Module 6: A.C. Electrical Machines For Hybrid and Electric Vehicles Lecture 21: Field Oriented Control of Induction Motor

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Module 6: A.C. Electrical Machines for Hybrid and Electric

Lecture 21: Field Oriented Control of Induction Motor
The topics covered in this chapter are as follows:
 Field Oriented Control (FOC)
 Direct Rotor Oriented FOC
 Indirect Rotor Oriented FOC
Field Oriented Control (FOC)
In an Electric Vehicle, it is required that the traction motor is able to deliver the
required torque almost instantaneously. In an induction motor (IM) drive, such
performance can be achieved using a class of algorithms known as Field Oriented
Control (FOC). There are varieties of FOC such as:
 Stator flux oriented
 Rotor flux oriented
 Air gap flux oriented
Each of the above mentioned control method can be implemented using direct or
indirect methods.
The basic premise of FOC may be understood by considering the current loop
in a uniform magnetic field as shown in Figure 1a. From Lorenz force equation, it
can be seen that the torque acting on the current loop is given by
Te  2 BiNLr sin 
B is the flux density
i is the current
N is the number of turns
L is the length of the coil
r is the radius of the coil

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iqdr qdr

r θ
r q axis

d axis
Figure 1a: A coil in a magnetic field Figure 1b: Orientation of magnetic field in IM

From equation 1 it is evident that the torque is maximised when the current vector is
perpendicular to the magnetic field. The same conclusion can be applied to an IM. In
Figure 1b orientations of magnetic fields and currents in an IM are shown. The rotor
current and flux linkage vectors are shown in Figure 1 at some instant of time. Hence,
the torque produced by the motor (refer to Lecture 19) is given by

Te 
 qr idr  dr iqr 
The equation 2 can be re-written as
Te    iqdr
qdr  sin 
The equation 3 is analogous to equation 1. Hence, for a given magnitude of flux
linkage, torque is maximised when the flux linkage and current vectors are
perpendicular. Therefore, it is desirable to keep the rotor flux linkage perpendicular to
rotor current vector.
In the analysis of FOC the following convention will be used:
 The parameters with a superscript “ s ” are in stator frame of reference.
 The parameters with a superscript “ e ” are in synchronous frame of reference.
 The parameters with subscript “ r ” indicate rotor parameters.
 The parameters with subscript “ s ” indicate stator parameters.
 All rotor quantities are referred to stator using the turns ratio of the windings
(Lecture 17) and hence “ ' ” is dropped.
In case of singly excited IMs (in singly excited IM, the rotor winding is not fed by any
external voltage source. In case of wound rotor machines, they are short circuited
using slip rings. For cage IMs, the rotor bars are short circuited at the terminals), the
rotor flux linkage vector and rotor current vector are always perpendicular. The

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voltage equations for the IM (refer to Lecture 19) in synchronous frame of reference
v qse  rs iqse  e dse  pqse
v dse  rs idse  e  qse  p dse
vose  rs iose  pose
v qre  rr iqre  e  r   dre  pqre
v dre  rr idre  e  r  qre  pdre
vore  rr iore  pore
e is the rotational speed of synchronous frame of reference
(1) In case of singly excited IM, the rotor voltages are zero, that is ve  0 , qr

v  0 and v  0 . Hence, the rotor currents can be obtained as


0  rr iqre  e  r  dre  pqre  iqre   e  r  dre  pqre
0  rr idre  e  r  qre  pdre  idre  e  r  qre  pdre
0  rr iore  pore  iore  
(2) Since steady state operation of IM is considered, the time derivative term of flux
linkage in equation 2 will vanish. Hence, the rotor currents are:
iqre   e  r  dre
idre  e  r  qre
ior  0

The dot product of the rotor flux linkage and rotor current vectors may be expressed
e e
.iqdr  qre .iqre  dre .idre
Substituting the values of iqre and idre from equation 3 into equation 4 gives
qre dre
 .i
e e
qdr qdr  e  r  dre  e  r  qre  0
rr rr

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Form equation 5 it can be seen that the dot product between the rotor flux and rotor
current vectors is zero in case of singly excited IM. Hence, it can be concluded that
the rotor flux and rotor current vectors are perpendicular to each other in steady state
operation. The defining feature of FOC is that this characteristic (that the rotor flux
and rotor current vectors are perpendicular to each other) is maintained during
transient conditions as well.
In both direct and indirect FOC, the 90o shift between the rotor flux and rotor current
vector can be achieved in two steps:
 The first step is to ensure that
qre  0
 The second step is to ensure that
idre  0
By suitable choice of  s on an instantaneous basis, equation 6 can be achieved.
Satisfying equation 7 can be accomplished by forcing d -axis stator current to remain
constant. To see this, consider the d -axis rotor voltage equation
0  rr idre  e  r  qre  pdre
Since qre  0 , equation 8 can be written as
0  rr idre  pdre
The d -axis rotor flux linkage is given by (refer Lecture 19):
dre  Llr idre  Lm  idse  idR

Substituting the value of dre from equation 10 into equation 9 gives:
rr e Lm e
pidre   idr  pids
Llr Llr
If idss is held constant, then pidse  0 and the solution of equation 11 becomes
 r 
 r t
 Llr 
i  Ce
 

C is a constant of integration

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It is evident from equation 12 that the rotor current idre will decay to zero and stay at
zero regardless of other transients that may be taking place. Hence, the torque (from
equation 2) is given by
3P e e
Te  dr iqr
The q -axis rotor flux is given by (refer Lecture 19)
qre  Llr iqre  Lm  iqse  iqre 
Since, qre  0 , the q -axis rotor current is given by
Lm e
iqre   iqs
Combining equations 13 and 15 gives
3 P Lm e e
Te  dr iqs
2 2 Llr
The d -axis rotor flux is given by (refer Lecture 19)
dre  Llr idre  Lm  idse  idre 
The equation 7 gives idre  0 , hence equation 17 can be written as
dre  Lmidse
Together, equation 19 and equation 21 suggest the generic rotor flux oriented control
shown in Figure 2.
Inverter IM

Te e
4 Lrr , est Te
3PLm.est dr

e 1
Figure 2: Generic Field Oriented Control (FOC) [1]

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In Figure 2 the variables of the form x , x and x̂ denote command, measured and
estimated values respectively. In case of parameters that are estimated, a subscript
”est” is used. The working of the controller is as follows:
i. Based on the torque command ( Te ), the assumed values of the parameters and
the estimated value of d -axis rotor flux ˆdrs is used to formulate a q -axis stator
current command iqss .
ii. The d -axis stator current command idss is calculated such as to achieve a rotor
flux command drs (using equation 12).s
iii. The q -axis and d -axis stator current command is then achieved using a
current source control.
The above description of rotor flux oriented FOC is incomplete with determination of
ˆdrs and  s . The difference between direct and indirect FOC is in how these two
variables are determined.
Direct Rotor Oriented FOC
In direct FOC, the position of the synchronous reference frame (  e ) is determined
based on the values of q -axis and d -axis rotor flux linkages in the stationary
reference frame. The relation of flux linkages in synchronous reference frame and
stationary reference frame is
qre  cos  e  sin  e  qrs 
 e    sin  cos    s 
dr   e e   dr 

qrs is the rotor q-axis flux linkage in stationary frame of reference
drs is the rotor d -axis flux linkage in stationary frame of reference
In order to achieve qre  0 , it is sufficient to define the position of the synchronous
reference frame as
 qrs  
e  tan 1   
 s
 dr  2

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The difficulty with this approach is that qrs and drs are not directly measurable
quantities. However, they can be estimated using direct measurement of air gap flux.
To measure the air gap flux, hall-effect sensors are placed in the air gap and used to
measure the air-gap flux in q -axis and d -axis. Since the hall-effect sensors are
stationary, the flux measured by them is in stationary reference frame. The flux
measured by the sensors is the net flux in the air gap (combination of stator and rotor
flux). The net flux in the air gap is given by:
 Lm  iqss  iqrs 
Lm is the magnetization inductance
From equation 21, the rotor q -axis current is obtained as
 Lm iqss
iqrs 
The q -axis rotor flux linkage is given by
qrs  Llr iqrs  Lm  iqss  iqrs 
Substituting the rotor q -axis current from equation 22 into equation 23 gives
Llr s
qrs  qm  Llr iqss
An identical derivation for d -axis gives
Llr s
drs  dm  Llr idss

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The implementation of this control strategy is shown in Figure 3a and b.

L'rr , est
ˆ s
qm Lm, est


iˆqs L'lr ,est  ˆ    ˆ 

s 1 2 2
 rfc s  1 qr dr ˆqr

 ˆ   2
L'lr ,est  rfc s  1 angle ˆ
qr  jdr
 e


L'rr , est
Lm, est

Figure 3a: Rotor flux calculation in Direct FOC [1]

Inverter IM

Current Rotor flux
K ss
control calculator
4 Lrr , est Te
3PLm.est dr


dr 1
Lm, est

Figure 3b: Control strategy for Direct FOC [1]

Indirect Rotor Oriented FOC

The direct FOC is problematic and expensive due to use of hall-effect sensors. Hence,
indirect FOC methods are gaining considerable interest. The indirect FOC methods
are more sensitive to knowledge of the machine parameters but do not require direct
sensing of the rotor flux linkages.
The q -axis rotor voltage equation in synchronous frame is
0  rr iqre  e  r  dre  pqre
Since qre  0 for direct field oriented control, equation 26 becomes

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0  rr iqre  e  r  dre

 e  r  rr
Substituting the values of iqre and dre from equation 15 and 18 respectively into
equation 27 gives
rr iqs
e  r 
Llr dse
From equation 28 it can be observed that instead of establishing  e using the rotor
flux as shown in Figure 3, it can be determined by integrating e given by equation
28 where e is given as:
rr iqs
e  r 
Llr dse
The equation 29 does satisfy the conditions of FOC. In order to check it, consider the
rotor voltage equations for the q -axis and d -axis:
0  rr iqre  e  r  dre  pqre
0  rr idre  e  r  qre  pdre
Substituting e from equation 29 into equations 30 and 31 gives
rr iqs e
0r i e
dr  pqre
Llr idse
r qr

rr iqs e
0r i e
qr  pdre
Llr idse
r dr

Substituting the value of d -axis rotor flux from equations 17 into equation 33 gives
 qre  Lm iqse*  e rr iqse
e  lr dr
0  rr   iqr  L i e*  Lmidse*   pqre
 L L i
 lr  lr ds


qr  p  Llr iqre  Lmidse* 

rr iqs e
0r i e

Llr idse
r dr


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If the d -axis rotor current is held constant, then pidre*  0 and rearranging equations 34
and 35 gives
rr e i e*
pqre   qr  rr qse* idre
Llr ids
rr e r i
pidre   dr  r qse* dre
Llr Lllr ids
The solution of equations 37 and 38 will decay to zero (same argument as used for
equation 12), hence qre and iqre will eventually become zero. In Figure 4 the
implementation of indirect FOC is shown and it is much simpler than the direct FOC.

Inverter IM
T1  T 6
Current iabcs

4 Lrr , est Te
3PLm.est dr 'e

e N e
dr 1 ids
N rr,est s
Lm, est D Lrr ,est +
Figure 4: Indirect FOC [1]
[1] P. C. Krause, O. Wasynczuk, S. D. Sudhoff, Analysis of electric machinery, IEEE
Press, 1995

Suggested Reading

[1] R. Krishnan, Electric motor drives: modeling, analysis, and control, Prentice Hall,

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