Oup Accepted Manuscript 2016
Oup Accepted Manuscript 2016
Oup Accepted Manuscript 2016
Review article
Recent advances in diagnostic testing for viral
Selma Souf*
*Corresponding author: College of Science and Technology, Nottingham Trent University, Clifton campus NG11 8NS, Nottingham, UK.
Email: soufselma@gmail.com
Supervisor: Dr Jody Winter, College of Science and Technology, Nottingham Trent University, Clifton campus NG11 8NS, Nottingham, UK.
Viral infectious diseases represent an important portion of global public health concerns with thousands of deaths annually.
From serious pandemics and highly contagious infections to common influenza episodes, clinical prognosis often relies on early
detection of the infectious agent. Thus, effective identification of viral pathogens is needed to help prevent transmission, set up
appropriate therapy, monitor response to treatment and lead to efficient disease management and control. The aim of this
review is to outline some of the recent technological advances in viral identification, including polymerase chain reaction, mass
spectrometry and next-generation sequencing, and how they are applied in the diagnosis and management of viral infections.
These powerful tools combine rapidity and efficiency in detecting viral pathogens and have revolutionized the field of clinical
diagnostics. However, a number of drawbacks such as high cost have limited their use in many laboratories, particularly in
resource-limited settings. On the contrary, the advent of microfluidic technology has attracted increasing interest from biomed-
ical research groups, and could represent a challenging alternative to diagnose viral infections at lower cost.
Key words: viral infections, laboratory testing, immunoassay, polymerase chain reaction, next-generation sequencing, mass
of 2014 (WHO, 2014); more than 780 000 people die every
Introduction year of Hepatitis B and up to 500 000 die of Hepatitis C-
Global pandemics are serious threats to human life. While related liver diseases. The high prevalence of these diseases
well-established and characterized viruses such as The has raised the efforts for improving clinical diagnostics.
human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and Hepatitis are still Effective prevention and clinical management of infec-
killing millions of people, the emerging viruses are also prob- tious diseases are intimately linked to early and accurate
lematic and have caused several serious outbreaks in the screening of pathogens, not only by detecting the infectious
recent years. For example, the Severe Acute Respiratory particles in the organism but also by elucidating the aspects
Syndrome-Coronavirus (SARS-CoV) in 2002–2003, Swine that confer resistance to therapy and immune escape pro-
Influenza A (H1N1) in 2009 and Ebola Haemorrhagic fever files, including mutations and genotype disparity.
outbreak in 2014 which has caused thousands of deaths in
West Africa. Therefore, rapid diagnosis benefits patients in allowing
timely therapy to prevent complications; and benefits public
Morbidity and mortality rates are significantly high. health by collecting data for epidemiological studies, to pre-
Thirty-five million people were infected with HIV in 2013, vent outbreaks and spreading of diseases. In that context, the
and 350–400 millions chronic carriers of Hepatitis B virus. WHO has established many surveillance programs for disease
According to the World Health Organization (WHO) report control such as the global strategy for control and assessment
© The Author 2016. Published by Oxford University Press. 1
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Review article Bioscience Horizons • Volume 9 2016
of HIV drug resistance, the Global Influenza Surveillance and Specificity (also called the true negative rate) is a qualita-
Response System for the control and monitoring of Influenza tive assessment, showing the capability of the test to distin-
and the Global Policy on Viral Hepatitis. guish target from non-target analyte. This measure is
expressed as the percentage of infection-free patients who
At a smaller scale, clinical laboratories are a crucial point
will have a negative result. The closer the values are to the
for diagnosis of viral diseases by using a range of tools and
reference, the higher the sensitivity and specificity of the test.
machineries varying in cost and efficacy.
On the contrary, operational parameters concern simpli-
In a rapidly growing world of technology, the industry is
city and ease in performing the test such as the turnaround
continuously delivering up-to-date instruments but many fac-
time (TAT). TAT is a key performance indicator defined as
tors are limiting their implementation in healthcare settings
the interval time between sample registration to result report-
with low income, which unfortunately delays global benefit.
ing. Sample preparation and any other pre-analytical steps
This review will describe some of these advanced testing
are within this interval. Assay completion in less than 60 min
methods, how their specific characteristics have revolutio-
is ideal so manufacturers aim to construct diagnosis instru-
nized the field of laboratory diagnosis and what can be done
ments allowing shorter TAT, which is particularly beneficial
to overcome their limitations.
for point-of-care settings (Hawkins, 2007).
The WHO has established ASSURED criteria (Affordable,
General principles of good Sensitive, Specific, User-friendly, Rapid and robust, Equipment-
free and Deliverable to end users) (Wu and Zaman, 2012)
laboratory testing for diagnostics in resources-limited point-of care settings
(Blacksell, 2012). The aim is to provide better management of
Rigorous and accurate interpretation of laboratory results
the disease, such as immediate delivery of the results and rapid
guarantees effective clinical management of a disease and con-
record of the disease status, to improve clinical decision-making.
trol of its propagation (Lemon et al., 2007). However, errone-
ous diagnosis could lead to financial and human loss.
In clinical testing of infectious diseases, it is crucial to Traditional laboratory methods for
determine precisely the presence or absence of the infectious the diagnosis of viral infections
agent or its corresponding antibodies, to prove current or
past exposure. Therefore, the ability to say precisely whether For long time, clinical laboratories have relied on a diverse
the person is infected or not, and to determine the course of range of techniques to diagnose viral infections.
the infection has a positive impact on the therapeutic strategy.
In developed countries, electron microscope (EM) has for
The usefulness and reliability of laboratory results depend long time been considered an efficient tool for direct detection
on the performance and operational parameters of the of viruses through visualization and counting of the viral par-
intended test. The performance parameters directly relate to ticles in body fluids, stools or histopathologic samples. The
the results by estimating their Accuracy, Precision, Sensitivity identification is based on morphological characteristics spe-
and Specificity (Lalkhen and McCluskey, 2008). While these cific to each virus family and requires a certain amount of vir-
are statistical values (percentages), they have different expla- al particles (up to 106 particles/ml). However, specimen
nations and involve comparison with the reference method or preparation that must be performed beforehand (Goldsmith
‘gold standard’ for the desired test (Guzman et al., 2010). and Miller, 2009) may reduce the virus concentration which
makes the analysis harder. In addition, electron microscopy
Accuracy describes how close the obtained results are to
requires substantial technical skills and expertise; the presence
those obtained with the reference method and it is expressed
of unusual or look-alike structures such as cellular debris and
as a percentage of correct results. Precision refers to the reli-
organelles may confuse the electron microscopist with their
able reproduction of one test on the same sample, and obtain-
virus-like shapes (Fauquet et al., 2005).
ing similar results.
The combination of EM with culture-based methods has
These two parameters must be regularly monitored using
shown great contribution in the diagnosis of viral infections,
local quality control (QC) and quality assurance (QA) pro-
along with serology testing for detection of antibodies tar-
cedures in order to maintain reliability of the test. In perfect
geted against the virus. These conventional methods are still
conditions, an ideal test would have 100% accuracy and
fundamental practices in many hospital laboratories.
100% precision; however, external factors and methodo-
logical differences can cause small variations. Cell culture is one of the most popular methods for isolat-
ing viruses using cell lines. These latter vary according to the
Sensitivity (also called the true positive rate) is the percent-
targeted viruses (for example; rhesus monkey kidney cells are
age of patients with confirmed infection (by the ‘gold stand-
used for isolation of Influenza A virus).
ard’ method) who will have positive results. It is usually
measured by the lower limit of detection of the analyte produ- Evidence of virus growth is seen through the cytopathic
cing a positive result. effect (CPE) exhibiting specific characteristics and alterations of
Bioscience Horizons • Volume 9 2016 Review article
the cells (Robbins, Enders and Weller, 1950). The virus defini- test is time consuming, and demanding, particularly in terms
tive identification is then performed using Immunofluorescence of QC.
(IF) staining. Nevertheless, virus isolation using cell culture is
This list of conventional techniques is not exhaustive, and
not ideal in case of viruses not amenable to growth in cell lines
only the most commonly used were cited. The following sec-
(norovirus, hepatitis virus) or producing CPE (Papafragkou
tions will discuss more recent developments in the field, which
et al., 2013).
replaced the conventional practices and allowed screening
In addition, small volumes of the sample may not allow (qualitative test), surveillance (quantitative test) and confirm-
inoculation of many cell types, and thus compromise the ation of diagnosis.
results. For example, the standard inoculation of a cell culture
medium with cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) sample requires a min-
imum of 0.2 ml; however, much more is needed to inoculate a Recent methods in the diagnosis
combination of different cell types, which could be invasive to of viral infections
the patient (McIntyre, 2007, Hematiana et al., 2016).
As stated before, this review will discuss only some of the main
The time required for isolating viruses by cell culture is
developments in diagnostic technologies that have ushered the
very long (weeks), limiting the usefulness of this technique
new era of clinical virology, and lay out their key advantages
when rapid diagnosis is needed. Cell culture needs highly
and limitations that will be summarized in Table 1.
skilled and experienced personnel for accurate interpretation
of the CPE and adequate facilities for handling mammalian
cell lines or highly pathogenic viruses. Immunoassay-based tests
In the shell vial technique, one of the rapid culture methods,
Antibodies produced immediately after invasion of a foreign
inoculated cells are subjected to centrifugation, incubation and
substance can inform on primary infection, reinfection or a
then IF staining with monoclonal antibodies, specific to the
reactivation state. Therefore, measuring the level of immuno-
range of viruses suspected to cause the infection, such as
globulins (Ig) is a widely considered approach for the diagno-
respiratory viruses, Herpes simplex virus or Varicella zoster
sis of viral infections.
virus. The virus-induced antigens are detected 2–4 days later.
Automated immunoassay-based methods are among the
Rapid culture has limited benefits as it does not target a
most frequently used for testing, and are effective because of
wide range of viruses and has low sensitivity.
the high specificity and binding affinity between antigen and
Complement fixation test (CFT) is one of the oldest meth- antibody. Therefore, the principle of the test relies in the for-
ods in the history of clinical virology (Casals and Palacios, mation of an immuno-complex between antibody present in
1941). The complement reacts only with antigen–antibody the patient sample and synthetic antigen present in the reagent
complex in a non-specific manner. Thus, in the presence of or vice versa, to generate a measurable signal.
the complex, the complement is not free to interact with sensi-
Immunoassays use labels conjugated to synthetic anti-
tized sheep red blood cells (RBCs) used as an indicator, and
bodies or antigens which are linked to a solid phase, and used
which remain unlysed. The test is said to be ‘positive’.
to capture corresponding antigens or antibodies present in
CFT is supposedly easy to perform, convenient and sera samples. These labels could be radioactive isotopes,
requires inexpensive material. However, it is labour intensive enzymes that cause change in colour or light-generating sub-
and lacks sensitivity. In-house standardization through titra- stances. Consequently, this principle has generated several
tion of the reactants and preparation of controls is crucial for methodologies for the testing.
obtaining effective testing.
Radio-immunoassay (RIA) is probably the initiating meth-
Haemagglutination inhibition test is generally used for od (1960s); it uses radioisotopes (such as Iodine 125) to label
detecting arboviruses, influenza and parainfluenza virus sub- antigen or antibody. The amount of substance to analyse is
types and provides relative quantitation of the virus particles. determined by the amount of the generated radioactivity. RIA
The principle relies on the capacity of haemagglutinin (HA); a is a highly sensitive method but the main drawback is the
viral protein present in the envelope, to bind to erythrocytes handling and disposal of hazardous radioactive substances.
(RBC) and to form a lattice pattern termed ‘agglutination’. In
The enzymatic labelling alternative using alkaline phos-
the assay, serial dilutions of the sample serum are added to a
phatase or horseradish peroxidase as markers is, however, the
fixed amount of viral HA and agglutinable RBCs. If Influenza
most widely used and was long considered a reference method
antibodies are present in the serum, the agglutination process
(Engvall and Perlmann, 1972; Voller, Bidwell and Bartlett,
is prevented. The corresponding dilution rate at which com-
1976). These enzymes induce emission of signals or change in
plete haemagglutination is observed and considered.
colour respectively, and allow the amount of analyte of inter-
Variants of the agglutination assay are used for the diagno- est to be measured. This enzyme-linked immunoassay (EIA)
sis of wider range of viral diseases other than influenza has numerous variants, including ELISA, and they differ in
(Grandien et al., 1987; Sandeep et al., 2002). However, the the enzyme used and the signal detection principle.
Review article Bioscience Horizons • Volume 9 2016
Immunoassay Formation of High sensitivity Must rely on QC RIA Gupta et al. (2015),
antigen– High specificity assurance EIA (FPIA, MEIA, Mixson-Hayden
antibody High speed High risk of CLIA) et al. (2015)
through throughput interferences
recognition Quick TAT (20 min or High cost
and binding less)
Different types of tags,
Automated method
NAAT Amplification and High sensitivity Longer run time RT-PCR García-Arroyo et al.
detection of High specificity Requires specific qPCR (2016), Reijans et al.
sequences Multiplexed platforms primers for the NASBA (2008), Renois et al.
from the viral Genotyping targets TMA (2010), Afshar and
genome (DNA Determination of the Mollaie (2012),
or RNA) viral load Mercier-Delarue
New compact and et al. (2014), Wu
portable formats et al. (2014)
The main variants of EIA are as follows: In clinical practice, serological studies of Hepatitis B rely on
immunoassay as a key tool for detection of Hepatitis B virus
• Fluorescence polarization immunoassay (FPIA): uses fluor-
(HBV) markers. The up-to-date versions of immunoassay
escent label and polarized light.
methods are able to detect the lowest levels of the main
• Micro-particle enzyme immunoassay (MEIA) (Tassopoulos
marker HBsAg, undetectable by conventional methods, par-
et al., 1997): widely used and relies on alkaline phosphatase
ticularly in sera samples of asymptomatic patients. The latest
enzyme and a corresponding fluorescent substrate.
screening standard detects as little as 0.05 IU/ml, the equiva-
• Chemiluminescent immunoassay (CLIA), which uses
lent of 0.2 ng/ml viral antigen (Deguchi et al., 2004) and high
chemiluminescent or light-emitting labels. Companies like
sensitivity (>99%) was observed at different stages of the dis-
ROCHE or Abbott are exploiting this method, and high-
ease or even in patients showing seroclearance.
volume laboratories are gradually replacing MEIA technol-
ogy with CLIA for its high-speed throughput and ease of A newly developed CLIA allowed denaturation of the
measurement. HBV particle, and used monoclonal antibodies against inner
Bioscience Horizons • Volume 9 2016 Review article
and outer structural epitopes in order to obtain higher assay diagnostic practices such as screening donated blood for
sensitivity (Shinkai et al., 2013) and sufficient information on transfusion-transmitted viruses (CMV, HIV, HCV, …)
the HBV genotypes. (Jackson, 1990).
Automated immunoassay techniques for virus detection The most widely used variants of conventional amplifica-
overcome some of the limitations encountered with the con- tion are real-time PCR (quantitative PCR) and reverse
ventional tests, particularly the delay to response. transcription-PCR (RT-PCR). Both are nowadays becoming
benchmarks in assessing the viral load, and while the first
Limitations method quantifies DNA throughout the reactions in real time
Despite the popularity of immunoassay in clinical testing, (Ntziora et al., 2013); the second performs RT of the mRNA
erroneous results may occur for many reasons, which confer (RNA messenger) and amplifies the resulting cDNA (comple-
inconsistencies to the testing. mentary DNA). It also quantifies RNA. The combination of
both techniques increases sensitivity in detecting viruses, par-
• Immunoassays are more prone to interferences than any ticularly influenza viruses. The WHO recently approved a
other assay, which leads to false-positive or false-negative newly developed reverse transcriptase-PCR assay after the
results. In most cases, interferences are due to the presence first death from MERS-CoV (Middle East Respiratory
of agents with structural similarities to the reagents Syndrome-Coronavirus) infection reported in 2012 (Abd El
(Miller, 2004), and fluctuate according to the concentra- Wahed et al., 2013).
tion of the interfering substance and the analyte.
Endogenous antibodies (autoantibodies, hetero-antibodies Other amplification-based tests such as nucleic acid
or human anti-animal antibodies) are commonly the main sequence-based amplification (NASBA) and transcription-
culprit in these interferences (Emerson and Lai, 2013). mediated amplification (TMA) are suited for detection of
Their binding to capture antibodies and detection anti- RNA viruses by amplification of the mRNA instead of conver-
bodies in the absence of antigen (analyte) mainly leads to sion to cDNA (Mercier-Delarue et al., 2014, Wu et al., 2014).
false-positive result (Berth and Willaert, 2016). Among the latest enhancements in PCR systems, extrac-
• Accurate QC guarantees reliable results and assumes that the tion, amplification and detection steps have been combined
assay is performed well. Therefore, poor QC measures lead within one unit. As an example, BioFire Film Array technol-
to low accuracy and precision. In immunoassays, QC is ogy applies two sequential amplifications and can detect a
assured by regular calibration and control of the reagents, panel of respiratory viruses with high sensitivity in 1 h and
using standardized solutions delivered by the manufacturers. within a single instrument (Pierce et al., 2012).
• The high cost of reagents and equipment is another draw-
back in immunoassays, particularly for resource-limited On the contrary, microfluidic technology has also benefited
settings, considering that the most accurate and sensitive PCR-based systems; and allowed further decrease in the
methods are automated. detection time (15 min), with high sensitivity and cost-
effectiveness. In the 2009 epidemic, detection of Influenza A
virus H1N1 greatly relied on a chip-type real-time PCR
Amplification-based assays instead of the tube-based principle. The portable format of
such systems is very convenient during epidemics and out-
Developed by Mullis and Faloona (1987), nucleic acid ampli-
breaks (Song et al., 2012).
fication by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) has revolutio-
nized the field of molecular diagnosis. The basic PCR assay Multiplexed NAAT were designed to detect multiple
relies on extraction and purification of the nucleic acid, then viruses or subtypes in a single run. Their detection platforms
exponential amplification of the target sequence, using a can comprise up to 20 viruses using diversified panels
thermostable polymerase enzyme and specific primers. The (Mahony et al., 2007), for example, concurrent detection of
resulting amplicons are then identified using a fluorescence- HAV, HBV and HCV infections, as well as co-infections
based detection system, and the result is reported in inter- (Park et al., 2012).
national units IU/ml.
In Hepatitis B, PCR is considered the gold standard meth-
Soon after its invention, modifications in PCR were tested od for assessing the HBV DNA level with high accuracy,
and patented, with the aim of improving the assay capabil- and the assays are standardized according to the WHO
ities. The term nucleic acid amplification tests (NAAT) was International Standard for Hepatitis B virus (NIBSC), such as
applied to this range of new variants. the reference Roche Cobas TaqMan HBV test. The test was
the first FDA approved assay, with a detection limit of
NAAT are very popular in the diagnosis and management
10.2 IU/ml. The combined system with Cobas AmpliPrep has
of viral infections (HBV, HCV, HIV, Influenza viruses, …)
an automated sample extraction process and highly sensitive
because they allow determination of the viral load. In other
detection for all HBV genotypes (Pyne et al., 2012).
terms, quantitation of the viral nucleic acid by amplifying the
target sequence thousands-fold. In most cases, they are now In HIV patients taking antiretroviral treatment (ART),
considered a reference, or ‘gold standard’ method for ultrasensitive assays permit quantitation of low copy numbers
Review article Bioscience Horizons • Volume 9 2016
of HIV subtypes (<50 copies/ml) and long terminal repeats in information on species, genotypes and the occurrence of
latent reservoirs and from cell lysates omitting the nucleic mutations conferring virulence or resistance to antivirals.
acid extraction step (Vandergeeten et al., 2014). Such assays
Pyrosequencing is currently the variant of choice within
could be valuable tools in large cohort studies or pandemic
NGS systems. Based on the detection of pyrophosphate (PPi)
after incorporation of a nucleotide in a DNA polymerization
process, it uses luciferase to catalyse light-generating pro-
cesses, and the collected light is then recorded. Although
The limitations of PCR are an important parameter to con- Illumina is considered the most frequently used pyrosequen-
sider, despite the cost-effectiveness and reliability in the diag- cing platform, 454 FLX; a subsidiary company of Roche, was
nosis of viral infections. The risk of contamination is very the first high-throughput analyser in the market and was used
high while handling, especially during the sample preparation to determine human papillomavirus (HPV) types (Barzon
step, in addition, real-time PCR has a longer run-time (2–5 h) et al., 2011), subtypes and variants, present in cervical speci-
by comparison to other techniques. mens. Other variants detect hydrogen ions that are released
throughout nucleotide incorporation reaction (Rothberg et al.
In the case of influenza, many PCR-based assays were
designed to detect only a particular subtype of the virus
responsible for important pandemics (Hall et al., 2009), and Generating high volumes of sequence data has allowed the
the need for designing specific primers for the target requires compilation of viral nucleotide databases and acquisition of
handling by experienced operators, capable of detecting de novo sequences to understand the genetic variability of
errors, particularly that PCR is prone to false-positive results. viruses (Szpara, Parsons and Enquist, 2010). HIV is by far the
most sequenced because of the global priority of AIDS as a
The high mutation rate of some viruses could trigger muta-
serious endemic, and because of the high mutation rate of the
tion within PCR primer regions of the viral genome, which
would lead the virus to escape the detection by this assay.
So far, only gene sequencing methods have been successful
in genotyping tricky HBV, unlike conventional PCR or sero-
Next-generation sequencing logical assays. Therefore, sequencing has allowed better clin-
Next-generation sequencing (NGS) is one of the greatest ical management of HBV infection and related complications
achievements of the modern era. Beyond genome sequencing (Margeridon-Thermet et al., 2009).
from known organisms, it allowed discovery of novel viruses In data analysis, recent technical approaches have
responsible for unknown human diseases (Palacios et al., included adjustment of the software reading platforms for
2008), and tracking of outbreaks and pandemics such as influ- simultaneous detection of genotypes and mutants of clinical
enza (Baillie et al., 2012) to understand their emergence and importance (Germer et al., 2013), and partial sequencing of
transmission profiles (Leung et al., 2014; Isakov et al., 2015). the HBV S gene with high sensitivity (98.64%), considering
The journey began in the 1970s with the works of Sanger that portion as the site of most drug-resistance mutations
and Barrel, followed by Maxam and Gilbert, who first (Wang et al., 2013). Nevertheless, implementation of NGS
initiated the principle of sequencing oligonucleotides via in clinical settings is increasing, particularly for detecting
enzymatic polymerization, using radiolabelled primers. In low-abundance drug-resistance patterns such as in HIV
their experimental protocols, they relied on using dideoxy- and HCV (Palmer et al., 2005; Verbinnen et al., 2010).
nucleotides to terminate the extension of the polymer, hence Nucleotide sequencing of HCV sub-genomic regions is now
the name: chain termination or dideoxynucleotide method the method of choice for genotyping.
(Sanger, Nicklen and Coulson, 1977).
Since then, the principle has remained virtually the same,
The principal requirements for NGS are initially access to a
but improvements and automation have dramatically in-
sequencer, and considerable skills in bioinformatics and
creased the speed and accuracy in delivering maximum vol-
expertise in data analysis, plus adequate handling systems for
ume of data comparing to dideoxynucleotide sequencing
storage of generated data. Adding to that, despite the out-
(Shedure and Ji, 2008). Technically, NGS is inclusive of three
standing results delivered by prototypes in trials, many are
main steps: sample preparation, sequencing and data analysis.
still at the research level, and not yet approved for use in rou-
Systems available in the market differ mostly in their
tine clinical practice (Jiangqin et al., 2015).
sequencing or reading techniques. Efficient and accurate clin-
ical diagnosis of viral infections using NGS is increasingly NGS is undeniably a key technology in specialized clinical
aiming to provide accurate longer read-length in a shortest laboratories, but its implementation is still a challenge in
time and at a lower cost. Bioinformatic platforms are key many countries, where not only their resource-limited settings
components of the sequencing process. They allow interpret- cannot afford a sequence analyser, sample and library prepar-
ation of the sequencing output through computational ana- ation, but the vast majority of the population cannot afford
lysis (Naccache et al., 2014), and then convert it into useful the cost of the test.
Bioscience Horizons • Volume 9 2016 Review article
Review article Bioscience Horizons • Volume 9 2016
antigen and the activity of reverse transcriptase, respectively, Improvement of QC programs, QA and standardization
to replace viral load monitoring. Unfortunately, their lack of of assays, kits and reagents are important to fulfil require-
sensitivity has induced failure of treatment and emergence of ments for accuracy. The Centre for Disease Control and
resistant strains (Vekemans, John and Colebunders, 2007). Prevention (CDC) is continuously implementing laboratory-
testing guidelines particularly for HIV, before further tests
Hepatitis is another expensive burden to manage in poor
will be approved (CDC, 2014).
countries, where accurate assessment of the epidemiological
profile is hard to establish. In the case of HBV, most POC The WHO and non-profit organizations such as the
facilities rely on screening for HBsAg solely using rapid diag- Foundation for Innovative New Diagnostics (FIND) aim to
nosis tests. These low-cost devices do not allow determination maximize efforts to implement surveillance programs and
of the course of the disease to inform whether to initiate an control of communicable diseases (Loman et al., 2012), set up
antiviral treatment or not. new policies and improve diagnostic services in low resource
Bioscience Horizons • Volume 9 2016 Review article
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