly about isoparametric elements. [8]
7 a) For the stepped bar shown in the figure 7 (a), develop the global stiffness and
mass matrices and also determine the natural frequencies and mode shapes.
E = 200 GPa and mass density = 7850 kg/m3, L1 = L2 = 0.3 m, A1 = 350 mm2,
A2 = 600 mm2.
Figure 7 (a)
b) Derive angle of twist for a uniform shaft subjected to torsion. [8]
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Code No: RT41033 R13 Set No. 2
IV B.Tech I Semester Regular/Supplementary Examinations, Oct/Nov - 2018
(Common to Aeronautical Engineering, Automobile Engineering and Mechanical
Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 70
Question paper consists of Part-A and Part-B
Answer ALL sub questions from Part-A
Answer any THREE questions from Part-B
PART–A (22 Marks)
1 a) Explain the principle of finite element method. [4]
b) Write the properties of global stiffness matrix. [4]
c) State the significance of shape functions. [3]
d) What is the size of the stiffness matrix for axisymmetric triangular element? [3]
e) Describe the strain displacement matrix for 3-noded triangular element. [4]
f) What is thermal conductivity matrix for 2D heat transfer problems? [4]
PART–B (3x16 = 48 Marks)
2 a) Explain the potential energy formulation for obtaining element equations in Finite
element methods. [8]
b) The following stresses are developed in a plate under plane stress σ xx = 120 Mpa,
σ yy = 14 Mpa and σ xy = 5 Mpa. Determine the strain induced in the plate,
assuming that E = 209 Gpa and ν = 0.3. [8]
3 a) Determine the nodal displacement for the stepped bar loaded as shown in Figure 3
(a), P1=100 KN and P2=75 KN. The details of each section of the bar is shown in
4 a) For the two-bar truss shown in figure 4 (a), determine the displacements of node 1
and stress in element 1-3.
Figure 4 (a)
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Code No: RT41033 R13 Set No. 2
b) What are essential and natural boundary conditions for a beam element? [6]
5 a) For point p located inside the triangle as shown in figure 5 (a), the shape
functions N1 and N2 are 0.15 and 0.25 respectively. Determine the x-and y-
coordinates of point P.
Figure 5 (a)
b) Differentiate between CST and LST with respect to the triangular element. [8]
6 a) Derive the stiffness matrix for the four noded quadrilateral element in terms of
natural coordinate system. [10]
b) Write a note on two point integration rule for 1-D and 2-D problems. [6]
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Code No: RT41033 R13 Set No. 3
IV B.Tech I Semester Regular/Supplementary Examinations, Oct/Nov - 2018
(Common to Aeronautical Engineering, Automobile Engineering and Mechanical
Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 70
Question paper consists of Part-A and Part-B
Answer ALL sub questions from Part-A
Answer any THREE questions from Part-B
Figure 2 (a)
b) Explain the various steps involved in solving a problem using finite element
method. [8]
4 a) Calculate the deflection at the centre and slopes at the ends of a simply supported
beam of 2 m length subjected to a Uniformly Distributed Load (UDL) of 50 kN/m
throughout the length. Take EI = 700 Nmm2. [8]
b) Derive the stiffness matrix of a truss element. [8]
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Code No: RT41033 R13 Set No. 3
5 a) Evaluate the axisymmetric stiffness matrix K of the triangular element shown in the
Figure 5 (a). Consider the coordinates of nodes as 1 (2, 1), 2 (4, 0), and 3 (3, 2). Also
assume E = 2.6 GPa and ν = 0.2.
Figure 5 (a)
b) What are the properties of constant-strain triangular element? Explain. [8]
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Code No: RT41033 R13 Set No. 4
IV B.Tech I Semester Regular/Supplementary Examinations, Oct/Nov - 2018
(Common to Aeronautical Engineering, Automobile Engineering and Mechanical
Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 70
Question paper consists of Part-A and Part-B
Answer ALL sub questions from Part-A
Answer any THREE questions from Part-B
1 a) Write the D- Matrix for plane stress and plane strain conditions. [4]
b) Write the stiffness matrix for 2-noded beam element. [4]
c) What are the various functions considered under classical beam theory? [3]
d) What are the strain displacement relations for axisymmetric element? [3]
e) How do you define two dimensional elements? [4]
f) Differentiate between the transient dynamic analysis and Eigen value analysis. [4]
2 a) Using the stress-equilibrium equations, derive the governing differential equation
for a prismatic bar subjected to body load and traction force. [8]
b) Consider the rod as shown in figure 2 (b), where the strain at any point is given by
∈ = 1+ 2x2. Find the tip displacement δ.
3 a) Determine the load nodal displacements for the bar shown in figure 3 (a) if axial
load P = 200 × 103N is applied.
Figure 3 (a)
b) Discuss the effect of element shape and size on the convergence of the finite
element solution. [8]
5 Derive the expression for strain displacement matrix for a constant strain triangular
element. Also derive the stiffness matrix. [16]
6 a) Derive the shape functions of two dimensional four noded iso-parametric element.
Plot the shape functions. [8]
b) Use Gaussian quadrature with two points to evaluate the integral
cos x / (1-2x2 ) dx. Compare the result with actual integral value. [8]
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