Solid Shapes
Solid Shapes
Solid Shapes
Kindergarten Math
Introduce your students to 3D solid geometric shapes and encourage them explore their everyday space for
these shapes. In this lesson, they will learn to look at a ball as a sphere!
Learning Objectives
Students will be able to identify geometric shapes in objects they use in their daily lives.
Sort 3-D Shapes
Cube Cut-out
Square Pyramid Cut-out
Tell students that today they are going to learn about 3D geometric shapes.
Show them examples of 2D and 3D shapes, such as a circle and a sphere.
List all of the names of the shapes that your students will be working on.
Ask them to name some shapes they see around them.
Read the book Shapes in Our World by Moira Anderson.
Create and pass out a glossary for students to use with shape names in their home language (L1).
Review 2D shapes using the shape song or visuals prior to the start of the lesson.
As you introduce the shapes, ask guiding questions such as "How many sides does the ____ have?"
Have your students explore the premade folded shapes, everyday objects, and names of the shapes.
Encourage them to count the number of sides of a 2D shape and compare with its 3D shape.
Ask them to look at the names of the shapes and say the names.
Give each student a copy of the Sort 3D Shapes worksheet, and go over the worksheet with them.
Put students in small groups for them to explore the premade shapes.
Practice having students say each shape aloud while they hold it.
Say the shape name aloud before having students explore each shape with a partner to support students
as they learn each shape name.
As students work, encourage them to check their work using visuals or tactile examples (e.g., real world
examples of 3D shapes) to support them.
Have your students write the names of the shapes without referring to the name tags. Give them
directions to make the folded shapes.
Help your students by writing the name of the shape with a highlighter, and have them draw 2D shapes
on paper.
Assessment (5 minutes)
Ask questions about the shapes, their names, and commonly seen objects in the environment.
As students work, note of any misconceptions or areas of confusion to review and/or reteach.
Use guiding questions to assess if students are able to identify different 3D shapes. For example, "What
shape is this? How do you know?"
Ask students to turn and talk to share their favorite 3D shape with a partner.
Hold up 3D shapes and have students chorally call out the shape names and/or echo them after you.
Tell students to turn and talk to a partner to share shape names and reasoning. Provide sentence frames
for students to use as they identify 3D shapes. For example, "I see a ____. I know it is a ____ because