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Rozumienie ze słuchu

Zadanie 1. (0-3) Zadanie 2. (0-4)

6 Usłyszysz dwukrotnie trzy teksty. 7 Usłyszysz dwukrotnie cztery wypowiedzi

Z podanych odpowiedzi w ybierz właściwą, na tem at pracy wolontariackej. Do każdej
zgodną z treścią nagrania. Zakreśl literę A, B wypowiedzi (2.1.-2.4.) dopasuj
albo C. odpowiadające jej zdanie (A -E ). W pisz
rozwiązania do tabeli.
Tekst 1. Uwaga: jedno zdanie zostało podane

1.1. The speakers are dodatkowo i nie pasuje do żadnej

A. botanists. wypowiedzi.

B. chemists.
The speaker
C. gardeners.
A. helped show people the w ay forw ard.

Tekst 2. B. discovered a new pastime through volunteering.

C. became a regular volunteer for the charity they tried.
1.2. W h a t w ou ld be the best newspaper headline for
D. feels volunteering is part o f their job description.
the news report?
E. thinks voluntary w ork could become their career.

Tekst 3. 2.3.
1.3. W hich o f the fo llo w in g is stated in th e news
report as an o p in io n , n ot a fact?
A. The quest fo r Earth-like planets is the last big
piece in a puzzle.
B. The m ajority o f 'exoplanets' are far larger
than Earth.
C. In recent years, astronomers have been
discovering planets very rapidly.

Zadanie 3. (0-5)
3 18 Usłyszysz dw ukrotnie audycję radiową na tem at nowej form y
rozryw ki. Z podanych odpowiedzi w ybierz właściwą, zgodną
z treścią nagrania. Zakreśl literę A , B, C albo D.

3.1. A t th e start o f Horror Camp Live, participants

A. set up th e ir tents in a campsite.
B. tell scary stories around a campfire.
C. come face to face w ith a murderer.
D. w atch a frigh ten ing film together.

3.2. Events at Horror Camp Live

A. are only enjoyed by true fans o f horror.
B. take place over a tw e n ty -fo u r hour period.
C. involve separating individuals from th e ir group.
D. all occur around th e tents and campfire.

3.3. People w ho go to Horror Camp Live

A. have no idea h ow the events w ill unfold.
B. play a character from a film fam iliar to them .
C. th in k som ething real is happening.
D. have to find th e ir way using smell and hearing only.

3.4. A nita says th a t Horror Camp Live participants

A. should be strong and fit.
B. d o n 't have to be adults.
C. m ust always book early.
D. w o n 't be able to sleep.

3.5. In the interview, Anita

A. encourages everyone to give Horror Camp Live a chance.
B. explains w h a t happens at Horror Camp Live step by step.
C. recommends Horror Camp Live to anyone looking fo r a thrill.
D. talks a bo ut w h a t makes Horror Camp Live a unique experience.

Rozumienie tekstów pisanych

Zadanie 4, (0-4)
Przeczytaj poniższy tekst, podzielony na trzy akapity. Do każdego pytania (4.1 -4 .4 .) dopasuj właściwy
akapit (A -C ). W pisz rozwiązania do tabeli. Uwaga: jeden akapit pasuje do dwóch pytań.


A. A survey is the process of collecting B- Sampled surveys ask a sample portion

information in order to gauge the views of a of a group to answer a series of questions.
community. There are different types of surveys. If designed and carried out well, the
A case study is a descriptive, exploratory or results for the sample will actually reflect
explanatory analysis of a person, group or event. the results you would have got by
It involves collecting information from a part of a surveying the entire group. For example,
group or community, without trying to choose let’s say you want to know what
them for overall representation of the larger percentage of people in your city would
population. You may need to conduct multiple welcome the construction of an airport.
case studies before you get a real sense of how Getting every person in a city of
the broader community would respond to your 10,000,000 people to fill out a survey
survey. Case study surveys only provide specific would be a huge task involving great
information about the community studied. The expense. Instead, you would survey a
popularity of case studies in testing hypotheses representative sample of the residents to
has developed only in recent decades. find out what they think.

c With a census survey, every single member of the population the surveyor wants to learn
about is given a questionnaire to fill out. This type of survey tends to give the most precise
information about the group, but it may not always be very practical for large groups, so it is
best done with limited groups - all of the customers of a particular shop, for example, as
opposed to all of the citizens of a city. Census data are commonly used for business marketing
and planning, to gauge population distribution and electoral representation, as well as creating
a baseline for sampling surveys.

In which paragraph does the author

4.1. m ention a study used by retail organisations?

4.2. ta lk about measuring the num ber o f voters?

4.3. refer to the cost o f a survey?

4.4. imply the m ethod d id n 't use to be used a lot?

Zadanie 5. (0-4)
Przeczytaj tekst, z którego usunięto cztery zdania. W pisz w luki 5.1.-5.4. litery, którymi oznaczono
brakujące zdania (A -E ), tak aby otrzymać logiczny i spójny tekst.
Uwaga: jedno zdanie zostało podane dodatkowo i nie pasuje do żadnej luki.


A pure diamond is actually clear, as it simply transmits visible
light, and any colour it has is the result of impurities in the
crystal structure. The most common of these by far is nitrogen,
which results in a yellowish or brownish tinge in the diamond
and drastically reduces its value. |5.1.| The most desirable
impurity is boron, since that is the one which creates the blue
The Cullinan Diamond Mine, established in 1902 as the
Premier Mine, is no stranger to record-breaking gems. 5.2.
It was cut into a number of gems, the largest of which is called
the First Star of Africa and adorns the sceptre of the British
Crown Jewels. The second largest adorns the crown, and is
called the Second Star of Africa. They are still the second and
fourth largest polished diamonds ever created.
Since then, the mine has proved again and again that it is a
premier source in the world for large stones, and unrivalled in
the quantity it uncovers of the fabled blue diamond. 5.3.
Recent record-breaking finds include the Star of Josephine,
sold for $9.49 million in 2008, and a 25.5 carat blue diamond
found in 2013, which sold for $16.9 million.
The one they just unearthed, however, could be the largest
flawless uncut blue diamond ever discovered. 5.4. Petra's
chief executive elaborated: ‘By some margin ... this is probably
the most significant stone we've ever, in terms of blue stones,
recovered.’ An analyst has estimated that it could attract bids
of between $15 and $20 million at auction and, with the nature
of bidding wars, it could go much higher.

A. Though diamonds are sold by m ining companies uncut, it is
w hen they are cut and polished th a t their real value can be
determ ined.

B. The Cullinan Diamond, mined w ay back in 1905, is still very

probably the largest rough diamond ever recovered, at
3,106 carats.

C. W eighing in at 29.6 carats, it has been described by Petra

Diamonds, the m ining company th a t w orks the Cullinan
Diamond Mine, as 'exceptional'.

D. Some hues in diamonds can increase th e ir value, however,

since they are rare, beautiful and therefore highly sought-

E. In fact, there is no other mine in the w orld th a t regularly

and reliably produces this m ost alluring o f stones.

Zadanie 6. (0-5)
Przeczytaj dwa teksty związane z N ow ym Rokiem. Z podanych odpowiedzi w ybierz właściwą,
zgodną z treścią tekstu. Zakreśl literę A, B, C albo D.

Tekst 1.
Prissy Baker was in Oscar Miller’s store on New Year’s never speak to his brother again.
morning when her uncle, Richard Baker, came in. He She found the door unlocked and entered the kitchen.
did not look at Prissy, nor did she wish him a happy new W hat fun! Father would laugh about it.
year; she didn’t dare. Uncle Richard had not been on Prissy found pork, potatoes, cabbage, turnips and the
speaking term s with her or her father for years. ingredients of a raisin pudding, which Richard Baker
He was a big, prosperous-looking man - an uncle to be was very fond of.
proud of, Prissy thought, if only he were like he used to In a short time the kitchen was full of appetising odours.
be. In her childhood they had been great friends; but that Prissy enjoyed herself hugely, and imagined Uncle
was before the quarrel, in which Prissy had had no part, Richard thinking one of the Jenner girls across the street
although Uncle Richard seemed to include her in his had cooked his dinner.
bitterness. Prissy was peppering the turnips when a gruff voice
Richard Baker, so he informed Mr Miller, was on his way behind her said: “Well, well, what does this mean?”
to deliver some pork. “Joe Hemming let me know Prissy whirled around as if she’d been shot. There stood
yesterday he wouldn’t be buying pork after twelve today,” Uncle Richard! Her heart thumped. She looked as if
he said, “so unfortunately I’m having to do to business Uncle Richard had caught her stealing from him, her
on New Year’s morning.” face red.
“But isn’t it pretty much the same as any other day to “I, I came up to cook for you,” she stammered. “I heard
you?” said Mr Miller, for Richard Baker lived with nobody you say Mrs Janeway had gone home ...”
but his housekeeper, old Mrs Janeway. Poor Prissy wouldn’t have been surprised to hear Uncle
“Well, I always like a good dinner on New Year’s,” said Richard angrily order her out.
Richard Baker. “It’s about the only way I can celebrate. “It was very kind of you,” said Uncle Richard. “It's a
Mrs Janeway is with her son’s family, so I was preparing wonder your father let you.”
to cook my own dinner. I got everything ready last night, “Father was not home, but I am sure he wouldn’t have
before I heard about the pork. I won’t get back before prevented me. Father has no hard feelings against you.”
one, so I reckon I’ll have to put up with a cold meal.” “Humph!” said Uncle Richard. ‘W ell, since you’ve
Prissy walked home thoughtfully. She herself did not cooked it you must help me eat it. It smells good. Mrs
need to cook a dinner, for her father would be gone the Janeway always burns pork.”
whole day. She felt sorry for Uncle Richard, picturing him They sat down. Uncle Richard had a good appetite. He
returning, cold and hungry, to a tireless house and an talked to Prissy kindly and politely. Eventually he said
uncooked dinner. slowly: “I’m much obliged to you, Prissy, and I don’t mind
Prissy put her purchases away, then started up the road admitting that I’m sorry for my share in the quarrel, and
to Uncle Richard’s house. Her plan was to cook his have wanted for a long time to be friends with your father
dinner for him then slip away before he came home. He again, but was too ashamed and proud to make the first
would never suspect her of it. Prissy didn’t want him to; advance. You can tell him so for me. Tell him I’d like him
she thought he would be more likely to throw a dinner to come up here with you tonight when he gets home
she’d cooked out of the window than to eat it. and spend the evening with me.”
Eight years earlier, Richard and Prissy’s father had "Oh. he v,ill!" cried Prissy joyfully.
quarrelled over the division of a piece of property. The ■Y o j m ust promise to cook my dinner for me every New
fault had been mainly on Richard’s side, which made Year."
him all the more stubborn. He had declared he would

A d a p te d from ‘ U n d e R ic h a rd ’s N ew Y ear’s D in n e r” b y L.M. M ontgom ery

6.1. Richard Baker's New Year plans changed because
A. he saw his niece w hile shopping.
B. he had a disagreement w ith someone.
C. his housekeeper left him unexpectedly.
D. he needed to adjust to a customer's schedule.

6.2. Prissy d id n 't w a n t to see Richard at his house because she

A. th o u g h t he w ou ld reject her efforts.
B. feared it w ould upset her father.
C. w anted Richard to th in k everything was normal.
D. was afraid he w ou ld make fun o f her.

6.3. During the meal, Richard

A. turned o u t to be well-m annered.
B. adm itted he caused the quarrel.
C. paid Prissy a com plim ent.
D. criticised Prissy's father.

Tekst 2.


For millions of people around the world the New Year
is a time to change something for the better, whether
it be to eat a healthier diet, spend more quality time
with family and friends, or to reconcile with someone
they have fallen out with. Unfortunately, and despite
all the good intentions, only a tiny percentage of
people ever manage to keep their New Year’s
resolutions. In fact, a recent study showed that just
8% of people achieve their New Year’s goals. This is
despite the fact that the nature of New Year’s
resolutions has changed during the last century, with
many resolutions being more superficial and selfish
than in previous times. Most revolve around changes
to the resolution-maker’s appearance, lifestyle and
So, why do so many people fail to achieve their
resolutions and what are the secrets behind those
who succeed? According to some researchers, many
people use the New Year as an opportunity to attempt
massive makeovers in their private and professional
life and make a long list of resolutions. Now, although
that’s positive in itself, the average person has so
many competing priorities that this type of approach
is doomed to failure. Essentially, when you set your
sights so high you often doom yourself to failure right
from the outset.
A d a p te d from http://healthland.tim co nsu lted

6.4. According to the text, many people
A. expect to fail In th e ir resolutions.
B. choose more d iffic u lt resolutions nowadays.
C. tend to ask to o much o f themselves.
D. are n ot sincere w hen they make resolutions.

6.5. From both texts, w e learn th a t at New Year people

A. sometimes react badly to o the r people's resolutions.
B. choose more m eaningful resolutions than in the past.
C. often make an e ffo rt to eat healthily.
D. sometimes try to make up w ith one another.

% Znajomość środków językowych
Zadanie 7. (0-4) Zadanie 8. (0-4)
Przeczytaj tekst. Z podanych odpowiedzi Przeczytaj poniższy tekst i uzupełnij każdą
w ybierz właściwą, tak aby otrzymać logiczny lukę (8 .1 .-8 .4 .), przekształcając jeden
i gramatycznie poprawny tekst. Zakreśl literę z w yrazów z ramki w taki sposób, aby powstai
A, B, C albo D. spójny i logiczny tekst. W ym agana jest pełna
poprawność gramatyczna i ortograficzna
wpisywanych wyrazów. Uwaga: dwa wyrazy
High above the streets of Rio de Janeiro in
zostały podane dodatkowo i nie pasują do
Brazil, abseiiers in brightly coloured clothes żadnej luki.
are becoming a common sight. But these
like equal show
people aren’t extreme sports enthusiasts;
caution psyche w arn
7.1........., they are the latest weapon in the
city’s war on litter.
The hilly slopes of Rio have now become so
Saying that women are more afraid of spiders
full of rubbish that the city authorities have
than men may seem like a sexist remark, but
decided to train refuse collectors to clean
there is actually some scientific basis for this
them up using ropes and harnesses. It may
statement. When pictures of spiders
sound extreme, but keep in 7.2 that the
8.1 to baby boys and baby
piles of rubbish build up in areas that are not
girls, the females have much stronger
accessible by car or on foot. The abseiling
reactions to them. After carrying out such an
refuse collectors sometimes have to lower
experiment, an expert in 8.2..........................
themselves more than 70 metres down a
from Pittsburgh suggested that the very
rocky cliff in order to 7.3 access to some
different roles of prehistoric men and women
rubbish piles.
led to women becoming more fearful than
It’s a job that’s not for the faint-hearted - and
men when In the presence of dangerous
not just because you need to be comfortable
animals. While it was important for men not to
with heights to do it. Guns and even dead
be afraid of animals because of their role as
bodies 7.4......... by refuse collectors in the
hunters, women needed to be
course of their day’s work.
8.3 with regard to snakes and

7.1. A consequently 7.3. A gain spiders in order to protect the children they
B in fact B make looked after. More modern phobias, on the
C a t most C take
D although D w in other hand, such as the fear of flying or
hospitals, affect both sexes
7.2. A th o u g h t 7.4. A have found
B place B are finding
C space C have bee" rOL"G
D mind D have cee- "

Zadanie 9. (0-4)
Przetłumacz na język angielski podane w nawiasach fragmenty zdań 9.1.-9.4., tak aby otrzymać
logiczne i gramatycznie poprawne zdania. W ym agana jest pełna poprawność ortograficzna
wpisywanych fragm entów zdań. U waga: w każdą lukę możesz wpisać maksymalnie pięć wyrazów.

9.1. (Nie ma sensu rozmawiać) .. to her. She never listens to anyone.

9.2. Hurry up! We czekamy od) ...................................8 o'clock.
9.3. (Ani ty, ani n ikt in n y )........... ................... can help me now.
9.4. (Gdybyś tylko zadzwonił) ... me, I could have helped you.

Wypowiedź pisemna

Zadanie 10. (0-13)

W yp o w ie d z się na jeden z poniższych te m a tó w W yp o w ied ź powinna zawierać od 200 do 250 słów
i spełniać wszystkie wymogi typow e dla form y wskazanej w poleceniu. Zaznacz tem at, który
wybrałeś(-aś), zakreślając jego numer.

1. W iele różnych gatunków zwierząt jest trzymanych w niewoli w celu dostarczenia ludziom rozrywki.
Obrońcy praw zwierząt uważają, że to okrutne, ale czy trzymanie zwierząt w niewoli ma również dobre
strony? Napisz rozprawkę, w której wyrazisz swoją opinię na ten temat i podasz kontrargument.

2. Twój niedawny pobyt w hotelu był wyjątkowo przykrym doświadczeniem. W szczególności rozczarował Cię
stan pokoju oraz jakość posiłków i obsługa w hotelowej restauracji. Napisz list do kierownika, w którym
wyrazisz swoje niezadowolenie i zażądasz zwrotu pieniędzy.


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