Town Planning: by Rangwala
Town Planning: by Rangwala
Town Planning: by Rangwala
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Charotar Publishing House Pvt. Ltd. Opposite Amul Dairy, Civil Court Road, ANAND 388 001 India Follow us:
+91 2692 256237, 240089, +91 99249 78998, /charotar /cphpl1511 /charotarpub / in /charotar
Detailed Contents
1-1. General 4-14. Laurie Baker
1-2. Evolution of planning 4-15. Agencies for housing
1-3. Objects of town planning 4-16. Investment in housing
1-4. Economic justification for town planning 4-17. HUDCO
1-5. Principles of town planning 4-18. HDFC
1-6. Necessity of town planning 4-19. LIC Housing Finance Limited
1-7. Origin of towns 4-20. CIDCO
1-8. Growth of towns 4-21. Mega Projects of CIDCO
1-9. Stages in town development 4-22. Housing problem in India
1-10. Personality of town 4-23. National housing policy
1-11. Distribution of land uses QUESTIONS 4
1-12. Forms of planning
1-13. Site for an ideal town Chapter 5 SLUMS
1-14. Requirements of new towns 5-1. General
1-15. Planning of the modern town 5-2. Causes of slums
1-16. Planning of military towns 5-3. Characteristics of slums
1-17. Powers required to enforce T. P. schemes 5-4. Effects of slums
1-18. Cost of town planning 5-5. Slum clearance
1-19. Town planning in ancient India 5-6. Works of improvement
1-20. Indus valley civilization (IVC) 5-7. Open plot scheme
1-21. Mohanjo-Daro 5-8. Slum clearance and rehousing
1-22. Lothal 5-9. Prevention of slum formation
1-23. Present position of planning in India 5-10. Resources for slum clearance programmes
QUESTIONS 1 5-11. The Indian slum
Chapter 2 Town Planning SURVEYS QUESTIONS 5
2-1. General
2-2. Necessity of survey
2-3. Collection of data 6-1. General
2-4. Types of surveys 6-2. Types of recreation
2-5. Uses of surveys 6-3. Location of urban green spaces
2-6. Methods adopted to collect data 6-4. Classification of parks
2-7. Drawings 6-5. Theme parks of America
2-8. Report 6-6. Park systems
QUESTIONS 2 6-7. Park design
Chapter 3 ZONING 6-8. Finance for parks
3-1. Meaning of the term 6-9. Parkways
3-2. History of zoning 6-10. Boulevards
3-3. Uses of land 6-11. Playgrounds
3-4. Objects of zoning 6-12. Space standards
3-5. Principles of zoning 6-13. Landscape architecture
3-6. Advantages of zoning QUESTIONS 6
3-7. Importance of zoning
3-8. Aspects of zoning Chapter 7 INDUSTRIES
3-9. Zonal plan for military towns 7-1. General
3-10. Transition zone 7-2. Classification of industries
3-11. Economy of zoning 7-3. Concentration of industries
3-12. Zoning powers 7-4. Requirements of an industry
3-13. Maps for zoning 7-5. Sitting of an industry
QUESTIONS 3 7-6. Measures to control location of industries
Chapter 4 HOUSING 7-7. Industrial townships
4-1. General 7-8. Treatment of industrial wastes
4-2. Importance of housing QUESTIONS 7
4-3. Demand for houses
4-4. Building site
8-1. General
4-5. Requirements of residential buildings
8-2. Location of public buildings
4-6. Classification of residential buildings
4-7. Trends in multi-storeyed buildings 8-3. Classification of public buildings
4-8. Top 10 under construction high rise buildings in India during 2014 8-4. Principles of design of public buildings
4-9. Design of residential areas 8-5. Town centres
4-10. Rural housing 8-6. Grouping of public buildings
4-11. Low Cost Housing 8-7. Civic aesthetics
4-12. Rural housing boards QUESTIONS 8
Charotar Publishing House Pvt. Ltd. Opposite Amul Dairy, Civil Court Road, ANAND 388 001 India Follow us:
+91 2692 256237, 240089, +91 99249 78998, /charotar /cphpl1511 /charotarpub / in /charotar
Detailed Contents
Chapter 9 RE-PLANNING EXISTING TOWNS 11-9. Development plan for hill station
9-1. General 11-10. Report
9-2. Objects of re-planning 11-11. Stages of preparation of development plan
9-3. Defects of existing towns 11-12. Method of execution of development plan
9-4. Data to be collected 11-13. Conclusion
9-5. Urban renewal projects QUESTIONS 11
9-6. Decentralization and recentralization Chapter 12 URBAN ROADS
9-7. Garden city 12-1. General
9-8. Surface drains 12-2. Objects of urban roads
9-9. Refuse of town 12-3. Requirements of a good city road
QUESTIONS 9 12-4. Factors to be considered
Chapter 10 BUILDING BYE-LAWS 12-5. Classification of urban roads
10-1. General 12-6. Types of street systems
10-2. Objects of bye-laws 12-7. Through and by-pass roads
10-3. Importance of bye-laws 12-8. Outer and inner ring roads
10-4. Function of local authority 12-9. Expressways
10-5. Responsibility of owner 12-10. Freeways
10-6. Applicability of bye-laws 12-11. Precincts
10-7. Principles underlying building bye-laws 12-12. Road aesthetics
10-8. Set-back or building line QUESTIONS 12
10-9. Light plane
10-10. Floor space index Chapter 13 TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT
10-11. Off-street parking 13-1. General
10-12. Fire protection 13-2. Objects of traffic management
10-13. Minimum plot sizes 13-3. Traffic surveys
10-14. Thickness of walls 13-4. Traffic congestion
10-15. Plinth 13-5. Traffic control
10-16. Cellar 13-6. Road junctions or intersections
10-17. Height of floors 13-7. Parking
10-18. Loft 13-8. Traffic capacity of roads
10-19. Stairs, lifts, lobbies and corridor 13-9. Road traffic problems
10-20. Sanitary accomodation 13-10. Road accidents
10-21. Ventilation 13-11. Traffic signals
10-22. Sills of openings 13-12. Road signs
10-23. Stairway or staircase 13-13. Road markings
10-24. Ramps 13-14. Street lighting in a town
10-25. Roofs 13-15. Traffic problems of existing towns
10-26. Parapets and terraces 13-16. Peculiarities of traffic
10-27. Mosquito-proof water tank QUESTIONS 13
10-28. Refuse area/disposal of solid waste
10-29. Discharge of rain water Chapter 14 MISCELLANEOUS TOPICS
10-30. Provision of letter box General
10-31. Margin and maximum built-up area 14-1. Airports
10-32. Permissible built up area in margin 14-2. Betterment and compensation
10-33. Projections in margins 14-3. City blocks
10-34. Margins from common plot 14-4. Conurbations
10-35. Open space 14-5. Cul-de-sac streets
10-36. Definitions of some terms 14-6. Focal points
10-37. Building bye-laws for the buildings in gamtal area 14-7. Green belt
10-38. Bye-laws for cinemas, theatres, multiplex, meeting halls, lecture 14-8. Land Use Planning
halls, town halls, auditorium, etc. 14-9. Neighbourhood planning
10-39. Bye-laws for drive-in cinemas 14-10. Protective strips
10-40. Bye-laws for GASOLINE filling stations and gasoline filling 14-11. Public utility services
cum service station 14-12. Radburn layout
14-13. Rapid transit
11-1. General
11-2. Objects of development plan
11-3. Necessity of development plan Appendix 2 GANDHINAGAR
11-4. Data to be collected
11-5. Drawings to be prepared
11-6. Features of development plan bibliography
11-7. Planning standards
11-8. Development plan for military town
Charotar Publishing House Pvt. Ltd. Opposite Amul Dairy, Civil Court Road, ANAND 388 001 India Follow us:
+91 2692 256237, 240089, +91 99249 78998, /charotar /cphpl1511 /charotarpub / in /charotar