Wanted Gravity Dam
Wanted Gravity Dam
Wanted Gravity Dam
984 __
An estimation and description of these forces is
given below : ·
(1) Water Pressure. Water pressure (P) is the
most major external force acting on such dam. The a
horizontal water pressure, exerted by the weight of
the water stored on the upstream side on the dam can
be estimated from rule of hydrostatic press"ure dis-
tribution ; which is triangular in shape, as shown in
Fig. 19.2 (a) and (b). When the upstream face is ver-
tical, the intensity is zero at the water surface and
Where Yw =unit weight of water
equal to %)! at the base ; where Yw is the unit weight
9.81kN/m3 =1000 kgf/m 3
of water and His the depth of water : as shown in Fig. Fig. 19.2. (a)
19.2 (a). The resultant force due to this external water
= ywfi2, acting at H/3 from base.
When the upstream face is partly vertical and partly inclined [Fig. 19.2 (b)], the
resulting water force can be resolved into horizontal component (P1z) and vertical com-
ponent cPv). The horizontal component P1z = ~ Yw H2 acts at ~ from the base ; and the
vertical component cPv) is equal to the weight of the water stored in column ABCA and
acts at the e.g. of the area.
Similarly; if there is tail water on the downstream side, it will have horizontal and
vertical components, as shown in Fig. 19.2. (b).
pressure on the base of the dam. It is the second major external force and must be
accounted for in all calculations. Such an uplift force virtually reduces the downward
weight of the body of the dam and hence, acts against the dam stability.
The amount of uplift is a matter of research and the prese.ntrecommendations which
are followed, are those suggested by United States Bureau of Reclamation (U.S.B.R.).
According to these recommendations, the uplift pressure intensities at the heel and the
toe should be taken equal to their respective hydrostatic pressures and joined by a
- . Tail
~--No drainage. water
. g_aller~: >-----.c~~=
~t----o-f , . .,._ " : ' . : ·•. H'
Fig. 19.3 (a) Uplift pressure (U) diagram, Fig. 19.3 (b) Uplift pressure (U) diagram,
when no drainage gallery is provided. when drainage gallery is provided.
sttaight line in between, as shown in Fig. 19.3 (a). When drainage galleries are provided
to relieve the uplift, the recommended uplift at the face of the gallery is equal to the
hydrostatic pressure at toe (Yw · Ff) plus trd the difference of the hydrostatic pressures
at the heel and the toe ; as shown in Fig. 19.3 (b) ; i.e. [ Yw · H' + (Yw · H -Yw · H')J It
is also assumed that the uplift pressures are not affected by the earthquake forces.
The uplift pressures can be controlled by constructing cut-off walls under the
upstream face, by constructing drainage channels between the darn and its foundation,
and by pressure grouti<; the. foundation.
· (3) Earthquake Forces~ If the-dam-10-becdesigrred;-is to be ·located in a re·gfon-whicli- --- --
is susceptible to earthquakes, allowance must be made for the stresses generated by the
An earthquake produces waves which are capable of shaking the Earth upon which
the dam is resting, in every possible direction.
The effect of an earthquake is, therefore, equivalent to imparting an acceleration to
the foundations of the dam in the direction in which the wave is travelling at the moment.
Earthquake wave may move in any direction, and for design purposes, it has to be
resolved in vertical and horizontal components. Hence, two accelerations, i.e. one
horizontal acceleration (ah) and one vertical acceleration (av) are induced by an
earthquake. The values of these accelerations are generally expressed as percentage of
the acceleration due to gravity (g), i:e.·a = 0.1gor0.2 g, etc. _
= W - -w
· kv · g = W [ 1 - kv].
In other words, vertical acceleration reduces the unit weight of the darn material
and that of water to (1 -kv) times t.lieir original unit weights.
Effects of hor'iz'ontal acceleration (a1,}. Horizontal acceleration may cause the
following two forces :
(i) Hydrodynamic pressure ; and
(ii) Horizontal inertia force.
Both these forces are discussed below :
Sometimes, fish were trapped on one side of the dam and passed on to the other side by
giant steel and plastic nets. An external arrangement called Fish Ladder was also
Fish Ladder. Just as river-going vessels can bypass a dam by using a navigation
lock, so a series of 'locks' enable the fish to get over the dam. A separate channel is
created, consisting of a series of little dams that form a row of pools, rising up over the
big dam to reservoir level. The salmon, entering the lowest rung of the ladder at the
base of the dam, could leap from pool to pool until they had crested the dam. Then, they
could continue on through the reservoir to the spawning grounds. The new born fish
called finger lings could later return to the sea (downstream) in the same fashion via the
ladder. A section, plan and photographic view of a fish ladder has already been shown
in the chapter on Weirs.
In the beginning, the fish ladders worked better in theory than in practice. The fish
seemed to prefer to mill ground in splashing water under spillway, instead of entering
the ladder. This difficulty was overcome by careful design that put the fish ladder in the
place where it was most likely to attract the fish. Another problem was that the slow
moving water was stranger to fish and they tended to collect in the lower pools without
going onward.
Millions and billions were spent into fish-ladder research. Improvements in design
made the fish ladder more attractive to fish, more like the rapids they were accustomed
Fish ladders are not always practicable from engineering stand point. In such cases,
other steps have to be taken to protect the fish.
Meanwhile, other experiments are going forward to see if fish can be successfully
induced to spawn in waters other than their own ancestral spawning grounds. In the long
run, it may save millions of currency to construct fish hatcheries instead of fish-ladders.
There are many possible solutions to the problem of anadromous fish, and research is
being undertaken in different regions of the world to find out a better soiution to the
(2) Submergence Problem. Whenever a dam is constructed across a river to store
water on the upstream side, a large area gets submerged due to the rise in the water
levels. The entire area which gets submerged, forming a reservoir, has to be calculated
and acquired before a dam can be constructed. The owners of the land have to be
persuaded, adequately compensated, and well settled somewhere else, before, the work
can be taken up in hand. Hence it is necessary to investigate the probable damage caused
by this submergence.
(3) Failure Problem. We try ourbest to build dams to last as long as possible.
-- -Evefyperson-Wli0s-6ever bas-work:ea on -dam-
a dam -fiol:£s-t&at th-e will Tlve as
long as
the pyramids of Egypt. But many a times, the dam give way under the continued insistent
pressure of the water penned up behind them. This failure of the dam may be caused
either due to bad workmanship or due to faulty design or due to the occurrence of
unanticipated floods.
Luckily, these disasters have been comparatively rare in this century. Dams used to
give way easily in olden times, but due to engineering advancement in modern times,
their failure has been considerably reduced. ·
These huge structures are now properly designed, keeping in view the various forces
which they are going to face. Proper and rational design, good supervision and constant
vigil and watch during maintenance period ensures their safety and makes us fairly
confident of it. Bhakra Dam on Satluj River in India and Boulder Dam on Colorado
River in U.S.A. cannot fail in one attempt, h.ow furiously these rivers may try to move'
their foundations. We are fairly confident of this, but sometimes the confidence is rudely
and cruelly repaid with tragedies. .
Dams may sometimes fail due to excessive and unanticipated earthquakes. The
Koyna Dam in India was at the verge of failure in 1968 earthquake. Thanks to the efforts
of the Illiiian engineers who saved that dam by toiling hard day and night. A very .
confiden't dam called Vega de Tera Dam is Spain failed in January 1959. The people
were tucked in the town of Rivaldelago. The disaster caused was tremendous. Rival-
delago was flattened. Telephone poles were snapped like matchsticks. Within moments,
123 villages were drowned. Several hundred luckier ones were saved, but were rendered
homeless. This was a case where a dam had simply not been built strong enough to bear
the full weight of its intended reservoir. Heavy rains wrecked it. Faulty design and bad
engineering must be blamed.
Another important dam called The Malpasset Dam, a 200 feet high arch dam on
the Reyran River, was completed in 1954. This dam gave way in December 1956,
causing 421 persons to die in floods. Investigations revealed that the. dam had failed
because the foundation rock has shifted along a thin clay seam in the left abutment,
making the dam unstable and vulnerable to any serious stress.
We learnt from our mistakes;and several other dams of the same type, then under
constr.uction in Europe, were quickly resurveyed to find the possibility of such a geo1ogi-
cal formation. This was .very very small comfort to the relatives of those who died when
Malpasset failed; but at least, we should learn from our mistakes and there should be
no such repetitions.
- (4) The Bomb Problem. The dams create dangers in wais, especially in modern .
atomic age. One single atom bomb may cause the failure of Hoover Dani (Boulder Dam)
or Bhakra Dam. The resultant failure of such a dam will create catastrophes, but also,
it will get contaminated by radioactivity from which there could be no escape.
This is an important point which is generally stressed by opponents of big dams.
But the only answer to this argument is that it would not be advisable to deprive
ourselves of the benefits of big dams simply because they are hazards in war time. After
all, an atom bomb dropped in Calcutta, Delhi, or New York would also cause tremen-
dous damage and catastrophe, but this does not mean that we should not develop big
Atomic war is dangerous to every aspect of living and not only to the construction
of dams. We don't refuse riding in automobiles or ae~pl_~!1~~ b~C~l!~~ ~Lthf'._ f~~.r: __()f____ _
acCideniS. -cerrain--risFhas-io Iie-accepteC! if !'hire- is-to be progress.
So, without denying the very great damage that could be caused by atomic ex-
plosions at our dams, we must go on buildfo.g dams. We need them and we must devote
our energies to the cause of continued peace, so that bombs will never be able to fall.
We may also take more precautions, and anticraft guns and radars can be established at
and in the vicinity of such important works. The use of atomic energy for peaceful ·
purposes and a general feeling of brotherhood is the only possible way to reduce such
- The Jawahar Sagar Dam in Rajasthan offered such a problem. A bed of clay
was encountered, between the base of the dam and solid rock foundation. It was not
economically feasible to remove this clay bed. The solution adopted was to anchor the
base of the dam to the foundations below, by means of prestressed cables.
(3) Availability of Materials. In order to achieve economy in the dam, the materials
\required for its construction must be available locally or at short distances froll1 the
construction site.
Sometimes, good soil is easily available, which naturally calls for an earthen dam.
If sand, cement and stone, etc., are easily available, one should naturally think of a
concrete gravity dam. If the material has to be transported from far off distances, then
_a hollow concrete dam (Buttress) is a better choice.
(4) Spillway Size and Location. Spillway, as defined earlier, di poses of the surphis
river discharge. The capacity of the spillway will depend on the magnitudes of the floods
to be by- passed. The spillway will, therefore, become much more important on streams
with large flood potential. On such r.iwrs; the spillway may become dominant structure,
and the type of dam may become the. secondary consideration.
The cost of constructing a separate, spilly/ay may be enormous or sometimes a
suitable separate site for a spillway may not be available. In such cases, combining the
spillway and the dam into one structure may be desirable, indicating the adoption of a
concrete overflow dam.
A_t certain places, where excavated material from a separate spillway channel may
be utilised in dam embankment, an earthfill dam may prove to be advantageous. Small
spillway requirement often favou~s the selections of earth fill or rockfill dams even in
.narrow dam sites.
The practice of building a concrete spillway on earth and rock embankments is
being discouraged. these days, because of their conservative design assumptions and the
vigil and watch that has\to be kept during their operations.
(5) Earthquake Zone. If the dam is to be situated in an earthquake zone, its design
must include the earthquake forces. Its safety should be ensured against the increased
stress induced by an earthquake of worst intensity. The type of structures best suited to
resist earthquak_e shocks without danger are earthen dams and concrete gravity dams.
(6) Height of the Dam. Earthen dams are usually not,provided.for h~ights more
than 30 m or so. Hence, for greater heights, gravity dams are generally preferred.
(7) .Other Considerations. Various other factors such as, the life of the dam, the
width of the roadway to be provided over the dam, problem of skilled labour, legal and
. aesthetic point must also be considered before a final decision is taken. Overall cost of
construction and maintenance and the funds available will finally decide the choice of
a particular kind of a dam at a particular place.
17 .6. Selection of Dam Site
The selection of a site for constructing a dam Width
should be governed by ~11'#;fo11owing factors: ---+--t---o t basin-+--+---
(1) Suitable foundations (as determined in
·- tbe-previOufluticl~}must-be-available.- : -
(2) For economy, the length of the dam
should be as small as possible, and for a given
height, it ~hould store the maximum volume of
water. It, therefore, follows, that the river valley
at the dam site should be narrow but should open
out upstream to provide a large basin for a reserc
voir. A general configuration of contours for a
suitable site is shown in Fig. 17.1. :- Fig. 17.1
Attempts were made to tame.this river by constructing dikes or levees, but failed.
Spring floods of 1904 brought havoc. Another catastrophe occurred in 1916. Gila
River, a tributary of Colorado, flooded at a rate of about 5, 560 cubic metres/sec. The
town of Yuma in Arizona, where the Gila empties into the Colorado, was submerged to
a depth of 1.2 metres.
It was exti;emely desirable to tame this river. But how? A solution was dreamt of.
The idea of constructing a big dam was visualised by Arthur Davis. It was an ambitious
Planning for the Dam. A scheme was planned: A concretegravity dam, of about
700 to750 feet height was thought. A reservoir at the back of the dam could hold every
drop of water, the Colorado could send in any 2 years of steady flow. It was to be the
biggest man-made lake in the world. It was going to be a multi- purpose dam, generating
about 6 billion Kilo watt-hours of electrical energy each year for the growing cities of
southern California. The reservoir would hold the flood waters, and the spillways would
release the required amounts of water to the downstream farmers.
Flood control, irrigation and electricity were the three main purposes of this project.
Supply of drinking water to 13 cities of California and creation of a recreational and
navigable lake reservoir were the additional advantages.
Selection of a suitable site. A thorough search was made for the spectacular gorges
of the Colorado, seeking the best possible site. They studied 70 such sites before
choosing 'Black canyon' on the border between Arizona and -Nevada, 48 km from the
city of Las Vegas (Nevada).
The preliminary survey of Black canyon took about 3 years. Here, the river flows
through cliffs 1000-2000 feet (300 m to 600 m) high. At the water line, the rock walls
were 350 feet (105 m) apart.
Engineers roamed in heat and sun, testing the rocks, drilling into it, to make sure
that it,could·stand·the burden of enormous weight of the concrete -iliaf woulobe laid
upon it. Their conclusion was that it could. They recommended that the giant dam be
After the technical green-signal was obtained, some political issues such as to who
will be benefitted and up to what extent, were settled with a great difficulty. The rift
between the different States always persists in such huge projects.
Construction of the Dam. The reai work began in late 1930. Herbert Hoover was
the President of America at that time. He himself was an engineer. The work started
under his vigilance, Arthur Powell Davis, 70 years old and about to re!ire, saw his life
long dream fulfilled as he stood high above the Colorado and watched thousands of
workers working hard with picks and dynamite far below.
The dam site was very hot. It was not a congenial surroundings to work. But a dam
- -hQd--to--be--built.:_____ - -·--·- -·--- -----·--·--- - - - - -- --- -~:__ __ ----- --- -- -
First of all, a town was built to house the workers. A permanent city, now called
Boulder-city, was settled at an expenditure of about $70 million. This was spread in an
area of about 300 acres and could accommodate 5, 000 workers.
Whenever a dam is constructed, the water of the river is first of all to be diverted
so that the construction could start. This is called by engineers as 'to turn the river off.'
1.4 tunnels, each 56 feet wide and 4000 feet long were dug into the solid rock of the
~anyon walls. These bypass tunnels received the flow of the river and carried it down·
to the downstream, to a point beyond the construction site. About 1 milli~m cubic feet
of rock had to be removed for building these four tunnels.
Then, the Coffer dam was built. A coffer dam is a temporary retaining embankment
·upstream of the site. Huge amounts of rock and earth was heaped up, forcing the river
into four bypass tunnels. The bed of the river was thus laid bare.
Workers then descenqed into this river bed to lay the foundations for the dam. Seven
million tons of concrete had to be laid. It was 660 feet thick at the base.
The dam curves upstream, so that the water load is held back in part by the walls
of the canyon. The completion of the dam took about 2 years of non-stop work.
After completion, the bypass tunnels were blocked up and the water started coming
and collecting against the dam. The lake formed on the upstream side was called Lake
mead. Electrical power houses, which are of the size of 20-storey sky-scrapers were
constructed. The lake, the power houses, the dam galleries etc. are open for visitors and
for inspection. It was a great achievement indeed.
· 17 .8. Bhakra Dam
Bhakra Dam is a concrete gravity dam. It is 740 feet (226 m) high, spanning the
V-shaped gorge in the lower Shivalik hills. The dam is 1700 ft long at the top and only
· 325 ft at the bottom. The thickness of the dam at foundations is 1320 ft and it tapers to
30 ft at the top where a road runs. Bhakra dam was the highest concrete gravity dam of
the world when built, thus surpassing the existing 726 ft (221 m) high Hoover dam. But
the highest concrete gravity dam of the world, at present, is Grand Dixence dam in
. Switzerland (284 m high). Bhakra dam is situated in Himachal Pradesh State of India
near a village use<;l to be called Bhakra. It has been constructed on Satluj river. Satluj
is a river coming from Himalayas. It is a perennial river but carries enormous water
during floods and rains.
Downstream and upstream. views of Bhakra dam are shown in Photo Fig. 17.4.
----- This dam has given tremendous prospedty tcdn&a and has given her'a'liigh name
in the \\'.Orld. The various functions .served by this dam are:
(i) Flood control (ii) Irrigation
·(iii) Electricity (iv) Fish development.
Bhakra Project is not a single Bhakra Dam but consists of the following:
(i) 740 ft high Bhakra Dam (ii) 95 ft high Nangal Dam
(iii) Nangal Hydel Channel (iv) Ganguwal and Kotta Power houses
(v) Bhakra Canal System.
Planning and Construction. The survey works for the construction of this multi-
purpose project started in 1919. From 1919 to 1930, the survey continued and various
sites were considered for various purposes. From 1932 to 1946, the work was inter-
_.-rupted,-andfinally in1946,arailway line was spread in this-area,and-thenthe"-actual-
construction started. ·
After selecting a suitable narrow canyon for the construction of Bhakra Dam, the
dam site was dewatered after the river was 'turned off'. Two diversion tunnels, one in
either abutment were constructed in order to carry the river water: Two coffer dams
enclosing the foundation area, were also constructed. Both the tunnels are 50 ft, in
finished diameter, half a mile long 'and are lined with 3.6 ft thick heavily reinforced
concrete. The work on these two tunnels was started in 1948 and was completed in 1953.
The total expenditure incurred on them was approximately Rs. 3.6 crores. .,
Fig. 17.4 (a) Upstream view of Bhakra Dam.
17.8.1. Nangal Dam. Nangal Dam is 95 ft high subsidiary dam, 8 miles down-
stream of Bhakra on Satfuj. It falls within the jurisdiction of Punjab State in India. The
length of the dam is 1, 000 ft. The object of this dam is to head up water of the river
Satluj and then divert it into the'canal off-taking from the left bank of the fiver. The
canal is called Nangal Rydel Canal, and is a 40 miles long concrete lined canal.
This dam has 29 strong gates ~of span 30 ft each. An enormous tunnel Galled the
Inspection gallery has been made in the river Satluj in the lower portion of this dam.
This was the first tunnel constructed by the Government under Bhakra Project Scheme.
In order to enter into this tunnel, one has to go 70 ft down. The tunnel goes across Satluj
Bhakra Nangal Project is something tremendous, stupendous, something which
----shakes-up-and--thri-I-ls us-when-we -see it- It marks the India's-progress after her Inde- --
pendence. It is something which cannot be forgotten easily, if we see it once.
17.9. Nagarjuna Sagar Dam
The multipurpose Nagarjuna Sagar dam is located across Krishna River, near Nan-
dikonda village in Nalgonda District (Andhra Pradesh). It is named after Buddhist
Savant, Acharya Nagarjuna, who lived at the spot about 2,000 years ago to fulfil a
This Dam irrigates in Guntl.ir, Kurnool, Nellore, Nalgonda, Khamman and Krishna
Districts. Its irrigation Potential is about 35 Jakh acres of land and electrical potential
is 1 lakh kilowatt hours of firm power (guaranteed-power generation) and 4.6 lakh
kilowatt hours of seasonal power.
A photoview of this dam is shown in Fig. 17.5.
Salient Features of the Dam. The river gorge is blocked by a masonry dam 409 ft
(124.6 m) high above the deepest foundation level and 4756 ft long. The full reservoir
level is +590.0 ft above the mean sea level (M.S.L.). The most unique feature of this
dam is the adoption of Stone masonry for its construction, deviating fromthe traditional
concrete. The use of stone had resulted in a large saving and had created huge employ-
ment potential for a large labour force. Hence, Nagarjuna Sagar Project ranks first in
the man-power utilisation among the modern gigantic projects of its own kind in the
world. It was designed and executed entirely by Indian engineers. On either side of the
masonry dam, earth dams have been constructed for a length of about two miles, the
maximum height being ·85 ft. The spillway crest has been installed with 26 Radial gates
each of size 45'x44'. Other component-works of this mighty dam include 8 penstock
pipes on the left side, three Power sluices and 9 irrigation sluices on the right side, two
chute sluices and a diversion-cum-irrigation tunnel. Two canals-off-ta~e on either side
of the dam for irrigation. The expenditure on the project was of the order of Rs. 80
crores. The crest level of the dam is +605 ft and the crest level of spillway is +546 ft.
Various details of the -dam are given below: ·
(1) Location. Lat.= 16°34' North, Long.= 71°19' East, 1~ mile downstream of Nan-
dikonda village Miryalaguda Taluk, Nalgonda District, 90 miles from Hyderabad.
(2) States Covered. ANDHRA PRADESH
(3) Hydrology,·
(a) Water-shed area at dam site ... 83,087 sq. miles
/(b) Maximum! flood discharge (observed) ... 11.7 laKh cumecs.
(4) Reservoir
(a) Full Reservoir level ... + 590'.0
(b) Maximum water level ... + 594'.0
(c) Gross siorage capacity ... 9 .3 7 M.a.ft
(d) Net (live) storage capacity ... 5.51 M.a.ft
(e) No. of villages submerged ,.. 57
if> Population displaced ... 4,824 families
(5) Masonry dam
(a) Total length- - -..-.-4,-7.56 ft--·-·
(b) Spillway length ... 1545 ft
(c) Non-overflow length including power
dam ... 3,211 ft
(d) Height of dam (maximum) ... 409 ft
(e) Base width (maximum) ... 320 ft
if> Top width ... 28 ft
(g) Top level ... + 605'.0
(h) Top of crest in spillway ... + 546'.0
(i) Chute sluices 2 No. 10' x 25' provided in
blocks 25 and 51 with sill level elevation ... +450'.0
(j)8 No. of 16' diameter penstocks provided
one in each in blocks 16 to 23 with
central line in elevation ... +405'.0
-- ---- (k) 3 No. power sluices 15' x 38' provided
(two in block 71 and one in block 7'2)
with sill level at elevation ... + 479'.0
(/) Radial Crest Gates 26 No. 45' x 44', with
crest elevation ... + 546'.0
(m) Thickness of spillway pipes ... + 15'
(n) Nine No. sluices 10' x 15' are provided
for right canal head regulator with sill at
elevation ... +489'.0
(6) Quantities of Work
1. (a) What is meant by a "dam and a reservoir" ? What are the different meterials that are commonly
~sed for dam construction and what are their comparative advantages and disadvantages ?
(b) Discuss the geological and tropological features which affect the selection of the type of dam.
2. (a) What are 'arch' and 'buttress' dams ? Illustrate with sketches and mention site conditions
favourable for construction of such dams.
(b) Discuss the factors which are considered in the _selection of the site for a proposed dam. It is
ilSSumed that the type of the dam has already been selec.ted for the project.
3. (a) What useful purpose is served by a dam ? What are the illeffects of dam construction ?
(b) How do you classify dams according to:
(i) their use ;
(ii) their hydraulic designs ;
(iii) their materials of construction.
--- -{c:)-Discufftlfe'vatious factorswlfich·govern· the selection·of·a-J?articulartyp-e·of·dam fora-particular ----
4. "Dams are the sources of sorrow and grief'. Debate the above statement giving points in favour
as well as against it.
5. Narrate briefly the story of construction of any major dam of India.
Res(!rvoirs and Planning
for Dam Reservoirs
18.1. Definition and Types
When a barrier is constructed across some river in the form of a dam, water gets
stored on the upstream side of the bairier, forming a p_ool of water, generally called a
dam reservoir or an impounding reservoir ot a river reservoir.
The quality of water stored in such a reservoir is not much different from that of a
natural lake. The water so stored in a given reservoir during rainy season can be easily
used almost throughout the year, till the time of arrival of the next rainy season, to refill
the emptying reservoir again.
Depending upon the purpose served by a given reservoir, the reservoirs may be
broadly divided into the following three types.
(1) Storage or Conservation reservoirs ;
(2) Flood Control reservoirs ; and
(3) Multipurpose reservoirs.
The fourth type of a reservoir is a simple storage tank constructed within a city
water supply system, and is called a-Dist"f'ib«tion- resavoir ; and such a reservoir is
evidently not ·a river reservoir, but is a simple storage tank.
18.1.1. Storage or Conservation Reservoirs. A city water supply, irrigation water
supply, or a hydroelectric project drawing water directly from a river or a stream may
fail to satisfy the consumers demands during extremely low flows; while during high
flows, it may become difficult to carry out their operations due to devastating floods. A
storage or a conservation reservoir can retain such excess supplies during periods of
pe~k flows, rd can release them gradually during low flows as and when the nef!d
arises. _.
Incidentally, in addition to conserving water for later use, the storage of flood waters
may also reduce flood damage below the reservoir. Hence, a reservoir can be used for
co~trolling floods either solely or in addition to other purposes. In the former case, it is
----- --known-as-a-'Flood-Eontrol-ReservoirL0r--a--~ing-le--flur.pose~Elood_Contr.oJ _Re_s_e.r:_vQir';
and in the latter case, it is called a 'Multipurpose Reservoir'.
18.1.2. Flood Control Reservoirs. A flood control reservoir, generally called a
flood-mitigation reservoir, stores a portion of the hood flows in such a way as to
minimise the flood peaks at the areas to be protected downstream. To accomplish this,
the .entire inflow entering the reservoir is discharged till the outflow reaches the safe
capacity_ of the channel downstream. The inflow in excess of this rate is stored in the
reservoir, which is then gra~1\ally released, so as to recover the storage capacity for the
next flood.
The flood peaks at the dc)\vnstream of the reservoir are thus reduced by an amount
AB, as shown in Fig. 18.1. A flo~d control reservoir differs from a conservation reservoir
only in its need for a large sluic~way capacity to permit rapid drawdown before or after
a flood. '
------11-TIME (DAYS)
Fig. 18.1.
Types of flood control reservoirs. There are two basic types of flood-mitigation
reservoirs; i.e. I
-(f)c-:c--Storage reservoirs or Detention basins ; and
(ii) Retarding basins or Retarding reservoirs.
A reservoir having gates and valves installation at its spillway and at its sluice
outlets is known as a storage reservoir; while on the other hand, a reservoir with
uncontrolled and ungated outlets is known as a retarding basin;
Functioning and Advantages of a Retarding Basin
A retarding basin is usually provided with an uncontrolled spillway and an uncon-
trolled orifice type sluiceways. The automatic regulation pf outflow, depending upon
•. . ~he availability of water, takes place from such a reservoir. The maximum discharging
~. capacity of such a reservoir should be equal to the maximum safe carrying capacity of
.· the channel downstream. As floods occur, the reservoir gets filled, and discharges
.-- through-sluicewaJ-S. As the -reservoir-elevation-increases,- the outflow-diseharge- in'---· -
creases. The water level goes on rising until the flood has subsided, and the inflow
I . becomes equal to or less than the outflow. After this, the water gets automatically
withdrawn from the reservoir until the stored water is completely discharged. The
advantages of a retarding basin over a gate controlled detention basin are:
(i) Cost of the gate installation is saved.
(ii) There are no gates and hence, the possibility of human error and negligence
in their operation is eliminated.
(iii) Since such a reservoir is not always filled, much of the land below the maxi- ·
mum reservoir level will be submerged only temporarily and occasionally, and
can be successfully used for agriculture, although no permanent habitation can
be allowed on this land.
Functioning and Advantages of a Storage Reservoir
A storage reservoir with gated spillway and gatt;d sluiceways, provides more
flexibility of operation, and thus gives us better control and increased usefulness of the
reservoir. Storage reservoirs are, therefore, preferred on large rivers, which require
better control; while retarding basins are preferred on small rivers. In storage reservoirs,
the flood crest downstream, can be better controlled and regutated properly, so as not
to cause their coincidence. This is the biggest advantage of such a reservoir and out-
weighs its disadvantages of being costly and involving risk of human error in installation
and operation of gates.
18.1.3. Multipurpose Reservoirs. A reservoir planned and constructed to serve
not only one purpose but various purposes t0gether is called a multipurpose reservoir.
Reservoir, designed for one purpose, incidentally serving other purposes, shall not .be
called a multipurpose reservoir, but will be called so, only if designed to serve those
purposes also in addition to its main purpose. Hence, a reservoir designed to protect the
downstream areas from floods and also to conserve water for water supply, irrigation,
industrial needs, hydroelectric purposes, etc. shall be called a multipurpose reservoir.
Bhakra dam and Nagarjun Sagar dam are the important multipupose projects of India.
18.1.4. Distribution Reservoirs. A distribution reservoir is a small storage reser-
voir constructed within a city water supply system. Such a reservoir can be filled by
pumping water at a certain rate and can be used to supply water even at rates higher
than the inflow rate during periods of maximum demands (called critical periods of
demand),. Such reservoirs are, therefore, helpfulin 12ermitti1:1gJl!e_ R.1.1n1p_s_9r the water
treatment plants to work at a uniform rate, and they store water during the hours of no
demand or less demand, and supply water from their 'storage' during the critical periods
of maximum demand.
In this chapter, we shall however, confine ourselves to the river reservoirs only.
18.2. Capacity-Elevation and Area-Elevation Curv.es of a Reservoir Site
Whatever be the size or use of a reservoir, the main function of a reservoir is to
store water and thus to stabilize the flow of water. Therefore, the most important
physical characteristic of a reservoir is nothing but its storage capacity. The capacity of
reservoirs on dam sites, is determined from the contour maps of the area. A topographic
survey of the dam site is carried out, and a contour map such as shown in Fig. ·1s.2 is
drawn. The area enclosed within each_ CO!J.!~ur ca~_~e mea~~~~ -~it?_~_i:_!~~~~~~er.
In fact, the general practice adopted for capacity computations is to actually survey
the site contours only at vertical distances of 5 m or so. The areas of the intervening
contours at smaller intervals of say 0.5 m or so, are then interpolated by taking the square
root of the surveyed contours, and to assume that the square root of the interpolated
ones; vary in exact proportion to their vertical distance apart. For example, suppose the
area of the reservoir at 200 m contour is A 1 hectares, and that at 205 m contour is Az
hectares; then
1 260 1---
r--..__ I - - J...-
E 240
- I---
Area-elevation curve
_L--- 1 - -
_,... ~
/ o r Water spread area curve
g 230
---- --:;-·- -7 2S::; Capaci-ty-ele.vationcur.ve _ ··~--- -- - - -- --·-- ··--- - - ----- ---~-
I \ \
0 .25 50 75 100 125 150 17'=> 200 225 250 275 300 '325 350
Capacity in mcm - - -
y=O y=O
or Sy= storage (capacity) between 0 toy
= J (a+ p.y + y.y2 + ...Tl.yn-1) dy
The capacity of the reservoir upto 200 m elevation is found to. be 14.1 ha. m.
Determine the general equation for the area-elevation curve and capacity-elevation
curve. Also determine the reservoir capacity at RL 225 m.
Solution. Use equation (18.3 a), wherein y is the height above RL 200 m, as
Ay = ex + p . y + y . y2
Now substituting the given values, we have
A 0 = 6.0hectares
6.0 = ex+ P(Oft 'Y (0) = ex
or ex= 6.0 ... (i)
Also A 1 = 18.1 hectares, at y 1 =10 m (given)
18.1 =ex+ P. (10) +y. (10)2
or 18.1=6.0+ 10p + lOOy
or 12.1=1op + lOOy
or p + 10 "(= 1.21 ...(ii)
Also A 2 = 34.0 hectares at y2 = 20 m (given)
... 34.o =a+ ~ (20) + "{ (20) 2= 6.0 + 20p + 400y .•
.or 20p + 400"( = 28.0 .
p + 20y= 1.4 ...(iiz)
Solving (ii) and (iiz), we get
p + lOy= 1.21
p + 20y= 1.40.
or lOy=0.19 or · y=0.019
.. · P+ 0.19 = I.2i or p=1.02
Hence, the equation of area-elevation curve is given by
Ay = 6.0 + 1.02y + 0.019y2 Ans.
Integrating this equation, we get
- - - - - - · · - · - - - - c:_ .: ..... C .... --·"--C - · · . _ . - . ·-··· -· . . _ -. -
2 3
Sy=6.0y+ l.02f +0.019f +K
.· The constant K is obviously the reservoir capacity (storage) upto RL 200.0 m, which
is given to be 14.1 ha. m.
.. Sy.= 6.0y + 0.51y2 + 0.0063y3 + 14.1
Hence, the capacity-elevation curve is given by
Sy= 0.0063y3 + 0.51y2 + 6.0y + 14.1 Ans
To determine the capacity at RL 225 m, we have to substitute
y = 225 - 200 = 25 m in the above eqn. to obtain the requisite capacity in ha.m., i.e.
Required capacity at RL 225 m
= 0.0063 (25) 3 + 0.51 (25) 2 + 6.0 x 25 + 14.1
= 98.96+ 318.75 + 150.0+ 14.1=581.Srl~a.m. Ans.
Conclusions. It can thus be seen that the capacity of a reservoir by this method can
be determined by surveying only a few contours. It is also found that the method does
not give more than 3% error, when it is cross-checked with the capacity worked out by
surveying large number of contours. This error is not considered much, in the light of
the fact that the areas of contours are themselves not very precise figures.
Sometimes, storage capacity may be expressed as a single term function of y, such as
Sy= K.y" where Kand n are constants.
Infact, in practical life, no one E
bothers about the equations, and only <=
curves, as shown in Fig. 18.3 are _::
drawn. The required capacity at any g
elevation is read out, from such a :
curve. ...=1
It may also be pointed out here that
the best capacity curve for a reservoir is 0 - 0
the one in which the rise to the straight Good
line is the quickest. It results ·from a cup-
shaped catchment, with gentle lon-
gitudinal slope. Fig. 18.4 shows the good Reservoir capacity ,ha.m
and bad capacity curves. Fig. 18.4. Good and Bad capacity curves for a reservoir
18.3.2. Minimum Pool Level. The lowest water surface elevation, which has to be
.kept under normal operating conditions in a reservoir, is called the minimum pool level
,(See Fig. 18.5). This level may be fixed by the elevation of the lowest outlet in the dam
or may be guided by the minimum head required for efficient functioning of turbines.
18.3.3. Useful and Dead Storage. The volume of water stored in a reservoir between
the minimum pool and normal pool levels is called the usefal storage. Water stored in the
reservoir below the minimum pool level is known as the Dead Storage, and it is not of much
, use in the operation of the reservoirs. The useful storage may be subdivided into conserva-
tion storage and flood-mitigation storage, in a multipurpose reservoir.
18.3.4. Maximum Pool Level or Full Reservoir Level. During high floods,
water is discharged over the spillway, but will cause the water level to rise in the
reservoir above the normal pool level. The maximum level to which the water rises
during the worst design flood is known as the maximum pool level.
18.3.5. Surcharge Storage. The volume of water stored between the normal pool
level and the maximum pool level is called surcharge storage. Surcharge storage is an
uncontrolled storage, in the sense that it exists only till the flood is in progress and
cannot be retained for later use.
18.3.6. Bank Storage. When the reservoir is filled up, certain amount of water
seeps into the permeable reservoir banks. This water comes out as soon as the reservoir
gets depleted. This volume of water is known as the bank storage, and may amount to
several percent of the reservoir volume depending upon the geological formations. The
bank storage effectively increases the capacity of the reservoir above that indicated by
the elevation capacity curve of the reservoir.
18.3.7. Valley Storage. Even before a dam is constructed, certain variable amount
'i of water is stored in the stream channel, called valley storage. After the reservoir is
formed, the storage increases, and the actual net increase in the storage is equal to the
storage capacity of the reservoir minus the natural valley storage. The valley storage
thus reduces the effective storage capacity of a reservoir. It is not of much importance
in conservation reservoirs, but the available storage for flood mitigation is reduced, as
given by the following relation:
Effective storage for flood mitigation
= Useful Storage + Surcharge Storage - Valley
Storage corresponding to the rate of inflow in the
The amount of water that can be drawn from a reservoir, in any specified time
interval, called the reservoir yield, naturally depends upon the inflow into the reservoir
and the reservoir losses, consisting of reservoir leakage and reservoir evaporation.
The annual inflow to the reservoir, i.e. the catchment yield, is represented by the
mass curve of inflow; whereas, the outflow from the reservoir, called the reservoir yield,
is represented by the mass demand line or the mass curve of outflow. Both these curves
decide the reservoir capacity, provided the reservoir losses are ignored or separately
The inflows to the reservoir are however, quite susceptible of variation in different
years, and may therefore vary throughout the prospective life of the reservoir. The past
available data of rainfall or runoff in the catchment is therefore used to work out the
optimum value of the catchment yield. Say for example, in the past available records of
say 35 years, the minimum yield from the catchment in the worst rainfall year may be
as low as say 100 M~ha.m; whereas, the maximum yield in the best rainfall year may
be as high as say 200 M.ha.m. The question which then arises would be as to whether
the reservoir capacity should correspond to 100 M. ha.m yield or 200 M. ha.m yield. If
the reservoir capacity is provided corresponding to 100 M. ha.m yield, then eventually
the reservoir will be filled up every year with a dependability of 100%; but if the
capacity is provided corresponding to 200 M.ha.m yield, then eventually the reservoir
will be filled up only in the best rainfall year (i.e. once in 35 years) with a dependability
. 1
of.about x 100:::: 3%.
In order to obtain a sweet agreement, a via media is generally adopted and an
intermediate dependability percentage value (p), such as 50% to 75%, •may be used to
compute the dependable yield or the design yield. The yield which corresponds to the
worst or the most critical year on record is however, called the firm yield or the safe
yield. Water available in excess of the firm yield during years of higher inflows, is
designated as the secondary yield. Hydropower may be developed from such secondary
water, and sold to the industries 'on and when available basis'. The power commitments
to domestic consumers must, however, be based on the firm basis, and should not exceed
the power which can be produced with the firm yield_, unless. thermal power is also
available to support the hydroelectric power. ·· · ··· · ·
The arithmetic average of the firm yield and the secondary yield is called the
average yield.
18.4.1. Computing the Design or the Dependable Catchment Yield. The de-
pendable yield, corresponding to a given dependability percentage p, is detennined from
the past available data of the last 35 years or so. The yearly rainfall data of the reservoir
catchment is generally used for this purpose, since such long runoff data is .rarely
available . The rainfall data of the past years is therefore used to work out the dependable
rainfall value corresponding to the given dependability percentage p. This dependable
rainfall value is then converted into the dependable runoff value by using the available
empirical formulas connecting the yearly rainfall with the yearly runoff.
It is, however, an adopted practice in Irrigation Departments to plan the reservoir
project by- computing the dependable yield .from the rainfall data, but to start river
gauging as soon as the site for the reservoir is decided, and then correlate the rainfall-
runoff observations to verify the correctness of the assumed empirical relation between
the rainfall and the runoff. Sometimes, on the basis of such observations, the initially
assumed yield value,m~y have to be revised.
* This percentage wiU depend upon the risk which can be absorbed for the proposed use of water. Say for
example, city water supply projects can absorb lesser risk as compared to the irrigation projects, and hence
should consider higher .dependability percentage value.
The procedure which is adopted to compute the dependable rainfall value for a given
dependability percentage p is explained below, and has been further used in solving
example 18.2.
(i) The available rainfall data of the past N years is first of all arranged in the
descending order of magnitude.
(ii) The order number m, given by the equation
m -N.L
- 100
... (18.4)
is then computed, and rainfall value corresponding to this order number in the tabulated
data will represent the required dependable rainfall value.
(iii) If the computed value of mis a fraction, then the arithmetic mean of the rainfall
values corresponding to whole number m values above and below this fraction value is
taken as the dependable rainfall value.
This method of computing the rainfall value of the given dependability (such as
50%, 75%, etc.) will become more clear when we solve example 18.2. The rainfall va.lue
of given dependability can finally be converted into the dependable yield, by using
empirical methods, discussed ih article
The dependable yield of a given dependability (p per cent) can also be determined
from the stream gauging, by computing the annual yields, from the observed discharges,
and arranging the annual yield values in descending order to determine order numbers
(instead of rainfall) as exhibited in solved example 18.3.
Example 18.2. The yearly rainfall data for the catchment of a proposed reservoir
site for 35 years is given in Table 18.1. Compute from this data, the values of dependable
rainfalls for 60% and 75% dependability percentage.
Table 18.1
.. ...
Rainfall Rainfall
Year Year
in cm in cm
1956 98 1974 88
1957 100 1975 94
1958 101 1976 107
1959 99 1977 llO
1960 85 1978 208
1961 112 1979 114
1962 116 1980 104
1963 .· 78 1981 120
1964 .. 160 .. 1982 108
1965 66 1983 102
1966 184 1984 80
-- -- --- -- ··· 1967 . - -90 .- 109 .
--- --··- 1985 - .. ·--·
2 90-80.1 16 19
3 80-70.1 27 25 38
4 70-60.l 21 60 67
5 60-50.l 43 51 58
6 50~40.l 59 38 38
7 40-30.l 64 29 70
8 30-20.1 22 48 29 I
9 20-10.l 59 63 26
JO 10-nerdif1ible 54 26 13
(Engg. Services, 2002)
Solution. With the given daily flows, we will calculate the annual yields for the
given 3 years of records, as computed in Table 18.4. Since daily discharge figs. are given
in range (interval), mid value of range (interval) can be assumed to be the flow dis-
charge, which when multiplied by no. of days, will give yield during those days.
Summation of yield values over 365 days will give annual yield, as shown in Table 18.4,
which otherwise is self explanatory.
Table 18.4
Year 1981 Year 1982 Year 1983
Daiiymean No. ofdays (Mm3) No. <fdays No.of Yield
Mean Yield
for which = (3) x (4) for which 3 days for 3
discharge value of (Mm ) = (Mm )
thejlow flow which flow
S.No. (range) (m 3Is) daily 86400 0.0864x ·= 0.0864
eqLl{1l/ed to x - - equalled to equaled to
in descending discharge 106 col(3)x
that given that ofcol that of col xcol(3)
order range
in col (3) [(3) x (4) (3) col (6) (3) xcol (8)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)
I 100-90.I 95.05 0 0 6 49.25 10 82.08
2 90-80. I 85.05 16 117.50 19 139.54 16 117.50
3 80-70.l 75.05 27 174.96 25 162.00 38 . 246.24
4 70-60.1 65.05 21 117.94 60 336.96 67 376.27
5 60-50.1 55.05 43 204.34 51 242.35 58 275.62
6 50-40.1 45.05 59 229.39 38 147.77 38 147.74
7 40-30.1 35.05 64 193.54 29 87.70 70 211.68
8 30-20.1 25.05 22 47.52 48 103.68 29 62.64
9 20-10.I 15.05 59 74j4 63 81.65 26 33.70
IO IO-Negligible 5.05 54 23.33 . . 26_ 11.23 13 5.62
L 365 U-82.8Ji <" "3'65 1361.98 365 1559.09
The river yield for 3 year is thus, calculated by summation of col (5), (7) & (9). Let
_these~yields be.a:r:ranged-in descending order. .. __
Year Annual yield (M m3) Order No. (m)
1983 1559.09 1
1982 1361.98 2
1981 1182.86 3
Order No. (m) for p% dependability
=_p__XN ... (Eqn. 18.4)
(1) Order No for 75% dependability = ~ x 3 = 2.25.
Since order No. of 2.25 is not an integer, the mean value of yield corresponding to
S. NO. 2 and 3 will be taken as yield for 75% dependability, given as
-·--· - - ----==-[-l361~98'·'F1182.86]=1.f12.42M-;,i-·. ·- -
2 '"
Hence, Annual flow with 75% dependability= 1272.42M m3 Ans.
:; Daily flow (discharge) with 75% dependability
1272.42 x 10 3; __ 3 3; A
= 365 x 86400 m s 40 ·34 m s ns.
---c lO
cc.'+- .
I ---·o 9c
g,o:: 30
+- V1
c c.>
. c.>
E 20 --------
u 0
CJ u
0.. _o
0 25 50
75 10 0 125 150
Toto! Monsoon Ra.info!! in tm -
Fig. 18.6(a). Binnie's Monsoon Rainfall-runoff Curve.
(2) Strange's percentages and tables. Mr. W.L. Strange carried out investigations on
catchments in Bombay Presidency, and worked out percentages for converting monsoon
rainfall into monsoon yield. He even worked out such percentages for converting daily rainfalls
into daily runoffs. It was an improvement over Binnie'.s tables, since he divided the catchments
into three categories to account for the general characteristics of the catchment:S. The catch-
ments prone to producing higher yields, such as those with more -payed areas, etc. were
categorised as good catchments; and those prone to producing low yields were termed as bad
catehmentsc-:'fhe·intermecliate-:typeScwere·called-average catchments. Different runoff percent~
ages were given for different types of catchments for different values of rainfalls, as shown in
table I 8.6(a). These values have also been drawn in the shape of curves, as shown inFig. 18.6(b ).
Table 18.6 Values of Strange's Run off Percentages
Monsoon Runoff Percentages for Monsoon· Runoff Percentages for caiChmerits ·
Rainfall catchments desirmated as Rainfall - desir>rii:ited iis. · -
in cm Good Avera<>e Bad in cm Good · Averarie. ·-·:Bad
25.0 4.3 3.2 2.l 107:5 40.9 .,-.. --._. }~:~ :· 20.4
30.0 .6.2 4.6 3.i - ... 110;0 Ai:p_ .. 21.0
35.0 8.3 6.2 4.1 112:5 ,ffi . 32.3 21.5
40.0 ..
10.5 7.8 5.2
us:o 44.3 33.2 22.1
45.0 12.8 9.6 •. 6:4 117.5 45.4 34.0 23.2
50.0 15,0 ·11:3 7.5 120.0 46.5 34.8 23.8
55:0 17.3 12.9 8.6 122.5 47.6 35.7 23.8
60.0 - - - - - · 18.5
____ ].i:L.__:_ ---~---9."-l-:.. .:. ,_J25.Q_ -- --"--48:8.. ----- 36.6.. -- 24.4---
65.0 .. 21.8 16.3 10.9 127.5 49.9 37.4 24.9
70.0 24.0 18.0 12.0 130.0 51.0. 38.2 25.5
75.0 26.3 19.7 13.l 132.5 52.0 39.0 26.0
80.0 28.5 21.3 14.2 135.0 53.3 39.9 26.6
85.0 30.8 23.1 15.4 137.5 54.4 40.8 27.2
90:0 33.0 24.7 16.5 140.0 55.5 41.6 27.7
95.0 35.3 26.4 ri.6 .• 142.5 56.6 42.4 28.3
100.0 37.5 28.1 18.7 145.0 5'7.8 43.3 28.9
102.5 38.5 28.9 19.3 147.5 58.9 44.1 29.4
105.0 39.5 29.8 19:9 150.0. 60:0 45.0 ·- 30.0
. . /
() /
0 /.
. / ..·>
. <.°'~c:;;,, >~.c,~--
c.,~/ q,'<C'!
''?'. .
... -·
~i.--_........ ·
J/ / •.;,.lO....--- .
.. /
·,,"' / ...'
....... ..
./· ;-
·' ~ .... _, ':
Class of Runoffpercentages
S.No. · Description of the catchment
catchment (K)
I. A Flat, cultivated, adsorbent soils JO
2. B Flat, partly cultivated stiff soils .. 15
3. c Average catchment 20
4. D Hills and plains with little cultivation 25
5: E Very )lilly and steep catchment with little. or nci cultivation 33
The above values of runoff percentages are for the average type of monsoons, and
are to be modified by the application of the following coefficients (Table 18.8) according
to the nature of the season.
Table 18.8. Values of Barlow's coefficient to be
.. multiplied_withcK. "'.alues,of_table_J8.J_
to obtain True Runoff Percentages
Class of catchment
S.No. Nature of season
A B c D E
I. Light rain, no heavy down pour 0.7 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8
2. Average or varying rainfall, no 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
continuous down pour I
(4) Lacey's formula. This formula connects the monsoon rainfall (P) with the yield
(Q) by the equation.
10 a50 =35m 3/s
G75 = 26m /s
--- ----·· -·---- ·-·-·----- :____ --···-·---'-- - --'-' -·-'-'---' ---'----'------·-1-''-"L'-' _:..::_ ______ -- -
4L---'--'--.l....JL..l.-.J...J..J...L._ _..___.__.__._.L...L.L-U--....J...--'--'L....d.--'-~'
0·1 0·2 0·3 0·5 2 3 5' 10 20 30 5.0 75 100
°loage probqbility of flow magnitude being
equalled or exceeded (Pp)
Fig. 18.7(b). A typical flow duration curve on a log-log paper.
values _are used, the plotting position of any discharge (or class value) Q is given, as :
* !st June to 30st May.
where m =is the order No. of that discharge (or class value)
PP = percentage probability of the flow magnitude
being equalled or exceeded.
The ordinate Q at any percentage probability p (such as 60%), i.e. Q,,, will represent
the flow magnitude of the river that will be available for 60% of the year, and is hence
termed as 60% dependable flow (Q 60 ). Q 100 (l.e: I 00% dependable flow) for a perennial'
river can, thus, be read out easily from such a curve. Q 100 for an ephmeral or for an
.intermittent river shall evidently be zero.
A flow-duration curve rept"esents the cumulative frequency distribution, and can be
considered to represent the stream flow variation of an average year. Such a curve can
be plotted on an ordinary arithmetic scale paper, or an semi-log or log-log paper. The
following characteristics of flow-duration curves have been noticed.
(1) The slope of the flow-duration curve depends upon the interval of data u_sed.
Say for .example, a daily stream flow data gives a steeper curve than a curve based on
monthly data for the same river. This happens due to smoothening of small peaks in
monthly data.
(2) The presence of a reservoir
on a stream upstream of the gauging 150
point will modify the flow-duration
---;;; 125-
curve for the stream, depending (")- Natural flow
upon the reservoir-regulation effect - .:. 100 \
on the released discharges. A typi- :::0 \
(x - 602) = ·!.~ 2 = 1.85
x = RL 603.85 m.
The lowest sill level i.e. dead storage level is thus fixed at RL 603.85 m. Ans.
(b) Net water _demand = Crop water requirement including transit losses = 250 ham
Reservoir losses = 15% x 250 ham= 37.5 ham
Live storage required
to meet the given demand= (250 + 37.5) ham= 287.5 ham
De.ad storage = 30 ham (computed above)
:. Gross· reservoir storage required
=Live storage+ Dead storage= 287.5 + 30 = 317.5ham
Dependable yield= 0.29 m (depth)= 0.29 m x (20 x 106 m 2) = 580 ham
The gross capacity of the reservoir is fixed at the lesser of the gross storage required to
meet. th~ demand (i.e. 311.5 ham)_a11d_1b~--c:l~py11d~bl~yi~lq(i._e, ~~O ti_a.J!l.J._Jic:nce,_the
reservofr capac:iiy = 317:5 limn.
Ans. - . . . . .. . ........ ,. - . . .
18.6. Relation between Inflow, Outflow, and storage Data for a Reservoir
The inflow to the reservoir and the outflow from the reservoir are the only two
factors which govern the storage capacity of a reservoir. Since the inflow to the reservoir
is variable, water is stOrt?.d in the reservoir to cater to the required outflow from the
reservoir, particularly during the critical periods in non-monsoon season. Naturally, if
more outflow is required, more capacity has to be provided.
As.'a matter of fact, after assessing the monthly or annual inflows into the reservoir and
representing it by the mass inflow curve, the demand pattern is specified. The reservoir is then
usually designed to meet this specified demand, represented by the mass outflow curve.
The reservoir capacity, the reservoir inflow, and the outflow from the reservoir are
governed by the storage equation, given by:
.lnflow.-=-_.0.utflow_:;: lncreasejn_storage ... ___ c..___ c__:c:_ -~---- _____ .,,.
:. Increase in Reservoir Storage'= Inflow- Outflow ... ( 18.9)
18.7. Fixing the Reservoir Capacity from the Annual Inflow and Outflow Data
The capacity of reservoir may be determined by determining the storage needed to
accommodate the given inflow minus the given outflow, as governed by the above
equation. However, this study involves numerous factors,, as discussed below:
Streamflow data at the reservoir site must be known. Monthly i.nflow rates are
sufficient' for large reservoirs, but daily data. may be required for small reservoirs.
When the inflow data at the dam site are not known, .the data at a station elsewhere
.on the stream or on a nearby stream may be collected and adjusted to the dam site. The
available data may sometimes be extended so as to include a really drought period. .
Besides determining the streamflow data at the dam site, an adjustment has to be
made for the water required to be passed from the reservoir to satisfy the prior water
rights and to obey the agreements between various sharing States through which the
river is passing. ·
Moreover, the construction of a reservoir increases the exposed area of the water
surface above that of the natural stream, and thus, increases the evaporation losses. There
is, thus, a net loss of water occurring due to reservoir construction, Sometimes, these
losses may be so huge that the entire purpose of the reservoir may be defeated. Seepage
from the reservoir may also add to the loss resulting from the reservoir.
All these factors make this study very very complex. An approximate easy
solution for determining the reservoir capacity may be obtained graphically with the
help of mass curves as explained in the next article. On the other hand, a tabular
solution is necessary in order to account for all important factors. For more precise
results and for all compl~x systems, computers may be used for programming the
analysis (called operation study).
Example 18.6. Monthly inflow rates during a low-water period at the sit~ of a
proposed dam are tabulated in Col. (2) of table 18.9. The corresponding montMy pan
evaporation and precipitation at a nearby station are also tabulated in Col. ( 3) and Col.
(4) of the same table. Prior water rights make it obligatory to release the full na,tural
flow or 15 hectare-metres per month, whichever is minimum. If the estimated nil,'nthly
demands are as given in col. (5) of table 18.9 and the net increased pool area is 400
hectares, find the required storage capacity for the reservoir. Assume pan evaporation
coefficient=O. 7 and also assume that only 28% of the rainfall on the land area to be
flooded by reservoir has reached the stream in the past.
Table 18.11
Solution. Table 18.11 is extended as shown in Table 18.12. The 28% precipitation
is already reaching and is included in the given inflow [Col. (2)], and hence, only 72%
of the precipitation is to be included, as worked out in Col. (8). The table is otherwise
self- explanatory and the monthly water drawn from the reservoir is worked out in Col.
(I 0).
April Q.O 10.2 0.0 4.8 0.0 28.56 0.0 . (-} I 28.56 33.36
May d.o 15.4 0.0 3.5 I
' 0.0 43.1 0.0 (-} 43.1 46.60 0
June d:o
16.6 1.1 3.4 I 0.0 46.4 3.17 (-} 43.23 46.63 ~
July 240.0 10.8 16.1 5.0 i
15.0 30.3 46.4 (+}: 241.l Nil z0
August 480.0 11.7 16.4 5.0 15.0 32.8 ·47.3 (+} 479.5 Nil ;i.
·I z
\.0 10.8 2.2 10.0 1.0 30.3 6.34 (-} 23.96 33.96 ::i::
October 6.6 9.6 0.8
Q.5 7.8 0.0
I 24.39
December 0.2 2.0 0.0 16.8 0.2 5.6 0.0 (-} 5.6 22.40 n
------~- --------------. _j
Finally, their summation (i.e. 308.21 hectare-metres) works out to be the required
storage capacity of the reservoir. Ans.
18.8. Fixation of Reservoir Capacity with the Help of Mass Curves of Inflow and Outflow
After the flow hydrographs for the stream at the dam site have been plotted for a
large number of years (say 25 to 30 years), the required storage capacity for a reservoir
with a given outflow pattern
can be approximately calcu- 3::
lated with the help of mass o FLOW HYOROGRAPH
-'LL. UJ
curves. A hydrograph is a plot z ,...
of discharge vs. time, while a ~ ~
mass curve is a plot of ac- o
cumulated flow vs. time. The ~
area under the hydrograph be- G
tween times t = 0 and t =t will 0 ~ =ORDINATE OF MASS CURVE AT
represent nothing but the ac- ·-==----+.t<-:.0~-'-"-<--"-+'--------------.l-
cumulated flow up to the time t=t .---TIME (YEAR)
t, and hence, the ordinate of
the mass curve at time t. ~
A typical annual inflow ii
hydrograph is shown in Fig. ~
18.8 (a), and the mass curve for ~ ~I MASS INFLOW CURVE
this inflow hydrograph is ~
plotted in Fig. 18.8 (b). The area
under the first curve upto a time --TIME (YEAR)
(t) is equal to the ordinate of the
Fig. 18.8 (a) and (b).
second curve at the same time
(t). Adjustments for the scales and units of the two curves must be made while plotting.
It is evident that a mass curve will continuously rise, as it is the plot of the
accumulated inflow. Periods of no inflow would be represented by the horizontal lines
on the mass inflow curve. To differentiate such a mass curve of runoff from the mass
curve of rainfa11, this mass curve is usually callecl' as the flow mass curve and is an
integral· of the flow hydrogrph. · .
The mass curve may also be called the ripple diagram. The slope of the mass curve
at any time is a measure of the inflow rate at that time.
After the inflow mass curve has been plotted; the mass curve of demand may also
be plotted by accumulating the required outflow. If a constant rate of withdrawal is
required from the reservoir, the mass curve of demand will be a straight line having a
slope equal to the demand rate. Demand curves or demand lines are generally straight
lines (representing uniform withdrawal) although, in practice, they may be curved also
[See Fig. 18.9 (a) and (b)].
---·----- '----:i:-- ·---Demand ------'-~
- - -"-3;-t-------'--"'----'"
0 0 curve
;:i;: z
Time ---
.;;; 110
.... B2 ,
~ 100
0 90 / =1950 HA-MTS.
~ /
~ 80 // ~""
3: 70 // '<>"o
lL ;T--.,;50 0 HA- MTS _,'..'
60 / ~~
50 ~<;) , ....
40 ~"' ~ . 2000
<:>'<)r::."""" HA-MTS
,; .
t 30
...j l YEAR!-
I 20
1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956
--.....----."'---- TIME· (YEA.R l
Fig. 18.10.
Fig. 18.10 has been drawn for a demand of 2,000 h~ctare- metres/year. The biggest
departure ordinate (i.e. the maximum of Bi C1, B2C2•• .) works out to be 1,950 hectare-
metres/year, which represents the required storage capacity for the reservoir.
The vertical distance between the successive tangents AiB 1, and A2B2, etc., represent
the water wasted over the spillway. The spillway must have sufficient capacity ·to
discharge this flood volume.
For Fig. 18.10, the spillway.capacity works out to be 600 hectare-metres, and the
reservoir capacity as 1,950 hectare-metres. It can also be observed that:
(i)' Assunit)lg the reservoir to be full at A 1' it is depleted to 1,950 - 1,500 = 450
h,a:-m at C 1 and is again full at Fi.
_ _ _ _.:...~ii)-1'.he-reser-v0ir-is-foll-between-Fr-and-A 2' and the quantity-of-water· s piHed-o ver --
the spillway is equal to 600 ha-m.
(iii) From A2, the water starts reducing in the ,reservoir till it becomes fully empty
at C2•
(iv) The water again starts collecting in the reservoir and it is again full at F2 •
Note 1. It may also be noted that a demand line, when extended, must intersect the
mass curve. If it does not:, the reservoir will nor refill.
Note 2. When the demand curve is not ~
a straight line, then the two mass curves ~
are superimposed over each other in such :x: c:i:
a way that their origins and axis coincide.
The larger ordinate between the two, gives 3:
the required storage capacity, as shown in g
Fig. 18.11. .u.
Fixing the Demand for a Reservoir ~t
of a Given Capacity ....
In the previous article, we have ex- --r.c..--'---------~__:____
plained as to how the reservoir capacity ---TIME I YEARS I
can be determined for a given demand. Fig. 18.11.
The reverse, i.e. fixing the demand for a
given reservoir capacity, may also be done with the help of mass curve of inflow.
In this case, the tangents are drawn to the high points (A 1, A 2, ... ) of the mass inflow
curve in such a way that the maximum departure from the mass curve is equal to the
reservoir capacity. The slopes of the lines so drawn represent the demand rate wnich
can be obtained with this capacity during different periods. The minimum value of these
slopes will represent the withdrawal rate, which can certainly be obtained from the given
reservoir, and will, thus, represent its firm yield.
For example in Fig. 18.12, a mass inflow curve i$ given. It is further required to
find out the possible yields and the safe yield for a reservoir capacity of 750 ha-m. To
determine these values, we shall proceed as follows :
SLOPE IS FOUND =1350~ 8 3,.......-
100 ~ 750HA-MTS
<! 80 SLOPE FOUND =-1950
0 70
..J 50
~ 30
1 ., o:;;-""""::....;_;..._'"-+"~--;;.._;-=--=-'"'"--=--=--=---=--=---~--f--=--~-~---4--'--~'------'-- -----------
1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971
Fig. 18.12.
First of all, the high points .4 1, A2 and A3 are marked on the mass inflow curve. The
points B 1, B2, and B3 are determined in such a way that their maximum departure from
the curve is equal to 750 ha-m. The tangent lines A 1B1, A2B2 and A3B3 are then drawn.
The slopes of these lines are determined and are found to be 1,26.0, 1,950, 1,3~:0
ha-m/year, respectively. These values represent the possible yields in different periods.
The minimum of them, i.e. I,260 ha-m/year represents the safe yield or the firm yield of
the reservoir. Ans.
Example 18.7. Annual runoff in terms of depth over the catchment area of 1675
sq.km. of a reservoir is given below:
Year 1962 63 64 65 66 67 68 69
Runoff(cm) 98 143.5 168.3 94 95.3 152.4 110 131.3
Draw the flow mass diagram. What is the average yield from the catchment? What
should be the live storage capacity of the reservoir to.use.the.sourcefully? !f t~e dead
storage is 20% of the live storage, what is the gross storage? Mark the filling and
emptying periods on the mass curve. (Bhopal University, 1980)
Solution. The cumulative runoff values are worked out in Col. 4 of table 18·. I 3, and
they are plotted against the values of corresponding years (col. 1) of the same table, so
as to obtain the desired mass diagram [Fig. 18.13].
Table 18.13 . -
The average annual yield of the catchment is the arithmetic mean of the given
annual yields, and is equal to
==--== 124.l cmofrunoff
= 1.241 x CA in m2 (volume of runoff)·
= 1.241 m x (1675 x 106) m 2
= 2078.68 Mm 3 ; say 2079 Mm3 Ans.
Now, to utilise the source fully, there sbould not be any spilling over of the water,
and the yearly demand should be equal to the average yield i.e. 2079 Mm 3 .
To determine the required reservoir capacity to meet this demand rate, a line is
_ c.d_i:awn fr_om.the-..high-point-Ai-,-PaFaJ.lel=t0-this-'demandfate;· as· shown fo-Fig~18·:13 ;-·aria ___
the maximum departure of this line from the mass curve is read out as
B 1C 1 =1065 Mm 3•
Hence, the required reservoir capacity is 1065 Mm 3. Ans.
Physically speaking, the reservoir will be empty at trough pts C1 and C2, and full
at ridge point A 1•
Alternatively, the mass demand line can be plotted, and both curves extended back
up to the origin 0, as shown in Fig. 18.14.
s, c, & Bz Cz:10G5Mm3
Dem and -t--o#-...J
81 .
2 000 10 65 Mm 3_ _+---+--+---+-----I
64 65 66 67 68 69
Fig. 18.13.
120001----+---..,___ _.
-·l 100001----l----+----l---f----..1
Mass inflow
i 80001----+----+---r+-..11!:+----+--~--+----1
-~ 6-0 0 0 1--'--=-4-~-l---'-'
'1IIlilf E mry1ng
z 40001-----1--~.... -+----+--+-1.;>·"?·fll Filling
TIME (YEAR)---).,...~
Fig. 18.14.
It can be seen from this curve, that from 0 to C 1, the slope of the inflow curYie is
less than that of the demand curve, indicating that the inflow is less than the outflow,
and the reservoir is emptying. From C 1 to D 1, the slope of the inflow curve is i1n excess
of the demand, and reservoir is filling. The vertical intercept C 1 C, from the inflow curve
at C 1 to the demand curve at C, represents the initial storage to meet the demand from
0 to C 1• At D 1, the reservoir level is the same as at 0. After DI> and upto A 1, the slope
of the inflow curve is steeper tnan that of the demand curve, and as such, the reservoir
is still rising. Point A 1 represents the full reservoir level. Vertical intercept A1A repre-
sents the storage between the initial water level corresponding to the point 0 and the
full reservoir level. The. total minimum storage capacity of the reservoir to meet the
demand is thus given by the vertical intercepts C 1CandA 1A.
Max. withdraw! from storage+ Max. stored in storage
= 437 + 628 = 1065 mcm. Ans.
The emptying and filling processes are also shown in Fig. 18.14 ; filling will occur
when the slope of the inflow curve is more than that of the demand curve, and vice
18.9 .. Fixation of Reservoir Capacity Analytically using Sequent Peak Algorithm
The sequent peak algorithm is a simple and straight forward analytical procedure,
for computing reservoir capacity, and is used as an excellent alternative to the mass
curve method of determining reservoir capacity.
In the mass curve analysis, the reser.voir is assumed to be full at the beginning of
the dry period, and storage required to pass the dry period is estimated. If the mass curve \
contains only one ridge point, and if there is no well defined subsequent trough point, I
it may become necessary to. repeat the given data for one more cycle to arrive at the
desired storage determination. Also, the demand rate is usually not a straight line (as
assumed in mass curve analysis), since the demand (out flow) generally becomes non-
uniform due to seasonal variations in the demand. T1ie sequent peak algorithm technique
helps us to device simple mathematical solution to the problem of computing the reser-
voir cap{lcity. ________________ _ __
Sequent peak algorithm (Fig. 18.15) is a plot between time (say, in months) on
X-axis, and cumulative inflow minus cumulatives outflow on Y-axis. The quantity taken
on Y-axis, corresponding to each month equals to [:L Inflow - :L outflow] = [:L (Inflow-
Outflow ]. This value is also called cumulative net inflow.
The+ ve values of cumulative net inflow, representing cumulative surplus of inflow
will be plotted above X-axis, while its negative values, representing 'cumulative deficit _
of inflow, will be plotted below x-axis.
The obtained plot will consist of peaks and troughs, as shown in Fig. 18.15.
The first ridge point A 1 in this plotting (i.e, first peak of cumulative net surplus) is called
the first peak ; while subsequent
ridge points A2, A 3 , A4, etc., are
called sequent peaks.
. Sim!larly, the fi_rst trough
t _ A_
- - --pomt-Br1s-called-the-first-trough-;-;:::::- - -11.J!-~-===------,.-....
while subsequent trough points ~0
B2 , B3, etc. may be called the se- E
quent troughs. ~
The difference between the :i:0
first peak and first trough (height ~ 3
Table 18.15
Inflow([) Outjlow(O) Cumulative lt!flow Cumulative Outflow
Mm 3 I Mm 3 !-l(M m 3) ! O(M m 3)
(!I-! 0)
A, _ _ _
800 M.m 3
"'E + 100
:i 0
........ Jun Aug
, . 100
w 200
Fig. 18.16. Sequent peak algorithm for Example 18.8.
Alternatively, the values of L (/ - 0) can be more easily computed by first com-
puting +veand-ve values of (1-0), as in col (4) & (5) of Table 18.16; and then
computing their summation values, i.e. values of L (I - 0) as in col (6) and (7) of Table
18.6. + ve values represent cumulative excess inflow; while -ve values represent cumula-
tive deficit. The maximum value out of all the values of Col (6) and (7) will represent the
min~mu_I!l _s_torage_ recil1ir(!_~U() ~~c_Oil'lf.IlQc:i!lt~ th~ su_rplus (or to _supply the d~fis,it). This_~
method thus, avoid~ the necessity of pfottirig peaks & froughs (curve) and the value ofreqd
storage capacity can be computed easily and mathematically, which procedure can even be
programmed in a digital computer to help in estimation of required storage capacity. In
present calculations, this peak value in col (6) & (7) is found to be 800 M.m3• Ans.
Table 18.16 * ·
In.flow/ Ouiflow (0)
(1-0) r. (/- 0)
Month + ve values -ve values Cumulative Cumulative
Mm 3 Mm 3 Excess (M m3) Deficit (M m3) excess (M m3) . deficit (M m )
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
June 250 150 100 100
July . 350 150 200 300
Aug 400 200 200 500
Sept 200 250 50 50
-Octc:._c_:___ -----150- ·---- ..c..:._:.J$Q-·- --·- ---- -· 200 .. - . - .... ···250--~
'.~ '>:\ = 1.2 Live storage= 1.2 x 1065 Mm 3 = 1278 Mm3 Ans.
°':Ex~mple 18.10. The yield of water in Mm 3 from a catchment area during each
successive month is given in the table below :
Determine the minimum capacity of a reservoir required to allow the above volume
of water to be drawn off at a uniform rate assuming that there is no loss of water over
the spillway.
Solution. The total inflow of water in 12 months
= Summation of inflow values := 57.4 Mm 3.
:. Average monthly rate at which water is withdrawn to use the inflow fully= Av.
demand rate= 57.4/12 = 4.78 Mm3 .
Now, to draw the mass curve of inflow, the cumulative inflow values are worked
out in table 18.18.
Table 18.18
Month Yield(Mm 3) Cumulative yield (Mm 3 )
1.4 1.4 - ·--·-···--·"··
2 2.1 3.5
3 2.8 6.3
4 8.4 14.7
5 11.9 26.6
6 11.9 38.5
7 7.7 46.2
8 2.8 49.0
9 2.52 51.52
IO 2.24 53.76
n 1.96 55.72
12 1.68 57.40
The mass inflow curve is now plotted, as shown in Fig. 18.17. A line parallel to the ·
demand rate line is now drawn through the high point A 1 on the inflow mass curve, as
shown. The maximum departure between the inflow mass curve and this line, i.e.
B 1C 1, gives the min. storage capacity reqd. This value is read out as 20.78 Mm 3• Ans.
70 /
Line parallel to demand /
line through the pt. A1 /
on outflow
3:: 30
2 rn onths
Slope of 1
1---+--+-++----1 de m ah d line
Max. ordinate= B1 C1
. -;2o·78Mm3
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 !S 16 17
Fig. 18.17.
Analytically, the solution to the problem can be worked out, as shown in table 18. J 9.
Table 18':19
Outflow Cumulative - _<;iimJ~{Qtive_
Inflow Defitit Surplus
Month (Demand) Deficit Surplus
Mm 3 3 , Mm 3 Mm 3 3 3
Mm Mm Mm
I 1.9
--"--'-7-:- --'----7~7- -- . --
- ·--·-------
Month Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec
River flow
140 27 35 26 16 48 212 180 116 92 67 37
in J0 6m 3
What is the maximum uniform demand that can be met? What is the storage capacity
required to meet this demand? What minimum initial storage is necessary? When does
the reservoir become empty? ./ .
Sollltion. Total inflo~ in the year :::/Summation of the giveri monthly discharges
=996M.m 3•
Average monthly rate at which water can be withdrawn to avoid any wastage i.e:
max average monthly rate
= 996
=83 Mm3 Ans.
Now, to determine storage capacity etc. we carry out the computations in table
Table 18.20
cc "'
·c... ~ ·c...c ., .,
.,... ~ e .. .,... ·=,g.,
..... .e N
<.>::.. i:
~~ "'~ 'E:j.,
. . t:
.,"' "' . ~~ .::; e"'.,, .s~ ~~ ·g~"'~;
•@~ ".$ .:;
·11~~ E~ .,~"' ·- ::l"'
~ ::l ....
., "' <:l c
<) · -
c·- ... c
~ ~.:; ..Q g
<.'.:!..~ "'
~~-- e-"'
::i ·-
-~ .~ ~
~ ~ I
..... ...
..Q §- "' ~~ 1;l ::l
;:, ~
..... .,
----- -·-- --~-~-- - - "'"'
c ~
c -c
-.:: 8"' - "'"'
8"' ~ ':S
~ ~~ ~
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)
Jan 140 83 57 57 (+) 57
Feb 27 83 56
March 35 83 48
April 26 83 57
May 16 83 67
June 48 83 35 263 (-) 206
July I 212 83 129
Aug .. 180 83 - - 97 ---- -- ---- -- ·- -- ------------ --·'- -- ----
---·-- - - -------- ----- ---- ---- - .
Sept 116 83 33
Oct 92 83 9 268 (+) 62
Nov 67 83 16
Dec 37 83 4Q_, 62 0
The highest value in col. (6) and (7) is 268 Mm3 , which represents the minimum
storage capacity/required to meet the demand without any spilling. Ans.
To compute the min. initial storage, we compute in col. (8), the net storage left in
the reservoir with the above inflows and outflows. The maximum negative storage here
works out to be 206 Mm3• In order that the reservoir fully meets the demand with the
· above inflows & outflows, there should be no negative storage in it, and in the limiting
case the max. negative storage should be equal to zero. Hence, the min. initial storage
in the reservoir should be 206 Mm3, which will just meet the shortage created in the
reservoir by June end, when the reservoir will become empty. Ans.
Example 18.12. The storage capacity of a reservoir for a flood control project is
to be determined. The estimated cost ofdamag~ if the emergency spillway is topped is
Rs. 10 lacs for each event. The interest rate is 6% and the reservoir life is 50 years. Six
reservoir designs of different storage capacities ; the probabilities of exceeding those
capacities in any given year, and the estimated initial cost for construction of the
reservoir are as follows :
Reservior design number 1 2 3 4 5 6
Flood storage capacity in lac cubic 55
30 35 40 45 50
metres -
: Probability of excee(iing storage capacity 0.02 0.01
0.15 0.10 0.06 0.04
·in any given year
Estimated initial cost, in lac rupees 25 30 35 40 45 50
., ....0 l ~
Cj CIJ@ ti ~ ~--
-~- .s - ·~
"tl e
(,) __ . ·:.:~·:-CS---· ~-
5 .::f ...: .s§
.0 ~., ....0 8 §- s~c:.:>
~·~ x e9.~~ ~8 I
.... "tl • .ii:!
.... .....
..e., ::I£:
-~ £: '<::."' l:l...: ., 0
.,., ~ g ::I ...
.0...: Q,
§-::I ..... §-
., ~ ~ "tl
g~ ., ., e
... "".ii:! ...:~
ge g ~...: C\l
Ir) ~
'5 ~ >. "tl
5 ~-- ., ...::i ..Q=
~ Q"' 0"'
~ ., :i5 ~ §-~ .s~3~ ti~
.... ...:
...,, ...
0 .ii:!
e .....
e..., 0
£: .,
·~ ~ .5
:;l "'""'
~o .
- ., 'a- .;
.... ~
,l:l t:l
CJ cs
~ °'g II
]..."' i: ~ 8 -g:g
..Q .,
~ ~ e c~
e ., ...:
£: ~.ii:!
e ""' ::I£:
... 'ii §-
(1) (2)
~ ., .s
'ii~ ...
C>;l ..g
C>;l ....
1 30 15% 7.5 75 - 25 - -
2 35 l0% 5 50 25 30 5 20
- 3 - .. . ~%-···
·- - --
---,m-:~ 3 45 35 35
4 45 4% 2 20 55 40 15 40
5 50 2% 1 IO 65 45 20 45
6 55 1% 0.5 5 70 50 25 45
The above table computes the damages caused by overflooding for each proposal,
the max. damage of Rs. 75 lakhs being for proposal 1 - having min. reservoir capacity;
and the min. damage of Rs. 5 lakh being for proposal 6 - having max. storage capacity.
The additional benefits thus provided by proposals 2 to 6 over proposal 1 are computed
in col (6) as 75 lakhs - col (5). Extra costs are also worked out in col (8).
These calculations reflect that in proposal 2, we spend ~xtra Rs. 5 lakh (over
proposal 1) and get a benefit of 25 lakhs (over proposal 1 of course); i.e. a net benefit
of Rs. 20 lakh. Similarly, in proposal 3, we spend extra Rs. IO lakhs & get a benefit of
Rs. 45 lakhs over proposal I; i.e. a net benefit of Rs. 35 lakhs. Similarly, we find that
our net benefit increases up to proposal 5, and afterwards, as in proposal 6, it becomes
equal to that in proposal 5. Hence, the increase in reservoir capacity up to proposal 5
gives us increasing net returns, but thereafter we don't get any extra net returns. Invest-
ing more, beyond proposal 5, would, therefore; not be optimal, and thus, proposal 5 can
be considered as the most optimum design.
Hence, the optimum storage capacity of the reservoir will correspond to that of
proposal 5, i.e. SO lakh m 3 • Ans. ·
18.10. Estimation of Demands and Optimal Reservoir Operations
In the previous articles, it was explained as to how the reservoir capacity can be
determined for satisfying a certain given downstream demand or vice versa. This
demand may be constant or may vary throughout the year.
The demand pattern mainly depends upon the purpose for which the reservoir has
been constructed. Hence, it has to be different for different types of reservoirs.
Moreover, the demands are man made, and should be adjusted in such a way that the
maximum benefits can be obtained with the minimum cost. If by reducing the demands
slightly, a lot of expenditure can be saved, then we must go in for that. This is known
as optimal planning for dam reservoirs, and involves economic considerations, discussed
Demand patterns for various types of reservoirs are explained, below :
(i) Single Purpose Conservation Reservoir.. A single purpose conservation reservoir
shall store water only to meet one particular demand, such as water supply or irrigation
or hydroelectric power generation, etc. In all such cases, the demand for water can be
predicted with a fair degree of accuracy for different parts of the year, and the storage
capacity can be worked out, as explained earlier. The storage capacity so worked out
should be otherwise feasible and should be justified on cost benefit considerations.
(ii) Single Purpose Flood Control Reservoir. In case of a single purpose flood
control reservoir, there is no specific downstream demand at all, except to satisfy that
the downstream release should not exceed the safe carrying capacity of the channel.
Since the effect of constrQcting
a flood control reservoir is to
~o_X:..'lO.!~'!!_ e!Gk
moderate and redu~e the flo~d .
__p_~_a,ks_by _absorbmg_certam-"-r--·-
volume of flood, and then li:
gradually releasing it when the E
flood subsides (Fig. 18.18), the §,
capacity of such a reservoir ~
should be sufficient to absorb f1.
this excess volume of flood.
It, therefore, becomes evi-
Tirne - -
dent that the capacity of such a Fig. 18.18.
reservoir does n.ot depend upon the pattern of.demand but mainly depends upon the
hydrograph of the worst flood that. is likely to enter this reservoir and also upon the
downstream permissible H,F;L. arid the safe carrying capacity of the channel.
The hydrograph of the worst inflow flood can be found from the hydrological
investigations, and the safe peak rate of outflow can be determined from the downstream
channel conditions. The capacity of the reservoir required to moderate the inflow peak
to a value equal to or less than the downstream safe peak can then be found by hit and
trial method with the help of flood routing. Flood routing is the process by which the
hydrograph 9f the moderated flood can be determined, and is explained a little-later.
(iii) Multipurpose Reservoirs. Single purpose reservoirs are seldom constructed
these days. Reservoirs are therefore, generally designed to serve more than one purpose.
For examp(e, a reservoir constructed for conserving water for irrigation may be com-
bined with its flood control purpose. The head available may simultaneously be utilised
for generating hydro-electric power. This combination of irrigation, flood control, and
power is generally adopted in designing multipurpose reservoirs in India.
For proper optimal planning of such a multipurpose reservoir, a schedule of opera-
tions must be finalised from a number of tentative schedules drawn on the basis of
available data and past similar experiences. The schedule which gives maximum total
benefits for the various design purposes, without encroaching upon the lower or upper
limits of storage, is accepted for estimation and for initial operations. This schedule may
be tried and further modified on the basis of the past experience and future needs.
A multipurpose reservoir constructed on a perennial snow fed river in North India
(such as Bhakra reservoir) can be operated on the following lines :
Fig. 18.19 shows the typical schedule of operations for such a reservoir. The
reservoir water will normally fluctuate between minimum pool level and normal pool
level (i.e. maximum conservation level) for satisfying irrigation needs. The minimum
pool level will ensure the generation offirmpo\Ver, asthewatetlevffsliall riotifr>fmaIIY--
- ---i
Fig. 18.19.
be allowed to go below the minimum pool level. Any serious flood which may occur
after the reservoir is full, shall be absorbed between the normal pool level and the
miximum pool level, at all times. As soon as the water level reaches the normal pool
level, the spillway will start functioning. But the rate of water discharged over the
spillway shall be in accordance with the downstream safe carrying capacity of the
channel, and hence, may be less than the rate of inflow. The water shall, then, be stored
temporarily between the normal pool level and the maximum reservoir level, and dis-
charged at a safe rate. As the flood subsides, and the excess water goes out slowly, the
water level will again fall up to the normal pool level, and the reservoir will be ready
to absorb another flood.
For irrigation, we generally require water from April to June for Kharif crops, and
from middle of November to middle of February for Rabi crops. There are heavy rains
during monsoon period of say June to middle of October. At the start of the monsoon
season, the reservoir is quite depleted because of heavy outflow for Kharif crops and
constant release for power generation. Thus, just before the monsoon, a large reservoir
capacity is available, which not only conserves the water but also serves to control floods
that may occur at this time. During the monsoon, the irrigation demand will almost be
nil and water shall be released only for power generation. The reservoir level will,
th~i:efore, go on increasing steadily and will be allowed to go up to the normal pool
level by the end of normal monsoon season, say middle of October. Any untimely flood
occurring after the reservoir is full up to normal pool level, shall be absorbed between
normal pool level and the maximum reservoir level, as explained earlier.
After the monsoon is over, the inflow is considerably reduced (almost nil) and water
is constantly drawn for Rabi crops and power generation. Due to this, the reservoir level
goes on falling up to about middle of February, when it is usually the lowest, somewhere
near the minimum pool level (i.e. dead storage level). At this time, snow starts melting
in the head reaches of the river, which augments the river discharge. Some winter
cyclonic rains during December and January may also be helpful in augmenting the
reservoir storage. From February-March onwards, there are large supplies due to melting·.·
of snow, and an equal burden is to be absorbed by the reservoir for satisfying the Kharif
irrigation withdrawals. Thus, during April, May and June, the reservoir level may rise
--or fall slightly at· slow· rate; iffid-actffe° start of monsoon, i.e. at the end o( June or
beginning of July, the reservoir will be quite depleted and prepared for full replenish-
ment of its supplies.
Since I= 11 +12.
2 '
o= 01 +02.
2 '
where suffixes 1 and 2 denote the beginning and the
end of the time interval !!.t.
The time interval !!.t should be sufficiently short, so that the inflow and outflow
hydrographs can be assumed to be in straight line, in that time interval. Moreover, !!.t
must be shorter than the 'time of transit of the flood wave through the reservoir or the
given river reach.
The above relationship seems to be very simple, but its evaluation is not easily
possible without drastic simplifying assumptions. This is because of the fact that the
relations between time and rate of inflow, elevation and storage of reservoir, and
elevation and rate of outflow, cannot be expressed by simple algebraic equations. They
are, respectively represented by th~ inflow flood hydrograph, the. elevation-storage
curve, and the outflow-elevation curve. The first two curves obviously cannot be repre-
sented by any simple equations, and the third may be represented by the spillway-dis-
charge equation (Q = 1.71 LH312 ) only if, the discharge through the outlets is neglected.
If the discharge though the outlets is also not neglected, then all the three curves will
be unamenable to simple mathematical treatment, without drastic assumptions.
Several procedures have, however, been suggested by different investigators to
solve the above basic equation (Eq. 18.ll)by rearranging the components in different
manners. Depending upon the different procedures adopted for solving the above basic
equation, the following hydrologic methods may be used for reservoir routing :
( 1) Trial and Error method
(2) Modified Pul's method or Storage indication method; and
(3) Goodrich method.
The first method is discussed here, while the detailed description of other methods
is available in authors another book titled "Hydrology and Water Resources Engineer-
ing" and may be referred to in specific needs.
18.11.1. Trial and Error Method of Reservoir Routing. Trial and Error method
is widely adopted with the assistance of computers to reduce the time taken in long
calculations involved in this method. This method arranges the basic routing equation
(Eq. 18.11), as follows:
... (18.11 a)
The procedure involves assuming of a particular level in the rese,rvoir at the end of
the interval /H, and computing the values on the right side of the a~ove Eq. (18.11 a).
--- The su~mation of 01 ; 02
·At and (S2 -.5\) is then compa;ed with the known value of
11 +12
- - ·At. If the two values tally, then the assumed reservoir elevation at the end of
the interval is supposed to be O.K. ; otherwise this is changed, and the process is
repeated till the required matching is obtained.
This method gives quite reliable results, provided the chosen time interval (At) is
sufficiently small, so that the mean of the outflow rates at the start and the end of the
given interval may be taken as the average throughout the interval.
Procedure : The following detailed procedure may be adopted in this method, to
complete the involved computations :
Data to be given : (i) the inflow hydrograph _
-- - (ii) EICvation capacity curve or Elevation area curve
(iii) Elevation outflow curve.
Steps involved in computations
(i) Divide the inflow flood hydrograph into a number of small intervals. The time
interval should be so chosen, as not to miss the peak values.
(ii) Fix the normal pool level at which the spillway crest is provided, and the level
at which the flood enters the reservoir ; the two are generally taken to be the same, as
it is assumed that this worst design flood enters the reservoir only after the reservoir is
full up to the normal pool level.
(iii) Work out the spillway and the outlet discharge rating curves, if not given.
(iv) Work out the elevation-capacity curve for the reservoir from the elevation-area
curve, if the former is not given, using cone formula, i.e. V =1: ~ [ A1 + A2 + "1A 1A2 }
where his the contour interval. (18.12)
, (v) Start with the first interval and compute the t-citaTinflow during the interval hy
multiplying the average inflow rate at the beginning and the end of the interval, with
the period of the interval.
(ix) Add the volume of outflow O(V) obtained in step (vii) to the values of M
obtained in step (viii), and compare it with the inflow volume /<VJ• calculated in step (v).
The two values must be equal (i.e. l(VJ =OcVJ + LiS). If this is so~ the assumed reservoir
level is correct, otherwise, change it and repeat the procedure till this coincidence is
obtained. ,,
(x) All the above steps should be repeated for other time intervals, tin the entire I
flood is routed or still further, till the reservoir level returns to pre-flood pool level.
(xi) Outflow ordinates are plotted so as to obtain the outflow hydro graph. The point
at which it crosses the inflow hydrograph gives the peak outflow rate. From this time,
the rate of outflow begins to fall due to decrease irithe inflow rate.
(xii) The time lag between .the two peaks is evaluated as to give the time lag.
Time from
0 6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48 51 60 66 78 90 102 114
start in hr
charge in 0 50 280 610 1290 1900 2130 1900 1600 1440 1060 780 500 370 220 130
This flood approaches a reservoir with an uncontrolled spillway, the crest of which
is kept at RL 140.0 m. Determine the maximum reservoir level and the hydrograph of
the routed flood. Values of reservoir capacity1 (above spillway crest) and outflow dis-
charge at various elevations are tabulated in Tables 18.23 and 18.24 respectively.
Table 18.23
Table 18.24
140.0 0.
141.0 170
142.0 482
143.0 883
144.0 l,360
145.0 l,905
146.0 2,500
Solution. The elevation storage curve and the elevation outflow curve are plotted
with the help of Tables 18.23 and 18.24, as shown in Fig. 18.20 and 18.21 respectively.
The hydrograph of the given flood i.s plotted in Fig. 18.22. Flood routing is carried out
by hit and trial method as shown in Table 18.25 and· as explained earlier. This table is
otherwise self-explanatory.
143 ./
0 ,, ./
t.I I/
w 141
v 20 40 60 80 JOO 120 140 160 180 200 220 240
Reservoir capacity in millions cubic metres
(Above spillway er est) .,..
Fig. 18.20. Elevation Storage curve for example 18.13.
Elevation outflow curve
': 146"0
.:: 14SO
_v v""
~ 144·0
_ 143-0
,,,.. v ~
0 v
> 141·0
w1400 I I I
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 lGOO 1800 2000 2200 2400
Discharge through spillway in cumecs ~
Fig. 18.21. Elevation-Outflow curve for example 18.13.
The outflow hydrograph is plotted from col. (7) of table 18.25, as shown in Fig.
18.22 by the dotted curve. The point at which it intersects the inflow hydrograph,
represents the peak of the routed flood.
The peak of outflow flood works out to be 1458 cumecs, while the peak of the
inflow flood was 2,130 cumecs. The time lag is found to be 15 hours (from Fig. 18.22).
The maximum reservoir level is found from Table 18.25, to be 144.18 metres. Ans.
0 ::i:: ......,
I 0 .:::: Time from start
°' 0 ~ Time interval (.6.t)
3 :s Reservoir elevation at the
beginning of interval
st.W ~I~ lnfiow at. the start of interval
0 ;;;-- av
I nfiow at the end ofinterval
0 ~IS av
s~.... ... ,....... ~
Volume of infiow during the
interval l(V) = +Iv 12
;;;-- -c 131 Outflow at the start of
interval (0 J)
~ :; ......, Trial reservoir elevation at
p 3 ~
the end of interval.
0 v.
3..., C-1~ Outflow at the end of =3
00 ~ (;;- N '-
~nterval (Ov O"
--- ~
0 0
~ c 1-::: Mean outflow volume 0(V)=
0 ~ a.... s ~ {(OJ+ Ovl2]M
~~ a..., ....... ,
p - == ~ ,.. c., .... .Storage capacity at start of
! I
0 ~~~ 0 - ...Cl '- interval (SJ)
S...,'< 2.
c., 1-:::
Storage capacity at the end
v. w of interval (Sv
p c;;
v. ~t> ,...
. "
Change in storage during
N t..> 3J:J. ~ '- the interval (.6.8) = (S2 - SJ)
~:s 1-::: Outfiow volume + change in
w N
"' s"'I>+ ~ storage; i.e. 0(VJ + M
if .,"
c ~ ,. . . .
0 S'. g_
~a if
~ ~ s+('I)
c....., ....
Compare 0(V) + M with l(V),
i.e. col. (14) with col. (6) and
. < Cl
e.8 s8t>g-~ Remarks
~ g.
s..... .,~::::::'°""' ....
§l ~
~P6 S'MIOA'M3Sffi£ WVO'MO.!:[ DNINN\lld ON\/ S~IOA'M3Sffi£
Table 18.25 (Contd.) "[?.
( 1) (2)
(l) (4) (5) (6). (7) (8) (9) (JO) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15)
6-12 'ii 140i03 50 280 3.56 . 0.88 140.3 28.7 0.31 0.525 4.0 3.475 3.785 large
I 140.25 21.2 0.23 " 3.85 3.325 3.555 O.K.
12cl8 6 140i25 280 610 .9.62 .21.2 140.5 60.0 0.88 3.85 8.0 4.15 5.03 small
I 141.0 170.0 2.06 " 15.0 11.15 13.21 large
140.8 121.6 1.54 " 13.0
i 9.15 10.69 large
I 140.75 110.2 1.42 " 12.05 8.20 9.62 O.K.
18-24 6 140:75 610 1290 20.5 110.2 141.5 312.2 4.57 12.05 26.0 13.95 18.52 small
! 141.6 343.0 4.89 " 27.7 15.65 20.54 O.K. :;;
24-30 6 141f06 1290 1900 34.4 343.0 142.5 672 . 10.95 . 27.7 47.0 19.3 30.25 small 0
i 142.6 713 ::::l
i 11.4 " 50.0 22.3 33.7 small
142.63 725
11.52 " 50,5 22.8 34.32 O.K.
30-36 6 142j63 1900 .2130 43.6 . 725 143.5 1113 19.85 50.5 76.0 ·. 25.5 45.35 large ~
. 22;5
36-42 6 143.45 2130 1900 :43.6 1087 '• 144.0 1360 26.44 74.5 95.0 >
I . 143.95 J335 26.16 " 92:0
. 20.5
42-48 6 143.95 1900 1600 37.8 1335 .·. . 144.5
1620 13.9 92.0 115.0 23.0 64.9. large ~
144.2 1461 30.2 " 102.0 10.0 40.2
144.15 1435 29.9 " 100.0 8.0 37.9 O.K. . (/l
.... contd ~
. ··~-- --- ~ - - - ·-~--·
! ~
ifable 18.25 (Contd.) <
; I :;;;
(I) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) r7J (8) (9) (JO) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) >
:1 , s
48-51 3 144.15 1600 1440 16.4 1435
114.18 1458* 15.5 100.0 101.0 1.0 16.5 O.K.
51-60 9 144.1.8* 1440 1060 40.5
144.10 1410 46.5 101.0 98.0 -3.0 43.5 large
66-78 12 143.8.0 780 500 27.8 12~8 142.2 974 48.2 87.0 67.0 -20.0 28.2 O.K.
I l
78-90 12 143.20 500 370 . 18.8 97~ 142.60 713 35.4 67.0 50.0 -17.0 18.4 O.K. en
90-102 12 i42.60 370 220 12.7 713' 142.0 482 25.8 50.0 35.0 -15.0 10.8 small
142.08 510 26.5 36.2 -13.8 12.7 O.K.
--- - - .
-. ----~~~~
I I I I Peak=2130 cumecs
hydrograph lag=15 hours'
:::> r. .-- Ti me
u 220 0
t: "' ~ ,. \ I
~ 1800 .
0 J \ I ~ Pt:ak=1458cumecs
~ 1400 I ~ ~" I I I
-~ 1000
' J
/ \.
... ..........
v- Routed 1outflow ,___
I I ·~ r-,
w J
~ 600 I ""' "- ....
I I>-
u ,.. J
</) 2 00
0 ~V, ~-'
0 6 18 30 42 54 66 78 90 102 114
TIME IN HOURS ·---i.._._
Fig. 18.22. Hydrograph of the given flood and
that of the routed flood for example 18.10.
Example 18.. 14. The hydrograph of inflow to a reservoir is given in the table below.
Time(days) 0 2 4 6 8 JO 12 14 16 18 20
Flow(m /s) 60 115 425 550 440 320 260 200 150 110 60
The reservoir is full at the start of the flood inflow. The storage S of reservoir above
the spillway crest, is given in million cubic metres by : S =8.64 h, where h is the head
.in metres abov_e. the crest. The discharge over the spillway is given in cumecs.b~-c-~
.Q =60 h. Find the head over the spillway crest at the end of 8th day of the flood.
Solution. Let h 1 be the head over the spillway crest at the end of 2 days ; hi at the
end of 4 days ; h3 at the end of 6 days ; and h4 at the end of 8 days. Now we will consider
the position, interval by interval.
(i) 0-2 day interval
Inflow 11 = 60 cumecs.
.. 1,:: (; ;cJ,}=(60 ~
) 2 x (24 x 60_x_60) m3 = 15.12 M.m3
- - - - Out.flow--0
~ o · - -- - - -·- - -- - -
+ 02
OcV> =
( 60h1)
l- 3 3
. · t = - x 2 x (24 x 60 x 60) m =5.184 h 1 M.m .
Storage S 1 =0
S2 =8.64 h 1 M.m
·t:.S =8.64 h1
"'"1 1 1
I q
AV)= (
)2 x 86400~m3 =46.656Mm3. - --
Outflow 0 1 = 60 h1 ; 02 = 60 h2
60h1 + 60h2) 3 3
O<V> = 2 x (86400) m = (h 1 +h2)x5.184Mm.
( 2
Storage S 1 = 8.64 h1 -; S2 = 8.64 hz
!:l.S = 8.64 (h2 - hl)
Using IcV> = O<V> + !:J.S, we get
46.656 = (h1 +hi) 5.184 + 8.64 (h2 - hl)
Using h 1 = 1.093 m, we get
46.656 = 5.666 + 5.184 h2 + 8.64 h2 - 9.443
or 50.433= 13.824h2 or h2 =3.648m.
(iii) 4-6 day interval
Inflow I1 = 425 cumecs ; I 2 = 550 cumecs
425+550 3 3
•• I(V) = x 2 x 86400m = 84.24M.m.
Outflow -0 1=60h2 ; 02 = 60h3-
- 60h2 + 60h3 3 3
O<V> = x 2 x 86400m = (h2 + h3) 5.184M.m.
Storage S 1 = 8.64h2 ; S2. = 8.64h3
!:l.S = 8.64 (h3 - hi)
Using I(V) = o(V) + !:l.S, we get --
84.24= (h2 +h3) 5.184+ 8.64 (h3-h2)
Using h2 = 3.648 min this eqn., we get
&4.24 = 18.911+5.184 h3 + 8.64 h3- 31.518
96.848=13.824h3 .. h3 =7.00m.
(iv) 6-8 day interval.
c1nflow· - -11=·550-cumecs· ;1:f=440cumecscc__ -_c - -
c_ _ _
550 + 440) . 3. 3
I(V) = 2 (86400) M.m = 85.536 M.m .
( 2
Outflow 0 1 =60 h3 ; 0 2 = 60 h4 ·
60h3 + 60h4 3 3
O<V> = . x 2 x 86400m = (h3 + h4) 5.184M.m.
Storage S 1 = 8.64 h3 ; S2 = 8.64 h4
!:J.S =S2 - S1 =8.64 (h 4 - h3)
Compute the maximum outflow discharge over the spillway; and the reservoir-level
to be expected if the reservoir level was at the spillway crest at the start.
(Bhopal University, 1980)
Solution. As done in example 18.11, let us assume that the head over the spillway
crest at the end of the various intervals be h 1, h2, h3 , h4 metres. Then
· For interval 0-6 hr.
Inflow 11 = 40 cumecs ; 12 = 340 cumecs
• Hirakud dam is constructed on Mahanadi river is Orissa State of India It is 3 mile long composite dam,
with max. height of 200 ft. Spillway capai:ity at FRL of 630' is 14.83 lakh cusecs. It intercepts a catclunent of
32,200 sq. miles, and the catchment below the dam and up to the head of delta, i.e. Naraj, is about 18,000 sq.
miles. There is rio flood reserve or conservation reserve as such, and it is a general use reservoir. The river
capacity at Naraj is about 9 lakh cusecs.
Table 18.26 (a) Rule curve for filling the Hirakud
reservoir for conservation
610-615 3.0
615-620 4.0
620-625 4.5
.. 625 ~·628' . 5.5
628-630 6.5
Prior to the above rules, Hirakud dam reservoir was following another set of rules,
as given in table 18.27, which proved to be inadequate, leading to insufficient storage
at the end of flood seasons for some of the years, and heavy discharges from the reservoir
synchronising with floods in the lower catchment in some other years.
Table 18.27. Old Rules, specified in the Manual for
Operation of Hirakud reservoir, which have now been
superceded by rules of tables 18.21 (a) and (b)
Another typical rule curve (graphical form), as drawn and used for Maithon dam
reservoir, under D. V. C. System•, is shown in Fig. 18.23. This operation schedule shows
that the reservoir, which will be quite depleted by the start of June, will be filled up
fully up to Monsoon storage level (RL 480'), latest by 3rd week of September, and will
be maintained full, till the end of November. The reservoir will be allowed to be depleted
only from December onward.
Any flood, which occurs during the last week of September, October and November,
will thus, find the reservoir full, and will have to be accommodated within the 'flood
reserve', i.e. between monsoon storage level (RL 480') and the max. permissible opera-
tional level of gates (RL 495').
Depending upon the intensity of the coming and likely floods after the reservoir is
full, the outflows will be regulated and so manipulated that the discharge from the
reservoir together with the discharge contributed by the downstream area, does not
exceed the safe carrying capacity of the river farther downstream. I
As and when a late flood enters the reservoir, the reservoir-gate-operators may
adjust the outflow to a lower value in the beginning, but may have to increase the
outflow, as the flood waves continue and the weather forecasts for continued rains are
received. In this operation, a stage may reach when the outflow may become quite high,
causing floods in the down valley.
While manipulating these outflows, chances of synchronisation of the discharge of
the downstream uncontrolled catchment will also have to be considered properly.
Say for example, if we release 1 lakh cusecs discharge from the reservoir, and
another 1 lakh cusecs gets added to it from the catchment of the downstream 1 km length
of the channel, then eventually 2 lakh cusecs will be flowing in the channel farther down
the 1 km length. This 2 lakh cusecs may prove quite harmful, as it may exceed the safe
carrying capacity of the downstream river (below 1 km).
Another possibility for gate operators could then be to release lesser discharge, say
50,000 cusecs, which with 1 km downstream contribution of 1 la1Cli cusecs, will make-----c 0
up 1,50,000 cusecs, which may not prove dangerous to farther down. But releasing lesser
quantity would cause the reservoir water level to rise rapidly, encroaching the 'flood
reserve' quickly, finally leading to a stage, wherein you may have to open the entire
gates, passing say 4 lakh cusecs, to avoid over-topping and failure of the dam. This 4
lakh cusecs will eventually destroy the entire downstream area, and may prove worser
than what would have happened, if 1 lakh cusecs would have been allowed in the
beginning itself. ·
You can, thus; understand and appreciate as to how important it is, to properly man
the outflows from a reservoir. The intelligent and timely manipulations, accompanied
by proper rain forecasts, may help us to avoid flooding of the downstream area.
* D.V.C. (Damodar Valley Corporation) was constituted in India in July, 1948, on the line of T.V.A.
_ _ _ jTennesse Valli;y_Authority) of USA. to~!!_l!_!!!!_<L<e~<;Cll_~<;_fl_o9~cS.()!!!!'0!.~2rks on_river Qa!lloc!_ar and i_t_s·_ _ _ _
tributaries, which had created havoc in the year 1943, causing serious flood losses of the order of Rs. 8 crores,
and cutting off the most important Calcutta city with the rest of the country for about ten weeks, due to breaches
in G.T. Road and Rly link.
Consequently, 4 dams were constructed, including the Maithon on river Damodar, Konar on river Konar,
and Panchat and Tallaiya on its tributary Barakar, along with a barrage at Durgapur (situated a few km
downstream of the confluence of Damodar and Barakar. Konar and Talliya are smaller dams located in the
upper reaches, whereas, Maithon and Panchat are bigger dams in lower reaches, bearing most of the flood
Maithon is located about 13 km above the confluence, and 21 km northwest of Asansol and 40 km east
of Dhanbad. Like Konar, it is partly earthen and partly of concrete. The primary purpose of the dam is flood
control; whereas, irrigation and hydropower are secondary purposes.
,,! ~
Top of rn
Tpp of gates R.L. 500·.00
49Q I Flood fl
1l l I II •1 1I~0<mol
Flood reserve I >
Monsoon storoie level I z
4801 1480·0 I I R~ .4?0' pool leve z
.~ 1
!flushing dqse ' :>J
"'>0 470~~i-1"'7 I ' I I1I I Spillway
0 crest (/l
c __,. I eve; :>J
460' <
·13 460FFF 0
''-Curve '6 Guide curve for drawd own
l ~
I frl;:[ llTIU
st oroge
Reserve level to be maintained Reserve storage tn . ~ ....---...-
l=t4:=l=t=:.t==1 between curves .A & B conjunction with Ponchet -h
Juli Aug
Filling period
I Sep. r
1 ·
Oct Nov
I Dec
I Drowdown period
Jon I Feb Mor Apr May Jun
TM in.pool
level i.e.
Fig. 18.23. A typical operating guide for Maithon Dam Resei;voir. Vi
Turbid inflow
sediments Sluiceways
in order to see that the capacity does not fall short of requirement ever during the design period,
we must take this silting into account. The total volume of silt likely to be deposited during
the designed life period of the dam is, therefore, estimated ; and approximately that much of 1
volume is left unused to allow for silting, and is known as dead storage. The remainder is
known as the effective storage or the live storage. The dead storage generally vaje~ -~t\y~n____ .
--I-5Lo-·25o/o-oftlre-mta:l-capaciry:Fot-examp1e ilil3liilia dam~-tlie gross capaCiiy of the dam is
· 9,344 million cubic metres and the dead storage provided is 2,054 million cubic metres. All
the outlets fetching water from the reservoir are provided above the dead storage level. 1
The importance of this silting can be understood by considering the following example : /
Let the total capacity of a reservoir be 30 million cubic metres and the provision of ·
dead storage be 6 million cubic metres. Let the average volume of sediment deposition
be 0.15 million cubic metres per year. Then it is evident, that the dead storage will be
filled up in o.~5 =40 years, and the total storage in about 0~~5 = 200 years.
Hence, the usefulness of this reservoir would start reducing after 40 years, and after
200 years it would be nothing but a collection of sand and sediment with no water in it,
provided the siltation rate remains constant at 0.15 M.m 3/yr.
18.13.1. Density Currents. In a reservoir, the coarser sediment settles down along the
bottom of the reservoir, as the muddy flow approaches the reservoir; while the finer sediment
usually remains in suspension, and moves in a separate layer than the clear reservoir water, as
shown in Fig. 18.24. This layer of water, containing the fine sediment, mo~ es below the upper
clearer reservoir °"'(lter, as a density current, since its density is slightly more than the density
of the main body of the resei-Voir water. Because of their density difference, the water of the
density current does not mix easily with the reservoir water, and maintains its identity for a
considerable time. The density current can thus be removed through the dam sluiceways, if
they are located properly and at the levels of the density current. A lot of sediment load can,
thus, be passed out of the reservoir, if it is possible to locate the dam outlets and sluice ways in
such a fashion, as to vent out the density currents. Trap efficiency ofreservoirs may thus be
decreased by about 2 to 10%, if it is possible to vent such density currents through the outlets
and sluice ways of the dams.
,18.13.2. Trap Efficiency. Now, we introduce another very important term called
Trap efficiency. Trap efficiency is defined as the percentage of the sediment deposited
in the reservoir even inspite of taking precautions and measures to control its deposition.
Therefore, Trap Efficiency (11)
_ Total sediment deposited in the reservoir
... (18.13)
- Total sediment flowing in the river
Most of the reservoirs trap 95 to 100% of the sediment load flowing into them. Even
if various feasible silt control measures are adopted, it has not been possible to reduce
. this trap efficiency below 90%-or so; - · - -- - -
18.13.3. Capacity Inflow Ratio. The ratio of the reservoir capacity to the total inflow
of water in it, is known as the capacity-inflow ratio. It is a very important factor, because the
trap efficiency (11) has been found to be a function of capacity-inflow ratio i.e.
~ = ~~:~tyI . · . .(18.14)
The ~aph obtained for ~e existing reservoirs between trap efficiency and log of
( ~:'fl~~y) has been found to be of the type shown in Fig. 18.25.
~!!100 ............. .
z 80
Es t.o
It is evident from the above curve, that if capacity reduces (with constant inflow),
trap efficiency reduces, and hence, lesser sediment is trapped. Therefore, the silting rate
in the reservoir shall be more in the beginning, and as its capacity reduces due to silting,
the silting rate will reduce. Hence, the complete reservoir-silting may take longer period.
It can also be concluded that for small reservoirs (having small capacity) on large
rivers (having large inflow rates), the trap efficiency is extremely low, because the
capacity inflow ratio is very small. Such reservoirs silt very little and most of their
sediment is passed downstream. On the other hand, large reservoirs on smaller rivers
shall silt tremendously and almost complete deposition of sediment may take place:
18.13.4. Silting of Power Reservoirs. In case of reservoirs constructed solely for
the purpose of power generation, the silting iS comparatively less important. This is
because of the fact, that for the proper and efficient functioning of a power reservoir,
only a certain minimum head is necessary. This head remains available even after some
silt gets deposited. So, only if sufficient water required for power generation remains
available, the reservoir's efficiency remains unaffected by-silting. But due to silted
water, the abrasion of the blades of the turbines may occur very soon, and power
production may be stopped over a considerable length of time.
18.13.5. Silting Control in Reservoirs. In order to increase the life of a reservoir,
it is necessary to control the deposition of sediment. Various measures are undertaken
in order to achieve this aim. The various methods which are adopted can be divided into
two parts :
(1) Pre-constructing measures ; and (2) Post-constructing measures.
These measures are discussed below :
(1) Pre-constructing measure. They are those measures which are adopted before
and during the execution of the project. They are innumerated below :
(a) Selection of Dam Site. The silting depends upon the amount of erosion from the
catchment. If the catchment is less erodible, the silting will be less. Hence, the silting
can be reduced by choosing the reservofr site fo such a waf as to exClude tne "fun off"-~-_-·
from the easily erodible catchment.
(b) Construction of the Dam in Stages. The design capacity plays an important role
in the silting of a reservoir. When the storage capacity is much less than the average
annual runoff entering the reservoir, a large amount of water will get out of the reservoir,
thereby, reducing the silting rate compared to what it would have been if the entire water
would have been stored. Therefore, the life of a reservoir can be prolonged by construct-
ing the dam in stages. In other words, first of all, the dam should be built lower, and
raised subsequently when some of its capacity gets silted up.
(c) Construction of Check Dams. The sediment inflow can be controlled by building
check dams across the river streams contributing major sediment load. These are smaller i
dams and trap large amounts of coarser sediments. They are quite expensive. 1
(d) Vegetation Screens. This is based on the principle that vegetations trap large
_._.__amountLof_s_edim_e_nt._The_~eg_et_atfon_growth is, therefore, pr:omoted at_the entrance_o_f_ _ _ _
the reservoir as well as in the catchment. These vegetative covers, through which flood
waters have to pass before entering the reservoirs, are known as vegetat_ion screens, and 1
(e) Construction of Under-sluices in the Dam. The dam is provided with openings ,
in its base, so as to remove the more silted water on the downstream side.
The sediment concentration will be more at some levels than at others. Therefore,
sluices are located at the levels of higher sediment concentration. The method in itself,
is not sufficient because the water digs out a channel behind the sluice for movement
and leaves most of the sediment undisturbed. Therefore, this is simultaneously supple-
mented with mechanical loosening and scouring of the neighbouring sediment in order
to ii:icrease its effectiveness. But to provide iarge sluices near the bottom of the dam, is
again a structural problem. The use of this method is, therefore, limited.
(2) Post-constructing Measures. These measures are undertaken during the opera-
tion of the project. They are given below:
(1) Removal of Post Flood Water. The sediment content increases just after the
floods ; therefore, attempts are generally made not to collect this water. Hence, the
efforts should be made to remove the water entering the reservoir at this time.
(2) Mechanical Stirring of the Sediment. The deposited sediment is scoured and
disturbed by mechanical means, so as to keep it in a moving state, and thus, help in
pushing it towards the sluices.
(3) Erosion Control and Soil Conservation. This includes all those general methods which
are adopted to reduce erosion of soil and to make it more and more stable. This method is the
most effective method for controlling siltation, because when the soil erosion is reduced, the
sedimentation problem is reduced automatically. But the methods of treating the catclunent in
order to minimise erosion are very costly. It has been estimated that the investment required
for treating 16% of the Indian catclunent area is Rs. 1,000 crores. In India, only 1.5% of the
catclunent area has been treated to minimise silting.
Example 18.16. The following information is available regarding the relationship
between trap efficiency and capacity inflow ratio.
Capacity inflow ratio 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0
Find the probable life of the reservoir with an initial reservoir capacity of 30 millton
cubic metres, if the average annual flood inflow is 60 million cubic metres and the
average annual sediment inflow is 2,00,000 tonnes. Assume a specific weight of the
sediment equal to 1.2 gm per c.c. The usual life of the reservoir will terminate when
80% of its initial capacity is filled with sediment.
Solution. ·
Average annual sediment inflow = 2,00;000 tonnes
= 2 x 105 tonnes= 2 x 10 11 gm
Volume of average annual sediment inflow
11 11
2 x 10 - 2 x 10 3
= 1.2 c.c. - 1.2 x 106 m
:. No. of years during which 20% of the capacity, i.e. 6 M.m 3 shall be filled up
6 36
years= . = 37.6years
x 0.9575 0 .9575 ·
Similarly, in the 2nd interval
. m
Capacity . at the start= 24 = 04
. fl ow rat10 .
. Capacity inflow ratio at the end = =0.3
Trap efficiency at the start =0.955
Trap efficiency at the end =0.95
Average trap efficiency . = 0.95.25.
:. No. of years during which the next 20% of capacity shall be filled up
6 36
= 1
= = 37 .8 years.
x 0.9525 0 .9525
Similarly, in the 3rd interval
. Capacity inflow ratio at start = 60 =0.3
The above calculations of dividing the entire capacity into intervals (20% each in
the above case) can also be carried out in a tabular form, as shown below in Table 18.28.
Table 18.28
Cavacitv Sediment trapped Years reqd. to fill up
Trap Av. Trap per year; Col. (5) x · 20% capacity (6
Capacity/ inflow
Capacity efflci- ejf. Tlav Av. annual sediment Mcum.)
% Vol.inM.
Col. (2)
during the
inflow = Col. 5 x i - -6 -
Col. (6)
M.cum. in years
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
100 30 0.5 0.96
0.9575 - 0.1596 -- - 36.6
80 24 0.4 0.955
0.9525 0.1588 37.8
60 18 0.3 0.95
0.94 0.1566 38.3
40 12 0.2 0.93
0.90 0.15 40.0
20 0.1 0.8
:E = 153.7 vrs
Example 18.17. A proposed reservoir has a capacity of 500 ha-m. The catchment
area is 125 km 2 , and the annual streamflow averages 12 cm of runoff. If the annual
sediment production is 0.03 ha.mlkm2, what is the probable life of the reservoir before
its capacity is reduced by 10% of its initial capacity by sedimentation? The relationship
between trap efficiency T) (%) and capacity inflow ratio Cl!. is as under :
Cl! 0.01 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.5 0.7
43 60 74 80 84 87 93 95 96 97
(U.P.S.C., Civil Services, 1987)
Solution. Av. annual sfreamflow = 12 cmofrunoff
--Area:·orcafcfiiiieiit 'C- :cc:::: - -'c;; ·n5'krii2 ~'f25x ro 6'm.2·
The EI value can, thus, be computed by eqn (18.17) for a given storm. For a
specified period, the individual storm EI values can be summed up, which provide
a numerical measure of the erosive potential of the rainfall within that period (one
year). In this manner, the average annual total of the storm EI values in a particular
area is obtained, which is called the rainfall-erosion index for that area, which
equals Rf"
(ii) K is Soil erodibility factor. Its value is determined experimentally for the
given soil type. Representative values for different types of soils have been
worked out and listed for different regions of USA by Soil Conservation
Service of USA, as shown in Table 18.29.
Table 18.29. Computed K Values for Soils on Erosion Research Stations
(After Wischmeier and Smith, 1978).
Soil Source of Data ComputedK
Dunkirm silt loam Geneva,N.Y 0.69a
Keene silt loam Zanesville, OH 0.48
Shelby loam Bethany, MO 0.41
Lodi loam Blacksburg, VA 0.39
Fayette silt loam LaCrosse, WI 0.38a
Cecil sandy clay loam Watkinsville, GA 0.36
Marshall silt loam Clarinda, IA 0.33
Ida silt loam Castana, IA 0.33
Mansic clay loam Hays, KS 0.32
Hagerstown silty clay loam State College, PA 0.31a
Austin clay Temple, TX 0.29
Mexico silt loam McCredie, MO 0.28
Honeoye silt loam Marcellus, NY 0.28a
Cecil sandy loam Clemson, SC 0.28a
Ontario loam Geneva, NY ·-· ------- 0.27". ...
Cecil clay loam Watkinsville, GA 0.26
Boswell fine sandy loam Tyler, TX 0.25
Cecil sandy loam Watkinsville, GA 0.23
Zaneis fine sandy loam Guthrie, OK 0.22
Tifton loamy sand Tifton, GA 0.10
Freehold loamy sand Marlboro, NJ 0.08
Blath flaggy silt loam with surface stones> 2 inches removed Arnot, NY 0.05a
Albia gravelly loam Beemerville, NJ 0.03
a Evaluated from continuous fallow. All others were computed from rowcrop data.
For soils containing less than 70% of silt and very fine sand, K can be computed as :
1 ~0 [ 2.1 Ml.1
(10- 4) (12-a) + 3.25 (b-2) + 2.5 (c - 3) J ...(18.19)
where M = particle size parameter, defined as percent
- - - -- - -- -------- - - --- - - - sl.ti & very find sand- (size 6.1 rru:Il-6:C)()2- --·---
mm) times the quantity (100-percent clay)
a = percent organic matter
b = soil texture code used in USDA soil clas-
c = profile permeability class
[Note : When the silt fraction does not exceed 70%, erodibility varies approximately as the
1.14 power of M, but addition of organic matter content, soil structure, and profile-
permeability class as done in Eqn. (18.19) improves the prediction accuracy.]
(iii) (LS) =Topographic Factor. It is the ratio of soil loss per unit area from a field slope
to that from a 72.6 ft length of uniform 9% slope under otherwise identical condi-
tions. For a specified slope and its length, LS can be computed as :
(LS)= (
7~ 6 J (65.41 sin2 e + 456 sine+ 0.065)
e = angle of slope
. M = 0.5 if the per cent slope is 5 or more
m = 0.4 on slopes of 3.5 to 4.5%
m = 0.3 for slopes of 1 to 3%
m = 0.2 for uniform slopes of less than 1%.
(iv) Cm= Soil Cover and Management Factor. It measures the combined effect of all
inter-related cover and management variables, including the type of vegetation, plant
spacing, the stand, the quality of growth, crop sequence, tillage practices, crop
residues, incorporated residues, land use residues, fertility treatment, etc.
Values of Cm for pasture, range, idle land, and woodland for a combination of cover
conditions are given in Table 18.30.
Table 18.30. Factor Cm for permanent Pasture, Range, and Idle Land
(After Wischmeier and Smith 1978).
Vegetative canopy Cover that contracts the soil suiface
Percent 1-----+---~---~P_e_rc_e_nt_,g,_ro~u_n_d_c_ov_e_r_ _ _~---
Type and heigh/' coverc 0 20 40 50 80 95+
No appreciable G 0.45 0.20 0.10 0.042 0.013 0.003
canopy w 0.45 0.24 0.15 0.091 0.043 0.011
Tall weeds or 25 G 0.36 0.17 . 0.09 Q.038 0.013 0.003
short.brush w 0.36 0.1.0 0.13 0.083 0.041 0.011
with the average 50 G 0.26 0.13 0.07 0.035 0.120 0.003
drop fall w 0.26 0.16 0.11 0.076 0.039 0.001
height of 20 in. 75 G 0.17 0.10 0.06 0.032 0.011 0.003
w 0.17 0.12 0.09 0.068 0.038 0.011
Appreciable brush 25 G 0.40 0.18 0.09 0.040 0.013 0.003
or bushes, with the w 0.40 0.22 0.14 0.087 0.042 0.01 I
average drop 50 G 0.34 0.16 0.08 0.038 0.012 0.003
fall height of 6 Y2 ft w 0.34 0.19 0.13 0.082 0.042 0.011
75 G 0.28 0.14 0.08 0.036 0.012 0.003
w 0.28 0.17 0.12 0.078 0.040 0.011
Trees, but no 25 G 0.42 0.19 0.10 0.041 0.013 0.003
appreciable w 0.42 0.23 0.14 0.089 0.042 0.011
low brush 50 G 0.39 0.18 0.09 0.040 0.013 0.003
Average drop w 0.39 0.21 0.14 0.087 0.042 - •Q.011
· fiil11ieight · 75 ---G --- ·-o.3-6 - 0.17 0.09 ··0.039 ·· 0:012 0.003
of 13 ft w 0.36 0.20 0.13 0.084 o.041 o.oi 1
a The listed C values assume that the vegetation and mulch are randomly distributed over the entire area.
bCanopy height is measured as the average fall height of water drops falling from the canopy to the ground.
Canopy effect is inversely proportional to the drop fall height and is negligible if fall height exceeds 33 ft.
c Portion of total area surface that would be hidden from view by canopy in a vertical projection (a bird's-eye view).
d G: cover at the surface is grass, grasslike plants, decaying compacted duff, or litter at least 2 in. deep.
W: cover at the surface is mostly b~oadleafherbaceous plants (as weeds with little lateral-root network near
the surface) or undecayed residues or both.
(v) P= Support Practice Factor. Its value depends upon crop land practice such as
contour tillage, strip cropping on the contour, and terrace systems. Values of P have
been given for each of these practices by Wischmeier and Smith (19 7 8). In general,
tillage and planting on the contours reduce erosion. Table 118.31 gives P values for
Table 18.31. P values (Eq. 18.16) and Slope-Length Limits for contouring
(Wischmeier & Smith)
Land Slope% P Value Maximum Length* (feet)
1-2 0.60 400
3-5 0.50 300
6-8 0.50 200
9-12 0.60 120
13-16 0.70 80
17-20 0.80 60
21-25 0.90 50
* Limit may be increased by 25% for residue cover after crop seedlings will regularly
Since it is difficult to get proper data for the use of Eq. (18.16) for a developing
country like India, this equation is not popular in developing countries.
18.14.3. Sediment Measurement by Sample Recorder. The sediment produced
by sheet erosion from a catchment may not always reach at the point of measurement;
i.e. the site of dam reservoir. Some part of sediment may be deposited en-route .. The
ratio b·etween the yield of sediment at the measuring site and the .gross erosion in the
catchment is called the sediment delivery ratio.
Thus, the sediment yield is the gross sediment yield minus the quantity of sediment
-depOsifed en route. The seoiment yield, infact, is important; since it ls this sediment____
which will get deposited in the reservoir, affecting its useful life.
The sediment yield of a reservoir can be calculated either by using an appropriate
empirical equation, out of the ones developed by various investigators; or by developing
a rational appropriate relation between inflow and sediment, on the basis of actual
measurements of sediment load at the site of the reservoir. The continuous measure-
ments of suspended load and bed load at the reservoir site for a number of years will
help in developing a rational relation (either a mathematical equation or a graphical
curve) between sediment and the inflow into the reservoir. We will first of all discuss
the method of the actual measurement of sediment and developing an appropriate
relation between sediment yield Cqs) and the river discharge (Q) at the given site.
-·-·---rsr43:1-:-Measuring suspeiiaeasedimeiit foad-:- Sediment samplers to are--used
measure suspended sediment at a given site on the river to obtain the most reliable results
of sediment yield. The bed load should also be calculated either by using the available
empirical equations*, or on an adhoc basic of 2.5-25% of the suspended load, as to
calculate the total sediment load (sum of suspended load and bed load).
A typical sediment sampler used in India is shown in Fig. 18.26. A depth integrating
hand sampler used for smaU-streams is also shown in Fig. 18.27.
* Please see article 4. 9.
Lever to lift
Fig. 18.26. Line diagram of a typical sediment sampler (Punjab bottle sampler).
Water surface
----=---= w::... ---...=-=-= -=-"'=
.:::....:::. :...-:.....--=
wading rod
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - -
Interchangeable sediment
nozzle Load
P"mt Milk bottle
Bed level
Fig. 18.27. AUS.DH-48 depth-integrating hand sampler for small streams.
The sampler is taken into the stream to a depth of 0.6y below the water surface, or at two
depths at 0.2y and 0.8y depths to collect samples of sedimented water in the sampler bottle.
The collected sample of sedimented water is then analysed in the laboratory either by a
gravimetric method, or by hydrometric method to determine the quantum of coarse sediment
(particle size higher than 0.2 mm), medium size sediment (particle size bet>reen 0.075 mm to
0.2 mm) and of fine sediment (particle size less than 0.075 mm), separately . Their sum will
indicate the total sediment load present in the given volume of water sample. Sediment
load present in the water sample is then expressed in ppm (parts for million) as :
. d. Dry mass of sediment .
Sed1ment 1oa mppm = .. x· 106
Total mass of original sample including the mass of
sediment & of water
... (18.21)
This value can be converted into t/day by multiplying the average unit wt. of
sediment (say 1.2 t/m3 ) with the total volume of daily inflow in m3 .
When a large number of such sample records become available for the given site,
then a curve can be plotted between the sediment load (qs) in t/day on x-axis and daily
discharge in m3Is on y-axis, as to obtain a curve known as sediment rating curve, as
shown in Fig 18.28. Such a plotting is usually done on a log-log paper.
~ 100
VI 10
10 . , 100
f--lls=K--j Sediment Load, q 5 t/d (log scale)
Fig. 18.28. A typical sediment rating curve.
When a standard sediment rating curve is established for a given site, the sediment
yield (qs) can be read out by simply knowing the discharge rate only. However, care
must be taken to see that for different seasons of the year, different curves will have to
be developed, since the sediment yield of a basin may vary with the season. The curve,
_ __fo_Lg!)'._J'tl~rnbJrro_11:mQns_o_Qn__p_erio_d) _may be entirely different from ·.the. curve for.the'
month of say August (monsoon season).
* The sample collected by the sampler is first passed through a BSS-100 sieve and the coarse particles
retained are taken out and oven dried. Thus, the quantity of coarse sediment (higher than 0.2 mm size) is
obtained. Sedimented water passing 200 µ sieve is allowed to stand for 20 minutes, so that the finer particles
settle down. The settled_ mass is removed by the process of decantation (pouring out water from the settled
tank). The settled residue is dried and weighed, as to get the mass of fine sediment (0.075 ~ - 0.2 mm).
Poured. water contains sediment of still finer particles. To isolate this, the sample is filtered through a filter
paper, and the quantity retained therein is dried and weighed. This gives the mass of fine sediment (particle
size< 0.075 mm). The summation of all the three masses will give the total mass of sediment.
The sediment rating curves can be used to compute daily sediment load for the given
daily· discharge values, and their summation can give us the monthly or the _annual
sediment load. Mathematical equation for a sediment rating curve. The sediment
rating curve (straight line poi:tton) giving sediment load in tonnes/day (qJ w.r. to daily
discharge (Q) in m3I sec can be expressed by a mathematical equation of the form :
q_, = K. Qn ... (I 8.22)
Taking log on both sides,
log qs =log K + n · log Q
This equation is similar to the form
y=a +bx,
where log qs is plotted on y-axis and log Q on x-axis.
n=b ... (18.23)
log K =a ... (18.24)
A mathematical solution for such an equation can be obtained by the statistical
method of least squares, where in the various known values of x (i.e. log Q) and y
(i.e. log qs) are analysed to estimate a and b values as : ·
I.y·I.x2 -I.x·I.xy
a= ... (I 8.25)
NI. x 2 - (I. x) 2
b = NI.xy~ I.x. I.! ... (18.26)
N · I.x -(I.x)
By computing values of a and b, values of n and K become known to finally com-
pute the relation between qs and Q by Eq. (18.22).
The use of this method will become clear when we solve example 18.18.
------ ·- -- Exan1ple 18.18:A -resefv7SiYlias tliefollowing .sedimenr and'dischatge data ~-
Year 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88
Discharge (M nz3) 1430 3850 2050 6510 2880 1120 6050 2220
Sediment load (M.t) as 2.65 5.82 3.60 7.15 5.22 1.95 6.88 3.94
measured by silt sampler
Calculate the average total sediment load/year/JOO sq. km of the catchment at ihe
site. Develop a regression relation and predict the total and observed sediment yield
for the inflow of 3450 M.m3 for the year 1978. Take the catchment area at the site as
3050 sq. km. What is the tQtal sediment yield for 100 years ? Assume bed load as 10%;
of suspended load. · '
____ _ ~C>.l"l!t~II'. A\.'~~a_g_~~~~illl~E:t!()_ad!!leasure<!_ by silt ~E_lpl~_-···-·--- _,_
2.65+5.82+3.6+7.15+5.22+ 1.95+6.88+3.94.
= --Mt/year=4.651 Mt/yr.
Since sediment load is measured by a silt sampler, the give~ values of sediment are
of suspended load.
Now, assume Bed load= 10% of suspended load /
qs =5.116M·
l.2 m
. m
. . M ') q, in M · t
* l/s (Total sedunent.m m· = · 3
x ( l.l )** **Total sediment= 1.1 (Observed sediment by soil sampler)
1.2 t/m ·
- l l
_ = col(3)x1.z
J - ... -
Using· a=--"------=- ... (i.e. 18.25)
NLx2- (Lx)2
4.7372x 95.0875-27.503 x 16.6664
we get a=------------=----..,,-
8 x 95.0875 - (27 .503) 2
-7.9275 '
or a= _ = - 1.8500
4 2850
But log K =a=- 1.8500 .. K = 0.014
------ _____ _:_ --N·Lxy--Lx·LY-
... (i.e. 18.26)
. Also . b= N·Lx2-(Lx)2
= 8 x 16.6664-27.503 x 4.7372 = 3.0440 = 0.7104
8 x 95.0875- (27.503) 2 4.2850
But b = n = 0.7104
Regression equation is hence given as :
. qs = K · Qn = 0.014 (Q) 0·7104 Ans .
. , T.otal. sediment yield for the year 1978 having inflow of 3450 M m,3
. =0.014(3450)0 ·7104 =4.565Mm3
· = 4.565 M m3 x 1.2 ti m3 = 5.48 Mt . Ans.
Observed. or suspended sediment load for the year 197?
= i~8 Mt= 4.98 Mt Ans. Empirical equations for total sediment yield. The following empirical!
equations have been developed by several investigators, for estimating the annual sedi-
ment yield of a reservoir.
(1) Swami's Regression Equation. Swamy and Garde (1977) have proposed a rela-
tion correlating the cumulative volume of sediment deposited in a reservoir with the
.. -curiiufative voliiriie-ofwater inflow; andillifiaJ.oeCI-sTope-oflne·river;as·- -- -, c ' --
where Qs = Annual silting rate in M · m per 100 sq.
km of catchment area
A = Catchment area in sq km
(3) Khosla's Equation. Khosla (1953) has proposed the following empirical equation.
Qs = 0.323 (A)- 0·28 ..• (18.29)
(v) For areas greater than 130 sq. km for South Indian catchments
Q.1.=0.277(A)~ 0 - 194 . ... (18.34)
Qs & A have the same meaning as in Eqn. (18.30).
(5) Using Known. Data of Similar Catchment. Sediment yield of an unmeasured
watershed Q.1•2 can be computed from sediment yield of measured catchment Qs 1 of
similar topography, la(n~ c)over and land use, on area proportion basis, as
Qs2 = Qs1 Ac
2 ... (18.35)
. Example 18.19. Estimate the sediment load in tonne at the proposed dam site in
North India with the following data using wi_rious empirica_~,e_'{1!_f!,t~o~s_: _______ _ I-
~~-.Catchment area -= I 830 sq. km
Width of reservoir at FRL = 560.0 m
River slope at the dam site = 0.006
Average inflows at the site are as follows :
Year 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990
lnjlow M · 11/ 2210 1290 1640 1780 2150 1980 2540 1285 1620
Assume annual siltatio.n rate per JOO sq. km from a similar catchment of 3050 sq.
km to be 10.35 M · m3/JOO sq. km.
Solution. The sedimentation rate is worked out by using various equations as
described in the previous article. ·
(1) By Swamy' s Regression Method: The computation is carried out in Table 18.28
by using Eqn. (18.27) as :
Vs == C. B CVcf 94 (So)°.84
where C == 1.16
So ==0.006
M·m 3
inflow in M m3 widthB of reservoir= c~g) =8.837 (col 5)0·94 M · m3
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
- V:rU-~;
. cumulative
. . vol. of silt) ><---,..=__--.,,-
lOOsq. km
- No.ofyears(i.e.9) 2
212.48 100 .\
·=-9-x 1830
or Q.1. = L29 M m3/100 sq. km Ans.
(2) By Jogelkar's Equation.
Q_,. = 0.59 (Ar o.24
= o.59 (183or 0·24
= 0.10 M m3/100 sq. km·.· Ans;
(3) By Khosla 's Equation
Qs = 0.323 (Af o.28
= o.323 (183or 0·28
=0.04Mm3/100sq.km Ans.
(4) By Varshneys EquationforNorths Indian catchment exceeding 130 sq. km.
Qs = 1.534 (Aro.264
= 1.534 c133or 0·264
= 0.21~ M m3/100 sq. km Ans.
(5) From similar catchment.·
Q.1•1 = 4.56 M m3/100 sq. km
A1 =3050sq.km
A2 = 1830 sq. km _ ___ . .. ____________ _
~.. ~Q, x (~:r cc c~ . . ..
S. Name and Location of Catchment Capacity Sulface Annual Annual volume Dead
No. reservoir area in JOO of area at sediment of sediment storage
sq. km reservoir MRL rate in deposit M · m3 capacity
at FRLin M·m 2 ham/JOO col (6) x col (3) provided in
M·m 3 sq. m JOO M·m 3
(I! (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)
Losses in cm
North India South and Central India
January 7 IO
February 9 10
March 13 18
April 16 23
May 27 25
June 24 18
July 18 15..
August 14 15
September 14 15
October · 13 13
November 9 10
December 8 10
Total 172 182
On the basis of a review conducted on 130 sample reservoirs, the Central Water
Commission, in 1990, has, however, estimated the average annual evaporation los_s to
be 225 cm ; and the total water lost from all the existing reserv·oirs to be 27000 Mm3
per annum. What a tremendous waste of precious water!
In order to control such large scale wastage of water, several methods haw been
devised by engineers and scientists. All these methods. are based upon the efforts made
to reduce the evaporation rate from the surface of the water bodies by physical or
-----··=chemieahneans;~since-the"Cbasic=meteorolo-gical"factors"'affoctin'g'evaporation=cannbt ·be-'"
controlled under normal conditions. The following methods are generally used for
evaporation control :
1. Wind breakers
2. Covering of the water surface
3. Reduction Of the exposed water surface \. /
6. Use of chemicals for retarding the evaporation rate from the reservoir surface.
Out of all these methods, the last.method has evoked the maximum response from
____ !!G>_y~r the world, and has b_een considered to be the onl:y..Q!"~f.ti~L~9luti_qn_fQ!.cf..O.l1J_e_!
vation of fresh water, inspite of its various limitations and disadvantages in high cost of
application in normal conditions. The use of chemicals, called Water Evapo-Retardants
(WERs), fo):~ontrolling the evaporation rate from the surface of reservoirs is therefore,
discussed here in details.
A non toxic chemical, capable of forming a thin monomolecular film over the water
surface, is generally spread over the reservoir water surface in powder, liquid or emul-
sion form. The resulting film prevents energy inputs from the atmosphere, thus reducing
evaporation. Such a film, however, allows the passage of enough air through it, to avoid ' I
any harmful effects on the aquatic life due to shortage of oxygen. I j
Fatty alcohols of different grades like : Cetyl alcohol (C 16 .H 33 .0H) popularly called
lzexa decanol, Stearyl alcohol (C 18 .H 37 .0H) popularly called Octadecanol, and Behenyl
alcohol (C 22 .H45 .0H) called docosanol, or a mixture of these chemicals, have been
generally used and found to be quite suitable. These chemicals should, however, be 99%
pure for getting the desired properties of mono/ayer. National Chemical Laboratory,
Pune, has d.eveloped one more compound by synthesising alkoxy ethanols.
In general, all such chemical compounds should ·possess the following properties :
(i) the chemical compound (WER)should be tasteless, odourless, non-toxic, non-
inflammable, and should not produce any effect on the quality of water:
(ii) the chemical should easily spread and form an even compact cohesive and
efficient monomolecular film on the water surface.
(iii) the thin.film formed by the chemical should be pervious to oxygen and carbon
dioxide, but tight enough to prevent escape of water molecules.
(iv) the thin film formed by the chemical shou.ld be durable, and should be able to
re-seal itself, when .broken.due to external disturbances such as wind,waves,
(v) the chemical and the film formed by it should not be adversely affected by the
water borne bacteria, proteins and other impurities present in the water body.
The use of chemical WERs ·has, however not been found to be cost effective for
mass scale use, and has further not been found to be suitable under the following
conditions :
(a) when the wind velocities exceed 10 km/hr or so.
(b) when the temperature rises above 40°C or so.
(c) when the size of the water body is relatively large.
,~,~ ::_12e,\!~lopmentof cheapecWERs capabJe ofwithstanding-higher-wind speeds:upto-about
20 ·km/hr and having strong cohesive forces and properties· of self spreading and re-uniting
to maintain the monolayer in resilient state even at high wind velocities, is therefore of vital
importance. Moreover, the life of the film formed, must be longer, so as to reduce the
frequency of application to about 3 to 7 days from its present frequency of 24 hours.
Development of such chemical WERs is the subject matter of present research.
Other kmg term evaporation control measures like plantation of trees to act as wind
breakers*, reduction of exposed water surface by covers, underground storage of water,
integrated operation of reservoirs; etc. have been employed in som·e parts of the country.
The effectiveness and economics of these method.s are,·however, yet to· be established.
In . India, ·the ·water conservation methods• are presently being adopted only in
draught prone and.. scarcity areas, since large scale use of such methods on ali the
___r_e_s_e_r_y_o_ii:s__oLthe__c_o_untryJs_no.tfound_to. be.economicaLor-pr;actically-unfeasible-due-to----·-·.. ·
their large size and adverse meteorological factors.
18.17.2. Absorption Losses. These losses do not play any significant role in planning,
since their amount, though sometimes large in the beginning, falls considerably as the pores
get saturated. They certainly depend upon the type of soil forming the reservoir.
18.17.3. Percolation Losses or Reservoir Leakage. For most of the reservoirs,
the banks are permeable but the permeability is so low that the leakage is of no
Some other examples of such earthquake sites, noticed outside India, are at Lake
Mead (U.S.A.) ; Grand Val Lake (France) ; Vorgorno Lake (Switzerland) ; etc.
This phenomenon has been studied by various seismologists, and it has ·been suggested
by some that in most such cases, there must have existed some inactive faults in the reservoir
basin area, which became active again due to the extra-ordinary load ofthe reservoir water,
thus causing displacements along these faults and consequently resulting in earthquakes.
Some other seismologists have suggested that these earthquakes are caused due to increased
pore pressure in the adjoining rocks, which lowers their shearing strength, resulting in the
release of tectonic strain.
Based on these explanations, the various preventive methods suggested for prevent- ·•
ing or reducing such earthquakes, include :
(i) filling of the reservoir to a limited safe level ;
(ii) reducing pore pressure by draining out water from weaker adjoining rocks ;
and ·
(iii) to actively explore the dam site for the absence of inactive faults before
selecting the same.
Such earthquakes, however, show a decreasing tendency with time. This
phenomenon is indeed very complex and interesting, and still needs further research.
18.21. Economic Height of a Dam
The economic height of a dam is that height of the dam, corresponding to which,
the cost of the dam per unit of storage is minimum. For this purpose, the estimates are
prepared for construction costs, for several heights of the dam, somewhat above and
below the level at which the elevation-storage curve shows a fairly high rate of increase.
. of storage per unit rise of elevation, keeping the length of the dam moderate. The construc-
tion cost is found to increase with the dam height, as shown in Fig. 18.29 .
. ,_
!fl \/')
z a..
u Z
er '.:i .·
>- _J ·-~. _,
z :l: A
u- ~~~~~~~~-:-~......,...~~---
Determine the most economical height of the dam from purely construction point
of view.
Solution. The given table is extended, so as to workout the cost per million cubic
metre of storage, as shown in col. (5) of Table 18.36.
Table 18.36
Cost per unit of s~orage
Height of the dam Construction cost
S.No. Storage in M.m 3 Col.3
in metres inM.Rs. -
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
1 10 4 50 0.080
2 20 8 110 0.073
3 30 12 180 0.067
4 40 18 250 0.072
5 5.0 27 350 0.077
6 60 39 500 O.Q78
7 65 50 600 0.083
j) sor-~-t--::::--r-~~r-~-r--=:::::::i=====-r--~~
: Cl ----h-_ . . . .---
°'~ : -........,~
a. x 1 Lowest· point
~ ~ 601--~=-i1----t----+----r-----t--,-----t---~
a:: Ol
c:: ...
- ----- --- .. ~~-~-..C-46·+-·--·-_--_------+----------~--+-·-_-_--_-------~
-- .
0 ht.
0 10. 20 30 40 50 60 701
Height of dam in metres~
Fig. 18.31.
1. (a) What is meant by a 'Reservoir'? Discuss briefly the different types of reservoirs and the
purpose served by each type.
(b) Describe briefly the techniques that are employed for computing the storage capacity of a
reservoir for different water surface elevations.
2. (a) What is meant by a 'Flood control reservoir' ; and what are their different types ?
(b) Discuss with a neat sketch, the various storage zones of the dam reservoir.
(c) What factors you will ~eep in mind while selecting a suitable site for a dam reservoir?
_3. (a) Differentiate clearly between the following :
(i) A flood control reservoir and a multipurpose reservoir.
(ii) A retarding basin and a storage reservoir.
(iii) Firm yield, design yield, and secondary yield of a reservoir.
(b) Briefly describe as to how you would fix the storage capacity of a reservoir and the height of
the dam required for this storage. (Madras University, 1976)
4. (a) What is the relation between 'reservoir capacity' and 'reservoir yield'?
(b) How would you fix the capacity of a dam reservoir at a particular river site, provided the inflow
pattern and demand pattern are known. Explain the mass curve method which is used for this purpose.
5. (a) Explain how the storage capacity of a reservoir is fixed.
(Madras University, 1973, 1974)
(b) Explain the mass curve method that can be used for determining:
(i) Reservoir capacity for fulfilling given demand.
(ii) Demand rate from a reservoir of a given capacity.
6. Discuss briefly and with necessary neat sketches, the demand patterns for the following types of
reservoirs :
(i) Single purpose conservation reservoir.
(ii) Single purpose flood control reservoir.
(iii) Multipurpose reservoir.
-7.-(a) What-is meant,by ,-'flood,routing-_ through-_reservoirs"?=--"~ '' --:-:- -=-- "' -:- -=, --, =-o --- ==-: -------c--
(b) Describe step by step procedure that you will adopt for flood routing computations required for
reservoirs under 'trial and error method'.
8. Describe a method for routing flood water through a deep reservoir using the fundamental relation
between inflow, outflow (discharge) and storage. Take Q = C.L. ri312 for the spillway.
(U.P.S.C.,Engg. Services, 1974)
9. The initial inflow in a reservoir and outflow over the spillway was 30 m 3/sec. During a storm,
the following inflow rates were noted at the ends of successive half day periods : 240, 300, 240, 90, 30
and 30 m /sec. The relationship between discharge over the spillway (Q), and storage rate in the reservoir
(f}may be expressed by the equation
2 T
Assuming that the average inflow rate duri11_g e11c_!i h_alf d_ay_l'_(:r!()dj~ eq~}J()_tlle a_yc;:r~ge_()(thC:: __________ _
-rates oceurririg_at_tlie-begfonlng-and aTtile-eiid of the period, find the outflow at the end of half hour
Hence plot to a suitable scale the inflow and outflow "hydro graphs.
10. What are the factors on which the rate of silting of an ~mpounding reservoir depends? What is
trap efficiency? c
Discuss the principal measures that should be undertaken to control the inflow sediment to an
impounding reservoir.
An impounding reservoir had original storage capacity for 738 ha-m. The drainage area of the
reservoir is 80 sq. km, from which, annual sediment discharges into the reservoir at the rate 0.1153 ha-m
per sq. km. of the drainage area. Assuming the trap efficiency as 80 per cent. find the annual capacity
loss of the reservoir in per cent per year. (U.P.S. C.. E11gg. Services, 1969)
[Ans. 10%]
11. Write short notes on any four of the following :
(i) Reservoir losses (ii) Reservoir clearance
(iii) Economic height of a dam
(iv) Cost benefit considerations in planning dam reservoirs.
[Note. Please See Chapter 20 of "Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering"]
(v} Reservoir sedimentation and its control -
(vi) Density currents
(vii) Trap efficiency
(viii) Estimating the life of a reservoir.
Design and Construction of Gravity Dams
19.1. Definition, etc.
A gravity dam has been defined as a structure which is designed in' such a way .that
its own weight resists the external forces. This type of a structure is most durable and
solid, and requires very little maintenance. Such a dam may be constructed of masonry
or concrete. However, concrete gravity dams are preferred these days and mostly con-
structed. They can be constructed with ease on any dam site, where there exists a natural
foundation strong enough to bear the enormous weight of the dam. Such a dam is
generally straight in plan, although sometimes, it may be slightly curve. The line of the
upstream face of the dam, or the line of the crown of the dam if the upstream face in
sloping, is taker:i as the reference line for layout purposes, etc. and is known as the Base
line of the dam or the 'Axis.of the Dam'. When suitable conditions are available, such
dams car be constructed up to great heights. The highest gravity .dam in the world is
Grand Dixence Dan:i in Switzerland (284
m), followed by · Bhakra dam in India
(226 m); both are of concrete gravity
type. The ratio of base width to height of
Upstream face
all these structures is less than 1 : 1. may be vertical
or slanting
19.2. Typical Cross-section
A typical cioss~section ofa concrete - Drain~ge gallery
. dam is
gravity . shown m . F..1g. 19 . l . The Slanting face
Vertical face
upstream face may by kept throughout ver-
Heel Toe
tical or partly slanting for SO!lle of its
length, as shown. A drainage gallery i~ --S6m
1.. --~.. 1
provided in order to relieve the uplift pres-
sure exerted by the seeping water. Fig. 19.1. A typical cross-.section of ·
a concrete gravity dam. ·
19.3. Forces Acting on Gravity Dam
The various external forces acting on a gravity dam may be : I
(1) Water Pressure
--(-2)-Bplift-Pressure-----------.----·---- ·--- -
(3) Pressure due to earthquake forces
(4) Silt Pressure I
(5) Wave Pressure
(6) Ice Pressure
· (7)The stabilising force is the weight of the dam itself.
An estimation and description of these forces is
given below : ·
(1) Water Pressure. Water pressure (P) is the
most major external force acting on such dam. The
.horizontal water pressure, exerted by the weight of
the water stored on the upstream side on the dam can
be estimated from rule of hydrostatic press"ure dis-
tribution ; which is triangular in shape, as shown in
Fig. 19.2 (a) and (b). When the upstreamface is ver-
tical; the intensity is zero at the water surface and
Where 'Yw =unit weight of water
equal to YwH at the base ; where Yw is the unit weight 9.81 kN/m3 = 1000 kgf/m 3
of water and His the depth of water : as shown in Fig. Fig. 19.2. (a)
19.2 (a). The resultant force due to this external water
= ywfi2, acting at H/3 from base.
When the upstream face is partly vertical and partly inclined [Fig. 19.2 (b)], the
resulting water force can be resolved into horizontal component (P1J and vertical com-
. 1 H
ponent (P v). The horizontal component Ph= I Yw H2 ,acts at 3 from the base ; and the
vertical component cPv) is equal to the weight of the water stored in column ABCA and
acts at the e.g. of the area.
Similarly, if there is tail water on the downstream side, it will have horizontal and
vertical components, as shown in Fig. 19.2, (b).
/!---No drainage .
.. g_?ller~,. ;~---...~~=
J--'1----.i ' . "
, "
: .. '
- ... - .
Fig. 19.3 (a) Uplift pressure (U) diagram, Fig. 19.3 (b) Uplift pressure (U) diagram,
when no drainage gallery is provided. when drainage gallery is provided.
straight line in between, as shown in Fig. 19.3 (a). When drainage galleries are provided
to relieve the uplift, the recommended uplift at the face of the gallery is equal to the
hydrostatic pressure at toe (Yw · H') plus trd the difference of the hydrostatic pressures
at the lieel and the toe ; as shown in Fig. 19.3 (b) ; i.e. [ Yw · H' + (Yw · H -Yw 'H') J It
is also assumed that the uplift pressures are not affected by the earthquake forces.
The uplift pressures can be controlled by constructing cut-off walls under the
upstream face, by constructing drainage channels between the dam and its foundation,
and by pressure grouti'"g the. foundation.
. .
=W - W · ky · g =W [ 1 - kvJ.
In other words, vertical acceleration reduces the unit weight of the darn material
and that of water to (I - ky) times their original unit weights.
Effects of horizonta{acceieration. (ah). Horizontal acceleration may cause the
·following two forces :
(i) Hydrodynamic pressure ; and
(ii) Horizontal inertia force.
Both these forces are discussed below :
\ (i) Hydrodynamic pressures. Horizontal acceleration acting towards the reservoir
In the absence of any reliable data for the type of silt that is going to be deposited,
U.S.B.R. recommendations may be adopted. In these recommendations, deposited silt
may be taken as equivalent to a fluid exerting a force with a unit wt. equal to· 3.6
kN/m3 in the horizontal direction and a vertical force with a unit wt. of 9.2 kN/m 3.
Hence, the total horizontal force will be 3.6 = 1.8 h kN/m run, and vertical force will
be 9.2 · T =4.6 h2 kN/m run.
In most of the gravity-dam designs, the silt pressure is neglected. The basis for
neglecting this force.is that :
Initially, the sili load is not present, and by the time it becomes significant, it gets
consolidated to some extent and, therefore, acts less like a fluid. Moreover, silt deposited
in !he reservoir is somewhat impervious and, therefore, will help to minimise the uplift
under the dam. -
(5) Wave .Pressure. Waves are generated on the surface of the reservoir by the
blowing winds, which causes a pressure towards the downstream side. Wave pressure
depends upon the wave height. Wave height may be given by the equation,
hw = 0.032 ~ + 0.763 - 0.271 (F) 314 for F < 32 km, and ... (19.11)
hw = 0.032 ..fV:F" for F > 32 km ... (19.12)
where hw = height of water from top of crest to bot-
tom of trough in metres.
V = wind velocity in km/hr.
F = Fetch or straight length of water expanse
in km.
The maximum pressure intensity:due to wave-caction may by- given by
Pw = 2.4 'Yw · hw and acts at 2 metres above the still water surface.
The pressure distribution may be assumed to be triangular, of height w, as shown
in Fig. 19.6.
Fig. 19.6 ·
Hence, the total force due to wave action (Pw)
1 5
=l (2.4 'Yw · hw) · 3 · hw
or Pw=2 · Yw · h~=2x 9.81 ~ kN/m
= 19.62h~ kN/m ... (19.14)
(6) Ice Pressure. The ice which may be formed on the water surface of the reservoir
in cold countries, may sometimes melt and expand. The dam face has then to resist the
thrust exerted by the expanding ice. This force acts linearly along the length of the dam
and at the reservoir level. The magnitude of this force varies from 250 to 1500 kN/m 2
depending upon temperature variations. On an average, a value of 500 kN/m 2 may be
allowed under ordinary conditions.
(7) Weight of the Dam, The weight of the dam body and its foundation is the major
resisting force. In two dimensional analysis of a gravity dam, a unit length of the dam
is considered. The cross-section can then be divided into rectangles and triangles. The
weight of each along with their c.gs., can be determined. The resultant of all these
downward forces will represent the total weight of the dam acting at the e.g. of the dam.
Combination of forces for Designs. The design of a gravity dam should be checked
for two cases, i.e. (i) when Reservoir is full ; and (ii) when Reservoir is empty.
(i) Case I. Reservoir full case :
When reservoir is full, the m~jor forces acting are : weight of the dam, external
water pressure, uplift pressure, and earthquake forces in serious seismic zones. The
minor forces are : silt pressure, ice pressure and wave pressure. For the most conserva-
tive designs, and from purely theoretical point of view, one can say that a situation may
arise when all the forces may act together. But such a situation will never arise and
hence, all the forces are not generally taken together. U.S.B.R. has classified the 'normal
load combinations' and 'extreme load combination, as given below :
(a) Normal Load Combinations
(i) Water pressure upto normal pool level,. normal uplift, silt pressure and ice
pressure. This class of loading is taken when ice force is serious.
(ii) Water pressure upto normal pool level, normal uplift, earthquake force.s, and
silt pressure.
(iii) Water pressure upto maximum reservoir level (maximum pool level), normal
uplift, and silt pressure.
(b) Extreme Load Combinations
(i) Water pressure due to maximum pool levcl, extreme uplift pressure witho_ut any
reduction due to drainage and silt pressure. -
Case II. Reservoir empty case :
(i)- Empty rese-rvo1r -w-ithout eartlicfuake- fotce-s-ro-be-computed-for-determining-
bending diagrams, etc. for reinforcement design, for grouting studies or other puiyoses.
(ii) Empty reservoir with a horizontal earthquake force produced towards the
upstream has to be checked for non- development of tension at toe. ·
19.4. Modes of Failure and Criteria for Structural Stability of Gravity Dams
A gravity dam may fail in the following ways :
(1) By overturning (or rotation) about the toe.
(2} By crushing.
(3) By development of tension, causing ultimate failure by crushing.
(4) By shear failure called sliding.
The failure may occur at the foundation plane (i.e. at the base of the dam) or at any
other plane at higher level.
(lj Over-turning. If the resultant of all the- forces acting on a dam at any of its
sections, passes outside the toe, the dam shall rotate and overturn about the toe. Practi-
cally, such a condition shall not arise, as the dam will fail much earlier by compression.
The ratio of the righting moments about toe (anti clockwise) to the over turning moments
about toe (clock-wise) is called the factor of safety against overturning. Its value,
generally varies between 2 to 3.
(2) Compression or crushing. A dam may fail by the failure of its materials, i.e.
the compressive stresses produced may exceed the allowable stresses, and the dam-
material may get crushed. The vertical direct stress distribution at the baseis given by
the equation :
p =Direct stress+ Bendihg stress.
= L.V + M = L.V + L.V · e =L.V
B - I y B - 2
B 16
[i +
- B
or · .r.v[ 6e]
Pm~=B l±B ... (19.15)
where e = Eccentricity of the resultant force from
the centre of the base.
L.V = Total vertical force.
· B = Base\.VidtH. -·-· ·
Fig. 19. 7. (a) Vertical Stress Distribution for Reservoir Full case.
The maximum stress, i.e. Pmax• will be produced on the end which is nearer to the
resultant, as shown in Fig. 19.7 (a) and (b).
Fig. 19.7. (b) Vertical Stress Distribution for Reservoir Empty case.
If Pmin comes out to be negative, it means that tension shall be produced at the
appropriate end.
If Pmin exceeds the allowable compressive stress of dam material [generally taken
as 3000kN/m2 (30 kg/cm2) for concrete]; the dam may crush and fail by crushing.
(3) Tension. Masonry and concrete gravity dams are usually designed in such a way
that no tension is developed anywhere, because these materials cannot withstand sus-
. tained tensile stresses. If subjected to such stresses, these materials may finally crack.
However, for achie.vingeq:mo:ro.y in _desig_11~ of very high gravity dams, certain amount
of tension may be permitted under severest loading condition:· TuiS iriay be permitted.
because of the fact that such worst loading conditions shall occur only momentarily for
a little time and would neither last long nor occur frequently. The maximum permissible
tensile stress for high concrete gravity dams, under worst leadings, may be taken as
500 kN/m2 (5 kg/cm 2).
Effect produced by tension cracks. In a dam, when such a tension crack develops,
say at the heel, crack width (or strictly speaking crack-area) looses contact with the
bottom foundations, and thus, becomes ineffective.
Hence, the effective width B (considering unit length) of the dam base will be
reduced. This will increase Pm= at the toe.
-· · ~-Mereever,-the--upli.ft...pressure_diagram_geJs_IDodified due. to crack formation, as
shown in Fig. 19.8, resulting in an increase in the uplift. Since the uplift increases and
the net effe~tive downward force reduces, the resultant will shift more towards the toe
and thus further increasing the compressive stress at the toe and further lengthening the
crack due to further tension development. The process continues ; the effective base
width goes on reducing and compressive· stress at the toe goes on increasing ; finally
leading to the failure of the toe by direct compression. Hence, a tension crack by itself
does not fail the structure, but it leads to the failure of the structure by producing
excessive compressive stresses.
Fig. 19.8
In order to ensure that no tension is developed anywhere, we must ensure that
Pmin is at the most equal to zero.
Since Pm~x- B l +
_ LV[ _ 6e]
B ... (19:15)
Pmin = ~ [1 - ~]
If Pmin=O,
or l -6e = 0
or e=6·
Hence, maximum value of eccentricity that can be permitted on either side of the,
centreis-equano ~;·which lecads to the famous statement : the resultant must. lie wiihin
the middle third.
(4) Sliding. Sliding (or shear failure) will occur when the net horizontal force above
any plane in the dam or at the base of the dame exceeds the· frictional resistance
developed at that level.
The friction developed between two surfaces is equal to
µIV., (Fig. 19.9) where LV is the algebraic sum of all the External forces :rn
vertical forces whether upward or downward, and µ is the
coefficient of friction between the two surfaces. In order that V
no sliding takes place, the external horizontal forces (rH)
must be l.ess than the shear resistance µ · LV. "<"
.. . . · .. . . .
- - - friction
· - ·· · .....
µ~V Fig. 19.9
or L:>l 1 j
µ ;;;v represents nothing but the factor of safety against sliding, which must be greater
than unity.
= µLV + B · q ... (19.16)
. . LH
where B = width of the dam at the joint,
q = Average shear strength of the joint which
varies from about 1400 kN/m 2
(14 kg/cm 2) for poor rocks to about 4000
kN/m 2 (40 kg/cm 2) for good rocks.
The value ofµ generally varies from 0.65
to 0.75.
Attempts are always made to increase this shear strength (q) at the base and at other
joints. For this purpose, foundation is stepped at the base, as shown in Fig. 19.10 and
measures are taken to ensure a better bond between the dam base and the rock-foundation.
During the construction of a dam,
horizontal joints have to be left as shown ="=-=''=°'=-=:-=--=--::1 Joints
in Fig. 19.10. The shear strength of these
joints should be made as good as possible - - - - -
by ensuring better bond between the two
surfaces. For this purpose, the lower sur-
face must be thoroughly cleaned and a
layer of neat cement or rich cement mortar
should qe spread before pouring the stan_d::--
ard concrete mix for the upper layer. If
these precautions of quality control are not Fig. 19.10
adhered to in the filed, the assumption
made in accounting for this shear strength in the design, will not be justified. That is
why, for small dams, where quality control is less, this shear strength of the joint is not
taken into account at all, while determining the shear friction factor or factor of safety
·against sliding.
19.4.1. Principal and Shear Stresses. The vertical stress intensity, Pmax or Pmin
determined from the equation (19.15) is not the maximum direct stress produced
anywhere in the dam. The maximum nor-
mal stress will, in fact, be the major prin-
cipaLstress-thaLwiILbe--generated on the
major principal plane. When the reservoir
is full, the vertical direct stress [given by
equation (19 .15), and represented by Pv in
future] is maximum at the toe as the resul-
Small tant is nearer to the toe. To study the prin-
ABC cipal stresses that will develop near the
pv(rnax) toe, let us consider a small element ABC
[See Fig. 19.11 (a) and (b)] near the toe of
Fig. 19.11 (a)
cos2 a
or a= Pv · sec 2
a - p' tan2 a I ... (19.17)
FM cr to be maximum, p' should be zero, i.e. when there is no tail water ; then in
such a case
------ -·--·_·-·cr'- py-·-sec2-a _ ___ _.....::__.._.[12..l]_(q)J__
Since sec 2 a is always more than 1, it follows, that cr will be more than Pv· This
value of normal stress, which is ·the maximum produced anywhere in the body of the
dam, must be calculated and should not be allowed to exceed the maximum allowable
~~~~ef~~~ II
If the hydrodynamic pressure (p/) exerted by the tail water during an earthquake .
moving towards the reservoir is also considered, then the. net pressure on the face. AB
will be (p' - p/), because the effect of this earthquake will be to reduce the tail water
The principal stress (cr) can then be given by
The equation for cr, derived above for the element at the toe is also applicable to
the element at the heel. The equation at the heel is, therefore, given as :
cr1 = C1a1 11u1= p.., · sec2 <1>- (p +Pe) tan2 <l> ... (19.19)
where cl> is the angle which the u/s face makes with vertical.
But at the heel, the pressure of water pis always more than cr, and hence, p will be
the minor principal stress at the heel. -
Shear stress on the horizontal plane near the toe. A shear stress 't will act on the
face CA on which the vertical stress.is acting. Resolving all the forces [Fig. 19.11 (b)]
in the horizontal direction, we get
cr · dr sin ex. - p' · ds · cos ex. = 'to · db
_or cr · (db· cos ex.) sin ex. - p' (db· sin c:l) cos ex.= 'to· db
or cr · sin ex. cos ex. - p' sin ex. cos ex.= 'to
_or 'to = (cr - p') sin ex. c.os ex.
Substituting the value of cr from equation (19.17), we get
'to= [ Pv sec2 ex. - p' tan2 ex. - p' sin ex. cos ex.
'to= [Pv sec ex. - p' (1 + tan2 ex.)] sin ex. cos ex.~ [ (pv - p') sec 2 ex. sin ex. cos ex.
Assume weight of concrete = 23.5 kN!m3 ; and unit length of dam. Allowable stress
in concrete may be taken 2500 kN!m2
Solution. Assuming Yw = 9.81 kN/m 3 ; the various forces acting on the dam are
drawn in Fig. 19.12 (b).
_L_ 6rn/- . "
4m . ,
u/s D/S
fw.H'+~('(v,. H-rwH J
18-:-06 =28-:"-rs~o6-=9~94_m _
--H---Eec-entrrcity =-'-e= 2-
Vertical stress Pv is given as :
=Lvr +6e]
B I 1- B
Weight of water - .
- ·--- -- (+) tx4x6x 1 x9.81 =118 1.33 (+) 157 - .
supported.on.d/s face
l:Vi =56,025 l:M1 = (+) 20,96,509
Uplift pressures U1 (-) 300.8 x 8 x 1 = 2406 52.0 (-) 1,25,112
U2 (-) t x 484 x 8 x 1 = 1936 53.33 (-) 1,03,247
rM =Net(+) moment= 20,96,509- 4,81,999- 8,36,871=7,77,639 kN-m
The stability of a gravity dam can be approximately and easily analysed by two
dimensional gravity method and can be precisely analysed by three dimensional methods
such as slab analogy method, trial load twist method, or by experimental studies on
models. Two dimensional gravity method is discussed below :
19.5. Gravity Method or Two Dimensional Stability Analysis
The preliminary analysis of all gravity dams can be made easily by isolating a
typical cross~section of the dam of a unit width. This section is assumed to behave
independently of the adjoining sections. In other words; the dam is considered to be
made up of a number of cantilevers of unit width each,. which act independently of e.ach
other. This assumption of independent functioning of each section, disregards the beam
action in the dam as a whole.
If the vertical transverse joints of the dam are not grouted or keyed together, this
assumption is nearly true. Hence, for wide 'U-shaped valleys, where transverse joints are
not generally grouted, this assumption is nearly satisfied. But for narrow V- shaped.
valleys, where the transverse joints are generally keyed together and the entire length
of the dam acts monolithically as a single body, this assumption may involve appreciable
errors. In such cases, preliminary designs may be done by gravhy method and· precise.
final designs may be carried out by any of the available three dimensional methods.
The description of the three dimensional methods is beyond the scope of this book,
and only the two dimensional analysis has been used for the design of gravity dams in
this chapter. ·
Assumptions. The various assumptions made in the two dimensional designs of
gravity dams are summarised below :
(i) The dam is considered to be composed of a number Of cantilevers,· each of
which is 1 m thick and each of which acts independent 6f the other ..
(ii) No loads are transferred to the abutments by beam action.
(iii) The foundation and the dam behave as a single unit ; the joint being perfect.
(iv) The materials in the foundation and body of the dam are isotropic and
homogeneous. ·
(v) The stresses developed in the foundation and body of the dam are within elastic
(vi) No movements of the foundations are caused due to transference of loads.
(vii) Small openings made in the body of the dam do not affect the general distribu- l
tion of stresses and they only produce local effects as per St. Venant's prin-
ciple. i
-··_.__. ·-Pr0-cedure-;-1'wo"'dimerrsional analysis can be carried out analytically or graphically~~·---~-[-
Analytical Method. The stability·
. .
of the dam can be analysed
in the following I
steps : · . · · . . /
. . . . I
(i) Consider unit length of the dam. ;j
(ii) Work out the magnitude and directions of all the vertical forces acting on the tl
dam and their algebraic sum, i.e. I:V. ;
(iii) Similarly, work out all the horizontal forces .and their algebraic sum, i.e. !H. I,,
(iv) Determine the lever arm of all these forces about the toe.
(v) Determine the moments of all these forces about the tbe and find out the
algebraic sum of all those moments, i.e. LM. ·
(vi) Find out the location of the resultant force by determining i~s distance from
the toe,
- LM
x= I:V"
.(xii). Find out the eccentricity (e) of the resultant (R).usinge_= ~ - x. It must be less
than B/6 in order to ensure that no tension is developed anywhere in the dam.
(viii) Determine the vertical stresses at the toe and heel using Eq. (19.15), i.e.
(xi) Determine the factor of safety against sliding, using Sliding factor = 'W'·.
-. . . - .-.. -c:=---- -- ·- - ·-- -. -.- -- ---
H ---,=-f:LLV+ bq--
Sliding factor must be greater than unity and S.F.F. must be greater than 3 to_
5-· The analysis should be carried out for reservoir full case as well as for
reservoir empty case. The entire procedure has been illustrated in example
19.2. -1·~H1~r--
(b) Graphical method. -- -- -- - - -- - --1--+~---t
In the graphical method, the
entire dam section is divided
into a number of horizontal Outer middle
third line
sections at some suitable in-
tervals, particularly at the Line of resultant
- Line cf resultant
force when the _
~--p~laces where the sfope clia:n- force when the ·- -r-e-servoTr'Ts-ruT1~--- -----
reservoir is empty
. ges, as shown in Fig. 19.13.
For each section, the sum of
the vertical forces (I:\!) and
the sum of all the horizontal
forces (LH) acting above that
particular section, are ~t------~ ---
worked out and the resuitant
Fig. 19.13
force (R) is drawn, graphi-
cally. This is done for each section and a line joining all the points where the individual
resultants cut the individual sections, is drawn. This line represents the resultant force
and should lie within the middle third, for no tension to develop. The procedure should
be carried out for reservoir full case as well as for reservoir empty case. The resultant
in both cases must show non-development of tension in the dam body.
19.6. Elementary Profile of a Gravity Dam
The elementary profile of a dam, subjected only to the external water pressure on
the upstream side, will be a right-angled triangle, having zero width at the water level
and a base width (B) at bottom i.e., the point where the maximum hydrostatic water
pressure acts. In other words, the shape of such a profile is similar to the shape of the
hydrostatic pressure distribution (Fig. 19.14).
TL __
Li=Interncl wcte:r
pressure or uplift
Fig. 19.14
When the reservoir is empty, the only single force acting on it is the self-weight
CW) of the dam and it acts at a distance B/3 from the heel. This is the maximum possible
innermost position of the resultant for no tension to develop. Hence, such a line of action
of Wis the most ideal, as it gives the maximum possible stabilising moment about the
toe without causing tension at toe, when the reservoir is empty. The vertical stress
distribution at the base, when the reservoir is empty, is given as :
Pmax/min= ~[l± ~]
Here I.V=W
·- - - - .
· W[ 6·B]
Pmax/min =B 1±B. 6
or Pmax=B
and Pmin=O.
Hence, the maximum vertical stress equal to ');' will act at the heel(": the resultant
is nearer the heel) and the vertical stress at toe will be zero.
or (W-U)3-P3=0
But W= xBxBx 1 xScX"fw
where Sc= Sp. gravity of concrete, i.e . .that of the
material of the dam.
'Yw = unit wt. of water = 9 .81 kN/m 3
Let the uplift at the heel be C · 'Yw · H., where C is a constant which according to
U.S.B.R. recommendation is taken equal to 1.0 in calculation and will be equal to zero
when no uplift is considered.
and .
B H ·
:. Equation (W- U) 3'- P 3 = 0, becomes
I or ... (19 .22)
--H~-~~. if Bis ~ken equal to-or-greater tfiari~S1:_-C' ·noteh.sion will be developed
at the heel with full reservoir,
when C=l
B= ~Sc -1 ... (19.22 (a)]
(ii) For the II condition (i.e. dam is safe in sliding) to be satisfied ; the frictional
resistance µLV orµ (W - U) should be equal to or more than the horizontal forces
or ·
IB~ µ(s7-CJ ... (19.23)
where l:V= W- U
. (l
= 2 B ·H · 1·S C
· vIW _ 2 C · '\IW
/ · H · B)
=21 B . Yw . H. [Sc - C]
2. B . 'Yw. H (Sc - C) [ 6B]
·• Pmax!min = B 1 ± 6B
maximum stress will occur at toe, because the resultant is near the toe.
~ .. Pmax at toe= l 'Yw · H (Sc - C) 2.0 ='Yw H (Sc - C)
Pmin at heel::: 0. - -
The principal stress near the toe (cr) which is the maximum normal stress in the
dam, is given by Equation (19.17)
cr = Pv sec2 a - p' tan2 a
when there is no tail water i.e., p' = 0
cr = Pv sec a
cr at toe, with full reservoir in elementary profile
= 'Yw H (Sc - C) sec2 a
= 'Yw H (Sc - C) [ 1 + tan2 a]
~~'YwHCSc~C)[1+ s::-~Jc~ -
or /a=ywH(Sc-C+ 1) I ... (19.25)
=ywHCSc-C) ~S -C
or ... (19.26)
.. 1
value. In order to keep it safe within rw(Ss+i) }:):>~·-
'Low dam
°Jd1~gh .:;·., <:·_.·,._ ofLimiting
:.::: point.
Low dam
hm.1ts, extra slopes on the upstream .as J_>)~.":·{:'.\.1 ;_:_:-. :·:· : .-;. . I
well as on the downstream below the · -;-:--- ---- -- t _ - --
limiting height will have to be given, as .:.::.-.·:;.;,:.\~ ~.':\". :-.
. p· 5 . , . . 1 '., ·, •.
sh ownm ig.19.1. :·:.-.~-.···. ··::":,'.:·:-. .
.~·::::-.~·..~· : .... ·-~.,- ..·, ,·.·.,:,,".
This limiting height (Hma:J given by
Low gravity dam High gravity dam
Equation (19.27), draws a dividing line Fig. 19.15
between a low gravity dam and a high
-----gravity dram, whicfi-are-pUrelYteclinicaneri:trs'-to-differentiate-between t:hem.·
Hence, a low gravity dam is the one whose height is less than that given by Equation
(19.27). If the height of the dam is more than this, it is known as a high gravity dam.
The limiting height of a low concrete gravity dam, constructed in concrete having
strength equal to 3000 kN/m2 is thus given :-
H = f
max 'Yw (Sc+ 1)
··· ..........
,I M1 and M2 be the inner third and outer third points on base. Thus, AM1 and AM2 are the
inner third and outer third lines. The weight of the element (W1) will act through the
e.g. of this triangle, i.e. along C.M. Let CM andAM1 cross at H, and CM and AM2 cross
Also GH=AC=±_a
2a H{
3= 3 . .Ysc - c .
or H 1' = 2a · .Ysc - C ... (19.28)
Thus, for height greater than H 1', uls batter is necessary.
Reservoir full case. When the reservoir is full, the resultant of all the forces acting
on the elementary profile passes through the outer third point. When W 1 is added to this
initial resultant at any plane below the plane "PKQ, final resultant will shift towards the
~- -u{fStream siaeoecauseW1liesup-stream.--of-tne-i:11i:tiirl--resulranc Iri--ordeno-bring ·the
resultant back to the outer third point from economy point of view, the slope of the d/s
face may be flattened from QE to QE.
Thus, an increases in top width, will increase the masonry in the added element and
incl)'ease it on u/s face, but shall reduce it on dis face. The most economical top width,
without considering earthquake forces has been found by Creager to be equal to 14%
of the dam height. Its useful value varies between 6 to 10 m and is generally taken
approximately equal to W, where H is the height of max. water level above the bed.
19.10. Design of Gravity Dams
The section of gravity dam should be chosen in such a way that it is the most
economical section and satisfies all the conditions and requirements of stability. Hence,
after the section of the dam has been arrived at, the stability analysis for the dam must
be carried out.
To Decide whether the Dam is Low or High. First of all, the height of the dam
to be constructed, should be checked so as to ensure whether it is a low gravity dam or
a high gravity dam. If the height of the dam is less than that given by
Yw (Sc+ 1)
(where/is the permissible compressive stress of the
dam material and Sc is the Sp. gravity of the dam
material) ;
then the dam will be a low gravity dam, otherwise it will be a high gravity dam.
Even for a high gravity dam, the upper height H 1 :::;: Yw (Sc+ l) can be designed as a
low gravity dam and the remaining lower portion can be designed as explained a little
· Design of Low Dam. The economical sec-
1- 0 -l C
tion of low gravity dam of height H 1 after decid- --,--~~
ing the top width a and freeboard, can be drawn ''
as shown in Fig. 19.18. '' D
The base width B1 of the Li All can be
chosen as given by Equation (19.22) as :
B1 =
or by Equation (19.23),
.Ys -c
~ : B = µ (S~~.
1 C)
Th~ upstream face can be kept vertical up to -G~--'~-------__.,J
a height H1' to be determined by trial, and whose ---B1 ,=J~:-c-----.....il
approximate 1st value may be chosen by Equa-
tion (19.28), as : Fig. 19.18
H1' =2a · .Ysc -
Below this height H{, the upstream face as well as the downstream face are sloped
in such a manner that no tension is developed any-where in the dam, and the resultant
forces remain as-close- to -the outer third and inner-third-points as possible,-for--r:eser-v.oit"---
full and reservoir empty cases, respectively. This is accomplished by hit and trial
method, and when it is so accomplished, all the stability requirements will be satisfied.
The final shape of the dam will then be ABCDEFGHA.
The dis face can be brought inward from the point D itself rather than from the point
E (explained earlier). In such a case, the final .dam shape will be ABCDE' FGHA.
Sometimes, in practical conservative designs, the d/s slbpe is not at all brought inward
and is kept the same as· is obtained in an elementary profile. The final dam sh~pe, in
such a case, will be ABCDEJGHA.
Note. However; in most of the practical conservative designs, the low gravity dam
is designed as per the provision of Fig. 19.16 and the dis slope is not brought inward.
Design of High Dam. When the height of the dam exceeds H1 given by
-~--; then its upper height equal to H 1 can be designed as low grayity dam as
Yw (Sc- 1)
explained earlier, and its remain- Base portion upto
Umiting ht designed
ing height can be designed by as low dam
dividing it into a number of
suitable strips as shown in Fig.
19.19. The design of each strip Y,
can be carried out as per the for-
mulas given below. The basis of
these formula is that, the maxi-
mum normal stress (i.e. principal - - - - 83-----'"'
stress) should not exceed the al- Ill Strip
lowable value (j), and at the same
i . - - - - - - - - - - ' - - 84 - - - - - - - -
time, the section should be as
economical as possible. Fig. 19.19
Design of I Strip
The total base width required at the bottom of th,e lst strip (BiJ is given by
-12[H1 +H2][2 ·B2-3X2]-W1 [B2-B1
. -X2 =0 ... [19.30 (a)]
The increase in width required on u/s, i.e. X2 can be determined from this equation.
Total width B2 is already known. Hence, the increase required on dls can be calculated
as (B2 - Bi - X2).
Design of II Strip
Equation [19.29 (a)] for the I strip can be changed to Equation [19.29 (b)] for the
II strip by changing suffixes as below
B =A
3 . \fIYw f. Hj [i fw4 .ml
+ W~ ... [19.29 (b)]
Yw . Sc . Y2 [ 3 · B22 - B32 + 6 · X3, (B2 + B ) + 2 · B B
2 3
Yw · X3
[B3 - B2 ]
-X3 =O ... [19.30(b)]
Total width B 3 required is known from Equation [19.29 (b)] and the increase
required on u/s (X3) is also known from equation [19.30 (b)]. The increase required on
dis can be worked out as equal .to (B 3 - B 2 ~ X3).
AH the remaining strips are designed in this way till the base of the dam is reached .
.Example 19.2. Fig. 19.20 (a)
shows the section of a gravity dam
built of concrete. Examine the
stability of this section at the base.
The earthquake forces may be
taken as equivalent_ to OJ g fQr. __
horizontal forces and 0.05 g for ver-
tical forces. The uplift may be taken
as equal to the hydrostatic pressure
at the ·either ends and is considered
to act over 60% .of the area of the
A tail water depth of 6 m is as-
sumed to be present when the reser-
voir is full and there is-no tail water
when the reservoir is empty.
Also indicate the values of
various_ kinds of str.esses__ that are. . Fig. 19.20 (a)
developed at heel and toe. Assume
the itnit wt. of concrete· as 24 kN/m3 ; and unit wt. of water= JO kN/m3.
Solution. The stability analysis shall be carried out for both the cases, i.e. ( 1)
Reservoir Empty, and (2) Reservoir Full.
Case (I) Reservoir Empty. Consider 1 m length of the dam.
When the reservoir is empty, .the various forces are worked out in Table 19.2 (a)
with reference to Fig. 19.20 (b). Horizontal earthquake forces acting towards upstream
are considered. Stability is examined for two sub-cases, i.e. (a) When vertical earthquake
forces are additive to the weight of the dam ; (b). When vertical earthquake forces are
subtractive to the dam weight.
Earthquake inertia
.s" ~
~ 2 <:l Moments about the toe
Name of "<:l Magnitude offorce in kN. .... i:: anti-clockwise ( +ve) in
the force
-~~ "'
i:::i "'
-- Venical Horizontal· --
--- - -- ------ - ---- ---~- ------
Downward W1 (+) ~ x 6 x 60 x 24 = 4,320 65.0 (+) 2,80,400
wt. of dam
W2 (+) 7x90x24=15,110 59.5 (+) 8,99,000
W3 (+) ~ x 56 x 80 x 24= 53700 37.33 (+) 20,00,000
Case.(I). (a) Reservoir empty and vertical earthquake forces are acting downward.
From table 19.2 (a), we have LM =IM1 + LM2 + LM3
= 31,79,400+ 2,19,840+ 1,58,970= 35,58,210kN · m
Also, LV=LV1 +LV2 =73,130+3,657=76,787kN
- =IM= 35,58,210 = 47 3
x LV 76,787 . m
B - 69 B .
e =2-x=2-46.3 = 34.5-46.3 =-11.8 m > 6' i.e. 11.5 m.
Resultant acts near the heel and slight tension will develop at toe.
Pmaxlmin= ~[1 ± ~]
76 87
.. Pmaxlmin = 6~ [ 1± 6 x6~1. 8 ]=1114 [1±1.026]
Pv at heel= 1114 x 2.026 = 2260 kN/m 2; which is~ 3000 (safe)
Pv at toe= 1114 x (- 0.026) = - 29 kN/m 2 ; which is< 420 (safe)
Average vertical stress
LV 76787 . · 2 ·
=s=~= 1114kN/m ; which is< 3000(safe)
Pmaxlmin= ~[1 ± ~]
= 696~73 [ 1±6x6~2.2]=1004 [1±1.06]
Pv at heel= 1004 x 2.06 = 2070 kN/m2 < 3000 (safe)
Pv at toe = (-) 1004 x 0.06 = - 60.3 kN/m2 < 420 (safe)
Principal stress at toe
= cr = Pv(toe) sec a
= - 60.3 (1 + 0.49) = - 60.3 x 1.49 = 90 kN/m 2
Shear stress at toe
='to= Pv(toe) tan a= - 60.3 x 0.7
= - 42.21 kN/m2 ; which is< 420 (safe)
stresses at heel remain critical in this 1st case. .I
Case II. When the reservoir is full
Horizontal earthquake moving towards the reservoir causing upstream acceleration,
and thus producing horizontal forces towards downstream is considered, as it is the worst
case for this condition. Similarly, a vertical earthquake moving downward and thus,
producing forces upward, i.e. subtractive to the weight of the dam is considered.
The uplift coefficient C is taken as equal to 0.6, as given in the equation, and thus
uplift pressure diagram as shown in Fig. 19.20 (c), is developed.
·-·· --!7m !-- _ _ ::::·.--·- _ _ ..... .
~W3 =0·1W3
---·+-- _____ _ :_ ______ ---------- - /·4·2m+---
516 kN/rn.2
The various forces acting in this case are :
(i) Hydrostatic pressures P and P'.
(ii) Hydrodynamic pressure Pe. (Pe' is neglected as it is very small and neglection
is on conservative side.)
(iii) Uplift forces U1 and U2
(iv) Weight of the dam, W1, W2 and W 3 •
(v) Horizontal inertial earthquake forces acting towards downstream, equal to 0.1
W1, 0.1 W2 and 0.1 W 3 at c.gs. of these weights W1, W2 and W 3 respectively.
(vi) A vertical force equal to 0.05 W or (0.05 LV1) acting upward.
Calculation of Pe
Pe and the moment due to this hydrodynamic force is calculated, and then all the ..
forces and their moments are tabulated in Table 19.2 (b).
Calculation of Pe from Zanger's formulas
... (19.3)
where Pe= Cm· Kh · Yw · H ... (19.4)
Since the u/s inclined face is extended for more than half the depth,
the overall slope up to the whole height may be taken.
.. tan8=6= 14.33
8= 81.9° 86m
e=2.:0..x=34.5-18.36= 16.14>6
The resultant is nearer the toe and tension is developed at the heel.
Average vertical stress
= ~= :~ 9 = 782 kN/m2.
B 1 -+6e]
Pmax/min -_LV[ B
Magnitude offorce in kN
2 t:
~ -~ Moments abouttoe
Name of
.::;: Vertical forces Horizontal forces E
<:l Anticlockwise ( +ve)
force Downward= +ve Towards Upstream= +ve ..,... and clockwise (- ve)
.!:fl Upward=-ve Towards Downstream= -ve :::. inkN.m
c:i"' ... ..
1:V1=(+)73,130 ™1=31,79,400
Weight of - (+) 26x6x I xlO= 1560 66.0 (+) 1,02,800
supported on - (+) ix60x6xlxl0=1800 67.0 (+) 1,10,400
u/s slope I .
water on dis - (+) 2x 6 x4.2x 1x10= 126 1.4 (+) 180
(-)~xlOx86x86xl 28.67 (-) 10,60,090
0.7 x 53929 + 69 x 1400
= 47693
= 2.81 ; which is less than 3 (Hence, slightly unsafe)
Case 2 (b ). Reservoir full, without uplift
Sometimes, values of stresses at toe and heel are worked out when there is no uplift,
as the vertical downward forces. are maximum in this case. For this case, we shall
calculate 2:M and I:V by ignoring' the corresponding values of 2:V3 and 2:M3 caused by
2:M = 2:M1 + 2:M2 + 2:M4 + r.Ms + 2:M6 + ™1
= 3,1,79,400+ 2,23,380- 1,58,970- 10,59,730- 1,26,500- 2,19,840
= 34,02,780- 15,65,040= 18,37,740 .
I:V= I:Vi + 2:V2 +2:V4 = 73130+ 3486- 3657 = 72,959 kN
- = 2:M = 18,37,740 .25 19 .
x I:V 72,959 · . . m
Pmax/min = ~ [ 1 ± ~]
= 726:59[1±6x~:31]=1057[1±0.81,] ..
~where-ian -~-;-0: r
0'1 = 201(1+0.01) - (860 + 57.5) x 0.01
= 203 - 9 = 194 kN/m2 < 420 (Safe)
Shear stress at toe
'to= <Pv - p') tan ex i.e. Eq. (19.20)
= (1913- 60) 0.7
= 1853 x 0.7 = 1297 kN/m 2 < 1400 (:. safe)
·~ -
Pmaxlmin -
_:_ I:V[
BI -
+ 6e]
= 73130 [1 + 6 x 8.9]
69 - 69
= 1060 [1±0.774]
Pv at heel= 1060(1+0.774)::: 1060xJ.174=1880 kN/:Q'l.2
Pv at toe= 1060(1 - 0.774) = 1060 x 0.226 = 239 kN/m2
Average vertical stress
:::: :EV= 73130= 1060 kNlm2
B 69
Principal stress at toe
C5 = Pv(toe) sec a
= 239(1 + 0.49) = 239 x ! ·19 = 357_1cJ'l/n{
Principal stress at heel,
a = Pv(heeO sec2 <!>
where tan<!>= 0.1
= 1880(1+0.01) = 1880x1.01=1896 kN/m2
Shear stress at toe
'to= Pv(toe) tan a
= 239 x 0.7 = 167.3 kN/m 2
~- :X = 34.5 - 26 = 8.5 m
The resultant is nearer the toe and e is less than ~· and hence, no tension is
developed anywhere ·
PmaX!min =LI[ ± ;J 1
Resultant is nearer the toe and e < ~ ; hence, no tension is developed anywhere
Pmaxlmin = ~[ 1 ± ~]
. =76616[ 1 +6.x3.9]
. 69 - 69 .
= 1110 [1±0.339]
Pv at toe= 1110 X 1.339 = 1490 kN/m2
2 I 2
cr = Pv(toe) sec a - p tan a
= 1490 (1+0.49) - 60 x 0.49
=2220 - 29 =2191 kN/m2
Principal stress at heel,
<J1 =Pv(heel) sec2 <I> - p tan2 <I>
In this question,
·f= 3000 kN/m2 (i.e. 30 kg/cm2)
'Yw= 10kN/m3
3000 .
H1 = l0( .4+ l) =88.2m, <He1ghtofdam.
Therefore, it is a high gravity dam.
Hence, the dam from RL 200.0 m to RL 200 - 88.2 = 111.8 m shall be designed as
a low gravity dam, and the remaining ·bottom height of the dam from RL 111.8 in to
100.0 m shall be designed on the principles of high gravity dam.
Design of low dam between RL 200.0 m to RL 111.8
A section for this dam can be chosen as per the provisions of Fig. 19 .16.
Top width required
3.28. . 3.28
H . . ; .4 88 2
Base w1"dth require
. d =Ts= · = 56 ·8 m.
The upstream projection from the vertical face required
a 5.18
16 16 .
Total base width (B 1) provided
= 56.8+ 0.33 =57.13 m.
The u/s: batter starts at a depth of
. .
2a {f;
= 2 x 5.18 x ..../2.4 = 16.1 m.
from below the M.W.L. and it ends at a depth of
3.1a{f;=3.1x5.18 ..../2.4 = 24.9 m
below the M.W.L. The section of this portion of dam is shown in Fig. 19.21 (a).
M.W.L. i._
RL=fOQ:,. _--\'!!. .'
. I ~ ,
. . 16·1~:. ~-,
249m +i
8·8m I
R.L. 111'8m...,'_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _---a
Fig. 19.21 (a). Low dam portion from RL 200 to RL Bl.8.
Design of the Dam from RL 111.8 m to RL 100 m
Let us divide this length of 11.8 m into 3 strips. Let the depth of the I strip be 3:8.
m and the depths of II and III strips be 4.0 m each.
Design of the 1st strip
Consider 1 m length of the dam.
... (19.26)
In this question,
-J= 3000 kN/m2 (i.e. 30 kg/cm2)
Yw= 10kN/m3
Sc= 2.4
3000 .
H1 = 10 (2 .4 + l) = 88.2 m, <Height of dam.
Therefore, it is a high gravity dam.
Hence, the dam from RL 200.0 m to RL 200 - 88 .2 = 111.8 m shall be designed as
a low gravity dam, and the remaining ·bottom height of the dam from RL 111.8 m to
100.0 m shall be designed on the principles of high gravity dam.
Design of low dam between RL 200.0 m to RL 111.8
A section for this dam can be chosen as per the provisions of Fig. 19 .16.
. - --(;
-}:-:->., .c- ~~3_m c- c-c.- .-
Fig. 19.21 (a). Low dam portion from RL 200 to RL 11'1.8.
Design of the Dam from RL 111.8 m to RL 100 m
Let us divide this length of 11.8 m into 3 strips. Let the depth of the I strip be 3:8.
m and the depths of II and III strips be4.0 m each.
Design of the 1st strip
Consider 1 m length of the dam.
. '
·.. ·. B/= 57.13 56 · 8 x3.8 ·
2 ' ... 88.;2 .....·
= 57.13+ 2.45 =59.58m
Approximate weight of 1st strip
Fig. 19.21 (b)
= 24x 1 [ 57.13; 59.58]x 3.8
Yw · X2
[H1 + H2H2B2 - 3X2] - W1
[B2 - Bi -X2] = 0.
where y1 =3.8 m
B1 =57.13m
Hi= 88.2m
W1 = 61,670 kN
Substituting, we get-
10x24X38 - - - -
- :2 --- . · [3{57.13)2 - (60.4)2 + 6X2 {57 .13+ 60.4) + 2 x 57 .13 x 60.4]
= 24 x i[57 13 6
· ; ci.4l
3.8 = 1.2 x 117.53 x 3.8 = 5370 kN.
= 24 x 1 [ 60 ·4 ; 63
.4] x 4 =5940 kN
Approximate weight of water resting on the u/s face of II strip, if the u/s slope given
to 1st strip is extended in the II strip
=[ 92 +2 96 x 0.39]
- -
.10 =370 kN
Hence, the total approximate weight of dam and water at base Of II strip
= W3 = 67,420 +.5940 + 370 =73,730 kN
The corrected base width B3 at bottom of II strip
Design of last, i.e. third strip
Corrected weight of II strip
6 64 0
= 24 x 1 [ 0.4; · ] x 4.0 = 5980 kN
Approximate weight of water resting on the u/s face of III strip if the u/s slope given
to II strip is extended in Iil strip
= 10 [ +2 lOO x 0.45] = 442 kN
Hence; the total approximate weight of dam and water at base of III strip,
= W4 = 73,980 + 6280 + 442 = 80,620 kN
The corrected base width B4 at the bottom of Ill stilp is ·given by ·
B2= ,Yrw·H~[1+
4W:i .
where/= 3000kN/m2
H4= lOOm
W4 ='80,620kN.
3 2 4
= 10x(100) l+ 10 x(100)
3000 4 x (80620) 2
= "13,333 [1+0.385] = °'13,333 (1.385) = "14,620 = 68.0 m.
~ -Now x4 is obtai;;I·£~~~-ih~ equatio~---_._..,,____c..:..c. · · ···-
114 =68.0m
H3 =96m
H 4 = lOOm
W3 = 7,390 tonnes.
Substituting, we get -
_ .
2· 2
3 (64.0) - (68.0) + 6 · X4 (64.0 + 68.0) + 2. x 64.0 x 68.0
10 · X4 [ 96+100][2x68.0-3X J-73,900
-12 - [68.0- 64.0----X ] =0
- -- ---
4 3 4
Portion of dam
shown in fig.19·21(a)
l st strip
____,__ _ 60·4 m - - + - - - - - '
Ilnd strip
---~64·Qm --1-----~
!II rd Strip
19.11. Diversion Problem in Dams Construction
Before the actual construction of a dam can start in a river channel, the water of the
river channel must be temporarily diverted. It is advantageous to schedule the construc-
tion orthe lower portion of the dam during normal periods of low flow so as to minimise
the diversion problem. The diversion of river water can be accomplished in either of the
following two ways :
(i) Provision of a Diversion Diversion tunnel or
Tunnel •. If geological and. div.izrsfon chann·11:1
topographical conditions are
favourable, a diversion tunnel or.
a diversion open channel may be
constructed to carry the· entire
flow around the dam site as Construction zone
-shown in Fig. 19 .22. The area in for Dam
which construction work has to _ . ~~+--->,"""-.;:.;_-'-'-~--'-,--~~~.J...:.L->,.,~~~~
River Cottizr dam
Ut5 D/s
Completed portion
Flow through ·of the dam
sluice way or
over the d<lm
Fig. 19.24 ·
through the dam outlets or sometimes it may even be allowed to overtop the already
constructed portion of the dam. The work will continue in the water-free zone.
19.12. Construction ofGalleries-in~Gravity'-Dams ~'- "--- - -- -- - - ·
Galleries are the horizontal or sloping openings or passages left in the body of the
dam. They may run longitudinally (i.e. parallel to dam ax.is) or transversely (i.e. normal
to dam axis) and are provided at various elevations. All the galleries are interconnected
by steeply sloping passages or by vertical shafts fitted with stairs or mechanical lifts.
The size of a gallery will depend upon the size of the dam and the function of the gallery.
Functions and Types of Galleries in Dams '
(1) Foundation Gallery. A gallery provided in a dam may serve one particular
purpose or more than one purpose. For example, a gallery provided near the rock
foundations, serves to drain off the water which percolates through the foundations. This
gallery is called a foundation gallery or a drainage gallery. It runs longitudinally and
is quite near to the upstream face of the dam. Its size usually varies from I .5 m x 2.2 m
to 1.8 m x 2.4 m. Drain holes are drilled from the floor of this gallery after the foundation
grouting has been completed. Seep<ige is collected through these drain holes. The size
of the gallery should be sufficient to accommodate atleast a drilling machine. Besides
draining off seepage water, it m·ay be helpful for drilling and grouting of the foundations,
when this can not be done from the surface of the dam.
(2) Inspection Galleries. The water which seeps through the body of the dam.is·
collected by means of a system of galleries provided at various elevations' (say at heights
of 15 m or so) and interconnected by vertical shafts, etc. All these galleries, besides
draining off seepage water, serve inspection purposes. They provide access to the
interior of the dam and are, therefore, called Inspection galleries. However, galleries in
dams are seldom provided for purely inspection purposes. They generally serve other
purposes along with this purpose. Their main functions are summarised below :
(i) They intercept and drain off the water seeping through the dain oody.
(ii) They provide access to dam interior for observing and controlling the behaviour
of the dam.
(iii) They provide enough space for carrying pipes, etc. during artificial cooling of
concrete, (see next article).
(iv) They provide access for grouting the contraction joints when this cannot be
done from the face of the dam.
(v) They provide access to all the outlets and spillway gates, valves, etc. by housing
their electrical and mechanical controls. All these gates, valves, etc. can hence, be easily
controlled by men, from inside the dam itself.
(vi) They provide space for drilling and grouting of the foundations,--then it cannot be
done fromthe surface-of-the.dam. Generally, thefoundation gallery is used for this purpose.
Foundation gallery is generally differently named from inspection galleries, al-
though strictly speaking, it can also be used for inspection purposes and may be called
as inspection gallery.
19.12.1. Cross-sections of Dam Galleries. Dam galleries are formed as the con-
crete is placed and its size depends upon the function of the gallery and also upon the
size of the dam. Certain important shapes of the commonly used galleries are shown
below in Fig. 19.25.
The provision of a gallery in a dam body·, changes the normal pattern of stresses in
the body of the dam. Stress concentration may, therefore, occur at corners, and hence,
in order to minimise
this stress c6ncentra-
--tions, the·cori:J.ersmast-- --------- - -----
be rounded smoothly. Drainage
Tension and compres- troug.h
sion zones may be (
worked out and proper Concrete laid
Rectangular afterwards
reinforcements, etc. are gallery
provided to. counteract Circular gallery
them. Oval-shaped
Fig. 19.25. Various Types of Dam Galleries.
/ /
/ u
·' /
" ...__
0·75m '
Height 075m- '---
of dam
. ...__
-,- .r/",.:::Y
'T' ~' "/ ~~
' // // " . //
. . , _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - L E l ) l G T H OF DAM ------~---------i
11 J
,,,J ~1
i. 250~ k-,,~
===1-===:JJ; ,
(a) Details of z-shaped metal water stop (b) Details of M-shaped metal water stop
Fig. 19.28. Various types of metal waterstops.
PVC waters.tops should be fabriCated from plastic compounds, the basin resin of
which shall be polyvinyl chloride. The compound shall .contain any additional resins,
plasticizers, infiibitors or other material such that when the material is compounded, it
shall meet the requirements given in table 19.3.
Table 19.3. Performance Requirements of Rubber or PVC Water Stops
S.No. Characteristics Unit Values
(i) Tensile strength N/mm2 11.5, min
(ii) Ultimate strength % 80,min
(iii) Tear resistance N/mm 2 4.9,min
(iv) Stiffness in flexure - --·_,,,NJ mm~ 2.46, min
(v) Accelerated extraction
(a) Tensile strength N/mm2 10.5, min
(b) Ultimate alongation % 250, min
(vi) Effect of alkali : _7 days
(a) Weight increase % 0.10,max
(b) Weight decrease % 0.10, max.
( c) Hardness change, Point ±5
(vii) Effect of alkali : 28 days
(a) Weight increase % 0.40, max
(b) Weight decrease % 0.90, max
(c) Dimension chan11:e % +!
'11 11
Certain typical shapes in which rubber/PVC water stops, suitable for concrete gravity
dams, may be ma,de are shown in Fig. 19.29. The shape recomn:ended by IS :J2200-1987
for dams is shown in Fig. 19.30.
·/ ., c
0 ~
"'"'., ~
Shape of PVC or R~ubblr
~ ~ ""
~ ...:: .~
Safe Stability
<> ~
Watersto[Y E;. "" ~
8 ~ ~
(i) 230XA Dumb Bell 230 10 50 Used where large movement
with Central due to expansion/contraction
crumple sections
(ii) 230G Serrated with 230 4-5 25 For thicker concrete walls
Cintra! bulb and with lower.hydrostatic·
•• I • 0 I I
•f f
• --- - -----
pressures for expansi.on
(iii) 240H Serrated with 240 8-10 50 For thicker concrete wan ·and
Central bulb for higher hydrostatic
t I II II c I .• I I I t pressure for expansion and
construction joints.
(iv) 240RS Ribbed and 240 5 25 For construction joints
~I 11 1111 11 Ill~ !I II ii 14 serrated
(v) 305F Serrated with 305 8-12 60 For very high hydrostatic
Central bulb pressure and where higher
grading of concrete
-~ • • I aggregates used for
expansion joints in Dams
(vi) 300N Ribbed with 300 10-.12 60 Same as 305F but slightly
• e I I I ---- -Central bulb- -----
_ thicker,.. specially __designed
for Narmada Project.
Externally placed where
• • • •
(viii) 230KE Kicker with 230 5 25
re-inforcement in R.C.C .
elements congested. Used
for construction joints.
Externally placed in R.C.C.
I a
• I
I IE -
Central bulb
Kicker 320 5 25
elements c;ongested. Used
for movement joints.
Surface waterstops. ·used for
construction joints of long
Fig. 19.29. Certiiin typical shapes in which rubber/PVC waterstops
may be made to suit individual dam project.
The location, shape and dimensions of an asphalt water stop (square hole filled with
asphalic compound) are shown within a typical sectional plan of a contraction joint in
Fig. 19.31. .
~ ~ ~*Alldimensionsinmm
- -- -- - - -- - - - - - -- 1·*14.For masonry dams only
4>20 MS/cp16 Torsteel 1
no blockout is roquired
¢10 MS or 8¢ Tor I f~r concrete dams
St eel, 500 Lon.ii hooked a1 one end
(Concrete & bra zed 1o sealing strip @ 1 m c/c
Fae~ blockout ""
of dam (1850x800)
\... . . .
600 100 ¢ 209 Formed frap ·
dram I
Z/M Type coppczr or 50
F low
stainless stizel seiii'1ng
strip 1·Smm·thick
.' / 1 ·.I Rubper/PVC Watczr stop
'.f. ~
Contraction 250 {>$' : I 300
l_ __ J·~~~+- _L __ ---- --
l i
-r ---------
SOOhczating piP,\ : To galle.r.y floor
. '<- 1 drain
~-·-(1-8-SO_x_B_OO_) __ '""'(Md 1
-----~ --
- -~--= --- ------:- - -:-- -~---J_
All dimension·s in f!lm
Fig. 19.31. Sectional plan at a contractionjm*(square ho!~ shows Iocationof asphjlt water stop)
Note : Dowel bars between concrete/masonry face of the.blockout not-shown. . ,
Top of dam
U/S Face 300 4>200 Steel pipe
of dam .._..'"rl"H'..,..
125x125 Formed
ho!iz fillizd with
asphalt _ _..,,
.------t-- PVC I Rubber
Z-type Water stop
Mone I stnp..+-:----i"i-",l
· t12 Asphalt ~
heating pipes
All Dimensions in mm
Fig. 19.32. Typical waterstop details near the top of
non-overflow section of a dam.
'· Metal sealing strip
Water st?P
Crest profile
Axis of Dam
i-------4-- PVC/Rubber
water stop
¢12 Asphalt
600 Steam heating pipes
connected .to
:: -=-- = --=--===- gallery
- -::..- -=-
125x125 Formed
hole filled with
Asphalt -~-~--~--11-74-____..,..i 11
cp 12
heating pipes
Z, Typ<Z-
600 150
t+------+--PVC/ Rubber'
Water stop
vat ion
cp 12
h<Zating pip<Zs
j___ ...il
1 2 0 0 - - - -.. '
All dimensions in mm
Fig. 19.34. Typical waterstop details near the bottom of the dam.
Rubber/PVC waterstops shall be provided around galleries/adits at the contraction
joints between two monoliths of a dam, as shown in Fig. 19.35.
19.15. Foundation Treatment for Gravity Dams
,1 The material underl)'.ing the base of a dam, i.e. the foundatio.n.s of the dam, must be
strong enough and capable to withstand the foundation pressure exerted on it under
·,1- - - -vru.--i0us-conclit-i0ns 0H0aclingand in-dry-as-weH-as-wet-'-e0nditi0n. Most of t-he -failures
of the dams have occurred because of the failure of their underlying strata. A concrete
gravity dam.of California called St. Francis-dam was 'about 62 m high and about_ 210 m
: long and failed 'soon after its completion. The cause of failure was found to. be the
. - - .
500 500
Gallery /Adit
(1) Preparing the Surface. The surface preparation con.sis ts in removing the entire
loose soil till a sound bed rock Is exposed. The excavation should be carried out in such
a way that the underlying rock is not ,~amaged. The final surface obtained above- is
stepped, so as to increase the frictiohal resistance of· the dam against sliding. The.
stepping of the foundation and provision of a shear key is shown in Fig. 19.36. The
shear key may sometimes be provided in the centre but is generally provided at the heel.
U/5 face
of dam
... " - D/S face
of dam
h1 1
h~l_es~ ~v e-c-~~e11__ ~~il2:~~f~~t~r~- .of .::~; nt~~ n~- ~~tTlier_~c-~lle~ ~~~ut~ _i~-~ao~c=-~~i~~-~-~~~--
o es at ow pressure o auout 30 ·to "t i'I ·cm . 0 1 1
IS IS accomp Ishe , ue1ore any·
concreting for the dam section is laid. This low pressure grouting will result in a general
consolidation of the foundations. These low pressure grout holes will later serve the
purpose .of a cut-off against leakage of high pressure gr9ut! whic_h is to_ b~ _used afte!_
some concreting of the dam has taken· taken place.
(b) Curtain Grouting. It helps in forming the principal barrier or a curtain against
the seepage through the foundations, and thus reduce the uplift pressures. To accomplish
this high pressure grouting, relatively deeper holes (called A holes) are drilled near the
heel of the dam. The spacing of the holes may vary from 1.2 to 1.5 m. Holes are first
of all, drilled and grouted at about 10 to 12 m apart, and then the intermediate holes are
drilled and grouted. The depths of the holes vary from 30 to 40% of the total upstream
water head for stro]!g_roc]c_ fQl!ndations, ,and may be as. Il!l!~ll. a.s_JO%_.,_(lf t~.e-wll.te~~~ag
for poor rocks. After the holes have been drilled, a mixture of cement and water (i.e.
grout) is forced into the holes under high pressure. The grouting pressure may be kept
ashigh- possible without lifting the foundation strata. Usually, the foundatiocn pressure
used in this high pressure grouting is equal 'to 2.5 D N/cm2, where D is the depth of
grouting in metres below the surface·. This grouting is generally done in stages of depth
: equal to 15 m or so, and carried out only after some portion of the dam section has been
laid. .
This grouting may have to be accomplished from the foundation gallery or from
other galleries within the dam. It may also be done from the upstream face of the dam,
if possible. In certain special cases, this grouting may have to be accomplished from
tunnels driven into the foundation rock below the dam.
1. (a) What is meant by gravity dams ? -·------ -- - -·--
(b) What are the main points to be considered while selecting a site for a gravity dam construction?
(Madras University. 1975)
· (c) Explain briefly with neat sketches the differ~nt forces that may act on a gravity dam. Indicate
their magnitudes, directions and locations. (Madras University. 1974)
2. (a) Explain in details the various forces causing instability in a gravity dam.
(Madras University, 1974)
(b) What is meant by the elementary profile of a gravity dam; and how is it deduced? What should
be the maximum depth of elementary profile of a dam if the safe limit of stress on the masonry should
not exceed 1500 kN perm ? (Madras University, 1975)
[Ans. 44 m, assuming unit weight of masonry = 24 kN/m 3]
3. Explain briefly how grout curtain and drainage affect uplift pressures in gravity dams.
Fig. 19.37 shows the section of a gravity dam (non-overflow portion) built of concrete. Calculate
(neglecting earthquake effects):
Tail water
R.L. 506·00
--- ---- --~ ..sm ~ 56~
Fig. 19.37
(i) The maximum vertical stresses at the heel and toe of the dam.
(ii) The major principal stress at the toe of the dam.
(iii) The intensity of shear stress on a horizontal plane near the toe.
I .
weight of concrete = .24 kN/m . - - - ---- ---· - - - - -
(b) Explain the criteria that ·govern the design of a high gravity dam in different zones of its
cross-section. · (Madras University, 1976)
6. (a) What is meant'by1<'coilcrete gravity dams" ? Draw a neat typical cross-section of such a dam.
Name the highest dam of the>~orld as well as that of India. .
{b) What are the differe~tways by which a concrete gravity dam may fail, and how will you ensure
it-s safety against each type of failure ?
7. (a) Differentiate between a 'low gravity dam' and.a 'high gravity dam'. '
- (b) How does the practical profile of a low gravity dam differs from that of the theoretical one, and
why? ,,.-.
(c) Discuss step by step the analytical procedure that.you will adopt for analysing the stability (two
dimensional analysis) of gravity dams. · - - · ·· · ·
8. Write detailed notes on any two of the following :
(i) Forces acting on gravity darns •.
(ii) Stability analysis of gravity darns.
(iii) Elementary profile of a gravity darn.
(iv) Design considerations and fixing the section of a gravity dam.
(v) Design criteria for .the design of high gravity darns: . ·
9. Write short notes on :
(i) Uplift force.
(ii) Drainage gallery.
(iii) Grout curtain.
(iv) Construction joint.
(v) Earthquake forces on dams. (Madras University, 1973)
10. (a) Derive an expression for the limiting height of a low darn. (Madra~ University, 1974)
(b) Briefly explain the functions of the following :
(i) Drainage gallery.
(ii) Construction jciintS in a darn.
(iii) Ogee spillway.. (Madrc;s .University, 1974)
[Hint: For (iii) Please refer chapter 21]
11. A concrete dam can ·be assumed to be trapezoidal in section having a top width of 2 m and
bottom width of 10 m. Its height is .12 m and the upstream face has a batter of 1 : 10. Give an analysis
of the stability of the dam for the base section for overturning and sliding in the full reservoir condition
assuming no free-board allowance but allowing for uplift pressures. Assume uplift intensity factor as
100%. Also determine the compressive stresses at the toe and the heel, and major principal and shear
stress developed at. the. toe. Assume weight of concrete to be 24 kN/m ; unit shear strength of.concrete
to be 1400 kN/m , and the coefficient of friction between concrete and foundation soil to be 0.7.
I , 12. The following data refer to the non-overflow section of a gravity dam :
I R.L. of top of the dam =·315 m
I' R.L. of bottom of the dam = 260 m
I I Full reservoir level = 312 m
, . . Top width of the dam = 12 m.
1,--.---Tfpstrearr; face is vertical: Downstream f.ace is·-vertical·upto'-RL:'304 m-; and thereafte1~:..:.the _
[I ' downstream face slopes at 0.7 (H): 1 (V) up to base.
' Drainage holes are located 8 m away from the upstream face~
Unit weight of masonry = 23 kN/m
Reduction of uplift at drainage hole = 50%
Coefficient of friction between masonry and foundation material = 0.8.
Determine (i) factor of safety agairnit overturning ; (ii) factor of safety against sliding ; (iii)
maximum pressure on foundation, and (iv) maximum principal stress in the masonry of the dam, at the
base. Consider op.ly the forces due to water thrust, uplift, earthquake (inertial forces due to weight of
masonry only) and the self-weight.
13. (a) Discuss the evolution of the final profile of a gravity dam from its elementary triangular
profile, and explain the main principles of its design.
(b) Write ·a brief note on the netessity and method of foundation treatment of dams.
14. (a) Explain how uplift consideratiohs affect the design of gravity dams. What measures can be
adopted to reduce the undesirable effects due to uplift in such cases ?
(b) Write short notes on :
(i) Darn galleries.
(ii) Cracking of concrete during the construction of concrete gravity dams, and remedi.al measures.
(iii) Provision of keyways in concrete gravity darns.
15. (a) Differentiate between rigid dams and non-rigid dams .
.(b) How are pore pressures and uplift pressures controlled in rigid dams?
(c) Describe briefly the investigations that are necessary, and the treatment which is commonly
given to the foundations of gravity dams, so as to avoid their failures in general.
16. The cross-section of a low gravity darn is shown in Fig. 19.38.
Assuming the reservoir to be full, determine
m i::::::. Line of drain hole
Fig. 19.38
(i) The normal stress ;
(ii) The principal stress ;
(iii) The shear friction factor at base.
Count full uplift as per U.S.B.R. recommendations. Neglect earthquake forces, wave pressure and
---·- -'silt-pressure.
17. Design the practical profile of a gt°a~ity dam made ofstone masonry 'giventhe-fo116wlng-da:ti:---
l R.L. of base of dam ···
R.L. of HFL of reservoir
= 198 m.
= 228 m.
I Specific gravity of masonry = 2.4.
Safe compressive stress in masonry = 1200 kN/m 2.
18. Fig. 19.39 shows the section of a concrete gravity dam. Check the stability of this dam section
~t the base. Assume any data not given and needed.
f:2·~ 2 :l • I. 1om==:J"
r-~ of drainage
i gallery
! 1
Fig. 19.39