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Francis A. Buttle
Macquarie Graduate School of Management

MGSM WP 2005-18

September 2005
Working Papers are produced as a means of disseminating work in progress to the
scholarly community, in Australia and abroad. They can not be considered as the end
products of research, but a step towards publication in scholarly outlets
© Francis Buttle1

Research Office
Macquarie Graduate School of Management
Macquarie University
Sydney NSW 2109

Tel 612 9850 9016

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Director of Research Associate Professor John Rodwell

Manager, Research Office Ms Kelly Callaghan

ISSN 1445-3029 Printed copy

1445-3037 Online copy
MGSM WP 2005-18
Sales Force Automation:What Do We Know?

Correspondence to:
Professor Francis Buttle
Professor of Management
Macquarie University
Sydney NSW 2109
Ph: + 61 2 9850 8987
MGSM Site:

Francis Buttle is Professor of Management (Marketing and CRM) at Macquarie Graduate School of
Management, Macquarie University, North Ryde, Sydney, NSW 2109, Australia. Tel: 612 9850 8987; fax
612 9850 9019; email


Sales force automation (SFA) describes the application of computerised

technologies that support sales people and sales management. The SFA eco-
system is made up of three components – software, hardware and associated
services. SFA software enables reps and their managers to manage sales
pipelines, track contacts and configure products, amongst many other things.
SFA is now thought of as being an operational tool that enables suppliers to gain
‘competitive parity’ in their served markets. Demand for SFA software is set to
rise to 2001, according to forecasters. This paper summarises the research on
SFA against the four questions figure most significantly in the literature, as
follows. Why do organizations adopt SFA? What are the organizational impacts
of SFA? What accounts for the success or failure of SFA projects? What
accounts for variance in salesperson adoption of SFA? The paper ends with a
critique of this body of knowledge and sets out an agenda for further research.



Sales force automation (SFA) has offered technological support to sales people
and managers since the beginning of the 1990’s. SFA systems are now widely
adopted in business-to-business environments and are seen as a ‘competitive
imperative’ (Morgan and Inks 2001) that offers ‘competitive parity’ (Engel and
Barnes 2000).

SFA provides both a toolkit and reporting structure for sales reps and managers.
For companies that want to develop closer relationships with their customers,
SFA provides a mechanism for collecting, storing, analysing, distributing and
using customer-related data. Customer-related data not only incorporates both
transactional and profiling data about customers, but also market data,
competitor profiles, product libraries, pricing schedules and other information that
can be deployed to win, keep and grow customers. Information such as this is
key to the promotion of customer orientation (Lambe and Spekman 1997) and
development of long-term mutually beneficial relationships with customers
(Grönroos 2000).

Given the penetration and significance of SFA in the business-to-business

context it is timely to review what we have learned. We start by defining the field,
identifying members of the SFA eco-system and reporting trends in the
deployment of SFA solutions. We then offer a review of the research-based
literature and identify 4 questions that have been the focus of investigation.
What is SFA?
The term, Sales Force Automation (SFA), is used to describe the application of
computerised technologies to support sales people and sales management in the
achievement of their work-related objectives.

Hardware and software are both elements of SFA. Hardware includes desktop,
laptop and handheld devices, and contact/call centre technology. Software
comprises both ‘point’ solutions that are designed to assist in a single area of
selling or sales management, and integrated solutions that offer a range of
functionality. The integrated packages can be dedicated to sales force
applications only, or can be incorporated into broader Customer Relationship
Management solutions that operate over the three front office areas of marketing,
service and sales.

All SFA software is designed so that pertinent customer-related data can be

captured, stored, analysed and distributed to sales people and sales managers in
order for them to become more effective or efficient in the pursuit of their

SFA applications offer a range of functionality, as listed in Table 1.

¾ account management ¾ pipeline management
¾ activity management ¾ product encyclopaedias
¾ contact management ¾ product configuration
¾ contract management ¾ product visualization
¾ document management ¾ proposal generation
¾ event management ¾ quotation management
¾ incentive management ¾ sales forecasting
¾ lead management ¾ territory management
¾ opportunity management ¾ work-flow development
order management

Table 1: Functionality offered by SFA software

Although the list above presents a broad set of sales-related functionality, SFA
software can be designed for context-specific applications. For example, sales
reps selling liquor to a retail store might employ software that recommends
planograms, optimises the allocation of retail display space, audits inventory
levels, recommends prices, and controls cooperative promotional support. Some
SFA vendors offer functionality designed for sales people in particular industries.
Siebel, the market leader offers customised solutions for over a dozen different
industries ranging from aerospace and defence to transportation.

Most SFA applications can generate a wide range of standard and customised
reports, useful to both sales person and sales manager, as shown in Table 2.
The reports can be presented in a number of forms – charts, pivot tables, text
and dash-board.

¾ cost-to-serve ¾ sales cycles

¾ customer profitability ¾ share of market
¾ lead conversion ¾ share of wallet
¾ pipeline progress ¾ sales person productivity
quotation performance win rates

Table 2: Reports available from SFA software

Vendors and consultants claim a number of benefits from SFA implementation,

including accelerated cash-flow, shorter sales cycles leading to faster inventory
turnover, improved customer relations, improved salesperson productivity,

accurate reporting, increased sales revenue, market share growth, higher win
rates, reduced cost-of-sales, more closing opportunities and improved
profitability. The hard outcomes can be complemented by softer outcomes such
as less rework, more timely information, and better quality management reports.
Case histories of SFA implementations offer testimonials to SFA’s impacts (See
Case highlight: Freight Traders). Most vendor publish case histories.

Case highlight: Freight Traders

Freight Traders, a subsidiary of global food manufacturer Mars, Incorporated, is a Web-based

logistics consultancy that connects shippers to carriers. The company facilitates the transit of
cargo between the two parties. Customers include Kellogg's, Lever Faberge and Sainsbury's
Supermarket Group. Garry Mansell is Managing Director

"We had the system up and running in three days," says Mansell. "Within eight days the whole
company was using it across multiple countries. Ease of use and speed of implementation were
everything I expected of a Web-based solution." Major benefits include far greater customer, lead
and prospect visibility. "We operate dispersed account teams and they now have a single view of
customers and prospects." Another major benefit is accessibility. "Regardless of where I am in the
world, I only have to log on to see how our business is doing," says Mansell.

"The reporting tools are really useful to our business," continues Mansell. "We don't need to waste
time chasing sales teams for reports. Once we put in the information, reports are automated and
can be tailored to our requirements." Mansell finds these reports a valuable tool to the running of
the business. It helps the company focus on maximising resources, by identifying where and when
the best sales opportunities arise and responding to them.

Freight Traders uses to communicate best practices across the organization.
"Because the system is so transparent we can show clearly what works best with a particular
company, country or industry and share that vital intelligence across the organization. All the
information is contained in our account."

Source: (accessed 26 August 2005)

The SFA eco-system

The SFA eco-system consists of SFA software vendors, hardware and

infrastructure vendors, and service providers as illustrated in Figure 1.

SFA software vendors can be classified in a number of ways. Some vendors are
SFA specialists. They compete against CRM suite vendors that offer SFA
modules and enterprise suite vendors that offer a full range of IT solutions to
support business, including supply chain management, (SCM), enterprise
resource planning (ERP) and customer relationship management (CRM). A
number of illustrative examples are tabled below (Table 3).

Some SFA specialists focus on particular areas of functionality within SFA.

Selectica, for example, builds customized configurators. A configurator is rule-
based engine that allows companies to configure complex products and services
for clients. Sometimes, customers interact directly with configurators. For
example, the Dell Computer website allows customers to build their own PCs.
Configurators guide users through the buying and specification process, offering
only valid options and features at each step. This can deliver benefits both to
customers, sales people and management. Customers can define and build their
preferred customized solutions, reducing cost and meeting specifications. Sales
people no longer need



Service Hardware
providers and

Figure 1: The SFA eco-system

to master comprehensive product or service technical data, because these are

built into the engine. Training costs for sales people are therefore reduced. The
potential for incorrectly specifying a solution for a customer is decreased.
Configurators enable mass customization.

SFA specialists SFA as part of CRM SFA as part of Enterprise
suite suite
Selectica Siebel Oracle
EzRoute Onyx SAP
Salesnet Pivotal Epicor
CallWizard Deltek
Selltech SalesLogix Fourth Shift
CyberForms ACCPAC Orion
HEWSales NetCRM Intentia

Table 3: Classification of SFA vendors

Many of the vendors offering SFA as part of broader CRM suites started out as
SFA specialists - Siebel and, for example. These vendors now
offer a wide range of marketing, service, contact/call centre and sales

Case highlight: General Motors.

Lou Adler is responsible for helping car dealers configure, order and price cars. For more than
15 years he lugged 3 binders between dealerships. One binder listed current models. Another
listed available options. The third listed price information. It took Adler 20 minutes to
configure each vehicle. Some dealerships asked him to configure 300 vehicles per sales call. It
took a long time, and ultimately about 25% of orders were rejected by the factory as
impossible to build. Today, Adler takes 2 minutes to configure, price and order each car. He
uses a product configurator called GM PROSPEC which has virtually eliminated factory
(source: Caudron 1996)

Software vendors are only a portion of the overall SFA eco-system. SFA software
must run on hardware such as Unix or Intel-based computers. SFA is often
required to integrate with
communications infrastructure such as telephony and email systems. A SFA
project might require the deployment of a number of servers – for example, for
email and Internet applications. Hardware and infrastructure presents as another
important component of the SFA eco-system.

As highlighted in Table 4, the architectural and performance requirements of SFA

applications can create significant challenges for both hardware and
infrastructure. Whereas office-bound sales people and sales managers might be
happy to use desktops or laptops, field sales reps might prefer lighter handheld
devices such as the Palm Pilot or Blackberry. Where companies have
geographically dispersed external sales people, SFA systems must be able to
operate out of the office and over the web. Mobile solutions are necessary, as the
data held on

Challenge Architecture Solution
Single customer view across the organization Multichannel CRM across a single
Suitability for customer-facing situations Usable, flexible, high-performing
Complex, many-to-many relationships, varying Flexible data modelling
across customers and industries
Deployment to field operations Mobile and wireless
Efficient changing and upgrading of the system Business Rules Repository
Unstructured, widely dispersed information Knowledge Management
Deployment outside the organization Web Browsers
Effective modelling of customer-facing processes Workflow and assignment
Information flow with the back office and Integration

Table 4: SFA architecture issues

(Source: Buttle 2004)

portable devices must be regularly synchronised with the central database. SFA
applications often need to integrate with a number of communication channels
which use different technologies (web, email, telephone). In growing industries
and companies, SFA applications must be supported by hardware and
infrastructure that can sustain increased numbers of users.

Hardware vendors such as IBM, Dell and Hewlett-Packard provide a range of

solutions across the hardware spectrum, whilst infrastructure providers such as
Avaya, Genesys and Siemens provide telephony and SFA-related infrastructure

The services component of the SFA eco-system is very diverse. When a SFA
project is completed, service costs may be of an order of magnitude that adds
significantly to overall project expenditure. The hardware and software for a SFA
project may account for between 10% and 50% of overall costs. The balance is
made up of service costs. SFA project leaders might buy services from providers
that reengineer selling processes, manage projects, train salespeople, consult on
organizational structure, or conduct customer portfolio analysis. Service providers
can contribute significantly to SFA project success. Table 5 classifies the main
types of service providers.

Service What do they do? Examples

Strategy Consulting support for the formulation McKinsey,
consultants of customer strategy, contact Peppers and
strategy, channel strategy. Rogers
Business Services around business process re- Accenture,
consultants engineering, process improvement, Bearing Point,
and best practices for SFA. CGEY
Application Design and development of SFA vendors,
consultants application modifications, project Accenture, CGEY,
management of SFA software Bearing Point, IBM
implementation and training.
Technical Design and implementation of Unisys, IBM,
consultants technical infrastructure, and Logica
integration of this infrastructure with
the existing business processes and
Outsource service Technology outsourcers and business EDS, IBM, CSC,
providers process outsourcers. Acxiom

Table 5: SFA service providers
(Source: Buttle 2004)

Demand for SFA software

According to eMarketer’s review of research on CRM spending and trends

(eMarketer 2005), spending on customer-facing solutions worldwide is expected
to grow at 11.1% CAGR between 2004 and 2014. License revenues had fallen
from the turn of the century, but stabilised in 2003. Now, they are growing again.
The anticipated growth is being driven by both supply and demand factors. On
the demand side, a return to economic growth and improved business profitability
has meant that companies are prepared to spend more on their IT investments.
On the supply side, vendors have invested in improving the ability of their
solutions to integrate with back office applications and have tailored them to meet
the needs of particular industry verticals. Furthermore, hosted solutions such as and Siebel OnDemand have become more popular.

This projected growth is across all sales, marketing and service applications.
According to a Datamonitor report cited in eMarketer (2005), spending on SFA
applications in the USA is projected to grow from US$534 million in 2003 to
US$608 million in 2008, as shown in Table 6. By some estimates, the USA
market accounts for about 50% of worldwide CRM spending, indicating that the
current value of the SFA market worldwide is in excess of US$1.1 billion. Siebel
and Malone (1996) predicted that the market will be worth $10 billion.

In 2004, spending on SFA applications accounted for about 16% of CRM

software sales, compared to 21% on customer service applications and 12% on
marketing automation and analytics. Datamonitor compares SFA growth of 3.1%
from 2005 to 2006, to 5.2% growth in analytics and 4.3% in marketing

applications. SFA is widely regarded as relatively mature segment of CRM
spending, particularly when compared to analytics. However, within the SME
segment (Small and Medium-sized Enterprises) SFA remains a popular starting
point as they begin to adopt customer-facing software. The SME segment is a
relatively late adopter of customer-facing software applications. According to a
Bain & Co study reported in eMarketer (2005), although some three-quarters of
large enterprises are using CRM software, a much smaller proportion of SME’s
have entered the market.

2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

SFA spending $534 $552 $569 $585 $598 $608

Table 6: SFA Licence Revenue (US$ millions, US market)

In 2004, a survey of 201 IT executives, reported in CIO Insight and cited by

eMarketer (2005), identified a number of important benefits were being pursued
by companies adopting CRM applications. A number of these were clearly
connected to SFA investments. Among the benefits cited were the following:
automation of sales processes (52% of the sample reported this benefit), improve
the quality of sales forecasting (50%), increase cross-selling (47%) and add new
customers (42%). This study also reported that some 45% of companies had
already deployed SFA, and that a further 32% planned to deploy SFA within 12
months. Just 12% had no plan to deploy SFA. A Forrester Research study of 339
USA and European companies, also reported by eMarketer (2005), confirms the
potential for growth in SFA, with 23% reporting their intention to adopt SFA in
2005.This study also reports the leading software vendors that USA SME’s
consider when adopting SFA. Microsoft and ACT!, as reported in Table 7 lead the

Some 31% of these surveyed SME’s plan to implement hosted, as opposed to
on-premise, SFA solutions. They are drawn to the hosted solution because it
places less demand on in-house IT departments with upgrades and maintenance
being handled by the vendor. Some of the early research conducted by the
Software Industry Association (reported in eMarketer 2005) suggests that the
TCO (total cost of ownership) of hosted solutions is significantly less than the
TCO of an on-premise solution in the initial year of implementation, but that the
cost differential disappears in subsequent years. The study reports that a 500
user installation would pay annual licence fees of about $750,000 to their hosted
solutions provider, but about $775,000 for support and upgrades to an on-
premise vendor.

Vendor % of SME’s considering

Microsoft 37%
ACT! 27%
Oracle 25% 24%
PeopleSoft 22%
In house 15%
Goldmine 13%
SAP 13%
SalesLogix 11%
NetSuite 10%
Siebel (on premise) 7%
Siebel OnDemand 7%
Onyx 5%
Maximizer 5%
Pivotal 5%
Other 14%

Table 7: Leading SFA software vendors considered by USA SME’s
(Source: Forrester Research 2005, cited in eMarketer 2005)

Research into SFA

Since the early to mid-1980‘s (e.g. Klompmaker 1980-81; Collins 1984; Wedell &
Hempeck 1987a, 1987b) there has been trickle of research on the topic of SFA.
The few academics that have conducted studies have focussed on the four
research questions that follow.

1. Why do organizations adopt SFA?

2. What are the organizational impacts of SFA?

3. What accounts for the success or failure of SFA projects?

4. What accounts for variance in salesperson adoption of SFA?

Given the conflicting reports on the success rates of SFA implementations, it

seems anomalous that so little research has been conducted. On the positive
side, Siebel and Malone (1996) report that economic returns from SFA are
‘immediate’, and that the business case for its implementation is ‘compelling’2.
Moriarty and Swartz (1989) report that some SFA implementations have
achieved return on investment in excess of 100%. On the negative side, a
number of reports signal alarms about the outcomes of SFA implementations.
Block et al (1996) found that 61% of all SFA implementations fail. Rivers and Dart
(1999) and Schafer (1997) have also reported similar failure rates. Morgan and

The author, Siebel, is Tom Siebel, the founder of CRM software vendor and market leader
Siebel Systems

Inks (2001) report failure rates ranging from 25% to 60%, and Blodgett (1995-96)
testifies to failure rates of 75%.

It is clear that SFA projects can be both costly and time consuming. Project costs
can include hardware, software, and consultancy on business strategy, business
processes and technology implementation. Technology costs can be but a small
fraction of overall project costs. Although some software vendor case studies
suggest that payback is achievable within days, many projects take between 12
months and 24 months to implement, let alone yield a return. Taylor (1994) found
that the average implementation period was 21 months, whilst Conner and
Rumelt (1991) claimed that users needed over 100 hours experience with the
systems before they could claim to have mastered it. Engel and Barnes (2000)
found that payback periods were in the 6-7 years range.

The literature review by Bush and Grant (1994) finds that little SFA research has
been conducted. They are not alone in calling for further studies (e.g. Engel and
Barnes 2000; Jones, Sundaram and Chin 2002). Unsurprisingly, Petersen (1997)
suggests that the ‘jury is still out’ on the value of SFA.

In the analysis that follows I review the SFA literature in relation to the four
research questions identified above.

Why do organizations adopt SFA?

As noted above, software vendors and consultants promote a number of benefits

from SFA implementation, including accelerated cash-flow, shorter sales cycles,
improved customer relations, improved salesperson productivity, accurate
reporting, increased sales revenue, market share growth, higher win rates,
reduced cost-of-sales, more closing opportunities and improved profitability.

These benefits appeal to differing SFA stakeholders:

¾ Salespeople: shorter sales cycles, more closing opportunities, higher
win rates
¾ Sales managers: improved salesperson productivity, improved
customer relations, accurate reporting, reduced cost-of-sales
¾ Senior management: accelerated cash flow, increased sales revenue,
market share growth, improved profitability

Academics Erffmeyer and Johnson (2001) interviewed informants at 40 US

manufacturers and service firms to discover their motivations for implementing
SFA. As shown in Table 8, the primary motivation was improved efficiency.
Ingram, LaForge and Leigh (2002) agree that many companies are turning to
SFA to help them manage their customer relationships more efficiently. Erffmeyer
and Johnson (2001) also observe that ‘a limited number of respondents were
able to offer details regarding formalized goals and objectives for SFA’.

Motivation % of sample reporting

Improve efficiencies 72
Improve customer contact 44
Increase sales 33
Reduce costs 26
Improve accuracy 21

Table 8: Motivations for implementing SFA

(source: Erffmeyer and Johnson 2001)

What are the organizational impacts of SFA?

Kraemer and Danziger (1990) report that SFA implementations have both task
(e.g. productivity) and non-task (e.g. control, job enhancement, social
interactions) outcomes. Most of the research performed on this topic has studies
task-related outcomes.

Although reporting that 50% of SFA adopters make no formal attempts to

measure SFA impacts, Erffmeyer and Johnson (2001) identify improved access
to information (60% of the sample), improved communication with customers
(65%), a more efficient sales force (27%) and faster revenue generation (16%) as
realized benefits from SFA implementations. They report that 85% of managers
are either very satisfied or somewhat satisfied with the SFA implementation,
compared to 80% of salespeople and 50% of the adopters’ customers.

Engle and Barnes’s (2000) empirical investigation of one pharmaceutical

company’s operations in 3 countries found a clear relationship between SFA
adoption and salesperson performance. They conclude: ‘Does the use of sales
force automation really contribute to higher sales performance? With overall
sales growing, and with 16.4% of the variance in sales explained by the use of
sales force automation systems, this study suggests the answer is ‘yes’.’
However, taking into account the costs of implementing the new system, they
compute payback period at 6 to 7 years.

Ahearne and Schillewaert (2001) also found that use of SFA was associated with
improvements in reps’ selling skills, knowledge and performance. Their research
found positive correlations between SFA implementation and sales reps’ market
knowledge, technical knowledge, targeting skills, adaptive selling and call

productivity. Essentially sales reps with SFA support became more adaptable
and productive. Sales reps’ use of SFA accounted for a small, yet significant
portion (7%) of their sales performance.

What accounts for the success or failure of SFA projects?

Speier and Venkatash (2002) investigated two different firms where SFA
technologies had been withdrawn following implementation. They apply a multi-
factorial model to explain success and/or failure, drawing on both prior learning
about technology diffusion, and identity theory. Among the variables examined
were individual characteristics such as age and sex, disposition towards
technology, role perceptions and organizational attributes such as management
support and user involvement. Measures were also taken of personal perceptions
of technology in regards to any relative advantage that it might deliver, its
visibility and image, it’s compatibility to job roles, its complexity, and the
demonstrability of results. The researchers employed a number of scales that
had been validated in other contexts. The research revealed that although the
salespeople had been ‘fairly positive’ about the implementation of SFA at the
outset, they turned against the system demonstrating their dissatisfaction with
increased absenteeism and voluntary turnover. Sales performance did not
increase following SFA implementation. The primary reason appeared to be the
perceived lack of ‘professional fit’ between the SFA tools and the sales force. The
tools did not ‘play to the strengths’ of the sales people. The sales team’s
expectations of relative advantage to be delivered by the SFA tools had been
high, but their perceptions of its delivery were much lower. Six months after
implementation, organizational job commitment, job satisfaction, perceptions of
salesperson-organization fit, and perceptions of salesperson-job fit had also
decreased significantly.

Reviewing this small body of research-based literature, authors nominate a
number of critical success factors (CSF’s). Although these are not always the
focus of the researchers’ investigations, I report them here.

¾ A well-developed project plan (Erffmeyer and Johnson 2001)

¾ Senior management buy-in (Speier and Venkatash 2002; Erffmeyer and
Johnson 2001)
¾ Involvement of user groups such as sales representatives and sales
managers (Erffmeyer and Johnson 2001; Morgan and Inks 2001)
¾ Close fit to the salesperson’s role (Speier and Venkatash 2002)
¾ Involvement of the adopting company’s customer (Erffmeyer and Johnson
¾ Deployment of a multi-disciplinary team in the project planning phases
(Erffmeyer and Johnson 2001; Rivers and Dart 1999)
¾ Access to a competent IS resource (Erffmeyer and Johnson 2001)
¾ Management of user expectations (Morgan and Inks 2001; Speier and
Venkatash 2002)
¾ Appropriate-to-task SFA training (Morgan and Inks 2001)

What accounts for variance in salesperson adoption of SFA?

It has been observed that SFA adoption is a two-stage process (Parthasarathy

and Sohi 1997). First the organization decides whether to adopt the technology;
second, the sales-force decides whether to use the technology. Clearly, SFA can
not succeed if salespeople are not prepared to employ it.

A number of researchers have investigated the issue of variance in salesperson

adoption of SFA. For example, the research conducted by Morgan and Inks
(2001) aims to ‘forward understanding of sales force acceptance of SFA’. They
sent questionnaires to 387 sales reps in a single organization, receiving 132

usable responses (34% response rate). They found support for three of four
hypotheses. First, salespeople were more accepting of the SFA implementation if
they believed that training would be provided, and that the costs of attending the
training (being absent from the field and reduced service levels to customers)
were outweighed by the benefits. Second, they were more accepting if involved
in the implementation, this result confirming the conventional wisdom that
involvement promotes ownership. Third, if sales reps have accurate expectations
about what the implementation will deliver, they are more accepting of the
implementation process. Contrary to hypothesis, the researchers found no
connection between sales force acceptance of SFA and managerial commitment.
They account for this unexpected outcome by explaining that sales people in the
field are more autonomous than their office-bound colleagues and therefore less
influenced by managerial authority. Furthermore, the sales reps in this study
were compensated on a commission-only basis.

Jones et al’s (2002) longitudinal study took measures of salesperson intention 2

weeks prior to implementation and salesperson adoption 6 months after
implementation. They used two theories to structure their research – the Theory
of Reasoned Action (Ajzen and Fishbein1980) and the Technology Acceptance
Model (Davis 1989). Data were collected from 164 (intentions about use) and 85
(use behaviours) sales reps for a large American insurance company. Three
variables explained sales person intention to use the technology – perceived
usefulness of the new system, attitude towards the technology and its perceived
compatibility with the current system. However, actual use of the technology was
shown to be strongly associated with the personal innovativeness of the sales
person, attitude towards the technology and facilitating conditions. It seems that
use of SFA technology is both connected to individual differences such as
innovativeness and attitude to technology, as well as having access to facilitators
such as training, training manuals, and support from a help desk.

Ko and Dennis (2004) point out that SFA systems tend to store formal knowledge
about products, customers, markets and competitors, and are therefore more
likely to be of value to newer sales reps. Such codified knowledge would, they
hypothesised, be of lesser value to high-expertise, more experienced sales reps.
This turned out to be not the case. Indeed, high-expertise reps gained 4 times as
much value from the knowledge bas than the ‘average’ sales rep. They explain
this by suggesting that the more experienced rep has already assimilated much
of the knowledge, and would be able to gain incrementally by identifying and
integrating new value-adding knowledge.

Buehrer et al (2005) report a qualitative investigation into sales people’s use of

SFA tools. They obtained data from a convenience sample of 3 firms. The
dominant reason for use of the tools was ‘efficiency’. For example, the
technology enabled sales people to stay in contact with their customers with less
effort. A secondary reason emerged as well. Sales reps used the technology
because they ‘had to’. The reps in one sampled firm had to log on to the system
daily. If they did not, their jobs were at risk. Variance in usage among the
sampled sales reps seemed to be explained by age – older reps being less likely
to use the system. Perceived lack of support – either managerial or technical –
also emerged as a strong explanatory variable. Reps reported that would be
more likely to use the SFA system if there was continuous or on-demand training.
These researchers then conducted a quantitative, web-based, survey, obtaining
a 60% response rate (n=130) from sales reps employed by 2 companies. Open-
ended questions were employed. The objective of this study was to subject their
initial findings to further validation. Sales reps reported 4 main reasons for using
SFA software, as in Table 9. The dominant reason was that it enabled them to be
both more productive and more efficient. The quantitative study confirmed the
importance of management and technical support, and training for increasing
sales reps’ use of the technology. Respondents also mentioned the scarcity of
time (to learn how to use the technology) and money as barriers to their use of
the technology. When asked what else management could do to promote their

use of their technology, reps cite improved software, improved hardware,
enhanced training and technical support.

Rank Reasons for using SFA % of respondents mentioning

1 More productive/efficient 29.0%
2 Saves time 17.4%
3 Better customer communication 14.7%
4 Required by management 8.3%

Table 9: Why sales reps use SFA

(source: Buehrer et al 2005)

Just as Erffmeyer and Johnson (2001) had found that productivity was a
important corporate consideration in adopting SFA, so Gohmann et al (2005)
found that sales reps agreed that SFA had made them more productive.
However, the reps’ managers had a significantly stronger perception of
productivity gains. This research also found that sales reps felt that SFA had
been helpful in the achievement of their goals, but once again management had
a significantly stronger perception of this outcome.

Other researchers have pointed out the negative outcomes for salespeople who
are faced with adopting SFA. Rangarajan et al (2004) find that salespeople who
perceive that integrating SFA technology into their routine selling activities as
being complex experience strong and stressful feelings of role ambiguity and role
conflict. They feel they are pulled in several directions simultaneously and are
overburdened. The researchers find that role conflict is significantly correlated
with the amount of effort expended at work. They conclude that ‘where trying to
use SFA technology increases demands on the job and adequate support is not

provided, salespeople are more likely to spend effort on issues with which they
are more familiar.’ Their recommendation is that guidelines and training must be
offered salespeople faced with implementing SFA. The guidelines, they suggest,
should cover: 1. the reasons for adopting SFA; 2. the possible changes to work
activity as a consequence of adopting SFA; 3. information about sharing private
customer-related information with other parts of the organization; 4. the scope for
monitoring the activities of salespeople; and 5. changing expectations on the job
as a consequence of SFA adoption.

Finally, the Speier and Venkatask (2002) research shows that the fit of the
technology to the salesperson’s role and sense of professionalism is very
important. Where the fit is poor, SFA tools may fall into disuse, because the tools
are seen to offer little, if anything, by way of relative advantage.


Since the early 1990’2 there has been a small amount of research published on
sales force automation. What has been published has focussed on four
questions: Why do organizations adopt SFA? What are the organizational
impacts of SFA? What accounts for the success or failure of SFA projects? What
accounts for variance in salesperson adoption of SFA?

Even so, it is hard to present any definitive findings. Much of the work has been
performed on very small samples, ranging from 1 company (Engel and Barnes,
2000; Morgan and Inks 2001), 2 companies (Speier and Venkatash 2002), to 40
companies (Erffmeyer and Johnson 2001) and, in one case, 210 companies
(Rivers and Dart 1999).

There are some additional concerns about the definition of failure and success.
Failure and success may be defined in different ways by different constituencies

– salespeople, sales mangers, senior management, academic researchers, IT
specialists. For a salesperson, success might mean ‘increased commission’ or
‘more time released from admin tasks for selling.’ For a sales manager, success
might be ‘better management of underperforming reps’. For senior management,
success might be ‘improved market share and reduced cost-to-serve’. Few of the
academic papers make clear what is meant by success, or, for that matter,
failure. As noted above, half of the companies that implement SFA do not even
try to measure outcomes, perhaps because SFA is increasingly regarded as a
‘competitive imperative’ (Morgan and Inks 2001), rather than an optional
technology investment that should be subjected to return on investment
considerations. Furthermore, notions of success and failure are likely to vary
across time. Short-term failure may be just the sort of learning experience that is
necessary to motivate longer-term success. Given that SFA investments need
updating, both hardware and software, setting parameters for the assessment of
ROI can be very difficult. Because of the constant upgrades, an SFA project
might be though of as never ending.

Another complication is that the impact of SFA may vary between industries.
Although the pharmaceutical industry is ‘highly profitable’, payback periods are
still in the region of 6-7 years (Engel and Barnes 2000), perhaps because of the
complexity of the sales role which requires a customised SFA solution. A simpler,
less regulated sales environment could employ off-the-shelf SFA software with a
narrower range of functionality, and expect payback to be very rapid. It has also
been suggested that larger companies might take longer to see payback than
smaller companies (Taylor 1993), and that more complex projects take longer to
produce the desired returns (Moriarty and Swartz 1989).

Even the Journal of Marketing piece (Speier and Venkatash 2002) has serious
flaws. Apart form the sample size, no control group was used. We cannot
therefore know with any certainty whether absenteeism and voluntary turnover in
the studied organizations was any better or worse than in other organizations

where SFA had been implemented and retained. The paper also infers that
voluntary turnover is an undesirable outcome. It may not be so. If poor
performing salespeople who are not prepared to maintain customer records to a
satisfactory level quit, this may be a blessing. Indeed many of the undesirable
outcomes that were measured may be accounted for by aversion to change or
the change management processes the sampled companies adopted. That SFA
was implicated may have been merely coincidental.

Given the scope and limitations of the available research, there are many
opportunities to create knowledge. Among the research questions that deserve
attention are the following:

1. What are the task and non-task outcomes of SFA implementation – for
salespeople and managers?
2. What is SFA success (or failure) from the perspective of the various
internal (sales person, sales manger, senior manager, IT manager), and
external (vendor and customer) stakeholders?
3. How do definitions or claims of SFA success (or failure) vary across time
and industry?
4. What are the organizational and contextual conditions that are associated
with the achievement of satisfactory SFA outcomes?
5. Does the implementation model – hosted or installed – make any
difference to SFA outcomes?
6. Does SFA deliver initial competitive advantage? Put another way, do
competitors with SFA achieve better outcomes than their counterparts


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