Row Clearing Procedure
Row Clearing Procedure
Row Clearing Procedure
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Revision Philosophy
All revisions for internal review will be issued at R01, with subsequent R02, R03, etc. as required.
All revisions issue for SPDC Review will be at A01, with subsequent A02, A03, etc. as required.
Documents approved for Construction will be issued at C01, C02, and C03 respectively.
Documents or drawings revised as “As built” will be issued as Z01, Z02 Z03 etc.
Narrative sections revised from previous approved issues are to be noted in the table
below and/or highlighted in the RH margin (using the appropriate revision status) thus:
A02 Previous revision highlighting to be removed at subsequent issues.
Drawings/diagrams revised from previous approved issues are highlighted by 'clouding' the
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Revision History
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S No Description Page
1. Introduction …………………………………………………………………………………………………….04
2. Purpose…………………………………………………………………………………………………………04
3. Scope…………………………………………………………………………………………………………...04
4. Reference………………………………………………………………………………………………………05
6. Organization/Responsibilities………………………………………………………………………………...05
7. General Requirement…………………………………………………………………………………………06
8. Resources……………………………………………………………………………………………………...07
8.1 Equipment…………………………………………………………………………………….………………...07
8.2 Personnel……………………………………………………………………………………………………….08
9. HSE…………………………………………………………………………………………….……………….09
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ROW clearing shall be carried out as a process of initiating the Site Preparation activities, it
involves the clearing of the immediate vegetation within and around the planned work environment
in order to expose the ROW. The activity generally involves the use of mechanized and manual
equipment for the Project Gbaran Phase 3A – Enwhe Project Package 2 (Installation of
Pipelines & Intersite Composite Cables.
The purpose of this procedure is to provide a guideline and structure for all the activities that shall
be carried out during the ROW clearing operation.
This procedure shall apply to all ROW clearing operation that shall be performed for this project
Gbaran Phase 3A – Enwhe Project Package 2 (Installation of Pipelines & Intersite
Composite Cables as per contract specification. The operations which are covered by the
procedure, can be summarized as follows:
The location and protection of all exposed and shallow-buried structures, within and around
the ROW that may be impacted by the clearing operation.
Clearing of vegetations within the ROW boundaries as defined by the alignment sheets.
Minimized Habitat alteration to the extent feasible that critical habitats are protected and
preserved, in line with the Project biodiversity action plan in the Project Environment
management Plan
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HAZAN Hazard Analysis
ISO International Organization for Standardization
FTO Freedom to operate
The organization that shall be responsible for the execution of this document shall be described
Construction Manager
The Construction Manager shall be responsible for the successful and safe execution of
ROW clearing operations. He shall delegate as may be necessary, functions to the Deputy
Construction Manager and or Site Manager.
Site Manager:
The Site Manager shall be responsible for the implementation of resources for ROW
clearing operations and shall delegate part of his function to the Site Engineer / Site Superintendents.
HSE Manager:
The HSE Manager shall be responsible for the monitoring of the HSE aspects of ROW clearing
operations and shall delegate all or part of this function to the HSE Coordinator.
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Site Surveyor Supervisor:
The Site Surveyor Supervisor shall be responsible for all site survey works including checks on the
ROW to confirm the markings and flagging initially established by the survey team.
Environmental Manager:
The Environmental Manager ensure that, mitigation measures developed for reducing the effects of
adverse associated and potential impacts to as low as reasonably practicable (ALARP) as well as those
proposed for enhancing beneficial impacts are implemented and maintained throughout the project life
Authorizations from the respective parties including but not limited to community members
(FTO), families (land owners), third parties whose facilities are being crossed, ministry of
works for state road crossing, NIWA for river crossing etc.
Historical sites/sacred places, fishing sites/grounds and other areas of interest to the
communities shall be avoided during land acquisition, and where unavoidable, agreements
shall be reached with the respective communities.
Inspection and Check for the condition of equipment, Pre-Mob Status, validity of Operator
licenses and other relevant licenses / permits.
Before starting the ROW clearing and grading, Pre-Checks shall be carried out along the
ROW to confirm and familiarize with the marking and flagging established by the survey
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Cleared vegetation and timber shall be cut and stacked along the inner edge of the ROW. In
marshy areas, where the use of heavy equipment is not feasible, the clearing shall be done
manually with manual tools. Vegetation may be moved to the edge of the ROW by suitable
mechanical means. Power Saw shall only be used as a last option in cutting timber into
manageable sizes for the purpose of arrangement/stacking along the outer edge of the ROW.
During ROW clearing operations and before any construction equipment is used on the right
of way, at facility crossing locations (pipelines and others), all of the known pipelines as
positively located and marked out during the ROW Survey verification shall be identified
Warning signs indicating the pipeline size, type and depth will be placed above
The pipeline on either side of the right of way and the specified protection will be installed.
All of the vegetation between the surveys traces previously cut along either side of the ROW
will be removed and windowed at the sides of the ROW. The windowed timber will be left to
be removed by the local inhabitants of the area for use as firewood or for construction. Any
material not removed will be left to the wild life habitat.
Right of way clearing that promotes the safe and efficient operation of the new pipeline
construction and increasing community awareness of new pipeline construction.
Clearing of any trees located near the pipeline is necessary because roots from trees planted
within or approaching the right-of-way can wrap around the pipeline and damage its
protective coating, causing pipeline corrosion.
Tree root systems are drawn to the warmth and moisture of pipelines and often abnormal
and excessive root growth patterns are experienced near pipelines.
Clearing the right-of-way of trees that threaten pipeline integrity helps ensure the safety of
the surrounding community.
A clear pipeline right of way also provides a visual marker that alerts the public to the
pipeline’s presence and helps prevent unauthorized excavation and development within the
A clear pipeline right of way enables us to conduct aerial inspection to detect potential
damage or product releases occurring near the pipeline, and ensures a clear path for
our ground inspections of the right of way, in a safe, reliable and environmentally sound
manner and a clear right-of-way will assist ensuring that the pipeline is protected.
8.1 Equipment
The equipment to be used during the ROW preparation operation shall be such , as are suitable
for seasonally swampy terrains. It shall include as a minimum the following :
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Hydraulic Excavators (land & Pontoon tracks)
Crew boat
Tug boat
Shuttle barge or ramp barge
Hand tools- machetes, axes and chain saws
Electronic pipe locators
8.2 Personnel
All Personnel involved in Bush clewing and Grading shall have safety Induction. They shall be
subjected to pre-mobilization by medical certification of fitness and shall wear appropriate PPE
always. Vehicle drivers / Marine crew must possess required license prior to commencement of
the operations.
Site Engineer
HSE inspector
Excavator operators (Land & swamp buggy)
Bulldozer operators (D6)
Pay loader operator
Quartermaster/River master
Vehicle Drivers
Mechanic Foreman
Auto Electrician
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During bush clearing activities, all necessary safety measures shall be adopted in order to pursue the goal
of NO HARM to people.
Pre-start HSE Briefing shall be carried out on to brief the Work force on the planned activity and interact
on HSE awareness.
Reference shall also be made to relevant learning from past incidents associated with bush clearing
activities during the Pre-Start HSE briefing.
Additional safety precautions such as barriers, signs and protective screen, warning tapes shall be used
where necessary. Areas where major risk is expected shall be isolated.
All personnel working within the swampy terrain/area must be swim certified.
As a pilot activity prior to mobilization of full Construction Equipment and team, adequate security
measures and monitoring shall be established to forestall, plan and forecast Security challenges /
expectations during full scale construction activity.
Detailed Security / Emergency Plan for the purpose of Bush Clearing activity shall be an adoption of the
Security / Emergency plan approved for this project.
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